#congrats ms Wilson on coming out I guess
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: real?
You: Last time I checked.
You: Sadly
Stranger: damn
Stranger: going into the heavy shit right out of the gate
Stranger: what's up?
You: Nothin' much
You: Hbu?
Stranger: same
Stranger: had a pretty low-key day
You: Same
Stranger: you okay?
You: Yeah, why?
Stranger: with the whole "wishing you weren't real" thing, I mean
You: I didn't necessarily say I wished I wasn't real.
You: I just implied it.
You: What even is real?
Stranger: I mean, really....
You: I'm fine, just having a bit of an existential crisis.
Stranger: I'm sorry
You: Nah, it
You: is fine
Stranger: okay,I guess
Stranger: so how may this stranger on the internet enrich your brief time on this earth?
You: You got happiness in the shape of a carton of ice cream?
Stranger: ...I don't know how to do emojis on this thing...
You: I wasn't referring to emoji's. Real happiness comes in the form of ice cream
You: Sorry that took forever
You: I'm freaking out
Stranger: oh, I'm sorry
Stranger: I thought you said "cartoon ice cream"
Stranger: read it wrong
You: Something keeps whacking the side of my house and freaking me out.
Stranger: ...is it windy right now?
You: Yeah, I'm still on edge though
You: I am paranoid af
Stranger: is it daylight right now where you are?
You: Not quite.
You: Why?
Stranger: could you just go out and check what it is?
You: It is 2 30 in the morning and I am home alone
You: this scared bitch ass ain't walking out side that late in -30 degrees weather
You: I have weird neighbors
Stranger: ...are you saying one of your neighbors might be knocking on the side of your house?
You: No... i am saying that I wou;dn't put it past one of them to do it. Especially if they knew it would freak me tf out and I was home by myself
You: It's is pretty windy, though, too.
Stranger: it's probably just the wind, tbh
You: Oh, I know it's the wind.
You: But whenever I get scared, or even nervous, my brain pulls the scariest shit from the depths of my brain just for the fun of it I guess.
Stranger: where are you, anyway?
You: Iowa
Stranger: oh, cool
You: Where are you at?
Stranger: California
You: Cool
Stranger: um... I can't really help you...
Stranger: with whatever's going on outside, I mean
You: It's just nerves
You: So... age?
Stranger: 24
Stranger: you?
You: 15
Stranger: m or f?
Stranger: (just curious)
You: f
Stranger: I kinda figured
Stranger: (doesn't want to talk about sex stuff ==> PROBABLY a teenage girl...)
You: Trust me, I hear enough about sex during the day.
You: I just realized how creepy that sounded.
You: I am so sorry'
Stranger: O_O
Stranger: Do you need me to call child protective services?!
You: I live with my older sister and three brothers.
Stranger: (also I just realized that response went to the wrong person)
Stranger: (I have 2 different Omegle windows open at once)
Stranger: (the other person I'm talking to opened the convo with "NO SEX STUFF;" I got you confused)
You: Cool, I used to do that when I had a perfectly functioning memory
You: Anyways, they are very vocal on their sex lives at any chance they get.
You: Not vocal as in...
Stranger: ah...
You: Nvrmind
Stranger: I get the idea, yeah
Stranger: they brag
You: My sister doesn't brag, she just sucks on her boyfriends face
Stranger: it's gonna come off some day if she's not careful...
You: And when she's not found doing that, she'll be found in the kitchen talking as loud as she can
You: Hopefully
You: Maybe then I won't have to see that moron
Stranger: XD
Stranger: or maybe you'll just have a guy without a face hanging around
Stranger: which would be... worse...?
You: Well, if he didn't have a face, I wouldn't be able to hear him speak
You: BUT, if he wasn't around, then I wouldn't have to see the sorry excuse of dick always lounging around our house
You: Tbh, idk what would be better. It would be absolute torture for him to not talk about himself all day
Stranger: oh no
Stranger: he's one of THOSE...
You: Mhm
Stranger: ...I kind of want details, lol...
You: get this, when he's drunk, he's actually really nice and quiet for the most part.
Stranger: HAHAHA
You: He asked me the other day how you cut a banana
Stranger: -_-
Stranger: I hate to be the one to tell you this...
You: I had to teach him how to make kool-aid, season chicken, and cook pasta
Stranger: ...but your sister might be dating a moron.
You: fold towels
You: Tell me something I don't know
Stranger: ...how did she even find this man?
You: I think the only reason she does it, is because she is either blinded by love or stupidity
You: He lives next door
You: close family friend for years
Stranger: oh good god...
You: Yeah, I know right?
You: Fun fact: He graduated last year and always hangs around our housse
You: how he didn't know how to season chicken is a crime
Stranger: you... you put seasoning... on chicken...
Stranger: there's... nothing... to... figure... outt...
You: Especially since his father is the professional grill artist of this side of the culdesac
You: He covers them completely
You: Like actually douses them in spices and throws em in a pan
Stranger: ...
Stranger: okay, so what you need to do
Stranger: is get your sister a chastity belt
Stranger: this guy's privileges are revoked
You: they don't exist though...
You: I wrote a book this Christmas.
You: It's called, "How to Survive Planet Earth When You're Name is Cael and Can't Function Properly"
You: Inside, I wrote VERY detailed basic things and adult-ish human should know how to do.
Stranger: you could sell it
Stranger: no matter what's in the book, you could absolutely sell a book with that title
You: You think?
Stranger: I ACTUALLY laughed out loud when I read that XD
You: It has full coverage from folding laundry, cleaning a house-and this rate
You: Changikng Diapers
Stranger: (congrats on writing a book, btw)
Stranger: (that's not easy, even if it's just a gag gif for your sister's idiot bf)
You: Aww, thanks
You: I think it ended up being about thirty thousand words.
You: He'll still be reading it around next Christmas
Stranger: well, at least he can read...
Stranger: ...that's a start...
You: That itself is a big accomplishment, so I have to give him that.
Stranger: XD
Stranger: Do you write a lot?
You: yeah
You: I love writing
Stranger: GOOD.
Stranger: What kind of stuff do you write?
You: I like writing fantasy, fiction, non-fiction
You: Anything, I just love writing
You: I also right stupid do-it-yourself books for people with an IQ lower than a duckling
Stranger: I dunno
Stranger: I've met some pretty smart ducks...
You: I have not
Stranger: Do you like comics at all?
You: there's this one duck that the people own across the street. her name is Greta the Great (idk why that name), she likes to climb onto cars somehow and sits on them. She does not move and when you try to move her physically, she go all murder duck on you
You: yeah
Stranger: (I promise these questions are going somewhere)
You: I am literally reading ms marvel comics right now
Stranger: YESS
You: REALLY???
Stranger: (I am a big fancy California person so I get to go to Comic Con hahaha)
You: My parents won't let me
You: YoU'rE tOo YoUnG
You: No I'm NoT GoInG tO gO wItH yOu
Stranger: also tickets are a couple hundred bucks
You: nope to that shit
Stranger: I am a big fancy california person who also has enough industry ties that he can get in on a free professional guest pass XD
You: HOW
Stranger: My dad worked on some of the official Marvel character encyclopedias
Stranger: YUSS :3
You: Do you know which ones>
You: ?
Stranger: those big leather-bound ones they used to have in Barnes & Noble...
Stranger: "Marvel: The Characters and Their Universe"
You: That's cool. Those are normally the types of books I just read in store
Stranger: yeah, cause they're $75
You: Yup
You: I almost bought one once, but if I bought it, I wouldn't have been able to go to camp
You: So I put it off
You: It was only because it was marked down for like 54.99
Stranger: you can get them for, like, $25 now
You: Really? I haven't been to a Barnes and Noble for like three months
Stranger: I mean... if you were to send me the money, my dad would PROBABLY sign one for you XD
You: That would be cool...
You: Although it wouldn't be wise to send money to a stranger across the internet
Stranger: yeah, I was gonna say...
Stranger: might be kind of hard to explain...
You: and I don't make enough in a day babysitting the snotty nosed demon down the street
You: I can see why he might be concerned
Stranger: yeah, lol
Stranger: anyway
Stranger: LOOOONG roundabout point I was trying to get to
Stranger: there's a new comic publisher called "AHOY Comics"
Stranger: that prints short prose stories in the back of each issue
Stranger: and anyone can submit one
Stranger: and it pays
Stranger: so if you can do a quirky horror/fantasy story in about 1,000 words
Stranger: it might be worth looking into
You: You don't have to draw?
You: Or anything like that?
Stranger: no, it's a prose story
You: Oh, duh
Stranger: you should probably check out one of their issues first, if you get the chance
You: That sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out
Stranger: They already bought two stories from me :)
You: awesome
You: So is that how people get like "discovered"?
Stranger: I hope so! XD
Stranger: Mine haven't actually been published yet
Stranger: so I don't know how it works after that
You: So do they publish them after they buy them? Just raw, like after no tweaking or changes? Or do you have to do rough drafts upon rough drafts before they release it?
You: Or would you know?
Stranger: they tweak a little
You: I can actually understand why. I mean publishing something that's probably never reached professional editing doesn't really sound like a wise idea to me.
Stranger: the biggest change they made to mine was just shortening it
Stranger: 600 words is the optimum length, even though they accept up to 1,000
You: That is actually a genius program. I wonder how many creators they have?
Stranger: a lot...
Stranger: have you looked them up
You: Yeah, I've been scrolling through their website.
You: Most of their comics look like something I'd read
Stranger: The prose story in the first issue they ever published was by Grant Morrison.
You: have you ever heard of line webtoon?
Stranger: And now they're publishing me.
Stranger: In the same space
Stranger: as Grant
Stranger: Fucking
Stranger: Morrison
Stranger: Yeah, I actually have a webcomic on Line Webtoon too...
You: He wrote that one comic about the asylum right?
You: Really?
You: Which one?
Stranger: ...TWO, actually...
Stranger: One's about a gay penguin, and the other's just stream-of-consciousness, usually R-rated doodles
You: Oh cool, so like the slice of life/ comedy?
You: Oh, have you read Backstory?
You: that's one of my favorites/
Stranger: I haven't, no
Stranger: what is it?
You: One of the creators is Stan Lee
You: May he rest in peace.
Stranger: *crosses heart*
You: not, back story
You: Backchannel
You: Sorry
You: On the surface, Tom Tanner is having an average high school life - struggling to stay on the lacrosse team, hiding his affections for his friend Sally, and trying to keep his head down and grades up. What his father, an LA police detective, and friends don’t know is that Tom is an engineering prodigy and is being recruited by BACKCHANNEL, a decentralized hactivist group causing havoc at prisons across the U.S.
You: There's the description that was on the webtoons page
Stranger: ooohh...
Stranger: Here's mine, if you're interested...
Stranger: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/i-think-im-a-penguin/list?title_no=194476
Stranger: (I really need to update this thing again...)
You: Ima be right back
You: Thud downstairs
You: fam might be home
You: ima fetch a vacuum hose
You: brb
Stranger: vacuum hose...?
Stranger: Also where were they?
You: My sister, her boyfriend, and parents are with my cousin who was pregnant and having difficulty delivering, they were staying until friday
You: One went with while the other is at his dorm in Iowa City
You: And that leaves the little shi-thead, Ethan
You: He was supposed to be at a sleepover.
You: He comes home at almost four in the morning when it is -50 degrees outside and covered head to foot in snow. Banging on the front door, because he forgot to grab his stupid fourth controler for playstation.
Stranger: -_-
You: He left with a muffin
Stranger: ....
Stranger: ...
Stranger: ..
Stranger: .
You: He also left with the little warm air left in this house too
Stranger: ...
You: So there's that.
You: HEY!
Stranger: I was about to ask about that, lol
You: Okay, I'm technically not home alone. I've got ninja. Our small bean of a cat who believes she is a lion.
You: She likes to attack strangers
You: Maybe I should have sicced him on the little shit
Stranger: I approve of everything about your cat
You: Thanks
You: She is sitting with me, growling at the window
You: I am now annoyed knowing that my brother and his friends have nothing better to do than sit outside in -50 and stare at me through the window.
You: I hope their parents are proud
Stranger: I mean... your brother's parents are also your parents, so...
You: Yeah, they are real proud of his accomplishments in life
You: *sarcasm
You: Thumping on the window?
You: Walls and such?
You: I have no idea
You: And I don't think he'll come near me for a few days until he knows I won't rip out his intestines
Stranger: you should do it anyway
Stranger: just to show him
You: I just know, I saw four figures waddle back down the street
You: Little shits
You: Ima tell their mommas
You: They'll whoop their ass
You: They didn't come in
Stranger: Just... just stay and play video games at your house!
You: (thankfully)
Stranger: They already made the damn trek!
You: I can't
Stranger: god dammit
You: Oh.
You: they are petty and have nothing to do with their lives
You: I'll gove them this pleasure
You: give*
You: Besides
You: that is waaaaay too much testosterone for this house. Plus, I don't have a door on my room and I won't get any sleep at all, let alone with like the two and a half hours I have to do so.
Stranger: ...do I need to let you sleep?
You: Nah, who needs sleep when you have a blanket fort and enough coffee for four thousand vikings
Stranger: And idiot siblings who would've woken you up anyway!
You: Exactly
You: The only reason i'm up this early, is because I never get me time.
You: This is my time to shine baby
Stranger: SAME
You: I'm listening to thirteen reason why, eating waffle crunch, sipping on mostly sugar induced coffee, and on omegle. making friends and bonding over comics and douch brothers and boyfriends
You: Besides, my parents aren't here. I could be like a normal teenage girl and throw a party
You: but why would I do that when I could invite the best person on planet earth.
You: It is a strictly me party.
You: That's probably why his friends didn't come in...
You: I am tying all sorts of strings together tonight
Stranger: not everyone's a party person
Stranger: embrace it
Stranger: BE the marshmallow
You: I have on: tights, spandex, leggings, yoga pants, and sweatpants. two long sleeve shirts and a sweatshirt, four pairs of socks and a beanie
You: Oh, and leg warmers I found under my bed a few weeks ago
You: I also have the heater shooting lava temp air into my pillow/blanket fort
Stranger: Perfect.
You: Ikr?
You: At least I won't freeze to death, even if the power goes out
Stranger: haha, that's good
Stranger: freezing to death should be avoided
Stranger: (I REALLY feel the thing about needing to stay up late to get "me time," btw)
Stranger: (It's 2:17 AM here)
You: Ah, 4;17
You: lol, most the time, this neighbor girl named abi?
You: She comes over and pretends she's part of the family because shes a lonely only child
You: Gotta love her though
Stranger: Not as bad as your brothers or sister's bf?
You: Nah.
You: I can tell her to leave me alone and she listens
You: That's the difference
Stranger: KEEP HER
You: IKR! XD
You: You know that stupid NUN movie?
You: The horror?
Stranger: I know of it, I haven't seen it.
You: Neither have I nor will I ever...
You: An ad just played for it and I think i just had a mini chest pain there at the end
Stranger: I haven't seen the ad, I don't think...
You: At least the devils hour is over. I don't have to worry about stuff like that
You: I've only seen it once before, although it was months ago. I don't know why it'd be playing now.
You: brb
You: Oh wait
You: They left a single chocolate chip in the bottom
You: at least they have common decency
Stranger: i suppose it's better than nothing
Stranger: ...but not by much...
You: Yeah...
You: There is literally nothing sweet in this house.
You: i could make something, but I don't want to leave my fort
Stranger: FOR MUFFINS?!?!?!?!
You: Who knows
Stranger: tell their parents
You: oh they most definitely will hear of this
Stranger: tell their parents that their children are out wandering the streets at 4 AM in the middle of a blizzard
You: Funny thing
You: My cousin?
You: The pregnant one that is giving birth three states away?
Stranger: yeah?
You: that's her mom
You: She's gone
Stranger: what?
You: Brother is staying at cousin's house down the street
Stranger: OH
You: I locked the door
Stranger: lol
You: they ain't getting my heater
You: if they come back, that's probs be what they go for.
Stranger: well, it kind of sounds like you need that to... you know... LIVE...
You: well, unless the furnace doesn't kicks off i'll be fine
You: besides i've got ninja
You: a very irritable portable heater
Stranger: *tapes cat to face*
Stranger: "I'm good!"
You: No...
You: .
You: .
You: .
You: kitt-ing
You: haha
Stranger: -_-
You: I have no friends
Stranger: I'm sorry
Stranger: I'm a 24 year old man who still lives with his parents, and spends his evenings socializing online with total strangers who--not always but USUALLY--turn out to be teenage girls.
Stranger: ...so you might still be ahead of the curve on this one...
You: I don't know about that one
Stranger: (nothing wrong with being a teenage girl, obviously)
Stranger: (just... maybe not the demographic I should be socializing with the most...?)
You: I'm a socially awkward fifteen year old gorl who has severe anxiety and when tries to speak to anyone that's not related to or known for at least five years, cannot speak to in person without screaming on the inside. If not found caressing my refrigerator or at the back of my public library, I will be found on youtube, tumblr, pinterest, or just staring outside at the field of cows across the street.
Stranger: (the person in my other Omegle window called me out on it and now I'm feeling self-conscious)
You: haha
Stranger: yeah, I have anxiety problems too
Stranger: and I'm starting to dip towards being more comfortable interacting with people online than I am in person
Stranger: which scares me a little
You: Oh, I'm homeschooled too, so... there goes anything that has to do with people
Stranger: cause, you know... real life... is... goof
Stranger: *good
Stranger: OH GOD
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: I'm sorry
Stranger: homeschooling is bad
You: Not necessarily.
Stranger: I mean, it can be really hard on your social life
Stranger: (and yeah, the regular education system is pretty bad too, soo...)
You: I don't have to ding fucks that call themselves teenagers. I can stay at home in my jam-jams all day
Stranger: ...
Stranger: I don't even know what advice to give you on that one...
Stranger: Most of my friends who need to get out more are, you know... adults... who can leave the house without needing permission and drive and shit.
You: Ok, I will admit. If I put my mind to it and really focus and stuff, I can form a coherent sentence without looking like a mentally sick and deranged horse.\
Stranger: And I do have SOME friends my own age. Lol.
Stranger: ...
You: I do have one friend.
Stranger: Is it Abi?
You: Nah, she's family
You: his names Levi
You: He is nine and his favorite animal is parrot
Stranger: ah
Stranger: is this the "demon you babysit" you mentioned earlier?
Stranger: ...because you mentioned babysitting a demon earlier...?
You: That is some serious string tying, sir
Stranger: > person says they never interact with other people
Stranger: > person mentions one other person they interact with
Stranger: > person mentions interacting with someone recently
Stranger: QED: person they interacted with is probably one person they mentioned
Stranger: ...
Stranger: okay that actually made me more confused...
You: that might be my excuse as well
You: I am dreading to admit I have a dentist appointment at 8:30
Stranger: FUCK
You: its five
You: fml
Stranger: ...
Stranger: I can't really judge anyone else's life choices
Stranger: especially when it comes to spending too much time on this site...
Stranger: ...but you should not have spent a couple hours talking to me
Stranger: :P
You: Nah, it's fine.
You: I should probably get a little sleep, though
Stranger: yeah...
You: so i don't fall asleep at the dentists office
Stranger: hope this bite-sized glimpse of socializing gave you what you needed...
You: Maybe
Stranger: ...i don't even know what I'm saying anymore I'm tired...
You: probably not
You: good night
Stranger: hang in there
You: actually, good morning
Stranger: it gets better
You: does it really?
Stranger: adult responsibilities really aren't that much harder than teenage responsibilities
Stranger: but you get the freedom of being an adult
You: adulting sounds pretty difficult
You: are you sure?
Stranger: to, like... leave the house whenever you want, and pick your own schedule and shit
Stranger: you've managed to keep yourself alive while your parents were out of town, yes?
You: .
You: .
You: .
You: barely
You: almost murdered four teenage boys, that's for sure
Stranger: it seems hard when you're not doing it
Stranger: then you just kinda... start doing it, without even realizing it
Stranger: adulting, I mean
Stranger: not murdering teenagers
You: I was gonna say...
You: I was so confused after that first statement
Stranger: lol
Stranger: okay, I'm out of wisdom
Stranger: go get some sleep
Stranger: and... try to... find friends? In the real world?
You: That was real encouraging
Stranger: sorry
You: Go and... find friends
You: Nah it's cool
Stranger: wherever you get your comics
Stranger: see if they hold D&D tournaments or something?
Stranger: or Magic?
You: okie dokie
Stranger: okay
Stranger: good night
You: night'
You have disconnected.
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picassho-18 · 6 years
World Swapping Part 4
Summary: (Bucky x Fem!Reader) When a hard-core MCU fan travels into the events of Captain America: Civil War, she has to balance keeping the Avengers from tearing apart, and a growing adoration of the deadly Winter Solider.
Warnings: cursing as always
A/N: All my parts have been different sizes, so don’t expect them to all be long or short, they’ll be mixed. If you like, please let me know! Hope you enjoy!
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As soon as Tony finished watching the classic question of, “Did you know?” rung into the brisk air, sending shivers down your spine. It held so much power you had to convince that it was all a play, that Tony was acting. Tony and Steve quickly started to fight, while it didn’t look as fierce as in the movie, they still were really attacking each other. While you were hiding behind the tube of one of the now dead soldiers, you saw Zemo smirk proudly, and vanished from the viewing whole. It was all going as plan.
Steve had just punched Tony quite harshly in the head, while you ran out of your spot. Bucky was currently throwing Steve’s shield back to him, when you started to yell.
“Hey guys, HEY! He left you can stop” You continued to sprint to them, but they were still lost in the heat of the moment. Once you got near, Steve backed off, and caught his breath, but Bucky and Tony were still at blows with each other. Tony had Bucky on the floor, punching him with his metal hands. You had to run to him, and caught his hand, yelling loudly for him to stop.
You yanked, a now dazed Tony, off a bleeding Bucky. They were separated, all breathing heavily.
“We have to start making the loud explosions to not let Zemo caught on to what we are doing.”
Tony nodded numbly, stood up, and started to put some bombs in the designated places. 
Steve turned to you and Bucky, “Hey guys, how about you head back to the jet, while me and Tony finish up the bombs. We will meet you with the T’Challa, and Natasha after they apprehend Zemo.”
You nodded, wanting nothing more then to held back, this was much to stressful. You and Bucky walked silently to the jet. Once you hit the entrance, the cold wind hit you like a rock, almost knocking you off balance, but Bucky quickly put a hand on your shoulder, steadying you. You gave him a grateful smile, and the two of you trudged your way back into the jet. Once settle in your seats, you let out the deep breathe you had been holding since landing in Siberia. It seemed like the plan worked, more or less. No one died, and you saw Zemo in the handcuffs approaching with the rest of the team behind him.
Once he got inside the jet, anger overtook you, and you stood up rapidly, walked over to him, and slapped him right in the face.
He just laughed, rubbing his now red cheek, “Is that all you got?” with a smirk.
“Oh you do not get to do that, after you did what you did to the Avengers,” you were yelling, face turning red at the sheer volume you were shouting at. Fury coursed through your veins, and you were about to hit him again, when a solid mass, wrapped around you from behind. Strong arms picked you up, and carried you away from Zemo.
The anger left your system when they started to soothingly pet your hair, whispering nothings into your hair. You started to cry, you really don’t know why, but this whole thing was getting to you. You should be at home, watching Netflix, but here you were, slapping a man who hurt the fucking Avengers for goodness sake.
You turned around, and hugged the person back. The tears fell freely, while sobs wracked your body. You realized it was Bucky who was holding you, by the cold touch of his metal arm in your hair, but you didn’t care. You just nestled your head into his chest, letting the tears fall, not thinking about the people watching you.
Bucky whispered into your ear, “Don’t worry, doll. I got you” He carried you to the seat he was in originally, and placed you in his lap, while you clung to him like your life depended on it. The emotional roller coaster that you had been on, was finally catching up with you. A wave of sleepiness hit you like a truck, nestling yourself closer to Bucky, while blackness overtook you.
The first thing you could sense was the softness of the smooth sheets around you. They rubbed delightfully around you legs, as you moved around. Cautiously, you opened your eyes. Bright light flooded your eyesight. You peered around, seeing a bed room around you. Sitting up slowly, you saw a nightstand next to you, with a glass of water. 
You were gulping it down when the door opened up to reveal Tony Stark walk in.
“Hello darling, you feeling okay?” He asked, sitting down at the edge of the bed, putting a hand on your knee.
“Um, yeah, feeling better, but I have a killer headache. The mission went well right? We got Zemo?”
“Yup,” he nodded reassuringly, “He’s nice and locked up right now with the UN interrogating him at this very moment.”
You relaxed, glad to hear it, “Good, that’s good. Wait, what about Bucky?! Is he okay, legal wise. The UN isn’t still hunting him down right?”
Tony laughed lightly at your sudden outburst, “Elsa is fine, I hired the best lawyer in the western hemisphere, and he already got Wilson, Barnes, and Rogers out of any trouble. They are right down stairs actually. Barnes has been waiting for you to wake up the past 3 days.”
“What! I’ve been out for 3 days?!” You eyes widen from the shock.
“Yeah darling” Tony chuckled again “The doctor had said that your body was so tense and stressed that really you should have had a week long nap!”
“Holy shit! Wait Bucky was asking for me?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.
“Yeah, he seems to like you a lot, from what I’ve seen at least. Very standoffish with anyone but you.”
You scoffed, “I would imagine so, this whole movie was practically everyone trying to kill him besides Steve so yeah, I can see why.”
Tony smirked, he could see so much of his sarcastic self in you. “Well, you managed to stop it, so congrats, you saved the Avengers! Now go down and say hi to Bucky before he wears a circle into the carpet from his pacing.”
You giggled slightly, then followed Tony out, walking to the big living room. It was the one where the Avengers were sitting in during the introduction of Ultron. Most of the heroes were there, and when they saw you they all got up from their seats, “Y/N! You’re up!”
Clint got up dramactically, “Y/N, our savior, without thy, Avengers would have fallen!”
You giggled, while you watched Clint waves his arms around, flourishly while he spoke.
Steve walked up to you, “But, Y/N, thank you so much. After what you have told us about how Civil War had gone, me and Tony talked it over, and found a compromised Sokovia Accords agreement. A middle ground, thanks to you.”
“Wow, a lot can happen in 3 days of sleeping, I guess. I’m so happy that you guys were able to work the Accords out. I never really understood the legal parts of the movies sometimes, so I’m glad you guys were able to work that out yourselves!”
You sat down, joining the group on the couch. Bucky had been standing off to the side, observing with his arms crossed. You were looking at him, when Steve cleared his throat.
“So, um, Y/N, now that we have a pause, a breather, and I don’t want to rush you or anything, but um, do you have any idea about getting home?”
You froze, the realization coming over you. You had not had a second to think about that, the past couple of days. Either you were running, planning, or sleeping. “Well, to be honest, I haven’t thought about it at all...”
Tony asked quitely, “You do want to go home, right though? This world is really dangerous, and your world just sounds so much safer.”
You cleared your throat, thinking for a moment. “Yeah, yeah, definitely, I want to go home” you say, glancing at Bucky quickly. You sat their thinking for a bit, and asked, “I told you about the people that stole my purse right?” After they nodded, you continued, “Well, do you guys, or Shield have anyone with superpowers like that on their radars?”
Everyone shook their head no, letting you think for a moment. Then an idea popped in your head for a moment.
“Wait guys, I know who might be able to help me!”
Everyone looked at you, confused, Tony asked, “Who?”
“Doctor Stephen Strange.”
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kazephantom · 7 years
Marvel Legacy thoughts
To me, what is interesting here is the titles, as they are the first clue to what storylines we can expect from Legacy going forward. So that is what I want to focus on, here are my thoughts and theories: 
First off the Spider-Man books:
Amazing Spider-Man #789 “The Fall of Parker” and  Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #297 “Most Wanted” I’m happy Amazing is moving back to it’s classic numbering like Action Comics and Detective Comics did in DC Rebirth. I mean, Amazing doing this is probably just to copy Action and Detective but, still counts.  Now, Theory time, “The Fall of Parker” to me reads as one thing, the fall of Parker Industries. This, with Spectacular’s “Most Wanted” title and the plot point in the Amazing tie-in to Secret Empire with how the Darkhold originated out of a Parker Industries building (wasn’t it shown in the Secret Empire book to originate from just offshore?) Makes me think that in Legacy, Peter Parker will be a fugitive, “Most Wanted,” and that he will loose his company “Fall of Parker.”  I highly, highly doubt that Generations/Legacy will restore Peter and MJ’s relationship in the 616, married or not, because Quesada is still receiving a check from Marvel, but on that note.
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #13 “Eight Years Later” I am so, so, so happy RYV is continuing into Legacy, because I honestly did not think that was a guarantee.  When I looked up RYV’s sales numbers, I was surprised they weren’t much higher, and I feared Marvel would use that as an excuse to can the book asap.  I think someone at Marvel must be fighting for this book, probably Conway himself, so there’s still hope.  That being said, storyline theory. uh, the book jumps ahead eight years. I have two thoughts 1) I don’t know if this will be a permanent status quo change, if it’s just a temporary change for one issue or storyline, or (my money’s on) It’s Annie May’s daydream ‘what if’ scenario; and 2) I really hope it’s not a permanent change and Annie is a teenager now, since, I feel like that would be too derivative of Mayday. Let Annie be kid spider-daughter and Mayday be teenage spider-daughter, it makes them unique (and allows me to keep my headcanon that they are the same soul of 616 spider-child but split in have like Rebirth Supes and Nu52 Supes)
Avengers #672 “Worlds Collide Part 1″ and Champions #13 “Words Collide Part 2″ A Champions/Avengers crossover. Good. Was wondering how long they’d put that off.  I’m really curious how the Champions will be different in Legacy and post-Secret Empire, since Legacy does seem to be getting rid of some of the older Marvel legacy/‘diversity’ heroes (We’ll get to that); and in Secret Empire, a bunch of the main members of the Champions agree to undergo Black Widow’s training to kill Steve Rogers, despite the fact that that flies in the face of the Champion’s mission statement of heroes being heroes. So curious how they hell they reckon that.  I’m also curious who will be on what team, and if there even will be any characters who share a mentor/mentee relationship in this, or if it’ll just be ‘group of random adult heroes disagrees with group of random teen heroes.’ 
Iceman #6 “Champions Reassembled” I’m honestly just curious about this one to see if/how/when the old Champion team meets the completely unrelated new one.
now, *cracks knuckles*
Falcon #1 “Take Flight” The Mighty Thor #700 “The Death of the Mighty Thor” Hey remember how Marvel Legacy was going to respect Classic Heroes without putting their ‘diversity’ counterparts in a fridge on a bus and off a cliff? Sam Wilson’s tenure as Captain America sure was fucking short wasn’t it? Oh, guess Jane Foster dies to cancer, congrats Menanists, finally this interesting reinvention of a long forgotten female character knows her place, now maybe men can finally be equal to women, huh? Sam Cap and Lady Thor were the poster heroes for the ‘diversity push’ and now they are two of the Legacy heroes whose fates aren’t guaranteed in Legacy imprint?  In fact, I’d say of the new generation of Marvel Legacy heroes, the only two whose fates aren’t up in the air are Miles Morales Spider-Man and Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel.
*sigh* So. Basically. Business as usual at Marvel, as Marvel learns the wrong lesson from DC Rebirth. It’s not about nostalgia, it’s about telling good stories that respect the spirit, continuity, and characters of what’s come before.
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