#congrats tumblr your review thing is very good
charlignon · 1 year
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(excuse my french) (adds are purple)
J'ai publié 927 fois en 2022
C'est 927 billets de plus qu'en 2021 ! Well that makes sense
71 billets créés (8%)
856 billets reblogués (92%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués (hi besties <3) :
J'ai étiqueté 744 billets en 2022
Seulement 20% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#pokemon - 69 billets
#funny - 58 billets
#tumblr - 58 billets
#autism - 57 billets
#video - 44 billets
#useful resources - 36 billets
#wholesome - 29 billets
#internet - 29 billets
#queer - 28 billets
#eurovision - 25 billets
That is a very good snapshot of me if I say so myself
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i wonder if there's a charcater limit for tags let's try this out by telling you the story of how i became shroomish emperor. it was on a-
Hey ! That's cheating !
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
people when they want to show affection : *hug and say nice things*
me when I want to show affection : *makes you food* *offer some tea* *offer MORE FOOD*
38 notes - publié le 2 mai 2022
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It's my favourite boy's birthday today 🥺✨ Happy birthday to Senri from +Anima !!!
38 notes - publié le 30 avril 2022
I'm going to enter Eurovision with a song about asexuality, aromanticism and autism and I will call my band Triple A
53 notes - publié le 24 mai 2022
A lot of you in the WHA fandom don't know about the Kitchen of Witch Hat spin-off and how gay it is, that's scandalous
edit : I beg you look into the rbs there's so many pictures of them you're really missing something (YES CHECK THE NOTES)
92 notes - publié le 5 septembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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Their pronouns are very/hot
103 notes - publié le 1 juin 2022
Very funny, although half of the notes were likes from bots
Get your own 2022 Tumblr review →
0 notes
boombox-fuckboy · 1 year
Tagging on tumblr: quick tips for podcast creators
Congrats on your new account. Here's some quick tips you didn't ask for.
Use spaces, eg #the far meridian
Capital letters won't affect tagging. eg #InCo and #inco will both show up in the same tag
A comma will split a tag, so just leave it out. Eg. Back Again, Back Again -> #back again back again
Tags written in the body of the post, as I've been doing here, won't show up in a search.
You probably want to add tags to any new post you make, as these can be searched for.
However! If you're reblogging, you don't actually need to add any. They won't show up in tag searches outside of your own blog. You can use them on your own blog to, a) find things again later, and b) add content warnings. I use them for organisation, mostly.
If you use content warning tags, Do Not sensor the text. It makes them harder to filter. For, say, peaches, valid options include #peaches, #cw peaches, or #tw peaches. Some people add things after, eg. #cw peaches //, which I personally find makes things more difficult to filter.
Your show has it's own tag, congratulations!! Before you tag anything else, you should add your show tag.
One content warning tag worth a specific mention: if you are including an animated image or video in your post that could set off epilepsy (ie, contains flashing lights or rapidly cycling colours) tag it with #flashing lights. Do not tag it with #epilepsy.
If the OP added a content warning tag on their post, tumblr's filtering system can still pick it up in reblogs, even if you haven't added it.
There may be variations on it. The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality has: #the mistholme museum of mystery morbidity and mortality, #the mistholme museum, #tmmmmm, #m5, and so on.
Most shows just use 2, eg #where the stars fell and #wtsf
Podcasts that may be confused with other things typically use a variant. eg. Malevolent -> #malevolent podcast, The Weird -> #join the weird
Tagging with your own show name will also help anyone looking for you to actually find you. This could be by spotting one of your posts, but tumblr search also tells you which blogs use a certain tag a lot. Search for "#audio drama" and you might find me.
Tagging irrelevant things (on a new post) is considered spam and is a better way to get blocked than noticed.
However, adding names of other shows like yours may be a handy way of promoting your own show, but to a limit. If you do it for more than the occasional promo, people will again, block you for clogging up the tags.
#audio drama, #audio fiction, and #fiction podcast can help people who are looking for new shows to notice you. They are also relevant and will not get you blocked.
Any really general tags like #scifi probably won't do anything: they're heavily used and rarely searched.
Anything past the first 20 tags (if I remember correctly) will not show up in a search. You can add up to 30 tags.
If you put quotations around text in a tag #"like this" it will show up as the first tag (minus the quotations). If you put it in the middle of a sentence the quoted bit will (bizzarely) be cut out of the sentence and show up as the first tag. Eg [#this is an "example sentence" i am using] becomes [#example sentence #this is an i am using]
The OP of a post can see anything you put in the tags, but unless what you say is uncomfortable or very good they will probably politely pretend they didn't see.
Instead of replying in a reblog directly, people on this site usually write in the tags. If someone likes it, they may add it as a reply (with your username: peer reviewed). This is also considered the polite way to say things like ''this is 100% greg and darryl in episode 5'' on posts that aren't actually about your show.
On a related note: promoting your show as a reblog of someone else's post (unless they have specifically asked or indicated this is fine) is advised against. Posting your new episode notice onto someone else's aesthetic image post, for example, will be seen as obnoxious. However, tagging that same post with #Episode 11, or #show aesthetic #y'all aren't ready for tomorrow's episode is completely acceptable.
While useful, you aren't ever obligated to use tags, either.
Just do your best, don't stress. You'll get the hang of it.
216 notes · View notes
aritany · 3 months
Do you have any pets? If yes, can we see pictures? If no, what kind of pet do you want, if any, and what would you name them?
Also, what are your top 5: Books by other people, songs, movies, and tv shows?
Also, what's the most important or best piece of feedback you've ever gotten on your writing? The one that's stuck with you the most. (From tumblr, an ARC review, a publisher, a friend, your partner, anything!)
(I know that's a lot. Feel free to skip some of that if you don't wanna answer it all.)
Congrats on publishing dgdss!!! I'm thrilled to have followed you for as long as I have (a year-ish??), and I can't wait to continue to follow your publishing adventures! (also, thanks for the commission of my boy Rook, ages ago! <3)
~ Morri (@memento-morri-writes)
ahh hello @memento-morri-writes!
i do have a pet! (technically, she's not Mine per se, but she lives in my house and shreds my furniture, so i take tax where it feels appropriate. here she is in all her slutty, slutty glory
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THE DREAM THIEVES - maggie stiefvater
BELOVED - toni morrison
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS - ayokay (ft nightly)
WITH YOU - dotan
EYES WIDE - alfie jukes (yes it came out yesterday nobody talk to me)
i'm not a huge screen media viewer so this is just a collection of movies and shows i've seen and enjoyed semi-recently
STARDUST (this gets a permanent #1 spot though)
THE GOOD PLACE (this also gets a permanent #1 spot)
as for advice i've gotten, i think the most impactful advice i've ever gotten actually came from my agent. after the edits for DGDSS i'd really let that feedback impact my writing in a way that was not helpful. in initial edits for dead girls, my prose was stripped of anything descriptive and reduced basically to plot beats and stock actions. i still have some screenshots of what happened to my prologue before i realized nobody was advocating for me and that i'd have to do it myself - PM me if you want to see those.
anyway, i edited my second novel (the one we have on sub right now) to match the general direction i'd gotten during edits, handed it in to my agent, and she went heyyyyyy bestie this is bad. and she was actually very correct. and i realized i was going to have to re-configure my voice and find the space felt like mine in prose. and i do believe i've done that now, and i would have just continued on sulking and writing stilted, awkward prose indefinitely if she hadn't given me the little kick in the butt.
anyway, thank you morri! i'm so glad you're here, and i can't wait to tell you all about the next exciting thing (very soon). :)
14 notes · View notes
morfinwen · 4 months
Fortnight of Books (in one post)
I'm so happy i read enough books last year to do this for once! Here's hoping for a repeat this year. Next year. Whenever.
Overall - best books read in 2023? Tress of the Emerald Sea
Best series you discovered in 2023? The fun thing about "best" is that it doesn't necessarily mean "good". And while i hold out slightly more hope that future Margery Allingham mysteries will be more captivating than The Crime at Black Dudley, i have to admit that there was something about Ngaio Marsh's utterly underwhelming mysteries that kept me reading. So congrats to her for her single victory.
Best reread of the year? Watership Down. Granted it was only one of two re-reads this year, but it's usually the best anyway.
Most surprising (in a good way) book of this year? A few books were minorly surprising. Certain elements of The Sunlit Man were … not unexpected exactly, but took things in interesting directions. I was not expecting to find a book that took place in Wisconsin and was by a nosleep author (Dead Eleven). And Overture to Death and Surfeit of Lampreys were surprisingly enjoyable for having been written by Ngaio Marsh!
Most disappointing book/Book you wish you enjoyed more than you did? I was hoping that The Crime at Black Dudley would show Allingham to be a better author than Marsh. It did not.
Book you recommended most to others in 2023? I don't do book recommendations, but i very nearly suggested Tress of the Emerald Sea to a friend on FB asking for suggestions, and the only reason i didn't is because someone else already had. I believe i also recommended Shardik in a discord group, which i did not re-read in 2023 but definitely should at some point.
Alt question: A book you did not finish in 2023? I really need to finish The Lost Metal. It's not that i was disliking it or finding it boring or anything, i just had trouble maintaining momentum for reading it. Unfortunately, a very common problem.
Alt question: A book you bought in 2023? The Kingdom of Heaven by tumblr mutual Evelyn M. Lewis (i haven't read it yet i'm so sorry i promise i will get to it!!)
Author you read the most in 2023? Ngaio Marsh. She did not deserve it.
Most thrilling, unputdownable book of 2023? "Thrilling" is … not the right word, to put it mildly, but there was something gripping about Dead Eleven nonetheless. At the very least, there was something that made me stay up way longer than i should have fine-tuning my review of it. Someday i will understand what it is that makes certain books good but not gripping/gripping but not good, and how to recognize it, etc.
Book that was most outside your comfort zone/new genre exploration? Dead Eleven again, for being a book i just picked up at the library without having heard of the author before or having any idea of it beyond what the dust jacket/first chapters indicated.
Favorite cover of the year award goes to: All of Sanderson's Secret Project books had beautiful covers, but i'll probably give the prize to Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. It's currently my phone background!
Most beautifully-written book you read in 2023? Hmm … I wasn't quite as impressed with Stiefvater's prose in my re-read of All the Crooked Saints as i was the first time, but i think she still gets the credit. I love Sanderson, but his prose is more utilitarian than pretty.
Most memorable character: Does Hoid count? His role in Tress and the Emerald Sea was his best appearance yet (second place going to his role in "Yumi and the Nightmare Painter", where he was a coatrack for most of it).
Most annoying character: Lily Beckett from Dead Eleven. I had some sympathy for her at the start, but … ugh. None of the characters in that book were very good, but she was easily the worst.
Favorite couple: Charlie and Tress from Tress and the Emerald Sea.
Worst character death: Obviously a spoiler, but, Yumi's (temporary) death in Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. Props to Sanderson that i actually thought she was gone for good for a moment.
Favorite non-romance relationship: Nomad and Aux from The Sunlit Man.
Alt: A book you enjoyed well-enough but wasn’t a stand-out? Giving Death in Ecstasy a shout-out for being the first Ngaio Marsh book i almost kinda enjoyed, sorta.
The book I read but have already forgotten: Turns out i read The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Riddle of Ages last January, and completely forgot about it. Oops.
Book with a scene that left you reeling: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. If you've read it, you know the one. Not quite on the level of the basement in Warbreaker, but pretty darn close.
Alt question: A book that made you laugh? Surfeit of Lampreys, believe it or not. Though the title still sucks.
Book you read in 2023 and are most likely to reread in 2024? Tress and the Emerald Sea.
Alt question: A book you struggled with but completed? The Crime at Black Dudley. I think the fact that it's ostensibly a murder mystery, but switched less than halfway in to a "escape the criminals" plot, then back to the murder, was not in its favor.
Series you gave up on in 2023: I think i'm done with Ngaio Marsh.
Favorite passage/quote of 2023: Maybe i should have taken notes. Since i didn't, i browsed the quotes page for the best books i read, and came up with the following selections: “Do you have darkness inside you?” “Yes,” Tony said. “And do you want to be rid of it?” This is a harder question to answer than one might think at first blush. Almost no one would think it’s correct to answer this question with a no, but the truth is that we men and women often hate to be rid of the familiar, and sometimes our darkness is the thing we know the best. ~ All the Crooked Saints All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed. ~ Watership Down Memories are fossils, the bones left by dead versions of ourselves. More potently, our minds are a hungry audience, craving only the peaks and valleys of experience. The bland erodes, leaving behind the distinctive bits to be remembered again and again. Painful or passionate, surreal or sublime, we cherish those little rocks of peak experience, polishing them with the ever-smoothing touch of recycled proxy living. ~ Tress of the Emerald Sea
Book which had the overall greatest impact on you this year: Perhaps Dead Eleven - i already mentioned how it kept me up late writing a review. A mostly negative review, but still.
A book you didn’t read this year that will be your #1 priority in 2024? I've got a long list of books that i checked out from the library (or wanted to) that i never got around to last year, hoping this one works out better. I suppose the priority goes to The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst, which i started last year but haven't finished yet.
New book you are most anticipating for 2024? I don't really anticipate books, and i'm out of relevant alternative questions.
I had an amazing 20 books on my "read" list this year -- not sure if it beats 2019 or whenever my other reading spree was, but it blows most other years out of the water, and i'm hopeful for 2024.
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mercurygray · 1 year
I'm getting my ao3 account soon and I was wondering if there is a feature that blocks tags and therefore hides posts like we have here on Tumblr? There is some sus content that I really do not want to see on there
First off - congrats, Kind Anonymous Friend! AO3 is a wonderful tool for fandom and it is to be commended that you are joining that experience AND taking some responsibility for what you see and what you don't see! The first step to having a good time is figuring out how to control what you can control. (Let's call it 'content I really do not want to see' rather than 'sus', though. Just to be fair.)
There are several ways you can filter content on AO3 - some of them are big and some are small.
On the site itself, you can use the Search feature, and the filters along the righthand side of the screen, to restrict what kind of content gets returned when you look for something. For instance, if I only want to see Marvel fanfics with Steve and Peggy as a pairing, I can use the filter in the sidebar for 'Relationships' and select the Steve and Peggy tag to only see fics with that pairing tagged. If I do NOT want to see anything with that pairing, I can also use the 'exclude' section right below it. These get reset every time you do a search, so if you really don't want to read about {x} on a given day, you can filter it out!
If you'd rather not think about what you do and don't want to see all the time, I have several browser extensions installed on my laptop that always filter some things that I never want to see. Instructions and explanations below the cut!
To manage browser extensions and custom scripts, you'll need something like Tampermonkey installed on your browser. (I use a Chrome-based browser, Brave, but I believe it works with Mozilla also.) If you're not familiar with Tampermonkey, there's a nice tutorial here. (Disclaimer: I'm not sure if said extensions would work in a mobile browser on a phone...)
One of these is saxamaphone's AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks, which adds a shortcut to skip to the last chapter of a fic and some nice sorting features.
The other is Schegge's AO3 Fic Style, Blacklist, Bookmarks extension, which I think will work very well for what you're describing here.
Once the extension is installed, you'll get a nice little option in the toolbar at the top of the site for your blacklist:
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(That's a small section of mine right there - I'm only sharing to give an idea of how it works, not to shame anybody.) You'll notice the tool also has some options for not showing works with too many fandoms tagged, with too many tags, with too many words - it's very versatile and easy to update.
You can also chose to filter them out wholesale or show the reason for why it's not being displayed - if you do use 'show reasons' you'll get a nice little box in your search results that shows the title of the fic and why it's not shown, so you could opt in if you wanted to!
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I always like to note that filter systems are only as good as the people who participate in the system. Someone may chose not to tag - or be unaware that other people will want to filter something like that out! Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about this as a reader except to close the fic in question, and perhaps add that author to your blacklist. You could try kindly and gently reaching out to ask an author to add a particular tag, but I'm not sure how much action you'd get on that.
I also love all the work that @ao3commentoftheday does in their 'how to ao3' tag here on tumblr. There are lots of helpful comments and suggestions about how to use the site both as a writer and a reader!
Best of luck, Kind Anonymous Friend! Happy reading!
36 notes · View notes
montewave · 1 year
About the GOOMT-review, I'm sorry (not rly) but your excuses sound very much like bullshit to me. I know me saying so won't make you change your ways, but I feel like some calling out is due. You claim you're simply giving Harv some overly harsh constructive criticism, and "it's okay if it's constructive, right"? Thing is, people like you and those in your circlejerk of haters only want one thing: for Harv and other creators you dislike for petty reasons to bend to your wills; your "criticism". Even if he changed the story to make you all happy, you wouldn't BE happy. You just want people dancing to your pipe. Stop pretending to actually care about whether Harv "improves as an author", cause that's obviously not what this is about. You couldn't care less what's good fiction or not. You and Loudmound etc. should start being as honest as you claim to be and admit you're only in it for the bullying. The other anon was right that you seem miserable, because miserable people act like you guys do. I hope you realize that yourself some day, because what you're all doing is not a good look.
No one who comes across your GOOMT-posts in the future will read them and think "These people seem like the reasonable good guys here". You all, especially Loudmound, have long since crossed the line into pathetic-territory at this point. I know you won't listen to me, but I'm still gonna say it:
Stop this stupid-ass smear campaign already. Whatever imaginary grudges you think you have towards Harv; let them go. Even if you really gave a shit about creators improving their works, this is not the way to do it. Do it for yourselves if nothing else (if you truly care so little about other people's feelings as you seem to do), and you might become a little less pathetic down the line.
Putting this under a readmore, iykyk and I value my mutuals and friends' time. Full response down under.
Dude, if you're gonna call me out, at least read what I write first. Like, if I can sit through a good chunk of Harv's 315k fic, then you can read a 8.5k review. If you're going to call me out, be public about it. I want to know names and faces. Like, you being on anon isn't doing shit, not that going public would do much either but don't be a coward! 💖 Dude, I clearly state in the original post and the other ask that I had gotten from the other anon, that I don't care if Harv listens to it or not. Like I said my piece and kept it moving. It's been two days since the last anon ask and three days since I posted the review. In between those days I have not mention Harv or GOOMT. Anons like you that keep bothering me. I will take the L for getting publicly mad about a shitty fanfiction, that's an L that will permanently associated with this blog. But again, I do not care if Harv reads it or not. If he does, great! If he doesn't, great! I literally do not care. Jokes aside, Tumblr's reading comprehension is really pisspoor. What Harv can do with GOOMT, is ultimately his decision. I don't really care, like I got better things to do. The review is an one and done kind of deal, but I have no problem doubling down on being an asshole because this is a very much 'Don't Feed the Trolls' situation. You and his other keyboard warriors are only making it worse. Like in the tags in the last ask, I said I don't hold any hatred or contempt for Harv, I don't. Yeah there's a lot of Ad Hominem but a lot of it is true, so it's not a smear campaign. There are some actual concerns regarding GOOMT, concerns that I don't give a utter fuck that if Harv listen to or not. I don't care if he changes GOOMT, like congrats if he listen, congrats if he doesn't. If you're going to accuse me of things, at least read what I said before entering my inbox. Unlike you, I don't make baseless accusations. I do my research before coming to a conclusion, and Harv likes to toot his own horn, so trust and believe, it's not that hard. Yeah, it's bullying, it's targeted bullying but it's one and done deal. I have a life, I have a job, I have bills. GOOMT and Harv are nothing to write home about. The review is nothing more than mean-spirited entertainment and writing practice, at the end of the day. I've moved on and so has @loudmound, I actually don't appreciate you coming for Stormy in my inbox. We may be friends, but my actions are entirely my own. Hell, Stormy was the one who told me I shouldn't do this. If you have an issue with Stormy, go to their inbox. It has an entirely different outlook on this whole situation, so I can't say trying to rile him will be to entertaining. They're not going to give you the satisfaction. But I will! I love talking and pissing people off! 💖💖💖 Babe, this is tumblr. I do not give a fuck if people think I'm the good guy or the bad guy. Homie, it's not that deep. It's a person who got mad at bad fanfiction and quite literally lost sleep over it, bro, clown on me for that. That's so much more funnier and more scathing. People sent me anons and throwaway accounts calling me whole slew of slurs, grow the fuck up. C'mon, call me a nigger if you got the guts. Hell, Harv can too, if that makes him feel better. It's not a smear campaign if what I said in the review in true and that would require me to actively drag Harv's name in the mud. Making posts about him, slandering him and his friends. I don't care enough to do that but it's cute that you think I would waste my time like that. I wasted enough writing that review and responding to you and that other anon as it.
Bro, I do not give a shit about others' creative vision to do that. It's not that deep, I see a doodle or fic, I either say cool and like it, or keep it moving. It's not that fucking deep but it's funny that you think it is. At the end of the day, creators are responsible for their own growth, whether or not they listen to criticisms, critiques, etc. We're not longer in school, this isn't for a grade. I'm just some random bitch on the internet, I don't care about the artistic growth of others. If they like it, I love it. That's simple.
Now, since I don't like cluttering my dash with nonsense. If you like to file another complaint, my inbox will be open or if you want something private, where I don't clown on you silly ass, my discord dms are also open: Monte#2942
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vero-niche · 1 year
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I posted 10,970 times in 2022
That's 4,770 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (1%)
10,912 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,870 of my posts in 2022
#mp100 - 150 posts
#bsd - 57 posts
#goncharov - 54 posts
#useful - 40 posts
#mp100 spoilers - 39 posts
#bungou stray dogs - 38 posts
#ofmd - 36 posts
#unreality - 27 posts
#same - 26 posts
#:o - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#my friend was ranting about some pointless twitter discourse so i decided to make a moodboard for her and it came out too good not to share
My Top Posts in 2022:
it still hits me so hard about ofmd how the first thing ed does is make stede happy. no not even yet in ep4 but at the end of ep3 when he takes him seriously from the start, calling him his chosen title and saying he heard all about him. and stede smiles and that triumphant music plays as he passes out like. ed made stede happy from the very first minute they met and im gonna pass away
91 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
queen elizabeth really out of touched this thursday huh
259 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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so uh. guillermo huh
868 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
never thought an axe could look disapproving and jealous without a face until thor love and thunder. thank you taika this is what cinema was invented for
2,852 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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closing off this pride month strong with baymax coming out ig, congrats buddy
7,447 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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harmonytre · 1 year
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I posted 401 times in 2022
226 posts created (56%)
175 posts reblogged (44%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 398 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#harmonytre - 200 posts
#among us - 78 posts
#original art - 67 posts
#daily - 66 posts
#for others - 64 posts
#illustration - 57 posts
#pokemon - 56 posts
#artfight - 55 posts
#team wither - 54 posts
#comic - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#i had an arts how today and i'll talk about it later but for now i'm reblogging this
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Really wanted to draw Rattatas and Kar and Nibbs from @shyblacksheep are PRECIOUS! :D I had a lot of fun shading.
65 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
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ArtFight 2022: Attack 36
*Teri for @tatatale
67 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
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An old Soriel request of them dancing on their wedding day. <3
See if requests are open here.
See the full post
92 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Minecraft Thoughts
I haven’t played Minecraft in many years, so I’m often awed by things others find mundane. Here’s some cool things I’ve encountered! I’ll add on to it as I play more.
Ice biomes??? Big ice spires and igloos and arctic foxes and full on winter villages with furnaces??? Very pretty in the snow. Oh and I heard a very pretty song here!
Foxes! How can I tame them? OvO
I’m a bit bummed that ocelots no longer turn into cats. I had a lot of fun feeding them fish and seeing the random cat breeds they’d become.
New village structures? Multiple story houses? Legendary.
Different TYPES of villages! I’ve seen some sort of jungle one with fire pits that was cool!
Speaking of, I found a cliffside village and encountered Drowned in the area, so I explored. I stumbled into a lush cave completely by accident. Very very pretty. And new mining shafts! Not to mention the amethyst caves duuuuuuude.
The nether in general, omg. New music, creepy sounds, new areas like dusty places and forests and blue fire and much larger fortresses! I’m having fun exploring for the first time on my own. Last time I played, I didn’t even go there, but ghasts were less scary and zombie pigmen existed. Good thing I knew to wear gold though!
Abandoned villages in superflat???
Caves are much larger and easy to get lost in. Oof, they intimidate me.
Copper exists now.
Polar bears, bees, goats, and llamas exist now, but I haven’t interacted with them enough to have an opinion. I am surprised the polar bear didn’t attack me on site though, that’s good!
New villagers??? And many new blocks with purpose like stonecutters?? I only know how to use furnaces hellllp! And how do I make raw ores into ingots? Some aspects overwhelm me, haha.
Zombie and skeleton horses yoooooooo!
Underwater reefs. :O
More complicated naturally occurring structures? So cool!
Elytras my beloved.
Sinking snow is terrifying and annoying.
101 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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This is my entry for @fruitsnackart ‘s DTIYS! It was very fun to shade. Congrats on the 800+ followers! :D
151 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moregraceful · 2 years
in honor of gsw winning the championship …. may i ask for spare librarian!steph au headcanons
for u anon, anything. also congrats to the dubbies for pulling it off, every photo of steph crying got me in my  🥺 feelings and i would have reblogged them all but my brain was liquifying so i had to go to bed.
very important headcanons:
steph has librarian drip, which means he theoretically WOULD look cool if he were not also an upstanding government employee so instead he just looks super nerdy while wearing colorful clothes. regardless, when he goes to like ala annual or cla or something, all the honeys and the homies are like 😍 😍 😍 bc librarians are thirsty but he is like slightly clueless abt it bc he’s too busy arguing abt the stringent nonpartisanship to nazis feelings comfortable in your librarian pipeline.
bc of his librarian nerd drip, he ends up on a librarian thirst insta (i don’t know if these actually exist as i stay away from librarian insta bc they are all insane but i assume someone has ranked the library journal movers and shakers by how hot they are at some point or another. maybe it is like. a government employee thirst insta like back in the day when tumblr used to get in their feelings about trudeau/obama lol wow this parenthical went on a tangent). ANYWAY he’s on a librarian thirst insta and people are like oh my god,,,,,,,, but he’s dumb and gay so he doesn’t understand why people keep trying to hit him up on his bookstagram where he posts pictures of his programs and lil book reviews
klay obvi also does not get it bc he is so fully offline except to constantly post insta stories of how happy he is to be out in the great pacific ocean, his mother and his reason for living, while doing zero things for engagement otherwise, but he also kind of gets it bc he thinks steph is hot. like steph is a nerd but klay is so gone on him, the like constant exhaustion and trying to persist in living a joyful life despite having to attend city council meetings and seeing how the government fails its most vulnerable citizens again and again is very attractive to klay tbh
klay takes steph out on his boat one day and he posts a pic of steph lying in the sun and it is ACCIDENTALLY a thirst trap (for klay primarily but also other people) but it gets like 900 likes and klay like doesn’t even notice bc he’s so wildly offline. instagram is for boat pictures ONLY
buster posey sees the photo and all the comments bc he follows klay i guess and he thinks it’s a deeply funny photo and that all the comments are hilarious. he screenshots many of them to embarrass steph with and forwards the post to idk kevin gausman over in toronto bc kevin appreciate a good librarian thirst trap. and kevin thinks it’s very funny and shows it to all the guys working in his library, who are the youthful and joyful toronto raptors, and they go nuts
and that’s how steph curry, noted librarian, becomes an international sex librarian symbol
i hope this satisfies anon!!! congrats again to the golden state gays for winning the final — that’s what love and friendship gets u babey!!!
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clockworkspider · 2 years
re: reply on post abt enstars (i feel like it'll get confusing if i keep going on the post lol)
i could have sworn it didn't appear on the app even a week after the eng release (even though i could see it on google play on my computer) but i just looked it up again and it's... actually... there... so yeah, nevermind, it is available
i'm in europe but a non-english speaking country, which might be the cause of the lag? maybe they waited until they had a translation or something to avoid just chucking a game in english to an audience of ppl who can't speak it (or speak it well), or maybe they needed to get some kind of approval to distribute it in my country idk
so congrats on pulling yet another person into this game? tbh i'm not sure how into it i'll be but i kind of want to give it a try, if only to see what the hype is all about :3 can't wait to get whiplash seeing akatsuki and madara in a game about idols :D
I'm sorry. I'm obligated to send everyone I get into gacha to Darkpattern.games
Anyway sorry for the late answer. I got caught up in stuff and things.
So uh... a little bit about the lore. Ensemble Stars!! Music is actually the second game of the franchise. The first game was called Ensemble Stars!, and took place in Yumenosaki, which is an idol high school that most of the cast attended. (There was a "war", people died [suicide], and then there was a revolution.) You can get that part of the lore by reading up fan translation [see masterlist here, open on browser instead of tumblr app] or by watching the anime.
I want to make a note that the anime is... extremely condensed. So if you watched it and just don't feel anything towards any of the characters... don't let it discourage you.
My personal recommendation is to start by playing the current game, and if you're interested enough, pick out your favorite character/ship and read up their wikia entry. The wikia actually have a very thorough relationship section on each character, which will mention significant events in this character's history. Then you find those events on the translation masterlist and read them.
I made a uquiz to help you pick a unit to start reading up on, btw.
After you read a few events, then watch the anime to get the basic chronology if you're still interested.
I know a lot of people recommend starting with the anime. I personally just didn't like it very much so it would have been discouraging if I started there.
There's also this twitter account, which gives context to game 2 by sharing relevant game 1 history as new events are dropped in the English server.
As a general rule of thumb, I recommend reading Meteor Impact and Element (Gathering of 3 magicians) for key lore regardless of which characters you end up following. Tho... they're a little... intense. So I would get to know the characters a bit before diving into the deep end.
If this whole thing seems very intimidating to you, then just save yourself and run.
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
You asked for it, babe (Ignore the ask game pun 🤣🤣)
3, 15, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, and 27.
(lemme know if you answered any of those before but I demand ALL answers!! 🤣🤣)
WOW! Lots to answer! Let's get started!
3. Fave line/scene you wrote this year- I answered this one in detail a separate post. Its actually a scene from the very first fanficion I wrote (Burning Bright & Blazing Free) but here I'll just shorten it to a line instead of the whole scene and say, "we just lean on each other as we keep watch against the dangers in the dark. And it feels as if we've always done this. Like we've been here over and over again. It feels like this is who we are, and that it is finally, blessedly enough for us to be together this way."
15. Something you learned this year- Actually I learned how to insert fic cover aesthetics on AO3 from you Stella! And it really comes in handy! Thanks wifey ;)
19. Any new fics to start next year- well I recently got a couple tumblr ask/requests for drabbles, but there's also this one fic idea that evolved late one night while you and I were chatting with @jhsgf82, and that's to Everlark the movie Misery! I'm definitely wanting to start that fic next year.
21. Most memorable comment/review- There have been so many. Namely all of your reviews @sparklingdust4612, which are so in depth and encouraging they always make me cry happy tears. Your reviews are GOLD babe. I wish I could review as good as you. In addition to all of yours, ( I won't list them all because I'll run out of space) there are a few others.
"You truly have a gift. This is by the far the best reimagining I have read and I’m very excited to continue on to “Golden CagesBorrowed Wings” you really need to consider taking this on as career cause you strung these notes to make a beautiful symphony. Also, the listening suggestions is now my favorite playlist. I very much enjoy how the music really captures the color and feel of what you are trying to bring to life. Keep it up! Can’t wait to read how it all ends…begins? Comes full circle? Lol" -from Silentlight on Burning Bright & Blazing Free on FF.
"WOW! This was such an amazing fanfic for catching fire and is hands down the best rewrite I have ever read. Honestly. You have such a way of bringing out emotions in your writing that is so hard to put on paper. The way you had Katniss and Peeta connect over the course of this fic is the most natural and most true to the characters that I have ever read. It was never rushed and was done so beautifuly. You have such a strong ability to bring characters to life and have us all fall in love with them (deen for example). I am so thrilled you have decided to keep writing into mockingjay because your story cannot end here! We need to know how things are different now that Katniss is the one captured and how Peeta will deal with the rebellion. So amazing so beautiful! Congrats on such an amazing story!"-from Natalie5678 on Burning Bright & Blazing Free on FF
"This is my new obsession. Your writing is PHENOMONAL; the way you can keep the integrity of the characters and make all of their POVs so unique and distinctive. It is true talent that's for sure. I've blazed through your stories in the last few days, thinking about the next time I'm able to read throughout the whole day. I am just so captivated and hooked on this story. Honestly, I want to pay you for the hours of enthralling reading you've given me. Like I haven't felt this invested in a story for years. So seriously, drop or message me your Venmo or something and I will pay you. It is the least I can do."-from SimoneSnickers on Golden Cages & Borrowed Wings on FF
I read your catching fire story in two days and immediately read through all of Golden Cages that you have so far. I am obsessed. The writing, the characters, the life you’ve given them it’s so well done! I’m so invested and want to thank you for the amazing artistry youve allowed us to read. I eagerly await your updates!-from Ahyoka20 on Golden Cages & Borrowed Wings on FF
"I’ve beem reading your fic by the last days and i can say that i loved it, truly, i loved, this one and the catching fire alternative, both are amazing. One thing that really touched me was that the characters kept their essentials through the hole time, I've already read some fics that the characters kind get losts and seemd fake, so congratutions to keep everything "natural" . I am really excited to keep reading the next chapters 3."-from FlyingHighThias on Golden Cages & Borrowed Wings on FF.
"I seriously think you should write a romantic or rom com book! You have an amazing talent at capturing these moments and making them feel so real! I loved this story!!"-from xmasrose20 on The Hoodie on AO3.
23. Fics you wanted to write this year but didn't- I had this one idea recently that captivated me all day. I told you about it on messenger once. I've even got a title and premise worked up.... In an alternate universe, where the Capitol ceased the Hunger Games and began celebrating art above violence, every year the nation of Panem holds a countrywide competition called the Aptitude Games to find the most promising talent from across the 12 districts. The winner of the competition becomes the newest victor, and gains an all access pass to the parties, shows, and secret workings of the Capitol. Katniss Everdeen & Gale Hawthorne are rebel spies tasked with infiltrating the Capitol Elite’s inner circle, by impersonating a rich benefactor and his alluring new mistress. Having run away from District 12 when they were just teenagers, and starting their lives over in District 13, they have trained for years to help the rebellion bring the Capitol down from the inside out. But on their first mission their past from district 12 comes back to haunt them, in the form of that year’s newest co-victors, Peeta Mellark and Madge Undersee.
How will the rebel spies keep their cover from being blown? And more importantly how will Katniss keep up the pretence of being a bought and paid for companion when she begins to desire Panem’s newest victor instead of her partner?
Anyway that's what I have so far. I wanted to start it but didn't. It seems like it would be another huge WIP. I don't know when I'll get around to it. But I want to call it Rebel Heart of Mine.
24. Fave Fic You Read This Year- Wow that's like asking me to choose between my loved ones. But....I guess if I had to choose....ahhh I would pick...Owning Me by Elisza94. The world building and characterization for this one is insane, especially for someone who is not a native English speaker.
25. Already answered this one ;)
27. Favorite Fanic Author of the Year- Again with the making me choose between all the things I love most!!! I guess if you put a gun to my head and told me to pick or else I'd have to say....NOPE! Can't do it. There are too many amazing writers. I would feel wrong picking just one! Can I just give you a list of all my serious nominations??? That's what I'm going to do!!
1. @sparklingdust4612 nominated for her everlark drabbles, especially "Chill..." & "It was just 3 times!!"
2. @endlessnightlock nominated for "A New Path"
4. @jhsgf82 nominated for her "I do Solemnly Swear" & "Today's Forecast..."
5. @mrspeetamellark nominated for "The Professor's Secret" & "Academia"
6. @softlikethesunset12 nominated for "The Most Amazing Coffee"
7. @bethpeaches123 nominated for “Oh, Its You.” 
There. I can't narrow it down anymore than that. Don't make me!!! In my personal head canon all of you guys are the winner.
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evilphrog · 2 years
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congrats to Wheel of Time for making so many of my top spots even though I only started posting about it 2 weeks ago. I should have known that the only people who would appreciate my tendency to write entire thesis papers on character analysis would be the fans of the million-page-long book series.
I posted 718 times in 2021
113 posts created (16%)
605 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.4 posts.
I added 459 tags in 2021
#dirk gently's holistic detective agency - 121 posts
#loki - 115 posts
#wheel of time - 64 posts
#good omens - 40 posts
#wot prime spoilers - 30 posts
#parenting - 21 posts
#loki spoilers - 21 posts
#foster care - 20 posts
#lgbt - 14 posts
#adoption - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i don't know todd. maybe an overlarge beaver knocked him into the water and he got his foot stuck in the mud and then high tide came in.
My Top Posts in 2021
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I want to say thank you to everyone in this fandom. I have never before had such a positive, welcoming experience when joining a new fandom. All of you who come onto new fan blogs just to let us know which spoiler tags you use, which blogs are and aren't safe to visit, encouraging us, and just generally being excited about getting to share the story with us. I have not once been accused of being a "fake fan" or told that I need to read the book before participating. You guys have created something special, and I couldn't be more thankful.
163 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 14:44:57 GMT
Mat: I don't know how I'm going to be able to afford lanterns for my sisters
Rand and Perrin, already reaching into their pockets:
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255 notes • Posted 2021-12-04 22:01:32 GMT
You know, I have to hand it to Amazon Prime original shows. They do not dance around the queer subtext. Wheel of Time really said "in episode one the only possible straight pairing is already broken up. The only other straight seeming couple is actually strictly a friendship. During the scene where the woman bathes naked, the only ass you're seeing is the dude's, and this scene is strictly to establish how very not attracted to each other these two are. Episode two, the male lead confesses his love to the other male lead. Episode three, we have a character confirm onscreen that homosexuality is normal and accepted in this world. Episode four, canon bisexual triad, and please do not think it is up for interpretation that the men are fucking each other as well as their girlfriend. They snuggle in each other's arms casually in public for an entire scene."
I have to respect that level of overt representation.
248 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 03:07:58 GMT
The scene where Mobius has to go in to Ravonna's office to try and talk her out of getting him and Loki into trouble after the Ren Faire mission and Loki is waiting outside awkwardly on the chair is like a thousand times funnier when you realize she used to be a high school principal. Very "teacher's pet got dragged into trouble with the class delinquent and is now trying to smooth things over using his own reputation, and she's clearly concerned and wishes his first crush wasn't on such a troublemaker" vibes.
306 notes • Posted 2021-07-20 11:30:44 GMT
It's a bit bold of the Loki fandom to be crying out against "incest" now when the top ship under the AO3 Loki tag has been Loki/Thor for over a decade.
Just admit you don't like M/F pairings and move on. It is totally okay to not like M/F pairings. It is totally okay to prefer your ship over another. But anyone who tries to make this a moral crusade is just going to make me laugh forever.
358 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 00:56:43 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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growup-gloup · 4 years
Hello! I want to hear your advice. I'm a person that grew up with overprotective parents and this upbringing harm me very badly in adult life. I'm literally freaking out about everything I have to do by myself. I have an opportunity in my college to go for a program in another country and gain some experience there. I really want to go someday but I'm freaking out about going abroad alone, especially when I'm even too scared to go to another city by myself. (0t 1)
Like I said, I even freak out about going to another city by myself so I really wants to go but I'm freaked out at the same time. What should I do to become more independent and convince myself to go for this program? Also any advice about how to prepare for going abroad by yourself will be welcome too. I'm really scared that because of my parents, I will always missing out my whole life and I will live in misery because of I'm too scared to take opportunities. So thanks for any advice!
Hi love,
Congrats! Going abroad is a really great opportunity!
Even if you apply now, by the time you get in and the trip begins, you have tons of time you grow more confident in your independence skills. Find out what exactly is it that scares you. Is it the fear that you will get hurt, or that you don’t know what you are doing? It could even be something else, but knowing what scares you will help you overcome it.
For the time being, try to take more responsibilities for yourself in the following ways:
Travel around your city by yourself more often
Bonus points if you use public transport
Also try using an Uber at least once for a place you are comfortable going to, and then at least once to a new place
Run errands by yourself (groceries, appointments, car maintenance, etc.)
Plan a road trip, first with friends out of town, then by yourself
Here are some things to make independent travel wherever easier:
Have a portable charger for your phone that is fully charged
Scope out any place you want to visit in advance online via reviews, official sites/platforms, and from anyone you know who’s been there
Use apps like Google Maps and plot out different routes to and from your destination
Always have your ID and some cash ($20 or equivalent should be good) on hand just in case
Those are things you should be doing regardless, but here is what you can do about your actual trip abroad to make you feel more prepared:
Check out expat websites for the country, or even city of where you want to go
From there, look up things like best/cheapest places to visit, local secrets and whatnot. Follow social media accounts of people who post about local things
Talk to people who live there. If you don’t know anyone, use forums on Reddit or make a post on tumblr
Once you find out where you will be staying, spend sometime on the street view mode on Google Earth and “walk around” the neighborhood. Take notes of local stores, cafes, and resources like the closest hospital/clinic, grocery store, and bus stop/gas station, etc.
If they use a different currency, learn more about the exchange rates and what the going rate is. Tourist hotspots charge a lot more than local places do. Some places put a high price because customers there generally bargain on the price and bring it down to a reasonable amount
If they speak a different language, practice reading some basic words, especially signs and at least speaking the first 600 words of the language so you aren’t completely lost
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leahxx129 · 4 years
Heaven’s on Fire (Castiel x Reader)
This is my submission to the talented @lettersofwrittencollective​ ‘s 1K Celebration challenge. Congrats once more! :))
I had this idea in the back of my mind for quite a while now and her challenge came as a heavenly sign to write & publish it, so here we go. My prompt can be found in bold in the text. I hope you all enjoy it! :) Oh, and if you want to listen to the song mentioned in the fic, you can do that here.
Disclaimer: Tumblr is being weird again so if you’re using the app, the ‘Keep Reading’ cut off line may not be visible inspite of the fact that I always insert one.
Summary: You’ve successfully managed to get off the grid but thanks to your best friend, the one person you wish to see the least finds you and reveals a surprising truth. Will it be enough to bury the hatchet though? 
Warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of sex
Word count: 2.790-ish
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You are tapping your fingertips against your glass as you watch the ice cubes slowly melt and dissolve in the bourbon. Is this your second? Or third? You have no idea. And frankly, you don’t even give a damn.
This Friday night is just like any other in the past year – you find a bar, have a few drinks… sometimes you leave alone, sometimes you don’t. It depends on your mood and on how attractive the person trying to get in your pants is. Truth be told though; you haven’t been so picky lately as you’ve realized that when you close your eyes, they all look just like him.
You’ve been here for about an hour now and only two candidates have summoned the courage to approach you but sadly, none of them measure up to your lowered standards. You roll your eyes in annoyance and down what’s left of your drink. Just as you’re about to get up and leave, another bourbon is placed on the small round table in front of you. Your look of disapproval soon turns into bewilderment as your eyes travel to the face of your server.
“Feathers?” you blurt out and despite your best efforts, the pet name sounds more like a question than a statement.
A faint smile is playing in the corner of his mouth.
“It’s been a while since I heard that one.”
Castiel sits down across you and takes a sip from the booze he got for himself. Hundreds of questions are racing through your mind and you’re having a hard time deciding which one to ask first.
“Which one of those asshats sold me out?” you eventually settle on one. Around the apocalypse situation back in 2010, the angel branded your ribs with the spell that keeps people off the celestial radar, too, so he couldn’t have found you all by himself.
“Assuming you are referring to the Winchesters, it was Sam.”
“Should’ve thought so…” you say dryly. “When I texted him my location, I thought I made it clear that I’m only available in case of emergencies. “
“I sort of tricked him into believing this was an emergency.” he admits, and you can’t believe what you’re hearing.
“What do you want, Cas?”
“I wanted to see you, Y/N.” your name rolls off his tongue the softest way possible. “When I was sent back to Earth from the Empty, I was perplexed not to find you in the bunker.”
“Yeah, well, I needed some space and a breath of fresh air.”
“A thousand miles away from there? From me?” he adds the last part reluctantly.
“You do not have the right to guilt-trip me, okay? If anything, I should be doing that to you…”
He draws his eyebrows together in confusion.
“I do not understand.”
Of course he doesn’t... You try to blink them away but a couple of hot teardrops stream down your face, nevertheless. He instinctively grabs your hand you’ve been resting on the table and squeezes it.
“Please look at me.”
Every fiber in your body is protesting because once you look into those ocean eyes, he wins… but you comply anyway.
“Explain?” he murmurs.
You hear the appeal leave his lips but all you can concentrate on is the way his fingers are pressing yours. It conjures the memory of the very first time you held hands...
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You finished applying lipstick and checked your complete makeup in the review mirror. A sophisticated trophy wife was staring back at you, which meant that you accomplished your goal. You silently thanked the Lord Sam and Dean weren’t with you because you would never hear the end of their mockery.
“Okay, I’m done. Tell me, Feathers, how do I look?” you turned to Castiel who’d been riding shotgun before you parked your dark blue 1970 Ford Fairlane in the church’s parking lot.
“Uhm, you look lovely, Y/N, although you do not quite resemble your everyday self.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“For the sake of this mission I’m going to take that as a compliment.”
“It was meant to be one.”
You shrugged then proceeded to give him a once-over.
“Well, you look dashing as always, but I suggest losing the trench coat. It doesn’t suit the occasion and we certainly don’t want to raise Father Milton’s suspicion. If he senses something is off, he’ll never lead us to his angel-hearing daughter.”
He appeared torn for a minute.
“But my angel blade is in my trench coat. If I leave it in your car and things take a turn for the worse, what will I use for protection?”
You pulled your chiffon skirt up, revealing a .45 Hardballer attached to your thigh. His eyes followed your abrupt movement but as soon as he realized where his gaze landed, he looked away. If you weren’t imagining, he even blushed a little.
“As long as we’re dealing with humans, this shall do.” you pulled the skirt back down. “Now c’mon. We need to find this Anna girl before the demons do.”
You both got out of the car and walked to the church’s entrance but before you went in, you adjusted his tie.
“Okay, Castiel, remember… we are Mr. and Mrs. Novak, expecting our first child, and we are here to see the girl who hears the angels so she could bless our baby.”
“I still believe this is a ridiculous cover story.” he commented.
“They’re religious people, they’re gonna buy it, trust me.”
With that, you took his right hand and laced your fingers with his. He almost yanked his arm away - you could tell from the little twitch you felt – but stopped himself from doing so.
“What are you doing, Y/N?”
“We have to make our cover realistic and this is one way to do that. Relax a bit, would you? You’re stiffer than a stick…”
“What you’re saying is not humanly possible for my vessel, but I suppose I perceive the insinuation.”
You rolled your eyes at his awkwardness and pushed the church door wide open.
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The memory makes you smile and when you look up to his face, you see him replicating your expression. He must’ve been reminiscing about the same thing.
You pull your hand from his grip and first you swallow your glass of bourbon, then his, too, not minding the puzzled look he gives you. You need all the liquid courage you can get.
“You want an explanation? Here you go!” you reply, feeling the warmth of alcohol spreading through your body. “I simply cannot be in your immediate proximity anymore, Cas, I just can’t! I have no idea when these feelings for you developed exactly, but they did. And every single time you sacrificed yourself for the greater good over the years, I died a little inside… which is crazy, because you’ve never seemed to be interested in me like that… So, when Lucifer killed you for the second time, that was the last straw. I couldn’t keep breaking my own heart for somebody who just sees me as a really close friend with occasional benefits. I had to get away in order to piece myself back together.”
He sighs your name passionately and the next second he leans over the table, gently captures your chin between his thumb and index finger and locks his lips with yours.
You’re not sure what amazes you more – the fact that he’s kissing you or the scene that starts outlining in your mind.
You remember the place that comes to life in your head. It’s the higher scale pub where you had your farewell drinks at with the Winchesters, Bobby and Cas the night before Sam let Lucifer wear him to the prom. Not counting the five of you and the bartender, the joint was empty - courtesy of the angel’s heavenly persuasion technique applied on the bouncer so he wouldn’t let anyone else in. 
But something isn’t quite right…this is not your memory. 
It’s Castiel’s, you realize.
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Cas, Bobby and Dean were sitting around a table, the latter raising a hand to order another round of the most expensive scotch the place served. The world was ending, saving a few dollars on cheap drinks seemed utterly pointless. You and Sam were attempting to dance to an overrated pop song a few tables over, laughing whole-heartedly throughout the process. With a little liquor in his veins the man was a real talent on the dancefloor – or at least that’s what he thought.
“You do realize, Dean, that a few glasses of alcohol will not numb me to the point where I would forget what is ahead of us, right?” Cas inquired but before Dean had the opportunity to come up with a comeback, Bobby jumped in.
“They might not numb you but they’re sure as hell working for me!” he said as he took a sip from his newly arrived quality booze.
“All I’m missing is a hot babe on my laps...” Dean added “What do you guys say, shall we get ourselves some fun female company?”
“I do not know about Bobby, but it is a pass from my side.” Cas replied indifferently then averted the topic, asking what he’d been dying to know all night. “Why are Y/N and Sam dancing so close to each other? Their bodies are touching. Is there… is there something romantic between them?”
Dean and Bobby exchanged a curious glance.
“Cas… are you… jealous?” Dean chose his words carefully and asked in a tone only the three of them could hear.
“I don’t know, honestly. Emotions are a novelty to me.”
“Okay…how do you feel when you see them dancing that close?” Bobby tried approaching the topic differently and succeeded.
“I do not like it. I feel like it is wrong. I would like to be the one that close to her. But apparently, she is completely content with Sam’s proximity.”
“There’s nothing romantic between them, Cas.” Dean declared. “They used to date when they were high schoolers, but that’s it. They’re not an item anymore. So, go get your shot with her while you still can.” there was a short silence, but he continued “Man, my little brother must know something… I mean, staying friends after a breakup? I’m a ladies’ man and not even I can do that!”
“Enough of the bragging, idjit! Order another round instead, would ya? I’m still thirsty…” Bobby scoffed and downed the remainder of his drink.
The rest of the night went by fast. In the end, Bobby and Dean had to drag a very drunken Sam out of the bar as his own legs failed to support him. You returned from the restroom to find Castiel all alone.
“Hey, Feathers… were you waiting for me?” you asked with the sweetest smile he had ever seen and suddenly his heart began beating faster.
“Yes. As a matter of fact, I was. I’d like to talk to you about something.”
“Go on…”
Instead of phrasing his thoughts, he just cupped your face and kissed you. After a short while you were the one to break the interaction and he instantly felt embarrassed, so he uttered the very first thing that came to his mind.
“Thank you, Y/N, for being such a great friend. I deeply appreciate it.”
“Uhm, you’re welcome, I guess…Is there anything else you wanted to share or…?”
“No, we can leave. The others are waiting outside.”
He knew he screwed up. He had his chance and he totally blew it. But the worst part was that he had no idea how to make it right.
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The flashback ends as Cas leans away and your eyes flutter open.
“You… you had a crush on me?”
“Ever since I met you, Y/N.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I was convinced that a fierce, beautiful woman such as yourself could never accept a frail underdog such as myself to be by her side.”
His confession startles you immensely and you need a few seconds to collect your thoughts.
“You’re an idiot, Feathers.”  
“So I’ve been told.”
You both chuckle and this time it’s your turn to kiss him.
“There’s so much we need to catch up on…” you whisper against his lips, but he frowns, making you regret your words immediately.
“Uhm, we can’t just yet… first, there’s something I need to take care of.”
“What’s that?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
Funny how a four-letter word can hurt even more than any physical injury you have ever obtained during your career as a hunter.
“I see.”
“Don’t. Just leave, please.”
A flutter of wings indicates he complies with your wish. You call a taxi to take you to the motel you’re staying at as you’ve had enough to drink and don’t want to risk crashing the Fairlane. You are not in the mood for small talk, and sensing this, your driver turns up the volume on the radio. Heaven’s on Fire by KISS blasts through the speakers and it evokes the memory you associate with it.
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Sometimes you just needed to take a break from hunting for the sake of your sanity and the estate in the Nebraskan countryside your grandma had willed you a couple of years prior proved to be an excellent safe haven. So consequently, when the Winchester found a very much so human Castiel, it wasn’t even a question where to hide him from the community of pissed off fallen angels.
On a particularly humid afternoon, you finished working on your car and took a quick shower to get rid of all the dirt and oil sticking to your skin. Having only a towel on, you proceeded to the kitchen with the intention of pouring yourself a glass of wine. Cas insisted on doing the grocery shopping, so you were all alone. Suddenly, Heaven’s on Fire by KISS started playing on the radio.
“God, I love this song!” you exclaimed and took a sip from your glass.
“I must say your taste in music is quite similar to Dean’s.” a voice spoke up behind you, making you jump.
You turned to see the ex-angel standing in the door with huge bags in his arms. He was back early.
“Jesus, Feathers, don’t sneak up on me like that! I almost threw my drink in your face and this shit is expensive! Every ounce of it should be treasured not wasted.” you scolded him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you it’s just… I just…” he was visibly struggling to express himself, but his gaze told you more than his words ever could as he slowly dragged it all over your body, examining every curve along the way.
“You’ve never seen a woman in a towel, have you?” you asked, not being able to suppress a smile.
“Only once in a movie about a pizza man.” he admitted shyly.
“A pizza man?” you furrowed your brows but soon enough you remembered the story about this. ”Oooh, I get it. In that case... put the groceries on the counter.”
He appeared a bit confused but did as instructed anyways. When he turned back to your direction, you undid the knot on your towel and let it pool around your legs.
“Now, I want you to show me what you learnt from that pizza man.”
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“Are you okay, lady?” the driver asks, turning the volume down a bit and you realize you’ve been crying.
“Uhm, yes… I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” you reply while wiping your eyes.
You roll down the window and let the cool air dry your wet cheeks. This is the last time you allow yourself to be devoured by sorrow because of Castiel. Tomorrow you’ll retrieve the Fairlane and get gone, not leaving a trace you can be found upon.
Cas on the other hand goes back to Lebanon, Kansas, and roams the streets for hours. Eventually he stops in front of two liquor stores adjacent to each other. He wants to make up for all those years you two lost, he really does… but getting together with you would mean the world’s greatest happiness to him and that’s when the Shadow from the Empty would come and drag him back to the land of eternal slumber. He needs to find a way to defeat the Shadow first and then he’ll look for you. But until then there is one choice to make – which one of these liquor stores should he drink to numb the ache in his chest? Maybe both.
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