#contains spoilers for the ep so if you don't want to see those don't look inside
nvzblgrrl · 7 months
Just got done watching The Star Beast. (Details beneath cut)
It's. Definitely an episode. The actors did wonderfully with the material given but good lord, did I get a harsh reminder of what RTD's writing is like when he feels like he has Something To Say (White Cis Gay) about things. Really don't like the choice to confirm that Rose was trans by having her be deadnamed and anything to do with the lottery was... unpleasant and a misread of both Donna and the Doctor's characters. Also the choice to write 'why are you assuming the Meep's pronouns' is just... the only reason that didn't come off as actively antagonizing trans people in the audience was because the actors were able to carry it off with aplomb. That's it. Why Rusty decided 'oh, yes, this copypasta staple of transphobic "humor" totes needs to be in this ep' is beyond me.
Wilf also is a bit of a sticking point in any scene that he's mentioned in, as he takes over the entire conversation and all emotional beats end up orbiting him even when they shouldn't. Still can't get over the first talk between Donna and Sylvia having No Music at all until Wilf comes up, despite it being an emotionally weighty scene that really should have had some accompaniment. On the upside, both the fight and chase scenes are higher quality than they were back during RTD 1.0, UNIT didn't get character assassinated to the degree it did under Russell before (though I still didn't care for how they manhandled the reporter near the start), I like the Sonic Screwdriver Mime Shields well enough (and love the screen that shows what it's reading, that's got potential for a lot of things), and the Shadow Proclamation actually felt useful and interesting instead of being a brick to beat over the head of the audience like it so often was in the early days.
Donna's family has good vibes and I like that there's no verbal or emotional abuse between them like there was Before. And I really like the Doctor's clear progress with emotional communication and active interest in other people (Ten would have never helped a stranger overloaded with packages, so Fourteen doing so without prompt was very sweet). Anyway, solid 6/10 for me. The actors carry it wonderfully and it's lovely seeing David Tennant play the part of a new Doctor.
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midoribobatea · 18 days
Lato's Birthday 2023 - Lato's card
Part 1 & Part 2
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(Not 100% accurate translation ,So sorry in advance for any mistranslation and any missgramer)
Under The Moonlight - part 1:
*Notice before reading the Butler Story: This story contains some spoilers for Main story - EP 3
We recommend reading this after reading the main story EP 3.
If you wish to avoid spoilers, please return using the button on the top left.
- A few days before Lato's birthday -
With Lato's birthday coming up soon...I was thinking about what present to buy for him.
So... I thought I'd talk to Flure and Miyaji about it, and when I called out to them...
For some reason, we all ended up gathering in the wine cellar in the basement floor of the mansion.
Miyaji: I'm sorry, master. I made you come all the way to a place like this.
<Why here?>
Flure: Umm...well... because Lato has good hearing...
Flure: We were worried that our conversation might be overheard if we were somewhere else..so we ended up here.
Miyaji: Sounds,voices are usually hardly echo in the wine cellar...so there's no need to worry about Lato hearing us.
<I see>
Miyaji: Then...about the birthday present for Lato.
Miyaji: Actually, me and Flure too have been talking about it for a while now.
Miyaji: But we can't seem to decide... If it's alright, I'd like to think it over together with you master...
<Thank you>
<Of course, Please>
Miyaji: Great. if the three of us discuss it together I'm sure we'll come up with a good idea.
Flure: Hmm, a present... I guess it would be safe to give Lato something he likes.
Miyaji: Speaking of things that Lato likes...
<Like parsley>
Flure: That's right. parsley is Lato's favorite food.
Flure: But... it doesn't really feel like a birthday present...
Miyaji: In that case... how about a handmade picture book or an original song...?
Miyaji: Lato also likes reading picture books and listening to music.
<I see, That sounds good>
Flure: That's right... That feels more like a birthday present.
Flure: Alright! Let's give Lato one of those two...!
Lato: What are you doing in a place like this?
Flure: L-Lato?! Why are you?
Lato: When I returned to our room, Flure and Professor Miyaji were not there, so I came to look for you.
Flure: S-so that's what happened...
Lato: Hello, master.
<H-hello Lato>
Lato: By the way.... What were you three talking about?
Miyaji: That's...
Flure: Umm... well...
Lato: Hm?
Flure: M-master...!
Flure: Master asked what wines we would recommend...so we were just showing a few.
Flure: Isn't that right, master?
Lato: Hmm... Then show me too.
Flure: Wha...?!
Lato: Master... What kind of wine are you interested in?
Lato: I don't know much about alcohol, but I'd be interested in the wine you choose.
Lato: .......
Lato: Haha... just kidding.
Lato: after all it was just a lie that you were looking for wine, right?
Miyaji: So after all.. you noticed.
Lato: Yes.
Lato: You were actually talking about my birthday present, didn't you?
Flure: D-did you hear that?
Lato: Yes. When I returned to our room, I faintly heard master's voice.
Lato: I followed the voice..and ended up here at the wine cellar.
Miyaji: So that's what happened... By the way, from which part did you hear us?
Lato: Since the parsley talking part.
Miyaji: Almost everything... As expected of Lato.
Flure: Seriously...you really do have good ears.
Lato: Haha... I am especially sensitive to master's voice.
<I-Is that so...>
Lato: I felt like it would be better to pretend I didn't hear in this situation...
Lato: But there was something I really wanted for my birthday, so I ended up calling out to you.
Miyaji: Something you want? What is it?
Lato: A parsley cake.
<P-Parsley cake?>
Lato: Yes, this is the cake that appeared in a picture book I read a long time ago.
<(There's a picture book like that...)>
Lato: It looked like a very interesting dish, so it made a lasting impression on me.
Flure: Umm... Is there really such a picture book?
Miyaji: Come to think of it... I think I made a picture book like that for Lato a long time ago...
Flure: Huh? Professor Miyaji did...?
Lato: Yes. It was a handmade picture book that professor Miyaji made for me.
<So you can make picture books, Miyaji>
Miyaji: Well, even if I call it a picture book... I didn't really make anything that impressive or anything like that.
Miyaji: I wondered at that time if there was something I can make that could interest Lato even just a little...
Miyaji: I made this a long time ago when I was still researching.
Miyaji: I do remember the picture book depicted a sponge cake mixed with parsley...
Miyaji: I think it was a cake served with parsley cream...
Lato: It was also topped with finely chopped parsley.
Flure: T-that's sounds...
<Like a parsley cake..>
Miyaji: Hmm..
Miyaji: It's a special day for you, Lato. Then, If that's what you want, I'd like to make it come true.
Lato: And if I can ask one more thing...
Lato: If you don't mind, I'd like to make that cake together with you...master.
<With me?>
Lato: We can't?
<It's not that, but..>
<No, I was just a little surprised>
Miyaji: Master, I'm not sure if it's even appropriate for a butler to ask you to do something like this, but...
Miyaji: Could you please help bake this cake with Lato?
<Let's bake it together Lato!>
Lato: Thank you master.
Flure: Good for you, Lato.
Lato: Haha..Once it's ready, I'll let Flure try it too.
Flure: Huh? Y-yeah...Thanks..
Flure: Ah, but…Do you know how to bake a cake?
Lato: No, I have no idea.
Flure: Y-you wanted to make it without even know how to bake?
Miyaji: Don't worry about that, I'll find out how to make it before the day comes.
Miyaji: Master, you can rest assured too.
<If Miyaji says so>
<Thank you Miyaji>
Lato: Haha..I'm looking forward to it, master.
- A few days later -
Then, on Lato's birthday in the afternoon...
Miyaji gave us a note written with the recipe... After gathering all the ingredients for the cake, me and Lato went to the kitchen.
Meanwhile Miyaji and Flure prepared for the party in the basement butlers room.
Lato: Speaking of which, this recipe note we received from Professor Miyaji...
Lato: Apparently he asked Lono to help him with it.
<So Lono also helped out>
Lato: Yes. Both Lono and Professor Miyaji did it for me...they are very kind.
<Okay, Shall we start baking?>
Lato: Yes, let's bake it.
Then we started cooking while looking at the recipe notes.
During the baking process...Lato broke some plates and spilled some ingredients...
It wasn't a smooth process,but...
I followed along as best as I could too... Somehow, Lato and I were able to make the cake according to the recipe.
- After a while -
Lato: Master, the cake dough is ready.
<Next, we need to apply the cream>
Lato: Understood.
We spread fresh cream mixed with parsley on the baked dough.
Finally, We sprinkled chopped parsley on the top and the special cake is complete.
Lato: Haha... It looks just like in the picture book.
Lato: Thanks to master's help... I have finally completed my long-awaited parsley cake.
Lato: I could never have made such a wonderful cake by myself.
Lato: Thank you for granting my wish, master.
<Today is Lato's birthday after all>
< I'm glad it made you happy>
Lato: Haha... I feel like eating it right now.
Lato: But Professor Miyaji and Flure are preparing the party, so... I'll just have to be patient.
Lato: Now... before we bring the cake...
Lato: After I change into the costume Flure has prepared. Let's return to the butler's room in the basement...
Under The Moonlight - part 2:
- After a while -
Lato: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lato: What do you think about this costume?
<It suits you>
<So cool>
Lato: Hehe.. Thank you.
Lato: It's a costume that Flure made for me. It's very beautiful, I really love it.
Lato: Now that I'm all dressed… let’s bring the cake.
[Devil's Palace basement hallway]
Knock Knock…
Lato: Is it okay to come in now?
Miyaji: Yes. It's okay now.
Lato: It looks like we can come in. Shall we go?
Miyaji: Welcome to the birthday party venue. Lato and master.
Miyaji: We've just finished preparing it.
Flure: Oh! You've changed into your costume, Lato.
Lato: That's right. How is it?
Flure: Didn't I already told you though when you first tried it on?
Lato: I would like to hear it again.
Flure: Wasn't it enough? It suits you very well.
Lato: Haha... I was complimented by master too just before.
Lato: Thank you Flure, for this beautiful costume.
Flure: You're welcome hehe.
Flure: I'm glad you liked it.
Miyaji: Haha..So Lato, did you enjoy making the cake?
Lato: Yes. It was fun to cook with master.
Lato: Take a look. We made a parsley cake that looks just like the one in the picture book.
Flure: I kind of imagined what it would look like but... W-woah What a strong color.
Flure: This... is not matcha, it's parsley, right?
Lato: Yes, there was a lot of slicing, chopping and mixing involved.
Flure: W-Wow...
Miyaji: Did any of you two got injured anywhere?
Lato: Yes. We are alright thanks to master's support.
Miyaji: Then that's good.
Miyaji: Thank you, master. For all of your help and doing it for Lato.
<It was fun cooking with Lato>
Miyaji: Haha..If that's the case I'm glad.
Miyaji: Now then, Lato. I would like you to receive this present from us.
Miyaji said as he placed a lot of dishes on the table.
Lato: this is...
<Since when did you prepare it?>
Miyaji: Actually, I was cooking in the kitchen early this morning.
Miyaji: After hearing that Lato is going to make a cake with master.
Miyaji: I wanted to prepare something too for Lato.
Miyaji: I used parsley while preparing the dishes so that Lato could eat it.
Miyaji: By the way, this fried chicken has parsley mixed into the batter...while this is a potage that uses plenty of parsley...
Miyaji: I was able to make it thanks to Lono's help in tasting it, so I'm sure it's delicious.
Lato: Professor Miyaji, Thank you.
Flure: Well then, it's my turn next.
Flure: Here. This present is from me.
Lato: Oh. this is quite a beautiful box.
Lato: Thank you, Flure. I'll treasure this box.
Flure: ...No, the box is just a container. The gift is what's inside the box.
Flure: Try opening it quickly.
Lato: Inside it? Alright...
When Lato opened the box, he found beautiful forks and spoons inside.
Lato: This is…?
Flure: It's a cutlery set.
Flure: Use it to eat a variety of dishes other than just parsley.
Flure: If you keep being picky about what you like and dislike, you'll end up damaging your health.
Lato: Flure..You were worried about my health...
Lato: Hehe... Thank you so much, I'll treasure it.
Flure: Yeah...
Miyaji: Now that we have given you the presents...
Miyaji: Shall we start the birthday party?
Lato: Yes. So, first of all...
Lato: ..should I start with this cake using the cutlery that Flure gave me.?
Flure: Are you going to start with the cake first?!
Lato: Yes, is it a problem?
Flure: Well..it's Lato's birthday after all... I guess it's best to let him eat what he likes.
Lato: Well, I'll try it.
Lato: Hm.... *munch munch*.
<Is it delicious?>
Lato: Yes, it tastes like parsley and it's very delicious.
<I'm glad>
Then Lato cut a small piece from the cake... and picked it with the fork, and held it out in front of me.
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Lato: Here master try it too.
Flure: Wait-- Lato! What do you think you're doing to master?
Lato: It was so delicious... I really wanted master to try it too...
Lato: Now.... Open your mouth, master.
Miyaji: La..Lato...I understand how you feel, but if you suddenly do something like that, it will cause a problem for the master too.
Lato: Oh... Is there something wrong?
Lato: Professor Miyaji once told us that "the more good things we share, the happier everyone will be."
Miyaji: That's, well... I did said that sometime long ago...
Lato: That's why... I want to share the deliciousness of the cake with the master too.
Lato: Master... Is it bad...?
<I-If it's only just one bite...>
Lato: Thank you. Then, Here you go..
Although I was a little hesitant, I took a bite of the piece of cake that Lato offered me.
Lato: Hehe... Master, is it delicious?
<I-it's delicious>
Lato: That's good.
Maybe it was because I was nervous... but to be honest, I couldn't really tell the taste of the cake...
But seeing the happy look on Lato's face... made me feel happy too.
- Tonight -
After Lato's birthday party was over... I was relaxing in my room.
While peeking outside the window for a moment, I noticed the beautiful full moon in the sky.
Knock Knock…
<Come in>
Lato: Greetings, master
<Lato, did something happened?>
Lato: I'd like to have a little chat with you, master.
Lato: If you'd like... would you like to go for a walk outside with me?
My eyes instinctively turn through the window to the moon rising outside.
Lato: It's alright, master. Now I no longer feel pain when I see the full moon.
<Are you really okay…?>
Lato: It's really okay. I'm not forcing myself.
Lato: Would you like to come with me?
Lato: Haha..Thank you, master.
Step... step...
Lato and I walkd together under the moonlight.
Lato looked at the full moon rising in the sky... rather than looking distressed, he was smiling with joy.
Lato: Being able to take a walk like this with master on a full moon night...
Lato: I couldn't even imagine it just a short time ago.
<I'm happy too>
Lato: Haha...
Lato: ......It really feels like a dream.
Lato: Until recently, full moon nights were nothing but painful for me.
Lato: I was suddenly overcome by an inexplicable anxiety and fear, and I lost my composure, breaking things in the room.
Lato: There were times when I harmed Professor Miyaji and others.
Lato: This has always...always...
Lato: This has always happened for over 200 years.
Lato: But everything changed...ever since I met you master.
Lato: The full moon that was once such a painful experience
Lato: Is now just feels so beautiful.
Lato: This is all thanks to meeting you, master.
Then Lato stopped and looked straight in my eyes.
Then he smiled and removed the gloves he was wearing...
Lato: Master... can I hold your hand for just a little while...?
I was a little confused, but... I reached out my hand towards Lato's outstretched hand.
His cold hand gently held mine.
Lato: Warm…
Lato: I can feel master's life force.
Then Lato pulled my hand towards him and pressed the back of my hand against his cheek.
Lato: Shhh. quiet.
Lato: You don't want the other butlers to notice us, right?
Lato: Haha...
Lato: Right now...I am very happy.
Lato: Being next to master.... being able to see master's smile....
Lato: I feel happy to be alive, more than I've ever felt before.
Lato: This...is what called love, right?
Lato: Just being able to feel master's warmth like this... makes me feel at ease.
Lato: You, master... have become an indispensable part of my life.
Lato: That's why, master.
Lato: Please don't ever disappear from me...
Lato: Can you promise me that?...
<Of course...>
<I'm not going anywhere>
Lato: Haha, thank you.
Lato: Then, me too... I promise not to leave your side.
Lato: We will always be together...forever.
Lato: You are the first person I have ever felt such love and desire to cherish.
Lato: I'm not much interested in my own life but if...
Lato: Next year's birthday too... Two years from now, and ten years from now...
Lato: I could spend those times forever together with you like this, master...
Lato: Looking forward to that... I want to live.
Saying this, he gently squeezed my hand again.
Hearing those words... I squeezed his hand tightly back.
<We will celebrate every year>
Lato: Master...
Lato: Yes... that's a promise...
Lato: Because I believe in master...
I felt Lato's cold hands gradually warming up.
Through the warmth of his hands, I could really feel Lato's life force.
- End -
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 10 months
Currently Watching - August
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 31.08.2023
Here you can find my weekly roundup that goes into a bit more detail about each episode.
And a little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
I am always happy about gif-requests. If you want a special scene, just let me know.
Here you can find all of my gifs.
And if you want to show me something you think I might like, just let me know with #josistag
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in August with MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. Dangerous Romance (Ep 2/12 on Youtube)
I really liked the first episode. Well, I hated most of the parts, because of the whole bullying, but it feels like a really good enemies to lovers story and I am weak for this shit. There is way more bullying than I thought would be and it is really hard to watch at some points, but I love Sailom! He is such a clever badass!
2. Hidden Agenda (8/12 on Youtube)
Okay, I can smile a little bit watching this. Both of them have a hidden agenda and I kind of like Joke and his attempts to make Zo fall for him. And I like that we already know that Joke likes Zo. That makes everything...I don't know...a little bit cuter. And after the third episode I was finally all catched up and I am invested now! I like this show!
3. I feel you linger in the air (2/12 on Gaga)
Okay, I wanted to wait to binge watch, but I couldn't resist to sneak into the first episode and now I am obsessed! This time travel drama looks just so good and I love all the interactions between Jom and Yai! I am here for the fluff, but I guess I stay for the angst...
4. Jun & Jun (7/8 on Viki)
An office drama about Lee Jun and Choi Jun, who were childhood friends and who meet again after being seperated for years. The one an intern and the other one the director. I like those combinations, so I am looking forward to it. And the flirting is strong in this one! Just learned that it is rated PG 16...that explains a lot!
5. King the Land (10/16 on Netflix, no bl)
You know the feeling, you wake up in the morning and you're craving some good korean romance drama? That happend to me one day and so I just thought to give this a shot and it is good. Cheon Sa Rang works as a concierge at the King Of The Land Hotel and there she always has to wear a smile, fake or real doesn't matter. She meets the new boss in town Gu Won, who just can't stand fake smiles, but I guess her beautiful and real smile will make him fall head over heals.
6. Kiseki: Dear to me (3/13 on Viki)
The start is quite promising. I am looking forward to see more of the second couple. But for now I am pretty satisfied with this series, the plot and the characters.
7. Love Class Season 2 (6/10 on Viki)
I just wanted to watch one episode and see if I like it and now I am invested! This looks as this could be a really interesting story. I like the acting and the dialogues. I am curious how every story will progress. And yes, the epsiodes are way too short!
8. Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (9/12 on Gaga)
Minato and Shin are dating for three month now and it feels like we are back at the beginning of the first season. Minato is always surprised when Shin wants to exchange some affection or when he just wants to know if Minato likes him. And to be honest, if I was in his place, I would ask too, because right now it doesn't feel like Minato likes Shin. But with the second episode we finally get some of Minato's thoughts and it is cute and sad at the same time. The second episode totally got me and I am excited what there is to come!
9. Only Friends (3/10 on Youtube)
I have the deep urge to call it Only Fans... Can't see the difference. It is cringy... and funny... and yes, very hot. It was a wild start that just promise a wild ride! The most surprising thing for me: the plot wasn't that bad.
10. Stay Still (1/5 on Youtube)
Well this first episode was a little bit confusing. It felt like you've been thrown into the middle of the story. Perhaps I should watch episode 0, but why not make it the first episode? So Damien and Hayden start a new, complicated relationship and Archie and Kelvin restart their high school love. I like the flashbacks. Archie and Kelvin were cute together.
11. Taikan Yoho / My Personal Weatherman (2/8 on Viki and Gaga)
This has a very interesting vibe. Yoh is a manga-artist. Because his work is not that popular, he accepted a deal by his senior in college, now a well known weatherman. Yoh accepted to be Mizuki's slave. He does everything at home and obeys to the weatherman's wishes. And everytime there is a sunny forecast, they sleep together.
12. Wedding Plan (7/8 on iQiyi)
I knew I am going to have a problem as soon as I finished the trailer. And here I am...totally obsessed with this show! And we are on episode 1! Well, what happens when the Wedding Planner and the groom fall for each other? I don't know either, but I can't wait to find out!
13. Why R U (4/8 on Viki)
The korean version of the thai series Why R U that is so different than the original one. And I really like it! The characters are fun, the story is, well, not that special, but I like it, and over all I like the vibe of this one.
Finished in August
1. Sing My Crush (8/8 on iQiyi)
Han Baram wants to quit making music after confessing to his first love and he got rejected. But he meets Im Hantae, who manage to befriend him and push him back on his way. The story skips a few years and lfe becomes complicated with plagiarism and a second wind. Such a beautiful story! I loved every minute of it! I love stories about arts like books, writing, dancing and of course music! And this is really good! A wholesome 10 out of 10 for me!
2. His Man Season 2 (14/14 on Gaga)
The korean dating show for gay people! I loved the first season and the second was so much better. There was so much drama, but also so many wholesome moments and discussions. And yes, I was and am a fan of the roommates! I loved how their relationship developed and the fact that those two are still dating is just 🥰 And thank you @leonpob for our weekly discussions about the show! I am looking forward to the third season 🥰 This is a 10 out of 10 for me.
3. Shigatsu no Tokyo wa... (8/8 on Gaga or Viki)
Kazuma and Ren were close friends during middle school and now meet again years later after their ways parted. This was a turbulent ride for us, but it was so good. I like the darker tones this bl had and how close it was to the original webtoon. This bl made me sad and happy and the ending was just so wholesome. It deals with some difficult topics, so watch with caution. But for me this is a 10 out of 10.
4. Be My Favorite (11/12 on Youtube)
When Kawi tries to travel back in time to change his life, it doesn't necessarily go in the direction he had in mind. But this series is so much more than just a time travel story. Kawi is like our inner voice of insecurities and inadequacies. And it is like healing a little bit watching him gaining a little bit more self confidence and self love. And the same goes for Pisaeng. His journey in self-acceptence and starting to live the life he wants and deserves is just so beautiful. This series just screams in your face to live the life you truly want like you would never want to travel back in time and change a decision. And that is such a strong message! And I love all the characters and their decisions and the growth all of them were going through. And I love that it is shown that we can't help everyone, because some things can't be changed. But we can try to be the best support, the best friend, the best child and also the best parent we can be. For me one of the easiest 10 out of 10!
5. Stay with me (22/24 on Gaga)
Okay, I was sceptical at first. This new adaptation of Addicted came out of nowhere for me. I really like the original adaptation, despite its flaws and toxic traits. But Stay With Me managed to be such a great show! I am lost for words at this point! The characters are all so well written, the story is so good and the actors really remind me of stubborn highschool students which is quite nice. The chemistry is off the roofs! It has an open ending, but more because the second season is confirmed and I can't wait! The dance the show had with the chinese censorship was beautiful! This is really not a bromance, it is a bl and I love it so much! One of the best watches this year! Yeah, this is a total 10 out of 10 for me.
1. Red, White and Royal Blue (on Prime)
I haven't read the book, yet. It sits on my Pile of Shame and wants to be read someday. The movie was... wobbly and rushed. Alex and Henry were cute together, later in the movie. In the beginning of their relationship, they were most of the times horny. But I liked them together. And at the same time it felt a little bit bland. I don't know how to express it... the chemistry lacked of emotional connection for me. There was not really character in the characters. They felt a little empty. So I will read the book soon, to get the emotional impact of everything going on. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie. I had fun and was well entertained and the love story was cute. A 7,5 out of 10 for me.
Short Film
Rewatched in August
Dropped/On-Hold in August
1. See you in my 19th life (7/12 on Netflix, no bl)
It was so good when I started it, but I couldn't keep up with it and so I lost interest over time. I guess it would be different if I binge watched it. I know I won't come back here soon, so I just dropp it for now.
2. Low Frequency (3/8 on iQiyi)
Well, I really don't have the urge to watch this anymore. Perhaps I will come back to it, when it is finished airing, but right now...no thanks. The story is interesting, but I think it is a little bit to exhausting for me right now.
3. Dinosaur Love (8/10 on iQiyi)
Well this was a dumpster fire. It was fun to watch in the beginning, but after a few episodes it wasn't funny anymore. It was exhausting and nothing I was looking for in my weekly schedule. So, the conclusion was I dropp it. And I am fine with not knowing how it ended...
Looking forward to in August
Stay Still - Trailer (August 1st on Youtube)
Sing My Crush - Trailer (August 2nd on iQiyi)
Heartstopper Season 2 - Trailer (August 3rd on Netflix)
Taikan Yoho (My Personal Weatherman) - Trailer (August 11th on Gaga)
Love Class Season 2 - Trailer (August 11th on Viki)
Red, White & Royal Blue - Trailer (August 11th on Prime Video)
Only Friends - Trailer (August 12th on Youtube)
Dangerous Romance - Trailer (August 18th)
Love in Translation - Teaser (August 19th)
My Universe - Trailer (August 20th on iQiyi)
Kiseki: Dear to Me - Trailer (August 22nd on iQiyi and Viki)
Why R U? Korean Remake - Trailer (August 24th on iQiyi)
Man Suang - Trailer (August 24th in Thai Cinemas)
I Feel You Linger In The Air - Treaser - Pilot - Trailer (August 19th on Gaga)
Crazy Handsome Rich - Trailer (August 28th on Gaga)
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
New RW/BY ep. This one is shorter than most of my other ones. Spoilers, criticism, and praise beneath the keep reading
More good music, including some very Sonic Unleashed Day music in the marketplace.
The scene with the blacksmith lady was cool and intriguing. I do think Ruby should be asking more questions, but by and large the vibe was good, it's left me asking some questions and wanting to see the follow up. Now they need to stick the landing of giving some pay off for that scene such as actually making Summer Rose important, explaining Alyx, involving this blacksmith lady more later, etc. We'll see if they can do it, but as a standalone scene, that one was good.
I wish they didn't undercut their suspenseful moments so much, because they do a good job of making moments suspenseful when they want to this season, they just never stick the landing and leave them feeling shallow. First we have the blacksmith lady scene (basically ended with Weiss being rude to Ruby) and then we have the fireworks, which Team RWBY take as a good thing until townspeople start screaming and running and the fireworks start forming the words 'danger' while the teapot lady and the cat start freaking out. It's fairly well done and I really like the fireworks saying danger. It's just then thrown off, which I'll talk about later.
Did the Cat just get one of the Ever After citizens to risk their life to save Team RWBY? I better get an explanation on why this morally dubious new mentor-ish cat is doing the things they're doing and how they're getting other people to go along with it but as for now I can't wait to hopefully find out.
More cool music when Jaune appears.
Also Ruby's face when the Cat is holding the Neo-Jabberwalkers off and saying her and her friends should run was well animated, just the panic there.
After having the lack of real death in the Ever After explained to her, Weiss says: "That's impossible. Things have to die at some point." Like, Weiss, babydoll. Salem and Oz exist. The concept of things not dying isn't new to them?? So why is Weiss literally just dismissive at once of the very concept?
Knowing that the Cat dismissing exposition as tedious is a jab at critics and will be used as fuel against rwde posters by a toxic fandom is kind of frustrating when I've been begging this show for more things like world building and actual explanations and not to just deadpan tell us things happened and instead have the characters actually talk things through. Like, okay cute I guess.
The girls split up with no protest. A terrible idea they should have at least had a conversation about.
Whatever thing is at that stall trying to give everyone that flower looking thing is so annoying. Those sounds it was making were too much for me.
Weiss needs to shut the ever loving fuck up. What a way to be a dick to Ruby for next to no reason. On top of the rest of my problems with her this season, this just makes me even more sure of her being 'Worst Girl' rather than 'Best Girl.' How about you go off on a solo mission, Weissy? Instead of doing nothing but complaining.
"Wait, what's a Jabberwalker?" WHAT? The other thing was the Jabberwalker and was one of the things laid out to 'prove' that they were following the story! And I'm so sick and tired, does Blake know everything about this book or doesn't she? She said Alyx encountered a Jabberwalker, meaning it was in the book, but now she's like "what's a Jabberwalker?" Babe, you said it! This would be like me seeing a Ringwraith in what I figured out was Middle Earth which I'd landed in, saying "In the story, Frodo and co encountered the Ringwraiths" and then later on when people start screaming that ringwraiths are coming being like "What's a ringwraith?" Did nobody take notes for this season? Is there not a show-bible? Don't they even have a post-it note up that says 'Blake knows this story well' and one that says 'here's what Blake says the story contains?'" Because it's that easy.
Also, it's worth noting that 'ascension' had to be explained to the girls and they thought everything in the Ever After did just die, so.... The beheaded toy soldiers? They didn't know they would just come back, and still reacted with next to no concern.
I'm sorry, I can't take this parfait seriously. Like..... I'm supposed to be freaking out about some terrible dangerous monster coming that can and will kill the people of the Ever After, but instead I'm sitting here chuckling at the yogurt parfait flying through the air and smacking into the Jabberwalker's face.
Weiss's voice acting has gotten even worse somehow I think, and you know what? I don't blame the person who voiced her. If I spent years of my life on a mismanaged to hell project where I was likely underpaid and then the writers 'took a jab' at my voice acting while writing my character to do almost nothing but complain for five episodes in a season, I would put on the worst performance of a lifetime.
Ruby consistently forgetting she can burst and then also just kind of lightly jogging away from a now overgrown Jabberwalker is... Not great. XD Not a lot of desperation was portrayed there which is a real shame. I wish I could take this scene seriously.
The combat against the Jabberwalker wasn't good. It was really lacking actually. If I wanted to see a rabbit kick things I would watch Hoodwinked. That being said at least the rabbit is cute and doesn't look quite as unnatural as Little does.
Nobody stops to help anybody. They literally acknowledge leaving the Ever After market in ashes during the destructive attack, but none of them try to stop it after they realize there's more than one Jabberwalker and Neo is in control of them, they leave behind the Cat and other random citizens they don't even know to risk their lives to get them to safety, and they don't even stop to help anyone. Weiss looking upset for a moment only for Ruby to lead her away is still very unconvincing if you ask me. None of this is currently out of character for how they've been acting in the past couple of seasons but I sure hope it actually gets addressed. Contrast Team RW/BY running from Neo and the Jabberwalkers without even really trying and leaving behind panicking screaming citizens to their exhausted and often injured state leaving Beacon after they sacrificed their own health and wellbeing over and over during the Fall. The way these characters have downgraded needs to be recognized and though I have hope that Ruby might get a check and start developing, I have next to no hope for the other three.
A. Blake it is not a time for you to be fangirling, people outside might be dying. B. Writers, it's not a time to make Blake fangirl with the sad music still playing and people maybe dying outside. C. God this is gonna make Jaune-fanboys so off the charts... I am tired.
I FREAKING SAID! Timeskip Jaune was my first listed worst case scenario. I am gonna
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I hate it so much.
3/10, the Cat and some of the well done suspense and visuals are fine, but boy howdy did this episode spark some rage!
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laststandx3 · 8 months
This post contains spoilers for ep 6 of daryl dixon
so finally watched ep 6 (the last one of the series) and let me tell you: it's bad. AdNag was wonderful, his hair were perfect, his face so kissable. 100% the highlight of the episode.
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Anyway quinn dies (we knew it. let's not pretend we didn't) he get bitten by a zombie during the arena fight and in his last conversation as human he asks daryl to tell isabel he helped them an all. jesus christ, you're dying can you be less of a simp?
so let's talk about this episode for a minute. first half is them escaping the zombies in the arena (which daryl dixon has barely any difficulty in doing. he even lift one with a pole. really.) then the militia guys (was enough to fire one shot at random and they run away) and then our heroes were back on the road just to have the most nonsensical 5 minutes in the history of plots: does anyone remember the militia guy that wanted to avenge his brother so bad that in looking for dixon he got at least 40 people killed? the same guy that was cheering for a zombie to eat off dixon's face 3 minutes ago? that guy that was shown as the right hand of the boss? well after 5 episodes of murder after finally having dixon at the end of his gun he decided he wasn't going to kill him. bc he didn't want to kill laurent apparently, but the 20+ dead nuns is fine? the other innocents from the club? the paris commune? they can die. it's fine if he doesn't want to kill the kid but daryl dixon was right there, why not kill him?
second half of the episode they reach the nest and it's maybe the nicest sequence in the show so far. not enough that i can forgive everyone being dressed like background characters from a 40's movie or a group of french people picking the token american aboard student as their leader or everyone still speaking english for daryl or these people needing daryl to teach them how to use a rifle. but okay at least the sequence was nice. i don't believe that nuns taught laurent about aristotele but okay. i still have some suspension of disbelief left. at this point the people from the nest found daryl a lift home (kinda) and there's a ship waiting for him on the coast of Normandy. You know what we just found out? that dd's granpa died on the coast of normandy during ww2 and daryl sniffs on his grave even tho he never met the man and had a bad relationship with his dad. it feels like the american writers of this show had a list of things americans and french had in common and ww2 was the only thing left. anyway laurent then shows up from a dune and waves at daryl and idk it's implied daryl will take him to america? this kid only has bad ideas.
at the end of this season i can say this was the first draft for the show. not one single character has an arc. characters were underdeveloped, they had no solid background for their personalities. bad guys were bad until the plot needed them not to be. and those who were bad were bad just because. Genet she was a night guard at the museum and now she's leading a militia, i'm not saying it's impossible, i'm saying that without seeing even a glimpse of her character evolution she feels hollow. the guy wanting to avenge his brother does a 180 in a minute, killing 4 of his men. what is the journey there? he could've been a great character development, if he got developed in any way. Quinn, went form british living abroad (job still unknown) to nightclub owner that simped for Isabelle for 12 years but never ever in all this time looked for her once. and now that he died nobody cared, they made the big reveal that he was laurent's father and he was the ONLY person laurent showed no sympathy to?? Isabelle, laurent and the other nun, they saw everyone they lived with die and were okay, no faltering in faith, no grief. no lets go on with the plot. the other nun cared so little that she left them when they needed help the most and joined back when the risk was over. like?? girl what? I want to talk about laurent, he never questions he's god on earth, everyone told him he's special and in all his journey he never doubted for a second that he wasn't even if so far more people died than how many he helped. he saw murder, violence, hunger, pain, living dead and he didn't care at all. and now daryl dixon, i started the series knowing nothing about him and now the only thing i know is that he's the typical grunts not speak no friends type. zero connection with his character. he went throughout another tuesday of killing zombie and people and what bothered him the most was that everyone was speaking french.
this series gets a 4/10
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azlrse · 2 years
Hello! I was just wondering if you could do a scenario with Dark Choco, the reader and Ruby Choco cookie. Lets say it's the future and everything is solved and the curse has been lifted and Dark Choco is welcomed back. Well what if we see Dark Cacao reacts that not only does his son have wife but they have a child and he is a grandfather.
The Dark Prince and His Family (Dark Choco Cookie x GN Cookie!Reader ft. Dark Cacao Cookie)
CW: ep 14 spoilers, overall contains fluff!!
A/N: I'll only refer reader cookie here as Dark Choco's spouse since I strictly write for GN readers but thanks for the request!
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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
"Where are we going? Why do we wear those thick clothes? And why do we bring so much stuff on Papa's bag, Mama/Daddy?" Your daughter, Ruby Choco Cookie, asked as she holds both of her petite hands between yours and your husband's hand. Ruby Choco Cookie had asked so many questions since the three of you are moving back to his homeland. The environment of the Dark Cacao Kingdom may not be very safe for your little girl but she loved the snow itself.
In fact, she dreamed on seeing and playing on the white blanket of snow together with her friends. Upon finding out the reason why she needs to move back to her father's homeland, she became ecstatic and excited at the same time. For she heard lots and lots of stories about the great Dark Cacao Kingdom, a place where the strongest warriors are trained to protect not only the wall but also their very own kingdom, the very same place where her grandfather established this stronghold kingdom.
Yes that's right. The great king, Dark Cacao Cookie was her own grandpapa.
You look at her eyes and gave the small cookie a heartfelt smile, ignoring the cold breeze of air surrounding your little family. "We're going to visit your father's homeland, Ruby and you're about to meet your grandpapa for the first time." As you heard your daughter's voice, filled with happiness and excitement, you look to your left and saw the nonchalant expression of your husband. Dark Choco felt a bit nervous, even before he made the decision to move back to the Dark Cacao Kingdom together with his small family and to establish the once broken relationship between him and his father.
Your husband turned his head towards you and you gave him a small smile as you grasp his cheek. He leaned towards your touch, warmth was all he felt upon sensing your warm and soft hands. "I can sense that you're feeling not good, my dearest. Are you sure you wanted to move back here? After everything what happened?" Dark Choco only gave you a soft and small smile as he gave you a nod, a sign that he made the right decision to return his position as the long lost prince.
Which makes you and his daughter the new members of the royal family and one day, might inherit the throne once his father retires his position as king.
The moment the three of you arrived at the top of high mountains which overlooks the whole kingdom itself. The sight itself had brought so many memories for Dark Choco Cookie. The same place where he grew up to be a fine and just warrior and as his father began to descend from the throne, he too shall bare the name of king. The same king who abandoned the cursed sword that drove him to the depths of darkness and regain his senses for the actions he took under the influence of Dark Enchantress Cookie.
Dark Choco took a grasp of your hand and held it tightly, showing that despite his stoic expression, you know on how nervous he was upon returning home to his homeland. "Don't worry, sweetie. You aren't alone in this situation for you have me and Ruby here. We'll face this hard situation together." As the prince heard those words, he gave one of those rarest smiles that only he shows to his own spouse. The same, sweet smile he gave you during your wedding and during the birth of his own daughter.
At first, you thought that most of his former people would whisper harsh words towards the formerly dark prince. How he abandoned his own people and attempted to assassinate his own father but to his surprise, most of his father's people and warriors welcomed him home, how most of the cookies sang praises on how the prince changed his destiny; from a prince who was consumed by the curse and wrath of the strawberry jam sword to becoming the prince they all knew and loved.
The warmest welcome he recieved is from Caramel Arrow Cookie herself and was surprised when Dark Choco Cookie introduced you and Ruby Choco Cookie as his spouse and daughter. She never knew that the same cookie who taught her to wield the bow had a family of his own. However, the welcoming was cut short when the king makes his presence in front of the throne room. This makes everyone bow down, including you and your husband.
As Dark Cacao saw his own son returning to his kingdom, his eyes widen for a bit when he saw you and a small cookie hiding in his long cape. "Leave, I want to speak to my son alone." Everyone in the room eventually leaves, including you and your daughter when all of the sudden, Dark Cacao Cookie called for your attention. "That includes my son's own family. Please, stay behind."
You began to feel your hands sweating, gripping your own husband's hand as a way to tell him that you're quite nervous yet scared to meet your father in law. "It's great to see you again, father." He spoke, giving the king a hug as tears began to slide off his eyes. Same goes for the king, he gave his son a huge hug and a pat on his back, showing on how much he misses his own son. The last time the both of them saw each other is when he and his former teammates invaded the Black Citadel to finish what he started years ago. "It's great to see you back, my son. And who's this lovely cookie on your side?"
"G-good evening, your majesty. Thank you for inviting us here at the kingdom where my husband was born and raised." You slightly bowed in respect, only for the king to lay an arm on your shoulder. "There's no need for such endearments, Reader Cookie. I must thank you for bringing happiness to my son's love. Let alone all the love he lacks in his childhood, which I apologize for due to my negligence."
You were about to speak your thanks when all of the sudden, Ruby Choco sprang out from her father's cloak and towards Dark Cacao's leg, hugging it while giggling softly. "Hello king grandpapa! You really do look like my papa!" The first glance of Dark Cacao Cookie to the small toddler clinging to his leg reminds him the time when his own son was just like her; small, adorable and rambunctious. The way she smiled towards him makes his heart swell up and began to feel a small smile on his face. "I- I have a granddaughter of my own?" The both of you only nodded in affirmation as he carries the little girl into his arms. He couldn't believe it! Not only his son has a spouse of his own but also a daughter? His own granddaughter? He felt so much happiness right now and it looks like Hollyberry Cookie isn't the only cookie who had grandchildren of her own.
The small cookie he held on his arms began to play his crown. "And what's your name, my granddaughter?" She looks at him, same red eyes stared into his own purples colored ones. His own granddaughter was the splitting image of Dark Choco Cookie. "My name is Ruby Choco Cookie! And my mama/daddy said that my name is the most unique in all of Earthbread!"
She giggled, wrapping both of her hands around his face in an attempt to give her grandfather a hug, which he accepted. "I'm so glad to see you all. Welcome home, my son."
Home, he finally returned home. Together with his own spouse and daughter.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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ventureawaybitches · 2 years
My analysis/interpretation/opinions on Sawyeh's not-death at the Veil. Be ye warned long post ahead.
Contains major spoilers for campaign 1 ep. 86/87, major character not-death, gore, canon-typical violence, Rem apologist (kinda) musings.
This is basically an analysis of Sawyeh’s not-death, and yes unnecessarily Rem focussed, but that should be expected by now. Relistening I’m just like…it’s very clear that what happened happened but I’m going to detail it all here anyway. I haven’t listened to those episodes in a long time and I thought it was more implied. And behold! supporting quotes!
Mila tells Sawyeh that "Rem wanted me to tell you that you have to leave or she’s going to kill you" and Sawyeh refuses. After Mila vanishes the minotaur at the bridge gives Sawyeh a key, and a few moments later she feels "a sudden sharp horrific pain in her chest" and falls unconscious.
The rest of the Maidens run into their cottage to find "blood everywhere, smeared along the walls and the floor, and lying in the centre is Sawyeh who has been expertly disembowelled, slashed to pieces”. Sawyeh regains consciousness thanks to Kara casting death ward on her before they left (honestly I would have chosen to pass out again rather than deal with that).
The immediate assumption is that Rem did this, because the whole hoard of the undead + dracolich was a distraction so Rem could burn the book of mazes and kill Sawyeh if needed, it’s also a massive statement and warning to the other Maidens a look what happened to her, stop this or it’ll happen to you too. BUT we then get this:
Something is very weird about this scene, all of this blood everywhere around this room, and you start to notice, looking on the floor, it seems to have made some sort of pattern. It looks like a maze. A maze has been made out of Sawyeh’s blood. Like someone has left you a key.
Looked like her chest cavity had been ripped open, so much so that pieces of her had spilled out onto the ground, and someone had painted a maze around her body on the ground.
They confirm there is no physical key on Sawyeh’s person or in the room.
And here are my thoughts with no finesse to them.
Why would Rem, who was trying to keep them away from mazes, make a maze for them, even if it was a statement, or warning, or even to mock them?
While I have no doubt that Rem is capable of eviscerating someone, it makes no sense for her to do it here because; there are quicker ways of killing someone and she’s probably trying to be quick, Mila is there and I’m 99.9% sure Rem wouldn’t disembowel someone in front of a seven year old she almost sees as her own child, and this doesn’t fit with how Rem has killed before.
Rem killed Kara and Baltana narratively ‘on screen’ (and I’ll be including Arafel in this too). Both Kara and Arafel died instantly with a very slim blade between their eyes. Baltana was killed in a single unspecified strike. Rem's general murder technique is a single quick precise attack because she's a rogue, and making a mess isn't really her style.
When Sawyeh tries to speak they find another wound "a very neat precise cut across her throat that certainly would have been a killing blow if not for the death ward" which is absolutely fits how Rem does murder. Further investigation reveals that the throat wound probably happened before the chest wound, leading to the assumption that there were two separate causes.
From the above I think the moment Mila vanished Rem cut Sawyeh's throat and the two of them left. Sawyeh then received the key and left the demiplane, her body being disembowelled and the maze painted in her blood. The blood maze gave her the ability to cast the maze spell.
I accidently posted this instead of saving as a draft and there is no conclusion, anyway. Defence against Rem having disembowelled Sawyeh ta-daaa!
There's a whole lot in these episodes I'd love to go into but don't have enough info, like what exactly was draining the pylons, Rem, the Avatar, or Valerius, and why? To what extent was Valerius involved cos he was totally involved? Where did the dracolich come from? The decision to trap Alistar in an antimagic orb instead of killing him?
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Thanks for watching episode 5. This image is from "the key frame staff".
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Also, here's a Takara from Shouko Nagasawa.
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Likewise, here's new images from Andgy.
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To top it all off, here's Nomoto's Takara.
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Here's Takara's character song/Enka, called 愛の勘定 (Ai no Kanjou), roughly "Payment of Love", "Consideration of Love" or "Allowance of Love" (kanjou seems to have a lot of connotations involving money).
Notes on Kusano's Bar F entry (dated May 6th 2021) below (contains spoilers for ep. 4).
Kusano introduces himself and, a bit further down from his own intro, explains the character of the day is Kei Rijuu (<-English name order), a member of the group Aurora Vikings. (Other entries don't normally go that far, instead only using the names offhandedly without explaining how they're read...which is a pain for me, because I have to guess the name reading when I read the synopses or the credits).
Kusano says he'll keep it brief after Balletta rambled on quite a bit last time.
Kusano has a cat allergy so he can't play with cats, but he wants to.
[There's emojis, kaomoji and half-width text scattered throughout this entry, so be sure to look at it!]
Kusano calls [being] cute "a fate [Juka] can't run from...(LOL)".
Kusano thinks he would be a fan of Kei if he could, even though he says she appears to be bad at dancing.
When Eru appears for the first time (in person), that's where the Ange Reve song comes in. Kusano thanks them for the fantastic song.
Kusano notes they hit the bath scene quota. He giggled at the fact you can see Uruu has a duck in his bucket and wonders what's going on with Homura and Uruu.
Kusano notes Juka doesn't seem to be meeting the queen's expectations. He also notes Juka and Kei have an inferiority complex in common and that Juka's cute when he sticks his tongue out at the end of the A part.
On to the B part. Kusano calls those who buy 1000 CDs "amazing" (with a sweatdrop kaomoji).
He notes there's not a lot of cloth for Juka's fairy costume and he has a cute [omitted] (<- the word before the omitted part translates to "section" or could be taken as short for "chikuwabu", so it's probably something about the *erhem* nether regions again...). Kusano says the way Juka hops around while running (for his transformation) is cute.
Otokogi de Tango time. Kusano says Juka exudes cuteness.
Kusano identifies the shadowy figure as Sirius and quotes him: "'Betelgeuse...!' He said something about Betelgeuse...?" (The 2nd sentence was in Osaka-ben because Kusano is from Osaka...Strangely, it's the only sentence in this blog post that's in Osaka-ben, though, as all other sentences in the blog post - aside from Takara's comment, if you'd count that - are in standard Japanese.)
「You やっちゃいなよ」「やっておしまい!」 - Kusano laughed at this exchange. (CR translation: "Is that the real you?"/"No! Don't look!")
"人間って難しい生き物ですねと改めて思ったシーンでした(´・ω・`)トホホ" - "[The scene where Kei becomes the centre but also privately meets with fans] is a scene that makes you once again think about how humans are troublesome creatures (´・ω・`) (Tohoho)"
Kusano likes the scene where Juka accepts being called cute by Ranmaru (at the very end), because it seems like Juka matured, even a little.
"以上!今回もフィクションでした♪ダマサレター" - "That's all! This time, it was also fiction♪ (you were deceived)"
Kusano calls Takara ecchi na oniisan (the perverted "older brother").
Takara finally has a response other than being overwhelmed and it's: 「かわ・・・ 格好よかったで。 俺からもお礼だお!」 ("That's cu-cool. I also apologise!")
Update: Changed the 3rd-last dotpoint to adhere to the quote more, added Nomoto's art and inserted a missing letter on the 1st dotpoint after the cut.
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treatutoameal · 3 years
i have the personality of a 2 year old learning how to play match the shape which is why i'm reading up on the og material that inspired youth of may's storyline (aside from the real-life events) and i'm surprised to find out that 80% of the show characters are born out of writers' creative freedom! in the grand scheme of things, the four main characters actually represent the youth as a whole at that time (duh, the drama title says it all but let me dig more into the book, there might be spoilers)
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the book that the drama writers based the story on is titled 오월의 달리기 / running in may / may's race (?) - it's a fairy tale by writer kim hae-won that won the changwon children's literature award, and was first published on may 18 2013.
the difference is that the book deals with the story of 13-year-old myungsoo (myunghee's brother in the drama) who was selected as a rep runner of the south jeolla province at the national youth sports festival and lived in gwangju in 1980 when protests demanding democratization continued every day.
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while researching gwangju's history during that time, writer kim hae-won contacted a track and field athlete after seeing an article that the national youth festival was postponed due to the 5.18 pro-democracy movement back then (it will most likely be cancelled in the drama too, poor kiddos omg). the athlete turned out to be a national student at the time and lived in a dormitory in gwangju so the book is the product of her research and meticulous coverage.
and rather than emphasizing the painful wounds of the may 18 pro-democracy movement, the book focuses on showing the life of children who lived during that period. it depicts the life of myungsoo, an ordinary child who dreamed of becoming a national representative athlete, who wanted to be recognized by his father, and tried hard to beat his rival friend jungtae (heetae's brother). the book delves into painful history and the despair suffered during that time through children's lens and is even used as learning curriculum in schools to make children wonder why the may 18 pro-democracy movement that destroyed this child's life took place at all
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writer's notes: "it’s good to be careful when talking about the may 18 pro-democracy movement in class. it is not possible to mention only objective dates and numbers with no context, so various materials and media need to be used, because students' reactions vary widely depending on which part is emphasized.
even now, the may 18 pro-democracy movement is at the center of controversy. although it was listed in elementary school textbooks as an important example of a pro-democracy movement and even listed as a UNESCO world record heritage, the claims that it was a riot are quite noticeable if you type 5/18 in the portal site search box. how should we explain the may 18 pro-democracy movement to children who are easily exposed to such confusing information?
this book depicts the scene of the may 18 pro-democracy movement from the perspective of a child who lived at the time, and shows realistically how many people were lost due to national violence.
children who boldly attempt to escape from the training camp to avoid their coach, witness the sight of an airborne unit brutally hitting people in downtown gwangju. at the time, the soldiers only looked good in the eyes of the children so most of them said, “these soldiers are not the soldiers of our country. they must be the people's army sent by kim il-sung of north korea.”
however, the children end up learning that our country's soldiers can trample and kill their people. in 1980, gwangju had to make a huge sacrifice under the control of a real villain. most of them were hard-working people. why these people were killed for no reason, this book tells the truth and tragedy of the may 18 pro-democracy movement.
오월의 달리기 depicts ordinary people's desire for democracy, their tearful efforts to protect each other, and their heartbreaking sacrifices. in particular, through the images of myungsoo who lost his family and those who support him, the story shows hopeful gestures to heal the painful history and wounds of his heart, leaving a long lasting impression."
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possible similarities with the drama
in the book, myungsoo's dad runs a repair shop in the market and has a weak leg just like in the drama. he also disapproves of myungsoo's dream to become a running athlete and myungsoo shows embarrassment towards his father. one day, an unexpected event occurs in the training camp, in which one of the kids came up with a plan to escape from the dormitory. however, downtown gwangju, which was thought to be full of interesting sights for the kids, turned out to be full of college student protesters, soldiers, and the nasty smell of tear gas
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the children follow the protesters with curiosity and witness unbelievable scenes. soldiers beat college students with clubs (곤봉) and even kick the elderly who were watching. the children who see this are terrified and run away. they enter a billiard room in a building to escape and face an even more terrible scene. seeing the soldiers smashing the head of a student protester who had sneaked in there, and seeing the blood dripping out, even kicking the old uncles who told them to stop, and hitting them with a club...
soon, news comes out that the national youth sports festival has been postponed and the coach comes to the dormitory with tears in his eyes to deliver shocking news.
“myungsoo... your father is dead.”
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in parallel with the book, the drama places a focus on radio and broadcast as these mediums suffered from censorship during that time... it's not a coincidence that jinah's character dreams to become a radio pd and that heetae who happens to be her tutor knows his way around radio and supports her dream the way he does. although the preview for ep 9 shows jinah being unconscious and heetae struggling to save her (a reenactment of his traumatic past in a sense), it is most likely that she will live, and through the support system heetae has around him (myunghee) this time, he will be able to save her and free himelf of his trauma. i think jinah will grow to become a radio pd, perhaps on the same frenquency bette midler was playing and to which heetae shared that intimate moment with myunghee at the end of ep 8... this is just my personal wish tbh but i find these details interesting to dig into
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another item that figures in the story is the watch belonging to myungsoo and myunghee's dad... one of the questions asked in the school textbook based on the story is that the watch contains memories (as in pictures) of myungsoo... in the drama, the watch is the first thing we see in the first episode as recovered belonging to someone during the uprising. going by the book, it was the dad who ended up dying in the book... i don't know if the drama will follow the same narrative but if it does, the man seen in the beginning is most likely myungsoo
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xlisaleinx · 7 years
Dealing with J and G I do recall Hannah saying they don't have to deal with that controversy and Maril making it seem like some things were changed. To me all they'd have to do to take out the whole rape controversy thing would be to not have the line during the sex scene that causes it. Aside from this ep I dread ep 8 think you know why LOL. Is it just me or does Jamie look interested as Geneva goes in to kiss him were before he'd looked annoyed?
Hi anon!
I put my answer under the cut because it contains spoilers!
Yes, I remember what Maril and especially Hannah said re: the controversy…let’s hope it’s true and they left the “Stop it!” and the “No.” out because, as you said, those are the lines that turn it into rape, which is such a problematic plot device (I have verra verra strong feelings about this and could go on, but I think it has been discussed to death already and I’d rather focus on the things to look forward to, tbh)!
Hmm, I wouldn’t necessarily say he looks “interested”. It’s a very short glimpse and we only get to see Jamie’s face in profile, so it’s hard to tell, but to me he looks rather nervous and hesitant. However, he’s still a human being with physical needs, and his body will react in a certain way, no matter how much his mind rebels against it. And from what we know from the book, Jamie gives in and lets his body and instincts take over eventually. Here’s how his emotions are described in the book:
“He didn’t like the girl, didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to be doing this, but - it had been more than three years since he’d touched a woman’s body.”
“He rubbed a trembling hand through his hair, trying to quell the surge of emotion that pulsed through him with every heartbeat. He was angry, scared, and most mightily roused […].”
(I went to look at the clip again AND reread the chapter in the book, which I wouldn’t do for anyone, so do consider yourself special, anon 😉)
As for ep. 8 - really, you’re dreading it? I’m really looking forward to it 😂 Yes, bad bad Leghair, but imagine what we’ll get to see:
Jamie and Claire releasing the tension that has been building up between them ever since they reunited, releasing it in true Jamie and Claire fashion: by tearing chunks out of each other (in other words: angry sex)
Claire leaving (who doesn’t love a bit of angst) and my hero Young Ian coming after her
the healing scenes at Lallybroch, which I absolutely adore - especially the dialogues are quintessentially Claire and Jamie, and I so hope they included the best lines in the show.
The immediate honeymoon bubble may burst the moment Marsali steps into the Laird’s chamber and we’ll see a lot of heartbreak and pain - but at the end of this unpleasant chapter of their story, Claire and Jamie have learned a lot about the people they’ve become over the past 20 years, and, most importantly, have reinforced their commitment and bond to each other. This is when their second chance begins. 
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psycho-alchemist · 7 years
why are you anti-yoi? (you can keep this private if you like!! i don't want to start any drama! im just genuinely curious because i don't know anything about the anime myself)
No problem, I don’t mind explaining! I expect some questions when I put it in my description. :) I’ll also include a tl;dr at the bottom if you don’t want to read this whole thing. :)
Whenever people see “anti y0i,” they assume it’s because I’m some homophobic asshole who is anti-V!ctuuri. And while I am an asshole and I do think that V//ic isn’t as nice and nurturing as the fandom makes him out to be, the ships are not my biggest issue with the show. I was as hyped as most people when y0i started airing. Ice skating is such a beautiful sport, so getting an anime for it was a pretty big deal! I was looking forward to learning about ice skating techniques and seeing some really fluid, gorgeous animation. Unfortunately, neither of those things happened.
My biggest issue with y0i is the fact that it sold itself as a sports anime, but really it was just a drama anime about ice skaters. That is, ice skating was not the focus of the show; it was on the back burner. We didn’t get to learn about the technicalities or difficulties of the sport; we didn’t even learn what all of those crazy jumps are called. We barely even see K//atsuki training, and the only times we do see him training are used to push him and V//ic together, not to show K//atsuki’s progress as an ice skater.
The real focus of the anime was the probably-gay-but-we’re-not-really-sure-since-it’s-not-fucking-canon relationship between V//ic and K//atsuki. I’m not going to get into the whole power dynamic thing right now–and the fact that the fandom loves to leave out the part where V//ic literally calls K//atsuki a fat pig–because again, my biggest issue (not my only issue, but definitely the biggest one) is that this anime was marketed and sold as a sports anime. I don’t care if they’re gay; that doesn’t matter to me. 
y0i has lots of ice skating scenes to appeal to real-life ice skaters, but those scenes lack continuity and are pretty poorly animated. (Which is ironic since the baiting scenes were clearly animated with a lot of care.) They’re also extremely repetitive. We see K//atsuki perform the same routine at least three or four times, but because the anime skips all the in-between training sessions for bait scenes, we can’t really discern how K//atsuki has improved. The commentators tell us how he’s supposedly improved, but the anime doesn’t actually show us how he gets there.
Then there’s the end of the show. (This paragraph contains spoilers!) Now, I dropped y0i after ep 7 or 8 when it became abundantly clear that this was not an ice skating anime, so everything I know about the end of the show is hearsay. However, the basic gist is that K//atsuki (spoiler) wins 2nd place with an unbelievably high score, and the show (and fandom) would have you believe that he deserves it. But the problem is, based on what I saw for the first 67% of the show, K//atsuki isn’t the best (or 2nd best) skater in the competition. He’s good, sure, and he’s definitely improved a lot, but he is not the best. His routine is so successful at first because of shock value, but his routine lacks the personality that other skaters’ routines have, and skaters like JJ were doing better than him all along. 
I heard that JJ had a mental breakdown sometime before his final performance and that’s why he did poorly, and while that is something that could happen, it was a reallllly convenient way to get him out of the way, since he was K//atsuki’s main competitor (aside from P//lisetsky, who ended up winning). tl;dr I don’t believe K//atsuki deserved to win 2nd place. He improved a lot, and I’m not refuting that, but he shouldn’t have won. And he wouldn’t have, if not for that fortunate coincidence. Most long-running sports anime/manga that care about the athletes’ development don’t let them win the big competition, because it stunts their growth. Obviously the staff didn’t really care about the ice skating though.
Aside from all of that, it bothers me a lot that the fandom tries to paint V//ic, K//atsuki and P//lisetsky as this happy family, like two dads and a son. V//ic is incredibly dismissive and unsupportive of P//lisetsky for most of the show, but cheering him on once promotes V//ic to dad status? He blatantly disregards P//lisetsky’s mistakes and doesn’t give P//lisetsky proper feedback on his performance–to the point where even P//lisetsky feels shunned–yet he’s a “father figure”? No thanks.
very little technical detail about ice skating
very poorly animated ice skating scenes
repetitive routines (and reused frames) without any training scenes in between
no clear confirmation or delineation of the main ships
lots of bait with no clear confirmation or delineation
asspull ending that K//atsuki didn’t deserve
little character development in general
V//ic is worshipped by the fandom even though he has less personality than a leaf of lettuce
V//ic is also worshipped for being a super “supportive boyfriend and father figure” even though he literally calls K//atsuki a “pig” and doesn’t care about P//lisetsky’s growth as an ice skater
a pretty invasive and immature fandom (for the most part). In a perfect world, a show’s fandom shouldn’t affect someone’s opinion of the show–and usually it doesn’t–but unfortunately, it does in this case.
This turned into a kinda long thing, but hopefully it helps a little! If you still want to try it, that’s totally fine. It’s your decision. Even if you like it, it’s up to you! But this is my opinion on the show. I do feel pretty strongly about it, which is why I include “anti y0i” in my description. But I also include it because I always lose followers when I post anti y0i content, so it would probably be better for new followers to know ahead of time.
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