#could the plane not have crashed. could he not have gotten eaten by a shark on the island he was sent off to or whatever (was he sent to
seethinglikeme · 1 year
finally watched bnha s6e11 am grinding my teeth so hard at best jeanist's reappearance it'll be a miracle if i still have enamel on them afterwards
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(Still finishing up the 31 prompts for the Whumptober Challenge for @whumptober2019!)
Using another alternate prompt for today!
tw: plane crash, drowning, open water
Day Twenty-Eight - Waterlogged
Warning alarms blared at him from every direction, several different bright red lights flashing at different intervals. 
“I know, I know, I fucking know!” Clint snapped as he pried one hand off the controls long enough to flip the three switches and smash the two buttons in order shut down the alarms, all while his eyes remained trained out the windshield. 
“Hawkeye, report!” Steve sounded winded over the comms. 
“Critical damage,” Clint ground out as he struggled to keep the controls level in order to keep the Quinjet from taking a nosedive. An explosion uncomfortably close caused the jet to jerk and Clint groaned with the effort of keeping the failing chunk of metal and technology in the sky. “Two bogies in pursuit.” His gaze swept the area, trying to figure out his best option. “Gotta take it out over the water.” He yanked the controls with all his strength and banked a hard right toward the ocean. 
“Can you eject?” Natasha asked urgently.
Two more near miss missiles rattled the jet. “Negative, not an option. I eject and they’re just gonna pick me off in the air.” 
“Suit’s grounded, Cap,” Tony said before Steve could even ask. “Repulsors are offline.”
There was a heavy silence over the comms. as the realization hit all of them. Clint was on his own. And this jet wasn’t staying in the air much longer. 
Clint was forced to pull his focus back to the situation at hand as another missile detonated just passed the nose of the jet. Clint wrenched the control back toward him, forcing the nose of the jet upward and sending the worst of the explosion under the belly. He decided to deliberately ignore the smell of smoke that was suddenly a little too potent for comfort. 
He was now well over the ocean, the enemy jet still in close pursuit. There wasn’t much that could be done. He was out of ammo. The jet was failing. 
But he could at least take one of these bastards with him. 
He eyed his back radar and mapped out his strategy. He reached out and yanked a lever for the emergency shutoff for his last remaining engine on the right side. With all the power directed toward the left, the jet made an otherwise impossible spin in midair, the now dead right side dipping drastically. With no time to react, Clint’s left wing smashed into the wing of one of the enemy jets, shattering it and sending the aircraft spiraling away. 
Unfortunately, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The Quinjet spun out violently as it fell like dead weight out of the sky, and there was nothing that Clint could do at that point but brace for impact. 
The jet hit the water at a sideways angle, and Clint was thrown so hard against his harness that he could almost hear bones cracking. Air was ripped from his lungs and for a long moment all he knew was crushing pain. This, his ingrained survival instincts kicked in. He jerked his sidearm out and fired several shots into the windshield as he unhooked his harness with his other hand. The jet was angled back and to one side as the water began to drag it down. Clint grabbed a lifevest from under his seat and then he launched himself up and out of the broken windshield, ignoring the bite of the glass that still clung to the opening. 
Clint barely had time to gasp in a shallow breath clean air before the jet was swallowed by the ocean, creating a powerful downcurrent that immediately sucked Clint underwater. It was like the water itself had forcibly grabbed him and was dragging him viciously down to it’s depths. 
Instincts screamed at him to claw his way back up to the service, but after a moment Clint managed to regain his wits. Instead, he kicked and pumped his arms as hard as he could to propel himself horizontally away from the current. After what seemed like an eternity, he downward pressure finally vanished as he made it out of the downcurrent. 
He blindly felt the lifevest that he had miraculously managed to hold onto. His hand finally grasped the tab and he pulled it, triggering the automatic inflating mechanism. As the vest inflated he was pulled back up to the surface, and as he burst through he gasped in wheezing, desperate breaths. 
His lungs were still screaming as he desperately wheezed in air when the water around him suddenly seemed to explode. He looked around frantically as several more pockets of water seemed to spontaneously combust around him. Finally his eyes when to the sky, and spotted the other enemy jet rocketing by over him, firing down at him. He watched the craft bank sharply to come back around, and he was forced to let go of the precious lifevest — it was bright yellow and might as well have a target painted on it — as he took as deep a breath as he could manage and ducked back down under the unforgiving ocean. 
Bullets tore through the water around him, and all he could do was hold his breath and hope that none would find purchase. His lungs were on fire, but he forced himself to stay under until he was on the verge of passing out before he finally kicked his way back upward, breaking the surface and was immediately consumed by an agonizing coughing fit that tore through his chest. 
Finally, the panic of oxygen deprivation began to wane and he was able to take in his surroundings. He immediately searched the sky, and was unbelievably relieved to find that it was empty of enemy aircraft. With any luck, they would just assume that he was dead. 
He shifted his gaze back down to the water and could have cried with relief when he was able to spot a glimpse of yellow bobbing on the surface a short distance away. Clint flexed his protesting muscles as he carefully swam the distance, reaching out several times for the vest, only to have the waves pull it just out of reach. He groaned in frustration, and then used the last of his energy to lunge forward and finally grasped the lifevest. 
Clint didn’t bother even attempting to put the vest on, insteady just threading his arms through it and hugging it to his chest. He knew that it wasn’t protocol, he knew that if he were to lose consciousness the vest would easily slip away, but he just couldn’t find the energy. 
Then he took stop of the rest of his body. His throat and lungs felt like sandpaper as he heaved in painful breaths. Every muscle in his body felt like it was on fire, a fire that was burning down to his bones. His gaze looked down and finally spotted the gashes on his arms from the broken windshield of the jet. He stared vacantly at the dark red water that floated around his arms, slow to comprehend what that meant. 
He glanced around at the dark ocean water, squinting as if he could force himself to see past the surface to what might be lurking underneath. If he went through all of that, only to be eaten by a shark, he was going to be pissed. 
And then, all he could do was wait. He knew likely a couple miles at least from shore, and there was no way that he’d be able to make that swim in his state. The team had to have a general idea of where he went down, and he knew they’d be coming for him. They had to be coming for him. Right? Unless the battle had gotten the best of them. What if they hadn’t survived without Clint providing air support? 
He wasn’t sure how long he was left there to float aimlessly in the vast ocean, but tremors were beginning to overtake his body, painfully cramping his muscles, when the sound of an approaching jet registered in his foggy brain. He couldn’t help but tense, remembering the enemy jet that had fired on him. He honestly wasn’t sure that he’d be able to hold his breath long enough to fool them again. 
But as the jet approached, he recognized the Quinjet model and the relief that swept through him almost caused him to pass out. He was barely able to keep a grip on the lifevest as he tracked the jet. For a moment, it looked like it wasn’t going to pass over him, but then it banked back around and came to a hovering stop overhead. 
Clint watched blearily as a hatch opened and a figure was lowered down to him. It took longer than it should have for him to recognize Steve. 
“Clint!” Steve called over the drone of the jet. 
Clint didn’t have it in him to response, so he tried to communicate his appreciation in his gaze as he watched as Steve was lowered into the water just a short way from him. Steve made quick work of the distance. 
“It’s okay, Clint, I got you!”
Steve worked quickly and efficiently as he hooked Clint into a harness that was attached to the same line that Steve’s harness was on. As he finished, Steve raised an arm and waved up at the jet. Then he wrapped his arms around Clint and pulled him close in order to support him and take as much pressure off of the harness as he could as the line was retracted and they were both lifted out of the ocean and up into the air. 
“Clint, are you okay?” Natasha gasped even as she helped haul Clint up into the safety of the jet. 
Clint coughed raggedly as he braced his hands on the floor of the jet, just marveling at how solid and dry and still that it was.
“That… really… sucked,” Clint wheezed. 
A warm blanket was wrapped securely around his shoulders. Natasha knelt in front of him and Clint rested his forehead on her shoulder, taking comfort in her familiar, calming presence. 
“It’s okay,” Natasha assured him. “We’ve got you. Everything’s okay now.”  
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bruhwhyth0 · 6 years
Jaws Revenge
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To be honest I don’t know where to start. Its just really getting harder and harder to watch these movies. When I first decided to watch bad movies for my blog, I did it with the intention to make things fun. Have a laugh. I figured maybe for once in my life I could actually enjoy doing my homework. And for the first few blogs this was the case, but as time went on these blogs became more of a chore rather than something enjoyable. When watching these films it has gotten harder and harder to pay attention, to even care. And things have never gotten so difficult until I had I decided to watch Jaws The Revenge.
The movie is just a shameless cash grab. I would also call it boring but that wouldn’t cut it. If you want to know just how dull and monotonous this movie is, go to your search bar and search up “synonyms for boring”. Read all the synonyms located under Google’s definition of the word and then you might be able to comprehend how bad this movie really is. Like most of the other movies that I have seen, this movie’s plot is lazy and loosely tied together. And as I have already discussed things like this lead to a boring uninspired plot. The film also has a lot of scenes that are poorly done or written, making them feel bland and unnecessary. That in combination with bad transitioning between the various scenes makes for a godawful experience. 
The movie is center around the widow of police chief Martin Brody(the guy who killed Jaws l) and her family as the try to escape the clutches of the Jaws number three, or four, I honestly don’t care to look it up. they really don’t explain what relation between this movie’s shark and one from the first movie. Is the shark Jaws’s cousin or brother, sister maybe? They really don’t explain. All they say is that he’s out to get “revenge”, but my question is why. Why would a shark go out of its way to hunt and kill the family for no reason whatsoever.
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The movie starts of with one of the widows sons getting killed by the shark because “it was out for revenge’’. The whole thing was cliche and easy to see coming. In most cases this would be a bad thing, however I found the widow’s youngest son so annoying that I was glad to see all the signs of his inevitable doom. With her son gone the town has a funeral and memorial service in his honor. That is when the movie introduces his brother who really doesn’t seem to care about the loss of his brother. He shows little remorse and seems to be very indifferent about his brothers death. He then suggest that his mother comes live with him and his family in the Bahamas. Just like that. No mourning, no time to think about how random and strange it is for a shark to intentionally kill someone. So that is exactly what they do.
And get this? The shark follows them. Really? A shark is going to track down a family, swim thousands of miles, just to avenge a shark that died 20 years ago for terrorizing a town. Really?
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One of my biggest issues with this movie is how stretched out and far fetched the story is. The whole crazy killer shark thing got played out two movies ago. Why they thought a fourth movie would be a good idea beats me. What was cool about the first Jaws is that it monster hidden and its motives relatively realistic. The shark in the first was a rogue, intelligent great white that went out of its way to kill for the sake of it. What made the monster even scarier was the fact most of the characters knew such a thing was impossible. Sharks do not go out of their way to kill humans. But three movies later and this whole thing just gets played out.
Another thing this movie failed to learn from the original was knowing when and when not to show the shark. In Jaws you don’t even know what the shark looks like until the end of the movie, and when you do you its not for that long. It shows the shark at its best and at its scariest. The GIF below is a prime example of what I’m talking about.
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And yes some of the scenes are a little out-dated compared to today’s standards, Jaws never bit off more than it could chew, no pun intended. However in Jaws the Revenge, the shark is shown off a little too much, with clunky movements and animations, making it seem faker than it already was.
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And that’s not have as bad as some of the other scenes were.
After a few deaths and close call with her granddaughter, the widow decides to go out to sea to hunt the shark. What I find funny about these last few scenes is how the son’s wife tries to blame him for her daughter’s close call. How was it his fault for not believing his lunatic mother. I hardly believed her. Why should he?
 After a not so dramatic argument the son sets off with the help of his friends to go find his mother. They board a small plane and begin the search. Within minutes they find her in the middle of the ocean with a monster of a shark circling her boat. So her son and friends do the most logical thing. They crash the plane into the ocean, swim to her boat and join her. 10/10 best course of course of action. Then after struggle or whatever some guy gets eaten and then they blow up the shark. But somehow the man who was eaten managed to survive. A 30 foot shark mauled/ate this man alive, then completely blew up with him still inside. And your telling me he survived? I swear the movie had to end with one big slap in the face huh? At least with that it was over. 
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Welcome to the DonaldDrumpfSucks.com Tumblr!
Y'know, I ran out and grabbed this domain while that John Oliver episode was actually still going on. Wanted it that bad. Then I just sat on it, because, hey, it's not like we're going to actually elect a nationalist, borderline fascist, oligarchic, sexist, assaultative, bigoted, pathological liar to the PRESIDENCY, right? We're not really that completely batfuck of a population that we'd actually light the entire house on fire with all of us in it, would we?
Well, apparently we don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn.
Burn, motherfucker, burn.
I'm not egotistical enough to believe that even if I had gotten off of my ass and done something with donalddrumpfsucks.com back last summer, it might have changed things. I am only an egg, to quote my favorite Martian (no, not the "antenna head" one). So what now?
Well, now I think I'll just post every single objectionable thing that Donald Hector Elizondo "Mountain Dew" Camacho Trump does, purely for people's amusement. Am I attempting to change the world? Only if you count making people laugh. But research has established that if you take people with deeply held beliefs that are not based on empirical observation, and expose them to visible, tangible proof that their belief is incorrect, their beliefs actually get STRONGER, not weaker. This probably at least partially explains the last election. So all you GesTrumpo out there: I'm not trying to convince you that you are on the wrong side. If you were intelligent enough, you'd have realized that already. A few people (none of whom I forgive in the slightest, BTW) have already penned online apologies for supporting Herr TinyHands, because they thought he'd "Become Presidential" when he was elected. Has any bully become nicer when given more power? Morons.
So if you like the articles I reference here, and especially if you happen to like my prose, definitely feel free to spread word about the website (ref it as donalddrumpfsucks.com, please), or email me (I don't check that email very often, I have to admit). I think you will understand why I won't be enabling comments. I don't feel like being a full-time censor for alt-right mouthbreathers. (
(And to end this first, entirely too long post, if you don't get the "Drumpf" joke...) Back last Spring, John Oliver pointed out that the original family name, and indeed the one which Donald's granddad may have immigrated here with, was Drumpf. Being a non-English speaking immigrant, I'm sure he was viewed (by some) with suspicion and hatred as well, But because he was ALLOWED to stay, because he worked extremely hard, because some luck came his way, and, not unimportantly, because he was a WHITE immigrant, he arrived penniless and died with a small fortune, which Trump's father inherited. He converted it into a larger fortune which was shared (somewhat -- The PresiDon is quick to say that he only benefited by a few million dollars from his father's fortune) with our new Chief Executive. Who, through "The Art Of The Deal", which I interpret as "screwing the other guy just as hard as he'll possibly let you", parlayed it into a fortune of totally indeterminate size, which he does not pay any Federal Income Tax on whatsoever. (No, that wasn't libelous -- as Trump will not release his tax returns, I do not have knowledge that he has ever paid a cent of Federal Income Tax. If he releases them, and he has, I will immediately edit this to reflect a truer statement. But since I'm not intentionally and knowingly spreading a damaging untruth about someone, it isn't libel).
So what am I gonna do here? Post funny stuff about Trump. Stuff in his own words that makes him look like the non-Presidential, Archie-Bunker-style moron he is. I'll only repost stuff I can externally verify, from a real website or other offline source. No fake news, and I'll hold off on posting things that seem too good to be true until they turn out to be real. I hope that's not too boring for people. Sadly, being circumspect is all too often giving up power to those who will more readily jump the gun and be wrong more often. I try not to do that.
(One more thing -- that whole "me" thing I keep referencing. I'm the VoiceOver Of The People. I'm your conscience in a Guy Fawkes "Anon" mask but with a big red clown nose. I am aware that someone could probably fairly easily "doxx" me, and if this site (after I get struck by lightning twice while being eaten by a shark in a plane crash) gets famous, someone will. But just be at peace about it. I ain't making any money on the site. The opposite is in fact true. I have a Ph.D. and a real job. And, for now, that's it about me. Besides, hush -- we're just talkin' 'bout Drumpf!)
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