#cycling jersey sale
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Are you now a cycling or avid cyclist?
Then investing in bicycle jerseys is one of the significant options for easily enjoying the ride. Some people wonder what the big deal with choosing a cycling jersey for their ride as there are more numbers of perfectly fine shirts is. Normally, buying a cycling jersey for sale is one of the best ways to save more money. These also give you better sports motive attributes to the extent.
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Quality Bike Jersey:
Wearing a quality bike jersey can cost a bit more, but they would provide better results even without any hassle. Investing in bicycle jerseys is a suitable option for providing good results without any hassle. Normally, the Aerodynamic fabric especially has an ergonomic design suitable for you. These would be the suitable option for you to break the wind anywhere you ride. You can easily buy the top cycling jersey brands that are suitable for your requirements, even without any hassle.
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Better Wind Resistance:
 in the modern day, you can easily find a lot of bicycle jerseys available with the aerodynamic design compared to regular clothing. These are the perfect option for confronting the excessive wind. Regular clothing does not give you wind resistance, so choosing a cycling jersey is one of the best ways. These are also helpful for increasing the speed of your cycling experience.
Optimal Cycling Comfort:
Choosing the classically designed bicycle jerseys will be quite comfortable compared to regular shirts. There is a wider advantage to choosing this product for your cycling experience. Shoulders as well as sleeves on bicycle jersey would especially feature with the wider cut shoulder. The main aim of this design is to provide you better comfort range as your ride. These are perfectly designed with the cyclists in mind so they would provide you with a better range of comfort to the extent.
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1337wtfomgbbq · 3 months
The Lore behind Ullriis
I'm just gonna do this one for the fun of it😊
Bjarne joined Telekom in late 1995 and notably announced that he would win the TdF the following year.
1) Nobody on the team believed he would actually be able to pull that off. Not even Jan. But he did mention in his auto-biography how Bjarne really impressed him (the word he used was 'imponieren'... multiple times.)
2) Godefroot did not include Jan in his sales pitch to Bjarne, as Jan just came off a very mediocre first season as a pro.
3) Telekom was basically on verge of fucking quitting their cycling team as Jan revealed in his new documentary 'Jan Ullrich - der Gejagte', and Bjarne basically rebuild the whole team from the ground up.
During 1996 they rode the Midi Libre together, during which pretty much everyone had something to bitch about Bjarne, but not Jan.
Aldag goes on to paint a picture of Bjarne, using his teammates like sled dogs, verbally whipping them into a seemingly gratuitous 90-km pursuit on a stage in which a breakaway group had cut loose and Telekom had nothing to gain from hunting them down.
During the Tour de Suisse 1996 Jan was supposed to be just Bjarne's domestique. However Bjarne wasn't feeling too well and grew weaker with each day, developing a pretty foul mood. And even though Jan could have gone faster he instead stayed by Bjarne's side, trying to cheer him up.
Bjarne abandoned the race after stage 6, meanwhile Rudy Pevenage, who had noticed Jan's form, approached Bjarne asking: "Did you see how good Jan is? He could give you great support on the tour."
But Bjarne was way too angry to even get into that and replied, "Just do what you want," before leaving for home.
That would kick off an internal struggle between Rudy Pevenage and Walter Godefroot, about whether or not they should take Jan to the Tour de France, that was only finally put to rest after Jan came in second in the German National Championship (in which he pretty much gifted Christian Henn the first place).
So Jan was finally placed on the team for the Tour de France 1996 and by his own admission he was the only one not in one of the 'gangs'.
The team was divided into Erik's group and Bjarne's group, and Jan was basically just told to go as fast as he could.
From the very beginning Jan pretty much clung to Bjarne for comfort and guidance. Like during stage 7 which included two scary Alpine passes and a murderous ascend to the finish Jan was understandably scared, and Bjarne managed to calm him by telling him, "You are just gonna stay by my side as long as you can."
And that's what Jan did. In the end the media would say Bjarne had been, "brilliantly assisted by the second youngest rider in the race".
During that Tour you could also watch something that would define Jan and Bjarne's relationship for the years to come.
Jens Heppner: "If Riis millimetric nitpicking over gear ratios and saddle height could drive his team mechanics to distraction, Ullrich typically issues one instruction: 'I'll have the same as Bjarne.'"
Bjarne also confirmed: "At first he was quite curious, then I think he sort of learned, 'Ach, Bjarne knows everything, Bjarne's thinking of everything, so I don't have to'. It was easy for him but also not the best thing because as a leader and as a young guy you need to learn what you want in your life. It's part of growing as an athlete."
Jan was such a great help to Bjarne that by stage 8 he had gained his trust, to the point that Bjarne would discuss the strategy of the stage to come with Jan on the day before the stage, and then with the rest of the team on the day of the stage.
For example, when Jan met up with Gaby before stage 9 he already knew Bjarne was gonna try and get the yellow jersey that day.
Or when Bjarne used Jan to set the pace during stage 16 while easily riding next to the lead group and pondering when to execute the killing blow.
Bjarne even reveals in 'Der Gejagte': "How nice could that be? To have a strong guy like him next to me. And I remember sometimes, you know, just, 'Go, Jan. Just ride as hard as you can and I will finish it off.'"
Jan throughout the whole duration of the Tour in '96 never wavered in his loyalty to Bjarne.
Not when he was briefly maillot jaune virtuel during stage 10, not when he became second overall after his amazing ride during stage 17, not after winning the last ITT on stage 20.
It all raised the question of how much more road Jan would have needed to close the gap to Bjarne.
Between the two of them there doesn't really seem to have been any thought of Jan possibly contesting the GC. After the last ITT the two of them hugged as the pressure of the last weeks had finally been taken off their shoulders. And Jan seemed almost embarrassed to the press, telling them that he didn't want the yellow jersey and that he didn't even thought about it.
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After the Tour finished the team went out for something to eat where Bjarne went on to thank each member of the team individually, while also apologizing for pushing them so hard.
Jan he told: "Jan, you were my best helper. I thank you for that. What you gave me I will give back to you someday."
The Tour de France 1997 had them both working together again, and the team started out in the same team constellation: Bjarne as team captain and Jan as his domestique.
Even though Bjarne betrayed some anxiety at his pre-race press conference in Rouen, admitting he didn't know how Jan felt 'deep down' about the established order in the team.
Jan for his part continued to profess his loyalty, much to some teammates bemusement. After Jan's second place during the prologue time trial Jens Heppner whispered to Udo Bölts that Riis would have no chance if Jan was ever set free.
In fact, the whole team stood united behind Jan, which became clear as early on as stage 1.
During the first Pyrenean stage (9) Bjarne couldn't life with the pace set by Virenque, and Jan immediately fastened himself to Virenque's rear wheel in the hope that Bjarne would recover; which he couldn't and didn't.
Pretty much everyone knew at this point the man with the best chance to get his grabby lil raccoon hands on the yellow jersey on Telekom was Jan.
I mean, look at those gifs, and tell me Bjarne, despite being thankful for what Jan did during this stage, didn't know perfectly well that it was Jan's time now.
(Jan also revealed in the Kroos podcast how Bjarne noticed on the first mountain stages: "Jan is loyal, he is waiting for me but he could also go faster too.")
That night Walter Godefroot assured the press the Telekom hierarchy and strategy hadn't changed, meanwhile telling the riders something different. Jan would no longer have to sacrifice himself for Bjarne.
And we all know what happened on stage 10, on the road to Andorra.
After Godefroot told Jan to go, after Bjarne finally told Jan, "Listen, today, if you can, give everything that you've got," Jan went ahead and stormed Andorra.
Jan also revealed in the Kroos podcast how Bjarne had found him after the stage and hugged him with the biggest smile, happy that had Jan managed to pull this off.
He also acknowledged that his and Bjarne's relationship wasn't quite normal. That there are way more team captains that will call back a domestique that's doing better, not wanting to give up the leader position.
But Bjarne was so thankful for what Jan did for him in 1996, and how loyal Jan stayed to him up until Bjarne gave him the go-ahead in Andorra that he allowed for this changing of the guard.
Actually Bjarne is quoted saying how fair Jan was toward him and that he in turn needs to be fair to him.
During stage 14 for example, where Jan misjudged a corner during the descend, Bjarne jumped in to help Jan get back to the leaders, riding for him the way Jan had done for him just a year ago.
Bjarne overall endured a miserable Tour (as he was suffering the flu) but still made good of his promise to repay the favours of the previous year. In fact, he was one of the first to embrace Jan when he crossed the finish line in Paris.
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During the 1998 Tour de France you would see just how much Jan relied on Bjarne as his teammate.
Pantani was able to best Jan during stage 15 because of many reasons, one of them because of what Bjarne had told Jan on the morning of the stage: "The Galibier was too far from the finish, so we shouldn't try to cover any attacks there: he or Udo Bölts would do it if necessary," Pevenage explains. "So we get halfway up the Galibier, Pantani attacks, and Jan doesn't follow. Why? because Bjarne said in the morning he shouldn't panic."
However when Marco started his attack Bölts and Riis had already been dropped.
The two of them would spend the remainder of the stage flanking Jan as the trio made their way up the mountain.
(start at timestamp 1:20:00 and watch Jan come up to the finish with Udo and Bjarne)
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Look at how Bjarne has his arm around Jan's shoulder after they finally made it over the finish line, and contrast that to how Bjarne basically was such a dick to the rest of the team NOBODY on Telekom has something good to say about him BUT Jan.
You can also see how Jan relied on Bjarne's guidance during both strikes of the peloton.
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Now let's talk about the probably most damning piece of Ullriis evidence.
The fact that Jan watched Lance's 'comeback of a century' during the TdF 1999 from afar, as he spend holidays with Tobias Steinhauser and stayed a few days with Bjarne in Tuscany.
At that time Jan was seriously considering retiring from bike racing as the whole pressure of his fame was getting to him, according to Christian Henn making him unable to clear his head, and after an injury during the Deutschland Tour left him with an injured meniscus and unable to ride the Tour.
Riis said during their time spend together that Jan was crazy for considering retirement, and despite Jan having inched toward that conclusion as well it was only after his time spend in Tuscany that he informed Walter Godefroot that he intended to ride on, during a meeting in Brussels in August.
Bjarne finished his active career after 1999 and went on to become a manager for some cycling teams like the danish cycling team home-Jack&Jones.
Meanwhile Jan would stay with Telekom until he got kicked from the team in 2002 after a positive doping test.
Afterwards he would end up in talks with Bjarne about possibly joining his Coast team. For a time Pantani was even in talks to join too.
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However their negotiations ultimately didn't come to fruition.
Riis: "I said, 'Jan, I'm going to take you if you want, but it's going to be on my terms.' Because I knew that's what he needed - to change his environment. That was my demand, but in the end he couldn't agree to it. The weight was only part of the problem. If you put the whole focus on that, you make it a bigger problem than it is. I was going to change the whole foundation of what he was doing, how he was thinking. But he wasn't able to do that. He knew I could help him, he knew he maybe needed me, but to do it a hundred per cent? He didn't want to take that step."
They would also meet in 2003 when the Tour de France celebrated its 100 anniversary.
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In Jan's new Amazon Prime documentary 'Jan Ullrich - Der Gejagte' Bjarne was also interviewed.
For one, that says something because he wasn't included in the ARD organized documentary 'Being Jan Ullrich', which might be because of misgivings about Bjarne's doping past, but then again Udo Bölts and Rolf Aldag were also interviewed.
Jan himself revealed how some of the guys interviewed for his project he asked before ARD asked about theirs.
Either ARD didn't want to talk to Bjarne, or they couldn't because Bjarne had already agreed to be on Jan's docu.
Whatever the case Bjarne said: "We know what I did, we know what Jan did in the 90s. So, if you take that time, you know, did we do whatever it takes to win? I don't think so but we went far. And we, I believe... I can speak for myself but I also think Jan can say the same thing. We did what was necessary at that time. Does that mean we do whatever we wanna do to win? And put everything else on the side? No. Our health, our family? No, we didn't think like that. But we knew we were in a period of time that... you did certain things and that (doping) was a part of it."
Bjarne also acknowledges: "I never saw Jan as a leader. As a leader who stands up for his team and, you know, takes control, takes leadership. Jan wasn't that."
Bjarne always knew about this predisposition of Jan's. He knew Jan needed help because they were so very different; and he decided to help Jan, be there for him, maybe take the pressure off a little.
Like Jan said in the Kroos podcast, his and Bjarne's relationship was something special.
It's not as normal for the team leader to let his domestique go because he notices he's doing better. But Bjarne was so amazed with how Jan rode for him in '96, how loyal he was until Arcalis 1997, until he gave him the literal 'go-ahead' that he decided to be Jan's defacto co-captain.
You have news outlets referring to Jan and Bjarne as a duality like General and Lieutenant, King and Crown Prince.
You have Bjarne tell Daniel Friebe in 2020 that he would like to retain one thing: that he and Jan Ullrich could not have realized their dreams without each other.
It's clear as day that Bjarne played a very special role in Jan's career as a cyclist during the 90s.
Jan may not have stayed in as close contact to Bjarne, as he maybe did to Lance but Jan revealed how he and Bjarne are still very good friends to this day and how they are still in contact.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
With some Democrats deciding to re-commit funds from FTX donations towards charity or other party campaigns after the crypto exchange’s bankruptcy, Rep. Maxine Water, D-Calif., told FOX Business she doesn’t "want to get into that" topic.
Waters avoided reporter Hillary Vaughn’s question when asked if Democrats who received campaign cash from FTX should give it back, saying, "Well, I don't want to get into that. As a matter of fact, both sides, Democrats and Republicans, have received donations. So thank you."
The Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, however, did claim that lawmakers will be putting together a hearing to "explore exactly what has taken place" with FTX.
Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, was a major contributor to Democratic candidates during the midterm election cycle, funneling most of his donations through a little-known political action committee (PAC).
Overall, in 2021 and 2022, Bankman-Fried donated nearly $38 million to various candidates and PACs, mainly giving his cash to Democratic candidates and left-wing groups, according to Federal Election Commission filings (FEC). The majority of his political givings, though, went to the Protect Our Future PAC, a group founded in January that is dedicated to boosting candidates committed to preventing future pandemics.
Bankman-Fried wired an initial $9 million in February to the PAC shortly after it was created, FEC records showed. He then made three additional donations worth $18 million between March and June, increasing his total contribution to Protect Our Future PAC to $27 million.
The Daily Beast reached out to more than 25 lawmakers that received money and reported that some said they'll give the money to charity. Other congressmen said they spent it to boost other Democratic candidates, and some didn’t reply at all.
Names of Democratic candidates that have received political contributions from FTX include Rep. Jesus Garcia, D-Ill., and Reps.-elect Morgan McGarvey of Kentucky, Maxwell Frost of Florida, Sydney Kamlager of California, Jonathan Jackson of Illinois, Nikki Budzinski of Illinois, Jared Moskowitz of Florida and Rob Menendez Jr. of New Jersey.
On Wednesday, Bankman-Fried was hit with a class-action lawsuit filed by investors alleging he and other high-profile celebrities – such as legendary NFL quarterback Tom Brady and NBA star Stephen Curry – violated Florida law and made consumers suffer more than $11 billion in damages.
The lawsuit, which names "Sam Bankman-Fried, Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen, Stephen Curry, Golden State Warriors, Shaquille O’Neal, Udonis Haslem, David Ortiz, William Trevor Lawrence, Shohei Ohtani, Naomi Osaka, Lawrence Gene David, and Kevin O’Leary," seeks to make them "responsible for the many billions of dollars in damages they caused Plaintiff and the Classes and to force Defendants to make them whole."
The suit describes the well-known celebrities as "all parties who either controlled, promoted, assisted in, and actively participated in FTX Trading and FTX US (collectively, the ‘FTX Entities’), offer and sale of unregistered securities in the form of yield-bearing accounts (YBAs) to residents of the United States."
The lawsuit was filed in Florida because the defendants, it says, "conduct business in Florida, and/or have otherwise intentionally availed themselves of the Florida consumer market through the promotion, marketing, and sale of FTX’s YBAs in Florida, which constitutes committing a tortious act within the state of Florida."
Last week, Bankman-Fried admitted his fault in a tweet: "I'm sorry. That's the biggest thing," the founder wrote. "I f---ed up, and should have done better."
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nickgerlich · 7 months
Shoot And Leave
In the rush to return to some semblance of normalcy in the post-COVID era, we have resumed traveling. And I mean traveling with reckless abandon. Forget about high gas prices and air fares, we’re just doing it anyway.
The big trend this summer was a European vacation—not the movie, but your own vacation. Personally, I drove 14,000 miles on three long trips, and went to Costa Rica. Pent-up demand was certainly driving all of us.
But a new problem has emerged in this digital era: overtourism. Essentially, the problem is this: People are flocking to tourist hotspots, taking and posting selfies, leaving without spending any money (or very little), and then, thanks to social media, inspiring others to visit also. It’s a cycle that some cities are now trying to combat by imposing tourism taxes.
And it is not much unlike the congestion tax we see in places like London, whereby drivers pay £15 per day to drive into the congestion zone. Some cities are charging $5-$10 per day for the privilege of day tripping. I doubt they will deter people though, especially once you factor in the cost of getting there in the first place. What’s another $10?
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Overtourism is also happening locally. The Cadillac Ranch opened in 1974 as an art installation that the Ant Farm creative team developed and then sold in concept to Stanley Marsh 3. A few years ago, I interviewed the two surviving members for a feature that appeared in ROUTE Magazine. They never intended for the cars to be spray painted; that just happened organically. Located along I-40 a couple of miles west of Amarillo, it is reported to have more than two million visitors each year. It was even moved in 1997 from its original location a few feet west of the new Sam’s Club, to allow room for the city to grow.
So popular is the place that TxDOT had to install concrete jersey barriers to separate the Frontage Road from the freeway (to keep people from just driving through the grassy median to get there). I always scratched my head over why Marsh (who died in 2014) never monetized the place. That all changed two years ago when his family trust (to whom he had bequeathed the ranch in 2013) put a merch trailer onsite. The trailer sells t-shirts, caps, and the usual trinkets, as well as spray paint.
Duh. That was an easy one, because, as rumor has it, until then, the Home Depot at Soncy and I-40 was reputed to have the highest spray paint sales of any store in the chain.
Alas, people have taken to painting anything and everything, including the dirt, the road, the fence, and even the jersey barriers. On weekends, there is a traffic snarl along that stretch, with dozens and dozens of cars parked helter skelter. Tourists do their thing, take selfies, and post them.Then the cycle continues.
Good on the Marsh family trust to finally figure out how to separate people from a little bit of their money, but not all places are as lucky. When selfies in unique places become a prize unto themselves, a trophy for having been so cool as to seek out those places, there is always the risk that visitors will shoot and leave.
Wouldn’t it be nice if even just 10% of those Cadillac Ranch visitors stopped long enough for fuel or a meal? Better yet, how about lodging? I bet most people just keep going, though.
I am particularly guilty of this. Heck, my Facebook profile pic is of me standing by—wait for it—that familiar row of painted Cadillacs. And I have done this in many other places. It was no different from when we went to Carhenge in western Nebraska a few years ago. Snap snap snap…and off we went.
My passion is photographing roadside America, specializing in vintage neon signage, but also including the 1960s-era fiberglass Muffler Men and other oddities. Often I will shoot a selfie after I have finished doing my usual photo documentation. I seldom stay long enough anywhere to spend money, though. Some of the most common questions I am asked are “Did you eat there?” and “Did you spend the night there?”
If I did that, I would never be able to photograph as many things as I do.
As for cities and states that are tourism magnets, it is often a love-hate relationship. You hope people linger long enough to spend lots of money, but at the same time, you begin to loathe the traffic problems tourism can create. Just try to drive through Orlando Florida any time of the year. Or, to pick on a city closer to home, Albuquerque during Balloon Fiesta.
Then there is the case of China, the second biggest economy in the world. When I took my Chinese-born daughters there in 2019, we shot and posted tons of photos. While the notorious “Chinese Firewall” keeps residents from accessing western media, all it took was a VPN pointed at Hong Kong for us to dodge that bullet. And I suspect that the Chinese are good with this, because we basically became their pro bono advertising agency.
Ah, but China just lives with congestion. Bring it, baby, and bring lots of US dollars.
If anything, we can thank smartphones, social media, and always-on internet for putting a lot of this into hyper-drive. I don’t see things getting any better, short of another pandemic (please, no). Just don’t hog the space. Take your selfie and get out of the way. We’ve all got influencing to do.
Dr “Among The Worst Offenders” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) is making another run for the presidency, announcing that he is seeking the 2024 Republican nomination.
Christie—a former U.S. attorney who also served as chairman of an opioid commission under the Trump administration—has long criticized marijuana reform efforts. During his 2016 presidential bid, for example, he made headlines for pledging to enforce federal prohibition in states that have enacted legalization and making disparaging remarks about cannabis consumers.
While he did allow medical marijuana legalization to take effect in New Jersey as Governor, he faced criticism for slow-walking the implementation of the law enacted by his predecessor. And although he said in 2018 that he’s come to view cannabis policy as a states’ rights issue, his overall position on legalization doesn’t appear to have meaningfully changed—even with the vast majority of states now having enacted reform in some manner, including the end of prohibition in his home state under his successor’s administration.
Christie has expressed his belief that cannabis is a gateway drug, that tax revenue from regulated sales amounts to “blood money” and that marijuana use inhibits productivity and endangers children.
It remains to be seen if he will maintain a states’ right attitude toward cannabis this election cycle, or double down on his earlier commitment to upending state legal markets. But in general, Christie’s record could alienate advocates on both sides of the aisle as public opinion continues to grow in favor of reform on an increasingly bipartisan basis. It should be noted, however, that the presidential hopeful has criticized the broader war on drugs on a number of occasions.
Christie’s competitors for the GOP nomination include former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R).
Here’s where Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie stands on marijuana:
New Jersey Governor (January 2010-January 2018)
Christie took office as Governor of New Jersey just one day after his Democratic predecessor signed a medical cannabis legalization bill into law. Despite his personal views on the issue, he did ultimately allow the law to be implemented—though the protracted rollout elicited criticism from patient groups.
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He announced in December 2010 that his administration had reached an agreement with the sponsor of the medical cannabis legislation on the best path forward for regulating the program.
The agreement was “an example of how reasonable minds can come together and craft solutions that are in the best interests of our state,’’ he said. “Working together, we have come to an agreement that will prevent further delay to patients who need relief from the symptoms of debilitating illnesses. At the same time, we are protecting the interests of all residents of the state of New Jersey by preventing some of the abuses that we have seen in other states.”
Christie held a press conference in July 2011 where he said that his administration was “left with very little instruction about how to implement this [medical cannabis] law and how to do it in a very complex legal environment with conflicting and intersecting federal and state legal requirements and opportunities.”
“I made clear during the campaign that this is not a law that I would have signed if I were Governor at the time,” he said. “But I also, on January 19th, took an oath to enforce and uphold the laws of the state of New Jersey as Governor.”
Christie had his state attorney general write a letter to then-U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to “try to seek some clarification for a state like ours that already had passed a medical marijuana law and had already promulgated regulations and awarded dispensaries to deal with the implementation of the program,” he said.
“Despite all the hyperbole over time from others, I have been struggling, as has my administration, to find a way to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish, which is to provide compassionate treatment to people who are suffering in a way that will not expose them, the operators of our dispensaries or the employees of the state of New Jersey to criminal liability,” he said. “That is a lot easier said than done.”
In 2015, the Governor signed legislation that allowed students to receive medical cannabis treatment at schools.
Christie also championed expanding drug treatment resources in the state, stating that his administration would make such treatment options “available to as many of our non-violent offenders as we can, and we will partner with our citizens to create a society that understands that every life has value and no life is disposable.”
In 2017, Christie was at the center of a U.S. Supreme Court case that looked at whether the Constitution’s anti-commandeering doctrine prevents the federal government from forcing states to keep prohibitions of certain federally- proscribed activities on their own lawbooks. While the Governor was primarily defending the state’s sports gambling laws, some legal experts said the court’s ruling that struck down the federal law prohibiting such betting could have implications for cannabis policy.
He also drew a contrast in the federal government’s approach to state-level legalization of cannabis and gambling in describing why he filed the case.
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White House Opioid and Drug Abuse Commission (March 2017-September 2017)
During his time in the Trump administration, Christie oversaw an opioid-focused commission—and at one point in 2017, he sent a letter to the President arguing that the spread of medical cannabis legalization is a concern on par with the opioid addiction crisis.
“There is a lack of sophisticated outcome data on dose, potency and abuse potential for marijuana,” he wrote. “This mirrors the lack of data in the 1990’s and early 2000’s when opioid prescribing multiplied across health care settings and led to the current epidemic of abuse, misuse and addiction.”
“The Commission urges that the same mistake is not made with the uninformed rush to put another drug legally on the market in the midst of an overdose epidemic,” he added.
“Apply the lessons learned to current movements to medicalize and legalize other Schedule 1 drugs,” the report recommended, alluding to marijuana. “The catalyst of the opioid crisis was a denial of its addictive potential.”
Christie’s commission released a report that largely ignored public comments supporting federal cannabis reform and instead focused on promoting the expansion of drug courts and anti-drug advertising campaigns.
It does not appear that Christie has discussed marijuana policy issues since entering the race for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination.
Some of the most memorable comments that Christie has made with respect to cannabis occurred during his 2016 presidential run.
He quickly distinguished himself among his GOP competitors as especially hostile to reform by asserting that he would seek to overturn state-level legalization if elected.
In an interview on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show in April 2015, for example, he said he would “crack down and not permit it.”
“Marijuana is a gateway drug,” he said. “We have an enormous addiction problem in this country. And we need to send very clear leadership from the White House on down through the federal law enforcement. Marijuana is an illegal drug under federal law. And the states should not be permitted to sell it and profit from it.”
Asked in 2014 how he’d treat states that have implemented marijuana legalization, he responded simply: “Probably not well. Not well, but we’ll see. We’ll have to see what happens.”
Christie didn’t even seem especially concerned about potentially offending voters in the then-critical swing state of Colorado two years after a historic cannabis legalization ballot initiative was approved, saying in a 2014 interview that “for people who are enamored with the idea of the income, the tax revenue from this, go to Colorado and see if you want to live there.”
“See if you want to live in a major city in Colorado where there’s head shops popping up on every corner and people flying into your airport just to come and get high,” he said. “To me, it’s just not the quality of life we want to have here in the state of New Jersey and there’s no tax revenue that’s worth that.”
He also made an unambiguous threat during a town hall event in New Hampshire: “If you’re getting high in Colorado today, enjoy it until January 2017, because I will enforce the federal laws against marijuana as President of the United States.”
Christie also sharply criticized then-President Barack Obama over the federal government’s generally permissive attitude toward state legalization efforts, at one point suggesting that the discretionary enforcement could be related to “guilt” that he said Obama might have felt over criminalization, “since he got high when he was a kid.”
If Obama wanted to end federal marijuana prohibition, he should “go to Congress, stand in the well of the House in your State of the Union address and say, ‘I believe it’s time to legalize marijuana,'” Christie advised. “This child of the ’60s who is in the White House is unable to absent himself from his own past use, and is unable to say no.”
Interestingly, Christie did seem to somewhat pivot on the issue, saying in 2018 that he believes “states have the right to do what they want to do on” marijuana policy, even if he disagrees with it.
“You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, and that’s a big, important argument about marijuana because once you legalize this, that toothpaste never goes back in the tube,” he said.
In September 2015, Christie took part in a presidential debate hosted by CNN and argued that cannabis use isn’t a victimless crime.
“Look at the decrease in productivity—look at the way people get used and move on to other drugs when they use marijuana as a gateway drug,” he said. “It is not them that are the only victims. Their families are the victims, too. Their children are the victims, too. And their employers are the victims also.”
“That’s why I’ll enforce the federal law, while you can still put an emphasis on rehabilitation, which we’ve done in New Jersey,” he said.
In January 2016 he said that efforts to enact state-level legalization “sends an awful message to our children, and an awful message of a lack of productivity in our economy when people can go to work in Colorado high.” He added that “kids are getting high in the Colorado schools as we speak,” saying that if he was consuming cannabis while taking math and physics classes as a student, “there’d be no chance I’d be able to do it.”
At a ribbon cutting ceremony for a drug rehabilitation center in 2015, Christie remarked that he considered tax revenue collected from regulated marijuana sales to be “blood money,” saying that he’s “not going to put the lives of children and citizens at risk to put a little more money into the state coffers, at least not on my watch.”
He also suggested that his stance on cannabis will not be influenced by public opinion, regardless of the popularity of legalization.
“I don’t care quite frankly that people think it’s inevitable,” Christie said in 2014.
“It’s not inevitable here. I’m not going to permit it. Never, as long as I’m Governor,” he said, six years before voters approved an adult-use legalization referendum. “You want to elect somebody else who’s willing to legalize marijuana and expose our children to that gateway drug and the effects it has on their brain? You’ll have to live with yourself if you do that. But it’s not going to be this Governor who does it.”
He also questioned the idea that there was significant demand for medical cannabis under the state’s program and described the reform as “a front for legalization.”
In 2016, he dismissed criticism about restrictions in the state’s medical marijuana law after being asked about a family that moved to Colorado because of that state’s more flexible policies.
“The fact is we signed into law the ability for children to get medical marijuana under very strict guidelines. This is a medical program, not a recreational program,” he said, adding, “I am an anti-marijuana guy.”
That said, Christie has recognized the therapeutic benefits of cannabis for some people and said that laws around medical marijuana should “be made state-by-state.”
“I don’t want it used recreationally, but for medical purposes, it’s helpful for certain adult illness and certain pediatric illness,” he said. “So where it’s helpful and when a doctor prescribes it, I have no problem with it.”
Despite believing that marijuana can be an effective therapeutic tool for some people, he said in 2015 that he wouldn’t move to reschedule cannabis under federal law, asserting that he “cannot administratively fix that and I will not administratively fix it.”
“I am for limited medical use, not mandated by the federal government, but permissive by the federal government,” he said. “And each state has a different point of view because each state is permitted to have a different point of view on this issue.”
Although Christie has strongly opposed cannabis legalization, he has also sharply criticized the war on drugs as a failed policy.
“We will end the failed war on drugs that believes that incarceration is the cure of every ill caused by drug abuse,” he said during his second inaugural address as Governor in 2014. “We will make drug treatment available to as many of our non-violent offenders as we can and we will partner with our citizens to create a society that understands that every life has value and no life is disposable.”
The Governor said during his 2016 State of the State address that, “Instead of prosecuting a failed war on drugs—a war on our own citizens—we’ve classified drug addiction as the illness it truly is, and worked to treat and rehabilitate some of the most vulnerable members of our society.”
More recently, during an appearance on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” in 2022, Christie defended his opposition to marijuana legalization while he was serving as Governor, but acknowledged that his successor had the right to change course.
“I was not going to permit it to be a recreational legal drug in New Jersey. I didn’t permit it to be. And now we have a new guy [that] came after me and he permitted it,” he said, referring to Gov. Phil Murphy (D). “Am I like standing in the corner holding my breath saying, ‘I can’t believe you did that?’ No. He gets to make the judgments now. He made the call.”
He said in a 2021 interview that he’s “not somebody who’s in favor” of federal marijuana reform, explaining that data on overdose deaths from other drugs partly informs his position.
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“In my experience, truly, marijuana for so many people has become, and that always has been, a gateway drug,” he said. “I think we have serious drug addiction problems in this country. And I think until we begin to get those under control, it’s not the right time to be adding another drug to the list of legal drugs in this country.”
Pressed on how to resolve the tension between conflicting state and federal marijuana policy, he noted that the country was “nowhere near a majority of states to truly legalize it,” and “we’re still a Republic that depends upon states” and limited federal government.
Asked in 2012 whether he’d ever used marijuana, Christie said that “the answer is no.”
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In some respects, it does seem that Christie has evolved since declaring his intent to crack down on local marijuana markets during his 2016 bid by more recently signaling a greater willingness to respect states’ rights to enact their own policies.
That said, the candidate has given little reason to believe that he’d seek to proactively reform federal marijuana laws in a way that aligns with the will of the majority of voters who back legalization.
While his record is marked by criticism of people who consume cannabis—as well as state-level recreational legalization—his more recent comments leave an open question as to how he would navigate the issue under the current policy landscape.
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fst-critique · 2 years
Tibi Spring 2023 Ready to Wear
Since last year, those even mildly interested in the fashion scene have had their inboxes and social media feeds flooded with the news that “Y2K” is “back” in fashion. Maybe it started with Nicola Brognano’s praised revival of Bluemarine, or it could have been influenced by Miu Miu’s now iconic mini skirt that was as present at fashion weeks as is Anna Wintour. Either way, there is certainly a widely held belief that 2000s-core, if you will, is back in fashion. Though not widely considered as an important part of the Y2K trend cycle, there is one woman and brand whose attachment to the decade is perhaps just as if not more important than any DIY crop top and bedazzled jeans. Amy Smilovic and her New York-based line Tibi began on the cusp of the new millennium and their comeback to fashion in recent years is just as strong- if not stronger- than Y2K's sudden resurgence. For Spring 2023, Smilovic relied on looseness to relay her seasonal message. A co-ed collection that marks the brand’s 25th-year anniversary, Tibi’s fluid relaxed outing was a reminder that dressing with comfort in mind need not replace class and creativity.
For Amy, playing it safe never quite felt comfortable. After a rather tumultuous start- the former ex-pat founded her label attempting to sell dresses to locals in China back in the late-1990s- the independent brand found its groove in the United States where their crafty floral dresses sold like proverbial hotcakes. However, in 2010, Tibi began a change of aesthetic that has continued to drastically influence the current state and look of what may be called the “New Tibi”. What was dainty and safe was cast aside for more of a modern look that included risk-taking and challenging what defines contemporary dress. After the decision was made to abandon the tired past, business boomed. By 2015- just five years after the turnaround efforts began- Amy and her team reported a 103% increase in sales. The strong momentum continued up until the COVID-19 pandemic. 2019 saw record sales of $59 million, though when COVID arrived in March of 2020, business began to struggle. Layoffs were imminent, wholesale account revenues dropped by 50%, and uncertainty flooded the once seemingly resilient label that survived the 2000s “.com” crash, the 9/11 tragedy, and the crippling 2008 financial crisis. Through nimbleness and courage, Tibi bounced back. Today, while not much is known about the financial state of the company, Amy Smilovic appears happy than ever. In speaking with Vogue on the inspiration for this seasons showing, the founder appears in a jubilant and inclusive mood stating, “We wanted to acknowledge that style and beauty make us feel really great. When you’re just trying to enjoy life, surrounding yourself with that is a good thing,” she continued “Life is life. It’s all there is, and you can make it great and enjoy it or not.” 25 years in business is certainly an accomplishment, though, perhaps what is more noteworthy is the resilience of the founder whose drive and leadership helped to navigate it against uncertainty and the unknown.
To start the Spring collection, a pair of baggy white-wash jeans and a transparent tank combination set the mood for the relaxed ensemble. Always effortless and cool, the Tibi woman’s greatest trait is her confidence. Lose fit was the choice word for the season. Jeans never sat too high or too tight, and jackets always incorporated a generous shoulder and sleeve. XL blouses and hoodies too echoed the call for comfort amidst “Back to the Office” policies and accompanying strict wardrobes many corporate employees are now being faced with once again. Long-sleeve jersey dresses, graphic crew-neck tee, and cropped sweaters were all stylish reminders that Amy Smilovic always designs with a real-world woman in mind. New experimental style’s saw a deconstructed trouser transformed into a draped overall, a four-buttoned polo with shoulder pads strong enough to support the elephant’s that crossed the Brooklyn Bridge, and a trouser/skirt hybrid that allows wearers to play with its duality via a neatly hidden pallete of buttons that runs along the inseam. Even with the clear Margiela references, Tibi’s consistent newness is one of the brand’s clear identifiers and assists in providing shoppers with a fresh look each passing season. Admittedly, the menswear portion of the show felt weak in contrast to the strength of its womenswear. While a common thread was apparent with the use of his and her jeans, matching graphic tees, and similar cuts of the blazers, where the Tibi woman maintains a unique finesse, her male counterpart appears to fade into her shadow. Pooling jeans, a graphic tee here and there, and slouchy suits made up the majority of what was offered on the menswear front. Look 39 was promising. A final tailored suit in a crisp burnt orange evidenced that Mrs. Smilovic’s talent for tailoring can extend to menswear if she so chooses to further explore it.
Happy 25th Tibi and congratulations on a major milestone Amy Smilovic. To mark such an event, the leading designer took to show her audience not a flashback of past collections or best-selling styles, but instead, to maintain her updated modern identity. Loose and agile- much like the Tibi label itself- were the season's descriptors. If these past 25 years were anything to judge by, it is safe to assume that the label’s future is in good hands. Here is to 25 more years of excitement, innovation, and craftsmanship.
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moushinahmed · 11 days
Eliel Cycling and AddOnCoupons
Cycling isn't just a hobby; it's a lifestyle. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, having the right gear can make all the difference. That's where Eliel Cycling and AddOnCoupons come in. Eliel Cycling is renowned for its high-quality cycling apparel, while AddOnCoupons offers exclusive deals and discounts, ensuring you get the best gear at the best prices.
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The Importance of Quality Cycling Gear
When it comes to cycling, quality gear is essential for both performance and comfort. From moisture-wicking jerseys to padded shorts, the right apparel can enhance your ride and keep you comfortable mile after mile. With Eliel Cycling, you can trust that you're getting top-notch gear designed by cyclists, for cyclists.
Eliel Cycling: Crafting Superior Cycling Apparel
Craftsmanship and Quality Materials
Eliel Cycling takes pride in its craftsmanship, using only the finest materials to create durable, performance-driven apparel. From Italian fabrics to precision stitching, every detail is carefully considered to ensure maximum comfort and longevity.
Innovative Designs for Performance
But Eliel Cycling isn't just about quality materials; it's also about innovative design. Their team of designers are constantly pushing the boundaries, creating apparel that not only looks great but also performs under pressure. Whether you're tackling a steep climb or cruising along the coast, Eliel Cycling has you covered.
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AddOnCoupons is your ticket to exclusive deals and discounts on Eliel Cycling gear. With AddOnCoupons, you can save big on everything from jerseys to bib shorts, allowing you to stock up on the gear you need without breaking the bank.
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Sustainable Materials and Practices
In addition to quality and performance, Eliel Cycling is also committed to sustainability. They strive to minimize their environmental impact by using recycled materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes wherever possible.
Ethical Manufacturing Processes
Furthermore, Eliel Cycling ensures that their manufacturing processes adhere to the highest ethical standards. From fair wages to safe working conditions, they prioritize the well-being of their workers every step of the way.
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The Eliel Cycling Community: More Than Just Gear
Engaging Events and Rides
But Eliel Cycling is more than just a brand; it's a community. From group rides to charity events, they're dedicated to bringing cyclists together and fostering a sense of camaraderie both on and off the road.
Online Community Support
And thanks to their active online community, you're never far from support and encouragement. Whether you have a question about gear or just need some motivation, you can count on the Eliel Cycling community to have your back.
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Conclusion: Elevate Your Cycling Experience with Eliel Cycling and AddOnCoupons
In conclusion, if you're serious about cycling, you need gear you can rely on. With Eliel Cycling and AddOnCoupons, you can elevate your riding experience without breaking the bank. From high-performance apparel to exclusive deals and discounts, they've got everything you need to hit the road in style.
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marsoufrench · 12 days
Girls Summer Dresses: Elevate Your Wardrobe with Style and Comfort
As the weather warms and the sun shines brightly, it's time to update your little girl's wardrobe with the latest summer fashions. From playful prints to breezy fabrics, girls' summer dresses offer the perfect combination of style and comfort for those warm days ahead.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about girls' summer dresses, from styling tips to must-have designs.
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Discovering the Perfect Girls Summer Dresses
Exploring Trendy Designs
Finding the perfect summer dress for your little one can be an exciting adventure. From vibrant florals to classic stripes, there's a wide array of trendy designs to choose from. Opt for lightweight fabrics like cotton or linen to keep your child cool and comfortable throughout the day.
Styling Tips for Girls Summer Dresses
Styling girls summer dresses is all about embracing fun and versatility. Pair a floral sundress with sandals for a casual daytime look, or dress it up with ballet flats and a cardigan for a special occasion. Accessorize with sunglasses, hats, or statement jewelry to add a personal touch to any outfit.
The Importance of Comfort
Choosing Breathable Fabrics
Summer clothing should be comfortable. Look for dresses made from breathable fabrics like cotton or jersey knit, which allow air to circulate and prevent overheating. Avoid synthetic fabrics, which can trap heat and create discomfort.
Prioritizing Movement and Flexibility
Active girls need dresses that can keep up with their busy lifestyles. Opt for styles with stretchy waistbands or adjustable straps for added flexibility. A-line silhouettes and empire waist designs offer freedom of movement while still maintaining a stylish look.
Elevate your little one's summer wardrobe with stylish and comfortable girls summer dresses. From playful prints to breathable fabrics, there's a dress for every occasion. Keep these styling tips and recommendations in mind to ensure your kid's fashion looks and feels their best all season long.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the best fabrics for girls summer dresses?
The best fabrics for girls summer dresses are lightweight and breathable, such as cotton, linen, and jersey knit. These fabrics help keep kids cool and comfortable in warm weather.
How should I care for girls summer dresses?
To care for girls summer dresses, always check the care label for specific instructions. In general, machine wash dresses in cold water on a gentle cycle and hang them to dry to preserve their quality and color.
Are there different styles of girls summer dresses available?
Yes, there are many different styles of girls summer dresses available, including sundresses, maxi dresses, shift dresses, and more. Each style offers its own unique silhouette and design details.
Can girls summer dresses be worn for special occasions?
Absolutely! Many girls summer dresses are versatile enough to be dressed up for special occasions like weddings, birthday parties, or family gatherings. Simply pair them with the right accessories and shoes to elevate the look.
How can I ensure the perfect fit when buying girls summer dresses?
To ensure the perfect fit when buying girls summer dresses, take accurate measurements of your child's chest, waist, and length before making a purchase. Additionally, check the size chart provided by the brand and read customer reviews for sizing recommendations.
Where can I find affordable girls summer dresses?
Affordable girls summer dresses can be found at a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. Look for sales, discounts, and clearance sections for the best deals on stylish summer dresses for girls.
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legendacyclingau · 1 month
Opening Consolation and Execution: The Substance of Cycling jersey sale
Cycling, past an unimportant don, encapsulates a way of life of versatility, assurance, and energy. As devotees set out on their ventures, the centrality of premium cycling equipment cannot be exaggerated. We rethink the brilliance in cycling attire, catering to the different needs of riders around the world. With a commitment to quality, consolation, and advancement, our collection epitomises the combination of fashion and usefulness.
Differing qualities in Plan: Men's and Women's Cycling Attire
Grasping the different needs of cyclists, Legend Cycling offers a comprehensive run of attire outlined for both men and ladies. From the fastidiously made Women's cycling bib shorts to the smooth Men's Cycling Shirts, each article of clothing reflects our commitment to accuracy and execution.
For ladies, our Women's cycling knicks consolation on the street. Built with progressed textures and ergonomic plans, these fundamentals guarantee ideal bolster and adaptability, enabling female cyclists to prevail in any landscape with certainty.
Essentially, our Men's cycling bib shorts and Men's cycling knicks epitomise the encapsulation of consolation and strength. Designed to resist the rigours of long rides, these pieces of clothing brag prevalent moisture-wicking properties and vital cushioning, conveying unparalleled execution for male cyclists.
The Substance of Australian Cycling Clothing
Drawing motivation from the rough scenes and energetic landscapes of Australia, our Australian cycling clothing typifies the soul of enterprise and investigation. Made with premium materials and cutting-edge innovation, each article of clothing reflects our immovable commitment to quality and advancement.
Hoisting Fashion: Cycling Shirts and Gilets
In addition to our famous Cycling bib shorts and knicks, Legend Cycling offers a broad choice of Ladies cycling jerseys and Men's cycling jerseys, custom-made to promote both fashion and execution. Built with breathable textures and inventive plans, our shirts offer ideal ventilation and flexibility of development, guaranteeing a comfortable ride in any climate condition.
As part of our progressing commitment to greatness, we are satisfied to declare our Cycling jersey sale, advertising exceptional rebates on a wide run of styles and sizes. Whether you are a prepared master or an amateur devotee, presently is the culminating time to update your cycling wardrobe and involve the incredible consolation and execution of Legend Cycling attire.
Moreover, our Cycling vest with pockets and Cycling gilet with pockets give the idealised adjust of fashion and usefulness. Outlined to resist the components whereas advertising adequate capacity for fundamentals, these flexible articles of clothing are fundamental companions for each cyclist, from lackadaisical rides to competitive races.
Conclusion: Rethinking the Cycling Encounter
In conclusion, Legend Cycling stands as a beacon of greatness within the world of cycling attire. With a different extent of items custom fitted to the one-of-a-kind needs of men and ladies, we are committed to lifting the cycling involvement for devotees worldwide. From our premium kiddie apron shorts and knicks to our smart shirts and gilets, each piece of clothing encapsulates the culminating union of consolation, execution, and fashion. Connect us in our journey to rethink the boundaries of cycling attire and open the genuine potential of your ride. Involve the legend nowadays
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ctraceywrites · 1 month
Currently Reading: The Cycle by John Wayne Comunale
Been meaning to get to this book for a minute. I think it was almost two years ago that I went to MonsterFest in New Jersey with my sister and one of her friends. In addition to meeting Matthew Lillard and getting a picture with him, we spent a good amount of time checking out all the cool stuff for sale. I got a few things for my new office job, like a Lost Boys mouse pad, a Edgar Allan Poe’s…
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whitj82 · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ❤️sale $99❤️ Kate Spade New York X Minnie Mouse Tee.
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aidanglobal · 4 months
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Full sublimated cycle clothing online – club Fit
  The Aidan’s Full sublimated cycle clothing online – club Fit provides a snug fit with lightweight, quick-wicking knitted fabric. The Aidan Jersey features fitted raglan sleeves with hem bands that hold the sleeves in place and standard premium features
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Silicone Gel Tape on the hem
Three back pockets
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kdubya80 · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: US Army Digital Camo Primal Cycling Jersey.
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johnfabate · 7 months
The Bayard Method Delivers Consistent Betting Results
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Based in New Jersey, John F. Abate leads lottery strategy companies such as Marketforcer and Wintracker (DBA Success Publishers, LLC). One of John F. Abate’s profit-multiplying systems is the Bayard Method, which distills the lessons of Jed Bayard, who holds records for major jackpots within one month and an up to 82 percent winning record in horse racing over 60 days. You can learn more about the Bayard Method here: http://bynd.hot-new-offers.com/
An underpinning of Bayard’s system is the realization that major jackpots occur more frequently once sales start dropping. When the big winner is announced, attention shifts to the lottery and the increased sales cycle begins again until a winner is announced. Understanding this dynamic allows the educated bettor to purchase lottery tickets only when the odds of winning are at the highest.
Another aspect of this is understanding that slot machines are rigged, with a few winning machines seeded among those that will lead to a losing session. By understanding the signs that you are at a winning slot machine and knowing how to play it, you significantly increase your odds of making cash.
Regarding horse racing, Bayard offers a system that moves beyond studying a horse’s past performance, which is not an accurate indicator of current odds. Instead, the bettor looks at the list of entries and selects the prospective winner based on readily available information. Cumulatively, these approaches enable a consistently winning approach across various betting modes.
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allnightlongzine · 8 months
My Chemical Romance's 'Kids From Yesterday': Death Of Danger
Fan-made video for 'The Kids From Yesterday' looks back at the band's rise to fame.
James Montgomery (@positivnegativ) | Jan 17 2012 | mtv.com
Really, My Chemical Romance's Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys deserved better. A big, bold re-invention of their sound and swagger, it was, by the band's own admission, a "missile" aimed at destroying the staid state of rock and roll, and perhaps because of that fact, it failed to catch on here in the states.
You could practically track its decline based on the videos MCR released off the album, starting with the big-budget "Na Na Na" and the equally flashy follow-up, "Sing," in which they offed the titular Killjoys (who seemingly will never be heard of again). Their next single, "Planetary (Go!)" came coupled with a live video, and, to the best of my knowledge, a clip for "Bulletproof Heart" never materialized at all.
My Chem actually seemed to address the matter in an interview with MTV News last year, in which frontman Gerard Way lamented that the band had "gone through so many things" over the course of the Danger Days cycle, and hinted that, if there were to be any more videos off the album, they'd have to be financed by MCR themselves.
So it's somewhat fitting that, on Monday, they unveiled the final clip from Danger Days: a fan-made video for "The Kids From Yesterday" that documents the band's decade-long climb from Neo-Goth New Jersey rockers to interplanetary conceptual quartet. Like the song itself, the clip is a bittersweet thing, recounting MCR's many triumphs (a pastiche of memorable live moments, it culminates with their headlining slots at Reading and Leeds this past summer), while leaving those who love to read between the lines to wonder if perhaps the band's latest era also represents the end ... not necessarily of My Chem themselves, but of a moment in rock that now seems to have all but disappeared. Truly, MCR were the last bastions of the heady heyday of mid-aughts MySpace punk, and now, well, who knows what's next?
Of course, much of the message behind Danger Days seems to be one of self-empowerment, of inspiring fans to take matters into their own hands and shaking up the status quo. That's yet another reason why "Kids" is such a fitting sendoff; it was made in collaboration with a fan named Emily Eisemann, who had culled through live footage and initially created a clip of her own. There's a reason why the video ends with the phrase "Art is the Weapon," after all: it's been the band's clarion call this entire time.
It's also something Way touched on during Danger Days' release, when he told MTV News that the album was not a conceptual piece, but rather "a complete allegory" for smashing the system and placing the power directly in the hands of their fans. And "Kids" is proof that MCR's message was heard loud and clear, perhaps not by a majority of the record-buying public, but definitely — and most appropriately — by their fans. Sometimes, sales aren't the only measure of a band's success, and Danger Days is a testament to that fact. "Kids" may bring one chapter of their career to a close, but wherever My Chemical Romance go next, you know they'll do so boldly; that's what makes great bands truly great after all: the willingness to push the boundaries, to purvey inspiration, to shake things up ... sometimes even at their own expense.
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writerblogs · 8 months
Global Cycling Wear Market is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Popularity of Cycling
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The global Cycling Wear Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 3,743.8 million in 2021 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.9% over the forecast period 2022-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. A) Market Overview: Cycling wear refers to specialized clothing and accessories designed for cyclists. These include jerseys, bib shorts, jackets, gloves, helmets, shoes, and socks, among others. Cycling wear offers numerous advantages such as moisture-wicking properties, durability, breathability, and aerodynamic designs, which enhance the performance and comfort of cyclists. With a growing focus on fitness and increasing participation in cycling as a recreational and professional sport, the demand for cycling wear has witnessed significant growth. The need for specialized clothing and accessories that provide comfort, protection, and performance benefits while cycling has fueled the market growth. B) Market Key Trends: One key trend in the global cycling wear market is the increasing popularity of cycling as a sustainable and eco-friendly mode of transportation. With rising environmental concerns and efforts to reduce carbon emissions, more people are adopting cycling as an alternative to cars or public transport. This trend has led to a surge in demand for cycling wear as individuals seek functional and comfortable clothing to enhance their cycling experience. For example, cities around the world have implemented bike-sharing programs and developed cycling infrastructure to promote cycling as a means of transportation. This has increased the number of cyclists on the road, driving the demand for cycling wear. Furthermore, advancements in fabric technologies have improved the performance and comfort of cycling wear, further attracting consumers. C) PEST Analysis: Political: Governments worldwide are promoting cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation, offering incentives such as tax breaks for cyclists and investing in cycling infrastructure. Economic: The increasing popularity of cycling has boosted the sales of cycling wear, driving the revenue growth of the market. Furthermore, the rise in disposable incomes and the growing fitness-conscious population have contributed to market expansion. Social: The growing health and wellness trend, coupled with the desire to reduce carbon emissions, has led to an increase in the number of cyclists globally. This social shift has created a favorable environment for the cycling wear market. D) Key Takeaways: 1. The global Cycling Wear Market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.9% over the forecast period, due to increasing popularity of cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation and sport. 2. In terms of regional analysis, Europe is anticipated to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the cycling wear market. The region's strong cycling culture, supportive government initiatives, and well-established cycling infrastructure contribute to its market dominance. 3. Key players operating in the global cycling wear market include Lumiere Cycling, Castelli Cycling, Giro Sport Design, Champion System, Conquest Cycle Wear Ltd., Assos Of Switzerland Sa, Cuore Of Switzerland Inc., Endura Limited, Tewsn Cycling Gear Limited, Isadore Apparel, Rapha Racing Limited, 2xu Pty Ltd., Maap, Attaquer Pty Ltd., Blacksheep, Pas Normal Studios, Santini Maglificio Sportivo S.R.L. P.I. - C.F., Capo, and Pedla. In conclusion, the global cycling wear market is witnessing significant growth due to the increasing popularity of cycling as a sustainable and eco-friendly mode of transportation. With advancements in fabric technologies and growing fitness-consciousness, the demand for specialized clothing and accessories for cyclists is expected to rise. Europe is projected to be the dominant region in the market, supported by its strong cycling culture and government initiatives. Key players in the market are focused on innovation and product development to cater to the diverse demands of cyclists worldwide.
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