#da theory
lark-of-mirkwood · 11 months
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Elven orbs are actually titan hearts 👁️👄👁️
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theadhddragon · 2 years
It's 5 in the morning right now and I should be sleeping but I got to thinking about Qunari and how they're most likely elves with dragon blood mixed in. How that most likely means that mad scientist Ghilan'nain was involved. How that means the kossith are most likely ANCIENT ELVES. No wonder Solas hates them so much, he can barely stand modern, mortal elves, and that was HIS fault! Imagine how he feels looking at an entire race of elves that have been so corrupted and changed, then on top of that, made slaves of the Qun? How the Qunari, who famously hate and fear magic, have had their history of the kossith wiped from their records and memories because they came from a once entirely magic race? How have I never connected these dots before?!?
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knife-eared-jan · 2 years
DA mini-theory: Giants, Dwarves and Titans
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So this is just a small pet-theory of mine, but I feel super convinced it’s true. Maybe this is even an obvious given, but I’ve not seen it talked about anywhere so far:
At first I was pretty annoyed at giants suddenly being a thing in Thedas in DAI, like all the weird new animals are bad enough but a new humanoid race?? Also, "Haha, giants are super stupid” - like, what an original take on the trope /s... except then I realised just HOW “stupid” they were. This is not just your random GoT Wun Wun. And then I found some very intriguing bits of information in the codex entries. 
In the “Giant” codex:
“[...] never did I see any sense in its eye, and never did it appear to plan beyond its immediate surroundings. But I remain intrigued, for they have hands, and that means the potential to raise them in praise. “
and to a lesser extent this part:
“ Food is seemingly their only motivator, and I have observed them eating meat, grains, leaves—nearly anything digestible, with no care or joy for taste or texture. “
So they literally just eat to keep on existing and generally just do stuff to exist, without even the emotions or intelligence any animal would display? I found this hella sus... Like does this not remind you very much of something?
obviously the Tranquil kinda seem to react similarly to the world, but even more importantly,
we hear dwarves talked about this way in ancient times
So, the giants seem to behave like other humanoid races when disconnected from their race’s source of magic (and thereby also emotions). Interesting...
Then I played Jaws of Hakkon and they basically spelled it out for us TWICE in the codex entry “ Tale of Hryngnar, Ice-Troll “:
“ Dead to dreams as dwarves below us “
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screm
My theory is that the giants are essentially a type of big dwarf that didn’t get the Mythal treatment. They are “mindless, soulless” as the dwarves were. 
That’s why they are humanoid and have hands, because they used to have a function as part of the titans’ hiveminds. Probably as extra tough fighters or for extra heavy labour or whatever. They are really kind of compareable to the ogres’ position as part of the darkspawn (and btw it would have made so much more sense for ogres to come from giants, but that’s just my personal opinion...) They probably did raise their hands in worship, along with the dwarves, for the Titans or the Stone or whatever it was back then. 
We know that in ancient times, to the outside world (the elves), the dwarves connected to titans seemed mindless, like they had no will of their own. It seems like this wasn’t actually true, based on Valta’s experiences, and it was more like a hive-mind situation probably. In any case, the dwarves seem to really only have become “mindless” after their connection to the titans, their actual minds, was severed. Solas, in dialogue with Varric (which btw has some other really interesting lore hints that I'm thinking a LOT about) says, in his usual culturally sensitive way:
“Dwarves are the severed arm of a once mighty hero, lying in a pool of blood. Undirected. Whatever skill of arms it had, gone forever. Although it might twitch to give the appearance of life, it will never dream.“
And there is this codex entry, that imo strongly implies that Mythal somehow gave the dwarves some form of individual souls and intelligence. 
“I am empty, filled with nothing(?), Mythal gives you dreams. It fills you, within you(?), Making our leaders proud. My little stones, Never yours the sun. Forever, forever. “
I can’t currently remember if there were other codex entries about Mythal and dwarves, but I feel like maybe there were? Obviously the dwarves can’t dream in their current form (which the games are very good at forgetting), but they do have individuality, especially the surface dwarves.
That theory is already floating around, so I won’t go into detail because that would definitely be over the top for this post... (I think what exactly Mythal and Solas were doing with the dwarves will be a major lore reveal in DA:D, but they definitely seem to believe to have acted in the dwarves best interest. Solas is actually surprised not to find more trickster figures in dwarven lore. But that’s it’s own whole thing.)
ANWAYS! TL;DR: My theory is that giants are mindless because they used to be connected to the titans, same as the dwarves, but didn’t have individual souls bestowed upon them by Mythal and Solas like the dwarves. So they are just these empty giant husks walking and existing about the place in the form we see them. 
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misculenica · 1 year
Spirits + Demons - a (messy) speculative short essay.
Spirits are the more benevolent forms of abstract sentient concepts;
eg. Compassion, Wisdom, Hope, Faith, etc
Demons are the more malevolent forms of abstract sentient concepts;
eg. Pride, Envy, Hunger, Rage, etc.
But we already know there concepts/beings can be subcategorized into even more specific concepts.
For example; in DA: Absolution - there is a spirit of wisdom called Memory. And in DA:2 there is a pride demon called Audacity.
From this, we can gather that there is more to spirits and demons than a simple label of 'benevolent/malevolent' or even a further domain of being, it goes deeper than that.
Now, does that mean every spirit is unique in that sense? Perhaps. That's all there can be said on the matter, given that there aren't enough instances of prolonged interaction with spirits and demons.
So to summarise;
there are 2 types of being that inhabit the Fade; benevolent Spirits, and malevolent Demons. (along with wisps, wraiths, etc - additionally, classifying them as 'good' and 'bad' is just a generalisation for the sake of simplicity here - it's complicated).
And there are several types of benevolent Spirits;
Compassion, Love, Valor, Justice, Wisdom, Faith and Hope.
And there are several types of malevolent Demons;
Pride, Desire, Sloth, Hunger, Envy, Rage, Fear, and Despair.
Now, there are likely very many more, but I like to think these are the most basic categories down from the 2 types. For example; Vertebrate + Invertebrate (creatures), goes further down to mammals, reptiles, birds, etc, and arthropods, mollusks, annelids, etc. But it goes further than that, doesn't it? Mammals - rodents, primates, carnivora, etc, and Arthropods - crustaceans, arachnids, insects, etc. And so on it goes until you have a goat named Banjo. So how about spirits and demons?
So, given this train of thought, perhaps we can speculate further on further categories?
Demon --> Pride --> Audacity/Hubris/Vanity?
Spirit --> Wisdom --> Memory/Judgement/Study?
Now, I deliberately put pride and wisdom together to dovetail into my next point.
Opposite/antithesis and the downfalls of the abstract.
Here's where things get complicated.
Wisdom and pride are one and the same, we've been given many examples of spirits of wisdom changing into pride demons. So it implies that they are strongly connected/2 sides of the same coin.
But here's the interesting thing; what does that say about every spirit/demon? We know that a spirit can shift into a demon, and it is possible for a demon to shift into a spirit. How do we then categorise pride demons and wisdom spirits?
Here's an example I like going back to;
Mouse, from DAO - a pride demon you encounter during the circle mage origin. He is a pride demon, yes, but he is not merely pride - he's quite the complicated guy. He's cautious, he's a bad liar (senior enchanter robes do not match your story, man, and that story changes repeatedly), he's contemplative, judgemental, and he's wistful. That's a lot for a single spirit to be. Granted, he is a pride demon, the most intelligent (and powerful) 'category' of demon. But there's a lot more going on with him, you would have noticed. If you work out that he's a demon, he seems rather proud of you, and even offers advice. So... What the hell do we do with that? Perhaps we could call him Pride, or Wisdom - but I would prefer to call him Judgement (given how he seems to be judging your abilities, constantly weighing the merit of the spirits/demons you meet as well as the templars/chantry/other mages). And from Judgement, to Mouse. (Is that, then, the next line of category?)
Demon --> Pride --> Judgement --> Mouse? (do spirits that are conscious/sentient enough give themselves names that are more metaphorical/personal choices?).
Do we then, even judge someone like Mouse as a demon? Perhaps we could still call him a spirit?
Spirit --> Wisdom --> Judgement --> Mouse?
Where is the line between the 2?
Perhaps it is based on the level of sentience/consciousness?
Spirits seem to be limited by their desire to remain where they are (emotionally/mentally). They have a very live and let live attitude typically, some going so far as to help/encourage mortals/physical beings. They are classified by rarity.
Demons come across as beings looking beyond the live and let live, they want, they need, they are not content where they are. And I think this is the reason why demons 9/10 will be more like people, especially desire and pride demons.
Let's look at another one who is damn near close to being a 'person'; Imshael - a desire demon choice spirit. At this point, I have no idea what the hell is going on with him, we know he's at a higher level of being - he can shapeshift, and reason, and bargain. As messed up as the things he does are, it's very interesting that he makes other people choose, purely because he's curious about what each person will do if put between a rock and a hard place.
But here's the thing, what I want to get across is this; once a spirit/demon (usually demon) reaches a point of cognition that it goes so far as to appoint a name with more personality/personhood (Imshael, Mouse, Cole, Audric Felhausen), that is when the line becomes.... smudged. They become 'people' as we would recognise them. I would also like to note that demons seem to retain a sense of themselves, whilst spirits tend to replicate/attach themselves with another's being.
A better way I would describe spirits and demons is this;
Demons work to forge/reaffirm their own identities as a point of some sort of discontent they experience. It's defiance, put plainly.
Spirits work to connect with others as a way of making themselves feel more real/validated in their sense of self. Contentedness, or harmony.
Thank you for reading, I may have more to say on this, but that'll be in another post!
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tea42 · 1 year
Dragon Age Thoughts
What if the only way for someone to survive the falling of the veil is to be possessed?
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procrastiel · 5 months
Yo, another kiss in s3 would be great, but have you considered Aziraphale and Crowley laughing while kissing
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
[30 May 2022] unfortunately for me i am obsessed with ren and i keep checking this CC for new content like my life depends on it 💀 do you have a spare hc (nsfw or sfw) about the lil guy himself, i wish to know more about the he
"unfortunately for me" JKASFJAKSFASJLASG PLEASE 💀💀💀 I’ll try to be more consistent with posting more CC content then!! (But you can also find more Ren crumbs on my Twitter and/or Tumblr -- both are @14DaysWithYou -- the people there are so talented T_T <3)
SFW: - He hates the smell of fire/smoke and actively tries to avoid it whenever possible. It's also another reason why he never wants to try smoking - The very first time he rented out one of your recommended books, Ren spent the entire night overanalysing it and ended up with a 39 page essay and eyebags the next morning - This is more of an easter egg, but the clips in his hair resemble the roman numerals for 14 (Days With You) - The necklace he wears is actually a ring he tried to give to his crush, but found it abandoned at the playground 👀
NSFW: - He's too embarrassed to ask, but Ren often fantasizes about having you sit in his lap and cockwarm him while he's hacking away on his laptop - He has an unhealthy amount of lewd photos of you on his phone (and his wall), as well as a dakimakura that resembles you - Don't ask why some of the shelves in the secluded parts of the library are sticky :/
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theoutcastrogue · 7 months
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Exhibit #563458137 why copyright makes perfect sense, protects creators, and promotes innovation.
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janehaster · 4 months
Dreadwolf won't be centered around Solas
Dreadwolf's big reveal won't be Solas' plan.
It'll be the Titans. More accurately, their connection to Arlathan, the Golden City and the true source of its magic.
The big magical mystery revealed in Inquisition - actually, in Descent - wasn't the Elvhen empire. We already knew the elves made a magical empire where they were immortal.
Sure, we were hit with a few surprises, like the fact that the elven magisters thrived due to slavery, to enslaving their own people.
Other surprises were: part of the empire was located in the realm of dreams, immortality ended with the creation of the Veil, spirits served the elven magisters, etc.
But the biggest reveal was the DEATH OF A TITAN. And by the hand of an elven magister, no less.
By now, every DA player knows about it. And how the afresco where it is presented is in a secret area. As if hidden on purpose.
Add to that Kieran's mysterious lines about ancient magic and a time before the Chantry, such as the ominous line to the dwarven origin Inquisitor - you can't be taller. Not without the Titans - and Shaper Valta's discovery of a living Titan, plus how she broke the age old taboo that dwarves cannot cast magic and you have one of the biggest magical mysteries of Dragon Age.
There are several other indications that Titans will take center stage in DA:D (such a weird acronym):
One, the arrangement of the eluvians around a water pool in the Well of Sorrows mirrors the shape of the Titan's core, where its beating heart is located and where we fight the Guardian. This means the kings and priests of Arlathan were aware of the existence of Titans and where their heart lay. They likely traveled inside a Titan for some unknown purpose. And if they did, they learned that the Titan is the source of magic, and that their blood is a way for you to acquire magical powers, even open portals to other realms, such as the Fade and possibly...the Beyond and the Void.
Two, plenty of codexes show the Titans were destroying the cities of the People. For what purpose, we do not know. But the discovery of Titan magic hints that magisters may have mined their bodies for lyrium, angering the stone giants, which lead to Mythal having to kill a Titan.
Three, we find a strange poem in the Fade in DA:I that hints at creatures of same nature being sundered, tainted, asleep and enduring while they wait for the moment to awake. There's every reason to believe they are the Titans, and that the Sundering might refer to when the Veil was created and they lost their connection to the Fade.
Four, Shaper Valta's fate teaches us that dwarves were actually made Tranquil for some reason since their connection to Titans was severed. The reason for it may be the creation of the Veil by Solas' hand.
I want to call your attention to parts three and four because I believe this is the most important fact we know so far: the Sundering, caused by the creation of the Veil was felt by the Titans and turned all dwarves Tranquil.
We never see this said directly in the game because not even the dwarves are aware of it. They completely forgot that part of their history. It's not recorded in the Shaperate, and Shaper Valta hints that the implications of it are quite severe. The entire early period of dwarven history was erased, and it revealed the existence of the Titans and their role in Thedas in the time of Arlathan.
Hence why I believe Dreadwolf will inevitably reveal this big truth, this missing big chunk of Thedosian lore, one that is behind the secret of Arlathan's magic, Elvhen immortality, the true nature of the Golden CIty, of the Fade, the Beyond and the Void.
Once the Veil is no more, the Titans may possibly awake from their slumber. They will be fully connected to the dreaming world, and that can have terrible consequences to the physical aspect of Thedas. If they awaken, they might destroy entire continents, kill millions, entire kingdoms may disappear overnight. They can literally reshape the surface of Thedas. Hence why I believe the consequences of Solas' actions will be apocalyptic. And he's fully aware of it.
As he states to the Inquisitor, as the world burns in the raw chaos, I will rebuild it. What he doesn't mention is that the chaos will be caused not by the arrival of demons or even the Evanuris, but by the cataclysmic actions of the Titans.
I'm really curious to see the full impact of this revelation on a dwarven protag and if they will suddenly develop magical powers once the Titans awaken...
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lilliankillthisman · 10 months
now that those posts seem to have run out of steam: if you thought there would be any noticeable consequences for trimming those trees then that isn't just you not understanding obscure laws about trees, it's you not understanding, like. Law. The whole thing.
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not-mary-sue · 4 months
Theory/Headcanon: What if the version of Who Killed Markiplier we see isn't what actually happened on the night of Actor's death? What if it's one of his stories, putting the DA through his retelling of events. It would explain things like people explaining things that, had the DA not been trapped for so long, they likely would have remembered like who the Colonel was or that he was Mark's childhood friend (I know the out of universe reason of us the viewer needing to know, but in character they probably would have been at the wedding), or a storm with no rain, but it could also be a way for Actor to paint himself in a better light.
See how everyone was so uncaring and unorganised about his death? Even after he welcomed them into his home. Even after he was so kind.
See how quickly your friends turned on you? After you did nothing but help. And not one thought to defend you, did they?
See how the twins abandoned you? How they used you? How they promised you'd be safe?
See how I am the only one you can trust?
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knife-eared-jan · 1 year
The Missing Thought #2 - Musings on Neve Gallus:
First off, I am basically taking this comic as confirmation that she is a companion in Dreadwolf, and one of the “major” ones at that. You know what I mean, the ones you HAVE to recruit no matter what because they are vital to the story. Like e.g. Cassandra, Varric & Solas. It makes sense if we are going to spend a large part of the plot in Minrathous. Hell, maybe she’s even the one we meet first and she then introduces us to Varric & Harding. 
Secondly, I think we can now conclusively say that the lady in the middle of this concept art is Neve, albeit before a major redesign. (They DID already know that they wanted her to definitely have shoulder pads though lol)
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Other people before me have pointed out the leg on our right/her left of the concept art figure is clearly a prostethic (- it seems to have switches legs since). But not everyone was convinced I guess. I for one did think it was Neve, but also had in mind that some of these characters allegedly already got scrapped. And I also thought that it looked kind of too fancy for Neve. 
Which brings me to point three: Neve’s design. On the one hand I think it is such a cool look! I love all the teal accents. BUT. But... I find it really hard to connect it to the Neve I pictured when reading Tevinter Nights? In her short-story she made it really clear that she wasn’t part of the upper class and not everyone was a magister or altus. She clearly represented “the common people” and was basically the Thedas equivalent of a hard-boiled detective from one of those noir movies, just missing a recent divorce and a drinking problem. The Neve in this comic (and I imagine her look is taken straight from the character design for Dreadwolf) looks like someone moving in elevated circles. Lots of gold jewelry. The fancy hat looks like something from the Derby. High heels, cravatte, done nails. Again, I love the look, it’s iconic, but it feels like her character went through quite a lot of change since Tevinter Nights and I kind of mourn the commoner perspective on Minrathous already. 
She still seems to be all about helping the misfortunate of Minrathous, but it feels very different coming from someone who is of elevated status reaching down, as opposed to someone who is just a normal dude.
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misculenica · 1 year
Elven Immortality Theory;
It's super late, and my brain did the; I know you're trying to sleep, but have you considered.... THIS?
So, the legendary immortality of the people of Elvhenan.
It always bothered me to consider the idea of what it would mean for them to be immortal, especially when we have so many stories of them maiming/killing one another.
So what were they then? Immortal unless killed? A disturbing consideration I had was that they were straight up immortal; even if you cut off their heads or burned them to ashes; they would still be alive and aware to some degree; and only people with high connections/social standing/magical ability/access to magic healers could fix things like 'well, I'm bleeding' or 'oh, my arm was cut off, let's fix that', so slaves and whatnot were pretty buggered- perhaps another reason to have slaves is to have 'spare parts' around? I don't know.
But I just considered something waaay more interesting.
If we are to believe that the ancient elves were once spirits, who took physical form to feel the physical world and all it's sensations - what if those bodies were still capable of 'dying'?
Allow me to explain;
When people die, in modern times, their spirit/soul leaves their body and seemingly... disperses? Goes to the beyond/fade? Ceases existing? What if that's because of the veil? Spirits can't easily move between Thedas and the Fade because of it.
But before the veil they could.
So what is the danger of losing a body when you're spirit/soul doesn't stray far/stays on this plane of existence, and it's established that your abtract being can just up and make a new body if it wants?
That's immortality, and that's why the elves were ageless; they were spirits who could just make their own bodies?
And then the veil happened, and they became mortal, because they couldn't get their bodies back - those who do....
Dear Andraste, have I just fell down a rabbit hole here?
Are Solas' people the ancient elves -who, by this theory, are spirits/demons???? Are all the elven dead now the inhabitants of the fade, who may/may not be aware of this fact?
What would that even imply in ancient times, though, if they had children? Like, natural conceived and born children? Would they be spirits? Or did they not have kids? They clearly knew how since the modern elves exist...
I just... I need to sleep.
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trashbag-usa · 8 days
it feels like a lot of people have given up on fully connecting ISWM/Engie Mark to the wider lore (aka WKM) since IRL Mark straight up told us he wasn't Actor.
but not only am i a stubborn son of a bitch, but yknow what Mark also said?
"Engineer Mark isn't Actor Mark, but Actor Mark just might be Engineer Mark."
so hear me out, y'all.
preamble; if you saw this in a yt comment section, no you didn't. (that was also me i didnt steal this i prommy-)
i have this entirely insane theory about iswm that Engineer Mark is actually Damien, but only sometimes.
the most obvious places i can spot him is in the abandoned ship with the candles ("captain needs their sleep" and whatnot), as Old Mark (specifically in the empty diner), and most definitely as the "Mark" we see as part of the finale, the one who realizes he was wrong.
Actor is allergic to admitting fault so I Don't Believe That's Him.
this explains the thematic focus on sleep and rest in these scenes, things told to Damien and told to US by DARK several times.
("Don't remember" anyone?)
speaking of Dark, it explains why he isn't there. we DO however see the suspiciously Darkiplier-esqe Ms. Whitacre, which it isn't controversial to say atp is CLEARLY Celine.
that is, until the universe does its final kablooey and Dark as we know him, Damien attributes and all, comes to take the warp-crystal.
and besides, think about it.
given Actor's whole goal in all this, as laid out in the Damien Project, do you REALLY think he would write a story in which all problems arise from HIS OWN NEGLIGENCE? NO!
that would make him a villain, and all he ever wants is to be portrayed as the hero, literally for eternity!
but you know what i think he would do? set up a farce for the most troublesome of his "co-stars".
you, the viewer, want genuine choices? you want to have some real control over the story? some responsibility? FINE.
everyone looks to you, but under your leadership everything goes wrong, no matter what. you don't know why, but you're actively villinized and the harder you try to go back and fix things, achieve an "ending" on your own, the more people HATE you. the more the thought that maybe there IS something wrong with you specifically will stick in your mind as a possibility.
all these options, but none of them "right", creating MORE suffering instead of fixing it just to find that ever elusive end.
damien wants control of the narrative? he wants his old friend, you, the District Attorney to be released from his eternal story and given back to him? FINE.
here's his role back in earnest, given the possibility to engage and choose instead of intrude and twist like usual.
(yes, i do think Damien/Engineer is genuinely going down his own hopeless path while we find our own. in one of the descriptions leading to the final "Hold On/Let Go" confrontation, it says "you're not the only one making choices. you're not alone, you never were".)
he is allowed to fight for the safety of others, side by side with his closest companion, just as they did when they were alive.
BUT, the twist is Damien becomes a genuine villain. in his quest to do the altruistic thing and help at all cost, he is personally responsible for the death of LITERALLY EVERYONE EVER.
this is a personal hell for someone like Damien, as seen from WKM, all he ever seemed to want was help others and guide them towards peace.
for his actions/leadership to fail so unthinkably catastrophically, seems like the exact hell a bitter Actor would want to subject his "old friend" to for meddling. :/
Actor sets the stage for a theatrical punishment game. Mayor and Attorney, together again, taking an impossibly long stay in a personally crafted hell for the horrendous crime of ever even thinking they'd be worthy of ✨️staring roles✨️.
Actor turns you two against each other, and once Damien is brough down to the depths of despair and you have finally learned that true responsibility can lead to catastrophic, painful results, we're brought back to our proper places.
you go to a proper ending, with the Engineer role now being played by Actor once and for all, and Damien once again becomes part of Darkiplier, pocketing the warp-crystal to plant on the box in Heist.
Engineer isn't Actor, it's a role he plays when it suits him and his goals, to make his enemies suffer. he's willing to be Damien's understudy, if only for this purpose.
but at the end of the journey, Actor becomes Engineer to take in the fruits of his labor. ..and maybe invite you to a Heist while he's at it.
very long winded """theory""" that is pretty much only insane fanfiction-
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dabisbratz · 4 months
hi sonnyyy im the kishi anon ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა mgnhfingd thank u sososo much for the drabble u did,, ur writing does him so much justice (nd i found another kishibe enjoyer! yayayay!!)
what kinda kinks do u think hed have?? i think he's a total sadist and defff into brat tamin,, maybe shotgunning too..?? bet he has nasty kisses hes a big ol meanie n makes reader do all the work, likes watching reader get all teary n glassy eyed when he deepthroats him-- maybe even refusin to kiss reader after he gives him a blowjob..sayin he got dick breath or smt..gah he's so horrible nd unfair i hate him
hiii, dollface !! w’gotta stick together !! sjus us against da world !!
shotgunnin for sure !! n for some reason somethin’s tellin me he’s a biiiig fan of snowballin ! havin you suck on the tip of his cock while he fucks his fist, n jus before ycan swallow his load he’s pullin you up n kissin you!! da other way around too! when ycum too quick into his hand he licks it clean n makes you swap by suckin on his tongue ૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝<꒱ྀི১ mblushin mblushin!!
i jus know gettin in an argument with him leads t’chokin on his cock, his hand pushin you down, goin: ‘hm? what was that?’ he’s so !!!! s’mean. shoves his cock down your throat when ytry n speak over your mouthful, holds you there for a few seconds so ycan really feel the ache in your throat. . . meanie. n the dick breath comment’s so mean !!!? actin like he wasn’t drinkin n smokin two seconds before eatin you out ?!?!
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murderlacrosse · 11 months
this is something i talked about on twitter but. thoughts on chuuya's happiness or lack of in the mafia after the stageplay madness ?
i don't think chuuya is unhappy in the pm but do i think he is happy ? no. he's probably not even considering his own happiness tbh.
he shackled himself to the organisation bc of the dead bodies he carries on his back and bc he's desperately searching for a meaning/purpose.
he has not changed since he was 15, in contrast to dazai who's evolved and is somewhat seeking a healthier way of life. chuuya hasn't. he's someone who was very similar to dazai and who stayed that way as a 22 y old. he has a ton of issues he hasn't solved bc he doesn't face them.
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and this is literally what this scene means - chuuya was opposed to dazai in that scene and only one of them changed. he literally stayed stuck as the teenager in search of a place to feel useful, clinging onto anything that'll give him a purpose.
and another very interesting thing we have is chuuya's character emo song Darkness My Sorrow :
"The world is a bird cage, faded in colour
Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison
Even if I get tired of the night and tear off my shackles
That eye who sees eye to eye with Kierkegaard is also here"
the whole theme of it is chuuya saying he's trapped in a cage, but fuck everyone and the world bc you know what ? he'll persevere out of spite.
but in contrast to this way of thinking, he mentions Kierkegaard, who's a philosopher known for his theory on how choice gives humans profound anguish. which i think can be related to chuuya bc choosing probably gives him that anxiety - all the choices he has to make in regards to the sheep or the pm certainly are not easy ones and they take a toll on him. one that he'll never acknowledge bc it isn't the time to hesitate or talk about feelings, it's time to act, as he says in DA or below in his song :
"Even though it feels like I might be trapped, there is no room for sentiments
I'll push myself to the limit and dye everything jet-black"
and there's also this bit :
"I'd rather just fall than go back to being alone
Staring at the destroyed cage of this self, (GRAVITY)
Slowly, I sing, "Not bad at all.""
so while yes, he did choose to be part of the pm (and won't let anyone take this act of choosing away from him), imo we have enough material to consider that chuuya is a very self-sacrificial character, with suicidal tendencies to boot. i just don't see him as a happy person ? despite doing what he wants most (protecting the city and the ppl he cares about) and living life with his very chuuya-ish moral compass, i think that he's mostly on survival and work mode.
tldr; chuuya needs to leave the mafia and do his own thing after he gets his character development
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