#da:i rp
prodigiumamare · 7 days
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✶ 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 ⸻⸻⸻ like  this  post  for  a  starter  from  𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐀𝐍  , the herald of andraste from  𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 𝐈𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  .  mutuals  only  / mutli-muse  blogs ,  please  specify  muse  ! crossovers / new verses are always welcome !
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dearamatvs · 6 months
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21+. independent and private dorian pavus of dragon age: inquisition. penned by jett. / open to crossovers and oc friendly.
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witandcharm · 2 years
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#   𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌  .  |  indie & highly selective   𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍  𝐏𝐀𝐕𝐔𝐒  from Bioware’s   𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 𝐈𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 . low activity. written by grandpa  |  21+  |  they/them.  est. February 17th, 2015.      *     𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃 .    |    
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lyfeward · 1 year
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LYFEWARD.   Remember that howsoever you are played, or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say "but I was told by others to do thus" or that "virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice. Remember that.   //   Amis du Peren, Dragon Age OC, Written by Holly   ©
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divxne-calcmity · 1 year
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Indie fandomless, multi-muse OC blog
Featuring many dragon shifters, Dragon Age Inquisitors and more!
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fadewalking · 1 year
Nothing I could ever comment could prepare you guys for this dialogue so, you're just gonna need to listen to it for yourselves.
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omirao · 3 months
Fantasy Dragon Age: Inquisition TTRPG in a text-based RPG style!! It is d6 based mechanics, and has a devoted squad of admins across timezones! LGBTQIA+ friendly, Inclusive, any timezone, come right in and play with us. :)
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mcflymemes · 1 year
AS SAID BY BLACKWALL *  assorted dialogue from dragon age: inquisition
i think we should learn about these things before we fiddle with any more of them.
i always liked the sea.
do we ever have uneventful days?
i’m not backing down!
i was stranded in a desert once. ran out of food.
if their plan is to be a thorn in our side, they’re doing just fine.
does the wind ever stop blowing?
i wouldn’t turn my back on him.
there may be some good in him after all.
i wonder what this all looked like before the war.
look like they tried to fight back, but most were unharmed.
all this... these statues. they have to mean something, right?
lots of bandits in these parts. can’t blame them, i suppose. it’s hard making a living these days.
you can practically feel it, can’t you? all that rock hanging above your head?
some of us take much longer to find our place.
no, you don’t want to hear it.
i’m not sure where any of it goes.
i wouldn’t have missed this for anything.
well, this is all very pleasant.
i might need some help here!
what i wouldn’t give for some warm spiced wine...
you’re not giving up this fight!
how do you forgive someone who does that to you?
he deserves to be punished.
you better not be dead!
i like having time to myself.
i know your kind.
careful i don’t club you on the head.
the most poisonous snakes are often the most beautiful.
too bad we’re not here at night. we could come back when it’s dark, use the stars to see exactly where we are.
at least we’ll have shelter if the wind comes up.
don’t eat the cheese. just... don’t.
it’s just a slight sprain. should be fine by tomorrow. i... appreciate your concern.
not exactly the fight i was expecting when we got here. at least we got the job done.
did i see you punch a tree?
could we not speak so loudly about these things?
you shouldn’t have taken that from him.
how do you get your hair to do that?
it’s not easy finding people willing to shoulder such a terrible responsibility.
i find that difficult to believe.
it’s interesting watching you, the way you carry yourself.
i can’t believe you drank that swill at the tavern.
are you speaking to me?
you did not have to apologize to me.
please tell me you’re talking about the fruit.
isn’t that exactly what we’re doing? right this minute?
could you be a little more gentle the next time we spar?
can’t a man just be curious?
do you think we could ever be friends?
oh, maybe no need to go around repeating that story, then.
if you really cared, you could ask.
just think of it as research for one of your stories!
it’s hard to say. keep your guard up.
does it seem strange that every single person at this party has tried to bribe us?
love suits you.
if you told me this place never ends, i’d believe you.
i don’t much fancy a concussion.
you seem to be smiling a great deal more than usual.
always liked lakes. bet the fishing here was good.
i told you to stand back.
you’re not even a little curious?
lost your sense of adventure already?
doesn’t look so dangerous.
may you find peace... whoever you are.
know what it’s like to have leeches in your pants? no? well, now you do.
so do we find the sword, a trap, or both?
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Play RP Generators with Cassandra and Varric.
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phobosalive · 1 year
Need help finding a good dragon age inquisition rp discord :(
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felassan · 1 year
A few more snippets of interest and insight from Mark Darrah, from an older Mark Darrah on Games YouTube video where he was livestreaming playing Dragon Age: Origins some months ago -
Chat said "I am fine with any and all cameos, but I am not holding my breath for Sera and Vivienne to have anything more than a passing mention." Mark said, "I don't think they'll worry, if they want to put Vivienne and Sera in DA:D they'll do it. I don't think either of them have any quantum endings do they? Oh that's true, Vivienne can be Divine."
"The Darkspawn Chronicles DLC is canon-ish but definitely yeah, the team reserves the right to ignore it and has."
"I don't know why they've steered away from the tree ents [sylvans]. They could come back. They're nobody's favorite, so they just kinda fall down the priority list. If there was a good reason for them they could easily come back. You could have made a sylvan off the Behemoth rig from DA:I, but that would be weird and not really match the sylvans from DA:O. I think the way you would do it actually would probably be to build something off the giant rig, but again it would be different, so you'd really wanna make a custom rig."
He also talked more generally about DA:O and the franchise and things in general. These bits are collected under a cut due to length -
"Is it just me or are the conversation trees in Awakening much longer than they are in DA:O?"
"Yeah, Oghren is pretty problematic"
"The junk mechanic in DAII in inventory was a nice quality of life feature. Well, it's not 'junk', it's more mark-to-sell"
"Games take a lot longer to make now because the number of assets and the fidelity of them is so much higher. In the late 90s you literally couldn't do that much, it had to fit on a CD or a few CDs. Now you've got blu-rays which have fifty times as much space"
"I think classes are a good thing in general just from a usability perspective, and also if you're gonna have a party-based game you need class roles otherwise you just end up with a big mushy miss. But obviously it can take things off the table that you might want to do." Chat commented "Do you think having a set type of role limits how they can evolve?" Mark replied, "It does limit them to some degree, that's sort've somewhat the problem. You could always violate those limitations if you want. You can make the hand-to-hand mage specialization"
"You can definitely see that DAII and Awakening are like, very close to each other on different sides of the line"
"It is weird that you suddenly have stamina potions in Awakening"
Chat said "I personally disliked that only rogues can open chests. It's alright from the RP perspective, but was limiting the gameplay imho." Mark replied, "It's annoying, I mean, that I don't, the out of combat stuff was even moreso in DA:I. But I think tying the out of combat stuff to the in-combat stuff puts you in a position of weird choices based upon how you want to play and I don't know that that's great. 'You basically have to bring one of everything' was the point, was the idea in DA:I, but I don't know that it was a good one"
"Awakening is a really plot-heavy expansion, with an insane amount of side quest material"
"The problem in DAII isn't that, it's not asset reuse, it's actually level reuse. That's I think what pushes it over the edge. And calling them different levels. Also that cave is too identifiable, it's got very specific bits of architecture"
"The problem with the DA:O darkspawn is that they don't really fit together, especially the ogre, they kinda look like a totally different evolutionary path. DAII is definitely trying to get them into a consistent art style"
Chat said "Should DA have beast peoples like cat people, dog people, lizard people? Qunari is bull people right?" Mark replied, "Qunari are more like dragon people. No, I don't think DA has cat people and dog people. There's snake people referenced in lore. Yeah, it is implied that qunari are descended from dragons. Yeah, they have horns, that's their main thing for why they look like dragons, is they have horns like DA dragons"
"I'll probably watch Dragon Age: Absolution"
"The problem with the Fade in DA:O I thin is you can end up easily in this weird inception level of quests because you're doing Redcliffe, which leads you to the Mage Tower, which leads you to the Fade, so you're like so detached from your goal that it really undercuts it. It's not supposed to be filler but it definitely feels like it. You finish it and then you had to finish it again. It's weird pacing"
Chat asked "Is there a reason why we never went to Gwaren in DA:O?" Mark replied "We had enough areas to visit in DA:O already. And you don't really have a reason to go there. Loghain isn't there, and there's nothing that can help you there"
"I'm pretty sure that, one of the reasons this exists [recruiting Velanna in the Wending Wood segmet] is because sylvans weren't used very much, it's a good thing to use the creature model for in your expansion pack"
"Varric is carrying a lot more weight in DA:I than in DAII"
"Stun-locking the player character is not good game design typically. Crowd control used by the player character is fine, but when it's used on the PC, you know, standing around is not very fun"
(pls note that in places there is a bit of paraphrasing of the info, the best source is always the primary source with full quotes in their original context)
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silver-and-stars · 3 months
The thing is... I don't think I even want to see Dragon Age 4. Especially not now that they have sacked the main writers or that they have left on their own accord, which isn't a good sign either.
It will probably look good. But I don't believe it will have any soul left.
I want to be wrong. But I don't think I will be.
They never managed to do as good as Origins (it had its faults but it remains the best of the franchise : the storylines, the characters, the worldbuilding, the immersion, the dialogue choices, the RP...).
Baldur's Gate 3 did though. And they aren't fron EA.
I love DA2, the characters, the main storylines, but it was unfinished.
DA:I was already soulless, I liked some of the companions (Dorian mainly. Even Varric was less interesting there) but got attached to none. They felt like colleagues, not a close knitted team.
The Inquisitor themselves were blank where Hawke and the Warden had a background that mattered, one you could build your RP on.
The main quest itself didn't feel like much. Tears in the Veil and demons (the Warden beated them close, Hawke dealt with demons on daily basis). It sounds huge, but it didn't felt like it, only a minor inconviences, tasks to complete to get points for.. for what anyway ? There was no apprehension during the quests (except the Fade, the only one where your choice had consequences) and when the final fight came it ended so easily and quickly.
Too many things were reckoned in DA:I and some I cannot forgive (Redcliff's topography, the dalish not caring for their mages, their whole pantheon being 1) not gods 2) bad slavers, while the Maker is still good and divine ofc, the whole "templars are bad actually" narrative after all we've seen in DAO and especially DA2, Leliana character development from DAO, etc. Actually, pretty much every choices from DAO, major and minor, didn't matter here at all, which is a huge flaw for a RPG saga).
The one quest I really enjoyed was the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. A DLC.
Sure the maps were pretty but too big and empty, as I said, soulless.
And the combat looked pretty too but it was messy, we couldn't even use all the abilities we unlocked because it was badly tailored for consoles, not PC. And there was no healer or blood mage class. DA2 fights had the non-stop spawning and yet they were more satisfying imo.
Seeing EA's track record and the mess development of DA4 was, I just expected it to give the final blow to Thedas and butcher once and for all this franchise that I loved thanks to DAO and DA2.
Just do it properly or don't do it.
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1. How did you get into Dragon Age? 12. Do you prefer DA:O, DA2, or DA:I most? 62. A character you think deserves more fan love? for the ask meme 😌
[ask game]
Heya! thank you for asking :)
How did you get into Dragon Age?
Through a friend! And bc of quarantine lol. We knew each other through rp groups on Deviantart, and Dragon Age was her favourite game series; i got DAO during a steam sale, and then lockdown was what really got me playing, and then it consumed most of my brain for the next few months lmao (or, well, up until now lol). Big shout out to her btw for letting me ramble and yell at her about my playthroughs for like 6 months straight
12. Do you prefer DA:O, DA2, or DA:I most?
DA2 <333 All three games have something i love about them, but DA2 is my baby.... This is in part Liam's fault because i got way more attached to him than anticipated lol and that definitely influenced my first impression of the game, but i also got the most invested in 2's characters & story in general, tbh. Not to say that it is objectively better but i am Biased <3
62. A character you think deserves more fan love?
OUhh hard one... I feel like i am in a part of the fandom that has about the same tastes as me so i see lots of love for the characters who i think deserve it 😌 There's the brand of characters like Oghren or Aveline or Vivienne who i think are super cool in concept but were done dirty by the games & who don't get much fandom love either as a result (which tbh is fair but also i wish they did, yk). Otherwise.. Maybe some more minor NPCs like Orana! I love her lots and i think she deserves more love
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sinquisition · 1 year
I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I for one love how romance works in DA:O vs DA2 and DA:I. Sure, it can get weird when companions assume you hit on them when you're just being nice... but like, isn't this how irl is sometimes???? ppl misreading your signals, ppl developing one-sided crushes, funny drama, etc... I dunno. Reading Rodaine's posts about Leli and Morrigan just makes me genuienly chuckle cuz it's lowkey hilarious in a good way
I actually agree! Origins has always been my favorite in terms of rp options and relationships.
I am deeply amused by Rodaine's whole situation with Leliana and Morrigan, especially because I generally play him as confident almost to the point of arrogant (ex: he dunked on Jory super hard when they were in the wilds and he was being all whiny) but then when faced with an interpersonal issue between people he genuinely likes (especially if it is a romantic issue given his general lack of experience in that arena) he has no idea how to navigate it. It's little things like Leliana yelling at him out of nowhere that make fun on-the-spot characterization moments that I didn't even consider, and not only is it hilarious, but it's fascinating to see how the character reacts to it.
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kremisius · 1 year
What are your top 3 ships for Krem and why?
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Heyya! I'm gonna slap this under a read more just because it's my personal thoughts on ships and stuff and I don't wanna bother people who aren't interested.
Notice: just because I ship the following doesn't mean I'll press for any of these ships! I always value the other mun's interests, thoughts, and making connections of all kinds for Krem! Friendships, family, rivalries- all relationships are important and valid 👌
Okay, so my top three ships with Krem
My first fave is with The Iron Bull.
When DA:I first came out i was OBSESSED with Krem because I was just starting to figure out myself as a transmasc. So I naturally interacted with him and Bull as much as I could to get out every bit of his story. Their story together is so fucking important and I love it as is, but as a ship monster, I was doomed from the start. The story of being saved, taken in, working side by side and fighting back to back? Ugh, I'm a sucker for that shit.
Second Fave is with Cullen. Which is fairly new and very much thanks to my wife @serrutherford.
We do a lot of rp off tumblr and it started off as a 'hey i found this art' but then it turned into ridiculous headcanons and so much fun. I always HC that Krem strives to learn as much as possible from the various soldiers while he's at skyhold, so we imagined him going up to request some sparring and training from Cullen, offering his own services as a former-military man in helping training the recruits, and attraction just sort of blossoming from there. This is probably the only ship I would say is 'exclusive'. I'll obvs write with other Cullens, but the ship is between my wife and I mainly.
My third is actually a toss up so I'm giving you four.
Josie. I absolutely adore Josephine Cherette Montilyet and I can completely imagine Krem being head over heels for her the first time he sees her.
I've always imagined it as a soft sort of soft romance. Being a mercenary, Krem wouldn't have a lot of experience with a 'real' relationship beyond the rare tavern hook up (hc on those coming later). So I pictured him going to people like Cassandra and Varric for advice and getting some... Interesting pointers. That ultimately just makes him decide that he's gonna try to be sweet and bringing flowers and little trinkets to Josie. After Trespasser, he would 100% take a break from the chargers to go and spend time with her, acting as her personal guard while she got her family's trading routes back in order.
Four is Dorian.
This one would be full of some fun conflict and angst, especially with Krem's negative thoughts towards Tevinter, Magisters and slavery. But especially as Dorian grows and opens up about his struggles with his family, I can see them coming to an understanding and a friendship that then leads to more. Krem would highly enjoy Dorian's dry sense of humor. There'd be a lot of teasing back and forth and Krem would most definitely be there for Dorian when he found out his father was killed. Because even if we didn't get much of a reaction from Dorian, I can imagine it hit him harder behind closed doors.
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mercy-misrule · 2 years
ive loaded up DA:I because i have several mental illnesses AND i love to have an experience
i clearly made a new character where i was gonna try something new, ive got a handsome shield and sword dwarf loaded up.
i think my plan was to romance Cassandra.
but im staring at this... and god i wish i was either an elf or qunari mage.
but otoh i like the idea of trying to rp a dwarf who earnestly believes he's the andrastrian prophet
unfortunately, i suspect i could handle playing that for an hour before i reverted to fuck the chantry
i remember nordreys spent so much time with me designing this handsome boy...
i wanna be a girl elf and kiss iron bull yet again im sorry handsome little dwarf friend
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