#daddy sammy
loversofthegrave · 3 months
obsessively thinking about sam
how sam harbours the same codependency as Dean but I feel it plays out differently for them both, maybe not always credited as frequently as it should be
Like when sam gets drunk, I think that's a prime example of his layers, needy, desperate, scared. He needs his big brother, he needs his big brother to tell him that everything's going to be OK. No matter sam's age he regresses to that little kid brother he always was in times of hardship, needs the reassurance of his big brother that he will be safe, that dean's going to take care of him.
He didn't know his mother, not really, he was taught to miss her. His father was absent. It was dean who held him to sleep, band aid his scrapped knees, walked him to school, picked him up, put his marked school work on the motel fridge, his big brother, that was sam's entire peripheral vision. dean was sam's mom and dad rolled into one, the one who raised him.
As much as some viewers perceive dean being the obsessive/possessive one about sam (he is too) but so is sam about dean. If sam wasn't the forefront thought of dean's mind he would lose his shit, as unhealthy as their codependency is to every therapist ever, that's how sam defines himself, dean's little brother 'only he gets to call me sammy' dean's smug face, that's dean's sammy, no one elses, couldn't ever be<3
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samkerrworshipper · 3 months
wet dream | sam kerr x kristie mewis
kristie can’t sleep.. sam has a wet dream.. smutty fluff ensues
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Jet lag is not a choice.
As much as Kristie tries to tell her that it is, that jet lag is some kind of false mentality that people use as an excuse for travel exhaustion, when really it’s just a mixture of sleep deprivation and being in an airtight container for hours on end.
It’s her first time doing the Australia -> Dubai -> London trip and she’s never felt more awake yet dead asleep in her entire life.
Sam is the exception to jetlag, something that Kristie is still struggling to come to terms with, the 8 hour time difference is messing with her and even though it’s technically 2am in the morning, to her it feels like she should be waking up.
She’s come to terms with the fact that she isn’t sleeping any time soon, waiting for Sam to be deep in sleep until she reaches over to turn on the reading light on her side of Sam’s bed and pull out her book. Kristie’s eyes may be drooping and her body is aching but she figures if the reading doesn’t tire her out then nothing else really will.
It’s when she’s made it a few pages into the first chapter that the woman sleeping next to her starts to make little huffs and mewling noises, Kristie finds it cute. Sam and her have been dating for only a couple of months, most of it has been long distance due to covid so to have somebody she’s been desperate for, sleeping peacefully next to her, it makes her feel so much happier.
She stays focused on her book, her eyes slowly scanning over each words, paying far more attention to each syllable then she probably should. Sam’s adorable noises continue, little breathy, croaky noises leaving her lover's mouth as she moves alongside Kristie.
It goes on like that for a little bit, whilst Kristie works through pages upon pages, Sam’s noises slowly starting to get louder and her body jostling with the sheets as he dreams continue to consume her.
Kristie’s brain somewhere along the way must simply sync whatever noises Sam is generating out, her mind solely focused on the chapters that she’s working her way through, she doesn’t really notice when Sam’s little noises turn into moans, or when her tossing and turning turns into a sort of grinding motion, all she knows is that she’s gotten to the point where she’s suddenly feeling somewhat tired and if she’s going to try and go to sleep at some stage tonight now is probably the time.
She’s folded the corner of her book and put it down on her bedside table, about to flick out the light when she hears Sam beside her. Kristie does a double take, unsure if the sleep deprivation has actually gotten the best of her or if she’s just heard what she thinks she did. She freezes, waiting, and when she hears the same noise again, she flips straight over, untrusting of what her ears are picking up.
Her throat is dry, looking at Sam and watching as her hips thrust upwards, her mouth agape as little pants and occasionally a moan slips from behind her teeth.
Kristie can’t believe what she’s seeing, its truly baffling to her.
Sam and her have been together for just a couple of months, sleeping with somebody beside her after finally getting used to being alone in her bed has been an.. adjustment, to say the least. This feels like an invasion of Sam’s privacy in some way, like Kristie is seeing something she most certainly shouldn’t.
At first, it doesn’t even cross her mind that Sam would be dreaming about her, all Kristie can think about is how bad of a situation she’s suddenly in.
Her own thighs are slowly getting sticky as she sits frozen, a spectator in whatever it is that Sam’s dreaming of.
It’s not until her name is murmured out amongst a particularly loud moan and thrust of Sam’s hips that it all clicks for her.
Sam’s having a sex dream about Kristie, in bed with Kristie. A good one by the looks of it.
They’ve been apart for months, Kristie can’t really think of a time in their relationship where they’ve been together for more than two weeks, beside the time they quarantined together. Australia had been great, but they were in a house with Sam’s parents, it was hardly a place where Kristie felt comfortable to be fucking around with Sam, as much as Sam had tried her hardest.
It made sense that there would be pent up sexual energy, had they both not been so exhausted when they’d gotten home from the airport it probably would have been the first order of business, but both were too exhausted to eat, let alone try and reunite with each other's bodies.
So they’d settled for cuddles and a movie in bed, although Sam didn’t even make it ten minutes before she was dead weight on top of Kristie. That had been around 10 o’clock, It’s nearing 4 now and Kristie is desperate to succumb to her exhaustion but also aware that with Sam feeling whatever it is she is, she’s not getting to sleep until either Sam’s dream drifts away or she wakes up.
Kristie finds her own solution, when a particularly dirty moan of her name, tainted with the chestiness from Sam’s half asleep voice makes the stickiness between her legs transition to a desire so deep in her that she’d be stupid to ignore it.
Sam is the initiator out of the two of them, it’s always been that way and Kristie’s been happy to adhere to however Sam wants her in the bedroom, right now though, she’s got all the power and there are a million things going through her head. It makes her grateful that Sam normally takes the reins, because Kristie is fairly certain that if this level of thinking was needed every single time she wanted to have sex with her girlfriend then their sex lives would be far more boring.
Kristie leans over, pressing her lips to Sam’s neck, hoping that somehow it’ll wake her up, it doesn’t.
When her lips don’t seem to suffice, Kristie brings her hand up to Sam’s waist, her fingers dragging across her hip bones and slowly migrating up to the space between her ribs and breasts.
Kristie’s fingers are feather light, trying to coax Sam out of whatever deep sleep she’s in, it only seems to spur on the state she’s in though, her body leaning into Kristie’s touch and her pants getting louder.
Kristie’s running out of ideas, her wet lips are dragging up and down the column of Sam’s neck and her fingers are pressing in slightly harder along her hips bones and the underside of her breasts, yet Sam is still completely unconscious.
Kristie’s brain short circuits, her desperation for Sam to wake up so that she can finally have a moment with her before getting some good, quality sleep.
Suddenly, her pointer and thumb are pinching down on Sam’s nipple, twisting it in her fingers until Sam's whole body jerks, her eyes snapping open.
It’s uncharacteristically sadistic for Kristie. She doesn’t normally like to inflict pain on anybody, especially her loved ones, but she can’t help but love the way that Sam’s body reacts.
Sam takes quite a few seconds to realise exactly what’s happening, Kristie buries her lips and face in Sam’s neck sucking little marks into her neck.
Sam’s body tenses for a couple of seconds, probably whilst she’s trying to figure out what’s happening, but as soon as everything begins to put itself into place, Sam’s body relaxes, her hands raising from beneath the covers to shift Kristie’s hips onto her own, helping Kristie to swing her legs over Sam’s hips and straddle her. Kristie’s lips never leave her neck, her hands however, move up and down, dragging along the skin along Sam’s torso.
Kristie continues suckling at Sam’s tanned neck, specifically focusing on her pulse point.
Kristie’s determined, she knows Sam is already worked up, she’s determined to somehow work her up even more, get her as hot and bothered as possible.
“Kristie, babe.”
Sam’s hands tighten on her hips, when Kristie’s lips don’t let up, Sam reaches her hands up, gently pushing Kristie’s head out of her neck, getting a proper look at her.
“Babe, no teasing.”
Sam’s words have a clear undertone, Kristie is not in charge.
She’s temporarily been handed control due to her jumping Sam, she is not the one calling the shots though.
“Good dream, huh?”
Sam’s blushing, it’s a sight that Kristie’s seen very little of, her very confident and cocky partner all of a sudden looking subdued.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
There is the cockiness, back in full swing.
“Kristie, oh, Kristie.”
Kristie’s mimic of Sam’s noises are pretty accurate in her own opinion, Sam seems less than impressed.
“Is it a crime for me to dream about my girl?”
The possessiveness has Kristie keening, Sam’s always made it clear that Kristie is hers, she’s not one for sharing, Kristie belongs to her and vice versa.
“Mm, so what exactly were you dreaming about me?”
Kristie’s hands haunt Sam’s skin, dancing in small circles all over her, purposely avoiding the spots that she knows will give Sam any form of pleasure.
Sam’s whining, it’s something Kristie doesn’t see very often.
“Tell me and I’ll touch you, tell me what’s got you so worked up.”
Kristie brushes her fingers over Sam’s nipples, just long enough to feel them harden underneath her tips before moving them away and back down to Sam’s stomach.
“You can’t be serious?”
Sam’s displeased, but she’s also desperate for Kristie’s hand to do something other than draw little patterns up and along her skin, she wants them touching her, touching her where she needs her the most.
“Babe, you got me so worked up with all those little noises, those little thrusts? All whilst you were asleep, now I want you to tell me what was it about that little dream of yours that made you moan louder than I’ve ever heard, or maybe I won’t touch you at all.”
Sam is a quiet lover, she expresses her feelings and thoughts on her face, she doesn’t need to vocalise. That’s why Kristie had been so shocked to hear her so unusually loud.
“Kristie, don’t forget your place.”
Kristie figures that if she’s ever going to try and one up Sam, her time is now. She’s got the advantage, she’s on top, Sam’s anchored to the bed underneath her, hips pinned underneath Kristie’s.
“I think I’m remembering my place just fine, now, what was it that you were dreaming about?”
Sam and Kristie are both stubborn by nature, neither of them like to lose, give up or give in. Sam looks so desperate though, Kristie’s convinced that she might just win this time around.
“Was dreaming about you.”
Kristie rewards the admission with a squeeze of Sam’s right breast, but that’s it, she needs more if Sam wants more from her.
“C’mon love, you can do better than that.”
Kristie brings her fingers back up to the nipple she’d previously abused, tugging at it gently, licking her lips when Sam’s back arches up from underneath her.
“Fuck Kris, seriously?”
Kristie nods her head, her lip caught between her teeth as she subtly grinds her hip against Sam’s and continues to toy with the nipple between her fingers.
“Dreamt about Paris.”
Kristie smirks, a big knowing smirk.
Her hands trail down, under the waistband of Sam’s cotton sleep shorts, cupping her, feeling the warmth and wetness that has spread itself all over Sam’s shorts and thighs.
“Mm, what about Paris baby, you can do it, tell me.”
Sam looks like she might just kill Kristie, her dream had put her on edge, but Kristie teasing her, it’s putting her on a different level of arousal.
“F-fuck Kris, the balcony, the kitchen, the beach, the bed, all of it.”
Paris was the last time her and Sam had the opportunity to properly share a bed for less than 24 hours, after the Olympics, it had possibly been the best sex Kristie had in her entire life. Four days, of just her and Sam. It had been the first true introduction they’d had to each other, the first time that they got to properly appreciate and worship every part of each other's bodies.
Kristie lets her finger dip down, connecting with Sam’s clit. Sam rolls her hips into Kristie’s fingers, vying for more pressure, more movement, more anything.
“Mm? What about it, you can tell me.”
Kristie keeps her thumb on Sam’s clit, whilst her middle finger and ring finger trail down through Sam’s wetness to her cunt.
Sam’s completely soaked, her arousal is all over Kristie’s hand, her pussy is attempting to suck Kristie’s fingers in, Kristie is too tempted, but she’s relishing in the power she holds and she’s not quite ready to give it up yet.
“You want my fingers? Tell me what you were dreaming about.”
Kristie put her two fingers right at Sam’s entrance, dipping in and out with the very tips of her fingers.
“F-fuck me, Kris.”
Kristie shakes her head.
“I’ll fuck you when you tell me what you were dreaming about.”
Sam’s so desperate, more desperate than she thinks she's ever been before.
“Fuck, Kris, all of it, night two after dinner in the shower.”
Kristie smiles, it’s a favourite memory of hers.
Something about showers, alcohol and first time anal was pretty hard to forget.
Kristie pushes her fingers slowly into Sam, there isn’t any reluctance but she wants to draw out Sam’s pleasure for as long as possible, to do that she has to be slower, hard and fast too early is probably going to result in Sam orgasming in ten seconds.
Kristie starts off with a slow pace, trying to find the spot inside Sam which she knows will make her legs shake.
It doesn’t take too long, Sam helps her, jutting her hips up into Kristie’s hand until she finally brushes up against Sam’s sweet spot.
Kristie’s desperate to draw out one of those moans that she heard whilst Sam was in her unconscious state, it’s a sound that she’ll never be able to get out of her head and she’s so desperate to hear more of it.
Kristie pushes her palm down against Sam’s clit, roughening her approach and fastening her strokes.
“Getting close babe? Making you feel good am I?”
The scrunch between Sam’s brows tells Kristie all she needs to know, but she wants to hear it from her.
“F-fuck Kris, so good.”
Kristie smirks, this is definitely not the way she would have imagined spending tonight and even if it’s panned out in a weird way, she definitely isn’t mad about it. These moments with Sam are what makes being together so perfect, there is always some surprise or something new that’s introduced with every new step they take together.
“Mm, gonna cum for me babe?”
Sam nods her head, her lip caught between her teeth, her back arched up and her bed hair spread out across the pillow as if it were a halo of brown locks.
“F-fuck Kris, gonna cum for you babe.”
Kristie smirks, leaning down to press her lips to Sam’s.
The kiss is rushed and desperate but Kristie loves it, she loves every second of it.
“Be loud for me baby, I know you can do it, c’mon, cum all over my hand.”
Sam’s hips suddenly freeze and she lets out a deep groan into Kristie’s mouth, her walls spasming around Kristie’s fingers.
She grinds out the aftershocks on Kristie’s hands, Sam’s hips nudging up against Kristie in random movements as she comes down from her high.
Sam pushes Kristie’s hand away when it becomes too much, Kristie gently removes her fingers from Sam’s pussy, bringing them up to her mouth and licking Sam’s taste off of her fingers. Once she’s done, she leans down, bringing Sam into a dirty kiss and sharing the flavour that she’s grown to love so much.
When Sam’s hand makes its way down to the band of Kristie’s sleep shorts, she shakes her head, pulling Sam’s hand from her skin and bringing it up to rest on her arm. Kristie wants some sleep, and she knows that if Sam and her get started she’s not getting some any time soon.
Sam’s brow raises in questioning, neither of them are one to turn each other down, and it’s taking every part of Kristie’s will to deny her.
“Sleep baby, sex tomorrow.”
Kristie rests her forehead against Sam’s, pressing a kiss to the bridge of her nose.
“You, my love, are magical and I’ll prove that to you in the morning.”
Kristie presses more kisses to Sam’s skin, enjoying the praise from her girlfriend.
“Was I equally as magical in your dream, huh?”
Kristie giggles as Sam’s hands begin to assault her sides, digging into her ribs and sending Kristie into a fit. She is vulnerable enough for Sam to be able to flip her over so she’s no longer the one on top, Sam is.
“You are magical all the time, in my dreams, on the pitch, in my bed, across the world, you are perfect.”
Sam’s the one now who begins to press kisses all over Kristie’s face, her lips attach themselves to every single part of her scalp, nose and cheeks.
“Alright, I get it, you love me.”
Sam hits Kristie’s chest, rolling her eyes as she tumbles off of her body to lie down next to her.
Kristie keeps waiting for the day where this all ends, where the honeymoon phase suddenly stops and all of the love sick obsession finally passes and yet it hasn’t, not a bit of the puppy love that started on their first date has faded and it honestly terrifies Kristie because she doesn’t want the day to come, she’s petrified that it will come and that her love for Sam will suddenly, rapidly diminish.
“I love you too Sam, you’re just as perfect.”
Sam smiles at Kristie, the both of them flipped on their sides and looking at each other with the same amount of admiration as each other.
“Mm, well there will be lots of loving in the morning, but you my love look exhausted and in need of some hugs.”
Sam makes grabby hands and Kristie leans into her touch with such ease that it’s practically no effort whatsoever.
Sam leans over to turn Kristie’s reading lamp off, switching it off before gathering Kristie in her arms and relaxing back into the pillows.
Sleep comes to Kristie a lot easier, the mixture of Sam’s touch and her exhaustion helps her to drift off, in possibly her favourite place on earth.
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devilat-thedoor · 2 months
*sighs longingly*
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elvisalltheway101 · 3 months
moonlight lovers; big daddy elvis x reader‼️ ☁️
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summary: from the start of his career, fan mail was always there but it was a certain sender that caught not only his eyes, but also his heart.
author’s note: one of my favorite childhood artists! there’s not that much hearty or angsty bits in my 70s elvis so…let’s change that
it all started from his first ever show. After being presented like a golden prize in spotlight on the Louisiana Hayride, he’s receive mail from fans. Fan mail.
Being all laid out on the couch of his dressing room, going through the pages of filth and smut, would be entertaining, wouldn’t you think? But for him, it only brought frowns and wrinkles of worry to his precious facial features.
is that all they cared for? The wiggle of hips? Somehow relating to sexual behavior and vulgar activity?
When he finally sighed and groaned to call it a night, a letter with a pretty pink bow wrapped around the width of a letter caught his eye.
Reaching over with pure curiosity, the appearance of this paper oozed innocence and humane thought and care.
Fumbling with the delicate parchment into his long digits, he immediately caught scent of a divine, floral palm pink aroma. this made him smile gently to himself, the only thing that has been different from a frown all evening.
Gently untying the ribbon that laid perfectly at hand, his eyes averted to careful and steady words of absolute encouragement and awe, with a thoughtful question of how he, himself, is doing.
His eyes trailing over the pretty handwriting ended with a pretty signature,
The words and sentences that the letter contained made his heart swell. Of course, he’s grateful for his fans and all their charity…but it’s different to see that one is just as grateful to see him.
And that’s where it all lead from. Letters wrote back and forth, especially during the time of army and training. It was his hardest years. But somehow, this absolute foreign heart made him pour his feelings and soul onto paper.
And it all ended the same way, whoever that was that answered back sweetly, Moonlight, and his letters ended with Elvis.
Nothing changed even while his career drove up into the sky’s limit. He would always look forward to that one noted later, pretty in pink and ended with Moonlight. The same floral, pink palm scent would fill his nose, the scented paper was obviously decorated with the same ribbon fabric and perfume of her likings.
Through all the women, all the films, all the events, nothing helped more than that one letter in the postman’s baggie.
Moonlight, or whoever this complete stranger but loved at heart was, always checked upon him, asked of his career, and wrote to him as if it were being written to a dear friend. And it always made him smile with all genuine that someone out there, whoever they were, knew him simply.
This would continue until the last of life’s heart dripped every drop known of beauty, the hands of the living one with humanity in living soul and heart would eventually stop and falter.
Not by boredom or of willingness, but by when death does them apart. Maybe he will find out who wrote to and from all these years. Staying almost loyal and side by side all these ups and downs, but with no identity.
Moonlight lovers.
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anthemofgvf · 10 months
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nicosraf · 1 month
may I beg for some Sammy lowkey pining and being in love with Azazel in heaven crumbs?
any lil facts really…. they’re no daddy Baal but I’m so obsessed with them and love them dearly :’)
A&M spoilers
I think Samyaza didn't used to style his hair at all because he liked the way it looked and felt loose, but it would fall over his face too much. One day, Samyaza is trying to heal someone in the house, and Azazel sees that Samyaza can hardly see while he's working. Azazel goes up to him and scolds him a little (he's the older one after all, and this is before the war), and then tells Samyaza to sit. Samyaza complains but does sit, and when Azazel starts braiding his hair, Samyaza starts grumbling that he likes it messy and loose. So, Azazel does only a few braids, just the hairs that get in Samyaza's face most often. Afterwards, Azazel holds a handheld mirror before Samyaza's face and smiles and tells him he looks good like this. Samyaza sees his face beside Azazel's in the reflection, and he gets incredibly flustered, his cheeks visibly reddening. Azazel laughs when he swipes the mirror away, but Samyaza manages to grumble a thanks. From that point on, Samyaza styles his hair like that.
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suncaptor · 5 months
Remember when Lucifer possessed one of Sam's favourite musicians and Sam started binge listening to the guy sing "On my knees, overlord, subjugation is its own reward"
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anyways… happy wagner wedneday
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dad's on a Starbucks trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days
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princessxpunk · 3 months
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luverleaver · 8 months
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good morning Sam nation
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samkerrworshipper · 6 months
Would you please be able to write something about you getting the call up for the WC and calling Sam afterwards crying. Just lots of fluff xx
Thank you
the phone call | sam kerr x lionesses reader
sorry my lovelies… i’m still yet to leave bed because of this pain flare up
sorry if i’m not interacting with your messages and kind words.. trying to limit my screen time but i promise im seeing them all and it means the world to me
for now you all get some little drabbles that are sitting in my drafts xo
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It’s 6pm.
The calls were supposed to start going out at 4 and it’s 6.
You’re paralysed, stuck to your spot on the couch, your feet anxiously tied up in the blanket draped over you as you stare down at your phone, patiently awaiting a call.
It hasn’t been an easy ride to get to this point, almost a year ago you were lying in a hospital bed, unmoving and unsure whether you’d ever walk again, let alone be in contention to play football for your country.
You’ve worked your ass off, tens of hundreds of hours in the gym, rehabbing, working on your strength, all for this call.
You know realistically that the longer you’re left waiting, the longer that your chances are depleting.
Coaches make the easiest calls first, the starting eleven, then their moving bench, players who will still get plenty of time on the pitch, then they move onto the maybe players, players whose skill sets might be needed depending on the team, then it’s onto the emergency players, then it’s the fillers, players that are just kind of on the squad because of courtesy, even though the chances that they will play is next to nothing.
In your mind, you fall into some place between the last two, Sarina doesn’t owe you anything though, the last time you played for her was the Euro’s semi final, when everything went to shit for you and sure, you’ve worked hard since then, but sometimes hard work isn’t always enough, especially in the world of soccer politics.
You sent Sam out of the house to run some errands half an hour ago, insisting you would be fine, but right now you wished you hadn’t, because there is nothing you need more than to be cuddled up in your fiancé’s arms.
She’s been there for you every single step of the way, quite literally being the person who helped you walk your first steps after surgery.
The road has been tough for the both of you, and you know there is nothing Sam wants more than for you to be with her in Australia over the Summer.
If it isn’t meant to be, then it isn’t, you’ll be there anyways on the sidelines supporting her but there is something so much more satisfying about knowing that you might get to be on the pitch beside her.
You don’t know what you’ll do if you are back in the squad, sure you’ve been to the last two camps, but being named in the actual squad is something else, especially for the world cup, it would mean the whole world to you.
Your thoughts are enough to drain out the ping from messages, but the desperate vibration in your hands isn’t.
Your eyes dart down to the screen, bursting open like you’d just consumed a energy drink when Sarina’s name pops up on your screen.
‘If you have a spare minute would love to chat whenever your free.’
You’ve been free since 12pm last night, sleep didn’t come for you, instead you’d sat by the phone, waiting for any kind of notification.
Sam had tried her hardest to pry you away, forcing you to come on a morning run with her, which was extremely abnormal, neither you or Sam where runners, but you assumed it was just your girlfriend trying to make you feel a little bit better.
You typed at your phone like a mad man, unwilling to miss this precious window that seemed to have opened for you, you didn’t even had the chance to actually think about Sarina actually calling you, too busy furiously tapping at the keyboard on your phone.
‘Free to chat whenever suits you’
You didn’t have much time to look at your text, mere seconds after the bubble went blue Sarina’s contact was popping up on your screen.
You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do much more than aggressively tap the green button and watch as the call connected and Sarina’s face popped up on your screen.
“Y/n, good to see you, how’s your day been? I’ve been told there is quite a storm in London today?”
You don’t want to talk about weather, or this as trivial as how your day is going, but you put a smile on for Sarina anyways, a cute little smile that you normally save for press conferences after a particularly bad match or rough game.
“Sarina, it’s an honour as always, I’m doing well thanks, the weather is definitely shocking but we’re used to it, how’s it doing in the Netherlands?”
Sarina smiles at you, and it makes you feel a little bit uneasy, why can’t she just rip the bandaid off.
“It’s nice today, blue skies. How’s Sam? I don’t know if I had the chance to congratulate you on your engagement yet.”
You put on another little smile, trying to act like the nerves growing in your stomach aren’t bubbling up so badly that you feel as if you’re about to vomit.
“Sam’s good, we’re very happy, I’ve sent her out to get groceries which I’m regretting because she hasn’t got a clue what we need.”
Sarina laughs heartily, and it’s almost enough to make you feel a little bit better about the whole situation.
“Well I hope she’ll be happy to know that you’ll be in Australia over the Summer playing for England, if you’d like?”
All thoughts in your brain are cut off when you catch onto what Sarina is saying and then all of a sudden you can feel the tears building up in the back of your eyes.
“You’re serious? You want me in Australia?”
Sarina just laughs once again.
“You were part of our winning Euro’s team y/n, there is nothing I would love more than to welcome you back. You are a crucial part of our defence, especially with Leah missing and there is nothing we need more than your leadership. You’ve been fantastic on the pitch recently, both club and at camp, if you keep performing as you are, I think you’ll be very deserving of taking your place back in the starting eleven, how does that sound?”
You have to put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from sobbing.
“Thank you so much Sarina, you genuinely don’t know how much this means to me, I’ll prove to you everyday that I deserve to be there and I’ll do whatever I can on and off the pitch to help the team.”
Sarina just smiles to herself.
“I don’t doubt that at all, all I ask is that you try your hardest, I’ll let you go now y/n, have a good couple of weeks, I’ll see you at the airport.”
Before you can embarrass yourself any further, you're wishing Sarina farewell and pressing the red button at the bottom of your screen.
It takes a few seconds for it all to set in for you, the happenings of your phone call slowly sinming into your brain.
It’s when it all sinks in that you realise tears are still dripping down your face, and before you can think about it too hard your searching for Sam’s contact and clicking the call button.
To Sam’s credit, it takes about three seconds before your girlfriends face pops up on your screen.
“I think I might need a shopping list- baby why are you crying?”
Just looking at Sam makes you perk up a little bit, she’s all flustered which you don’t see very often.
“Sarina called, I’m in the squad, she wants me in the squad.”
Just saying it creates a whole other wave of emotions of flowing, and this time you don’t even try to stop the sobs leaving your mouth.
Sam lights up immediately.
“Baby, that is awesome, I’m not surprised at all, I’m leaving the shops now, I’ll be home in five minutes we can talk about it then, hmm?”
You nod eagerly, a big smile breaking out across its face.
“I’m so proud of you babe, you’ve worked so hard for this, I’ll be home in a couple of minutes, okay?”
You just nod at Sam, far to giddy to do much besides jerk your head up and down like a energised puppy.
You weren’t quite sure what the future held for your Summer in Australia, but you that no matter what, no matter the injuries, setbacks, bad games, Sam would be there for you through it all, she’d be there for you, no matter what side of the dug out you were sitting on.
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devilat-thedoor · 8 months
having a sunday samdown🙃
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sometimes i see him and suddenly my brain can’t function…
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taakomg · 1 year
dungeons and daddies is a comedy podcast dungeons and daddies is a comedy podcast dungeons and daddies is a comedy podcast dungeons and daddies is a-
“Sally and Robert Wilson”
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samisnotlegend · 5 months
New Fic!
Bakugou Katsuki might be a Mandalorian and a bounty hunter, but he's not cool with cashing in on kids. So naturally, he kidnaps the little bounty instad.
On the other side of the galaxy, Midoriya Izuku recovers from a severe injury while also hunting down the mistakes of his past...
This fic was written for the "Same Sky, Different Worlds" discord zine! You can download the full zine for free here!
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angstintensifer · 2 years
Jwcc vent.
Imagine being Darius’s mother, losing your husband to an illness months ago. Then your dinosaur loving son wants to go the place that was his and his fathers dream, Jurassic world. The park tanks, he doesn’t come home, you think he’s dead.
Imagine being Bens mother, you send your quiet reserved son to Jurassic world to help him grow and come out of his shell. The park tanks, he doesn’t come home, you think he’s dead.
Imagine being Yaz’s mother, your track star daughter is sponsored by Jurassic world and gets to go experience camp Cretaceous. The park tanks, she doesn’t come home, you think she’s dead.
Imagine being Sammy’s parents, your ranch is in danger so borrow money, to save it. Your daughter is offered to go to Jurassic world, to spy. You say no, she goes anyway. The park tanks, she doesn’t come home, you think she’s dead.
And now imagine being Daniel Kon, you send your son to the camp as you work for Mr Masrani. The park tanks. Your son didn’t come home. You are rich, powerful, available to afford to go to the island, you got a distress call from the island.
And you do nothing.
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