selkra-souza · 9 months
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@austintrashman What do glasses/vision correction look like for the BYG aliens?
Along with laser eye surgery and contact lenses, there's various ways to fit glassware (or otherware) onto an alien's face. Also I included some image examples of non-vision correcting goggles for funsies.
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The most accessible glassware option for nedal is to install a ring around the eye stalk and fit a removable lens in front of it. One or both eyes may need a correctional lens. Fancier designs fully enclose the eye in a case that can come in various fashionable colors or shapes.
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Glasses for massakas are fit around the head with an elastic strap. They can be made fashionable with jingling and dangling tassels and bells hanging off the sides.
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A harness is used to hold up correctional lenses for delorix. The harness pictured above is a basic plant leather strap with metal holding the lenses, but they can come other colors and with decorative elements.
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The oldest glasses design for zrai were invented by nedal for the "uplifted" zrai living among them, worn by the female at the bottom of the above image. It stays put while the upper jaw opens and closes for speech or eating. Since zrai have no arms (or much any usable appendages) It's a fairly impractical design since it requires another helper to strap it on and off using the handle on the top of the head. This antique design is really only worn by mature females living closely with their harem of males who are available to assist putting them on and off, considered by them to be fancy vintage items. The male at the top of the image meanwhile, is wearing the more practical and modern design invented by zrai. They're metal glasses that attach via magnetic buttons installed onto the face. Only a flick of the tongue on either handle is needed to put them on or take them off.
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Smazels have the most complex compound lenses for their compound eyes. Each glass monocle has over a hundred correctional lenses that are painstakingly fitted for the individual, especially if by hand. Because smazel vision isn't all that advanced to begin with, and because it's enough of a hassle to commission these, that smazels without easy access computers and item printers just go without, relying instead on smell and vibrations to walk and fly around.
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theywhospeak · 1 year
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Early sophont sketches. All three from different planets.
First ("bugfox") developed in desertic conditions and thus has big ears to help dissipate heat. May not use them because I realised a bit too late that they kinda look like @selkra-souza's delorix.
Second ("numi") has separate vocal and digestive mouths. The vocal mouth developed from a nostril.
Third ("urm") is hypercarnivorous, has smelling organs separate from the respiratory system, and uses its crest to communicate emotions.
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ibadahmimpi · 5 years
Suara tumpahan air yang menghempas batu dari ketinggian 87 meter menjadi suara alam yang menemani kami menuruni anak tangga yang jumlahnya ratusan ini. Beberapa ada yang mengatakan 500 buah anak tangga, beberapa lagi mengatakan sampai 1000 anak tangga. Entahlah siapa yang benar. Yang pasti kami tak kepikiran lagi untuk menghitung berapa sebenarnya jumlah anak tangga sepanjang 500 meter dengan kemiringan 45 derjat itu. Dalam pikiran kami hanya ada kata menurun dan terus menurun. Sebuah pesona alam yang luar biasa telah menanti kami di bawah sana. Sebuah muara jatuhnya air dari ketinggian Curug Cimahi.
Curug adalah air terjun dalam bahasa Sunda. Nama Cimahi berasal dari nama sungai yang mengalir di atasnya, Sungai Cimahi yang berhulu di Situ (danau) Lembang dan mengalir ke Kota Cimahi. Curug ini berjarak ±10 kilometer dari Kota Cimahi ke arah Lembang atau 20 kilometer dari Kota Bandung. Curug Cimahi lebih tepatnya berada di Jalan Kolonel Masturi, Desa Kertawangi, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Mungkin karena berada di ketinggian 1050 mdpl membuat suasana di sekitar curug cukup sejuk dengan suhu yang berkisar antara 18-22 derajat Celcius. Perjalanan kami tidak begitu terasa melelahkan. Kondisi di sekitar curug yang dikelilingi oleh hutan yang cukup lebat, membuat ketersediaan oksigen menjadi banyak dan udara cukup dingin. Dari penuturan seorang Bapak yang baik, curug ini juga sering dijadikan tempat penelitian vegetasi, mungkin karena hutan ini cukup lebat yang didominasi oleh pohon Flamboyan (Delorix Regia), Beringin (Ficus Benjamina), Karet Benggol dan Rasamala (Althingia Excelsia).
Di sepanjang penurunan, kami juga ditemani beberapa kawanan monyet ekor panjang yang menertawai primata berkaki dua yang menuruni anak tangga ini. Tipikal monyet tempat wisata, mereka sudah pandai berakting untuk meminta sedekah dari pengelana. Tak peduli wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, para monyet ini tak segan untuk mendekat dan melakukan pekerjaan mereka, meminta makanan.
Tak lengkap rasanya jika kita membicarakan curug tanpa sejarahnya. Tak ada catatan resmi kapan curug ini ditemukan, namun menurut cerita yang dituturkan warga sekitar bahwa 31 tahun yang silam beberapa warga kampung Cisarua yang berjumlah 3 orang yang bernama Jajang, Engkos dan Dani yang merintis pembukaan dan pembangunan curug ini. Mereka awalnya dibantu beberapa warga membuat jalan berundak yang menuju lokasi air terjun. Mitospun berkembang dari telinga ke telinga, konon apabila ada pasangan datang ke Curug Cimahi berduaan maka dapat dipastikan bahwa hubungan mereka akan segera berakhir saling meninggalkan. Entah mitos itu benar atau tidaknya, tapi yang jelas bukankah mitos dibuat untuk melanggengkan nama sebuah tempat wisata?
Tak ada yang bisa terlepas dari yang namanya modernisasi. Bahkan sebuah air terjunpun kini telah tersentuh alat-alat modern selayaknya Curug Cimahi ini. Dalam kurun waktu dari tahun 2010 sampai 2014, curug ini mendapatkan renovasi dan rehabilitasi. Wismo Tri Kuncoro, seorang ADM Perhutani KPH Bandung Utara memberikan gagasan untuk menancapkan lampu yang disetting untuk dapat berubah warna di belakang curug ini. Sebuah ide dan konsep yang terinspirasi dari Seven Falls, salah satu wisata air terjun yang ada di negara bagian Colorado-Amerika dimana sebuah air terjun dapat memancarkan cahaya ketika malam menerpa. Maka ketika malam hari, Curug Cimahi melahirkan Curug Pelangi atau nama kerennya, The Rainbaw Waterfall. Sebuah curug yang dapat memancarkan warna-warna yang memanja mata. Entah ini baik atau buruk, kami tak sempat untuk menyaksikan secara langsung bagaimana sebuah curug yang memancarkan cahaya.
30 menit berlalu, kami akhirnya sampai dan disambut oleh butiran air yang menghempaskan bebatuan. Suasana begitu sejuk. Beberapa saat kami hanya terdiam menyaksikan sebuah keindahan yang mempesona mata. Sebuah pertanyaan tiba-tiba merasuk ke dalam otak, seberapa indahkan Indonesia ini?
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Have a nice day! Stay tuned for more of our adventures. Happy travel and leave no trash!
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CURUG CIMAHI DAN KEINDAHAN YANG MEMPESONA Suara tumpahan air yang menghempas batu dari ketinggian 87 meter menjadi suara alam yang menemani kami menuruni anak tangga yang jumlahnya ratusan ini.
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selkra-souza · 4 months
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Decided on tube ears for the delorix and related species.
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selkra-souza · 5 months
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This solar system is the main setting for the spaceship alien roommates Rutan, Vertex and Donelja. This is a draft I've been working on the past few months that's set in stone for the most part, but potentially could get some future adjustments. The planets don't quite have names yet.
To put the image summary in text: The Spectrum Solar System is the home to Rutan, Vertex and Donelja. It orbits a main sequence star that’s a bit larger and hotter than Earth’s Sun, and exists within the nebula where both galaxies of Broken Yolk impact. It’s a colony system with a higher population and sophant diversity than the average system due to having two Goldilocks zone planets, easily terraformable moons, and an abundance of metals to mine from two asteroid belts. Many immigrate here from neighboring systems into terrestrial or space colonies to enjoy the system’s abundant resources and rich multicultural societies.
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A Rhodo Nation-inhabited sol system rich in resources often has continentoids, which are dwarf planet sized supermegafauna bioengineered by Rhodo scientists, because populating the universe with as much life as possible is a common and prominent core value of theirs. They are mostly found in the Goldilocks zone orbit or closer, in order to maximize access to starlight for photosynthesis. There are unique species in this system, and they’re the charismatic face of this system to the wider galactic community :)
For the trio of roommates, they usually take their ship to and from the Rhodo Nation colony to one of the Igneous Nation moons for Donelja's masaka taxon environmental conservation work. They also make trips to the Aurora Nation for reasons I'm not totally sure of besides Rutan likes traveling in it's metropolitan cities. Vertex mostly tags along complaining the whole time and wanting to hoard knick knacks.
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selkra-souza · 1 year
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Donelja enjoying a sweet and sour curd stuffed bun made from the finest flower extracts.
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selkra-souza · 10 months
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Doodles while at a flee market
Skwugs are Rutan’s favorite food :>
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selkra-souza · 2 years
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So I think I've finally come up with a look for Donelja that looks stud enough :v
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selkra-souza · 1 year
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Ancient art from 2017, but it’s still a relevant look into what kind of plants evolved on the Delorix home world. Their plants photosynthesize with rhodophores and many ‘grass’ species release spores and grow in a dense, soft carpet that can only be penetrated by the sharpest roots, leaving other plant species to parasitically or mutualistically feed off them.
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selkra-souza · 2 months
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Selkra is a lifelong critter doodler and chronic daydreamer who's been meticulously worldbuilding alien societies since first playing Spore in 2009. In the meantime, Selkra resides somewhere on Earth doing people activities such as arts and crafts on the floor, hugging plushies, staring at bugs and mustering up the patience to read sci-fi novels.
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Broken Yolk Galaxy is a pair of galaxies merged into one within a cosmological void, and the sophant alien cultures that evolved and coexist in it. The main focus is on a trio of roommates who do interplanetary travel within the Spectrum Solar System on spaceship Appex looking for work and learning to get along.
lore tags: #broken yolk galaxy / #spectrum sol system / #aurora nation / #rhodo nation / #igneous nation
species tags: #nedal / #delorix / #masaka / #zrai / #smazel
OC tags: #Rutan / #Donelja / #Vertex
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Emotionsonas is a personal paracosm that focuses on a group of personified emotions living in an inner world and how they deal with my day-to-day life, as well as exploring the fantasical conscious and subconscious-inspired setting of my mind.
lore tag: #emotionsonas
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other tags: #selkra scribbles (art tag) / #selkra squalks (talk tag) / #selkra scrumbles (craft tag) / #fanart / #virtual pets (neopets, subeta, marapets, etc.) / #dream journal / #occult art
other blogs: inspiration blog / aesthetic blog
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Elsewhere on the web: (I'm currently most active here on tumblr) / newgrounds / toyhou.se / pillowfort / bluesky / deviantart (archive/inactive) /
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selkra-souza · 2 years
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Some mouthparts practice featuring two miscellaneous delorix.
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selkra-souza · 2 years
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The most notable characteristic of the delorix homeworld: Rhodo, named after their red plants, is that it's tidally locked, normally this would mean extreme temperature difference across the planet, but an active atmosphere with heavy winds manages to distribute their stars' heat enough to harbor a wide diversity of organisms.
The masaka homeworld: Igneous (I misspelled it on the image), is a very warm world named after its volcanic activity and rocks used in blacksmithing. It's notably dry throughout most its surface, save for a single large ocean on one side, a region humid enough for rain forests to naturally grow around it. Another notable characteristic is the north side temperate and arctic red desert, which gets chilly at the lowest during winter.
The colder planet of the nedal homeworld: Aurora, named after the magnetic field activity seen widely from the temperate to polar regions, is primarily surfaced with oceans and continents carpeted in blue grasslands, with pockets of forest.
I wanted the zrai homeworld: Venous, named after the rivers that many zrai populate that look vein-like from an ariel view, to have continent-sized lagoons but that would probably require planet-busting levels of volcanic activity, so I'm now opting for an ocean planet speckled in normal-sized islands and lagoons.
The smazel homeworld was blown up at the climactic end of a religious crusade centuries before they encountered the other alien nations, and since they kept no empirical records of their "sinful" planet, scientists and historians from the other alien species can only infer what it was like based on smazel physiology and their mythologies recounting what it was like, which was apparently violently volcanic and desolate.
I still don't know what kind of stars they orbit yet, and these planets may get adjustments as I gain a better understanding of geology and cosmology.
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selkra-souza · 2 years
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Having an impossible time coming up with a pelt pattern for Donelja, but at least I've settled on it being shades of red rather than the oranges/creams/browns in previous posts. All I know is that I want the colors and patterns to be high contrast (as it's conventionally attractive in most delorix cultures, including Don's), and to have them make Don look like a bit of a hot head (why I ditched orange/cream/brown for reds, and why I'm opting for stripes rather than the square spots (that look way cooler :C)).
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selkra-souza · 3 years
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@austintrashman Species like the nedal and masakas aren't capable of storing much fat, while delorix and zrai can store quite a lot. Most of these speices have a wide range of hights, markings and faces, while the masakas and smazels tend to look almost identical (masaka diversity is across breeds much moreso than across individuals) (and smazels look different across sexes and whether or not a female is a queen or not).
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selkra-souza · 3 years
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These three geezers are basically the main characters of Broken Yolk Galaxy. They're roommates in a space ship mobile home orbiting a bright, middle aged star, in a uncommon solar system where all five sophont species coexist.
Donelja owns the ship they all live in, and makes a living in nature photography and film, and selling licensees for their use. Don's a recluse and a hothead, but also strongly inclined to do the right thing. They're the straight man of the trio.
Don took in Rutan who used to wander a city having been ostracized by his family for "being involved in fantasy" which in this case means making art. He also has a hobby in magnet fishing. Rutan is a very cheery little round man and keeps the other two from going at each others throats.
Don took in Vertex last, who used to be a space hobo wandering abandoned settlements. He's surprisingly pretentious and pompous for someone who claims to have been raised in the outbacks and refuses to elaborate on his upbringing. If it weren't for Rutans' crush on him, he would've been kicked out a a long time ago.
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selkra-souza · 3 years
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Brainstorming hobbies and character interactions for these three space alien roommates in space
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