#derek vs. owen
anewkindofme · 27 days
The "April retakes her boards" in the "My Boy" verse has spanned into a mini-fic. It'll only be a few chapters (likely 3? I don't know, still mapping it out). So, here's a sneak peek in the form of a poster. It's tentatively called "Bend Until You Break", but may change to another lyric from the song.
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valjeans · 8 months
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another really fun opening round with some close calls and big names going out!! full results are below the cut:
Earl Carpenter VS Gavin Lee Earl Capenter = 109 (91.6%) Gavin Lee = 10 (8.4%) Earl Carpenter WINS
Manoel Felciano VS Ted Keegan Manoel Felciano = 61 (53%) Ted Keegan = 54 (47%) Manoel Felciano WINS
Jeremy Secomb VS Hadley Fraser Jeremy Secomb = 30 (25.6%) Hadley Fraser = 87 (74.4%) Hadley Fraser WINS
Matt Seadon-Young VS Niall Sheehy Matt Seadon-Young = 26 (23.9%) Niall Sheehy = 83 (76.1%) Niall Sheehy WINS
Jeremy Stolle VS Ben Forster Jeremy Stolle = 88 (76.5%) Ben Forster = 27 (23.5%) Jeremy Stolle WINS
Tommy Körberg VS Tim Morgan Tommy Körberg = 52 (47.3%) Tim Morgan = 58 (52.7%) Tim Morgan WINS
Ramin Karimloo VS Brian D'Arcy James Ramin Karimloo = 64 (52.9%) Brian D'Arcy James = 57 (47.1%) Ramin Karimloo WINS
Tom Hewitt VS Malcolm Forbes Peckham Tom Hewitt = 67 (58.8%) Malcolm Forbes Peckham = 47 (41.2%) Tom Hewitt WINS
Raul Esparza VS Brian Stokes Mitchell Raul Esparza = 90 (78.3%) Brian Stokes Mitchell = 25 21.7%) Raul Esparza WINS
Josh Groban VS Laird Mackintosh Josh Groban = 55 (44.4%) Laird Mackintosh = 69 (55.6%) Laird Mackintosh WINS
Simon Bailey VS Gareth Snook Simon Bailey = 68 (71.6%) Gareth Snook = 27 (28.4%) Simon Bailey WINS
Norm Lewis VS Derek Klana Norm Lewis = 86 (79.6%) Derek Klana = 22 (20.4%) Norm Lewis WINS
Dave Willetts VS Will Swenson Dave Willetts = 32 (32%) Will Swenson = 68 (68%) Will Swenson WINS
Harry Hadden-Patton VS John Owen Jones Harry Hadden-Patton = 26 (74.8%) John Owen Jones = 77 (25.2%) John Owen Jones WINS
Adam Pascal VS Christopher Plummer Adam Pascal = 17 (15.9%) Christopher Plummer = 90 (84.1%) Christopher Plummer WINS
Hugh Panaro VS Killian Donnelly Hugh Panaro = 72 (67.9%) Killian Donnelly = 34 (32.1%) Hugh Panaro WINS
Julian Ovenden VS Patrick Page Julian Ovenden = 41 (38.7%) Patrick Page = 65 (61.3%) Patrick Page WINS
Terrence Mann VS Franc D'Ambrosio Terrence Mann = 82 (78.8%) Franc D'Ambrosio = 22 (21.2%) Terrence Mann WINS
Peter Lockyer VS Stewart Clarke Peter Lockyer = 69 (69.7%) Stewart Clarke = 30 (30.3%) Peter Lockyer WINS
Mandy Patinkin VS Cameron Blakely Mandy Patinkin = 81 (77.1%) Cameron Blakely = 24 (22.9%) Mandy Patinkin WINS
Philip Quast VS Matt Harrop Philip Quast = 68 (69.4%) Matt Harrop = 30 (30.6%) Philip Quast WINS
Howard McGillin VS Greg Mills Howard Mcgillin = 47 (50%) Greg Mills = 47 (50%) DRAW (Tie break will be posted after these results are published)
Robert Lindsay VS Christian Borle Robert Lindsay = 63 (66.3%) Christian Borle = 32 (33.7%) Robert Lindsay wins
Dean Chisnall VS Edward Baker-Duly Dean Chisnall = 85 (94.4%) Edward Baker-Duly = 5 (5.6%) Dean Chisnall WINS
Jon Robyns VS Bronson Norris Murphy Jon Robyns = 77 (78.6%) Bronson Norris Murphy = 21 (21.4%) Jon Robyns WINS
Hayden Tee VS Bradley Dean Hayden Tee = 40 (44.4%) Bradley Dean = 50 (55.6%) Bradley Dean WINS
Fred Johanson VS Ken Watanabe Fred Johanson = 13 (13.7%) Ken Watanabe = 82 (86.3%) Ken Watanabe WINS
Michael Ball VS Alfie Boe Michael Ball = 48 (50.5%) Alfie Boe = 47 (49.5%) Michael Ball WINS
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drdt-headcanons · 4 months
DRDT characters before vs after watching greys
Ace - before: “pshh. It’s not gonna be bad.” After: he got attached to Derek.
Arei - before: “a show about surgeons in complicated relationships? Ew.” After: chasing cars starts playing.
Arturo - before: “interesting.” After: got really attached to Sloan and found many similarities between himself and Sloan.
Charles - didn’t watch whatsoever. He has a literal phobia of blood.
David - before: “I’m sure it’s not bad.” After: crying on the couch.
Eden - before: “this show looks really nice!” After: she felt bad for Meredith and she really liked Lexie as a character.
Hu - before: “This show seems pretty inappropriate, but I’ll give it a try.” After: “that was certainly something. Is this ongoing?”
J - before: “seems pretty boring.” After: never finished it.
Levi - before: “this seems nice.” After: “oh my.”
Min - before: “I don’t have the time for this.” After: didn’t even start it.
Nico - before: “this looks graphic.” After: They didn’t really like Owen because of the pig scene in season 5.
Rose - before: “this looks cool.” After: she fell asleep.
Veronika - Before: she heard a lot about it. “This seems interesting. A show about doctors!” After: she gathered up as much info of Season 20 that she could get.
Whit - before: he mainly took an interest in it due to the shipping fanbase, and the fact that Chasing Cars was popular with the show. After: sobbing, curled up on the couch. He also got attached to Derek.
Xander - Before: He always likes to try new things, so this was gonna be fun. After: he kept playing ‘Chasing Cars’ on repeat.
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spookyrobbins · 8 months
Yes the custody battle from hell! Who would Mark even have on his side? But if we're being really tragic and real for a second - Callie who loses custody because it's her (a divorcee in a relationship with a woman) vs. a charismatic Mark whose lawyer convinced the judge that Calzona are trying to take his daughter away from him.
hm i think on marks side it’d be: derek and meredith (more so derek than mer tbh); owen; jackson; lexie
and on callie’s side: cristina; teddy; bailey; alex
i think webber would pretty much be uninvolved. ben might initially be sort of on mark’s side but bailey would set him straight quickly. cristina and mer would kinda argue about it bc mer never does well when cristina disagrees with her and cristina and callie were always friends. owen ofc would be insufferable about it.
i could see something where lexies so torn up about the whole thing and marks so sad etc and he thinks he won’t win bc he’s single and lexie offering to marry him. and then mark looks a lot more stable to the judge.
if mark won, he’d be so unbearable. like offering callie some half assed custody agreement where she can see sofia once a month and maybe not letting arizona be involved at all. callie would naturally be wrecked and arizona would feel like it was her fault for sure.
i think callie would become like borderline obsessively protective over their other kid and needing a lot of reassurance from arizona that they weren’t going anywhere.
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everybody on Reddit is always hating on Derek for being toxic but defending Owen and it is beyond ridiculous and dumb like guy with ego and communication issues vs guy who cheated and then called Cristina a baby murderer in front of all their friends after he went to the abortion clinic with her and held her hand
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maxbegone · 2 years
hi! i just wanted to say that I’m really enjoying your top 10 set and I’m (nervously 👀) looking forward to seeing the last two , but I wanted to know what your top 10 episodes were? They’re all so good it’s so hard to choose!
thank you anon! it's been a lot of fun, and there were definitely a few surprises on that list. as for my own top ten, it's a little hard. my top five is pretty easy, but here we go:
1. in the unlikely event of an emergency - i hold this episode so close to my heart and consider it one of the most beautiful episodes of television I’ve ever seen. gwyn is undoubtedly one of my favorite characters on the show, and tk's experience losing her so suddenly and dealing with that subsequent grief hits very close to home. i'm going to cherish this episode for a very long time.
2. push - what is there to say about push that hasn't already been said? it's a perfect cap to the first arc of the season, and was my favorite episode of lone star up until 3.08. it's just beautiful all around, and my only complaint is that this is the only episode we got with andrea this season. i miss mama reyes.
3. saving grace - i love me some judd and grace, and this episode by far is one of the most magnificent. heart eyes all around, tommy leveling judd in the past and in the present, pushing him to say introduce himself to grace, the three of them and charles (who i miss dearly) being a family, and the 126 coming together to support judd in the hospital. never not crying.
4. riddle of the sphynx - i think this one is pretty self explanatory. we have carlos learning to take a step back while tk takes a step forward in his sobriety, carlos learning what it means to be in love with an addict, hard conversations, and a moment of, once again, reassurance that tarlos is endgame. shout out to wes from the icarly reboot who played cooper and made me scream when he first appeared on screen.
5. bad call - i mean obviously the first carlos-centric episode has to be on the list! every single bit of this episode was perfection; we got our first glimpse at detective reyes, learned a little more about his realtionship with gabriel, the first instance of tnt being badasses (and also absolutely fucking done with these kidnappers), and, of course, "hi baby, hi baby."
6. the big heat - alexa, play fever by elvis presley. i mean. i mean. clearly. on my first watch i was being thrown back and forth on who was on whose side, which is probably what the writers wanted, and ultimately did not expect raymond to be the culprit or gabriel and owen to team up like they did. so many twists and turns, so much yelling, our first on screen "i love you." and, of course, that ending when tommy gets home. oof.
7. red vs blue - nostalgia ep, my beloved! despite the fact that i have a v small, v playful, grudge with tk/ronen choosing #2 for his jersey in honor of derek jeter because i'm a mets fan, this episode makes me wish i was still playing softball. all of the 126 is competitive, we knew that from catan, but my god was this a whole other level. and then there's nailed it nancy followed immediately by the phone call that had every single person screaming at the screen in shock. man, oh man. 8. displaced - the first instance of paramedic siblings being paramedic siblings as well as the first time the 126 really made nancy she part of the group. that tribute to tim was everything. (re: let's continue to have episode 7 of every season feature something for nancy, thanks! but maybe not episode 8 be where we hurt tk). we also had owen and gwyn sincerely breaking my heart in this episode because they just love each other so deeply at the end of the day, along with, if i'm correct, the first instance where owen actually showcased his anger. also, that mri scene. damn, tk. 9. a bright and cloudless morning - don't yell at me for how low on the list this is, but classics took over! this was, hands down, lone star's best season finale. it was epic all around, and i'm so happy everyone wound up ok. i was genuinely nervous for wyatt and judd there for a while. the prominence of owen's grief and guilt with 9/11, gwyn coming to him just like she came to tk when he needed her, the sequence of the 126 getting owen out of the rubble as he saw faces of the 252 and nypd. i had chills the entire time, and especially during that shot of paul and tommy passing owen's helmet down the line. that, for some reason, gets me more than anything else. and of course — the proposal. i've watched it too many times to count, honestly, and i'll keep doing it for the continuation of the hiatus.
10. prince albert in a can - give me all the carlos and grace teamwork! this is what we needed! carlos boxing to up in here by dmx made me scream, sure, because wow, but watching these two team up and figure out what went down on a call they were both so clearly blaming themselves for was incredible. and ask literally anyone, i jumped up and down and screamed "there she is, there's mom!" the second athena was on screen. god's plan, bitch.
honorable mention to hold the line, in which this was the first time i met the 118. i watched the episode again during my first og watch and it felt like i was visiting the 126 with them. such a great episode, i don't care what anyone says. get those crews back together!
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chicgeekgirl89 · 2 years
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand, The 126
Summary: A follow up fic for 3x07 "Red vs. Blue" in which T.K. wears a new kind of uniform and Carlos likes it. A lot.
Rating: T
A/N: I am still enraged we did not get to see Carlos Reyes in baseball pants and I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I this is what happened instead. It's still not Carlos in baseball pants, but it is fun.Thanks as always to @bluenet13 who reads it all and makes the best suggestions!
Read it on AO3
“Yo, T.K. hurry up! If you don’t stop preening in there we’re going to be late,” Carlos calls as he finishes filling their water bottles in the kitchen.
“I’m almost ready,” T.K. calls back, but Carlos can tell from his tone that he’s distracted.
“Your dad’s going to be pissed if we don’t show up on time,” Carlos says as he walks toward their bedroom, intent on physically moving his boyfriend along if he doesn’t hurry up. 
But when he walks in the door what he sees stops him dead in his tracks as his brain completely shorts out. T.K. is standing in front of the mirror, adjusting the chain around his neck, his jersey hanging loose around his hips, an AFD baseball cap backward on his head. It’s like something out of teenage Carlos’ fantasies and it sends a jolt of electricity straight through his core.
He’s seen his boyfriend’s ass in a lot of outfits; his uniform, jeans, slacks, but nothing, nothing tops this. His boyfriend is hot. He’s so fucking hot. Carlos isn’t sure he’s ever seen anything hotter in his entire life. 
“Does it look all right?” T.K. asks as if he’s going to a dinner at a Michelin star restaurant rather than a field of dirt and grass. 
“Yeah, um, it looks really good,” Carlos manages, mind still short circuiting. 
“Are the gloves too much?”
God no. The gloves are…Carlos swallows hard. “I think you look great.”
T.K. continues to fiddle with his clothing and Carlos quickly feels himself losing control. Screw Owen and his vendetta, screw softball, screw everything, he’s going to push his boyfriend onto the bed and slowly take him apart piece by piece until he—
T.K.’s phone buzzes and he pulls it out of his pocket. “Oh shit, yeah we gotta go,” he says, moving past Carlos who is left desperately trying to calm the raging lust that is now coursing through his veins. “Babe!” T.K. yells from the kitchen.
“Yeah, coming!” Carlos calls back, hustling after him. Later. There will be time later. He will make sure there’s time later. 
The 126 is actually better than he would have guessed based on the daily reports of dropped balls and poor throws T.K. has been giving him for the last week. Mateo’s childhood t-ball games have stuck with him and Judd certainly knows his way around a bat. Owen holds his own, so do Tommy and Marjan. Nancy’s terrible, but Carlos thinks it’s more nerves than athletic ability.
But none of them hold a candle to T.K. who walks up to the plate, all bravado and swagger, popping his gum and taking practice swings like he’s Derek Jeter. It’s so god damn sexy that Carlos forgets how to breathe for a full minute.
And yet, despite their spunk and passion, he knows this group of over-sure firefighters is going to lose. Badly. Even when Pearce finally shows up and they start to make a comeback Carlos is still pretty sure he’s going to have some incredibly grouch firefighters on his hands post-game. And taking them all out for ice cream like a soccer dad isn’t going to fix anything.
Based on all of this, Carlos should absolutely foresee the inevitable outcome of the game, but he always tends to lean toward the positive, so somehow he doesn’t realize what’s going to happen until Owen punches O’Brien in the face. It’s a literal repeat of last summer. Clearly anger management is no match for the Strand family penchant for trouble, mayhem, and their carefree attitude toward jail cells. 
What’s not a surprise is how fast the 126 jumps in to bail out their captain. It’s instantaneous, all of them running onto the field to throw hands as fast as their firefighter legs can carry them. 
So of course Carlos chases after them. Not to save them. No, he runs to save his fellow PD officers. The 126 are going to murder them with their bare hands and he doesn’t want to think about how messy that’s going to get when he has to take the witness stand. 
“Nancy! NANCY! Let go!” He forces Nancy to release the headlock she’s got on another officer and then hears T.K. yelling angrily nearby. He dodges Mateo who is grappling with a guy named Meyers and then grabs T.K.’s arm. “Babe get out of here!” Carlos tells him.
“I’m not letting them beat the shit out of my dad!” T.K. yells, pulling away and diving back into the fray.
It takes a lot more yelling and pulling and pushing for the fight to break up and everyone is looking worse for the wear when it does. Both sides have a lot of fat lips, bloody noses, and rapidly blackening eyes. 
The 126 shuffles back over to their bench and Tommy, Nancy, and T.K. rally enough to start doing damage control.
Owen is hunched over, clutching his hand, clearly having sustained the worst of the injuries. “Dad I think it’s broken,” T.K. says when he takes a look.
“No,” Owen says, brushing him off. “No, there’s no way it’s broken. It’s a mild sprain at most.”
“You need an x-ray,” T.K. argues. 
“I’ll call an ambulance,” Carlos says, reaching for his phone.
It’s a chorus of voices that respond and Carlos looks skeptically at all of his friends, most of whom could probably stand to be seen by a medical professional who doesn’t also require medical attention. 
“I have a first aid kit in the car,” Tommy says. “Let’s start there.”
Carlos retrieves it and then does his best to help, passing out bandages and gauze, and providing quiet, moral support.
The 126 paramedics do also begrudgingly offer to help the injured PD officers, but they staunchly refuse. Carlos actually sees the officer Nancy head locked flinch as she walks by on her way to her car. This crew has done some clear damage.
In the end Tommy volunteers to drive Owen to the hospital and the rest of them head home to lick their wounds in private. 
“So,” Carlos says when he and T.K. arrive back at the loft, “this feels a little like deja vu. How did it feel to flex your bar fight muscles again? You clearly haven’t lost a step in the last two years. In fact, I’d say you came out on top this time. Have you been practicing behind my back?”
“Haha,” T.K. says as he rolls his eyes. “I can’t believe those assholes. They tripped Nancy and they’re just going to get away with it. They have to at least give us a rematch—“
“Okay, cool it tiger,” Carlos says, having already heard five different versions of this tirade on the drive home. “Let’s just let it lie for now. You and the rest of the 126 can figure out how to avenge your wounded pride later.”
“We were just so close,” T.K. continues to gripe as he leans against the counter. “If Pearce hadn’t been late—“
Carlos puts a finger to his boyfriend’s lips to shush him. “Later,” he says again.
He’s waited long enough. T.K.’s jersey is mussed, his hair is a wreck from his baseball cap, and there’s a streak of dirt across his face. He looks so perfectly wrecked and if he’s not going to forget about the day on his own, then Carlos is going to make him forget. 
He reaches out and grabs the front of T.K.’s jersey in his fist, pulling him sharply against his own chest. His free hand cradles the back of T.K.’s head as his lips seek out his boyfriend’s. He’s spent all damn day holding back and he refuses to resist anymore.
T.K. welcomes him immediately, mouth hot and inviting, hands settling on Carlos’ lower back as Carlos firmly and authoritatively shuts him up. 
T.K. has a devilish grin on his face when they finally break apart for air. “Oh, so you have been checking me out all day.”
“You knew?” Carlos asks in surprise.
“Baby, I know what you like. You don’t really think I spent all that time in front of the mirror this morning for the game, do you?”
Carlos is momentarily speechless. “You flirty little shit,” he finally says in stunned surprise. He’d really thought T.K. had been too distracted by the game and the fight to notice how hungrily Carlos had been eyeing him. 
T.K. smiles up at him, looking smirky and victorious. “So much bending over home plate, a little extra hip swaying at first base, right in your eye line…”
Carlos drives him back until he’s pinned against the refrigerator, careful not to let him hit his head. One hand grabs onto his hip, the other lands against the refrigerator’s surface right next to his ear. “You,” he growls low, “are in so much trouble.”
“Oh yeah?” T.K. asks, eyes already going dark. “And what are you going to do about it?”
Carlos puts his lips to his boyfriend’s ear and whispers in vividly explicit detail every, single thing he’s been thinking about doing to him since this morning. He smiles when he feels T.K.’s knees go weak and sees him swallow hard, eyes fluttering closed. It may be unclear which team won softball today, but both of them are about to win at this game. 
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Everybody action is better than Nico?
Nico: Get angry, get emotional distance, taking job offering, having understandable family problem
Everyone else 
Derek: Fights Mark, threw Meredith ring away, be rude with to Richard, Making moving decision Meredith’s fault, terrible chief
Addison: Cheating on Derek with Mark
Mark: Affair with Addison, Putting his daughter over Lexie, sleeping with many employee, being rude
Callie: Being judgmental toward George and Meredith, Affair with Mark, attempted on Meredith, Cheating on Erica, Forcing her wants on Arizona, whining about Africa, forcing Arizona to get better, Acting like she was in the plane crash, involving everyone in her problem, not compromising with Arizona, playing dirty in the custody battle, get personal with certain situations 
Arizona: Being jealous of Alex, Leaving Callie for Africa, Getting Callie back, her reaction to Mark’s baby, treatment to Callie, Cheating on Callie (2x), pinning her cheat on her leg, starting the custody battle
Richard: The Affair, Letting the interns run wild, the merger, cover Meredith, allow Maggie to operate on her cousin
Lexie: Being too possessive of her love ones, being jealous of Mark’s daughter
George: The affair, his one stand night with Meredith
Izzie: Killing Denny, affair with George, attempted fight with Callie, sex with ghost Denny, Leaving Alex
Jo: Accusing Stephanie, Being jealous Meredith, assume Stephanie was lying, Being jealous Stephanie, whinnying about her past, getting Deluca beat up, having Deluca keep her secrets, stealing Levi’s patients(2x), Being rude to Levi
Amelia: Recklessness, Being rude to Meredith, Being rude to Penny, Breaking Link’s heart (2x), 
Teddy: Affairs(2x),Being jealous of Cristina, Being jealous of Amelia, not taking Owen’s gesture, Creating tension between Owen and Tom,  
Cristina: Being Rude to everyone, humiliating interns, recklessness, 
Owen: Forcing a kids on Cristina, Forcing kids Amelia, cheating on Cristina
Koracick: Rude to everyone, attempt with Amelia, attempt with Catherine, seduce Teddy, get restraining order on Owen, being a narcissist
Catherine: Buying the hospital
Jackson: Disrespecting April’s beliefs and needs, Breaking Matthew heart, Disrespecting Maggie,  Disrespecting Vic, entering his own contest.
Alex: Bullying the other interns, sabotaging the others, rude to the other interns, Cheating on Izzie, Taking care of psycho Rebecca, Rejecting Izzie, Beating up Deluca, Leaving Jo, Mer, and Seattle
Meredith: Breaking protocols, Sabotaging the Alzheimer trial, kidnapping Zola, using the interns, Guilting Derek, Being rude to Amelia, Covering for Alex, Insurance Fraud, Not going trash duty, Using Deluca,
You guy, why blame for some problems when you other character do worst than him.
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
At the point of Meredith and Callie kissing out of routine because Callie is living with Meredith and Derek and they’re raising their kids together, I gotta say. Man, I wish this show learned about polyamory.
There is so many instances of unnecessary love-triangles.
And honestly, one of the things I love about this show is how... largely non-toxic the love triangles are. Sure, there’s a love triangle going on, but aside from the very rare outliner where cheating is involved (Callie/George vs George/Izzy), the two pending ends actually have great chemistry and no bitch fights.
Be that Meredith and Addison over Derek in season 2, I loved how Addison never stooped low and was never a mean bitch to Meredith about things, she always knew that Meredith’s situation was awkward and complicated. But Meredith and Addison’s dynamic was incredibly interesting and I still think they’d have been a great OT3.
Owen, when he was torn between Teddy and Cristina? Quite frankly, the Teddy/Cristina angle was the most interesting part of that love-triangle and at no point did either of them try to scratch the other’s eyes out over Owen, they both valued their own relationship far too much for that.
I love that Mark/Callie and Callie/Arizona basically ended up platonically raising Sofia together, it was the closest they got and I do love Mark and Callie as friends far more than in a romantic sense.
But Mark and Jackson with Lexie? Again, Mark and Jackson were the most interesting canon dynamic there. I loved how Mark took Jackson under his wing, despite them competing for the same girl, he never used his position against Jackson, he nurtured Jackson’s skills and was downright doting - seriously, that scene when Jackson left to take his bars exam and Mark went “Do you have enough cash with you? *puts a 20 in Jackson’s pocket*” was just precious.
I really, truly wish that someone would introduce the writers room of Grey’s Anatomy to polyamory. Because while their love triangles are superior to many other shows’ where there is bitch fights and low blows, I would still love for them, at one point, to learn that they can resolve a love triangle with some nice, good polyamory.
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calzona-ga · 4 years
Showrunner Krista Vernoff talks with The Hollywood Reporter about wrapping Alex's storyline, being the first show to shut down production and the episode that serves as its season ender.
[This story contains spoilers from episode 1621, "Put on a Happy Face."]
ABC's Grey's Anatomy concluded its 16th season Thursday with an episode that wasn't designed to be a finale but, as showrunner Krista Vernoff admits, was lucky to have doubled as one.
The Shondaland medical drama had four episodes left to produce before Vernoff made the call to shut down — the first series to do so amid the coronavirus crisis — in a move she says was designed with the crew's health in mind. The series was also the first to publicly confirm that those four episodes would never be produced as Vernoff and her team will use their extended hiatus as a way to incorporate those events into the drama's previously announced 17th season.
As for the episode, here's what happened: Richard (Jim Pickens) is cured, but rejects his estranged wife, Catherine (Debbie Allen). Owen (Kevin McKidd) and Teddy (Kim Raver) are … on pause. Amelia (Caterina Scorsone) and Link (Chris Carmack) have their son. DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti) saves the day with Richard but has a breakdown. Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) now finds herself in a love triangle (again).
Below, Vernoff talks with The Hollywood Reporter about making the call to shut down, how she's approaching season 17 and, yes, how she and the Grey's writers wrote out Justin Chambers' Alex.
First, how are you doing with the state of the TV industry right now? I'm worried about everybody in the world, including our industry. I'm really lucky to have continued work. I have a writers room for [ABC pilot] Rebel and I'm doing post on Station 19. I have some semblance of normalcy and I'm hopeful that there will be some return to normalcy in the not too distant future.
Grey's was the first show to shut down production. What went into that decision and was what has ensued since what you were expecting at the time? What went into that decision for me and why I pushed for that shutdown is we have been on the air for so long that so many of our crew members were in that high-risk category. Many of them are over 60 or even 70. There was a day when someone was saying, "Maybe you should go to set and give a pep talk," and I had a feeling of like, "No, I don't want to go to set." I called the network and said if I don't want to go to that set space, you can't keep asking the crew — who are all high-risk — to go. Like anyone else, did I expect the whole world to shut down? No. This is all so unprecedented in our world. I didn't expect this. I just knew in that moment that what I was reading that was happening in Italy meant we were in danger here and I wanted to protect our crew.
You lost four episodes from this season. What was the cast's response to that? What are you considering doing with the remaining four unproduced episodes? Rolling them to next season? Or waiting to see what happens with the world before you plot out what comes next? We're waiting to see what happens with the world. I will start a season 17 writers room in May, and, at that point, I imagine our conversation will be about starting our story from where we left off in season 16. But I don't think we can take unproduced scripts that we didn't shoot and shoot them. We're going to have had a break and have new ideas. We've been texting each other ideas already. Some of those things that we had decided, we're changing because we'll have had a break and have come up with better ideas. And some of it is going to have to change because you're taking what was going to be a regular episode and have to turn it into a season premiere and that will require some reimagining.
As a medical drama, and one with a global audience — you air in something like 250 markets across the globe — have you talked about if you're going to incorporate coronavirus into your storyline? I haven't talked to anyone about anything yet because we're not in the room right now. We're on what would have been our hiatus. But once the writers room gathers in early May, we'll begin to have those conversations. I've been thinking, are we incorporating coronavirus into the storytelling and also does that dictate what kind of stories we can tell? Are we, for example, limiting the number of people in a room? If we're doing a story where 60 people were sitting in a theater, are we no longer doing that story? Those are the things I'm thinking about because I don't think this is going to be totally over when we come back to shoot in July. I don't know.
Have you thought about what it would take for you guys to feel safe enough — given the crew you have — to go back into production? The Writers Guild is thinking about all of those things. There are conversations about, will testing be more widely available by that point? Are you testing people when they go to work? Are you taking temperatures of people before they go to work? I'm addicted to silver linings and an idealist and fantasy thinker because I am a writer, so I keep thinking maybe some miraculous vaccine or cure or somebody will figure out a medicine we use for this can be effective. I'm trying not to think about it too much because no one knows anything and next week everything could change.
This episode was fortunate to work as a season finale. Can you say anything about what would have happened in those four episodes? Or are those ideas that you're holding on to for now? I'm going to holdon to them for now because I imagine we'll play out a fair amount of them in season 17. It's not lucky that there's a pandemic and we had to stop our storytelling four episodes short, but it's lucky that where we had to stop wound up as a pretty perfect season finale.
One thing watching this episode that I'm very eager to know: What do Amelia and Link name their son? Grey's does have a way of honoring the past when it comes to baby names … The name the baby storyline was in episode 22 [which won't be produced]. I suspect it will play in the [season 17] premiere.
Any clues if the name has any special significance? Derek, maybe… I will tell you that the name is not Derek (laughing). I'll give you that the line in 1622 about Derek was that Link pitched it and Amelia said, "I don't want to cry every time I look at my baby, so no." But the name is meaningful, yes.
Owen tells his mother that he's postponing the wedding but doesn't tell Teddy. He obviously has that pretty awful voicemail in which he hears Teddy sleep with Tom. Why doesn't he break things off? The cruelest thing that Owen could do in that moment is to call his mother and not Teddy. That didn't come from anything magnanimous. Letting Teddy suffer in that silence and fear … if everything is OK, you call your partner and say we can't do it. I honestly think Owen is in too much pain to talk to Teddy at this point. It's a major storyline for us to play in season 17: are they over? Is there a way for him to come back from this? Owen has cheated himself and been forgiven, so he would be a hypocrite to not allow for possibility that there could be some forgiveness here. Yet what he heard was really damning and man. That OR scene was my favorite scene of the season. It was really beautiful.
DeLuca, who should be celebrating a big professional victory, realizes he has a problem after diagnosing Richard. What are you looking forward to exploring with his storyline? Everyone interprets that last scene differently. What I believe happens to DeLuca in that last scene is that he's been manic for so long that his brain chemicals have shifted and he's gone into a depression and that's what you're seeing. It's not that he's making any kind of realization; it's that he can't get up off the floor and he doesn't know why. We're telling a story of a mental health crisis with DeLuca and I think he does have the disease his father has. What's kind of beautiful about where we ended the season is that you see that a person who is struggling with mental health crisis can still be an incredibly productive member of society. He diagnoses Richard and saves the day — and he goes into a hole. Where we go from here … you'll see in season 17.
There's a great scene during Richard's surgery when DeLuca looks up at Meredith and gives her this nod, which feels like he's thinking that maybe now he is on her level professionally — and maybe now she can see him in that way. Meredith, meanwhile, tells Cormac Hayes (Richard Flood) that she wants him to ask her out again. This episode also had a lot of foreshadowing that Hayes and Meredith seem destined to be together. What's the larger idea or theme you're looking to explore with this … triangle of sorts? It kind of is a triangle at this point. There are so many pieces to making television: there's the conversation in the writers room, then the script on the page. It's like what you think it will be vs. what's on the page. And then there's what the actors do with it. That story has emerged in a way where I never expected it to be a triangle but feels like it very much is one right now. That's because DeLuca has been so heroic and so dynamic in his mental health storyline that, in a strange way, I expected that storyline would illuminate him as a love interest for Meredith and it ironically feels like it's done the opposite. It's been amazing to watch Giacomo resonate with that storyline. The story ended up better than what I expected it was going to be because now I don't know who I'm rooting for Meredith to be with. There's a part of me that feels like DeLuca, if he gets the right kind of treatment, could be becoming a human being with life experience that helps him rise to Meredith's level and yet there's this man, who is co-signed by Cristina and we've seen the pain he's survived and how, in so many ways, his life experience mirrors Meredith's. Where this goes now is really anybody's guess. I'm excited to see how it unfolds.
I'd be remiss if I didn't ask about something else that happened earlier this season: Justin Chambers exited this season. While Alex had a big send-off, it felt like Chambers left quietly and suddenly. What can you say about happened and the way that all transpired? I decline comment.
From a planning standpoint, how much notice did you have that Chambers wasn't returning? Chambers' last episode aired in November… I don't want to talk about it.
Can you talk a bit about how the Grey's team came up with how you concluded Alex's storyline, reuniting him with Izzie (Katherine Heigl)? I love that episode. I thought it was beautiful, romantic, heartbreaking, painful and the perfect combination of the way so many stories happen in Shondaland, where you're simultaneously crying for joy and crying for grief. It was perfectly imperfect and it was perfectly messy. It allowed for Alex to have grown as a human in a variety of ways and to still be imperfect and to disappoint a woman he has loved greatly. It allows for Jo to have been a person who really healed him and in so many ways that he's now able to go be this wonderful dad to these kids. And it allowed for the characters who are still at Grey Sloan to not have to go through another massive chapter of grief. I thought it was beautiful and I'm really proud of it. It was an amazing thing to get to watch 16 seasons worth of material. To get to go backwards on a character's timeline, 16 seasons, and to have it actually be stuff we shot on the show? That's rare in TV. Usually if you're flashing back, you're using VFX to de-age a character.
Wrapping things up, I always ask you the same two questions at the end of every season. Will there be any cast departures ahead of season 17? There are no notable cast member departures happening between seasons.
And are there any conversations about season 17 being the last one for Grey's? And in terms of 17 being the end, I never believe it's the end until they tell me it's the end for real.
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lapsed-bookworm · 3 years
Crossover vs Non-crossover Pairing Breakdown for S.W.A.T. (2017)
To the best of my knowledge, this information is accurate as of 12 Feb 2021 with 204 listings on AO3.
No pairings were indicated on 41 out of 204 fics and often overlapped with Gen (20.09%). Technically, no pairings were indicated on an additional five, but the summaries stated or implied pairings: Chris/Street (2), Chris/Street [unrequited] and Chris/Kira/Ty (1), Luca/Deacon’s Sister (1) [canonical name unknown, Josie in the fic], Original Female Character/Unspecified SWAT Member (1). There are also three Character/Reader fics (Chris, Luca, and Street).
Excluding Crossovers
Polyships are entered on 10 fics in two varieties. Three characters in a triad: Chris/Kira/Ty (5). Three characters in a vee: Chris/Kira and Kira/Ty (7). (There is overlap with triad and vee usage on 2 fics.) This leaves the majority of forward slash pairings as two characters and without any OT3 or polyamory tags. Six involve gender unspecified original characters, which leaves a gender breakdown of 39/57 M/F (68.42%), 14/57 M/M (24.56%), and 4/57 F/F (7.01%). The most entered M/F pairing is Chris/Street (19/39 or 48.71%). There’s a tie for most entered M/M pairing with Hondo/Street and Luca/Street at 4/14 or 28.57% each. The most entered F/F pairing is Chris/OFC at 3 / 4 or 75%.
The most entered pairing indicated by an ampersand is Chris & Street at 19/84 (22.61%). Second place goes to Luca & Street at 15/84 (17.85%). Third place is tied between Hondo & Street and Street & Tan at 11/84 (13.09%) each. The fourth most entered pairing is Deacon & Street at 10/84 (11.90%). I would like to clarify that this does not combine similar tags together such listing out each teammate pairing (Street & Luca, Street & Tan, etc.) with a combined pairing like Street & 20 Squad.
Tbh, I’m not entirely sure what to do for these fics. There are 14 instances of otherwise canonical pairings that have anywhere from one additional show to nine additional shows listed. Of these, 10 are for the forward slash pairing Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez. There are four pairings that focus on pairings from other shows and crossover into S.W.A.T., and due to Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej being cast in s3e16 (Gunpowder Treason) as Eric and Ira, there are 13 fics that crossover with Buzzfeed Unsolved and Watcher Entertainment that have forward slash pairings for Eric/Ira (8 of these also have forward slash pairings for Ryan/Shane tagged).
When it comes to a character from S.W.A.T. being paired with a character from another show, it’s a bit hard to tell the extent of differences in the crossover listings when they range from one additional show (9-1-1 (TV)) to ten additional shows being included. There are a whole bunch of ampersand pairings that involve Evan “Buck” Buckley from 9-1-1 (TV), but adding on additional characters in an ampersand list makes it a bit hard to compare to smaller ampersand lists.
I did find the inclusion of Criminal Minds to be interesting because Shemar Moore (the actor for Derek Morgan) was cast in S.W.A.T. as Hondo. There are 15 fics where Derek Morgan and Hondo are the same person or character, so the pairing Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid would more accurately have Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson | Derek Morgan in the first part of the pairing.
Non-Crossover List of Forward Slash Pairings:
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/James “Jim” Street (19)
* Chris/Kira/Ty (8)
* Kira (S.W.A.T.)/Ty (S.W.A.T.) (7)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/Kira (S.W.A.T.) (7)
* David “Deacon” Kay/Annie Kay (6)
* Dominique Luca/Original Character (5)
* Dominique Luca/James “Jim” Street (4) 
* James “Jim” Street/Molly Hicks (4)
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/James “Jim” Street (4)
* James “Jim” Street/Original Female Character (4)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/Original Female Character (3)
* Devlin (S.W.A.T.)/James “Jim” Street (3)
* Bonnie/Victor Tan (2)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/Jilly (S.W.A.T.)
* Dominique Luca/Original Female Character
* James “Jim” Street/Victor Tan
* Dominique Luca/Tuana
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Original Character
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Dominique Luca
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/Dominique Luca
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/David “Deacon” Kay
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
Non-Crossover List of Ampersand Pairings:
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & James “Jim” Street (19) 
* Dominique Luca & James “Jim” Street (15) 
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & James “Jim” Street (11)
* James “Jim” Street & Victor Tan (11)
* David “Deacon” Kay & James “Jim” Street (10)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson (2)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & David “Deacon” Kay (2)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & Dominique Luca (2)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & Victor Tan (2)
* James “Jim” Street & Molly Hicks (2)
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & David “Deacon” Kay
* Ty (S.W.A.T.) & Original Character
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & Darryl Henderson
* David “Deacon” Kay & Annie Kay
* Buck Spivey & The Team
* James “Jim” Street & Robert Hicks
* James “Jim” Street & Original Female Character
* James “Jim” Street & 20 Squad
Crossover Pairings:
* 9-1-1 (TV): Christina “Chris” Alonso/James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & 20 Squad
* 9-1-1 (TV), All Rise (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez (2), David “Deacon” Kay/Annie Kay
* Strike Back (TV), Blindspot (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* Blindspot (TV), Rosewood (TV), Blood and Treasure - Fandom, Grey's Anatomy: B-Team (Web Series), Station 19 (TV), The Good Doctor (TV 2017): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez, Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Original Female Character [named Nichelle]
* Chicago PD (TV), Third Watch, Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Grey's Anatomy, Station 19 (TV), Rosewood (TV), Blindspot (TV), All Rise (TV 2019): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* Chicago PD (TV), 9-1-1 (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* Murder in the First (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez, David “Deacon” Kay/Annie Kay
* Station 19 (TV), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Rosewood (TV), All Rise (TV 2019): Daniel “Hondo�� Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy, Rosewood (TV), Chicago PD (TV), Blindspot (TV), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez* Station 19 (TV), Blindspot (TV), 9-1-1 (TV), All Rise (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* 9-1-1 (TV): Evan “Buck” Buckley/James “Jim” Street (4), Evan “Buck” Buckley & James “Jim” Street, Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & Evan “Buck” Buckley, James “Jim” Street/Tommy Kinard, Christina “Chris” Alonso/Shannon Diaz
* 9-1-1 (TV), Hawaii Five-o (2010): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & Evan “Buck” Buckley, Christina “Chris” Alonso & Evan “Buck” Buckley
* 9-1-1 (TV), NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Scorpion (TV 2014), Criminal Minds (US TV), Chicago Fire: Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & 20 Squad, James “Jim” Street & Marty Deeks & Evan “Buck” Buckley, James “Jim” Street/Walter O'Brien (past), James “Jim” Street/Spencer Reid (past)
* 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), NCIS: Los Angeles, Chicago Fire, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Grimm (TV): James “Jim” Street & 20 Squad, James “Jim” Street & Marty Deeks & Evan “Buck” Buckley, James “Jim” Street/Molly Hicks
* Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), 9-1-1 (TV): Jay Halstead & James “Jim” Street & Evan “Buck” Buckley, James “Jim” Street & Evan “Buck” Buckley
* 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Med, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Grimm (TV): James “Jim” Street & Marty Deeks & Evan “Buck” Buckley
* 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), Chicago Fire, Criminal Minds (US TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & Bobby Nash, Evan “Buck” Buckley & James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & Wallace Boden, James “Jim” Street & Matthew Casey, James “Jim” Street & Owen Strand, James “Jim” Street & TK Strand, James “Jim” Street & David Rossi, James “Jim” Street & Robert Hicks
* 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, Grimm (TV), The Umbrella Academy (TV), Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Med, One Chicago: Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & Everyone
* Criminal Minds: Jennifer “JJ” Jareau/James “Jim” Street (3), Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson | Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid (15), Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson | Derek Morgan/ Original Female Character
** Derek Morgan is tagged (Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid, for example), but the summary indicates Hondo and Derek are the same person/character in the fic.
* Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior: Dominique Luca/Original Character (2)
* Harry Potter: Harry Potter/James “Jim” Street
* MCU: Clint Barton/Jim Street (2)
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bi-lullaby · 5 years
Meredith vs People
Alternative titles: “My other post in a similar format got slightly popular and I crave attention” and “I’m still hung up on the one time Owen called Mer “the only universally liked individual in the hospital” because she is my fave”
Meredith x Cristina
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Once called “the true lovestory of the show” I think it’s one of the kost refreshing relationships between characters I’ve ever seen in my, admittedly not that long, experience with fandom. The love and support each other wildly and publicly, straight up say to others how their person is important and a thing to prioritize. It’s so... Amazing to watch their deep, soulmate-like bond develop. I also love them from a narrative standpoint: How they started out as ambitious, driven people with complicated relationships with intimacy who saw surgery as the end all be all goal, and how they’re allowed to grow apart from that slightly, acquire other goals and relationships and projects (Meredith) or continue on that path, prioritizing their career and success solely/mostly (Cristina) and how both are treated as valid, rewarding choices (Mer with her happiness at family life and her Harper Avery, and Cristina with her bomb-ass hospital and the resolution of her personal relationships). They’re two characters that took on distinct journeys, but whose paths to personal fulfillment are deeply intertwined to each other.
Meredith x Alex
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Okay, this is my favorite friendship ever. If Izzie showed Alex that his “evil spawn” ways weren’t exactly preferable nor they made him better than anyone or immune to pain, Meredith stuck out her hand for him and said “you’re dark and twisty? Cool. Doesn’t mean you can’t find, and fight for, happiness. Lets be dark and twisty together while we figure this out.” They relate to each other in a fascinating way, both children of neglect (to varying degrees) who worked their way to the top with a lot of bumps in the way. Also, seeing as I’m Mer’s number one stan, I also love their relationship because Alex is so amazing to her. Even Cristina had her moments of “mommy tracking” her, or even putting her aside in favor of a relationship, while Alex sticks by her side like glue and puts her above almost everything (which, I’m not saying a friendship is less valid if it’s not the most important thing in the world to you, of course not. I’m saying that everyone has a favorite person in the world, and the fact Mer is someone’s, makes that someone (Alex) even better in my eyes). Meredith sticks by the people she cares about’s sides through whatever they’re going through, in whatever way she can, and I find that that is surprisingly not-reciprocal in some instances, so it’s good she has her own ride-or-die. It’s also comic to me that two of the most sexually active, sex-driven characters in the show have never had an indication of sexual tension between them. (Almost like men and women can be friends, shocking!). The show’s not complete without Merlex, that’s for sure!
Meredith x Lexie
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BRB, will be crying about the softest sisters ever, who deserved a much more fleshed-out relationship! To this day, all my (unpublished) Grey’s fanfiction involve “Lexie is actually alive” because it was such a traumatic loss to Meredith (that was under explored, imo, even if the little mentions of it through the show are heartwarming AND breaking). I loved that they made Mer push her way at first, because it showed her deep resentment of her own life, of not getting the doting father and the protective mother and the “growing up with siblings” and then having someone who had all that come and throw at her face the word “sisters” like they shared anything but DNA at that point... I think my two favorite examples of “family is about choice, not blood” examples of this show are their relationship and how it got deep through knowing each other (Meredith donates a piece of her liver to their father because of Lexie, but doesn’t remember Molly’s name in the same ep because Molly has not actively been her sister) and another one I’ll talk about later. And the contrast between Lexie’s own sadness from suddenly being left with basically no family (alcoholic father, dead mother,stranded older dister and far-away younger sister, all things I feel like people don’t consider enough to understand Lexie has also suffered) and her fight to get that family back was just so amazing. In a way, Lexie was Meredith’s Izzie, not only by being cuddly and fuzzy and nurturing but by having a “I deserve better than you being an asshole so I’ll make you less of an asshole or so help me god” attitude. Mer got softer for lexie and I think that’s beautiful.
Meredith x Amelia
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Yeah, that’s my other “favorite family is not by blood, it’s by choice” ark. That clear-contrast scene of Amelia coming from her “sisters” meetup, emotionally drained after having to endure their toxic, demeaning, vicious attacks, and into her sisters, who are earning to hear what she has to say, who empathize with her and support her... I ate that shit UP, let me tell you. Because Mer was such a huge bitch to Amy at first, but came to love her after allowing herself to truly get to know her (which is the opposite story with Nancy and Lizzie and Kate, who all refuse to get to know her past the version that they despise). I also love that Derek was kind of a barrier between them, because he had his own views of Amy that influenced Mer and when he was gone, she had to face a... quite different reality. I see a lot of people shitting on Mer for the “You’re not my sister, Cristina is my sister. You’re Derek’s sister and Derek is dead” line, and I can see why, it was rude, but... That’s Meredith’s whole instance on family? Yeah, Amy was sweet and I’d bet she was mer’s favorite “Shepherdress” out of the four woman (she had stood up to her before, against Derek, nonetheless), and it breaks my heart that Amy saw her as “the only sister she could relate to” (seriously I was sobbing) but... Sister? That’s a personal, intimate title she reserved very, very few people in her life, and Amy has earned that right with a lot more patience and care than most people put into relationships. Of course she was more loyal to Cristina than to Amy at that point (who herself was more loyal to Addison than to her own siblings, hence she didn’t tell Derek about the affair, for example). But then? She literally tells Megan she can’t possibly choose which one of Owen’s wives she likes more, and need I remind you the other one is Cristina herself? (who she called “her soulmate” over Derek?. They’re two example of women who’ve gone through tremendous trauma and pain and came out changed from it, and the fact they have each other for support now makes me very, very happy. I do wish they had more scenes together, but the ones they do share are enough for me to say their relationship is a gift for this show.
Meredith x Maggie
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So pure! I like that they meet up when they’re both older and more experienced and have kind of “set” personalities, that clash sometimes, but also can add up into beautiful things when combined. It was... slightly frustrating to see Mer push away yet another person at first, but watching them get closer was also sweet. I hate the comparisons between their relationship and Merlexie’s (and the comparisons between Maggie and Lexie/Cristina/April like she’s just a stand-in for them). They were different moments of all their lives. Mer and Lexie? Inexperienced 20-something women going though shit trying to find their place in the world, when Mer was still in her dark and twisties and needed to be cajoled into giving Lexie even an inch. Mer and Maggie? Well-established women in their late thirties whose relationship wasn’t built on a need for each other, but in working together for the sisterhood they wanted. I love that it was Maggie that had to get to know Meredith and be persuaded into liking her, actually. And look where they are now! They have such a comfortable, intimate relationship that’s based on love and mutual respect! I love Maggie’s small fangirl moment when Mer pulls that amazing straw-in-the-skull stunt in the airplane and Maggie’s filming the interview (although I hated what came afterwards. C’mon Maggie, fighting over a boy? Really?). It’s also good to see how Meredith helps Maggie navigate her first real trauma (loosing her mother) and how her pain has build her up and actually helps others! It’s an excellent stance of character development that remains true to the character. Their little interaction when Mer’s creating her little dream-induced invention and Maggie looks at the board once and understands it, helping her figure it all out, is so cute and nice! They’re sweet and good for each other, and I’ll protect this relationship forever!
Meredith and Jo
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“You’re Jo Wilson, I know exactly who you are!” makes me weak. Because it’s such a powerful, important phrase, but also such... A Mer thing to say. At the end of the day, Mer loves people and takes them under her wing and empathizes with them. She becomes Jo’s support system and doesn’t let go. I love how she’s the one to stand by her side and protect her from Paul, and I love how she’s the one in the more recent episode to manage to get Jo to open up, to get up and get help. They’re almost mirrors, Jo with Mer’s headstrongness and emotional baggage, barging in and taking the world by storm, with Mer being Jo’s Bailey in a way, with a lot of crankiness and a slight superiority complex but lots of wisdom and care, looking at her go with a smirk like “that girl will go far but she’ll need a couple wrist slaps on the way”. Mer was extremely important in Alex’s life, she became extremely important in Jo’s life, and that’s beautiful and sweet. Also, their “shared custody” of Alex is hilarious.
Meredith x Callie
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How could we have guessed that two people that initially were at each others throats constantly would be so close one day? They are absurdly different, and yet so close! The way they support each other’s journeys as mothers, wives and surgeons is a great thing to see. And they have such iconic moments, like the panties in the bulletin board, the trial, and the little kiss!
Meredith x Mark
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I’m not gonna lie, I shipped those two very briefly but very intensely when they first met! Then they evolved into a rather sweet friendship. I love to think Mer tells Sofia all sorts of stories she heard through Derek in those first years. When she told Callie that Mark used to call her (not Derek, not Addison, not Derek’s mom, not Bailey, her!) whenever he needed advice or had a crisis in the middle of the night, I teared up a little, because that’s such a huge step from who they began as! From loner and relationship-phobic insecure to parents with loving relationships who could count on each other! My favorite dirty mistresses ever!
And there’s so much more! Meredith and Bailey and how they both grew so much, Meredith and Arizona and how their relationship is underrate, Meredith and Jackson’s sibling-esque relationship, Meredith and April... “I used to think you could only have one person, but now I know. Turns out I have a whole damn village!”.
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typingtess · 5 years
Tiptoeing through the “A Bloody Brilliant Plan” guest cast
Vinnie Jones as Ricky Dorsey Played Dominic Raoul/Scales in The Cape, King Gareth in Galavant, Gunter Gustafsen in Deception and Danny 'Brick' Brickwell in Arrow.  Appeared in episodes of Extras (as himself), Chuck, Elementary, Psych, The Musketeers, Mind Games and the MacGyver pilot.
Jones with his writer/director.  
Medalion Rahimi as NCIS Special Agent Fatima Namazi Last seen enjoying the team meal in "Let Fate Decide" – the season 11 premiere.
Melise as Jennifer Kim Last appeared in "Liabilities" as she provided the lovely final scene from Owen Granger.
Steve Valentine as Frankie Bolton Was a series regular in Nikki (Martine), Crossing Jordan (Dr. Nigel Townsend), I'm in the Band (Derek Jupiter) and regularly provides voices for animated series and video games.
Was in episodes of Married with Children, Melrose Place, Night Stand, Men Behaving Badly, Silk Stalkings, Diagnosis Murder, Promised Land, Martial Law, The Bold & the Beautiful, Good vs. Evil, Will & Grace, VIP, Providence, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, The Geena Davis Show, The Hughleys, Dharma & Greg, Charmed (2001), Just Shoot Me, Freakylinks, Kristen, Boston Legal, Stacked, House, The Middlemen, Chuck, Monk, Drop Dead Diva, The Good Guys, Cougar Town, Psych, Warehouse 13, Anger Management, Supernatural, Betas, Beauty & the Beast, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, The Big Bang Theory, Perception, Hot in Cleveland, Major Crimes, Mike & Molly, One Big Happy, Rosewood, Supergirl and Modern Family.
Played Professor Pilkington in the "Psychic Warrior" season five episode of JAG and Miles Wolf in the "Recovery" episode of NCIS in season ten.
Valentine with Vinnie Jones and Terence Nightingall. Valentine's script. Day One. On set. With Daniela Ruah and Eric Christian Olsen. On set 2.0.
Marc Crumpton as Albert Goshman Guest starred in episodes of The Catch, The Brave and Pandora.  Plays Rocky in The Haves and the Have Nots.
Today in having your photo taken with LL Cool J.
Joss Glennie-Smith as Michael Giger Guest roles include Southland, Turn: Washington's Spies, The Pioneers, Criminal Minds and SWAT.
Miles Anderson as Brian Cooper Works regularly in British television.
Simon Kim as Seok Nahng There are several actors named Simon Kim, all with limited credits.
Adam Blake as Steve McMillian Was an EMT in The OA.
K. Harrison Sweeney as Micky Had guest roles in episodes of Jimmy Kimmel Live, Mike & Molly, Rizzoli & Isles, Review, The Startup, Lady Dynamite and Rhett and Link's Buddy System.  
Stephen Marcus as Andy Green Appeared regularly in British series as both a guest star and a regular character.  
Angus Benfield as Willie "Super Fat" Hollingsworth Appeared in several New Zealand series.
Jessica Erin Martin as Angela Dorsey Had guest roles in episodes of Grimm, Wrecked, The Last Ship, Criminal Minds, Z Nation, SWAT and General Hospital.
Story by:  Terence Nightingall, Kate D. Martin and Frank Military Teleplay by:  Frank Military
This is both Nightingall's and Martin's first script.  Martin is married to Nightingall.  
Frank Military wrote/co-wrote "Little Angels", "Deliverance", "Lockup", "The Job", "Greed", "Betrayal", "Crimeleon", "Vengeance", "Out of the Past" Part One, "Rude Awakenings" Part Two, season four’s finale "Descent", season five’s premiere "Ascension", "Allegiance", "Spoils of War" (which he directed), "Black Budget", SEAL Hunter", "Rage" (which he directed), "Unspoken", "Unlocked Mind", "Revenge Deferred", "The Seventh Child", "Crazy Train", "Uncaged" (which he directed), "The Silo", "Monster", "Line in the Sand" (which he directed), season ten opener "To Live and Die in Mexico" (which he directed), "The Patton Project", "Better Angels" and "False Flag" (the season 11 finale).
Directed by:  Terence Nightingall directed "Expiration Date", "Old Tricks", "Warrior of Peace" and "The Sound of Silence".
Nightingall promoting his work while others are working. Nightingall walking and promoting his work.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, November 4
Cover: Brad Pitt’s lies and Angelina Jolie’s regrets 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Rebel Wilson and Scarlett Johansson and Thomasin McKenzie at the Jojo Rabbit premiere 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Felicity Huffman’s prison diary 
Page 6: Ben Affleck to Jennifer Garner -- stop smothering me 
Page 7: Jeremy Renner’s custody war, Christina Aguilera curvy and content, Adam Sandler is elated his daughters Sadie and Sunny want to follow in his footsteps 
Page 8: Duchess Kate Middleton fires her aide, Rihanna has come running to Joanna Gaines for home renovation advice, Jenna Dewan’s candid confessions 
Page 9: No fashion designers are calling to design Princess Beatrice’s wedding dress, Tori Spelling helped save Jennie Garth’s marriage 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- yellow gowns -- Angela Bassett, Kristin Cavallari 
Page 11: Eva Longoria, Katherine Langford, Gugu Mbatha-Raw 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Zazie Beetz vs. Nicole Kidman, Candice Swanepoel vs. Olivia Palermo, Elizabeth Banks vs. Emily Osment 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Prince William and Duchess Kate in Pakistan 
Page 16: Jordin Sparks in Waitress, Hilaria Baldwin with her kids and dogs, Katie Holmes 
Page 18: Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie, Hoda Kotb, honorees Dana Walden and Awkwafina and Chaka Khan and Mariah Carey and Jennifer Aniston and Brie Larson at Variety’s Power of Women event
Page 19: Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes and Ben Affleck, Lupita Nyong’o 
Page 20: Ellen DeGeneres and Colton Underwood and Howard Stern and Beth Stern, Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal at ACE Comic Con 
Page 21: Owen Wilson and Jennifer Lopez, Jeff Goldblum 
Page 22: Anne Hathaway, Heidi and Spencer Pratt and son Gunner, Nicole Scherzinger and Derek Hough 
Page 23: Julianne Hough and Cara Delevingne and Kate Hudson and Jameela Jamil 
Page 24: Lea Michele is selling her bachelorette pad 
Page 26: Liam Hemsworth’s hot new romance with Maddison Brown 
Page 27: Dominic Cooper and Gemma Chan wedding bells, Selena Gomez falling for Niall Horan, Bella Hadid and The Weeknd back on 
Page 28: Jana Kramer and Mike Caussin on the brink, Ashley Graham’s pampered pregnancy, Love Bites -- Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden split, Audrina Patridge and Josh Henderson dating, Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel welcomed their second son together 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Angelina Jolie loves being a mom 
Page 34: The details on Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez’s wedding 
Page 36: Living with Anxiety -- Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Julianne Hough 
Page 37: Kendall Jenner, Chris Evans, Ellie Goulding, Anne Hathaway, Chloe Grace Moretz 
Page 38: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are getting ready to make a new life together in Canada 
Page 40: The best celebrity Halloween costumes of all time 
Page 42: The biggest names in WWE history share their fitness and diet secrets -- Naomi, the Bella twins 
Page 43: Natalya, Carmella, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville 
Page 48: Style -- Millie Bobby Brown teams with Pandora 
Page 50: Mask-erade -- Grace Elizabeth as Disney’s Maleficent 
Page 52: Jonathan Van Ness’ fall beauty tips 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Melissa Gorga of RHONJ 
Page 58: Jennifer Aniston breaks the internet 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Eva Mendes goes to Supercuts, Elton John says The Lion King was a huge disappointment, Joe Giudice’s dramatic weight loss, Zoe Kravitz will play Catwoman, Cardi B got some serious bling from Offset for her birthday 
Page 61: Sound Bites -- Scarlett Johansson, Jason Momoa, Anne Hathaway, Mariah Carey, Chance the Rapper on Jay-Z and Barack Obama 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Scorpio Winona Ryder 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Camila Cabello 
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what do you think will happen with merluca in the next few episodes and what do you want to happen?
I think next weeks episode is going to be a cute, flirty happy episode for them. Just some simple cute moments of them flirting with one another. Maybe Deluca trying to convince Meredith to leave the party early to go somewhere else ;) I think it is mainly going to focus on Jo and Alex so I am not expecting major scenes from them. 
15x16 I am really interested in since the description and promo pictures have shown there is a bit of an Alex vs Deluca situation going on, with Meredith in the middle. Think this going to provide some angst. I am hoping that it is a professional argument. Maybe Alex has a different opinion than Deluca on treatment and Meredith has to pick a side. 
Rather than Alex not approving of Deluca and trying to talk Meredith out of dating him. Or maybe Deluca getting annoyed at Meredith confiding in Alex rather than him... kinda like what happened with Meredith and Cristina’s friendship with Owen and Derek?
If it is a professional disagreement I think it will be easier to move past. But a personal one is going to be more difficult. But I hope they can use whatever the experience is to develop and grow as a couple. Solidify their relationship a bit more. 
I wouldn't be surprised if the season finale ends with them in an argument and breaking up, to be honest. It would be a classic Greys move. The couples on this show have to go through hell before they can be happy. 
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Review: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
NOTE: I actually saw this movie in theaters but since it’s DVD release was yesterday I figured I’d post my review of it here. I might ramble on for several paragraphs in these reviews, especially if I feel strongly about something, so I’ll try and make it a point to post a short rating at the top as well as a more in depth one at the end.
NOTE THE SECOND: I don’t usually care about spoilers in these reviews so read at your own risk.
1 out of 5 stars. Only watch on Netflix if you exhaust all your other options.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is written by Colin Trevorrow (previous writer and director of the last entry in the franchise) and Derek Connolly and was directed by J.A. Bayona. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard reprise their roles as Owen Grady and Claire Dearing respectively and are sent back to Isla Nublar by Jon Hammond’s previously never mentioned before former partner billionaire Ben Lockwood played by a James Cromwell who can barely bother to keep his eyes open throughout the movie. I, in fact, share that same sentiment.
Usually in these reviews I try to touch on all the aspects of said medium: visuals, camera work, writing, directing, acting, etc. But this review is going to focus mainly on the writing and acting because both are so atrocious all the other aspects are inconsequential. 
I didn’t think the first Jurassic World (JW) was as great as it needed to be for a soft reboot / revival of such a beloved franchise but it did have several memorable moments. The leads were charming enough to make you forget that they lacked meaningful character arcs (Claire does have one but the movie doesn’t care about it that much) and the action in the second half of the film was pretty cool (specifically T-Rex and Raptor and Giant Alligator Thing vs. the Indominus Rex). So for the second go around I was hoping that the filmmakers would take the time to really get it right and do the franchise justice. My hopes were far too high.
The only two performances that were worth anything in Fallen Kingdom (FK) were the two returning leads, Pratt and Howard. Howard is a decent enough actress but I’ve never seen a performance from her that I really love and FK continues that trend. Claire does undergo a change from shrewd, cold businesswoman to animal rights activist and that does give some depth to her character but it happens off screen during the three years between JW and FK. It was a little jarring at first but I swallowed it better when the film took a minute to explain her motivations. Pratt was as Pratt as ever as Owen is exactly the same through this movie as he was when we first met him in JW. I fear there’s a real risk for Pratt here as it seems as though he’s becoming another Will Smith or Tom Cruise. He is varying degrees of his usual charming and charismatic self in whatever project he appears in. Owen is just Pratt but outdoorsy to the extreme. Star-Lord is just Pratt with his ego turned up to eleven. Andy from Parks and Rec is just Pratt as a dumb man-child. And I guess that’s fine. Plenty of stars have made careers doing the same but actors actually stretching themselves and challenging themselves to become someone else will always be more impressive.
One thing that annoys me about modern blockbusters are their tendencies to inject new secondary characters into each following installment while completely ignoring the B cast from the previous entry. In the original Jurassic trilogy it did make some sense to do that as each sequel followed the branching lives of Ian Malcolm and Allen Grant who, we can presume, never encounter one another again after the first film. But here there’s little justification for it. JW’s comic relief characters Lowery and Vivian, played by capable comedy actors Jake Johnson and Lauren Lapkus respectively, are nowhere to be seen in this movie. Instead we have Franklin Webb, a spazzy tech guy played by Justice Smith, and Zia Rodriguez, a ball busting veterinarian played by Daniella Pineda. I don’t have much to say about Pineda, she was decent enough and served her purpose, but Smith … Oh my God. I believe this guy will go down in history as the absolute worst character in any Jurassic movie ever. Yes, he is even worse than every child character in all of the movies combined. He does nothing for the movie other than to scream in a high pitched voice when something scares him. Everything scares him. It’s always played for laughs but the joke falls flat on its face every time. The movie thinks it’s funny for a grown man to shriek in terror and scream out loud the thing that’s scaring him. “Lava!” “T-Rex!” “Social interaction!” All right, I made up that last one but the character is so cliché he might as well have said it. And what’s more there is no reason for this character to be here. The movie wastes a fine opportunity to bring back JW’s Lowery who was also a tech guy. In fact it even makes sense for him to run with Claire in her animal rights activism as he was a huge fanboy for Jurassic Park. He had toy dinosaurs all over his work station, he loves them! And it makes even more sense for him to return to Isla Nublar because he was familiar with the park’s computer systems. Why isn’t he joining Claire? He was courageous and had some genuinely funny interactions with Vivian. He certainly would have been better than Spazzy McScreamy.
Speaking of trends let’s talk about the obligatory child character. Isabella Sermon makes her big screen debut as Maisie Lockwood, Ben Lockwood’s granddaughter. Of all the new additions to the franchise she’s the standout as her performance has a depth and range most child actors would struggle to convey. Now one thing about the Jurassic movies is that their child characters were usually pretty capable in some way or another. Hammond’s granddaughter in JP reboots the computer system. Malcolm’s daughter in Lost World is able to gymnastic a raptor to death (yeah it’s a dumb scene but she saves her dad). The teenager in JP3 survives Isla Sorna alone for eight weeks. And the brothers in JW are able to fix a derelict jeep and rescue themselves. FK started out following this trend of capable children with Maisie … until it abandons the idea so we can have a “monster creeping through a child’s bedroom” scene. This completely undermined her whole character. Up until then the movie had established her as smart and independent and capable as hell. She snuck into the secret lab, spied and hid from the bad guys, busted out of her room which she’d been locked in, and climbed atop buildings all secretly by herself without help from a single grown up. But the minute the new hybrid dinosaur goes after her, which she had seen several times before then, she immediately forgets how capable she is and hides under her bed sheets. This might be the most heinous example of bad writing in this whole movie. Mixed messages? Okay, fine. Forgettable action sequences? Whatever, that’s most of Hollywood anyway. But please, for the love of God, have consistent characters!
Now the villains. Ugh.
BD Wong returns as the dastardly Dr. Henry Wu, the mastermind genius behind the dinosaur cloning process, the I-Rex, and FK’s new hybrid the Indoraptor.  It would seem that in the three years since JW InGen and its parent company Masrani Global have cut Wu loose as he’s now partnered with a new financier Eli Mills played by Rafe Spall, the CEO / director / executor of Ben Lockwood’s … estate? Company? Trust fund? I don’t remember the movie specifying what Mills’ job was, only that he was another white collar villain (because we haven’t seen that before in a Jurassic movie). Toby Jones makes an appearance as Mr. Eversol, an auctioneer for the high rolling criminal underworld, and Ted Levine plays Ken Wheatley, the leader of a disposable mercenary force who has an odd fetish for collecting dinosaur teeth. And that is literally all there is to the villains. Each of them is cartoonishly shallow to the point that Wheatley is a parody of an archetype and all Dr. Wu needs is a mustache to twirl. True, the villains have never been that big of a deal in the Jurassic movies as the dinosaurs have always been the main attractions but not even Vincent D’Onofrio’s Hoskins from JW was this bad and in a movie full of weakly written characters he was the weakest link.
And let’s not forget the dinosaurs. They are there. Not as much as you’d like but they’re around. The big draw for Owen this time around is to save Blue, the only surviving raptor from the pack he raised and trained, from Isla Nublar’s impending volcanic eruption. FK plays this up as though Blue was always the equivalent of a loyal attack dog but it conveniently forgets that JW established her as a dog capable and willing to bite the hand that fed her. The scene from the previous movie in which Owen is in the raptor enclosure is a tense moment because he is under threat from all the raptors, Blue included. In fact when the I-Rex persuades them to go after the humans all the raptors focus in on Owen. There was that one moment when Owen pulls off Blue’s head camera at the end of JW but to rewrite the relationship as though she were a loyal golden retriever, I feel like that was not earned in the slightest. And the main attraction this time is the new hybrid, the Indoraptor, essentially a smaller version of the previous movie’s I-Rex. FK presents this abomination of genetic manipulation as an ultimate monster but it really just looks like rejected concept art of the I-Rex. Also the Indoraptor is only in half of the movie. The I-Rex in JW was a better monster because it was terrorizing the island for almost the whole runtime. Plus the I-Rex has some decent build up and a good reveal. Here, it feels like the movie couldn’t be bothered. “By the way, we made another hybrid dino. Here it is.” I did enjoy the return of more practical animatronics over every dino being CGI but if you saw the last film this one doesn’t have anything special for you in that regard.
Let’s talk about Trevorrow’s writing. It’s awful. Like a pile of hot rancid garbage awful. The biggest problem with JW is that it completely ignores the moral of the original. JP was a cautionary tale that proves whenever man tries to exert his will over nature he will lose and just because we can do something it doesn’t mean we should. It’s classic man vs. nature ending with man being humbled. JW said, “Hey look, we’re going to keep doing that ethically questionable thing most people believe we shouldn’t be doing and wield the power of a god with no regards to any possible consequences,” and gets upset when the monster it created wreaks havoc. But does FK finally learn that lesson and try to take the franchise somewhere new that doesn’t lead the characters into being idiots who keep going back to the island? Do Michael Bay’s Transformers movies understand subtlety?
More than ever this movie has dumb characters making dumb decisions that nobody with a brain can follow. The villains want to capture the dinos and auction them off to billionaire criminals because these crime lords want them for pharmaceutical reasons (but why though?), the ability to hunt one like a big game hunter (because we also haven’t seen that before), or for weaponization. Let’s touch on that last point. The villains justify it by saying animals have been used in combat scenarios for centuries when armies rode to battle on horses and elephants. And the movie might have had a point if either one of those transportation methods hadn’t become outdated before the fifties.
Now just for the sake of argument I’ll list off a few more examples for this movie’s case: K-9 units, bomb detecting dolphins, and pidgins have all historically been used by one military or another at various times. But here’s the common thread among all those examples: none of those animals are predisposed to ripping a man’s head off in a single bite. Why do you think it isn’t common practice for a military to use lions and tigers and bears? And let’s take a closer look at the proliferation of working dogs and horses. Could it be that thousands if not millions of years of closely co-existing with humans have made them predisposed towards not killing us on sight? What’s that called? Oh yeah. Domestication!
Whether we’re talking about fiction or not, training an animal that never co-existed with humans so it can become an attack animal is not a good idea any way you slice it. Any semi-intelligent person can recognize that there are way too many variables to take into account. Oh but what about Blue, I hear you asking. Owen proved that raptors can be trained with Blue. That may be true but one successful instance against a multitude of failures does not prove the concept. Sure the Polish Supply Brigade around WWII kept a bear named Wojtek that would carry their supplies for them but you don’t see cargo bears being implemented throughout the world’s militaries these days. Do you know why? Because they’re freaking bears! They could go in for a playful swipe and nick your carotid by accident you MORONS!
And that leads me to this movie’s message. Apparently FK believes these animals have as much right to life as any other endangered species. That’s the whole reason Claire wants to go back so she can save them. But the film is bookended with Jeff Goldblum reprising his role as Ian Malcolm speaking before a congressional committee on how much that is a bad idea. He argues that nature selected the dinos for extinction millions of years ago and bringing them back was a mistake. The volcano erupting and eradicating the clone dinos on Isla Nublar, he says, is nature’s way of correcting that mistake. So the film opens and closes arguing why protecting these creatures from a second extinction is the worst. And yet we spend most of the runtime doing exactly that.
Malcolm has always been the ultimate voice of reason in these movies and we as an audience are inclined to agree with him given the proof each movie provides for his argument. There are four previous films illustrating why bringing the Earth’s most dangerous predators back to life is a horrible idea. And now that nature wants to correct the mistake you’re going to defy that decision?
The film uses Maisie here to make this case. The dinos are technically clones and we learn that Maisie is a clone as well so now we’re using clone rights to justify saving the dinosaurs. It is a weak argument thrown in at the last moment. Arguing for conservation is good and all but how well are you going to side with that argument when the T-Rex is meandering through a neighborhood gobbling up pedestrians left and right? These animals have lived on an island their entire lives. Aside from T-Rex who visited San Diego in the 90s they have never seen a town. The only human made structures they are familiar with were the derelict park buildings that the movie shows them waltzing through all the time. Even our own real world wild animals don’t understand that they should stay away from human settlements, how well do you think Blue is going to do the first time she’s caught in the headlights? But apparently they have a right to live because they are just as alive as Maisie the clone is so let’s end the movie by releasing all these dangerous animals, most of which are as large as a rhino or elephant, into the American countryside.
Sure, forget about public safety. Forget that dinosaurs had their chance but nature selected them for extinction over sixty million years ago. Forget about all the indigenous plant and wildlife that is now under threat because you just loosed at least eleven different dinos onto the world. Forget about how their nesting habits might destroy the landscape like nutria in Louisiana. What was your motivation again? Conservation? Give me a break.
Honestly this movie makes me glad Trevorrow was fired from Star Wars Episode Nine. This proves that he has no clue what decent writing looks like and has no regard for what the original was trying to say. Just because he was given the opportunity to make these films doesn’t mean he should have.
 1 star out of 5
A forgettable and messy film that slowly meanders through the second and third act with no sense of purpose other than to say, “Ooooh look. It’s a dinosaur!” And it doesn’t even say that well.
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