#dr abigail chase
emmi-kat · 1 year
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National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)  -  National Treasure: Edge of History (2022)
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To the editor,
@emmi-kat said it first, but i humbly submit a second vote for a post-Book of Secrets injuries post? The post-Cibola angst possibilities are unmatched.
As always, love your work!
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Injuries in Book of Secrets
By popular demand, injuries in National Treasure: Book of Secrets!
@emmi-kat @arsenicalbronze Thank you for the request and your patience!
I’ll be honest, I’ve been avoiding some of the BoS questions you lovely folks have sent because it’s just…not my favorite. Certainly not in the way that the first National Treasure is.
Like it’s fine. I almost always watch BoS after I watch National Treasure and I have a good time watching it. It’s an okay movie. There are a lot of individual sequences that I like. I like the Buckingham Palace nonsense. I like kidnapping the President. I actually like most of them!
But as a whole, it just doesn’t do it for me. Every time I watch National Treasure I get a little more enchanted by the whole thing. Every time I watch Book of Secrets I get more disillusioned.
Imo, Book of Secrets works as a movie, but it fails as a sequel.
But that is not this! Let’s talk about injuries.
Hypothermia, falling rocks, danger vs peril and more under the cut!
Something that stands out to me about Book of Secrets is that the characters are in danger a lot, but they aren’t really in peril as much as in the first movie.
As I'll be using them here:
Danger - bodily harm is possible, but not inevitable. The threat is one step away. Peril — bodily harm is basically inevitable; the treat is here.
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Robbing the Archives is dangerous. Ben could get caught, shot, tased, or arrested at any point.
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Rescuing Abigail from the catering truck is perilous. Injury is all but inevitable.
Since everyone is on more-or-less the same trajectory in this film, I’ll go by sequence rather than by character.
Setup: Reveal of the Page
No injuries here except hurt pride and maybe a paper cut.
Likewise with breaking into Abigail’s house and looking at the page under infrared at the Archives.
Danger: 0/5 Peril: 0/5
Debate: Cracking the Cypher
The first whiff of danger, I would argue, is when Abigail meets Mitch for a drink. We know he’s the bad guy, but she doesn’t. She can sense there’s something shady about him, but I don’t think she guesses that he’s willing to use violence to get what he wants, otherwise I don’t think she’d meet him alone. She did experience Ian, after all.
Danger: 2/5 Peril: 0/5
Ben and Riley do get stopped by the police here, but they’re in danger of a ticket (or, I supposed I should say, they’re in peril of a ticket, because Riley does get one lol). Nobody’s physical safety or ability to complete the treasure hunt is compromised.
But then Patrick is attacked! He receives a nasty blow to the head—hard enough to knock him out in one hit. That’s going to leave a bump, and more than likely a concussion, though he doesn’t seem to be exhibiting the symptoms of such in rest of the movie.
And though we see later in the cave sequence that Patrick is pretty spry for his age, I have to imagine that the resulting fall is also a problem for him. He’s unconscious, so he wouldn’t be bracing against the fall, which can also cause injuries, but he also isn’t in control of how he lands at all.
He could have bruises, scrapes, or potentially even a broken bone, but given that he tells Ben he’s okay, and he seems to be, these injuries appear to be mild.
Danger: 0/5 Peril: 3/5
Buckingham Palace
Things start to get a little bit more interesting for the trio in London.
During the Buckingham Palace sequence, Ben is in danger for the first time in the film.
At first the danger is minor. He’s at risk of making a scene (check!), maybe getting banister burn on his legs, and of getting handled roughly by security.
Since it’s England, I believe they’d only be carrying nightsticks, so Ben isn’t at risk of being shot, but those guys all have military badges on. They can absolutely do some damage if they want to. At this point though, they don’t want or need to cause a scene like that, they just want to get Ben out of the public area.
Once Ben and Abigail escape the containment unit and ride up the dumbwaiter to the Queen’s study, the danger increases considerably. They’re now trespassing in Buckingham Palace, and in the Queen’s private study no less. If they get caught here, they’re going to be in considerably more physical and legal danger.
But that’s if.
Since they don’t, the main injury they’re at risk for is, like, carpet burns. (And if Ben or Abigail has any allergies to flowers, an allergy attack in the dumbwaiter, but since that doesn’t happen, I have to assume they do not.)
Danger: 4/5 Peril: 0/5
Beer Truck Chase
All right, some peril!
When Mitch and Co pursue them for the plank, Team Treasure is in danger and in peril for the first time in the film.
First off, Mitch’s henchman—whose name I know even less than I know the name of Ian’s guys—is shooting at them.
In addition to the obvious risk of actually being shot, because they’re being shot at in a car, there’s glass flying everywhere. It would be safety glass, the kind that breaks into little chunks rather than dangerous shards, but the gang could still receive scratches or abrasions from the pieces. That goes for the initial breaking of the widows and being tossed around with the glass pieces during the car chase.
The car chase itself poses a lot of danger of being hit, captured, or shot, but also of being hurt more minority while in the car.
They could get bruises or whiplash while being thrown back and forth in the car. If anyone is bracing a hand or foot on instinct to stop themselves from sliding around, they could sprain or strain those muscles.
At one point, the back of the car swings rather violently into the side of a double-decker tour bus and the remaining windows shatter. This seems to affect Abigail the most, as she’s the one shown getting flung toward the door.
She’s also sitting in the middle of the back seat, which I understand 100% from a blocking/cinematography standpoint so she’s in between Ben and Riley when they’re shown from the front. But from an in-universe standpoint? Girl. You are in a car chase. Get your ass into a proper seatbelt.
Then there are beer kegs flying everywhere, which makes the driving harder, but doesn’t seem to immediately affect any of our trio in the car.
Lastly, Ben runs a red light, which puts them in danger but ends up working out okay.
I would also be getting car stick by that point, but maybe that’s just me.
Danger: 4/5 Peril: 4/5
I have to say though, I feel bad every time I watch the DVD featurette about how this car chase—which they had to get special permission to shoot in downtown London—was the most ambitious sequence in the franchise.
Because it is also my least favorite sequence in the franchise, hands down.
The effects are nice, but character-wise it’s boring. Nothing character-wise is at stake.
Article idea! Catering truck chase vs beer truck chase. TBD
Then they try to decode the panel and go to Emily for help. I’m gonna mark this as “some danger” because sure, nobody’s got a gun, but it just feels wrong to mark “bickering divorcees” as a 0.
Danger: 2/5 Peril: 0/5
The Oval Office
The danger here is immense. If they get caught breaking into the Oval Office, Ben and Abigail will at best, be violently detained for an indefinite period of time, and at worst, shot on sight.
But it’s not that kind of movie though, so we don’t even see Secret Service agents nearby. The threat the movie is using to build tension is much more “What if Connor catches us?” than “What is the Secret Service catches/kills us?”
Again, the main injury they actually come away with is probably carpet burns. (And some serious interpersonal awkwardness.)
Danger: 12/5 Peril: 1/5
MIDPOINT — “I’m gonna kidnap him. I’m gonna kidnap the President of the United States”
Mount Vernon
So. We check out Riley’s book, consult with Agent Sadusky, and then it’s off to kidnap the president.
At this point we do see the Secret Service, both in boats patrolling the water, and in and around the party. They are the threat this time. And frankly I think it was smart of the movie to save them for this sequence, rather than use that tension twice in a row.
The threats here are that Patrick could be detained for 48 hours without cause.
Ben could:
Be shot in the water
Be shot on land
Have a scuba accident
Be shot on land some more
Be caught and detained and convicted of conspiring to kidnap the President of the United States
Once Ben is with the President, he isn’t in peril again—only in danger—until he goes through with his plan to shut the door. Now both the danger and the peril are high, because any “detained and questioned” options have been taken off the table.
However, he doesn’t actually seem to sustain any injuries during the kidnap. Maybe a few rock scrapes, wet shoes, or spiderwebs in the hair.
Danger: 15/5 Peril: 3/5
Library of Congress
…of forgetting those goddamn numbers. Every time I watch this movie, I try to remember them, and every time I fail.
Danger comes charging into the Library of Congress in the form of the FBI, who are much hotter on Ben’s trail then he thought they’d be. (Go Agent Sadusky, you funky little conspiracy theorist.)
Again, a lot of danger, not a lot of peril. That is until we get to the car escape.
First of all, there’s a deleted scene where Ben in standing on the glass roof and it’s cracking under his feet. That is peril, and it's my favorite deleted scene because he calls Agent Sadusky “Pete.” Excuse me are you buddies now? Do you play poker together? Tell me everything.
Ben has to climb down from the roof and jump into a moving vehicle. He’s at risk of scrapes from the metal and brick he’s climbing on, and of landing wrong either on the ground or in the car.
Then when Abigail drives toward the rising security barrier, they all probably receive quite a jolt when the back end of the car flies up. Ben likely takes it worst since he’s unbuckled in the wayback rather than belted into one of the seats.
Danger: 4/5 Peril: 4/5
Bad Guys Close In - Holding Dr. Appleton Hostage
What it says on the tin. Emily and Patrick are both at risk of being shot.
Danger: 5/5 Peril: 0/5
Mount Rushmore
And finally, the Mount Rushmore sequence.
Everyone is at risk of being shot until Mitch leaves behind his guns and henchmen.
Then I hate to say “the usual” but…yeah. The Team Treasure special.
Rope burns
Abrasions from climbing over rocks
Falling rocks
Dust inhalation
Almost falling to your death from an ancient wooden contraption.
The usual.
There are also a few additional dangers I’d like to call attention to.
→ Falls
The trio and Mitch take a pretty significant tumble down the ramp that leads to the balance platform. Like, head over heel, ass over teakettle tumble, and then they land hard on the stone-and-wood platform.
They immediately have to scramble up to balance it out, so there isn’t much time for anyone to assess if they’re injured. At this point though, I’d guess the scraps and bruises are pretty significant, if not a concussion, sprained ankle or other more serious injury.
→ Cave-ins
There’s also the risk of cave-ins. In National Treasure, the wooden stair system under Trinity Church may be unstable, but the cavern itself does not seem to be in danger of collapse. A few bits of rock and debris fall when the subway train passes, but overall the stability of the tunnels and chambers does not seem to be an immediate concern.
That is less true here in Book of Secrets. Patrick and Emily especially are in danger of a cave-in since they’re crawling through previously-collapsed passages and moving rocks to get there.
That said, their actual injuries are probably more likes scrapes and bruises. Patrick also could have strained his arms, back, or knees moving the heavier rocks (as Emily directs him to do.)
They also probably again land pretty hard from their swing across the chasm. For Patrick that’s two falls in the last few days, and Emily also gets flung backwards while avoiding the trapdoor. Given their age, they have to have some significant bruising, if not fractures, sprains, or more.
They're the members of the party who are most likely to be feeling the repercussion of this adventure weeks down the road.
→ Water, water everywhere
Obviously, the most pressing obstacle in the second movie finale sequence is water.
In the famous words of my friend while watching the Gerard Butler Phantom of the Opera movie in the eighth grade:
“I would chafe.”
This may be the least of their worries, but still, let's put "significant discomfort" on the list. And if you headcanon any of them to have sensory difficulties, they're probably having an extra bad time.
The water poses plenty of health hazards from the immediate—i.e. drowning—to the slightly less immediate, like hypothermia.
We know thanks to the White House Easter Egg Roll that the film is taking place around Easter weekend. In 2007 that was April 8th.
The average weather for April in the Black Hills of South Dakota is a high in the high 40s (48°) and a low in the low 20s (21°). The actual weather in the first weeks of April in 2007 were significantly cooler than average, with “many parts of the state reporting temperatures 20 to 25 degrees below average.”
The gang is dressed for cool weather (or cold weather with lots of physical activity, depending on how far ahead you think they thought to pack and dress.) Most of them are wearing several layers, including a sweater and medium-weight jacket. Riley is wearing a parka. (Open, but still.)
P.S. I adore the idea that Riley is the constantly-cold one in the group.
Whether or not the air is below freezing, that water is cold.
The wet rocks scene was filmed at Sylvan Lake, whose temperature ranges from the low 30s to high 40s in April.
40° is bad news. Even if the lake was at its April maximum of around 50°, the kids are still at serious risk of hypothermia. At water between 32 and 40°, death can occur in in 30-90 minutes. Between 40 to 50°, in 1-3 hours.
They weren’t in the water that long, but hypothermia symptoms can set in much faster than that.
They’d experience cold shock for the first 3-5 minutes after entering the water. Symptoms include panic, hyperventilation, and increased heart rate.
Between 3-30 minutes after entering the water, they’re at risk of swimming failure. A loss of muscle coordination makes it hard to make forward movement in any water, let alone the aggressive current the team is facing.
And after 30 minutes, true hypothermia sets in, where the body temperature drops dangerously low.
I don’t know if Team Treasure was in the water for long enough for that to happen, but they could absolutely face the effects of stages 1 and 2.
Danger: 6/5 Peril: 14/5
Denouement - The President/Page 47
If the gang’s body temperature only dropped to between 90 and 95°, they’d be given blankets, changed into warm clothes, and given warm (not hot) liquids with sugar to help slowly increase their body temperature.
Not sure if you also have weirdly vivid memories of The Day After Tomorrow, but heating a hypothermic person up too quickly, or heating their extremities before their core can cause cardiac arrest.
If their body temperature was below 95°, they may also be give a warm IV.
Since the trio seem basically okay when they’re taken to see the President—Only Abigail has a blanket?? I guess real men don’t need hypothermia treatment?—I have to assume they only needed minor care.
Emily and Patrick are absent in this scene, primarily for story reasons, but we can also infer that they may have needed more treatment. Their age would have put them at higher risk, particularly if either of them have underlying medical conditions like diabetes or are taking certain medications.
Danger: 1/5 Peril: 3/5
→ Other Finale Injuries
• Abigail gets held at knife point. She seems fine, but could have a small scratch on her neck.
• Ben’s leg(s?) get stuck under the stone door. He seems to be walking okay when they’re taken to the President, but idk man. I’d think he’d have some serious bruising, if not a more significant injury.
• And finally, brain freeze! I don’t know what Ben and Abigail are drinking out of soda cups with straws in South Dakota at night in April after almost freezing to death, but they should definitely stop and switch to hot beverages!
Well, there you have it. Injuries in National Treasure: Book of Secrets.
I still can’t say I love the movie, but I’m always here for some hypothermia hurt/comfort so…
What did I miss? What other injuries does Team Treasure have to look forward to?
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 4
I'm back with our boys, I just couldn't leaving the poor people reading Royal Pain hanging like that. I'm an author, not a monster. So it's a little longer a chapter to make up for the wait.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
We get hints of plot and backstory. Enjoy!
The sky was starting to lighten and Steve groaned.
“Make time stop,” he murmured into Eddie’s neck.
Eddie chuckled. “Sorry, princess, but you promised Lucas that you would be back at dawn.”
Steve grumped, but crawled off his boyfriend and stretched. “Who would have thought vampires have better stamina then werewolves.”
Eddie’s answering grin was positively feral.
“Who’s to say I wasn’t like that before I got turned?” He winked at Steve as he pulled on his clothes.
Steve laughed. “I’ll guess I’ll never know.”
Eddie straightened up and looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?”
Steve shrugged. “A couple things, really. Like I don’t know what you were like before you changed and I won’t know if it’s just you or all vampires that are that good, because I don’t intend to sleep with anyone else. Ever.”
Eddie finished putting on his clothes and put his arms around Steve’s waist from behind. “You are very romantic for someone who comes from a race that is infamous for fucking everything willing.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Everyone says I’m too romantic for my own good, for the pack’s good.”
Eddie kissed Steve’s throat without so much as the hint of teeth. “Too bad, baby, because I am into that shit.”
Steve moaned. “If you keep that up, I won’t make it back to the compound in time.”
Eddie chuckled again, his warm breath huffing against the skin of Steve’s neck. He let go of Steve’s waist. “Go on, sweet cheeks,” he teased. “I’ve got to report back to my uncle before the sun fully comes up.”
Steve nodded and waited until Eddie was in the sky before he transformed.
Steve made it to the pack compound before the first true ray of dawn even peeked over the horizon.
Lucas huffed out a wolfy laugh. “Cutting it little close, aren’t we?”
Steve shrugged. “What can I say? I’m horny teenager that hasn’t gotten laid in over a year. So sue me.”
Lucas rolled on the ground laughing. “Come on, it’s time for Murray to do guard duty.”
Steve nodded. “Can you have Erica and Holly play nearby while he does his watch?”
Lucas sat up and nodded. “Still don’t trust him?”
Steve shook his head. The alpha watched as the scrawny wolf that was Murray’s alter came oozing out of the woods. He bowed his head to Steve and kept it down as the alpha and younger teen passed him.
As the two wolves went further into the forest that surrounded their home, they could feel the gaze of the older wolf on them.
Eddie made it back to the trailer park well before the sky lightened enough to hurt him. He smiled at the structure that had been his home since he was young. It didn’t look like it held the most dangerous and powerful vampire in Indiana. But looks were deceiving for both the man and his home.
Wayne had been turned in Kentucky around the beginning of the 18th century. When he sided against the South’s right to own people, he was chased out of his home into Indiana, only barely a couple decades into statehood.
There with the help of Dr Martin Brenner, the coven Dominus and Clarence Harrington, the alpha, Steve’s great, great, great grandfather (werewolves live longer, so not as many generations between Steve and his ancestor as there was between Eddie and his) and the reason it’s called the Harrington Pack, founded Hawkins as a safe haven for the supernatural and humans alike.
Wayne looked rough, because he was born rough. The oldest son of a farmer. He had six siblings but of those six, only two lived to adulthood. Abigail, and the youngest, Lawrence. When he was attacked, he fought back, getting the vampire’s blood in his teeth, accidentally starting the turning process.
He learned how to hunt and be a vampire all his own, breaking all the stereotypes of a turned vampire being feral.
Because of his rough looks it made people underestimate him, so he dug into that hard. He moved with the poor and disenfranchised wherever the people in power put them. He finally settled in Forest Hills. His trailer looked as rough as the man himself.
But it was built like fortress. Not a single ray of light pierced its metal hide and the windows were mainly for show. It was a tough old thing, too. Eddie had heard stories of tornadoes ripping through the area only to be the only thing left standing.
Eddie wasn’t sure what it was made of, but it was home. He slipped into the trailer like a shadow to find his uncle waiting for him.
“Cutting it pretty fine, aren’t you, boy?” Wayne asked from his comfortable arm chair.
Eddie grinned. “You know me, I like to push the boundaries as far as I can.”
Wayne scoffed. “And one day it’s going to get you killed.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Wayne got to his feet and gave Eddie a hug.
“I’m glad you’re home, Ed,” he murmured. “I worried that Hopper had finally crossed a line he couldn’t come back from.”
Eddie nodded, “It was a near thing, Uncle Wayne, but Steve had finally healed enough to use his alpha voice and force submission.”
“I worry that he had to use it all,” Wayne said.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie said cocking his head to the side, “at least Operation Vamp Out was a success. So there’s that at least.”
Wayne pulled back, putting Eddie at arms length to see him properly. “You got the alpha to do what exactly? Because this shit’s important, Ed.”
Eddie ran his tongue over his teeth thoughtfully, “I’m not sure I feel comfortable telling you about that, if I’m honest.”
Wayne’s eyebrows went up and his eyelids fluttered to a close. “You fucked him, didn’t you? You fucked the alpha of the Harrington pack.” He opened his eyes.
Eddie pursed his lips to try and hide his smile, but the sparkle in his eyes betrayed him.
“Hop was against it until I said you were my maker,” Eddie hedged.
“Yeah, because that meant he wouldn’t have to fight off Bill Hargrove for the pleasure.”
Eddie frowned. “S’that because the Dominus is a racist piece of shit who is absolutely grinding his fangs to powder because his half-sister is dating a werewolf?”
Wayne chuckled. “The very like.”
“He’s also very scared of you,” Eddie said moving to sit on the sofa, “Hop I mean.”
Wayne’s grin was vicious in its unfurling. “That’s because Hop knows what I’d do to him if he toed out of line.”
“I’ve always wondered why you didn’t do anything about him when he drunk off his ass most of the time.”
Wayne knelt in front Eddie and took his hands gently. “Because around the time Sara died, you came into my life. You were already a frightened little boy who was thrown into my care, not know what kind of vampire I was. Would you have warmed up to me as well as you did if I had torn Jim Hopper to shreds?”
Eddie blinked up at him, his mouth wide with shock. “No.”
“There, you have your answer,” Wayne said softly. “I couldn’t deal with a wayward alpha when I had a sweet boy to look after.”
He moved to sit next to Eddie on the sofa and bumped him with his shoulder. “I can’t be everywhere and I’ve learned that I can’t throw my weight around like I used to. I’m actually worried that I’m losing control of the town.”
“Is this about Jason and the other boys?” Eddie asked.
Wayne nodded. “It never should have gotten as far as it did. Let alone to the attempted murder of the pack’s alpha. And Sheriff Powell has been fractious to put it mildly.”
Eddie pursed his lips and then licked them slowly. “It would be better if Hopper was police chief again.”
Wayne nodded again. “Powell as sheriff is bad for the town. I’ll talk to Mayor Roberts and see if we can’t at least get him suspended for not taking a threat to the Harrington Pack alpha seriously.”
“Have Steve and Billy with you,” Eddie suggested. “Especially Steve. Because at least he can show the mayor the scars that the silver made.”
“That’s a good idea, Ed,” Wayne said. “I’ll get right on that.” He bumped Eddie’s shoulder again. “You’ve got a good head on you. Maybe in a few years, I’ll have you take over as leader here.”
Eddie blushed and ducked his head. “Only if that means you’re still around. I don’t want to lose you.”
Wayne pulled him close. “I won’t leave you. Not if it’s in my power.”
Eddie wrapped his arms around him and buried his head into his neck like he did that first night all those years ago. “I love you.”
Wayne kissed the top of his head. “I love you, too, boy.”
Mayor Roberts was pissed. He had especially placed Danny Powell as sheriff when the whole town thought Jim Hopper was dead. But the man had placed him between a rock and two vampires and a werewolf alpha all chomping on the bit for justice.
Justice that was rightly deserved. Hunters were like vigilantes. Outside the law, but respected by those who thought them necessary. Hunters that were very much barred from the town of Hawkins for a reason.
To be honest he was a little surprised it took five days for the three men in question to darken his door.
Wayne Munson walked in flanked by the teen leaders of the coven and pack. Billy Hargrove stood on the elder vampire’s right, while Steve Harrington stood on Wayne’s left.
The young werewolf looked more than a little worse for wear, he winced when he moved into the room, favoring his left leg. The leg Roberts was told had not only been shot with a silver bullet but caught in a silver foot trap.
It was inhumane what those boys did to Steve, but it was thing to hear about it and it was quite another to see its effects.
“Hello, gentlemen,” Roberts greeted solemnly. “I’m sorry we have to meet like this under these circumstances. Please have a seat.”
Harrington looked like he wanted to but when Munson and Hargrove didn’t he couldn’t without looking weak in front everyone. Something the alpha could not do.
He shifted his weight to his foot, straightening his spine so it looked as though he was standing on both legs equally.
Hargrove caught the movement and smirked. Munson ignored them both.
“We’ve come to see what is being done,” Munson said gravely.
“Jason and Patrick are both eighteen and will be charged with the full extent of the law,” Roberts said. “Andy, Chase, and Josh are all underaged and it’s trickier. Josh and Chase are only sixteen, while Andy is seventeen.”
All three supernaturals winced.
“Try Andy as child,” Steve said, “and then force the younger two boys to do community service in both the pack and the coven. Six weeks with each sect.”
Wayne and Billy looked over at Steve in shock. Mayor Roberts raised an eyebrow.
“What is the basis for that assessment?” the mayor asked.
Steve properly straightened up and all the boy next door persona dropped away to reveal a very powerful alpha. “I was there. I could tell that the two pups were only along for what they thought was prank. They are young enough that if they see what being in coven is like, what being in a pack is like, I believe they can change.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down.
“Andy was a more willing participant,” he continued seriously, “but perhaps one that could be persuaded that he was in the wrong. The other two knew full well of what they were doing and should be punished for it.” He looked up at Mayor Roberts, fire burning in his eyes.
Hargrove let out a long whistle. “Got some brains on you after all. I agree with alpha Harrington’s assessment and terms.”
All three men looked to Munson who was considering it. He rubbed the stubble on his chin. “It is sound judgment but I would like to add one thing, if I may?”
Mayor Roberts nodded. “Go on.”
“That the justice for Steve concerning the fate of Jason and Patrick be placed in my hands,” he growled.
The other three men blanched.
“They are still boys,” Mayor Roberts said, twisting a tissue in his hands nervously.
“I won’t kill them,” Munson promised. “But it’s time again I showed this town why I am its master.”
The mayor gulped, but nodded. Munson lowered his head slightly and then back up, not quite a nod, but an acknowledgment nonetheless.
Munson turned on his heel and walked out, the alpha and Dominus close behind.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
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twig-the-edgelord · 2 months
Important Tj information
If SCP 590 touches someone he can heal them by taking their injuries. For example in order to heal a broken arm he has to sacrifice his own arm. Any injury will heal 3x faster for him than a normal person.
He can’t heal
•mental illness/disorders
•anything involving most of his left arm
•any injuries he caused himself
Tj was one of 2 of his sibling born with an anomaly, most likely due to his great grandfather. His parents (Adam and Evelyn) had tried to hide his “gift” from the foundation, and allowed TJs aunt (Abigail) to homeschool him. Tj was allowed to play with the other kids as long as he avoided anything that involved physical contact.
In his preteens he started to act in any way that would get him into trouble. He would bully his older siblings, especially Jackson. He would steal Claire’s cigarettes and chase Jack around, trying to put it out on him.
When his mother got pregnant he ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. Adam had asked him to heal his new sibling. ■■■■■■■. Tj was no longer able to move, his body mangled beyond belief, but his sibling was able to breath.
As he was healing he was put into containment, and a death certificate was made as an explanation to his disappearance. When he had fully recovered the foundation began to use SCP 590s anomaly for its benefit.
In protest SCP 590 committed an act of self harm, amputating his left arm, and threatening the rest of his body. To prevent SCP 590 from harming himself anymore Dr. Clementine, then a junior researcher, ■■■■■■■■■■, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■, causing him to be mentally younger than what he was.
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mitz-prompts · 8 months
prompt: will's dogs kill something and will can't handle it (h/c)
(cw baby animal death)
Will lets out his dogs, not realizing there's some deer near the house. the pack chase and kill a fawn before Will has the chance to stop them. he tries to call them off and save the animal but the fawn is very, very dead. the mama is at the edge of his property line staring at Will.
now, Will has a fucking empathy disorder, and while the show always seems to focus on the empathy part, it tends to gloss over the disorder part.
what happens is this: Will can't let it go. he's badly shaken. it feels like he's kneeling with this dead fawn cradled in his lap for hours. it feels like he just killed Abigail.
He buries it somewhere in the woods, gets back to the house, feeds the dogs. Has to bathe some of them to get the blood off their muzzles. He's crying more than he's ever cried since grade school. He still feels the mama looking at him.
and it lingers. he can't sleep, can't eat, can't take care of himself. can't go to work to look at bodies because he can't focus on anything but this one overwhelming guilt in his head, the anguish of being responsible for the destruction of something innocent and vulnerable. he cannot function. if he even manages to get to Dr. Lecter's office, he can't engage in their usual quick witted conversations. he would try to hide up on the balcony with his knees pressed to his chest, so that he doesn't have to look at the stag statue or the antler decor.
then.... hannibal comforting him, but like in a genuine way, not like in a "let's manipulate you into accepting your becoming" sort of way. maybe hannibal understands that there's a difference between how Will feels about killing humans vs. killing animals. Or maybe he understands that killing animals is something that Will can totally handle if he's prepared for it, but when it sneaks up on him suddenly and unexpectedly it's this devastating thing that makes him feel so, so small and hurt.
(this scenario could also happen post-fall and it would be just as devastating. hannibal might freak out more because it's like 'have you been secretly still holding onto your morality?? lying to me again???' but really it's just that Will could never ever handle the death of innocent creatures. even when he's in peak bitch era and bedelia asks him about an injured bird he's like "i would help it 🥺" because he! cares!! and i love him
so hannibal would have to accept that, and then he could give Will the comfort he needs.)
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Round 1 Roundup!
or, one post to find them all...
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All four groups of Round 1 are now live! Find each group's masterpost with all respective links here:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Plus, all 64 individual polls are linked below the readmore.
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Group 1
Sarah Jane Smith vs. Leia Organa
Deanna Troi vs. Florence (Gunpowder Milkshake)
Jody Mills vs. Andromache the Scythian
Kim Wexler vs. Villanelle
Paris Geller vs. Dr. Maura Isles
Delenn of the Religious Cast and Chosen of Dukat vs. Sister Beatrice
Lisa Cuddy vs. Seven of Nine
Ziva David vs. Michael Burnham
Una Chin-Riley (Number One) vs. Evelyn Wang
Nyota Uhura vs. Moana
Alex Danvers vs. Olivier Armstrong
Barbara Howard vs. Joan Watson
Barbara Gordon vs. Dr. Helen Magnus
B'Elanna Torres vs. Esmeralda "Granny" Weatherwax
Raelle Collar vs. Parker
Lwaxana Troi vs. Sidney Fox
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Group 2
Xena vs. Bad Wolf
Lindsey Boxer vs. Anna May
Siuan Sanche vs. Jules Callaghan
Ally McBeal vs. Eve Baird
Sidney Prescott vs. Kira Nerys
Jill Valentine vs. Susan Ivanova
Chrisjen Avasarala vs. Cameron Howe
Hermione Granger vs. Henrietta Wilson
Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman vs. Susan Sto Helit
Fujiko Mine vs. Naomi Nagata
Yu Shu Lien vs. Melinda May
Jane Rizzoli vs. Dr. Bernie Wolfe
Dana Scully vs. Death of the Endless
Erza Scarlet vs. Rhaenys Targaryen
Root vs. Anissa Pierce aka Thunder
Kara Thrace vs. Dr. Addison Montgomery
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Group 3
Buffy Summers vs. Jocelyn "Joss" Carter
Scarlet (Gunpowder Milkshake) vs. Modesty Blaise
Moiraine Damodred vs. Margaret Houlihan
Elizabeth Swann vs. Laris (Star Trek)
Aeryn Sun vs. River Song
Dr. Beverly Crusher vs. Kathryn Janeway
Gabrielle of Poteidaea vs. Breanna Casey
Phryne Fisher vs. Shauna Sadecki
Ava Silva vs. Miranda Priestly
Galadriel vs. Yalena "Dutch" Yardeen
Regina Mills vs. Abigail Carmichael
Sara Lance vs. Nomi Marks
Mulan vs. Hera Syndulla
Myka Bering vs. Donna Noble
Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) vs. Éowyn
Cosima Niehaus vs. Violet Baudelaire
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Group 4
Jenny Calendar vs. 13th Doctor
Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) vs. Helena "H.G." Wells
Camina Drummer vs. Philippa Georgiou (Prime)
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker vs. Jane Doe
Eda Clawthorne vs. Olivia Dunham
Daisy Johnson vs. Anne Lister
Anna Mill vs. Sophie Devereaux
Dr. Temperance Brennan vs. Ahsoka Tano
Catherine Willows vs. Lara Croft
Holga Kilgore vs. Sameen Shaw
Inej Ghafa vs. Evie Frye
Jadzia Dax vs. Lena Luthor
Annabeth Chase vs. Mildred Ratched
Laura Roslin vs. Shuri
Jo Lupo vs. Samantha "Sam" Carter
Claudia Donovan vs. Willow Rosenberg
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fetchmearum420 · 1 year
Let’s try to make 1776 popular on here again:
Characters I think are homophobic/supportive:
John Adams: I mean he’s gay for Jefferson need I say more?
Tommy Jefferson: THAT scene alone makes it clear.
Benjamin Franklin: he’s a little confused but he’s got the right spirit. Also gay himself, duh.
John Hancock: he’d probably crack a joke here and there but he’s always supportive.
Dr. Lyman Hall: yes he’s from the south and at first on Dickinson’s side, but he has his own opinions and fully supports the LGBTQIA+ community.
Richard Henry Lee: He’d probably do his WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO if you’d come out to him.
Roger Sherman: he’s just a simple Cobler from Connecticut but is fully supportive. He’s too pure.
Reverend John Witherspoon: yes he’s a reverend but I’m convinced he is gay so duh.
John Dickinson: claims he hates the gays but is secretly in love with James before he dumps him at the end.
Robert Livingston: duh.
Charles Thompson. Gay for G. Washington.
Abigail Adams: supports her husbands affair with Jeffy.
Martha Jefferson: duh.
Edward Rutledge: You just know he is.
George Read: The little prissy from Delaware is homophobic and y’all know it.
Dr. Josiah Bartlett: it’s obvious.
Lewis Morris: idk I’m just kind getting this homophobic feeling from him.
Joseph Hewes: duh.
Colonel Thomas McKean: I can see him being both.
Caesar Rodney: he probably doesn’t even care.
Andrew McNair: idk tbh.
Samuel Chase: someone outta open up a window to find the answer.
James Wilson: is unsure of gay people but he himself is gay for Dickinson.
Stephen Hopkins: too drunk to care.
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andrewlloydwebber · 2 years
Quite random selection audios from my recent theatregoing experiences. I don’t know if anyone is interested but I figured it’s better than hoarding them. Reblog if you download, gift to anyone if requested.
WICKED 2nd National “Munchkinland” Tour / June 29th, 2022 / Boston, MA, USA / Lissa deGuzman (Elphaba), Jennafer Newberry (Glinda), Jordan Litz (Fiyero), John Bolton (The Wizard), Lisa Howard (Madame Morrible), Kimberly Immanuel (Nessarose), Jake Pedersen (Boq), Michael Genet (Doctor Dillamond) / Note: A cellphone went off during the Fiyero reveal. 
Google Drive (2 untracked M4A files)
THE BAND’S VISIT 1st National Tour / June 16th, 2022 / Worcester, MA, USA / Janet Dacal (Dina), Sasson Gabay (Tewfiq), Ramin Doostdar (u/s Haled), Ali Louis Bourzgui (u/s Itzik), Coby Getzug (Papi), Hannah Shankman (u/s Iris), Yoni Avi Battat (Camal), Joshua Grosso (Telephone Guy), David Studwell (Avrum), Billy Cohen (Zelger), Dana Saleh Omar (u/s Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy) 
Google Drive (1 untracked M4A file)
1776, Pre-Broadway / May 28th, 2022 / Cambridge, MA, USA / Gisela Adisa as Robert Livingston, Nancy Anderson (George Read), Becca Ayers (Col. Thomas McKean), Tiffani Barbour (Andrew McNair), Allison Briner Dardenne (Stephen Hopkins), Allyson Kaye Daniel (Abigail Adams/Rev. Jonathan Witherspoon), Elizabeth A. Davis (Thomas Jefferson) , Rose Van Dyne (u/s Charles Thomson), Joanna Glushak (John Dickinson), Grace Stockdale (u/s Richard Henry Lee), Eryn LeCroy (Martha Jefferson/Dr. Lyman Hall), Crystal Lucas-Perry (John Adams), Liz Mikel (John Hancock), Patrena Murray (Benjamin Franklin), Oneika Phillips (Joseph Hewes), Lulu Picart (Samuel Chase), Sara Porkalob (Edward Rutledge), Sushma Saha (Judge James Wilson), Brooke Simpson (Roger Sherman), Salome Smith (Courier), Sav Souza (Dr. Josiah Bartlett), Imani Pearl Williams ( u/s Caesar Rodney) /
Google Drive (2 untracked M4A files)
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purplesigebert · 5 months
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2023 character wrapped: 9 characters you loved in 2023! Was tagged by the lovely @sergeantpixie, thank you friend!
From left to right (which is the order in which I met them): Det. Lilly Rush (Cold Case), Dr. Abigail Chase (National Treasure series), Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries), Dr. Lucy Preston (Timeless), Sgt. Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place), Miriam Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), Sam Arondekar (Ghosts US), Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things).
Tagging: @stars-and-darkness, @the-road-betwixt, @averseunhinged, @impossiblekryptonitecolor, @flameofrose, @kirythestitchwitch, @morningstargirl666, @austennerdita2533, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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emmi-kat · 1 year
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May I preemptively request a part 4 to the examination of Ben and Abigail's relationship in which they are compared to Patrick and Emily's relationship?
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Should Abigail Leave Ben? Part 4: Adrenaline and Tequila
@emmi-kat, you may! And thank you so much for the question.
In Part 1 and Part 2, I argued that National Treasure devoted significant screen time within the setup of the heist to also set up Ben and Abigail as a compatible romantic pairing, and that it was critical that they do this before Abigail joins the treasure hunt, otherwise their relationship would seem like a knee-jerk reaction to going through the trauma of the plot together, and not much more than that.
In Part 3, we discussed how National Treasure: Book of Secrets swings around and insists that their reaction actually is only a knee-jerk reaction to almost dying on treasure hunts together, and no matter how badly Ben behaves, Abigail will take him back after a near death experience. Yippy-do.
As I’ve ranted about/alluded to, I don’t think BoS is an effective sequel to the first movie, especially on a character front. However, if we are examining Ben and Abigail’s relationship in that movie, you’re are absolutely right, we would be remiss to not compare their relationship to that of Ben’s parents.
As I explored here, the first movie seems to imply that Ben’s mother is dead, but Book of Secrets makes two key character decisions that drive most of the drama in the story:
Ben’s mom is fine, they’re just bitter exes
Ben and Abigail are separated because Ben is being a self righteous prick
Presto! Now we’ve go a movie’s worth of character drama, and two dysfunctional romances to deal with!
Do I think these were the best decisions to go with? Did this create the sequel I wanted to see? Not really.
But this is what we’ve got, so let’s go with it.
The way Patrick frames his relationship with Ben’s mother in the first movie makes it sound like she was the one true love of his life.
We see this in the way he talks about her directly.
PATRICK At least I had your mother, for however brief a time.
He says this while listing the fundamental needs and joys of life that he has, and Ben doesn’t. He draws a contrast to what he had—Ben and his mother—to what Ben has now.
Patrick’s one-true-love perspective on his wife is also implied in the lessons he’s passed on to Ben about romance.
BEN Well, my father thinks I've been a little too cavalier in my personal life. … Have you ever told someone - not a relative - "I love you"? … More than one someone? … Well, then my father would say you've been a little too cavalier in your personal life, too.
This exchange paints a pretty clear picture that Ben’s mother was the one and only love of Patrick’s life. It implies that he only said “I love you” to one person, and that anything else would be irresponsible and rash.
Dr. Emily Appleton tells a very different story.
EMILY That was not love. That was excitement, adrenaline and tequila. … I was trying to get course credit.
From her perspective, not only was Patrick not the one true love of her life, they weren’t in love at all. He was the professor, instructor, or TA that she had a fling with for during an alcohol-and-adrenaline fueled treasure hunt.
It’s unclear from the dialogue if this treasure hunt for course credit was the same as the Marrakesh toothbrush-travel case-luggage incident, or if they were two separate hunts. In either case, Emily’s version doesn’t make it sound like they were together for that long. In fact, it sounds like she got pregnant pretty early in their relationship and so they tried to make it work.
EMILY No, you did it because you wanted to, and I would've done the same thing, except one of us had to grow up and stay home and look after Ben. Certainly wasn't going to be you.
This strikes me as fairly bold for an early-aughts Disney flick? But maybe I’m just getting old. Emily got knocked up during a treasure hunting fling, and that diverted her from whatever fieldwork it seems like she was doing and kept her out of the treasure hunting game. That’s a pretty tragic backstory, actually. I’d be pissed at Patrick too. It worked out for her eventually, since she’s a tenured professor now, but still.
Again, I personally chalk these difference up not to character, but to craft. Emily didn’t exist in the first movie, so Patrick’s relationship with her was painted very differently. One she becomes a character, the “one true love” thing doesn’t work anymore because now we need a reason why she wasn’t in the first movie, and Patrick was taking about her like he’d never see her again. The first movie paints Patrick as the romantic conservative and Ben as a someone who goes through relationships too fast.
But if my mission here is to treat BoS as an equally true piece of the story (which yes, I am aware I am failing at repeatedly), then we’re faced with an interesting complication: Patrick’s whole “cavalier in one’s personal life” philosophy is true, but also wildly misleading.
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While Patrick never actually says explicitly that he loves Emily in the course of the films, it’s implied from his behavior (and the way he’s still trying to win her back three or four decades later) that she’s the one he said it to. So by the definition of “only say ‘I love you’ to one person” or “only fall in love with one person” Patrick Gates is the epitome of romance.
But he’s also wildly cavalier with his relationship by any other definition. Emily might be the only love of his life, but he woo’d her, knocked her up, and left her home with their kid while he kept treasure hunting. That is not the epitome of romance.
It also makes a lot of sense, because their relationship had no ground to stand on. Emily spells out explicitly that, at least from her point of view, they weren’t in love, and they weren’t really in a long term relationship. They were in a fling that got complicated.
They got together in the heat of the moment while on a treasure hunt, and once they returned to their normal lives, their relationship fell apart because it never really was one. It was exactly what Emily said: “excitement, adrenaline and tequila.”
In other words, they have the exact relationship that (at least I think) the first National Treasure does not want Ben and Abigail to have, and that the sequel very much thinks they do have. Ben is repeating the exact mistakes of his father, falling for a girl he wows with a treasure hunt and then not wanting to listen to her or take her feelings and desires into account once things calm down.
And at the end of BoS, both couples are making the same new/old mistake: the Gates boys are both getting back together with their treasure hunt sweethearts without making any real progress on the issues that drove them apart in the first place. (Well, maybe Patrick has changed, because it has been 40 year. Ben, not so much.) And Emily and Abigail are getting sucked back in by the adrenaline, excitement, and near-death experiences. No tequila necessary!
And this is the reason I find Book of Secrets so fundamentally depressing. Nobody changed. Neither of the Gates men addressed the flaws that were ruining their relationships, and everybody decided to get back on the merry-go-round as if it’s a good happy ending.
This is also the reason why I quietly push BoS into a little box and bury it in the garden when I consider Ben and Abigail’s relationship.
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So there you have it.
Alternate subtitles for this issue were “Sins of the Father” and “Generational Trauma.”
Perhaps we’ll dig in to why Ben and Patrick are like this another time. But for now, I’m tired and I want my blorbos back.
What do you think? Why are Ben and Patrick terrible? Why do two very smart Ph.ds put up with them?
Thanks for your question! Feel free to send another any time.
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corainne · 7 months
comfort things tag game
I wasn’t tagged in this, but I've been seeking out my comfort things a lot lately, so I went looking for a tag game, and added the last two, because we love to overshare
Comfort Show: Castle, probably, simply thanks to the fact that it was my very favourite show growing up. And Taskmaster, which is really random
Comfort Movie: National Treasure. Literally named my cat after Dr Abigail Chase (and Love Actually, for all it’s faults
Comfort Book: Honestly, Agatha Christie books, like in general, not one specific book of hers
Comfort Article of clothing: An old football shirt from my father, that’s at least two sizes too big on and older than me
Comfort Song: I don’t think I have one, really (correction: No Troubles by Other Lives)
Comfort Food: bellpeppers in tomato puree with beef sausage served on rice. I've never encountered it outside of my maternal family, but my grandmother, mother, aunt, cousins and I all make it, with our own spin on it (you can swap the sausage for feta, although I would serve it on pasta in that case, and it does loose a lot of its flavour. Still good tho)
Comfort Place: My bed, under multiple blankets, with my cat next to me, fairy lights and maybe a candle on
Comfort YouTube channel: Emma Angeline. Fucking got me through the back half of 2020, and has remained my go to comfort watch since then
Comfort Podcast: Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics. I've listened to all of the episodes multiple times, and will many many more (currently listening to the episode on Cicero)
Tagging @freizusein @bumblebee-and-tea @the-law-of-progress and @notgoodatcreatingnames
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archivyrep · 1 year
Archivists and archival themes in the National Treasure franchise
Occasionally, archives are shown in popular culture, whether in film or other media. This is because, as Jeff O'Neal put it, "Hollywood loves a library" because the "combination of ambiance, seclusion, hidden knowledge, and the sheer beauty of shelves upon shelves of books" make libraries a fantastic setting for films. Hollywood does not portray the debate within the archival field or any nuances. There is a lot of the confusion between libraries and archives in the Star Wars franchise. To start this, let me begin with the National Treasure franchise.
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog on July 28, 2020.
In the 2004 movie, the first of the franchise, two would-be thieves do research in the Library of Congress and try to find "a way to break into the National Archives so they can steal a priceless historical document." While there are parts of this movie which make some cringe (understandably), like historical inaccuracies and bad preservation practices, some say that "anything that...puts butts in the seats at the National Archives is alright by me."
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Diane Kruger (as Dr. Abigail Chase, the archivist), Nicolas Cage (as Benjamin Franklin Gates, treasure hunter), and Justin Bartha (as Riley Poole, a computer expert) look at the Declaration of Independence, courtesy of the Peel Archives blog.
In the film, Chase is an archivist working at the National Archives and is accidentally kidnapped when he "steals the Declaration of Independence" leading to wacky and historically inaccurate adventures. As some archivists make clear, she is not typically "archivisty" or "librarianistic" but instead is "all Channel suites and evening dresses," meaning that while she "wears attractive clothing she manages to avoid the sexed up male-fantasy version of the librarian/archivist." She isn't "your wilting-flower variety information professional." Instead, she is "full of feistiness and one liners throughout ridiculous and dangerous events" but does, jokes the archivists, "lose points for allowing Cage to use the Declaration as a bullet shield." Another review by a fellow archivist, Kyle Neill, adds that "Chase comes to embrace the adventure, although she, like any good archivist, remains fiercely protective of the Declaration document" and that the team is "ultimately successful, locating the treasure deep underground in Manhattan." At the end of the film, as Neill writes, Chase isn't drawn to "the gold jewelry, statues, or other artifacts found in the huge underground cavern." Rather, she is fascinated by "what she identifies as scrolls from the lost Library of Alexandria."
However, as Catherine Lucy, Technical Services Manager/Archivist at Fontbonne University wrote in Solo, the quarterly newsletter of the Lone Arrangers chapter, depictions like the one in National Treasure end up reinforcing "stereotypes that surround the profession," especially of archivists. The film that followed, National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007), is worse, having Nicolas Cage return as a treasure hunter, hoping to solve the "mystery behind Abraham Lincoln's assassination with missing pages from his killer's, John Wilkes Booth, diary," with his father (played by Jon Voight) assisting him. And of course, Chase, still working at NARA, assists him. They have some sort of fight behind Mount Rushmore, discovering a secret indigenous city of gold. That's where the movie becomes silly and worthless. Sure, it grossed a lot of money, but that doesn't mean that it is a good film. In fact, the movie critics gave it awful reviews. For instance, Peter Bradshaw, in The Guardian, writes that although the film is sometimes entertaining it is "mostly pretty tired, with worryingly semi-serious conspiracy theory stuff" while Roger Ebert notes the strange plot holes, saying that there is no plausibility or logic in the film. Ebert notes how the movie has the same National Archivist and only praise it for its "completely unbelievable special effects." Ebert similarly criticized the 2004 film, calling it so silly that "the Monty Python version could use the same screenplay, line for line."
Beyond this, Lucy mentions two articles which review mentions of archives in popular culture: Tania Aldred, Gordon Burr, and Eun Park's "Crossing a Librarian with a Historian: The Image of Reel Archivists" in 2008 and Arlene Schmuland's "The Archival Image in Fiction: An Analysis and Annotated Bibliography" in 1999. The first of these articles talk about National Treasure, notes the librarian character in The Mummy, while noting films like In the Name of the Father and Citizen Kane (considering the character is an archivist). [1] They also reviewed The Mask of Dimitrios (1944), Carlton-Browne of the F.O. (1959), Agnes of God (1986), Treasure (1990), Secret Nation (1992), Just Cause (1995), Ridicule (1996), The Avengers (1998), Blade (1998), John Carpenter’s Vampires (1998), 8mm (1999), Erin Brockovich (2000), Bartleby (2001), Possession (2002), Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones (2002), and The Time Machine (2002). Looking at a sample set of 21 films, they found 14 male archivists and 7 female archivists, with almost half of the female characters wearing buns. Almost half of the characters were only cameos, which is unfortunate. They found that reel archivists are "physically and behaviourally following...established stereotypes," and are not used interchangeably as "librarians in the films." This article attempts to fulfill the call by the writers for further study:
Future research, including an expansion of the current study to increase the sample film size, is clearly necessary in order to solidify the results we have discovered. As well, the study, or related studies, should be expanded to include other forms of popular culture such as television programs, movies, and advertising; an exploration of the positive or negative portrayal of reel archivists; the amount of technology reel archivists are portrayed as utilizing; an examination of the archives represented in films; and a comparison of archival characters in books-to-film with their counterpart literary sources...The current study benefits the archival profession by providing a solid base for archivists to begin examining their portrayal in the media...the influence of the media means that its vision or perception is imparted to the public on a regular basis, and thus ultimately shapes how the archival profession is viewed, either positively or negatively. By examining how the public perceives them, and how they are being portrayed, archivists can gain a better understanding of themselves and their perceived place within society, identify areas of longer-term concern, and thus work toward strengthening that position.
The second article looks at 128 novels, noting how perceptions of librarians are shaped by films like The Music Man, and looking at various novels. [2] Schumland notes that, simplistically, archives are "not only repositories for the source documents of history, but for history itself" which many authors and filmmakers have not recognized. She also notes that the fact that documents or information is stolen from archives "implies that archival holdings have value" although not every author follows this advice, with archivists as custodians of paper and "representatives of history." As such, records are either seen as history, secrets, or garbage in fictional writings, although many fictional archives "represent more than just collections of papers," having the potential to reveal the truth, represent history, and provide information. However, stereotypes are often useful tools for authors, acting as a shorthand for character description. Furthermore, male archivists are often in supervisory roles while female archivists are not, with archivists generally middle-aged to elderly.
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] In their analysis, they eliminated Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (Doppleganger) (1969), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), The Name of the Rose (1986), The Phantom (1996), The Bone Collector (1999), Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), DaVinci Code (2006), and Silent Hill (2006) after watching all these films.
[2] Schumland specifically reviews Robertson Davies' The Rebel Angels, Robert Barnard's The Case of the Missing Bronte, Robert Goodrum's Dewey Decimated, Martha Cooley's The Archivist, Carol Shields' Swann, A. S. Byatt's Possession, Catherine Aird's The Stately Home Murder, Peter Hoeg's Smilla's Sense of Snow, P. D. James' Original Sin, Jeffrey Archer's Honor Among Thieves, Frank McDonald's Provenance, Charles A. Goodrum's The Best Cellar, Clive Cussler's Treasure, Caroline Preston's Jackie by Josie, Julie Smith's Huckleberry Fiend, David Carkeet's I Been There Before, Ralph Mclnerny's On This Rockne, and many others. She also talks about various other authors like Robert Ludlum, Sarah Bird, Elizabeth Scarborough, Duncan Kyle, Katherine Neville, Terry Pratche, and Patricia Cornwell, along with the role of archives in Lempriere's Dictionary.
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saintborland · 1 year
Tagged by @rainbowcaptainarmband Thank you gorgeous!! 💗✨️
Tea, Coffee, or Soda:
Coffee of course! ☕️
Dogs or Cats:
Both, but I adore cats. 🐈‍⬛
Can you play an instrument?
I can play piano very badly. 🎹
What's your zodiac sign?
Virgo ♍
First Song Lyric That Pops Into Your Head:
🎶 And I might- RATIONALIZE 🎶 (Memo of Hate - Albert Hammond Jr.)
Do you have any tattoos?
Not yet.
Favorite Place You've Traveled:
New Orleans, Louisiana 💜⚜️
What's the last movie you watched?
Fantastic Mr. Fox 🦊
Do you have any hobbies?
Photography and Cooking mostly 📸🔪
What languages can you speak?
Spanish, English, French (badly).
You can hang out with a fictional character for an hour. Who do you choose?
Dr. Abigail Chase from National Treasure because the academic in me has SO many questions about her education and career.
Compliment Yourself:
I'm a good listener. I'm always here for anyone if they need it. 💛
Pretty sure most of my friends on here have done this game, but if you haven't please do so and say I tagged you!! (Because I love you and wanna know more about you and your interests 😘)
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fetchmearum420 · 1 year
How 1776 characters would react to you asking them how they are:
John Adams: ah well. I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a congress. And by God, I have had this Congress! For ten years King George and his Parliament have gulled, cullied, and diddled these Colonies with their illegal taxes--Stamp Acts, Townshend Acts, Sugar Acts, Tea Acts--and when we dared stand up like men they stopped our trade, seized our ships, block- aded our ports, burned our towns, and spilled our blood- and still this Congress won't grant any of my proposals on Independence even so much as the courtesy of open debate! Good God, what in hell are they waiting for? Oh, how about you?
Benjamin Franklin: I am fine, just sitting here being preserved for posterity. And yourself?
Thomas Jefferson: I’m alright, just missing my wife. And you?
John Dickinson: I want to fucking kill John Adams that’s how I am.
John Hancock: I’m fed up with this damn congress. FUCK NEW YORK! How about you?
Charles Thompson: I can’t read through the resolution without an interruption :(
Edward Rutledge: I WAS annoyed, but now I’m happy cuz I got my way.
James Wilson: I’m sad because I don’t think Johns in love with me :(
Dr. Lyman Hall: I’m doing well, thank you. And you?
Stephen Hopkins: can you get me a rum before I tell you?
Roger Sherman: I’m angry cuz there isn’t anymore coffee :(
John Witherspoon: I am doing extremely well my dear friend. And what about you?
Thomas McKean: What do you mean man? Can’t you see I am bloody depressed by Washington’s stupid dispatches?
Caesar Rodney: *is dead*
George Read: NO NO NO!!!
Samuel Chase: Don’t ask me this while I’m eating!
Josiah Bartlett: I banned all horse racing and gambling so I’m happy. And you?
Lewis Morris: I abstain, courteously because I don’t know how to answer that. But I guess I’m sad.
Andrew McNair: Sweet Jesus I’m annoyed with everyone.
Courier: Momma can’t find me here :(
Abigail Adams: Oh thank you for asking, I’m doing just fine. How about you?
Martha Jefferson: I’m afraid I’m not feeling too well, but thanks for asking.
Joseph Hewes: I want to go fishing.
Leather apron: *can’t speak*
George Washington: I have been in expectation of receiving a reply, on the subject of my last 15 dispatches. Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody care?
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britishassistant · 6 months
Trick or Treat? (I'd be fascinated with whatever you want to share!)
Aah, thank you so much!! Happy Halloween!!
And for your treat…well, here’s a crossover between Hannibal and the Magnus Archives that’s been sitting in my notes for years now. Hope I got the characterization right!
Warnings for character death, Hannibal-typical mindfuckery, and Flesh-typical ideation of cannibalism.
The forest around Wolf Trap is dark and deep.
Will can hear the crunch of hooves nearby, stepping delicately over packed leaves and loam.
But…something’s off.
The forest is too quiet. Even at night, there should be insects and movement, the song of birds of prey feasting in the dark.
There is a silence. Too deep, too thick for it to be normal.
The silence of a predator stalking.
Prepared to strike—!
The forest bursts into noise. The crunch of claws over leaves. The patter of darting hooves. The snarls and snaps of toothy maws.
Abigail, eyes wide and wet and frightened as they stare down at him, stifling sobs.
The Ravenstag bolts.
Teeth lunge, snap.
Bring it down.
The meat is left unfeasted on, to fester, to rot.
Will Graham wakes up on a sofa.
It is not his sofa. He could never own anything as plush and luxurious as this, firm packed goose down supporting him even as it cradles his weary body.
He’s at Dr. Lecter’s then. But how? The last he can remember, he was at Wolf Trap—
There’s the smell of something burning.
Will pushes himself up, hobbles over to the kitchen.
Four dinner plates, stacked neatly on the countertop.
Forks, not nearly so neatly posed, scattered as they are. Silverware drawer still slightly ajar.
There are the trimmings and trappings of a meal. Root vegetables, sliced wafer thin. A dirty bowl, smeared with the remains of oil and herbs and spices. A hunk of unidentifiable meat, waiting on a chopping board and glistening pink with its own juices and marinades.
Another, larger joint going black in the pan.
Will switches off the heat.
Something prickles down his spine that Will can’t name. Doesn’t want to name.
“Doctor?” He calls. “Dr. Lecter?”
Something crunches underfoot.
There’s broken glass on the floor.
Will follows the trail to one of the windows
Dr. Hannibal Lecter is lying in his foyer, the front door wide open. His eyes are wide, mouth gently parted.
No need to check him for a pulse, part of Will thinks hysterically.
Not when his throat’s been so violently savaged only the vulnerable vertebrae and cartilage of his spine still attach the head to the rest of the body.
Hannibal leans against the filing cabinet, full of easy grace.
“Tell me, Will.” He asks quietly, gently. “Why do you think that I was killed?”
Will exhales, shaky.
You aren’t supposed to talk to hallucinations.
Julia Montauk does not look like she has the right to be Hannibal Lecter’s killer.
A tall woman who somehow manages to make the orange jumpsuit she’s wearing look scruffy. Running the edge of one filthy nail under the other, trying to scrape out the black remains of god knows what. A rangy tenseness to her frame, a false show of casualness that betrays her eagerness to strike.
Will feels bile boiling in his stomach at the sight of her.
“You can hear it too, can’t you?” She leans forwards, eyes blown wide. “The call to chase down those bastards that think they’re top dog. To make ‘em quiver, make ‘em scared, make ‘em run. To Hunt.”
For a moment, Will feels a sharp cold across his face. An itch in his trigger finger. The specter of Garret Jacob Hobbs stares out from her face.
Hannibal’s hand comes down on his shoulder with all the force of a slammed door.
Will’s stomach roils in protest.
“Those who have suffered abuse in childhood oft-times find themselves trapped in relationships with a new predator during their adult lives.” Hannibal tilts his head. “Why do you think that is?”
Will shoots him a glare. “…This better not be a weird form of victim blaming.”
A flicker of a frown passes over Hannibal’s face. Recrimination. “Will. Being obtuse does not become you.”
Will raises his hands in mock surrender, then pauses to think about it.
“…Those who prey on others look for insecurities. Vulnerabilities.” He says slowly. “Chinks in armor that they can twist themselves into. Survivors have those because they’ve been through more battles than most.“
Hannibal nods, a pleased smile spreading over his face. “And often lack the proverbial blacksmith who would reinforce said armor for the battle with the next dragon. How could any wyrm resist such an opportunity?”
“So, what?” Will busies himself drying Buster, trying to ground himself in the scent of wet dog and the feeling of damp fur. “You’re saying that these…these things and their ‘avatars’ are coming for me because I’ve had the misfortune of surviving one of them?”
“Hyenas pride themselves on stealing from those greater than them.” Hannibal stands, walks across to examine the bookcase behind Will. “Many of the entities, the Hunt and the Eye among them, delight in tormenting those who have escaped greater threats than they.”
Will gives an absent nod as he chews his lip, wholly unprepared for Hannibal to continue, “Or those who serve them.”
He stops.
Buster lets out a whine, nudging his nose against Will’s shoulder.
“Wait.” He twists, stares up at Hannibal. “You aren’t saying. You, you weren’t—?”
Hannibal smiles, indulgent and proud.
“No.” Will insists. Denies. Pleads. “No, you’re. You’re a hallucination. You’re in my head.”
“And it took so long to put myself there.” Hannibal purrs, stride slow and purposeful as he stalks towards Will. “So many meals, only the choicest morsels for someone as dear as you. To whet your appetite. To feed the impulses I saw could free you. To know you as intimately as I wished you could know me.”
He kneels as Will rears back, hands slippery with sweat. “And you, my dear Will, you ate so well for me. You partook.”
His hands are warm as they cup Will’s face. Too warm. Much too warm for what should only be a hallucination, a ghost, a memory—!
“For my Flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed.” Will quotes, without quite knowing why. Without letting himself understand why.
This close he can see every wrinkle in Hannibal’s face that crinkles with delight, with undisguised affection. “I wish we had more time. More chances to prepare you, to nourish you before we were set upon by scavengers. But you will not be alone, Will. I will never let you go hungry.”
The scents of Hannibal’s dinner table fill the small house. A communion, for the two of them alone.
Saliva bursts in his mouth.
“Let me be your armor, dear Will.” Hannibal whispers. “And we shall feast on any who presume you to be prey.”
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