#dr. gao
davendorks · 29 days
dr. gao dropping the “who’s to say i’m not madder than he is.” line and all of us just glossing over it is crazy.
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bcbdrums · 5 months
So apparently, I have a type...
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lab coats? check
glasses? check. (not pictured but yes just google them)
tragic backstory, damaged, and delusional? check.
physical scars from self-induced injury? check.
...mad scientists? ...check.
attractive as all be? check!
Since when is this my thing!? .....oh since forever apparently oh all right okay.
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raliciel · 1 year
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ludwigfanfunkoven · 1 year
fuck it let’s go
here’s my take on the lily gao situation
First, the game releases. Among the performances, Ada’s is noted to be, without a doubt, the worst. Like, super flat, very phoned in, every line I kept asking myself, “was that the right delivery? why did they keep that in? did they just... not do any more takes? why is it so... amateurish?” Of course, a series as huge as resident evil is bound to attract the kind of spergs that would attack someone for a shitty performance; it’s practically a household name at this point after all. So then, it comes out that...
Lily Gao, Ada’s VA, deletes all her instagram posts because she is, allegedly, being harassed. All but one post. About... White Privilege. Red flag #1. Now, sure, I could be wrong at this point, but after the whole Helena Taylor fiasco I’ve come to realize that trusting people paid huge amounts of money to say things into a microphone without any hesitation is foolish at best. I go, “well this is probably horseshit because it smells like ‘pity me’ publicity stunt horseshit from a no-name actress who saw a chance and took it” and call it a day.
Then drops the big post. You know, the “this is my ada” “I’m the first asian actress to play ada” “my ada is a survivor, not sexualized” etc etc bullshit, throwing every actress who played ada before her(including the ones who are, in fact, asian because they voiced her in asian localizations) and basically making it all about her. Turns out, I was right. She’s full of shit and it’s a publicity stunt.
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commiepinkofag · 6 months
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Dr. Gao Yaojie: Dissident doctor who exposed China's AIDS epidemic, dies at 95
Her work uncovered how businesses selling blood led to the spread of HIV in the countryside.
She was at the forefront of AIDS activism in China and traveled across the country treating patients, often at her own expense.
A gynecologist by training, she encountered her first AIDS patient in the central province of Henan in 1996.
While she was not the first Chinese doctor to expose the AIDS epidemic, it was her efforts that made the situation known to the country and beyond.
She told the Associated Press in a previous interview that she withstood government pressure and persisted in her work because “everyone has the responsibility to help their own people. As a doctor, that’s my job. So it’s worth it.”
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ask-a-w · 1 year
Summary of RE4R cast meet and greet on Twitch
Finally had time to watch the twitch stream of the RE4R cast meet and greet that aired last week. Here's a quick summary. General: RE4R was made 2 years ago. Everyone in the cast has become one big happy family.
Genevieve Buechner (Ashley): Been acting since a young age. Changed agencies 3 years ago and requested for video game gigs, happy to have landed the role of Ashley. Had to use a lot of her imagination on set after being on TV for years.
André Peña (Luis): Forged a RE4 replica knife and gifted it to Nick on the stream. (Beautiful knife btw!) Did go to acting school, Luis is his first professional paid acting & voiceover role. He knew he was auditioning for RE4R as they forgot to change one name in the script and he saw the name "Saddler". The OG RE4 was the first RE game he played.
Marcio Moreno (Salazar): Is tall IRL, was on his knees to portray a short Salazar while the other actors were usually on stairs. Lived in Spain for 5 years and almost forgot the actual Spanish accent so he asked his brother's gf who is Spanish to record some lines in a Spanish accent so he could remember the accent again. Usually plays villains or "stereotypical Mexicans" in acting roles and was quite happy to play a Castellan role.
Also played the El Gigante, Verdugo, Dr Salvadore, the ganados, and one of the Bella sisters. He had fun playing monsters.
Christopher Jane (Saddler): Happy to play the villain. Was initially convinced that he was only hired for just the table read and not the actual game. The director had to tell him repeatedly he is playing Saddler for the entire gig.
Jon Bryant (Mendez): Is a singer and his actual voice sounds totally different from Mendez. He does sing in Mendez's voice near the end of the stream which is hilarious. Singing a birthday song in Mendez voice was funny.
Michael Adamthwaite (Merchant): Has English heritage on his mother's side so he channeled some British twang for the role. His maternal grandfather also sells real estate IRL (if I’m not mistaken) so “selling stuff” is in his blood. 😝 Had his 10 year old son on the stream and it was his birthday, what an adorable kid.
Mike Kovac (Krauser): Does stunts professionally, used to be a wrestler. Already had experience handling knives and brought a training knife onto set on the first day. The director was happy and open to more realistic knive movements for the characters.
Based Krauser’s voice off the wrestler Jake “The Snake” Roberts and also Metallica singer James Hetfield.
Lily Gao (Ada): This is her first time doing motion capture, had a fun time despite having all the gear strapped to all parts of the body. Got stuck to Nick via velcro on the mocap suit a few times lol. Mostly acted with Nick and "a few other people". (Other than sharing scenes with Saddler, cultists, Wesker, and chopper pilot, does this mean DLC on the way??)
Actually got booked for Ada in the WTRC movie before RE4R. Did research on Ada's character despite not playing any video games growing up and admires Ada's strong character. Her agent got an email from the RE4R crew to ask her to audition for the video game role 'cos the RER4 crew saw her role in WTRC. The crew wanted to finally cast an Asian actress in the role. Lily did see what the previous VAs did and found all variations to be beautiful. Lily sent in her audition and got the part.
Raylene Harewood (Hunnigan): Did not meet the rest of the cast while working on this. Was not familiar with the RE franchise. Did one audition tape for Hunnigan by pretending to be on a computer and talking to Leon, and then she got cast.
It's her first time doing motion capture as well. Was mostly in a booth with the camera gear and reacting to Leon's lines that were already recorded.
Craig Burnatowski (Wesker): Nick & Lily were the only two people he has met so far, saw some of the others briefly. This is his second time working on a RE game, his first RE game gig was RE Outbreak. The mocap for Outbreak was vastly different back then.
Did not know what franchise he was booked for until he walked onto set and asked what game it was. 🤣
Steve Kniebihly (Cinematics Director): Have been cinematics director for 20 years, recently did the direction for RE3R, RE4R, RE8. Mostly focusing on directing cutscenes. Did a balance between grounded & realistic scenes and also catering to the fans. The bingo line was actually something else during filming but he decided to ask Nick to try out the old line instead and it was kept in the end.
Even if someone screws up their audition, as long as he can vibe with them, he will go with them instead of people who read their lines perfectly. He also doesn't like assholes and can read people. He wants someone who is nice and can take directions well… Capcom also has a say who is cast for the role as well, not just Steve.
Nick Apostolides (Leon): Nick has not met the VAs for Hunnigan & Mike in person. Cooked meals for everyone on set and everyone was raving about his cooking, especially his barbecues. Was asked to come back to play Leon.
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negrowhat · 5 months
10 More BL Characters I Want Carnally
Got tagged for the second time to do this, this time by @kennyomegasweave so I'm gonna do another 10 BL baddies I wouldn't mind handing over the panties to.
Forth from 2MOONS2. Pavel always been FOINE and I absolutely LOVED him as Forth. We love a bi motorcycle boy!!!! And he knew exactly what he wanted.
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Dr. Tin from Triage. He's smart, kind, thoughtful, AND FOINE! I've always had a crush on Tae tho...ever since OG 2Moons.
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Tee from Gap the Series. STILL MAD HER STORYLINE WITH YURI GOT CUT! I know she could take me to heaven, like I know she know a couple thangs.
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Miss Tiffy from Lovely Writer. I want her to call me Baby Girl and invite me to ride on the back of her motorcycle and make sure I hold on to her tight. Zorzo is so fucking incredibly FOINE!
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Inspector M from Manner of Death. It's ACAB til I die BUT I want him to wear the uniform and strip it off for me. Since he's trash at his job he can use his handcuffs on me, I know they getting dusty in that holster.
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Gao Shi De from We Best Love. Specifically s2 Shi De because he looked tf good in that season and he better wear those office jeans when he comes over.
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Yiwa from Wedding Plan. Please she's so cute and funny and charming. I love her. I wanted to be Marine so bad!
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Kim Jun Ho from Kissable Lips. I want this vampire to drain me...in every way.
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Nozue from Old Fashion Cupcake. He's so charmingly simple and handsome and so flirty. I love this man.
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Choco from Choco Milk Shake. Listen...I know he's a dog, like literally a pet, but that man is BIG! And at least I know he's loyal...it's in his DNA.
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 1 of the minor bracket
For Mike Walters and Edgar:
1. They have both either killed someone for their husband /or/ killed someone with their husband (or killed their husband but let's not focus on that-)
2. They met bc Mike was stealing access codes from Edgar in order to break into a top secret government facility. Then they start a time travel assassination organisation together. At one point they get separated and the first thing they do when they're reunited is steal more information and prepare to murder a guy (to quote Mike from memory: "I've been back for six hours and we're already planning to kill somebody")
3.Mike and Edgar are a very cute bear/ twink couple. They both work at the same government facility which has time travel. Edgar tends to be more of the brains while mike does field work but both have and will kill again for each other. There have also been several other various crimes such as breaking and entering into secure locations at their place of work. 
4. i have a million things to say about mikedgar. they met at the government base that mike was being blackmailed into infiltrating and then became the biggest goddamn power couple ever to appear in audiodrama. mike spent two seasons trying to keep edgar out of the fray and protect him and then edgar forcibly inserted himself into the fray. here are some things they have done
-Blew up a building inside of the top ring of security at their government workplace (they were blackmailed into this but it still counts)
-Assassinated a man inside of his own home in the self-proclaimed center of North America
-Bugged the home of an older iteration of Mike because they thought maybe he might possibly know something about an investigation they were doing (he did not)
-Stole endless amounts of top-secret data from their government workplace
-Kidnapped two guys in order to save a friend of theirs who didn't need saving because she's a badass
Here are some things Mike has done alone but for Edgar's sake:
-Shot his closest friend dead in his own home
-Broke into the highest-security ring of the government facility I keep mentioning in order to save him from drowning in the Pacific Ocean
-Got into a game of Murder Chicken with his Scruff date so he would be free to run away with Edgar
And here are some things Edgar has done alone but for Mike's sake:
-Killed him, and got another guy to kill a second version of him (it was helping in context!)
-Put together an elaborate plot to break apart their time travel base so they'd be free to run away together
-Split himself into two different people using dangerous and unstable time travel technology in order to complete an assassination that Mike had botched
TL;DR the couple that commits time travel murder espionage together stays together
-Blew up a building inside of the top ring of security at their government workplace (they were blackmailed into this but it still counts)
-Assassinated a man inside of his own home in the self-proclaimed center of North America
-Bugged the home of an older iteration of Mike because they thought maybe he might possibly know something about an investigation they were doing (he did not)
-Stole endless amounts of top-secret data from their government workplace
-Kidnapped two guys in order to save a friend of theirs who didn't need saving because she's a badass
Here are some things Mike has done alone but for Edgar's sake:
-Shot his closest friend dead in his own home
-Broke into the highest-security ring of the government facility I keep mentioning in order to save him from drowning in the Pacific Ocean
-Got into a game of Murder Chicken with his Scruff date so he would be free to run away with Edgar
And here are some things Edgar has done alone but for Mike's sake:
-Killed him, and got another guy to kill a second version of him (it was helping in context!)
-Put together an elaborate plot to break apart their time travel base so they'd be free to run away together
-Split himself into two different people using dangerous and unstable time travel technology in order to complete an assassination that Mike had botched
TL;DR the couple that commits time travel murder espionage together stays together
For Wu Zetian x Gao Yizhi x Li Shimin: (propaganda from previous poll here)
They are in a poly and are so morally gray and I love em. The triangle really is the strongest shape
They're gay because they're all bi (literally in Shimin and Yizhi's cases, kinda more implied for Zetian). Zetian and Shimin tortured a man for information (and also because he tortured them first) while Yizhi cooked back in their apartment. They made a plan to destroy their government and take over instead. Yizhi killed his dad because he was talking shit about Zetian and trying to sway his trust in her (it didn't work lmao). Instead of a love triangle (it REALLY seemed like that was what it was heading towards) they all love each other and would (and have) committed atrocities for each other. There's a whole thing about how they're stronger together (like, metaphorically and on the battlefield (Shimin and Zetian pilot a giant mecha together and Yizhi balances them))
They're a canon polyship who are all a bit deranged and down to kill for their goals and/or to protect bae. Two have tortured a man to death together and came home to the third making celebratory cookies for them. 
What's more gay wrongs than trying to take over your country and torturing a man together
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Attention Wish 2023 fandom: The A Recipe for Adventure tie-in book has LOADS of elaboration on the film, its characters, and its relationships!
Dahlia is Taiwanese, she lives by the philosophy of mise en place, or keeping things where you know you'll need them eventually, and got her love of cooking from her deceased grandmother, who made amazing ji dan gao sponge cakes. Her current goal is to find out why her own cakes don't taste the same as her grandma's. It also went into how Asha and Dahlia first met; it was when Asha was 11 and Dahlia was 10. Dahlia's grandma became too ill to bake for the queen, so Dahlia stepped in and made the cookies herself, but then a goat came into the castle and stole the cookie basket. While chasing it, Dahlia ran into Asha, who managed to negotiate with the goat and saved the cookies, and they became BFFS after sharing an extra cookie that broke. Dahlia's wish is to become the best baker, which most people think has already come true, but she wants to recreate the something special from her grandma's recipes. <3 There's a whole chapter of Dahlia having a baking accident but discovering it tastes great and has the same kinda love her grandma's dishes have, and she and Bazeema giggle over potential 'mistakes'.
The other teens are also expanded on; before he gave his wish away, Simon was very active, loved horseback riding and being outdoors, and used his strength to help his friends. Hal is Rosas' beekeeper and the honey she makes is as sweet as she is, and she always carries a jar of it with her. Bazeema is a weaver who makes patterns and designs. Why Gabo is the way he is is unknown but the author speculated he was a disappointed optimist.
It turns out Amaya was the one who got Dahlia her baking position, and she read Magnifico's books and knows how to bind simple spells, but nothing like the forbidden magic, which states Embrace that which is forbidden but once, and you surrender to it for eternity.
A very crucial line from the book is not in the film: Magnifico angrily asks Star where they were when he was young and needed them, why it took Asha for them to meet, and he says "Without [Asha] I'd still think I'd need everyone's trust and that the closest thing I could get to happiness was being near their wishes. I never would have realized that I could just take what I wanted for myself!"
Two more crucial things from the book are that we find out what Amaya and Sakina's wishes are! Magnifico says Amaya's wish was to serve him, but she says he just remembered it that way and her wish was to serve Rosas, and Sakina's wish was to see her daughter shine, which has come true by the end of the film.
TL;DR A Recipe for Adventure is basically required reading for the Wish fandom.
This is exciting!
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halobirthdays · 1 year
Happy birthday to Spartan-III Lucy-B091!
Today is her -509th birthday!
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Lucy was orphaned when her home planet of Kholo was attacked by the Covenant. She was conscripted into the SPARTAN-III program and assigned to Beta company. She was rendered unable to speak for eight years after the traumatic loss of the rest of team Foxtrot, of which only she and Tom-B292 remain. During this period, she and Tom developed a private, complex sign language to communicate.
During the Onyx conflict, Lucy developed a friendship with a Huragok named Prone-to-Drift. She regained her voice to come to its aide when Dr. Halsey began agitating it with questions and demands, though she still speaks very little.
After assisting with the conflict on Gao, Lucy and Tom returned to Onyx to act a security for the researchers living there. She and Tom accepted the assignment, though it was more difficult for her due to her remaining resentment towards the Sangheili. Nevertheless, she did not let her reservations cloud her vision when the Keepers of the One Freedom attacked the shield world, and she assisted in driving back the assault.
In canon (~2560), she is turning 27!
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bloodgulchblog · 8 months
Who is ash ?
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Ash is a member of the Spartan-III program's Gamma company, the final class of Spartan-IIIs. His team, Team Saber, was one of the best in the class.
Gamma company are different from the other IIIs because Kurt, the kidnapped Spartan-II who was assigned to train them, was getting fucking sick of watching Spartan-IIIs die. He secretly (without authorization) changed the augmentation procedures for the Gammas, giving them an altered fight-or-flight response. The good news: the Gammas are harder to kill and can keep moving and fighting even in the face of extreme injury, increasing the odds that they might survive the suicide missions the UNSC designed them for. The bad news: They require regular doses of medication to keep them emotionally stable.
When Blue Team (minus John for Halo 2 reasons) rocked up to Onyx in 2552 to answer the distress call Halsey put out after going there with Kelly to find the whole planet exploding, Ash was one of the young Spartans they met. Most of the Gammas had already been sent off on other missions because their training was complete, but a couple of teams (including Ash's) were still on Onyx.
Ash was 13 years old at the time. They were all so young, and it really shows.
During the conflict with both the Covenant and the Forerunner Sentinels that activated to defend Onyx (because the planet Onyx was secretly a Forerunner shield world), Ash's five-member team lost two: Holly, their CQC specialist; and Dante, their demolitions guy. Ash and the remaining two (Mark, their sharpshooter, and Olivia, their stealth expert) were there with Blue Team, Chief Mendez, Dr. Halsey, and the older S-IIIs Tom and Lucy when they (the only survivors) got sealed up in the Shield World's pocket dimension for a couple of months-ish at the end of the war until ONI came to fish them out and arrest Halsey.
Ash and the Sabers were adopted into Blue Team for a while, until they were split off to operate as what is called a Ferret Team for more stealthy missions than the UNSC would use IIs for. They work with a former police detective from the planet Gao named Veta Lopis. (I unfortunately don't have a lot of nice things to say about those books though, I didn't like them.)
As of right now in Halo (2560) Ash is 21, which makes him still among the youngest Spartans.
My reason for wishing he got a chance to meet Chief at some point in the past?
They have stuff in common. I think there's some potential for great interactions between the adult Spartan-IIs and the younger IIIs if we'd been allowed to have it, because the IIIs existing is insane to the IIs and the IIs are the closest thing the IIIs would have to adults who understand about them.
I could also just write something with Ash and Fred because Ash does know Fred and Fred has also shouldered the weight of being a team leader in horrible situations, but like. You guys know me. John's my most favorite special guy.
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I dont even like the re4re ending with the separate ways line and now Adas not in DI, where is my ship? Is aeon even alive anymore im tired. I hope she will show up at some point. They cannot put her aside, nor can they eliminate her from Leon's life. They have to give him some closure.
okay so let's kinda break this down
since re2r, it's been clear that they've been taking care with how to write aeon. a lot of it (og timeline) seems rushed and so campy. leon loves ada after knowing her for a few hours?
realistically he's known her for a few hours, and then didn't see her again for 6 years; so his interactions with her in re4r make sense. but we have ada's perspective as well to work with. we know that she's known where leon has been for these 6 years as well. even if she didn't keep close track of him- we can kind of assume that she at least knew that leon was on the mission
we see how vulnerable ada is, and i LOVE THAT, that she really is more than just "sexy asian spy lady."
another thing is that ada is one of the most interesting characters of re. sure she's shrouded in mystery, but it's gotten to the point now where fans really want to know more about her. give us her backstory, her motivations, her personal desires (outside of just leon), why she does the things she does.
it's fun to speculate; mine being that she screws over people for her own personal gain or her own sense of morals. she chooses the lesser evil because she knows she can. she's not evil and has never been evil- and people have a hard time understanding that morality isn't just good = good, bad = bad. (the biggest glaring hint to this is that it was always clear that ada betrays wesker at the end of re4, but in re4r they had to JUST SAY IT OUT LOUD AND SHOW HER. Cause if we DON'T SHOW IT, then american audiences DO NOT UNDERSTAND)
it's easy to write good characters and villians. it's a million times harder to write morally gray characters. and ada has always been under utilized in the games and movies. we see an amazing arc with her in 2,4,6. And 6 being her most fleshed out story and in really showcasing what she's like.
i don't think it's a coincidence that lily gao had talked about characterizing ada as more than just a sex symbol. and that's also a huge issue that needs to be tackled separately. that ada has ALWAYS been a sex symbol, but she's MORE than that. and to simply reduce her down to "sexy asian lady, with sexy voice," is such a disservice to her character growth and arc.
i think that it's also a bit on the misogynistic side to always be on leon's side. where's ada's closure? where's the exploration of her trauma? if we really broke down re6, we see ada struggling with her identity being stolen, blackmailed, and it can not be easy handling it all. she's so strong and has been seen to be strong- she puts on a smile for leon, but drops it the second she thinks he can't see her anymore
give them both the closure they need. ada is the third most popular character after leon and jill, sometimes even surpassing chris. she needs to be written well and have exploration of the aeon ship shown and fleshed out. capcom has been pairing leon and ada together for 25+ years. give the older fans the closure they need as well.
now until more people have seen DI, i don't want to speak on it much, so i won't be feel free to ask me again in a few weeks after the movie is more widely available for people.
tl;dr i think they just want to have aeon be more grounded and this makes the most sense- and they don't see each other for another 2-6 years after 2004, so that would be their 3rd ish meeting. there's still plenty of time to work to "that night" and then damnation and then re6.
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raliciel · 1 year
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patapon virus
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nobodys-saviour · 3 months
winning votes
Zayne won the favourite doctor poll. Obviously, his workmates must post something congratulatory too
ft: dr louise (irene fc), dr greyson, nurse yvonne. gao hanyu fc for li shen because you will never escape my ghy!li shen propaganda. more socmed au. idk
Akso Hospital Official
Congratulations to our chief cardiac surgeon, Dr Zayne for winning the Patients' Favourite Doctor award!
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❤️ liked by Greyson, Yvonne, and 60,578 others.
Greyson: How did you even convince him to pose for photos
Akso Hospital Official: We had a secret weapon on our side, she was actually the one who took the photos!
🎉 Congratulations to the ones in the cardiology department who won an award! Dr @.Zayne and Dr @.Louise
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❤️ liked by Greyson, Louise, and 867 others.
Louise: Thank you lovely 😘
Yvonne: anytime doc!!
Congratulations on winning. 😄
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❤️ liked by Louise, Yvonne, and 9,673 others
Yvonne: Oh no!!! 😂😂😂
Louise: Greyson should I mourn you today or tomorrow?
Greyson: Doc L, aren't you exaggerating? This is all in good fun, surely he'll find it funny!
Louise: Why aren't you tagging him then?
Greyson: well.
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would we have been able to submit canon poly ships? or is this just for fanon poly ships?
there's multiple canon ships in the showdown:
wu zetian/li shimin/gao yizhi from iron widow (explicitly canon)
rilla/sir damien/lord arum from penumbra podcast: second citadel (explicitly canon)
arthur/lancelot/guinevere from high noon on camelot by the mechanisms - this is not a headcanon about the trio from arthurian legend, it's a music album in which they are polyamorous
sasha/anne/marcy from amphibia (confirmed by people working on the show)
hardison/parker/eliot from leverage (confirmed by showrunners)
megaera/thanatos/zagreus from hades (explicitly canon)
quanxi and her girlfriends from chainsaw man (explicitly canon)
highly recommend checking these out!
id also like to add that while not a canon polycule, but the dr who trio includes jack harkness who ive been informed is confimed to be polyamorous and be romantically interested in both the doctor and rose. aizo/yujiro/hiyori is heavily implied through a lot of their interactions and from symbolism, despite not being confirmed canon. cosmo/kathy/don are also not canon but kathy does kiss both of them and it seems ppl generally agree it falls under "heavily implied". Kirby star allies is obviously not canon but they DO kiss to heal each other which i think is adorable
all that said i do plan on running both headcanon only and a canon only polls in the future!
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myscrap · 2 months
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Xユーザーのげろ(旧Dr.げろ)さん: 「GAO‼ https://t.co/rxHpfuu3QS」 / X
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