Today in horror / slasher movie history: on January 21, 1987 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 debuted in France.
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Here's a portrait of Leatherface!
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Today in sci-fi / fantasy horror movie history: on May 11, 1987, From Beyond debuted in Madrid, Spain.
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Here's some fan art to mark the occasion!
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Today in horror / thriller film history: on February 9, 1974 Hatchet for the Honeymoon debuted in the U.S..
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Here's some art to celebrate!
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Today in supernatural horror movie history: on February 11, 1980 The Amityville Horror debuted in Denmark.
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Here's some art to mark the occasion!
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Today in science fiction / Cold War thriller movie history: on January 3, 2018 The Day the Earth Stood Still was re-released in France.
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Here's a portrait of Gort to mark the occasion!
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