#easy to use crm
happsalesindia · 10 months
Top Challenges in Implementing Sales CRM: Overcoming The Roadblocks by Mitigating Risks With CRM Failure
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Making a decision to implement CRM software is possibly one of the most strategic decisions an organisation can take. When implemented and managed well, a CRM initiative can add wings to help organisations soar, grow and prosper.
This decision involves a lot of time, money, and commitment from all stakeholders, particularly from the business leaders. Many analyst reports show how an unbalanced and myopic approach to this initiative can jeopardise the success rates of CRM implementations.
One of the reports from Gartner stated that almost 50% of CRM implementations fail. Similarly, as per Forrester, 49% of CRM projects fail. Some businesses have failed even two to three times after implementing a new CRM. These statistics are the cause for some much-needed risk analysis and mitigating measures.
All these may seem overwhelming. But many companies do succeed with their CRM implementation. The key here is to learn from other’s mistakes and take the right approach as you embark on this strategic journey.
11 Most-common Reasons for CRM Failure
Inadequate management commitment
Many times, business leaders feel that their responsibility ends after selecting a CRM software. The reality is that it does not end there.  On the contrary, leaders play an important role after that.
One of the main reasons for CRM failure is when leaders expect it to automatically generate revenue, and deliver results. Instead, they need to “walk-the-talk” and start using the CRM themselves. Team members need to see how their managers regularly use CRM for managing their work and business objectives. Managers should not review business performance outside the CRM in some excel or google sheets.
It is important for managers and leaders to set an example. They need to  constantly demonstrate and coach their team members on the best practices, and its benefits. Learning through active observation is much more powerful than just someone preaching!
Misplaced CRM philosophy – Micro-management v/s Empowerment
CRM initiative is a very strategic decision that has the power to help organisations grow and drive predictable business results. It is critical that your team understands the project vision and this core purpose from the leaders.
Your team members should understand that the objective of the initiative is to empower them and make them successful. They should not perceive this like yet another process for managers to monitor their activities and micro-manage them. They should get a feeling that the initiative will add value to their individual performance and productivity, and give them more time and ammunition to excel in their work.
It goes a long way to encourage and motivate your team members to use the CRM software effectively to start seeing results. Leaders need to create ample positivity around CRM usage to make it work favourably.
Measuring Wrong Metrics
Peter Drucker said, “you can’t improve what you can’t measure”. This is true in the case of a CRM initiative as well. It goes a long way when you put together a cadence mechanism to measure your team’s KPIs (key performance indicators) using the CRM.
The ideal KPIs that you may want to measure could include revenue growth, deal progress, sales velocity, pipeline and weighted pipeline, deal conversion rates, sales cycle time, etc. That way your team will be able to appreciate the business value that a CRM adds. You will have a better buy-in from them that will also help you drive CRM adoption and usage across the board.
However, if you use your CRM to only measure the number of team activities, customer visits, their attendance, working hours etc., it might dilute the very purpose of the initiative. It could even be detrimental to your team’s morale and overall productivity.
Poor Planning
According to MIT Sloan, CRM failure occurs for those businesses that don’t do prior planning before making the investment. These businesses don’t spend time trying to evaluate their own business needs and  analyse the pain points they wish to solve by using a CRM.
They experience CRM failure not because of the limitations of CRM capabilities but due to their own lack of understanding and planning.
Resistance To Use
Resistance to change is another factor for CRM implementation failure.  People are used to the traditional methods and might be quite reluctant to move to a new way of life. Forcing a new method or software may cause resistance among users to abandon their old familiar methods. Human resistance has a big impact on a system’s effectiveness.
Other reasons for resistance might be due to lack of  training and a clear understanding of the software. This might have an impact on team productivity; eventually leading to frustration among users.
Complexity in Usage
Complexity of the software is another major factor for CRM implementation failure. While your business might  need a  CRM software with a simple interface, there are chances that you might land up  choosing a complex CRM. Because of its wide functionality and features, a CRM system can sometimes be complex to use. Users who are unfamiliar with CRM systems and who prefer to use a simpler interface can get overwhelmed with this complexity. For instance navigating through many screens just for one feature can be time consuming and frustrating.
Cumbersome Data Entry
Another important reason why many CRMs fail is that the end-users find data-entry very cumbersome and laborious. Sales team members are required to update the CRM regularly, which requires them to devote their time and effort. This may not happen if they find the CRM software interface not very seamless and easy to use. Not using the system to the full potential is one of the main issues in implementing CRM.
Lack of Customization
Few CRM systems might provide just basic functionality and may not be flexible enough to accommodate customization to meet specific client needs. In that case, businesses may not be able to align their CRM initiative with their needs and priorities. This will be a huge impediment to achieve your company goals.
Inadequate Training and Support
The efficient usage of CRM software heavily depends on the training and support provided by the CRM vendor. End users may not use it to its full potential if they lack adequate training support. Without proper ongoing training support,  users might face challenges and it can hinder end-users from effectively using all features in the CRM.
Poor  Fitment
One major cause of CRM failure is the insufficient compatibility of CRM software with the unique requirements of the enterprise. This substantial gap between the softwares capabilities and the organisation’s objectives hampers the installation of the CRM to a great extent.
Selection of Wrong Implementation Partner
There are many CRM projects that have failed not because of the software but by selecting the wrong implementation partner. It is important that the implementation partner is well equipped in terms of expertise, domain skills, experience and knowledge required for implementing this software.
Best Practices for CRM Implementation  – Steps To Mitigate Risk of CRM Failure
Now that we have discussed the various challenges in implementing CRM successfully, let us discuss what important steps will help you to mitigate all the risks.
Proper Goal-setting and Planning 
Clearly define your goals and objectives for implementing a CRM software. It is a good idea to make a note of all your pain points that you are planning to solve and the business objectives you want to achieve through this transformation initiative. It is important to have a clear vision of where your company should be after implementing the CRM software. Defining a purpose will serve as a guiding principle to help you at every step during the CRM implementation journey.
Committed Leadership
The commitment from the leadership team plays a pivotal role in making the CRM implementation successful. Shifting from old traditional systems to a modern one needs a lot of commitment and focus. Transitioning to a new CRM will be easy only when everyone in the organisation is committed to it and are encouraged to use it. The leadership team has to clearly pass on the message as to why are you implementing this new software. The Whys and Hows have to be clearly communicated to all the stakeholders across the organisation.
Buy-in From End-users
Gaining buy-in from end users is very important for successful implementation of the CRM. This means that all the stakeholders involved and directly affected by the new process comprehend the need for the change. It is necessary to make them understand the benefits and objectives of the proposed change. It is a good idea to take inputs from the end-users while evaluating the field service management software. This enables  them to feel valued and motivated; and in the process they will willingly participate and cooperate with the new change. This will ensure  increased productivity and overall success of the implementation.
Management Reviews Using CRM
It is very important for managers and leaders to lead by example. Often, they are so used to using Google sheets or excel sheets that they fail to embrace new technologies. It is important that they need to practise and demonstrate the benefits to employees.
The CRM platform should be actively used by managers and leaders for all their reviews and interactions. By doing so, they effectively communicate to their team members that the new system is worthwhile to integrate into their daily workflows.
When managers start actively using the CRM system in team meetings, the team members get inspired and follow suit. They start experiencing the effectiveness of the CRM on how it increases productivity and offers insightful data to help them with their performance.
Consistent Usage Across the Board
Consistent usage across the organisation is one of the important strategies for successful CRM implementation. A CRM can deliver significant benefits only when it is used to its full potential. Therefore it is very important that every stakeholder involved uses it consistently and effectively. It enables cross functional collaboration when individuals from different departments use the CRM to share information.
This helps to a great extent in decision making. With up-to-date information available from all stakeholders, management can use this data to identify trends, track important KPIs and make informed decisions.
Constant Feedback Mechanism
Consistent feedback from the users is one of the best practices for CRM implementation. Getting first-hand information from users in terms of systems usability, softwares ability to meet objectives and its impact on time management etc., helps the management to take proactive steps. This information enables management to make informed decisions before issues escalate.
Consistent feedback helps in improving user experience. Businesses can identify the pain points, usability issues and places where CRM falls short. With this knowledge, they are able to quickly address these issues, improve the system’s usability, and better the user experience as a whole. By addressing these challenges, management demonstrates their commitment and dedication to make the CRM implementation successful and help users have a positive CRM experience.
Progressive Adoption – Start Small and Then Expand
A proven approach for a successful CRM implementation is to start small and gradually expand. You may not want to boil the ocean with all the features in the first phase. It is a good idea to focus only on the necessary must-have features that have the highest impact on your business.
This enables businesses to efficiently manage the deployment process, reduce risks and ensure a smooth transition among users.
You may also consider the CRM roll-out for a specific department, and then expand to other departments. That way the early users can share their success stories, offer insightful advice, and assist in addressing any objections or worries from other users. Their positive experiences and feedback can have an impact on the larger user base and help the CRM deployment gain momentum.
Selecting The Right CRM Software
Choosing the right software will help you resolve most of the issues mentioned above and plays the most important role for succeeding in your CRM implementation journey. Following are  few important points to consider when choosing the right CRM software
● Easy to Use
The success of a CRM largely depends on how much the users adopt and use it. Users love to use the CRM only if they find it easy  and simple to use. A user friendly CRM should have a simple and an inherent interface that enables the users to navigate easily through different functions. The data entry should be seamless.  People with less technical knowledge also should find it easy to use crm. The actions they have to perform should be easy to comprehend without the need of in-depth instructions.
● Customisation
First and foremost, try to choose a software vendor who is flexible enough to align with your business objectives for installing a CRM. The vendor should be ready to offer customization so that you are able to align the CRM with your business needs and priorities. The CRM should have the features to address your pain points and meet your future business goals.
● Adequate Training Support
Make sure your CRM provider has an effective internal support and training team.   This gives your users the chance to learn the system thoroughly while also receiving excellent hands-on training. This is crucial since the success of the CRM depends on how extensively and effectively the users utilise it. They can completely lose interest in using the CRM if their questions are not promptly answered or if they are not properly trained. Their effectiveness and productivity can be greatly increased with the right training and assistance.
● Intuitive Dashboard
Having a dashboard that shows insights to real time data helps the management to have a quick view of the performance of their team members.  The management should be able to quickly and easily understand the performance of the team members.   Thanks to this real-time visibility, it helps the management team to quickly respond to urgent situations and take proactive steps whenever necessary.
● Pricing
In order to attract customers, few CRM software companies offer a very low Tier 1 pricing with very limited features. As your business grows and when you want to expand the number of users or add more records into the CRM, the pricing might be far more expensive. Choosing a CRM software vendor who offers a comprehensive framework with no hidden costs is a good solution to this.
Choosing The Right Implementation Partner
Choosing the right implementation vendor plays a very important role for a successful CRM journey.  It is advisable to select the right CRM implementation partner along with the CRM software. This will prevent any unexpected surprises and ensure a smooth implementation process. It is also important to evaluate the expertise of the implementation vendor, assess their industry experience and also see if they have a proven track record of successfully implementing CRM systems. Their technical know-how and experience plays an important role for the success of the CRM implementation.
You should also discuss the project timelines, milestones and cost of implementation to arrive at the overall TCO (total-cost–of-ownership). Knowing the overall TCO enables you to ensure that it aligns well within your budget.
Here is a detailed reference guide to help you choose the right CRM software vendor for your business.
In summary, customer relationship management software enables you to organise and manage client data in a structured way. Businesses can make wise decisions to increase revenue and boost profitability measured using a CRM.  It provides better visibility and a “single-version-of-truth” across the enterprise.
However, a CRM initiative’s success significantly depends on how the project is approached. In order to optimize the benefits of the implementation, careful planning and execution are essential. Organisations can reduce the risks associated with CRM installation by adhering to the best practices mentioned above. Organisations can realise their full potential and increase sales and profitability indicators with a properly implemented CRM system in place.
Original Source: Top Challenges in Implementing Sales CRM: Overcoming The Roadblocks by Mitigating Risks With CRM Failure
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arsenicalikat · 2 months
TOWL - Finale reactions and Holy Shit.
I'm pretty sure we started out with Rick thinking, Fuck, I'm going to have to kill Pearl.
It was way too easy for Michonne to break in. Like way too easy.
Beale, not really a citizen? That's a strange way to put it. They only kill for food or compulsion. Right? What does that mean? Is that a question? Beale sharing his time with Rick, sharing the weight? What the fuck does that mean?
Of course, it was in the cat. Just for Michonne.
But also, all those pictures of Gabe- it kind of sweet in a it didn't have to be that way kind of way.
Lol, Michonne Bodied that soldier.
Beale making Rick take his prosthetic off means he doesn't know how Rick will react. I wonder if someone else reacted poorly to the briefing. And his talking about killing Claimer Joe is wild.
"THe soldier in question has never been someone like you." Hmmmmmmmmm??? What does that mean? Does he want Rick as his successor?
How old is Beale? He went to Nam, twice?
Ummmmm, the teddy? like the first episode? But also shows how brutal the CRM is. Like they are moving stuff and droped a stuffed animal. It makes you wonder how they got it? Why?
Child evacuation protocol? 14 years? 1,000,000 strong hordes? Evolution of the virus? He thinks they are saving humanity. He thinks they are the ones who beat the odds.
He sacrificed Philly to save PA. Such a hardship; it's not like they could fight and save them all.
(I'm only a little sarcastic.)
Only 10% of children saved? What the fuck?
He admitted to Omaha and Campus Colony. Wow.
So, they want to take over the CRP. They want to take over the world.
The walkie going off during the meeting was kind of great. Her walking out of the meeting can be so bad.
He wants Rick as the leader. I felt like that might be coming.
Is Rick really thinking about Killing Beale in his office? That is such a bad idea. I love that Beale took the gun and the prosthetic but not his knife.
Is Beale trying to get Rick to bring in Alexandria? You know that shit isn't real.
Swear on the sword... Holy shit! You know, I don't think Rick has ever not taken a beating in a fight until now. That was the hottest freaking Rick kill ever. My god, I want to watch that over and over.
Please don't have to kill that man in the elevator. You can't leave a trail of bodies that lead to you. Bro, a blood pool? an actual trail...
I love how they came to the same decision at the same time.
ah, shit, he saw the blood. Rick always gets the shit kicked out of him before he wins. That was brutal as fuck.
"Is this yours?" "What's in it?" lol, a body.
Is Pearl going to be the big bad in the next season- I really want a next season, like so bad.
This is the shit we do.
Why the fuck did he leave his hand behind? That is such a good weapon/tool. I mean, that sets up for the comic hook hand, but man, I really liked that hand.
The balls on them to do that surrounded by all those soldiers. Holy hell. They should be pissing their selves.
It took Pearl forever to realize who Dana/Michonne was. Like, she was supposed to be smart.
But using Beale and that soldier to pull the pins? That is freaking smart. Then Pearl coming in at the absolute wrong moment is freaking wild. She just fucked herself, there is no way Michonne will let her live.
The hand-holding was sweet, though.
How the fuck did Thorne live through that?? Is he going to kill her? Like actually? Is it like Shane all over again? He has to kill her like he has to. Fuck her up, Michonne!
Get that man a gas mask, please.
They took it to the CRC/CRP. They took down the CRM. Free movement established. It's done.
Awwww! Omg! It's their babies. It's Judith. It's RJ. Rick sees his baby! "I knew it, Dad." Awwwwww.
"You're the brave man?" I lowkey hated that. "You can call me dad." Awwwww.
Believe a little longer.
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artfromsaturn · 1 year
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Saturn’s Free CSP Brush Recommendations, CS Asset Store Edition
I may sell brushes now, but I still love me some free brushes & love to share them with people.  These are a bunch of cool brushes made by other people that you can use to build up a nice library of tools without having to spend any cash on, perfect if you’re new to CSP or are on a budget.  If you do download these, be sure to like them & give some love to the artist if you enjoy them. :D
How to find: type in the Content ID or Ctrl/Command + C & P (copy and paste shortcuts) into the Clip Studio asset store on the Clip Studio application.  I’ll add a link as a preview but copying & pasting the content ID is easiest.  I have automatic translation ON, so sorry if you read some weird names.   Feel free to reblog this with your own suggestions, there’s many brushes out there I missed. :D  Check defsiarte’s suggestions too, and if you want to see my recommendations for stuff on Gumroad/DA & other places, check this tag.
Large Packs
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“An analogue art supply" - 1813808 Huge pack of everything, including acrylic, oil, watercolor, marker, pen, & pencil.  I like the markers and sometimes use the acrylics too.
Crm's Toolbox, Watercolors, Markers, & other treasures
Fantastic use of texture and some cute effects pens.  The artist has posted everything from quality painting & drawing pens to quality glitter pens for writing.
The Old Default Assets - 1842027 & 1841759 These aren’t pictured, but if you ever see an older tutorial or video showcasing some default brushes you never had, it’s because CSP reworked its default tools around version 1.9.  Fortunately they rerelased them so anyone can redownload them. The old ones are still good to use, they’re just not included.
Painters - With Texture
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Thiccpaint - 1707517 Never leave home without it.  I riot if I don’t have them on my computer..  They have the right combination of texture, shape, & blend with great handling and great variety.
Icyannyou's Momo Sets - user:Icyannyou Super cute packs that give a lovely painterly look.  The Storybook pack is fantastic, and even if you don't draw cute you can still use these painters & blenders to give your artwork character. :)
Thick Coating Brush Set - 1683127 I like these for background work, but it's a big pack of thick textured painters with good handling & neat effects.
Marredae's Brushes - user:Marredae This artist has a knack for textured brushes.  Very high rec, fantastic library of wet & dry painting/rendering tools.
Roro Oil - 1820057 Rompi is another user I enjoy the stuff of, and I'll recommend a few more brushes from them in other categories by the time this post is done.  Check 'em out!
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Suika chalk -  1760304 Very useful rough chalk.  Sometimes, that’s all you need!
Sprongle -  1935694 A simple round brush with a nice rough tip.  Slightly rough without being too rough, great for quick paintings.
Johnnie halloween pack & Brokenhearted brushes... - 1876075 & 1938786, user:EnjieLemon EnjieLemon has some nice brushes in general, but some are paid for.  Still worth checking out due to their cheap clippy price (and clippy can be obtained for free).  The Brokenhearted brushes have a nice texture.  The Halloween pack includes a cute pumpkin stamp along with some easy to use chalk, oil, & watercolor brushes.  Compact and easy to use!
“Watercolor marker and texture set” - 1682349 There's a reason this set is one of the most downloaded on the asset store.  It's one of the best looking watercolor replicas out there, and even if you don't use the brushes, you can likely still find a use for the textures.  Great for soft coloring.
Grunge Brushes, Soft | Heavy | Complex Brushes & Xenomorphius' stuff in general -  user:xenomorphius Xeno drops some cool natural looking brushes out every so often for painting, inking, and dry media.  Please check 'em out!  The grunge brushes create a fun, grungy look like it says on the pack, & the soft/heavy/complex set can be used for painting as well as lining.  
Oil-h5 trial -  1976418 These brushes are hard to explain.  They work with the dual brush setting, & push around a layer of paint on top of your regular paint, creating a cool, streaky look.  They're a hidden gem.
MYNQZO brushes - 1993875 A pretty darn good set for painting.  I really love rough brush 2, it's great for sketching & rendering.
Painting, non-textured 
(basic rounds & other shapes for smooth rendering)
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Kiminie71's Brush Set -  1728687 4 simple rounds that are great for rendering!   https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1728687
CHIMAKA Set -  1747974 Heavy drag paint that highlights well & applies thickly.  Great for bold shading.
Choms Paint -  1910936 It just gets me.  No further elaboration.
Honeypen<3 -  1786787 Fits great in my paint hand.  Very slidey & blends like intended!
Wet flat marker -  1917678 Super blending brush, gives super soft edges to paint.  Blends great.
oil mushblendiw -  1918739 Another simple & easy to use roundbrush.
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Paint - 1760641 This plainly named brush is a triangle brush that goes between heavy & light with pressure.  The creator, Puppsicle, also sells some neat brushes on Ko-Fi if you enjoy this brush.
"The Scarlet Knot Brush Set 2" - 1916125 I use the watercolor of thought out of this set, but they're all pretty good & easy to use. https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1916125
Sunday - 1825825 A round brush with a watercolor border that gives a nice, sketchy feeling. https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1825825
Marker Brushes
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Marker Texture Brush -1809506 A very nice subtly textured brush.  Has a nice instructional guide on how to get the best results with it. :D
Mirre's Marker set - 1749822 Another good brush with a subtle texture.  Comes with its own blender!
Woody Marker & Pencil set - 1772987 I also love the pencil in this pack.  Nice woody feel, feel free to turn off multiply.
Pencils & Sketchers
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SU-Cream Pencil - 1761353 no wonder its popular.  Can be used for lineart, sketching, and coloring, this versatile brush delivers a great smooth look with a gentle textured end finish on pressure.
Write BoruPenP - 1753435 Probably the best ballpoint pen on Clip.  Please check out Pharan's things, I love them.😊
“Pencil-like Brush for Lineart” - 1692270 Ok this is kind of a weird way to recommend something.  It's SUPPOSED to be a pencil but I use it like a paintbrush with the opacity & density on pressure control, & another copy with blending turned on.  Whatever you use it for, you're sure to get a good result!
Grease pencil/china marker - 1774978 Chunky brush for chunky sketching needs.
Muda muda muda - 1715496 A pretty darn good dark pencil.
REDSketch soft - 1907313 just a nice sketcher!  Good for shading too.
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MUGZ BRUSH - 1861032 A set of dry chalk & brushes.  Gives a fun messy look when used!
T Spade Pencil - 1769208 A pencil that looks great for lineart as well as sketches.  Good taper.
Magipencil 2 - 1755940 Utterly good for textured and smooth lineart.  These pens get me.  Can’t recommend them enough. :)
Pens & Inkers
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G-pen 6 - 1767809 A generic name but a good Gpen with character.  Organic without sacrificing too much smoothness.
"Flat thick pen" - 1826131 I call it the card games pen.  I think you can see why.  Solid at high pressure, a little bit of texture at low pressure, and pretty great for sharp angles.
Haggiben_Lineart_Color - 1770988 A nice triangle liner.
Gabu Pen - 1894713 Very slightly rough pen on one side, another nice triangle-like liner.
Aeridus - user:Aeridis All 3 of their pens give a nice result.
Pilot Pen - 1895049 A great IRL brush now a digital one!
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Fude set - 1726964 & 1759205 Heavy, beautiful ink!  The creator has some more good ink pens too, take a look. :D  
Dimi - 1763877 It's a ga,l with a knife and a nice calligraphy pen.  Can't ask for more. Turn on >particles "change with brush size" in settings to keep the shape without chaning.  
New Cali A nice set of Calligraphy brushes.  They have smooth transitions between big and small.  
Blend, Fill, & Erase
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Noise and texture blur - 1842730 If you want a more painterly look to your blur, get these!  They said they're supposed to be turned from free to paid, but the artist hasn't come back and done it yet.  Will they do it?  I'm not sure. :0
Textured Blending & Blurs - 1904941 & 1971444 They're actually made by me, my apologies, but it's hard to find textured blenders by themselves.  Most are included in a set or are something you have to pay for, so I released a few free stand alone ones due to it.  Normal solid round blenders & blurs are easier to find & even easier to create yourself! https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1904941 https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1971444
Unhelpful Eraser - 1798605 The terrible hard eraser that you had in school becomes digital.  Download it as a tribute.
Quick Lasso Fill -  1978471 Fills up a lasso'ed area.
Random Color Fill - 1707873 Picks random spaces to fill.  The picture in the demonstration shows it better than I can describe.
Scratchy Coloring - 1845677 A fun scratchy brush that can fill areas up.
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Quick Lasso Eraser - 1875033 This and the next brush are both @pharan​ ‘s again.  This does the same as the lasso fill, but erases as you can tell.
Erase along Edge - 1800143 An eraser that takes advantage of reference layers.  The description explains it in detail.
"Create Solid-irregularity set" aka adding texture to black solid ink patches - 1768052 These distress the paper, making it look more textured.  Easier to look at than to explain, click the link for more!
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Mirre Cross Hatch Brush Set - 1972956 I love the look the spaced lines give.  Fantastic set.
Overlap Hatching (…"a texan"???) - 1712720 One of the most popular Clip Studio Hatchers for a reason, easy to apply hatchers that you can just keep adding to for a sparse or dense look.
Dust hatching brush - 1966237 Simple light hatcher with dust particles around it for a dusty feeling.
Cross-hatching Blur - 1684830
I actually recommend all of  user:もの区 ‘s stuff they have posted for crosshatching.  There’s a whole bunch of great free brushes there for anyone who enjoy hatching!
“Rough and Solid” - 1874629 A ribbon brush that makes good borders.
“Coarse Solid Erase” - 1872105 For those who like to fill an area, then erase the light parts away.
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chaos brushes - 1569895 A great marbler.  
"Dirty cross hatching_monochrome" - 1727346 A nice, thick, analogue hatch.  SB has some great material in general, but most needs clippy.
Creepy Lines 1 & 2 - 1405766 & 1707236 Get some spooky lines into your art!
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Simple Retro Halftone - 1802041 A small set that's easy to use to add some halftone texture.
retro halftone brushes - 1852027 A larger yet still easy to use set with more specific brushes to use for each color.
Mar's Halftones -  1949506 A set with a lot of fun patterns!  Check out SpiralPuzzle's stuff in general, they post some unique brushes.
Pixel Art
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Pixel Brushes by tsiox - (small) 1971800 & (large) 1969097 THE Clip Studio pixel set.  Has a ton of tools & textures to use.  The small set is better for slower internet connections & if you don't want all the patterns.
Studio Screen Tones - 1803496 If you like Flipnote studios or need more dithers, get this!
Pixel Foliage Brushes - 1883082 I apologize for promoting my own assets again, but I promise they're useful if you're doing anything with grass, trees, or bushes! ;w; My basic set - 1910804 Another lighter set with a few noise brushes that are useful at tiny size.  Did my best not to overlap with tsiox’s set while covering the basics.
Bonus: two blending pixel brush sets.   Mao Pixel (1779745) & Scummy Pixel(1782455). They’re not for exact pixel art, they’re more for playing around with & painting. :)
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gowns · 1 year
stupid little discount tricks, since people are asking
when shopping online: sign up for the email newsletter. there's usually a signup discount code for 5-15% off. (you can unsubscribe later)
search "website" + "discount code" "coupon code" etc
have a credit card plug in like the one i have that automatically searches for coupon codes
fill your shopping cart then "abandon it" and you might get an email offering you a discount
check social media, because every once in a while a company will advertise a sale or code on an instagram graphic and nowhere else.
keep track of when companies do their seasonal sales and the amounts (kind of playing the long game here). but for instance, when hanna andersson was having a 20% off sale a couple months ago i held off because i knew there was a 40% spring sale coming up. at the end of every season, they do big sales to try to offload things to make room for the new season's inventory.
search for items on reselling sites e.g. poshmark, ebay, etc, and watch the prices and how they compare to retail. depending on the item you may also want to scope out craigslist, fb marketplace. you know that 40% off hanna andersson sale i mentioned? it still won't be as dirt cheap as finding those clothes on facebook.
you know the junk mail you get? that also has coupons... you can play the long game here with some "extreme couponing," comparing the different discounts that come out from different stores at different times.
never buy anything full price, unless it's urgent or some kind of everyday purchase
(this one i learned from my bastard stepfather, it's not great for retail workers but you will usually get a discount): when shopping in person, find a dumb little flaw in an item then bring it up to the cashier and be like "oh there's a button missing (or what have you) can i have a discount?" usually the retail workers are like "ughhhh horrible little man. sure. have a discount." this does not always work and fills me with shame whenever i do it but when it does work. hey. discount!
if you combine all these things you will find yourself never paying full price for anything. discounts forever.
more saving money tricks:
join your local buy nothing group - this is a facebook thing but they're also trying to build up the website. post an "ISO" (in search of) whatever you need and you'd be surprised at what you can find. we got a lot of our furniture and rugs from the buy nothing group when we moved. for freeeeee
(this one sounds like an ad but it's not i just like my service:) to save on your phone bill, use a service like twigby, which will buy out your phone contract and then you pay a discount for the same cell plan / cell towers. i pay only $25 a month for a lot of data and texts. i used to pay like $100 a month for the same. i've had it for years now, nothing shady about it.
keep receipts for everything, you can return most things. if the return policy is strict, begging and pleading works sometimes.
speaking of begging and pleading. you guys know about like, gym memberships and dance classes? i used to do customer service for a ballet studio that used a popular fitness CRM. if people emailed me like "hey my classes expired, can you please put them back :(" i would do it. it's very easy to do it - i'd just go into their account and adjust it. so like, imagine: people who didn't email customer service would just have expired classes. people who DID email me with a sad email like "hey my classes expired can you help :(" would usually get extended classes, refunds, trades for comparable services, etc.
remember all the secondhand sites mentioned above? whatever you buy, you can later resell. it takes a little bit of time to take pictures and write out the details in the reselling posts, but if you're hurting for money it's not a bad way to get $. people will buy random things. computer parts. old video games. furniture. clothes and shoes are very easy to resell on a site like poshmark or depop, but you can also search facebook for certain clothing brands and find B/S/T (buy sell trade) groups. also search for your town + "swap meet" / "classifieds" "resell" / "buy sell trade" etc groups.
(another tip from the bastard stepdad, i do not fully endorse this but hey, it works in times of desperation): to maximize value at a restaurant, you can take things that are out on the table, like sugar, pepper, jam, etc. if you want to get real silly about this you take advantage of free bread / free chips by scooping them all into a tote bag. (i was rattled with shame when my stepdad did this when i was younger but you know what. it's a thing you can do.)
grocery-specific tips:
always look at the number next to the retail price, with the unit price. you want the cheaper unit price 95% of the time. it only doesn't make sense to buy the cheaper unit price when you're buying something for a really limited use. look around the item for similar items and make sure you're getting the best value. this was drilled into me at a young age but not everyone knows about this
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always scope out the corners of a grocery store, they usually have a rack of discounted / about to expire food that is usually fine.
there is also dumpster diving which is also usually fine. i don't have too many tips about this because it's not my forte but the tips are out there; when grocery stores are closing they want to just get rid of stuff. so take advantage. weird tip here: go to a farmer's market when they're about to close. a lot of the purveyors just want to go home and will totally sell you their stuff at a cheaper rate so they can pack less into their truck. this works especially well for bread products at the farmer's market because they won't be able to sell day-old bread at the next day's farmer's market.
when you're living high on the hog from all your discounts, make sure you give freely in return. i donate food to food pantries and community fridges; i give away stuff on my buy nothing group + shelters; i put books in the free little libraries; etc.
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richonnesbitch · 2 months
Listen I always had the intention of watching the show to enjoy as much Richonne as they were gonna give us (and never in a million years could have I dreamt this lol) and that’s pretty much it so it’s very easy for me to overlook any complaints I have lol-also, even putting the Richonne of it all aside, I did in fact truly enjoy the show. It was some good tv 🤗
But yeah were I to take a more ‘obective’ and closer look at everything, I think Okafor might be the one aspect of the show that didn’t quite make sense or at the very least where I still have the most/a lot of questions left?
Like how long has Okafor been planing this? He’s been with the military since day 1 and it’s not like the CRM only started being shady 2min ago so… all this time he couldn’t do anything? What was he doing all this time actually? If receiving the Echelon Briefing is so important why couldn’t he himself tell Rick and Thorne what they were going to hear? He clearly heard it himself before? Because if the people you recruit hear it from Beale and it actually takes (>Thorne), now you have a Beale-follower who knows your plan? If you tell them yourself, you can see their reaction firsthand and do what you got to do… Also, I feel like the show has and wants us too to have a too ..generous(?) view of Okafor? And it’s not that he is an outright villain on the other hand either. But seeing Rick post-ep4 still kinda seeing Okafor as ‘his guy’ was… idk. I needed it to be more nuanced. Like, Rick can appreciate what Okafor was trying to do against the CRM but also being like f that guy, he was one of my captors??? Anyway these would be the questions that popped immediately in my mind about that, and I’m gonna stop here cause I rambled enough 😂😂😂
Sidenote: That being said, Im talking specifically about the character and not the actor, Craig Tate f_cking delivered and the. Some. If anything he would be a reason to want more Okafor.
Omg I just do not get Okafor either!!! Like everything you said makes sense to me lol. Like Okafror threatened Rick's wife and daughter and kept him stuck in a place he didn't wanna be. How would Rick ever think of him positively??? Besides you know wanting to change the CRM.
Also, Okafor was deeply horribly wrong about Thorne. She's the biggest B we've ever seen 😭😭 he had too much faith in her
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garadinervi · 2 months
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Abortus Vrij, Wij Vrouwen Eisen (WVE), Jaap Eden Hal Amsterdam, November 18, 1978 [Atria, kennisinstituut voor emancipatie en vrouwengeschiedenis, Amsterdam. Dutch Graphic Roots]
«I designed a back panel for a pro-abortion event. A group of women and a supportive carpenter and I painted it in a large hall on a day we had to fight the biting cold by drinking hot tea and rum. During the event beautiful protest photographs were on display in an improvised and badly executed exhibition. I thought: what a shame, I can do better. This was the start of a two-year research period with Lia Gorter and Lida Kerssies; the collaboration ultimately resulted in an easy to handle exhibition to which Rob and Frank contributed as well. The whole exhibit could fit into the trunk of a car; it took no more than twenty minutes to install it at any event, in a neighborhood building or wherever the renter needed it (at a weekly rent of 25 guilders). The exhibition portrayed the life of average women in three themes: at home, at work, in street life. Thirty panels in aluminum frames. The exhibition became a huge success. Its frequent use demanded many renewals. Its success was noticed by the department of WVC, or CRM, or whatever the name of the culture ministry was at the time: we had to design another, somewhat similar exhibition. It had to be more 'polished' of course. It missed some of the spontaneous fun of the first exhibition. But the minister of culture, Hedy d'Ancona, opened the exhibition and that was great, because she is such a fantastic person. Alas, we had to fight the bureaucracy for six months to get our invoice paid. It is hard to forget the exasperation this caused.» – Lies Ros From: Lies Ros, Text by Carel Kuitenbrouwer, Translation and editing in English by Ton Haak, Final editing by Sybrand Zijlstra, Dutch Graphic Roots
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hostpyters · 9 days
OpenPhone is a modern business phone system designed for startups, small businesses, and growing teams. It offers a range of features to streamline communication and improve professional interactions. Here is a detailed review of its features and functionalities:
Key Features
Phone Numbers:
Local and Toll-Free Numbers: OpenPhone provides users with the option to choose local or toll-free numbers, enhancing accessibility and professional presence.
Port Existing Numbers: Businesses can port their existing phone numbers to OpenPhone, ensuring continuity and avoiding disruption.
Call Management:
Call Forwarding: Users can forward calls to different numbers, ensuring important calls are never missed.
Call Routing: Advanced call routing options allow businesses to direct calls based on time, availability, or team member roles.
Voicemail Transcription: Voicemails are transcribed and sent as text messages, making it easier to read and respond quickly. Messaging:
SMS and MMS: OpenPhone supports sending and receiving SMS and MMS, allowing businesses to communicate with customers via text.
Shared Inboxes: Teams can share inboxes, making it easy to manage and respond to messages collaboratively.
Automated Texts: Users can set up automated text responses for missed calls or other triggers, ensuring prompt communication. Integrations:
CRM and Productivity Tools: OpenPhone integrates with popular tools like HubSpot, Slack, Zapier, and Google Contacts, enhancing workflow and productivity.
API Access: For more advanced needs, OpenPhone offers API access, allowing businesses to create custom integrations and automate workflows.
Team Management: Teams can be organized within OpenPhone, with the ability to assign numbers and manage communication collaboratively.
Internal Notes: Team members can leave internal notes on conversations, facilitating better context and collaboration.
Caller ID and Call Recording:
Custom Caller ID: Businesses can customize their caller ID to display their company name, ensuring brand consistency.
Call Recording: Calls can be recorded for quality assurance, training, and compliance purposes, with easy access to recordings.
Mobile and Desktop Apps:
Cross-Platform Access: OpenPhone is available on both mobile and desktop, allowing users to make and receive calls from any device.
Unified Experience: The user interface is consistent across platforms, ensuring a seamless experience. Pros
Ease of Use: OpenPhone’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for teams to set up and use, without requiring extensive training.
Cost-Effective: The pricing is competitive, making it an attractive option for startups and small businesses.
Flexibility: Features like shared inboxes, call routing, and integrations provide flexibility to accommodate various business needs.
Modern Features: Advanced features such as voicemail transcription, automated texts, and API access offer functionality beyond traditional phone systems.
Cons Limited International Features: While OpenPhone supports international calls, its primary focus is on the US and Canada, which may limit its utility for businesses with a global presence.
Feature Depth: Some advanced telephony features available in more established business phone systems might be missing or less robust in OpenPhone.
Scalability: While suitable for small to medium-sized teams, very large organizations might find limitations in scalability or require more complex solutions.
OpenPhone is a modern and flexible business phone system that caters well to startups, small businesses, and growing teams. Its ease of use, competitive pricing, and range of features make it a strong contender in the business communication space. Although it may not offer all the advanced features of more established systems, its integrations, collaboration tools, and modern functionalities provide significant value for teams looking to streamline their communication processes.
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smmeshopscom22 · 14 days
Buy Walmart Seller Account For Any Country
Buy Walmart Seller Account
Buy Walmart Seller Account – 100% Safe & Best Marketplace
Buy a Walmart Seller Account to start your E-Commerce business. Connect to CRM, Summary, People, Signals & News. About. Buy Walmart Seller Account.
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Our service gives:-
✅ 24/7 Customer Support
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✅ Realistic Photo Attached Accounts
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✅ Account from unique IPs
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✅100% phone verified USA, UK, and other countries.
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The History Of Walmart Marketplace
Considering the eventuality of online businesses, Walmart launchedwalmart.com in the year 2000. The website was designed to offer a 
flawless and harmonious client experience – be it store or online.
In 2007, it launched its Store Service, where it innovated the concept of multichannel shopping by allowing guests to pick their online orders in stores.
During 2009, Walmart stepped into the online world and created the so- called Walmart Marketplace. The idea was to invite different third- party merchandisers 
and help them find their products atWalmart.com.
Ultimately, this conception opened a whole new avenue and brought in colorful retailers countrywide, growing their openings to a more significant position.
At the moment, it boasts more than 300- 400 retailers, including some big titans like eBags, ProTeam, and Wayfair. The products of third- party merchandisers are vended 
together with the name “ Walmart Marketplace ” on the Walmart force( online). This is substantially to distinguish them from the usual particulars.
The particulars that are vended from a third party aren't traded or vended in stores.
In August 2016, WalmartInc. acquired thee-commerce businessJet.comInc. for 3 billion USD. This makes it a big deal for merchandisers because their 
products can be stressed onWalmart.com elevations. Also, its massive consumer followership is another advantage.
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Should Walmart Be A Part Of Your Multi-Channel Strategy?
Since Walmart is decreasingly inclining its growth every time, it's great news for all business merchandisers out there. After all, the idea is to invite implicit 
shoppers and offer competitive advantages to merchandisers.
Doug McMillon, Walmart CEO, has stated that their 2- day free shipping concept has formerly given “ an amazing supplement ” in terms of deals. So, this makes 
It is a great time to talk about multichannel selling. Still, this might not be as easy as it sounds.
The further channels and SKUs you manage, the more advanced are the possibilities to lose track of your force and orders. still, you could go with intelligent robotization 
tools to help you with that.
What is Walmart Marketplace?
Walmart Marketplace is an online platform, like Amazon and eBay, where small businesses can list their products for trade online, alongside Walmart’s own products. 
Walmart has long distinguished itself for its low prices, so this business is a good fit for merchandisers that offer great products at affordable rates. 
You can use Walmart’s Sponsored Hunt advertisements to promote your products to Walmart’s callers and use their fulfillment services, if asked , 
to handle the logistics of managing force and shipping out orders.
How much is your Walmart Marketplace seller account worth?
We reached out to the investor that purchases these accounts and asked them about the process. The accounts are valued grounded on age, 
deals history and number of dealer reviews. Newer accounts that have little to no deals history or dealer reviews are generally worth a many hundred bones and 
aged accounts with good deals history and a considerable quantum of dealer reviews can be worth many thousand bones .
Is it safe to sell my Walmart Marketplace seller account?
According to the investor, it's 100% safe and secure to sell your account. After they confirm that your dealer account is licit and in good standing, 
payment is transferred to the dealer. also they give you with new company and fiscal information for you to remove yours and replace with the new word so that 
none of your sensitive information remains. Once you have completed the process, you give access to the account, icing that your sensitive information is norway 
seen or remains after the transfer.
How do you get an offer to find out how much your account is worth?
We ’ve included a link below to an online form where you'll enter some information about your account. It generally takes about 5 twinkles to complete and 
after you submit your word, you're transferred an offer for your account within 1 business day.However, the payment and transfer process generally takes about 
1- 3 business days to complete, If you choose to accept the offer.
How to Set up a Seller Account on Walmart Marketplace
Walmart is one of the largest retailers in the world. Walmart is gaining its position as a US eCommerce point via retail, websites, and mobile apps. 
As Walmart continues to make out its business capabilities, the number of approved merchandisers has been climbing at an adding pace. This business has been 
historically conservative about who they allow dealing on their platform. Their delicate operation process and strict conditions have been a roadblock for 
numerous-commerce merchandisers. In this moment's blog, we will show you how to set up a dealer account on Walmart.
New seller incentives
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Because Walmart Marketplace is presently in a growth phase, it’s a boon for merchandisers at the moment. Walmart has offered a range of promos for brands 
willing to subscribe up. While these can shift over time, one of the most recent promos Walmart offered was a 25 reduction in commission rates for the first 
90 days of selling.
Economies of scale
For merchandisers who are formerly using business tools like warehousing and fulfillment coffers, integrating into the Walmart ecosystem can be fast and easy. 
While costs might rise due to increased use, you ’re effectively spreading your investment across further than one occasion. This drives raised profit without a 
commensurable increase in spending.
Omni-channel opportunities
By adding Walmart Marketplace to the blend of being platforms you use, you ’ll have the occasion to take an omni- channel approach by spreading your products and 
services across Walmart’s online and physical stores. With different requests and deals strategies, the Walmart Marketplace gives you another followership to engage with.
Expert tips for selling on Walmart Marketplace
numerous brands have their reasons for using this platform and can establish themselves on Walmart’s business, but not all guests will be made equal. 
Some merchandisers will perform better than others, so, if you want to be the stylish of the stylish and come a name shoppers come to know and trust, keep these expert 
tips in mind.
Win the Buy Box
Buy Box products are the first and largest result on hunt runners; all other products are listed below. The Walmart algorithm uses a many crucial criteria 
to weigh who'll win the most affordable pricing, including shipping costs, force situations, and accurate information about product quality.
Still, your products are in stock, and your rosters are accurate, If your pricing is competitive.
Have competitive pricing
As compelling as it might be to keep your prices high for maximum profit, this is n’t a stylish marketing strategy. rather, you need to keep pricing in line 
with client prospects. This frequently means changing the right balance between remaining competitive while still doing as much as possible to turn a profit. 
Managing this successfully may bear price testing, in which pricing is acclimated and estimated against deals. This, alongside force vacuity and contender geste , 
can help you come to a price that will win the Buy Box.
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Understand your audience
Some brands assume the buyers on Walmart will be the same as those on platforms like Amazon and Target, but this is n’t inescapably the case. 
The demographics can be different, particularly concerning youngish shoppers who might protect in person at Walmart, buy online at Amazon. 
By understanding who's shopping on Walmart’s website for products like yours, you can tweak product descriptions, optimize keyword use, 
and place flings strategically to capture the most effective guests for your brand.
Use automation
Doing everything yourself, from curating product information to client exploration to assaying the competition, is theoretically possible, 
but can eat up a significant quantum of time with minimum substantiation that you ’re getting anywhere. Through the use of Walmart advertising software, 
you can let robotization take over the hard corridor. Streamline workflows, access thorough yet stoner-friendly analytics, 
and produce juggernauts that target all areas of the deals channel.
robotization can also help with placing flings on keywords for PPC announcement juggernauts. Platforms like ours influence your objects, 
to run tests by changing flings, and establishing optimal settings. robotization on larger product registers can be a good way to get ahead without a 
significant time investment.
Keyword harvesting
It’s hard to succeed in PPC advertising if you ’re not using the right keyword approach. Rather than trying to keep up with clicks, transformations, 
and prints for everything you have listed for trade, automating this process can help you gather the stylish possible keywords for your products. 
With the right AI- guided tools, you can manage your juggernauts while letting advertising software shoulder the burden of bidding and data analysis.
In summary
Dealing on Walmart Marketplace can feel dispiriting at first, after all, adding another eCommerce platform to the blend requires considerable time investment, 
but getting started, particularly if you formerly have a presence on spots like Amazon, can be easier than you suppose.
And, if you ’re formerly using or are considering employing an eCommerce tool designed to automate and streamline pricing, keyword use, bidding, and followership analysis, 
creating a robust and profitable storefront can be a great occasion to turn a profit. Contact Trellis moment to see what our moxie and AI results can do to 
move your business forward.
How much does it cost to sell on Walmart Marketplace?
There are no outspoken costs involved with dealing via the Walmart business. Unlike platforms that charge class or subscription freights, getting started is free. 
Rather, Walmart charges commissions on deals grounded on order, ranging from around 6 to 20. There also may be new stoner promos that can reduce the overall cost for 
the first many months.
How long does it take to start selling on Walmart?
Assuming all account details are handled duly and there’s no need for fresh information, it can take between two to four weeks for Walmart’s 
internal platoon to review and authorize your account. To minimize detainments, respond to any queries the Walmart platoon has as snappily as possible to insure 
a prompt launch to selling.
Can individuals sell on Walmart Marketplace?
Yes, individualities can be sold on Walmart Marketplace. Still, a social security number is not permitted as a way to produce and corroborate an account. therefore, 
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If an individual dealer wants to begin listing products, they ’ll need to produce some kind of business that uses a drum. An LLC is a simple way for single merchandisers 
to produce a company- such as structure.
Note that Walmart generally should not be the first platform druggies vend on, due to their sign up conditions of having attestation of former success in the eCommercespace.
However, Walmart is doubtful to accept your operation, If you do n’t have experience in other commerce. still, this is good news for merchandisers who get approved 
as it creates a more secure space for buyers, weeds out echo brands cutting into your request share, and weeds out some of the noise druggies face on commerce. SMMeSHOPS.COM
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happsalesindia · 2 years
Do You Know Why “Sales Velocity” Is The Most Powerful Metric For Sales Transformation?
Many sales leaders find it quite overwhelming to keep track of multiple KPIs while managing their pipeline. Some of the obvious ones are booking, pipeline, forecast, deal size, transaction volume, etc.
What if you had the time to track only one? Which one of these is the most important?
While engaging with customers, we found that many business leaders were not familiar with the numerical calculation and the implication of measuring “Sales Velocity”. However, most refer to the term “sales traction” in their discussions. They know that it is an important characteristic that defines world-class sales organizations.
The concept of sales velocity removes the subjectivity in this term’s traction. It offers an accurate metric that is numerically derived to help you improve the business parameters that matter the most.
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Why should you measure Sales Velocity?
Management guru Peter Drucker said that – “you can’t improve what you can’t measure”. This is the philosophy of any transformation initiative that relies on measuring certain parameters and then improving them based on specific actions.
Sales velocity is probably the most powerful metric that reveals the most about time and money! It determines sales traction in terms of the effectiveness and health of the business.
So if you as a business leader need to improve traction, it is imperative that you measure sales velocity regularly and then arrive at the steps to improve.
What is Sales Velocity?
We know that velocity is a measure of how quickly an object moves over a period of time.
Similarly, in this context, the simplest definition of sales velocity is how quickly deals move through the pipeline or funnel. In a way, it measures the average revenue that gets generated by a company in a day.
How can one measure Sales Velocity?
Velocity in the context of the speed of a cyclist depends on factors like gradient, weight, wind speed, etc. Similarly, sales velocity (SV) is determined by the following four variables or factors: number of qualified opportunities (O), average deal value (V), win-rate percentage (R), and length of the sales cycle in days (L). It is a good idea to have a CRM that tracks these factors while your teams are updating their opportunities and pipeline.
Sales Velocity = Number of Opportunities x Deal Value x Win Rate / Length of Sales Cycle
SV = O x V x R / L
Let’s say your business has 20 qualified opportunities, an average deal value of $ 100,000 USD, and a win rate of 25% with a sales cycle of 60 days. So the calculation would be:
Sales Velocity = (20 x 100,000 x 25%) / 60 = $ 8333.34 USD per day
This means that your business is generating roughly $ 8333.34 USD each day. Now, your endeavor should be to increase this by either increasing the variables in the numerator or by reducing the denominator – or both if possible.
What are the factors that determine Sales Velocity?
By now, hope you agree that measuring sales velocity is pivotal to assessing the overall health of your business. A higher sales velocity means you are generating more revenue in less time. Measuring sales velocity over time will also help you benchmark b2b sales CRM performance and compare sales team effectiveness.
However, the metric alone could appear very random. Along with this numerical calculation, it is recommended that you analyze all the factors responsible for it in a comprehensive way and study how the changes could impact this calculation.
For some reason, most sales teams focus only on getting more opportunities and they tend to ignore the rest. Instead, you should encourage your team to optimize all levers to maximize the return from their opportunities.
You should ideally track sales velocity consistently every quarter to see if the number is increasing or decreasing; just like a business health score. We suggest you measure this separately for each of your market segments considering their unique nuances.
The true value comes from evaluating the impact on the metric by analyzing what you are doing with the rest of the factors. It gives you an opportunity to approach each of the four levers strategically and optimize them for the best outcome.
For e.g. while applying the equation, let us say the number of opportunities does not change. However, one is able to increase the average deal size and win rate by 10%, and reduce the length of the sales cycle by 10%. You would see that your sales velocity would still improve by 34%!
It is advisable to invest in a powerful Account Management CRM, like HappSales, to automatically track these metrics based on opportunity updates. A dashboard view will help you to easily identify the trends so that you could take the necessary steps and make the strategic decisions required to achieve desired results.
A complete and objective evaluation, if applied consistently, will equip you with significant insights to stay ahead of your competition. It would eventually set you to lead a best-in-class sales organization with unmatched performance.
Original Source: Do You Know Why “Sales Velocity” Is The Most Powerful Metric For Sales Transformation?
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leam1983 · 1 month
Alphabet Soup
Tomorrow's the big day; the polycule is off on vacation for a week.
I won't list where, but I will say that helping your early-sixties boyfriend through the check-in process on his smartphone is probably the worst best idea ever.
See, it makes sense if you're around Sarah and I's ages. I personally hate filling out forms on a phone, but it's just a question of ergonomics and legibility. Sarah? She's flip-flopping between TikTok and our charter's app. Zero issues on her end.
Walt, though?
Oh, brother.
He has no real excuse, either: our CRM suites pose no challenge to him, but as soon as something official needs to be entered in a form that's only accessible through a phone app, he winces. What should've taken fifteen minutes ended up taking half an hour. That said, part of me thinks this doesn't matter. We're checked-in, we've got our boarding passes all squared out - everything's good.
Can't tell that to Walt, though. Three days, now, he's been hounding us around the apartment with a clipboard in hand, double and triple-checking that we've got everything we need to relax and also everything we need to remain reachable and capable, if an emergency takes shape at work. I'm bringing my laptop, Palpatine is all set to allow for SSH connections over Wi-Fi, and John has the run of the ship for the week. There's no new promos to finagle; just calls to make and appointments to keep. Should be easy-peasy on his end.
Fingers crossed...
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im-immortal · 1 month
WIP whenever
thank you for always tagging me @galadrieljones ! what an honor from one of my favorite authors <3
here's a bit from the VERY SOON TO COME next chapter of Small Miracles:
“You stupid cunts,” Burke hisses. “You really thought I wouldn’t find you? After the trail you left? Did you really think you were too smart for me? You’re CRM, Dixon! You should’ve known better than anyone!” “Let her go, Burke,” Beth says, forcing herself to keep her voice steady and calm. “We can work this out.” He barks out a cruel laugh. “Work it out? Work it out?!” He presses the knife tighter against Mae’s throat and it bites deeper into her skin. The blood grows just a little thicker and Mae whimpers from the pain, from the way he’s pressing his arm against her chest so hard that she’s gasping for a full inhale. “We can’t work out shit! This little bitch caused me all kinds of problems, and once I drag her stupid ass back to Woodbury, I’m gonna rape her fucking corpse and then string it up, just like I strung up her little dyke girlfriend!” “They won’t take you back at Woodbury,” Beth attempts to reason, the gun still aimed steady at his head. But she fears that if she even squeezes her finger just slightly, he’ll see and he’ll fire his own weapon, or he’ll move the knife too fast and in just the wrong direction and open up Mae’s throat. There are some things that even Beth’s can’t fix. “You’re a deserter. You went AWOL. They’re lookin’ for you just the same as they were lookin’ for me an’ her. They’ll court-martial you an’ lock you up.” He smirks. “You think I give a shit? It’ll be worth it, just to see the light leave her eyes and know I’m the one that took it.” Beth’s eyes meet Mae’s for a split-second, just long enough for them to silently communicate. Though Beth is not sure what exactly they’re silently communicating. All she knows is that Mae has something in mind, and she wants to tell her no, to be still and to comply and let her handle this, but she is too focused on her attempt at talking this madman down, or perhaps distracting him for however much time is needed. Where the hell is Gale, anyway? Maybe it’s better he’s not here. Beth is not sure she could handle losing both of them at the same time. “We can make a deal,” Beth lies, her voice cracking even as she uses all her strength to keep it steady. “I’ll come back with you. Take me to the CRM an’ they might let you off easy.”
idk who to even tag at this point. @mistressheroinee & @lemortehomme & @not-so-austen & anyone else who wants to participate!
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unnatim-connect1 · 2 months
Introducing Unnatim Connect: Revolutionizing CRM Management Software
Unnatim Connect is proud to unveil its cutting-edge CRM management software, designed to redefine efficiency and productivity in today's fast-paced business landscape. With a focus on streamlining operations across diverse sectors, our software offers a comprehensive suite of features to meet the dynamic needs of modern enterprises.
Key Features:
Advanced Dashboard: Gain real-time insights and track key metrics at a glance, empowering informed decision-making.
Leads Management: Seamlessly capture, nurture, and convert leads into valuable customers with our intuitive lead management tools.
Client Management: Foster strong client relationships by centralizing client information, communication, and interactions in one unified platform.
HR Management: Simplify HR processes and optimize workforce management with our comprehensive HR tools, including employee data management and performance tracking.
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Purchase and Orders: Streamline procurement processes and manage orders effortlessly, from purchase requisition to order fulfillment.
Support Tickets: Enhance customer service and support operations with automated ticketing systems and streamlined resolution workflows.
Events Management: Plan, coordinate, and manage events seamlessly, from scheduling to attendee management.
Knowledge Base: Centralize organizational knowledge and resources for easy access and sharing among team members.
Notice Board: Communicate important announcements, updates, and reminders effectively with a centralized notice board feature.
Assets Management: Track and manage organizational assets efficiently, from equipment to digital assets.
Payroll Management: Automate payroll processes and ensure accurate and timely salary disbursements with our integrated payroll module.
Recruitment: Streamline the recruitment process with tools for job posting, applicant tracking, and interview scheduling.
Zoom Meeting Integration: Seamlessly schedule, host, and manage Zoom meetings directly from our platform, enhancing remote collaboration capabilities.
Reports and Analytics: Generate comprehensive reports and analytics to gain actionable insights and drive data-driven decision-making.
Experience Unnatim Connect:
Experience the power of Unnatim Connect with our complimentary 30-day free trial. Our dedicated team offers personalized training sessions to ensure a smooth onboarding process and help you maximize the benefits of our software. Join us in revolutionizing your business operations and stay ahead of the curve with Unnatim Connect.
Stay tuned for further updates and innovations from Unnatim Connect as we continue to empower businesses with cutting-edge software solutions.
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softgentechnologies · 2 months
Mobile App Development Services in Lucknow
Mobile application development is indeed the process of creating software applications specifically designed to operate on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It involves a series of steps, from conceptualization to deployment, aimed at creating a functional and user-friendly application that meets the needs of the target audience.
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Why Choose Lucknow for Mobile App Development
Lucknow, the capital of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is emerging as a leading hub for mobile app development. It boasts a vibrant tech ecosystem, with a growing number of startups, established IT companies, and skilled professionals. The city's favorable business environment, cost-effective resources, and access to top-notch talent make it an ideal location for mobile app development. Additionally, Lucknow's rich cultural heritage and modern infrastructure provide a unique backdrop for innovation and creativity in app development.
Our Expertise in Mobile App Development
Our team of seasoned professionals excels in developing mobile apps across various platforms, including iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions. We specialize in creating user-centric, visually appealing, and high-performing applications that cater to diverse industry verticals. From brainstorming the initial concept to delivering a polished, market-ready app, our expertise encompasses every stage of the development lifecycle.
Our Development Process
iOS App Development: We specialize in developing custom iOS applications tailored to meet the unique requirements of businesses in Lucknow. Our team of skilled developers uses the latest technologies and follows best practices to create high-quality iOS apps that provide an exceptional user experience.
Android App Development: With expertise in Android app development, we create feature-rich and user-friendly applications for the Android platform. Whether it's a consumer-facing app, enterprise solution, or mobile game, we have the capabilities to develop innovative and scalable Android apps for businesses in Lucknow.
Cross-Platform App Development: Our cross-platform app development services enable businesses to reach a wider audience by developing apps that work seamlessly across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. Using frameworks like React Native or Flutter, we ensure consistent performance and user experience across different devices.
Custom App Development: We specialize in developing custom mobile applications that address the unique needs and objectives of businesses in Lucknow. Whether you need a mobile app for e-commerce, healthcare, education, or any other industry, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.
UI/UX Design: Our team of experienced designers creates intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces (UI) that enhance the user experience (UX) of mobile apps. We focus on creating designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and easy to navigate.
Integration Services: We offer integration services to connect mobile apps with existing systems, such as CRM, ERP, or third-party APIs. This enables businesses to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide a seamless experience for users.
Testing and Quality Assurance: We conduct rigorous testing throughout the development process to ensure that mobile apps are bug-free, secure, and perform optimally. Our QA team performs various tests, including functional testing, performance testing, and usability testing, to deliver high-quality apps that meet industry standards.
Deployment and Support: We assist businesses in deploying mobile apps to app stores and provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that apps remain up-to-date, secure, and perform optimally.
Our Team in Lucknow
Dedicated Professionals
Our talented team in Lucknow comprises experienced developers, innovative designers, and proficient project managers dedicated to delivering excellence.
Creative Minds
We foster creativity and innovation within our team, encouraging out-of-the-box thinking and inventive solutions for app development.
Collaborative Approach
Collaboration is at the heart of our team, ensuring seamless coordination and communication throughout the development process.
Contact Us
If you're ready to embark on an exciting mobile app development journey with us or have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us through the following channels: Email: [email protected], Phone: +91 8188886786, 0522 3510038 Alternatively, you can visit our office located at 68B, Smriti Vihar, Sector K1, Ashiyana, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh to discuss your project requirements in person.
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promptedify · 2 months
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SAP Business One (SAP B1) implemented at Prompt Edify, Rwanda, serves as an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Streamlined Operations:
Facilitates seamless management of core business functions including accounting, sales, purchasing, inventory, and production, enhancing operational efficiency.
Localized Adaptation:
Customized to meet specific business requirements and comply with Rwandan regulatory standards, ensuring legal and financial compliance.
Enhanced Financial Management:
Enables accurate financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting, empowering Prompt Edify with insightful decision-making capabilities.
Inventory Optimization:
Provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, facilitating better inventory control, reducing stockouts, and optimizing procurement processes.
Streamlined Sales Process:
Automates sales processes from lead generation to order fulfillment, improving customer satisfaction and sales performance.
Improved Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
Centralizes customer data, enabling Prompt Edify to deliver personalized experiences, strengthen customer relationships, and drive loyalty.
Data-driven Insights:
Generates comprehensive reports and analytics, empowering Prompt Edify with actionable insights to identify trends, opportunities, and challenges.
Scalability and Growth:
Supports business expansion by offering scalability, flexibility, and easy integration with other systems as Prompt Edify grows and diversifies its operations.
User-friendly Interface:
Intuitive interface and user-friendly features enhance employee productivity, reducing training time and ensuring rapid adoption across the organization.
Tech Support and Maintenance:
Access to ongoing technical support and maintenance services ensures smooth operation and timely resolution of any issues, minimizing downtime.
Long-term Value:
Investment in SAP Business One offers Prompt Edify long-term value through increased operational efficiency, cost savings, and sustained growth in the dynamic Rwandan market.
Implementing SAP Business One at Prompt Edify underscores a strategic commitment to leveraging advanced technology to drive innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness in Rwanda's business landscape.
📱 (+91) 99932 86938 📧 [email protected] 🌐 www.promptedify.com 🔗 You can chat with us on WhatsApp 📑 Book you spot now👉 Register Now
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b9solutionsseo · 3 months
B2B Ecommerce Website Design: Tips and Trends for Success
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B2B ecommerce website design is a dynamic field with trends and best practices that evolve rapidly. To succeed in this competitive landscape, businesses must stay ahead of the curve. Here are some tips and trends:
1. User-Centric Design: Focus on creating a seamless user experience (UX) with intuitive navigation and clear calls-to-action to simplify the buying process.
2. Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure your website is mobile-responsive for easy access and navigation on smart phones and tablets.
3. Personalization: Tailor your website to individual businesses by offering personalized product recommendations, pricing, and content based on their needs and preferences.
4. Integration with ERP and CRM Systems: Integrate your ecommerce platform with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems for seamless data management and customer relationship building.
5. Security and Compliance: Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive business data and ensure compliance with industry regulations.
6. Data Analytics: Utilize data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize your website for better performance.
Stay updated with these trends and implements them to create a B2B ecommerce website that drives success for your business. The expertise of B9 Solutions in the design and development of ecommerce websites can help you achieve this.
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naughtyneganjdm · 2 years
Lead the Way
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Summary: Negan and Maggie are in search of Hershel and Annie traveling to New York City together in hopes of finding their loved ones.
Characters: Negan & Maggie
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, etc. 
Notes:  I haven't really written much and this was just something that my brain decided it wanted to write last night. It's only rated mature because there is a lot of swearing in it of the Negan kind. I have no idea how Isle of the Dead is going to go, so this is just my interpretation.
Being on the run without knowing where you were going with only a mere idea of where you were meant to be was extremely taxing not only on the mind, but also on the body. After the fall of The Commonwealth, it was discovered that the CRM took some of the children and people that were part of the communities. To get that information was hard. A fight broke out where Maggie was able to dig information out of someone enough to get a location. New York City. There wasn’t much more to go off other than that, but she was hopeful that she would be able to gather more intel as soon as she was able to get there.
The journey was a strange one though because it was only her and one other person. Negan. It had already been tough enough having to work with him over the last year or so, but now she was on a journey through multiple states in hopes of not only finding Hershel, but also finding Negan’s pregnant wife that they had taken as well. Together they both agreed to work toward finding their families. They were both desperate and eager to get back what was theirs.
It wasn’t an easy journey though. They had taken one of the cars from The Commonwealth and had journeyed out in hopes of finding what they could to be reunited with their loved ones. They agreed that someone would drive for as long as possible before changing out with the next person to avoid any fatigue. Occasionally they would stop in some small cities that looked like it might have supplies or materials. They grabbed what they could from The Commonwealth, but there was still so much that they needed and could use. New York was a big city. A city she knew nothing about. All they knew is what they heard toward the beginning of the apocalypse. Manhattan was shut down away from the rest of the world. A large part of the infection started there and spread quickly. So she couldn’t only imagine how bad it had gotten and how broken down the once glamorous city must have been. Maggie just hoped and prayed that she would be able to find Hershel. That he was okay and alive.
It was obvious that Negan was scared too. The once boisterous man was now a shell of himself, deep within his own thoughts. Someone that never shut up was now quiet on most occasions. To try to help to keep her from getting fatigued Negan would try to get her to talk. Sometimes it was calm, other times they would butt heads, but she felt like that was to get her adrenaline pumping. Negan always knew how to get her fired up. He had that talent, but for the most part she assumed that it was rather innocent.
What should have been a trip they could have accomplished in less than a day in the past had become a few days’ worth of travels. It tore her up inside but the main roads were closed off. A lot of the highways were blocked with cars that had been abandoned when all of this happened. The only positive about that is they were able to siphon gas out of some of them that hadn’t been picked over. That was how they were able to keep going.
They were nearly there. All she could do was stare outside of her window and pray that things went accordingly. Negan was driving. His eyes focused determinedly on the back road that they were now on. Clearing his throat, Negan glanced over at Maggie and sighed, “We’re going to have to find some gas soon.”
“It’s low again?” Maggie frowned, shifting in her seat to see that it was close to empty. “The next town we see we’re just going to have to stop and pray that they have something there.”
“Damn it,” Negan grunted under his breath, squeezing his fingers tightly around the wheel. Maggie knew and understood his frustration. They were nearly there. It shouldn’t have been too long before they were approaching the Lincoln Tunnel area to get themselves into New York. “This shouldn’t have taken as long as it has.”
“It’s because we’re both desperate to get there,” she admitted knowing that they were both so very eager to get to those they loved that the world was throwing nothing but obstacles at them. “We have to figure out what we’re going to do once we get there.”
“Hell, from what we’ve gathered, this is a strong military force. I imagine there is going to be a community with soldiers and shit,” Negan spat out, waving his hand in he air when he spotted and area that looked like they could stop. “Maybe we just need to drive around until someone spots us. Getting ourselves captured might be the best-case scenario at this point.”
“Right. Get captured when we have no idea what these people are capable of. That sounds like one hell of a mission,” Maggie rolled her eyes making Negan chuckle when he pulled the car over and started to get out once he had it parked. Getting out with Negan, she closed the door behind her and watched him reach into the back for the hose that they were using to siphon out the gas. “Then we have no gameplan. We’re stuck, just like them.”
“It’s the best idea I’ve got,” Negan reasoned with her, dramatically shrugging his shoulders with his brow line creasing. “Unless you got something else hidden up your sleeve that I don’t know about. I think it’s the only way of getting to where we need to be. I’ve seen you in a hopeless situation. Somehow you always come out on top. Together, I’m sure we could come up with something, but I think finding them first is going to be our main goal.”
“There has to be a plan of action though Negan,” Maggie defended her thought process, following Negan over to one of the cars that was in a parking lot outside of what looked like an old department store. “If we are put into a prison with no weapons, no idea how to even get out of how to escape…Annie and Hershel will still be at risk.”
“I understand that, but I would rather be with her going through this than having her alone,” Negan lowered down, motioning her in beside him so she could keep watch. Maggie pulled out her weapon and watched Negan slide the hose into the gas tank. Bringing the end of the hose to his lips, Negan’s cheeks sank in and she heard him sucking in sharply. With a gag, Negan pulled his mouth away and she looked to see that nothing was coming up. “Nothing in this one.”
“Are you sure you’re doing it right?” she watched Negan spit, his gaze slowly lifting to hers while he glared up at her.
“If you would like to try it yourself, you’re welcome to,” Negan held up the hose toward her, watching Maggie roll her eyes as he grumbled to himself. “That’s what I thought. We’re going to have to check the rest of the cars in the parking lot.”
“So, let’s say we go through with your plan,” she followed Negan over to the next car watching him get back into position. “Maybe the Lincoln Tunnel will be full and we won’t even be able to drive through it. Or maybe the streets of New York will be full. We don’t know what we’re going to get when we get there.”
“Then we will just have to walk it and take breaks. I’m sure there will be places for us to hide. One of us will keep watch while the other gets some rest and switch off during the time we’re resting. That’s all we can do right now,” Negan insisted doing as he had done before. Maggie kept watching hearing the sounds of Negan trying to pull something out of the car. A wet coughing sound filled the air when Negan swiftly brought the gas cannister to the hose showing that he had brought up some gas. There was a sense of relief that was soon replaced by discouragement when they were only able to get so much out of the car. “That’s not much. We’ll have to look to see if we can gather more.”
“Let me try,” Maggie suggested, reaching for the hose knowing that Negan had done this most of the time. Allowing her to grab it from his hands, Negan followed her to the next car and looked back near the department store that was behind them. Car after car seemed to come up empty, until they reached one that actually ended up working leaving Maggie a choking mess when Negan reached for the hose to swiftly put it to the cannister when she pulled herself away. “God, that’s awful.”
“It’s not the best thing in the world, no,” Negan reached out to place his hand in over the center of her back, trying to get a look at her. “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” she assured him with another round of coughs, feeling a bit tense with the way that Negan was touching her. When Negan knew that she would be alright, he pulled his hand away from her and waited for the rest of the gas to fill the cannister that they had. “We should look at the town and see if there is anything we can use here.”
“Sure thing boss,” Negan motioned her to wait when he returned back to their car to fill it up with what they were able to get. Negan turned on the car to see how much the tank had been filled and grumbled something to himself. “It should be able to get us there. It’s not a ton, but it should be enough.”
“Grab your weapon,” Maggie instructed allowing Negan time to grab a rifle that was in the back of the car before following her into the department store. It was dark and the only light that was illuminating it was that outside being filtered in from the broken windows. “I always wanted to go to New York City when I was a kid. My daddy would never let me.”
“Lucille loved it,” Negan informed Maggie with a grunt, his eyes shifting over the broken glass that was beneath their feet. “We took a trip there once for one of our anniversaries. The whole setup really appealed to her. She was definitely a city girl. Loved going to Broadway plays, walking the streets of Fifth Avenue…I guess it was the one place where she could pretend just for a while to be someone she wasn’t.”
“You still think about her a lot, huh?” Maggie pointed out, surprised that Lucille was a topic on Negan’s mind when it was Annie that was the topic of worry.
“Most of my life was spent dedicated to her,” Negan swallowed down hard knowing that it was uncomfortable being open with Maggie about things. She just shared something personal with him and he assumed that doing the same was okay. “You know how hard it is when you lose the love of your life. It sticks with you, even if you try to move on. It’s always there.”
There was so much Maggie wanted to say, she just didn’t. There was that urge to fight with him since he was the person that took the love of her life away, but she didn’t. It wasn’t the time nor the place. They were approaching what looked like an area where someone likely used to be living in this building. Surveying the area, Maggie watched Negan kneel down to push at the black bag that was at the corner of the store.
“Oh fuck, look at this,” Negan hummed pulling something out of the bag, his hazel eyes for the first time since they had been on the road full of a sense of excitement. “I used to fucking love these before the world fell to shit. Snoballs are fucking fantastic.”
Watching Negan pull apart the cellophane packaging of what he was holding, her nose wrinkled watching Negan take a big bite out of the treat that was there, “I never liked those very much. We had them around the house, but I could never muster the taste of coconut.”
“Come on,” Negan replied with a mouthful of the sweet treat, holding up the other half of the coconut and marshmallow treat that covered a chocolate cake with a cream filling. “You don’t hate the taste of coconut, it’s the consistency you don’t like.”
“I’m not eating that Negan,” Maggie refused only to watch Negan push it forward in closer to her again.
“There aren’t a lot of options Maggie,” Negan reasoned urging her to reach for what was left from his fingers. “Trust me, at this point in life you’ve probably had a whole hell of a lot worse. It’s a little stale, but still pretty damn good if you ask me.”
Negan gathered whatever else was inside of the bag that was left there and threw it into one of their bags. Taking a bit of the treat, Maggie had some trouble with the texture that came with it realizing that Negan was right, but she managed to eat what he had given her, “it’s not as bad as I remember.”
“That’s because when we were younger, we had a preference of what we liked. Now, we just have to eat whatever shit we can or else it’s grass and bugs,” Negan pointed out, waving her to follow him toward the escalators that weren’t moving. “I’ll go up to the next floor, you look at this one. That way we get through the store faster. Call me if you need anything.”
With a simple nod, Maggie watched Negan make his way up the stairs before going to look around. There wasn’t much left here. It was silly to hope that they would find some sort of stash that would be hidden more than the few treats that Negan had found. The sound of something pulled her attention making her move over toward the windows of the store. Before she could reach them, she felt the warmth of a hand wrapping around her lips making her gasp against the flesh.
“Follow me,” Negan whispered, shocking her that he was able to sneak up on her, but she did as he asked. Making it up the flight of stairs, she followed Negan to an area that led to the roof of the building. Negan lowered down and motioned her to do the same, wiggling his fingers while they approached the edge. “I saw them coming when I was first looking…”
Finally spotting what Negan brought her up here for, Maggie noticed the group of people that were dressed in all black. Negan cleared his throat and shrugged, “that has to be them, right? We’re right out of the city. Maybe they have spotters and someone saw us. I could go down there and…”
“Negan,” she reached for his shirt and tugged him back down when she spotted what she assumed to be the person that they had taken the food from walking out into the streets. Words were said that neither one of them could quite understand, but with a jolt back she watched one of the soldiers shoot down the stranger making the both of them lower down to the ground.
“They aren’t friendlies,” Negan grunted clinging to the rifle that was in his hand. “We need to get back to the car. I can take out as many of them as possible, but once I start shooting, they are going to come running. I need you to cover my back if they start coming up.”
“Yeah,” Maggie licked her lips knowing that it wasn’t a great plan, but obviously there was no other option here. “As far as I can tell, there are ten of them. Two trucks. Are you sure that you can do this? You can’t miss these shots Negan.”
“I know,” Negan placed his finger over his lips to silence her before setting up his shot. With ease, Negan was able to pull the trigger getting the first one with no problem. When he did that, it made the group spread out. Over and over again, Negan was able to shoot them down, but like Negan had predicted they were able to figure out the direction of the shots. Leaving Negan to himself, Maggie went back down the stairs hearing the shifting of feet. Trying to hide, Maggie shot one of them as they approached the area that would lead them to Negan. Before she was able to respond, Maggie felt a force slamming into her from behind causing her to drop the gun that she was holding. Trying to outstretch her fingers, she just missed the gun and felt the person behind her forcefully turning her around. Her eyes connected with the knife in their hand as the person dressed in the black uniform was clearly determined to take her out. A wince fell from her throat when their hand was brought down, but what she expected to be a burst of pain was simply a wet splash over her face when the sound of a gun being shot was heard. Lifting her head, Maggie saw Negan standing over her holding onto the handgun that she had dropped. Negan had saved her just in time before the stranger had attempted to stab her. The warmth of the body over her disgusted her as she pulled herself out from underneath it. “Try not to lose this next time.”
“Got it,” she snapped at him, snatching the gun from his fingers leading him back toward the stairs.  Maybe she should have thanked him for saving her life, but at this point they both had done it so many times for one another that it just felt natural. “I got two of them.”
“And I think I got eight,” Negan informed her, leading her back toward the first floor. “I was thinking that maybe we should grab two of their uniforms. Look to see if there is a communication device that they are using in order to…”
With a loud bang, a shot went off and Maggie watched Negan jolt backwards and hit the ground hard. Hissing out, she reached for Negan and pulled him out of the line of fire to be hidden behind the wall of the department store.
“Fuck,” Negan blurt out, lifting his head enough to look down at his side where he had been shot. Shakily reaching down, Negan pulled up the bottom of his shirt and looked to see a good chunk of the meaty part of his side had been shot through.
“It’s not that bad,” Maggie alerted Negan seeing the blood that was dripping down his body. “It’s a through and through. It just grazed the side of your body.”
“It did more than fucking graze my skin Maggie, it took a piece of my fucking flesh with it,” Negan snarled, his bloody fingers lifting up shakily when he looked them over.
“My point is that I don’t think it’s going to kill you. No organs were hit, we have a medical kit in the back of the car. If we get out of here, we can stitch you up and everything will be okay,” Maggie pointed out knowing that Negan was bleeding somewhat, but it definitely wasn’t something that would kill him if they had the right equipment. “Stay here.”
“I don’t think I’m going to be moving anywhere any time soon,” Negan tried to pull himself up into a seated position against the wall, letting out a rumble of a groan when he pressed his hand in over his side. “This fucking sucks. I’m a skinny guy and they managed to take off some of the only fat I have left on my body.”
“It’s all those Snoballs,” Maggie teased Negan watching him glare at her making her smirk when she slid in closer to the exit of the door. Eyeballing what she could, there was a glare that was coming off behind one of the trucks that the soldiers had clearly brought with them. Waiting, Maggie used the rifle that Negan had and when the remaining soldier lifted its head just enough Maggie shot the rifle with a calming breath watching the blood splatter when she got the shot. “I got him. I’m going to go get the car, okay? And then we will get you out of here.”
“Okay,” Negan nodded, his breathing labored when she headed out into the day. Maggie was swift in trying to make it to the car. Digging through their supplies first, Maggie found the medical kit and threw it into the passenger’s seat. Going to get in the car, she was thrown off by the sensation of her body being shoved into the car making her groan out.
“Where is your partner?” the person behind her demanded, bringing their fist into Maggie’s shoulders causing her to fall to her knees. “I asked you a question damn it. Where is he?”
“Right here,” Negan’s voice grumbled making Maggie look back over her shoulder to see Negan throwing his hand out with a lead pipe that he was holding in his hand. The impact connected with the soldier’s face making him fall to the ground hard and Negan pointed down. “You counted wrong. There was twelve fucking soldiers Maggie. Twelve. Not ten.”
“My mistake,” she panted knowing that it was just a quick count that she had taken when they were on the roof together.
“You should tie his wrists,” Negan circled his finger out at the soldier he had just knocked unconscious, lowering down enough to try to gather his breathing.  
“I told you to wait for me,” Maggie reminded him as Negan fell back to the ground and groaned out. “Hey, whoa hold on.”
“You were taking too long,” Negan stated with a grumble, his eyebrows furrowing when he tried to lift his head. “I think I’m going to pass out.”
“It’s from the shock,” Maggie tried to get him up, but Negan hissed with the movements. Dragging him left a line of blood across the cement while he attempted to kick his feet to help her, but it didn’t do much. Thank God he was skinny enough for her to get across the parking lot. “Negan, stay with me here, I need you.”
“I’m trying,” Negan panted, his eyes looking heavy while she managed to get him into the seat where she needed him. With deep gasps, Negan looked like he was trying to beat the inevitable moment where he was going to pass out, but he lost the battle. Leaning forward, she scrambled to find a pulse and let out a relieved breath when she was able to find one.
“Great,” Maggie sighed realizing that this was about to get a whole hell of a lot harder than she wanted it to be.
With a huff, Maggie closed the door to the apartment she had Negan hidden away in. How she was able to manage to get Negan out of the car and into this apartment even blew her mind, but in order to get to New York she was going to need Negan. Negan assured her that he knew the areas before any of this happened and she couldn’t take on the CRM alone.
Heading into the living room where Negan was stretched out on the couch unconscious, Maggie knelt down beside him. Night had fallen upon them and it made sense to stay hidden for now until Negan woke up. She just wished he would do it soon. Negan was shaking, muttering something in his sleep. Reaching out, she brushed her hand through his hair to feel that he was sweating beneath her touch. Shifting beside Negan, she reached for his shirt that had dried blood over it to push it up his slender abdomen to see the stitches she had managed to give Negan. It wasn’t her best work, but she did what she could to stop the bleeding.
Stretching out her arm, she reached for their bag and knew that she had antibiotics that he could use that they had taken from The Commonwealth. It was just a matter of being able to wake him up. Grabbing one of the pills, she slid in beside Negan and curled her hand in underneath his neck.
“Negan, wake up,” she attempted to lift him hearing Negan wince in his sleep. Shaking him a bit, she watched his eyes shift beneath the closed lids and she hoped she would be able to get him coherent enough to take one of the pills. “Come on Negan. Wake up.”
The sound of Negan’s breathing changed, his eyelashes fluttering when his eyes somewhat parted, “I need you to take this for me. You think you can do that?”
It wasn’t registering what she was doing for him, he was barely there with her holding onto him, “I’m just going to put this into your mouth and I need you to swallow it, okay?”
With a nod, Negan was obviously coherent enough to understand what she was saying. Releasing a sigh of relief she managed to lift him up enough to put the pill between his parted lips. Grabbing the water that she had, she brought it to his mouth and helped him enough to be able to swallow the antibiotic down.
“Did you swallow it?” Maggie confirmed, carefully lowering Negan’s head back down after he nodded. Grabbing his chin, she pulled his mouth open to make sure that it was gone before sighing and getting comfortable in beside him. “I could really used your big mouth right now. We need to get the hell out of here.”
“I’m sorry,” Negan panted, turning his head toward the pillow that was underneath it. With a wince, Negan weakly lifted his head down to look toward where he was shot previously. A surprised breath fell from Maggie’s throat when Negan shakily reached out to wrap his fingers around hers. Part of her wanted to pull away, but there was something in Negan’s eyes that was strange. “I should have never left you.”
“Negan?” Maggie was confused hearing the sad exhale that fell from Negan’s parted lips. “You didn’t leave me.”
“I did,” Negan shook his head, biting into his bottom lip. “I was too weak to go on without you, so I left you alone. I thought I was saving you, but I was really just trying to save myself the heartache of losing you.”
“I don’t understand,” Maggie breathed out, sucking in a sharp breath with Negan’s fingers tightening around hers. “It’s okay.”
“I miss you so much Lucille,” Negan confessed, his breathing labored when his head tipped back again. Finally getting it, Maggie realized that Negan was picturing his late wife and it was all starting to make sense. With her free hand, she pressed in over Negan’s forehead to feel that he had a fever beneath her touch. It was definitely good she gave him that medicine. “I love you.”
“Hey, everything is going to be okay,” she whispered doing her best to comfort him in this situation knowing that it was both awkward and uncomfortable at the same time. This was a very vulnerable side of Negan that she had never seen before but it was obviously the blood loss and the fever that had him acting this way. “You need to rest. Put your head back, okay?”
“Please. Please don’t leave me,” Negan begged with Maggie attempting to stand up, clutching to her hand making Maggie let out a loud exhale. “I don’t want to be alone right now.”
“It’s going to be okay, I promise you that,” Maggie claimed, her body tensing up when Negan lifted his free hand to stroke in over the side of her face. With a soft sweep of his fingers in over her cheek, she knew that she wanted to pull away, but in the state that Negan was in, if she did, she knew he would likely throw a fit. “We just need you to rest so we can get moving in the morning.”
“Thank you for taking care of me,” Negan licked his lips, pulling himself up enough making Maggie let out a tense breath. With the warmth of Negan’s breath over her lips, she had little to no time to react before Negan’s mouth claimed hers in a tender caress. It was the first time she had been kissed in quite some time and she wasn’t sure how to react with the loving caress of Negan’s rough fingertips over her flesh. The kiss lingered, the warmth of his lips caressing over hers before he hesitantly dropped back into the pillows again. “Everything feels better when you’re here.”
“Sleep well Negan,” she managed to pull her hand from his when he closed his eyes. The sound of his breathing changed alerting her to the fact that he fell back asleep.
Sitting down on the floor beside the couch, she rest her back against it and bit at her bottom lip. Sliding her thumb in over her bottom lip, she could still taste Negan on her lips. When he did it, there was that eagerness to slap him, but it was obvious that Negan didn’t do it on purpose. So she just took it and allowed him to think that she was his late wife. Kissing Negan was never something she thought would happen. Hell, she would have rather died in the past, but now that he had kissed her it awoke an awkward set of emotions for her. Like her, Negan was missing someone that he had lost. In attempts, he tried to move on, but she was always there at the back of his mind. Much like Glenn was for her. In a lot of ways they were alike, but so vastly different.
Trying to push out the fact that Negan kissed her out of her mind, Maggie rest her head back against the couch and closed her eyes. Hopefully she was able to hide them well enough so no one would find them. That’s all she could hope for.
Without meaning to, Maggie had fallen asleep and time had flown by to the point the sound of Negan gasping and hopping up on the couch made her shift uneasily on the floor beside him. Negan grimaced when he pulled himself into a sitting position and looked down at the stitches over his flesh.
“Fuck me,” Negan hissed, his eyes connecting with hers after he saw what she had done. “What happened?”
“You passed out. I stitched you up,” she yawned, turning her head away from Negan hearing him breathing loudly from being shocked awake.
“And what about the soldier you captured?” Negan inquired, his face twisting with confusion since he had passed out right when that happened.
“He’s not here anymore,” Maggie scrambled across the floor reaching for the walkie talkie that she had grabbed. Turning it on, she raised the volume allowing Negan to hear the chatter that was on the other end making Negan smirk. “I also got two suits for us to wear. We may not know where they are, but now we don’t have to go in with no knowledge whatsoever.”
“You’ve got big balls Maggie Rhee,” Negan complimented her, grabbing a hold of the communication device listening to what they were saying on the other end. “Did anything else happen while I was out?”
“Other than me killing the soldier, hiding us in this apartment where I had to drag you, stitching you up, taking two uniforms off the soldiers and waiting here until you woke up?” Maggie listed off what she had done seeing the amusement and impressed expression over Negan’s features. There was the whole kissing her thing, but that was something she was going to keep to herself. “Nah, not much.”
“Didn’t sound like much,” Negan went to move, letting out a grunt when the pain from his side filtered throughout his body. “You are such a badass. You know that?”
“Let’s hope that it helps us find what we need,” Maggie helped Negan get up from the couch that he had been sleeping on. Leading him over toward the uniform that she had grabbed for him, she handed him over the material and sighed. “I found a map with some locations marked. Best for us to start there. Survey the area and see what we can find.”
“I go where you go,” Negan winked working to change out of the bloody clothes that he was in. Turning away, Maggie faced the corner of the room to give them both some privacy. The noises that were coming from Negan showed that he was still in a world of pain, but he was trying to push through it. “Fuck me.”
“Do you need help?” Maggie questioned hearing Negan grunt in return.
“I’ll be fine,” Negan declared and she heard the sound of him getting dressed. Stealing a glance over her shoulder, she was surprised to see that Negan was doing the same and she snapped her fingers at him making him smirk. “What?”
“Don’t be a pervert. I’m not afraid to shoot you for real,” Maggie warned him making Negan snort when he turned his head the other way.
“You were looking at me too you know,” Negan teased her, waiting until she moved in beside him. Grabbing the communications device, Negan held his hand out for her to move toward the door. Instead of moving forward, she reached for Negan’s arm to help him toward the door to exit. “Lead the way, Maggie Rhee. Our journey has only just started and I feel like this is going to be one hell of a ride.”  
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