#eddie x ps reader
plus-size-reader · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 3435 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Eddie doing his best to comfort the reader after you get dumped, but it doesn’t go exactly as planned
Heartbreak was hard.
You weren’t about to pretend that you were the only person in the world who’d ever felt it, but you couldn’t help but be blindsided anyway.
This was different.
Jason was the first guy you’d ever really loved, and when he dumped you, it felt like the world as you knew it had come crumbling down around you.
He was all you had, and all of a sudden you had nowhere to go and no one to turn to, with the exception of Eddie.
The two of you hadn’t really talked or spent much time together since you and Jason got really serious, but somehow, you knew that if you were to call him, he’d be there for you as if no time had passed at all, even if maybe you didn’t deserve it.
So, you called.
The phone rang a few times before he picked up, in the same way that he always did.
“Munson residence, what do you want?” he answered, the sound of his voice bringing a small smile to  your face just because it had been so long since you’d heard it.
There was silence on the line for a moment as you tried to pay closer attention to the task at hand than you were before, wiping the tears welling up in your eyes on the back of your hand.
His tone wasn’t gruff, or annoyed as perhaps you’d been expecting, but that didn’t mean you knew how to continue as he waited for whoever was on the other end to speak. Your voice, which was once so familiar, now seemed too far away to grasp.
It just felt so stupid to call him after all this time just because you needed something. Though, it wasn’t like you had any other choice.
You didn’t have anyone else.
“Hey Eds, I know it’s been a long time and you probably don’t want to hear from me but, Jason dumped me and-” you started, but you didn’t get a chance to get the rest of the words out before he stopped you.
That was all he needed to know.
“Where are you? I’ll be right there”
Part of you expected a different reaction, or at least some casual sass about how convenient your calling was but nothing like that ever came. Instead, Eddie waited until you told him where you were and hung up.
It didn’t matter what had happened between you or why you did it, he wasn’t the kind of person to leave anyone he cared about in the cold.
He just wasn’t.
As soon as the line went dead, you took a deep breath, letting it hang for a moment with that deafening tone, desperately trying to put this all together.
You just felt like you were lost, and it had all fallen apart so quickly. Though, before you could truly fall into a pit of self pity, you decided to focus on something else instead.
After all, Eddie didn’t drive so you knew you’d have a little bit of time before he showed up, on foot. So, you decided to sit down on the pavement and wait, digging your hands into the bits of loose gravel here and there.
You felt like an idiot.
This whole time you thought that Jason loved you, and in all that time you and Eddie have spent making fun of jocks like him, you’d been wrong. That he was sweet and gentle, and capable of loving you but you were wrong.
If you had been right, you wouldn’t have walked in on him frenching Chrissy Cunningham so deeply he could have sucked the air straight from her lungs, and you certainly wouldn't have gotten your heart splattered all over the wall.
Not that it mattered now.
He had what he wanted, and if you were being honest with yourself, you got it. The two of them had a lot more in common than you ever did, and maybe they would be happy. Maybe she would make him happy, because clearly, you hadn’t.
The sentiment hurt, probably more than the breakup itself, and again, those tears came streaming down our face, landing in a somber pool at your feet.
Maybe it was your fault.
After all, if you hadn’ showed up at this place unannounced, you never would have known Jason was seeing her too. You could have kept going on like you had  been for however long you had left, you could have done something.
…but that was all gone now.
He didn’t love you, and really, you weren’t sure that he ever had.
“I always told you that guy was an asshole” came Eddie’s voice, calling out to you before he’d even made it to your side, the gravel crunching beneath his sneakers.
It wasn’t exactly how he wanted to break this ice, all things considered, but it was the best he could do. Eddie wanted to be supportive, and he wanted to make you feel better, but it was the truth.
He never lied to you, or told you that he was happy for you when you started seeing Carver. He wasn’t a good guy and you were too good for him, you and Eddie both knew it.
There was no sense in acting otherwise.
“Come here” he tried again, offering nothing else before he threw his arms open for you and pulled you close. Jason may have been exactly what Eddie knew he was, but that didn’t mean you were hurting any less.
That was why he was here, after all.
You had nothing to say in turn as you allowed him to pull you in, until you had no choice but to breathe in the smell of him, weed smoke, musk and cheap cologne.
It hadn’t changed, and of course it hadn’t, it was him, everything he was.
“I’m sorry, I know this is stupid…I just didn’t have anyone else to call” you whispered, holding him as close to you as possible, partially worried he would leave you too. After everything you’d put him through, you couldn’t blame him.
Not that knowing that changed that you didn’t want to be without him, even if it was selfish.
Eddie had always had your back, he had always cared about you more than anyone else in your life but even for you, this was a lot.
“Don’t worry about it, don’t worry about anything. You’re staying with me” he shrugged, not pulling away from your frame until your grip on his shoulders loosened.
He could tell that you’d been crying, could see the tear stains on your skin and the way you avoided looking in his eyes for too long, but he didn't bother to comment on it. You didn’t need to hear his opinion, or keep a brave face for him.
You were in love with Jason, that much was obvious, and even if it hadn’t worked out, you were still hurting.
“Are you sure? I mean, what did Wayne say?” you stopped, Eddie didn’t seem the least bit phased by the words, but you couldn’t just stay there, could you?
That was crazy.
“I’m pretty sure if it came down to it, Uncle Wayne would let you stay before me”
It was a joke, of course, one only meant to bring down the tension a little bit but the truth was, nothing mattered more to Eddie than making sure you were taken care of.
There wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for you, because he loved you and that wasn’t exactly a secret to him, his uncle Wayne, or the rest of Hawkins.
“Everything is gonna be okay” the male at your side assured, one last time before webbing one of his hands in with your own, his subtle way of letting you know he was here, and he wasn’t going anywhere.
Ever again.
The trailer hadn’t changed a bit since you’d been in it last.
It was still the same functional mess it had always been, with the two men coexisting in the small space, where everything had a place, even if it didn’t make any sense to those looking in.
“I try to keep it clean, y’know, but I didn’t exactly have time to prepare for company” Eddie shrugged, following your gaze around the room until it once again landed on him.
You had missed this, and you didn’t even realize how much until now.
“It’s perfect Ed, it’s great” you allowed, trying your best to remain as composed as you could given the circumstances but this was uncharted water for the two of you. The last time you’d been here, you two had gotten drunk in your pajamas and baked cupcakes at 3 am.
…but this was different.
This place still felt like home to you, and so did Eddie, but you felt like you’d lost touch with it all the same.
Like it wasn’t yours to enjoy anymore.
You smiled, of course, but the action didn’t spread to your eyes like he was used to. It was obvious you were trying, although ultimately failing, to pretend to be okay with the events of the day, so Eddie did all he knew to do.
He plopped down on the couch, his elbows on his knees and just waited. He waited, for what he wasn’t sure, but it seemed like the thing to do and evidently, he was right because eventually you sat beside him.
It was a small gesture, and it didn’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things, but it was a start.
It was something.
“So, you wanna tell me about it? What happened? Eddie wondered, after the silence in the room persisted for far longer than he was prepared for, his voice softened significantly now that it was just the two of you.
He didn’t know exactly what he was doing in this regard, for several reasons, the chief of which being that he didn’t really date. There was no reason to when the only object of his affection had been spoken for as of late.
It wasn’t like anyone else was going to make his palms sweat or his pulse quicken quite like you did anyway, so it wasn’t worth the effort.
Still, as he’d been doing this whole time, Eddie was trying and you couldn't have been more grateful.
You scoffed, thinking over the conversation you and Jason had, following the absolutely mortifying events in his bedroom with the blonde looking on the entire time.
It was pretty straight forward.
“Chrissy Cunningham, his other girlfriend” you shrugged, not really needing more than that in terms of an explanation. Evidently, everyone was at least somewhat aware that he’d traded you in for her, and just didn’t say anything.
Not that Eddie was shocked.
Even he had noticed the two of them spending more time together, he just figured you had it all under control, though now he knew how wrong that was.
It just sucked.
You deserved so much better, and this whole time, it was like everyone around you knew but somehow you were left in the dark.
“I stopped to say hi on my way home this afternoon and walked in on a pretty heavy makeout session” you continued, desperately trying to keep your emotions centered around anger but it wasn’t working nearly as well as you’d hoped.
It hurt so bad knowing that he replaced you just like that, without even thinking about it, like you were nothing.
Now it was Eddie’s turn to scoff as he imagined doing something like that to you. Granted, he couldn't really imagine doing something so awful to anyone, but least of all you.
What kind of guy didn’t know a good thing when he had it?
You were the best that jerk was ever going to get, and he didn’t deserve to hurt you like that, he didn’t even deserve to share the same space as you in Eddie’s mind.
“What a tool” was all Eddie could let out at first, considering your words for a moment more before letting a heavy sigh pass his lips. Getting cheated on was one thing, catching a cheater in the act was another.
It was no wonder you were so totally bummed out.
“Yeah. I mean, I guess it’s kind of my fault too. What could have ever possessed me to think I’d actually have a shot with a guy like that?” you laughed, that sound more bitter than joyous when it met Eddie’s ears.
Though, it was the words you spoke that he found most blasphemous, not the tone you used.
Jason was the lucky one. A major creep like that never should have had a shot with a babe like you in the first place, not the other way around.
You had done him a favor even looking in his direction.
“That guy never deserved you. There was no way he understood how lucky he was, or what he let get away. I’d bet he didn’t even know your favorite color” Eddie quipped, not even bothering to hold back what he was thinking.
Being sad was fine, but he wasn’t about to sit here and listen to you shit on yourself all night long.
Once again you were silent as you tried, desperately, to convince yourself that Eddie was right. He had a point, in saying that Jason probably didn’t even know your favorite color. He had never really taken an interest in those things.
…or in you, in general.
It was an idea that once again had those tears welling up in your shining eyes, burning the raw skin of your cheeks as they made their way down toward your neck.
You were so stupid.
This whole time, you were so convinced he loved you and it didn’t make any sense. That person you were with him, that wasn’t who you were, but you still found yourself aching over it nonetheless.
“I’m really sorry, I should have been there”
This time there was a new vulnerability in Eddie’s tone that you weren’t even sure you heard at first, your attention turning to his face in an instant to see that he was almost in tears himself, but not for the same reason.  
As angry as he was at Carver for hurting you, Eddie couldn't help but be more upset that he hadn’t been there right when it happened to pick you up, or do something more to warn you about Jason in the first place.
That was what he was supposed to do.
He was supposed to protect you, and he was so busy being mad at you for ditching him, that he just let you get your heart broken.
“You couldn’t have-” you started, but Eddie wasn’t finished. He had held his tongue the whole time you told him about Jason asking you out, and again when you told him that it would probably be better if you didn’t hang out as much.
He wasn’t going to do that now, you were just going to have to listen to him until he was done.
“You need someone who can love you like you deserve,” he started, shifting his body on the couch to get a better look at your face, his right hand coming up to brush those now cold tears from the bow of your lip.
“You deserve somebody who’s gonna know that you only sleep with your windows open when it rains, and that you chew the inside of your cheek when you’re nervous and who’s gonna appreciate the way your nose crinkles when you laugh,” Eddie sighed, running his hands through his curls.
It was true.
You deserved the world on a string and the worst part was that you didn’t even know it. You genuinely thought you deserved to be treated the way you were, like you were an inconvenience more than a choice.
It made him want to be sick, as someone who would have given anything just for the chance to choose you for once.
“You deserve somebody who knows everything about you and loves you because of that. Not some asshole who puts up with you in spite of those things”
By the time Eddie had finished, he was practically red in the face, his heart hammering away in his chest so violently he feared it may actually burst.
It just didn’t make sense to  him that you didn’t see it. That anyone in their right mind would be lucky to have you on their arm, or in their bed, for that matter.
You were the most incredible person he had ever met. You’d had his back through everything and it seemed like he was the only one who understood how amazing you were.
“And where do you propose I look for this mythical man, Eds? Nobody looks at me like that” you countered, trying to shrug this off again.
All of that sounded great but you weren’t some perfect little princess that someone was going to fawn over.
You never had been.
You were messy and chaotic, and most of the time you didn’t even know what you meant when you spoke, so it was impossible to expect someone else to. You couldn’t be someone’s perfect other half, because you weren’t perfect.
This time Eddie didn’t bother to answer you. The look on his face was more than enough to prove the point, as he looked at you desperately, waiting for you to put the pieces together.
Nobody looked at you like that, except for him.
“That’s not funny, Eddie” you warned, naturally assuming he was only messing around to make you feel better but that wasn’t the case at all, and looking at you now, he could tell you knew that.
He was so tired of watching deadbeat losers break your heart, always having to pick up the pieces when he knew that he could love you right the first time.
He had always had your back and would die for you if necessary, so why was it so outlandish that the two of you could be a couple.
You had done everything else together your entire lives.
You slept in the same bed for nearly a year when your dad left the first time and you didn’t have anywhere to go. He’d seen you naked more times than he could count, and his uncle already adored you.
Eddie had learned all your favorite songs on his guitar and kept all your favorite snacks in a box in his closet. He watched all your favorite movies and even tried to bake a cake for your last birthday, for Christ's sake, so why couldn’t you see him like that?
What was it about him that made that so outlandish? Why couldn’t you love him like he loved you?
“I’m being serious. I love you…I always have, you just have to give me a chance”
This time there was not a hint of teasing in his voice as practically begged you to see him, for once in your life, because he was here for you. He was here  because he wanted to be and because he saw you and loved what he saw.
That was it.
It was insane, sure, but that was what it was.
Eddie was in love with you.
..but Eddie couldn't really be in love with you, could he? Nerdy, goofball Eddie who once hid your bra in the freezer, and lied about it?
It didn’t seem plausible, still, he was also the same Eddie who sat with you when you got your heart broken the first time, and every time after that. The same guy who cleaned you up the first time you got too drunk to stand, and who always walked you home.
“Oh my God”
It was a tad bit anticlimactic, given the fact that Eddie had just poured his entire heart out to you but under the circumstances, you didn’t have anything else.
You were an even bigger idiot than you thought.
When you thought back on it, Eddie was the only person in the world who had always been there for you, through thick and thin. He had proven himself over and over as the man you needed in your life, and you didn’t even see it.
“You can say that again” Eddie allowed, throwing his frame back against the back of the couch unceremoniously, the weight of his confession lifted for only a moment before returning tenfold.
He did it.
He actually told you he loved you.
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babiestmunson · 2 years
This Joseph / This Joe
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eddieandbird · 1 year
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Eddie encourages you to be more outspoken during D&D
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
Could I get a blurb about going to see a scary movie at a drive-in theater with Eddie? 🥰
eeeee this was fun to write aud, thank you <3 i sprinkled in a little angst but it's 99% fluff. p.s. i'm still accepting st requests!
"Now you're sure you wanna see The Shining? They're showing Ghostbusters in the other lot."
Eddie scoffs, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
"Have you seen me, baby? Lock up your daughter, lock up your wife! Lock up your back door and run for your life!"
You roll your eyes.
"You're just quoting AC/DC to me, Ed."
He finishes his mouthful and swallows.
"Bon Scott puts it better than I ever could, sweets."
"Right. It's just, I know you have trouble sleeping with this stuff. Remember when Wayne took you camping and told you those ghost stories?"
"I was a kid!" he cries.
"That was three years ago, Eddie."
"Honey, c'mon. I got attacked by killer bats last year. I think I can handle some corn syrup blood."
You frown. "What happened in the Upside Down doesn't mean you can't be afraid anymore."
"I know! I know. 'S just, y'know." He picks at a loose thread on his jeans. "We've seen the real thing. Movies can't hurt me. I know that."
You press your lips together. "If you're sure, Eds."
Eddie beams. "Positive."
You settle under the thick blankets contributed by both you and Eddie. He takes another scoop of popcorn. The film begins.
And it's fine. Eddie watches the arrival of the Torrances without issue. He leans over and comments on how Jack Nicholson looks absolutely unhinged from the start.
"Is he gonna lose his mind?" Eddie predicts. "I think he's gonna lose it."
As the ghosts arrive, however, Eddie starts to shift in his seat. It comes to a head when Jack Torrance truly does lose his mind. Eddie flinches at the axe splitting the door and shuts his eyes, turning away. You set your candy on the dashboard and scoot over, slowly sliding an arm around Eddie's shoulders.
"Hey," you say softly, turning down the radio. "Eds. We don't have to watch it if you don't want to."
Eddie looks at you. His cheeks are slightly red. You smile.
"'M such a scaredy cat," he mumbles.
"Eddie, it's okay if you don't like scary movies."
"Am I still the most metal guy you know?"
"Obviously," you grin.
"What if I said this was all a ploy to get you to snuggle me?"
"Now that I'd fully believe," you say. "But we didn't have to go see The Shining for that, honey."
Eddie pouts. You put down the visor so he doesn't have to keep watching.
"I used to be fearless, y'know," he says. "Sure, Wayne's ghost stories were always spooky as fuck. But I could handle it. And then after last year I just—"
He shakes his head. You nod.
"I know," you murmur. "Feels too real."
"Yeah," Eddie sighs. "Watching Nancy Wheeler saw off a shotgun really sucked the fun outta slashers."
"Well," you say. "I haven't seen Ghostbusters. And I've heard great things about that one."
Eddie smiles, a peek of fang showing.
"You're missing out, honeylove."
"Am I? Seems like we oughta get a move on then. We may just be able to find a good spot."
You peck his cheek. Eddie turns the ignition. He looks at you.
"Sure it's okay?" he checks, biting his lip.
You squeeze his shoulder, tilting your head fondly.
"Yeah, Eds. I'm sure. And if we don't get a good view, well..."
You lean over and kiss his jaw. His pulse quickens. You smirk.
"I'm sure we can think of something to pass the time."
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littlemessyjessi · 2 years
Your Eddie stories are giving me life! Could you write something about a gf who is just crazy for halloween? The type to start preparing for it way ahead, dress up and decorate all house, kids either love it with all their hearts or are to scared to ask for treats
Hi, sweetie! Thank you so much!
And omg, yes!
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Eddie Munson Imagine
Eddie Munson x PS Reader
Prompt: Reader loves Halloween
Ok, so first and foremost... he loves this.
He adores this.
It is literally one of his favorite things about you.
Secondly, he is all in for Halloween hunting.
You want to go Halloween Hunting in June? "You got it, baby! Let me grab my sunglasses and my keys! Let's take the van! Maybe we'll see something good! Let's go!"
Like, he's all in.
Second, he is a spooky boy himself so like, couples activities for the win.
He's down for pumpkin spice and caramel apple flavored things in March.
He don't give a shit.
He's down to do all the prep with you because-
A, He thinks it's badass. You're a badass. This is badass. It's just badass.
B, He gets really into himself. He loves being dramatic.
C, Couples activities!!!!! You like this? He likes this. Ya'll in it to win it.
D, He really gets to tap into his inner child with this shit sometimes and that's very healing for Eddie.
10/10 will help you make treat bags.
100% on board with a couples costume.
His heart MELTS every single time a trick or treater comes up for candy and you're just like the sweetest to them.
Like he's seen it so many times now but like it gets him every time.
Also, like he just loves you so much, you know. And it does his heart good to see you so passionate about something and to be able to support your passions like you do his.
He's always wanted that and now he has it with you so he's just... he's all in, man.
Ok, I'm soft. No one touch me. I hope you liked these and I would love to hear everyone's thoughts! Thank you so much for requesting and remember to be nice to yourself today!
Love, K
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urhoneycombwitch · 2 months
hi freaks and geeks 😎 I took a weekend trip and am currently on that good good Portland weed. shit’s crazy. just had a laugh attack while brushing my teeth. don’t wanna jinx it but I miiiiight be ovulating (thank GOD it’s been ages) so I can start writing smut again!!!!!!!!
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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ohlovxr · 2 years
being a cam couple with modern day eddie and you’re so popular bc who doesn’t wanna see a sweet pretty girl getting fucked by her freak
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marvelsswansong · 2 years
Greetings! I read an Eddie x reader a few days ago and I can’t find it anywhere. Basically the reader was babysitting a neighbor’s kid and they were dressed up and role playing, Eddie shows up to confess his feelings for reader and gets sucked in to the game with them. It was super sweet and fluffy and I’d really like to find it.
*** edit: the fic has been found thanks to lovely commentors! It's "adventures in babysitting" by @galaxy-siren
ahhh I'm sorry bestie but I haven't been keeping up with the latest Eddie fics at all this week - been too tied up with my law firm internship.
posting this though to see if any of my followers/people who come across this post know what fic the anon is talking about? if so please comment below, it sounds so sweet and i'm interested too hehe x
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
I need a part in the penny verse where the whole Eddie telling baby bump penny that her mom is going to be a MILF comes into play.
Like one we day the reader is picking up penny from school and maybe another kids dad flirts with her or like a new neighbor of theirs does and maybe Eddie’s reaction to that
Not even gonna front with you, I've been sitting on this for a min because I wrote it and then freaking forgot about it. I did take some creative liberties, but I think you'll like what I got for ya. Ps, ‘baby bump penny’ had my heart throwing up, I always forget that we get her in different phases of her existence and she was once in reader’s belly 🥹💘
to everyone else, sorry, I can't link shit but this is a follow up to a ton of other pennyverse entries so you can search that on my tumblr until the links work again. and i'm trying the keep reading cut again, let me know if it fucks up the post.
(dad!eddie munson x mom!reader)
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Summary: Something's been bothering you these last couple of weeks and you won't tell Eddie what it is. Like that'll stop him, he's determined to figure it out.
warnings: a creepy (and freaking terrible) dad hits on reader, implied unwelcome advances, crude comments about reader and the female body (eddie sets this fucker straight), protective!eddie :)
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Eddie knew you. He knew every fiber of your being, every marker in your past, all the ways you liked to style your hair, how you decided on what makeup to put on that day—if you even wore any—,the different types of silence you’d sink into and what they meant, your body (god, he was intimately in tune with it), and every different smile you wore. Eddie knew you.
  He just didn’t know exactly what went on in that beautiful head of yours. Eddie was positive he had a sixth sense catered only to you, it’d let him know whenever there was something wrong, something bothering you. It prompted him to approach you, watch you even more than he already did. Putting himself metaphorically in your shoes usually helped him figure it out the rest of the way, but for this particular occurrence, he had nothing to go on.
  For the past couple of weeks, since Penny had started preschool, you’d moved your work schedule around to go in earlier so you’d be out in time to pick Penny up from school and snag the baby from Maude and Wayne, who watched him while you and Eddie were at work.
  Eddie noticed a change in you. It was minor at first, a little frazzled when he’d get home, but you hid it well. Now, you looked bothered. Always zoned out, with a frown on your face. You never left the house like that, always gave him and the kids kisses before you went on your merry way (well, as happy as you could be going to a desk job), so it had to be something that happened after you left home that bothered you.
  It wasn’t work, you’d rant to Eddie about it if you had a bad day but you liked to leave work problems at your desk when you left it, something about not being paid to worry or think about work after hours.
  It bugged the fuck out of him. He’d tried to approach the subject before, leaving you openings to tell him what was going on but you always shrugged it off and went on about your day as if you hadn’t been upset over something. You couldn’t hide it completely, though. Not from Eddie, he could still see those split seconds where your mind wandered off and the corners of your lips twitched down.
  Given how stubborn you were, Eddie decided he’d need to take a more hands on approach. Since he suspected something was happening after you left home in the mornings and before he got home from work, he’d have to be present for that timeframe. 
  He’d left work around lunchtime, Norm was understanding about it and didn't really care all that much since it was a relatively slow day for business.
  His son had been delighted when he picked him up from his Grandpa and (grandma) Maude’s, squirming and wiggling in her hold until Eddie got a hold of him. Baby Wayne had immediately placed his hands on Eddie’s jaw, urging his dad to bend his head so he could rest his forehead against his own, those big eyes of his fluttering shut the moment they connected and soft coos of dada mumbled in between them, unlike Penny had, Wayne caught onto the baby babble of mama and dada. Penny hadn’t because one of you was always helicoptering around her so Princess Penny hadn’t felt the need.
Eddie would never get over how much his baby seemed to love cuddling with his parents, everytime baby Wayne was affectionate, he turned into goo, melting in his chubby hands. They lingered in the trailer for a couple of minutes while Eddie and big Wayne discussed how things were going in the apartment, though it had been more than a year since they’d moved in. Naturally, Wayne had asked why he was stopping by so early to pick up the baby so your change in demeanor came up in conversation.
  “Mmm, I been noticin’ ‘er actin’ odd whenever she comes to pick up little man. Seems fine when she gets ‘ere. ‘S when she leaves, she seems a little…”
  “Hesitant?” Eddie supplied and Wayne nodded, mouth pressed in a firm line.
  It was then that Maude Maple spoke up, something the widow rarely did in the presence of anyone other than Wayne, and it was with great hesitance.
  “She—she mentioned something once, about the pick up at Penny’s preschool. She didn’t go into too much detail, I think she’s bothered by it.”
  “Looks like I’m on pick-up duty today.” 
  After leaving Wayne and Maude’s and asking the latter to give you a call at work to let you know he picked the baby up, Eddie spent the rest of the afternoon with baby Wayne. It involved a food fight—yes, Eddie flung some back at him, he had it coming, when Wayne had decided he was done being fed and done with food that wasn’t coming from your boob so he’d thrown the macaroni at his dad’s face—a shared shower to rid evidence of said food fight, jamming out (terribly) on toy musical instruments before Eddie gave him a bottle and some cuddles while he put Wayne down for his nap. . . And fell asleep with him. 
  You came home to a suspiciously quiet apartment, a little too clean, save for a couple of toys in the living room. You found your boys in Wayne’s nursery, both of them in the crib. 
  It was a heartwarming and comical sight, Eddie’s legs were dangling outside of the crib and the baby was curled up on his chest, though he stirred at the sound of the door opening, pushing himself up off his dad as he blinked lazily at you, mouth parting to reveal a couple of little white nubs in his gummy smile, teeth coming in.
  He cooed softly, once. When you didn’t immediately go pick him up, he let out a stream of coos, loud and demanding but still loving as he tried to entice you over. When you still stood there giggling, he got mad, seemingly joining you in your laughter with his fake and very forced sounding baby laugh which quickly morphed into fake cries as he pushed himself to his feet and stood on Eddie’s chest, clinging to the bars of his crib as though he were a locked up criminal.
  Eddie groaned, hands moving to grab your son and you finally made your way over, picking Wayne up—much to his utter delight—to relieve Eddie of his weight.
  “Ouch, dude. You can’t just stand on people like that, it’s rude.” He croaked out, as his son’s weight was lifted off of his chest.
  Eddie couldn’t even be annoyed, not when he could see Wayne scrambling eagerly in your arms, face rubbing into your neck, chest, cheek, anywhere the little guy could reach in his desperation and excitement to be as close as he could to his mama.
  After giving Wayne’s tummy some tickles, amplifying his excited wiggles with a few ‘so excited, so excited’s, you leaned over so the both of you could stare down at Eddie, amusement cloaking your pretty features.
  “I think it might be time to get you a big boy bed.”
  Eddie huffed out a laugh and then groaned once more as he tried to sit up as much as he could, which wasn’t a whole lot given the fact half of him was hanging out of the crib.
  “This is gonna be fun,” he mumbled, but eventually he was able to maneuver himself out of it without breaking it. He placed his hands on his lower back, arching until it gave away to a satisfying pop.
  “Oh, yeah. That’s good.”
  “Daddy’s so silly, huh?” You asked your son, bouncing him in your arms as you placed a kiss on his curly head before directing your next question to Eddie, “Is everything okay, baby?”
  “Just peachy, honey.” He was definitely gonna have to ask you to rub his back tonight. “Wanted to have some one-on-one time with him, even if he regularly abandons me the moment you’re in sight.” 
  Eddie reached a finger out to tickle Wayne’s stomach, smirking when he laughed and tried to hide further in your hold.
  You smiled at their interaction, though the joy quickly flitted from your expression, “Do you want to watch him? While I go pick up Penny?”
  Another obvious tell something was wrong: you’d chosen to come home, put an intentional stop between getting off of work and picking up Penny. It was almost as though you needed time to prepare yourself, which was a giant freaking red flag to Eddie considering you used to drive straight over to her school and wait for her. 
  “Why don’t you stay with him? I can go pick her up.”
  The light returned to your eyes.
  “Really? I mean—I don’t mind, I don’t want to get in the way of your bonding time.” 
  “He’s clearly over me,” The sentence was whispered at his son with fake aggression, which left Wayne a giggling mess once more, Eddie chuckled and gave his son’s chin an affectionate squeeze and wiggle, “I’ll pick up Princess Penelope, she loves the disapproving looks people give me.”
“Shut up!” You laughed, leaning up to give him a kiss before he snatched his keys off the counter.
“I’ll see you soon, beautiful.”
“Say bye-bye to daddy!” You encouraged your baby, bouncing him a little against your hip. “Buh-buh.” He waved his chunky little hand, smiling wide for his dad. 
When Eddie collapsed into the door, hand clenched over his heart, you added, “Blow daddy a kiss!” Baby Wayne lifted his palm to his mouth briefly before extending his arm out in Eddie’s direction, “Mah!” Eddie pretended to catch it, smacked the invisible kiss over his mouth and blew one right back at his baby before he forced himself out the door.
   His kid was so cute, it was a federal offense. The drive to Penny’s preschool was short, thanks to living close by. Eddie hopped out of the van–he and a couple of the guys from the shop installed a backseat prior to Penny’s birth–and made his way to the waiting area. Eddie had never gone to a preschool as a kid so he couldn’t exactly judge the pick up and drop off routine, but Penny’s preschool rarely allowed anyone in. They simply walked  up to one of the entrance doors, rang a special doorbell attached to the building, and one of the teachers or aides or whatever would verify the adult picking them up if they didn’t recognize them and then bring the kid out.
  Which meant Eddie had to stand around with other adults. There’d been a couple of them already waiting when he’d arrived, so he’d made himself comfortable on a nearby column as he waited, mind once more preoccupied with reasons as to why you didn’t seem to enjoy picking Penny up anymore. You liked Penny’s teacher, could it be one of the aides giving you a hard time? No. That’s something you would have told him.
Eddie was so distracted, he hadn’t noticed another body settle against the wall across from him.
“You a new dad? Haven’t seen you around before.”
  “What?” Eddie blinked, roused from his thoughts. The guy across from him looked like he was in his mid thirties, dressed in a skeezy suit that looked like it belonged on a car lot rather than an office, and had really big, overly white teeth he couldn’t seem to put away.
“Not a new dad, a new dad to this school. Although, you do look a little young.” The stranger clarified with a shrug.
There was something about him that Eddie immediately disliked. He could tell this was not only their first interaction, it would also be their last.
“No, I usually do the drop off.” Eddie stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket, eyes flashing back to the entrance door just in time to make eye contact with one of the aides, he saw the recognition in her eyes before she closed the door again and felt less annoyed with the situation knowing she’d be retrieving Penny. 
  He hadn’t really left room for conversation, but the guy still continued.
  “Gotcha, gotcha.” His head bobbed around, Eddie thought if he listened carefully enough, he could hear his brain rattling in there, “I used to be on drop off duty myself, but I hated getting the kids ready. I’ve got four of those little monsters, every little task takes goddamn near twenty minutes.” Oh, no. This guy didn’t say it with annoyance, no, he seemed contemptuous when he talked about his kids. Eddie didn’t like that.
“Wouldn’t be so bad if my wife could just get a grip on them,” Maybe she could if she had help, you’re clearly useless, “Name’s Neil, by the way.” Eddie just raised his chin in acknowledgement. One would think ol’ Neil would catch on to Eddie not wanting to talk to him, but one would be wrong. “Yup. ‘S why I’m not on drop off duty. Sure, the pick up has its faults, kids always smell like a stale fart from all that running around and they’re babbling non-stop the whole ride, but I think you’ll find you’ll like being on pick-up duty,” Then he leaned in, like he was telling a secret and whispered out, “Most of the hot moms do the pick-ups.”
  That sixth sense Eddie had for you? Yeah, it was on freaking fire, hot red and jumping around. He was positive he now knew the reason behind your discomfort with picking Penny up. 
  Some fucking creep wouldn’t leave you alone. Eddie’s jaw ticked, hands clenched into fists from the insides of his pockets. He didn’t say anything, but that wasn’t necessary with this guy.
“Man, you should see some of them. You gotta wonder why they only have one kid, I’d be all over that.” He gave a low whistle before he let out the most unflattering of cackles.
  “You missed most of the show, but there’s this one mom–god, the body on this one. . .and she’s always done up, think she works in an office or something, but she’s a sight for sore eyes. A real MILF. She’s only got one kid, too. Little girl she picks up, so you know she’s tight.”
Eddie would be committing a crime, because he knew he was talking about you. He was going to murder this asshole. He was gonna strangle Neil with his own intestines and get rid of the body in the town dump where he belonged.
  He must have not noticed the crazed glint in Eddie’s eyes because the idiot kept going, “I know what you’re thinking, I’m not actively planning on doing anything. Haven’t seen her in a couple of days, pretty sure she’s working late or something because she’s gotta be snatching this kid up late. Heard she’s married to some greasy mechanic and a pretty little thing like that coming to pick up her kid with these dads around? Shit, I wouldn’t be letting her out of the house. He’s signing her up for this. You gotta wonder if she likes the attention. She’s got this shy thing going on, though. Always so meek when I’m chatting her up. Not like my wife.” Neil’s face contorted in disdain, “Four fucking kids, man.” Okay, Eddie would be murdering him on behalf of you, and his wife. And the rest of the human population. He’d had enough, it was time to make sure this shit wouldn’t be continuing. “You got any pictures?” Eddie asked, feigning interest for the first time since he’d come up to him. Neil scoffed and dug around in his pocket, “Wife won’t let me go anywhere without them, you know how it is. Constant reminders and all that, like she doesn’t trust me to not forget.”
Eddie tried not to snatch the photo out of his slimy hands, frown deepening when he realized Neil’s story about having a wife and kids was not in fact made up. Four beaming little faces stared back up at Eddie, with a pretty fifth smile in the picture. She was severely out of her husband’s league, seemingly juggling all the responsibilities on her own, all of them underappreciated and unfortunately stuck with him.
“Beautiful family,” He commented, eyes flashing to the door just as it opened to reveal Penny and the aide. He returned the photo and pulled out his wallet from his pocket by its chain. Eddie flashed the photo inside to Neil, who immediately looked like he was going to shit himself. The photo was of you sitting on the couch, Wayne sitting between your legs and Penny standing on the cushion next to you, clutching your shoulder as you all smiled for him.
  Eddie slipped the wallet back into his pocket, and just as Penny began to run over, he leaned in to whisper like Neil had earlier, “Here’s what’s gonna happen: you're not ever gonna talk to my wife again or I’ll fuck you up. If you so much as look in her direction, I’ll kill you. If you think about her, I’ll beat you 'til the bones of my knuckles break through the skin. I’ll make sure you experience pain like you’ve never felt before. Bones can heal, but I promise you they don’t grow back, you pathetic fucking worm. You don’t deserve your wife, who gave you four fucking beautiful children, and you don’t deserve your kids, either. If I ever see her in public, I’m gonna tell her that so you’d better start appreciating her now. I’ve got a friend who wants a ton of kids and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me sending him their way. Got it?” Neil, good ol’ clammy, pale faced Neil swallowed hard and silently nodded as Penny finally reached him, arms already outstretched. Eddie swooped her up before she ran into him, relishing in the way her arms wrapped tightly around him in a hug. And this fucker was annoyed to have four little people who gave him these.
“Hi, sweet pea! Daddy’s just gonna finish up this conversation with Neil here and we’ll head home to mama, okay?”
Penny nodded eagerly, turning her head to stare inquisitively at the man she knew was her friend Izzy’s dad.
  Eddie took Penny’s backpack off of her with her help and slid it over his free arm, “I’m glad we understand each other, Neil. And if we don’t, my buddy Steve’s on speed dial.”
  He smirked as he walked away, leaving Neil both dumbstruck and terror stricken. Eddie didn’t even stop when he recalled a small inaccuracy Neil had mentioned, calling over his shoulder, “And we have two kids!”
What a jerk.
“Tell me about your day?” Eddie asked as he slid open the backseat door and leaned forward so Penny could climb into her booster seat. “Oh, boy, daddy! It was long! First, teacher said we were gonna draw with crayons but she change-ed her mind and we got to paint with our fingers instead!” She displayed her clean, paint free fingers for him as Eddie buckled her in, “Oh, yeah? Did you paint me a picture?” “Yeah, ‘s in my pack pack. But we only gotted to paint for a little while ‘cause Stanley tried to eat it.” “Not again, Stanley.” “I know!” Penny filled him in the rest of the drive home, while he got her out of her seat, the entire walk into the apartment building, only stopping when he opened the door for her and she caught sight of you. “MOMMY!” She let go of Eddie’s hand to run into your waiting arms. “Hi, baby! Did you have a good day at school?” You asked after you’d gotten in a good cuddle squeeze. “Uh huh! I painted with my fingers!” Penny ran back to Eddie and dug around in the backpack now dangling at his side until she retrieved a very poorly folded piece of thick paper. “I gotta show Waynie, first!” She bypassed you and ran straight for her baby brother, who was clutching the seat cushion of the couch and bobbing up and down. He’d be walking any day now. Eddie set Penny’s yellow backpack down on the counter as he closed the distance between you, arms wrapping around your middle to pull you flush up against him. “I don’t know how you do it, they make you wait forever.” He groaned, pressing his forehead to yours as you laughed. “It’s not that bad!”
“Yeah, well, regardless, you should be having a much easier time picking her up.”
It was easy for you to read between the lines and pick up his real meaning. Your eyes widened in surprise for a moment before they softened, and you leaned further into him, hands resting on Eddie’s shoulders. “Thank you.” You’d been afraid to mention the invasive and unwelcome attention you’d gained from one of the dads. Ashamed. He’d been vulgar, blatant and creepy. Even on the days he wouldn't approach you, you could still feel his eyes on you, on your body. It made you feel gross and cheap, even though you hadn’t done anything wrong. You’d politely tried to get away from him when you’d find yourself in that situation, but where you went, he followed. Soon, you’d begun waiting in your parked car until Neil left, and when that wasn’t good enough, you’d either go home and wait until just before they closed–which you hated because you didn’t like to keep Penny waiting there when she could be at home–or wait in the parking lot at work until you’d make it when all the other kids were mostly gone. It was draining, and made you dread the end of the work day. 
“You never have to thank me,” Eddie leaned down just as you leaned up to kiss him, mouths mingling a little more on the wet side since you knew neither of your kids’ attention was on you. When you finally broke away, Eddie licked his lips and sighed. “Seriously, though. I don’t know how you do it. Men are gross and creepy, I wanted to deck him before he even really said anything. And what he did say–ugh. Let me know if you see his head turn in your direction, honey, ‘cause I made a promise I’m eager to not break.” You hummed appreciatively as you leaned up for more kisses, “My hero.”
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corrodedcorpses · 2 years
Boys on Film
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Pairing: PS!Steve x PS!Eddie x Virgin!reader
Summary: Eddie and Steve have been your best friends for years. Although they've never done or said anything to make you feel bad, you can't help but feel inadequate to them when it comes to sexual experience. After they star in their first Threesome together, some weird emotions arise.
Warnings: Smut (18+), light angst, Masturbation (female), Voyeurism, Oral sex (m & F), Double penetration, watching porn (?)
Word count: 5.7k
a/n: I know I said I was going to post part 2 of this on my Ao3 but I think this account has finally revived itself! So part 2 will be up on here and Ao3 in a couple of days!
Also thank you to everyone for sticking around while my account was doomed, ily 🖤
Part 2 // Part 3
Eddie and Steve have been your closest friends for years.
Your friendship with Eddie started out your first week of highschool and the first week of Eddie’s third year. Eddie had seen you wandering the crowded halls, head down and gripping the strap of your worn backpack, trying to draw as little attention to yourself as possible. 
There was something about you, your shyness and innocence that Eddie seemed drawn to. He had thought about approaching you but couldn’t work up the courage or a good enough excuse to talk to you. 
Everytime your eyes met for a brief second you quickly looked away and Eddie saw, what he assumed, was fear in your eyes everytime you did. He was honestly surprised how fast his reputation spread, even to the newer students, but he was used to it by now. 
Luckily for him, as you sped through the halls at the end of school one day, head down low and staring at the floor, you had unknowingly stepped right into his path… and smashed right into his chest. 
You looked up at him with wide, shocked eyes and he offered you a kind smile back. He expected you to just run away, no one else bothered to apologise when they ran into him, but instead you stammered out a tiny “S-sorry, I didn’t see you, there’s just um, so many people”. 
Eddie was shocked for a second, his cold heart melting slightly at your tiny voice, but quickly regained his confidence and reassured you that “It’s totally fine, gets pretty crazy here at the end of the day”. 
“Yeah,” you’d replied with a sigh, “It’s gonna take some getting used to that’s for sure. People don’t just create a path for me when I’m coming.” you’d said with the slightest, still nervous chuckle, attempting to lightheartedly tease him. 
Eddie’s chest ached at the sound. “Well stick with me little one,” Eddie assured, throwing an arm around your shoulders and changing his original direction to walk with you, “I’ll protect you.” 
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics but couldn’t help looking up at him with awe in your eyes, blushing when he winked and smirked at you. “Now, where are we headed?” 
After that it seemed Eddie had decided that you were (somehow) worthy of his friendship and affection. You still don’t know why he had decided to be so nice to you that day but you were more than thankful. You’d both been inseparable ever since and although it had never progressed to anything more than friendship, you loved him dearly. 
4 years later at the end of your (Eddie’s third) senior year, he introduced you to the “now super metal” Steve Harrington.
At first you were apprehensive of Steve after hearing the rumours of “King Steve” and being no stranger to insults being thrown your way from Tommy H, Carol and the rest of the basketball team, even after Steve had graduated. 
Just like Eddie. 
Which is why you were so confused when he insisted on you giving Steve a chance and that he was sure you’d actually like him. You’d also heard the kids from Hellfire (especially Dustin) also gush over Steve, so eventually, with a lot of convincing, you decided that maybe he deserved a chance. 
Your first time meeting Steve properly was over at Eddie’s trailer, he’d insisted that the best way to break the ice was to all get high together, a habit you’d picked up thanks to the metalhead himself. You weren’t surprised that Steve also smoked, having heard about his infamous parties. 
Eddie had given you a ride home from school that day and you thankfully had a few hours with just him before Steve arrived after work. You were hoping that hanging out with Eddie would calm your nerves at spending time with Steve but unfortunately you spent the whole time practically pacing around the whole trailer, while Eddie watched you from the couch. 
Eddie found it amusing (and a little bit cute) how nervous you were but did his best to try and reassure you. 
“Don’t you remember that awful rumour that Carol spread around school about me?”
“You’ll have to be more specific sweetheart, which one?” He teased with a chuckle. Not helping. 
You glared back at him. “My point exactly. And Steve just stood there as they all laughed at me, at us practically the whole way through highschool!” You were almost yelling now. 
“Yeah but Steve didn’t do any of the actual bullying,” Eddie tried. 
You gave him a look of come on and he just shrugged in return. 
Luckily, before you could completely spiral, you both heard a knock on the door. You froze in your current pacing spot and looked at Eddie with fear in your eyes, realising you were closest to the door. 
You quickly ran and sat down on the other side of the couch before Eddie could even think about suggesting you get the door. Eddie looked at you confused while standing up, mumbling a don't worry, i'll get it with a fond shake of his head. 
He’d never admit it to you but he loves how shy you are, more specifically loves how shy you are around everyone but him and how you seem to always look at him to protect you when your nerves get the better of you. He liked feeling needed and trusted so much by you. 
Eddie had quickly opened the door, surprising you by pulling Steve into a quick friendly embrace. While Steve, even more to your surprise, gladly returned the hug. Eddie then stepped to the side to let Steve come in. Steve went straight to the kitchen, placing the two white bags on the counter and saying something about bringing reinforcements. 
It was only then that Steve seemed to notice you on the couch as you sat awkwardly fiddling with the hem of your skirt. 
“Where are my manners?” He asked rhetorically, striding over to the couch with his hand outstretched. You stood, timidly taking his hand to shake. 
“Hey I’m Steve, Steve Harrington”
“Hey, y-yeah, I know” we went to the same school dumbass, “I’m y’n”.
“Right,” he says, placing his other hand on top of yours, “Eddie didn’t tell me his “best friend” that I’d be meeting was so pretty.” 
You blushed hard at that. Hating his cheesy one liner and hating how much you wanted to like it. You shot Eddie a glance that said a mix between seriously? This guy? And please save me. 
Eddie gave you a look back that said play nice but asked Steve to help him grab some stuff from his room. You sunk back into the couch relieved as they walked away, how were you supposed to survive a whole night of Steve Harrington?
As Eddie and Steve got to the room you heard Eddie whisper “Seriously Man?” way too loudly.
“What?” Steve had whispered way too loudly back. 
“You’re coming on way too strong.”
“What? No I’m not, she's a total babe!” you rolled your eyes at that, there's no way Steve had changed as much as Eddie thought. 
“Yeah yeah, I know,” Eddie replied, “just chill out with the flirting, you’re gonna scare her off”.
I know? Eddie knows that you’re a babe? 
You did not have time to fully process what he meant when both boys returned from Eddie’s room with his trusty black lunchbox. 
You were relieved when Eddie sat next to you on the couch and Steve took the recliner. It was awkward at first, you were easily getting lost in the conversations with both of their big personalities but they made sure to ask you specific things and let you have enough room to talk. 
After you had all passed a few joints around it got even easier. You were surprised to find that Steve obviously cared a lot about Eddie, even remembering small details of the latest D&D campaign Eddie had been working on and making sure his favourite snack was in his plastic “reinforcement” bags.  
You also, despite yourself, started having fun and actually laughing with Steve Harrington for once and not at the expense of others as you’d seen him do too often in highschool. 
You were also surprised to see that maybe he wasn’t as confident and sure of himself as he used to be. He was still certainly confident but not in the same intimidating and arrogant way. 
Also, much to your detest, you started to find his lame flirting actually quite endearing. Eventually, you had no choice but to agree with Eddie that Steve Harrington was a really good dude now. 
Ever since, the three of you have been inseparable. 
They were your shoulders to cry on, someone to pick you up after a bad day, someone to tell all your secrets and dreams to. All three of you supported each other through every failed and successful endeavour. 
Especially Eddie who, after finally graduating, realised he really didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. He started out at a shitty music store straight out of highschool but he soon grew tired of it, never one to settle for the mundane. He wanted something more. 
Although his ultimate goal is still to be a “rockstar” and the band is doing pretty well, Eddie soon realised that there was something else (other than guitar and Dungeon Master-ing) that he was extremely good at: sex. 
You’re still not sure how he got into it, if he’d decided himself one day or if he’d been approached by someone but somehow Eddie Munson finds himself as a semi successful pornstar.
When Eddie had first told you and Steve that he’d stared in a porno, neither of you believed him. You really thought he was playing some weird joke on you both as it wasn’t unlike him to. So, in order to prove to you both that he was in fact, telling the truth, he got a copy of the film. 
You were completely shocked when the tape started playing on Steve’s TV. The obscene images and sounds like a slap to the face, something you never thought you’d get to see or hear from your best friend. But, you had to admit, Eddie was good and he looked hot. 
You tried to ignore the growing ache between your legs as you and Steve had grilled Eddie all about it for the rest of the night, asking if it was good or awkward, how much money he made, did he think he would do more? How did he even get in this situation in the first place? 
He answered all your questions about how it was a little awkward at first but ultimately good and a lot of fun. He didn’t give specifics of how much he made but assured that it was definitely more than he made at the music store. He also was adamant that he definitely wanted to do it again. 
He wouldn’t go into specifics, and still won’t, about how he started up, always saying something along the lines of “being chosen by the sex gods” or “it just seemed a shame to not share my talents with the world”. Each time he was rewarded by a massive eye roll from you and Steve but neither if you decided to pry more than that. 
You were especially surprised by the interest Steve seemed to have in it, asking more about the technicalities of how it all worked. Steve, like Eddie, really didn’t have much of a plan after High School. You knew that although he enjoyed his current job, he didn’t want to work there forever. So it didn’t come as a total shock when Steve had asked Eddie a couple of months later if he could help Steve land a role in one of the films. 
That was about a year ago now. 
Although you loved your two friends dearly and although they have never done or said anything to make you feel inferior to them, you couldn’t help when those ugly feelings rose in your chest. It wasn’t easy being friends with two very confident, very attractive men. 
Being pushed aside by girls who shamelessly threw themselves at them or worse the ugly looks you’d get when they’d casually throw a friendly arm around you while you were out or the fact that you were hopelessly sexually inept compared to them. 
Especially seeing as those two men literally had sex for a living and well… you were still a virgin.  
It wasn’t for your lack of trying though, you’d just never seen yourself as an overly sexual person, having not even really touched yourself that much. Besides, most of the time when you try to, you can hardly ever make yourself finish.
You’d never understood when your friends would talk about their sexual experiences or toys they’d tried. You just didn’t get the interest but it was something you were definitely insecure about. Almost convinced something must be wrong with you. 
It also didn’t help that there were never any guys during High School that peaked your interest, other than maybe Eddie. But you were sure he didn’t feel the same way and didn’t want to risk ruining your friendship over a silly crush. 
So, in the past year, while Eddie and Steve were becoming more popular, staring in a bunch of different films and having a heap of different sexual experiences, you’d only found yourself in a brief relationship with a total dick. 
He was nice enough at first but had pressured you a bit more than you would have liked to do things you probably weren’t ready for. You’d eventually given in and tried to give him a blowjob but he was way too pushy and forceful and you didn’t enjoy it at all. He’d said afterwards that he’d return the favour, but after about 2 minutes kept asking over and over again if you were getting close yet. Eventually you’d just faked it for him to stop, not really feeling anything the whole time he had.
After that the relationship kind of dwindled and he’d broken up with you. There were many issues with your comparability, but he’d made a point to mention that you weren’t sexual enough. That part had really ruined your confidence to ever try anything again with someone else. 
You’d of course told Eddie and Steve about your relationship and how much of a douche he was when it all ended. They’d done their best to cheer you up and reassure you that you should never have to do anything with someone just because you’re in a relationship with them and that there was no shame in having little to no experience. 
You appreciated their words but can’t help but feel insecure in the fact that their job is to have sex and make other people feel good and you can barely even make yourself cum. 
It’s Thursday night, a night reserved for your weekly (when your busy schedules allowed) dinners with Eddie and Steve. They were always at your house too as you were the only one that lived alone. 
You didn’t mind though, you liked being in your little space that you had created and having the two people you loved the most inside it. 
You were especially excited for tonight as it had been about a month since you’d all be free enough to finally have dinner and you had missed them both. 
You all spoke on the phone regularly but it was different than actually being with them, missing how your body seemed to instantly relax the minute you saw them. 
Eddie must have picked up Steve as you heard the familiar sounds of his van approaching and two sets of people jump out. 
You immediately ran to the door to greet them, excitement practically bubbling out of you. They both shared your excitement, quickly pulling you into tight hugs. 
They’d picked up some food on the way and you’d already set the table, so you all sat and ate straight away. 
“So,” you say with a mouthful of food, “what did I miss in the lives of my two sex gods”. You giggle as you say the last part overly dramatic and teasing. Eddie smirks at your use of the nickname he’d given himself on many occasions as Steve just rolls his eyes at you. 
“Oh you know, same old stuff,” Eddie replied casually. 
“We’ve both just been doing a couple of different films, trying new stuff,” Steve expanded. They never seem to give you much detail, which you think you're thankful for. 
“Dazzling the world with our tallent,” Eddie not so subtly added. “Oh! And we did a threesome together the other day.”
You almost choked on the food in your mouth as you felt your eyes practically fall out of your head. “You what?”
“Yeah, well I’ve been doing more threesomes lately and we needed another guy for one and they’d asked if I knew anyone,” Eddie explained like it was the most casual thing “and I of course immediately thought of Stevie, especially because I know he’s been keen to try one.”
You took a second to process all of this new information. Your two best friends, had a threesome, together, for Steve’s first threesome. 
You tried to figure out the weird emotions you were feeling at knowing this, more thankful now than ever that they usually didn’t tell you details about their job. 
Steve and Eddie exchanged a confused look at the unreadable expression on your face, they certainly hadn’t expected this reaction. They actually weren’t sure what reaction they had expected but it certainly wasn't this. 
“Hey,” Steve tried, “it’s not like a big deal or anything, I mean it’s just work.” Steve didn’t really know why he’d said that, you knew it was work and you’d always been supportive of them both. And it’s not like you’d be jealous or anything but he needed you to say something. 
“Ouch Harrington,” Eddie teased, “not a big deal? You mean to tell me it wasn’t earth shattering, that I haven’t changed your life forever?” 
Steve just rolled his eyes and shook his head at Eddie but could help himself but laugh at him. You found yourself laughing too, finally coming back to your senses. 
“Right,” you said finally, “sorry, I mean it’s fine obviously I just guess I was kind of shocked?” 
“Yeah we get that,” Steve assured you. 
“Wait- Steve, since when do you swing that way?” you asked
Steve just shrugged in response. He didn’t really know what way he swung these days, he didn’t really care as long as he was having fun and besides, Eddie is hot and he definitely knows what he’s doing. So of course anyone would jump at the opportunity to star in a Threesome with him, right?
“He only swings that way for me,” Eddie teased while grabbing Steve’s hand from across the table and quickly brushing his lips against his knuckles, “isn’t that right?”
You giggle at Eddie’s usual overly dramatic, complete disregard of personal space flirting but don’t miss the fact that Steve doesn't pull away. You feel a pang of jealousy at how they seem closer now, they’ve shared an experience with each other that you’d never get to share with them. You’re confused as to why that hurts so much but you start to feel even more inadequate at your lack of experience. 
“You’re full of shit Munson,” Steve replies, luckily bringing you out of your thoughts as he pulls his hand away finally. You don’t miss how much he’s blushing though, and neither does Eddie. 
“Wait, you guys said threesome right?” They both nod. “So… I'm assuming that means the third person was a girl?” You’re not really sure why you asked, something inside you just compelled you to dig deeper about the whole situation. 
“Yeah, a pretty little thing,” Eddie replies.
“Mmm, she was sweet,” Steve comments. 
“Oh and so good,” Eddie expands as you feel bitterness rise in your throat. 
“Mmm”, Steve agrees through a mouthful of food. 
Of course she was good, that’s her job, you try to reason with yourself. But god you wish you could also be good at something like that. 
Your dinner continues with no other world altering revelations thankfully but you keep coming back to the fact that they’ve done a threesome together. 
You keep asking them how it was. Good.
Had they done stuff together or just to her at the same time? 
Together and to her at the same time. (You tried to ignore the ache between your legs when they’d mentioned they’d touched each other and not just her).
And many, many questions about her and what she was like and what she was good at. 
They’d kept their answers brief but from what you could decipher she was amazing. Some of the things and positions they’d mentioned seemed impossible. The fact that they had fucked her throat and practically bent her in half and both fucked her at the same time one in each hole? It seemed crazy to you. 
Every time you asked a new question you felt worse and worse about yourself but you couldn’t stop. You both needed to know everything and needed them to never talk about it again. 
Thankfully, you thought it seemed as though they hadn’t picked up on how awful you felt by the end of the night. 
But Eddie had, we’ll sort of. He knew you better than anyone and could tell you were feeling a bit insecure but mainly took your interest as being curious about the technicalities of it all. Which was also true, you couldn’t imagine much about sex with one person, let alone two. 
This gave him a wicked idea…
The next day you get home from work exhausted. All day you’d been messing up everything. You were completely exhausted, distracted and just not yourself, your mind constantly wandering to Steve and Eddie. 
You’d tossed and turned all last night after they’d left, the ache between your legs growing unbearable but again, you’d tried and failed to relieve it. 
You felt the weirdest mix of jealousy and arousal. You knew Eddie and Steve were hot but you’d tried your best to never think of them like that knowing you couldn’t have them. 
But after knowing someone had had both of them together you couldn’t help but think about what they would be like and about all of the times you could’ve had that. 
Maybe if you’d been more sexual your late night smoke sessions or the nights when you’d all stumbled home from the bars or from Eddie’s shows could’ve led to more. 
But every time you thought about that and let yourself fantasise about them, and their bodies and their lips and how they would feel all over your skin and their hands roaming all over you… you felt guilt. 
These were your best friends and you knew that thinking about this stuff would only lead to heartache. You weren’t sexual and you honestly didn’t know if you ever would be, they wouldn’t want you. Especially not now. 
Now they were more out of your league than ever. 
You’re so caught up in your thoughts of them again you don’t see it on your kitchen counter until you almost squish it with your bag: a tape. 
You pick it up to inspect it, almost certain you didn’t leave one here this morning and find a note taped to it. 
Seeing as you were so interested. 
Sprawled out in Eddie’s handwriting, complete with a winky face. 
You gasp and quickly put the tape back on the counter as you realise what’s on it. As if the tape itself was as dirty as the contents were sure to be. 
You stare at it for a moment, this is the tape. With video proof of your best friend’s threesome. You shake your head and huff off to your bedroom. Trust Eddie to do something like this. 
He was messing with you, there’s no way he’d actually want you to see it! I mean you did see another tape that one other time he showed you and Steve… but that was only to prove he’d done it!! 
God, did Steve even know Eddie dropped the tape off? Surely… right? Eddie wouldn’t drop it off if Steve didn’t know. 
You weren’t even sure why you cared that he’d given it to you; it wasn't like you were actually going to watch it. It’s not like you’d been fantasising about nothing but the contents of the tape for the last 24 hours…
I mean… if you just watched it at least you wouldn’t have to fantasise about what could be on it anymore right? 
God what am I thinking? You scold yourself. There’s no way you’re considering this. 
You get changed and start your nightly chores around the house as well as making dinner. But more times than you’d like to admit you find yourself picking up that damn tape to put it back down again.
Eventually you find yourself sitting at the table staring at it, dinner long finished and the house completely spotless. Your leg is bouncing uncontrollably as you bite the skin around your nails, there's no way you’re considering this. But, what’s the worst that could happen?
Fuck it. 
They, or at least Eddie, left it here for me. And I’m sure heaps of other people have already watched it so why would it be weird for me to? 
You rush to the living room and pop the tape in the player, sitting on the carpet in front of your tv. 
You sit nervously as the tape starts, opening with all three of them making out and touching each other on a bed. It was surreal to see Eddie and Steve on your tv and even more surreal to see them like this. 
You watch as they all slowly got undressed, your eyes bulged as you see both of their cocks spring free, heat shooting directly to your core. 
You watch as the girl sat back and started to touch herself as they both watched, fisting their cocks slowly. 
She looked so confident, you thought. So sure of herself and her body. The moans she was making were intense to say the least but it seemed like both of the boys were enjoying it. 
You felt that ugly feeling of jealousy rise in your chest once again. Oh how you wished you could be that confident, how you wished they were looking at you like that. 
You shook your head and turned off the tape quickly. That was a mistake, you don’t even want Eddie and Steve, why would you care how they were looking at her? You didn’t care. 
But the tear that slipped down your cheek betrayed you. You quickly wipe it away, annoyed at yourself. 
You decide that you’ve obviously just had a long and stressful day and that it is definitely time for bed.  
You shower quickly, doing your best to stop more tears from slipping and to try and get the images of your two best friends out of your head. 
You pick out some fresh comfy pjs and slide into bed, hoping sleep will take you quickly. 
It doesn’t. 
You toss and turn for what feels like hours, you can’t get comfy and you can’t get rid of the damn aching between your legs. 
You can’t stop thinking of them… of their bodies. How big they both are. The lustful look on their faces as they watched her in awe. Would they look at you the same if you were her? God, how their muscles tensed as they stroked themselves… 
Oh fuck this. 
You throw the blankets off yourself, suddenly overheating and plunge your fingers straight into your soaking hole, as you always do. 
Your head is filled with nothing but thoughts of Eddie, of Steve, of Eddie and Steve of them, them, them. 
You think of their toned bodies, Steve’s slightly tanned and hairy, Eddie’s pale and littered with dark ink, some you didn’t even know he had. 
You think of the lust blown looks on their faces and their laboured breaths as they touched themselves. Pretending it’s you they’re looking at like that. 
You think of their cocks, so hard and throbbing in their hands. How Steve’s was big and gloriously thick where Eddie’s was thinner but oh so long. 
You feel the coil start to tighten in your stomach but just as you think it’s about to snap it disappears. Again. 
You groan in frustration as you throw yourself out of bed. Body moving before your brain can keep up. 
You find yourself sat in front of the tv again as you start the tape where you’d turned it off just hours before. You lean back on one of your hands as the other snakes between your legs once again. Your legs bent and spread in front of you. 
You watch as they move towards her, no longer watching her touch herself. Eddie bends down and buries his head between her legs as she cries out in pleasure. He must be good. 
Steve kneels beside her and kisses her while playing with her nipples. You feel another pang of jealousy at watching Steve kiss her like that but your arousal overtakes the feeling as you continue to watch and finger yourself. 
You watch intently as they change positions. The girl is now on all fours on the bed as Steve comes to stand in front of her and Eddie behind her kneeling on the bed.  The girl starts to suck Steve’s dick, taking it so deep from the start. He lets out a guttural moan which shoots straight to your core, coating you in more slick. 
Eddie starts massaging her ass before shoving two fingers inside her. This causes her to slightly gags around Steve’s cock but this only makes Steve moan louder. 
You move your fingers faster as Steve’s moans increase, god his sounds fucking filthy. 
Eddie then lines himself up with her hole and slowly pushes all the way in till he bottoms out inside her with a deep groan. He sets a brutal pace from the start, letting out even louder moans than Steve. 
Of course he’s still loud when he fucks. 
You feel more jealousy and more arousal build in a weird mix in your stomach as they continue to fuck her. Both letting out dirty praises and sounds that you wish were directed towards you. 
Eddie then snakes his hand around to rub at her clit. You watch in awe as her legs start to shake, you’ve never been able to make your legs do that. 
She must cum then as both Steve and Eddie praise her for being such a good girl and Eddie tells her how good she feels squeezing his cock. 
Shit, you wanna be their good girl so bad. 
They both pull out then as the girl sits back on the bed panting. Much to your surprise Eddie moves over to Steve and captures his lips in a sloppy kiss. The sight alone is enough to get you so close. 
Then Steve mumbles something about wanting to have a taste of her too while shooting her a ink, you think he’s about to have a turn at eating her out but instead he drops to his knees. 
Eddie looks slightly surprised but quickly recovers and laces his hands in Steve’s golden brown hair. 
Steve licks a broad stripe from Eddie’s balls to the tip before taking the red tip in his mouth. He starts to bob his head enthusiastically and Eddie lets out a loud, almost high pitched moan. It sounds different to the other moans, more real. 
You don’t miss the look on Eddie’s face as he watches Steve, he looks almost proud and so turned on. 
This definitely isn’t the first time Steve’s done this but he still isn’t quite as good as the girl was. He gags a lot more but everytime he does Eddie tips his head back with a groan, so it must feel good. 
This sight alone has you moaning out loud, head tipping back and eyes screwing shut as you feel your orgasm finally approaching. 
They must change positions again because you hear the girl moaning too, but you’re too close to open your eyes again, too focused. 
You hear Eddie and Steve praising again, moaning out that’s it, good girl and look at you, taking us so well. Also some dirtier ones like you like that, you filthy slut and taking both our cocks so well in your dirty fucking holes. You didn’t expect it but you like those ones just as much as the nicer ones. 
You finger yourself faster as you pretend it’s you they’re talking to and finally, finally you feel the coil snap in your stomach.
You cum hard around your fingers with a high pitched gasp. Your head swimming with thoughts of Eddie and Steve. 
You see stars as you have easily the most intense one you’ve ever had, granted, that wasn’t too hard. 
Your orgasm lasts for what feels like hours but finally you start to come down from your high, head feeling dizzy and cloudy. Fingers falling from your abused hole. 
You finally open your eyes and take note of what’s happening on the screen. You’re shocked to find a close up of Eddie and Steve’s cocks fucking both her pussy and asshole. 
This snaps you out of your post-orgasm haze and you quickly jump up and turn the tape off at the sight. All previous grey morals from arousal gone. 
You slump back on the ground and rub your face as you realise what you’ve just done. You feel ashamed but also don’t? You stand on shaky legs, making your way back to your bed.
You slump down, suddenly exhausted. Tonight has been weird and has revealed some weird emotions you’re still not sure of. There’s one thought and feeling in particular that won't leave your mind though: 
You really want to fuck your best friends. 
____________________________________________________ Tagging some mutuals that may be interested: @andvys @pxrxcxa @wroteclassicaly @eddiemunsonfuxks @usedtobecooler @corrodedhawkins @prettyboyeddiemunson
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plus-size-reader · 2 years
Pumpkin Spice
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Fics of Fall 2022
Eddie Munson x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2573 words
Warnings: Fluffy fall overload (i.e I shoved a lot of fall tropes in this one for my own enjoyment) 
Summary: Dragging Eddie out of bed with a single task in mind...Tracking down the perfect pumpkin spice latte.
“Why are you still in bed?”
Eddie didn’t even have a moment to think, or process what was happening, before coming face-to-face with you.
On any normal day, that wouldn’t have been a big deal as you had been known to just let yourself into his trailer whenever you felt like it but it wasn’t exactly as if today was a normal day.
At least, in the sense that it wasn’t even day yet.
Not in Eddie’s mind anyway.
“Why are you here?” the male countered, rolling away from you with a huff, his hair hiding away the parts of his face that his pillow wasn’t already shielding.
It was a loaded question.
Technically, you were in the trailer because that was where his bedroom was, and you were in his bedroom because that was where he was.
If he wanted to get more literal and ask why you were currently knelt by his bed, six inches from his face, the answer was simple.
It was officially Fall.
…and Fall meant that, more than any other time in the year, you were alive.
“Wayne let me in” you shrugged, still not understanding what your best friend's problem was.
In all the time that you’d known one another, this was hardly the first time you’d done something like this and you both knew it wouldn’t be the last.
“Yeah, I figured that out”
The annoyance he was feeling was obvious in the rasp of Eddie’s voice, still muffled by the pillow he was holding to his face but you didn’t budge in the least upon hearing it.
You were on a mission, after all.
“So, why are you still in bed?” your tone now matching his as the desire to start the events of the season took hold.
You needed to go.
“Y/N, sweetheart, what time is it?”
“And, why would I be up at 6:30 on a Saturday?”
You didn’t answer for a moment, settling down against the mattress, your head resting on both of your forearms as you tried to think of something that wouldn’t result in Eddie’s relentless teasing.
Not that it mattered. You’d never been successful in that before.
“I want coffee” you eventually settled, sitting down only fully only when Eddie shifted, turning toward you with a near incredulous look on his face before dropping his head into his pillow again.
Eddie actually couldn’t believe you.
That’s what this was about?
“There’s a pot in the kitchen” he reminded, still able to smell the faint odor of the dark roast Wayne had made before going to work.
There was definitely some left that you could have gotten on your way in here.
“I can’t drink that” you scoffed, earning what sounded like a cross between a scoff and a laugh from Eddie because he should have seen that coming.
He should have seen this whole thing coming.
“And why not? Worried it’s poison?” he grumbled, finally sitting up to look at you, his messy curls settling in front of his face with as much attitude as he was currently giving you.
You smiled, at the sheer fact that he’d decided to start getting up before answering.
“No. I, my dear Eddie, am on a mission to find the best-tasting pumpkin spice latte and I wanted to see if you’d join me?” you grinned, brushing some hair from his face gingerly.
He rolled his eyes at you, of course, and at the sheer absurdity of your display, but didn’t refuse.
Eddie had never told you no, and by this point in your lives, he wasn’t even sure he could form the word.
“You’re sure this can’t wait? I’m comfy” he whined, throwing himself back down against his bedding, landing on his back with a soft thud.
Sometimes, the promise of his warm blankets, smelling vaguely of cigarettes and cuddles could be enough to get you to stop doing whatever thing you’d set your mind to.
Though, that wasn’t going to work today.
You had already made your mind up and if you didn’t have a delicious, overrated seasonal drink in your hand in the next hour, you were going to make it everyone else’s problem.
“No, now put on your pants” you commanded, scoping up the closest pair, that had been carelessly thrown atop another pile of clothes on the floor and lobbing them in his direction.
You wanted to be there when they opened so that you didn’t have to deal with all the people that would surely rush to do the same thing you had.
For both your sake.
“Fine, but you owe me” he decided, knowing full well that was nothing more than an empty threat.
He would never ever admit it to anyone, but you knew that Eddie loved this stuff almost more than you did.
Even if he’d rather sleep in.
“I’m already taking your notes in Chemistry and Physics, so what’s one more thing?” you teased back, ignoring the sound of his shuffling behind you as you busied yourself in his closet.
For the most part, Eddie’s closet consisted of worn band tees and assorted nerd merch but today, you had a specific article of clothing in mind.
Something you knew he owned only because you were nosy.
“What are you doing?” he asked, once again getting ignored until you finally found what you were searching for, tossed into the back corner, and rolled up in a ball.
You expected as much.
“Looking for this” you explained, holding up the slightly wrinkled knit pullover Wayne had bought him quite a few holidays back.
It was black originally because everything Eddie ever wore was black, but it had since faded to a washed-out, deep gray that you knew would look good on him.
If you could convince him to put it on.
“That thing makes me look like a loser” he scoffed, not even bothering to take it from you because if he did, that would mean he’d have to put it on.
…and that wasn’t happening.
“So does everything else you wear,” you shot back, once again forcing the waded-up ball into his bare chest, and not letting go until he had no choice but to take it.
“Besides, it’s cold and I don’t want to listen to you whining” you added, a small smirk on your face as you watched the man put on the offensive article in complete defeat.
Mostly because he knew you had a point, and would rather bite his tongue off than have to tell you that.
“Very handsome” you grinned, ducking away from a less than subtle middle finger before heading for the door.
By this time, the sun was starting to come up and that meant that it was time to go.
“I hate you” he called, slipping on his boots, and shaking his head at the sound of the keys to his '71 Chevy van rattling by the door in response.
When he became a ‘go-get-coffee-in-a-sweater’ kind of guy, Eddie had no idea, but as he followed you out with a single goal in mind, it didn’t even really matter.
Not as long as you were happy.
By the time you made it to the coffee shop, you expected it to be busy but were pleasantly surprised by a near-empty lot.
“Come on, come on” you urged, watching as Eddie intentionally took his sweet time parking and taking the key out of the ignition, knowing full well that you were about to lose it.
This had always been your favorite time of year and while he understood that, he definitely wasn’t above tormenting you when the opportunity presented itself.
Though, all things considered, it didn’t last very long and you were headed toward the quaint little building before you knew it.
You had been here a few times in the past but never had it appealed to you more than it did at this moment.
It was everything you could have wanted.
The air was heavy with the scent of spice and sugar, and the warmth that greeted you when you opened the door was a welcome contrast to the biting cold outside.
“I still can’t believe you woke me up for this” you heard the man at your back grumble, but you chose to ignore him, fully immersed in the feeling surrounding you.
Something you were sure would wear him down eventually.
“Do you want one?” you asked, watching as Eddie’s eyes glided over the menu behind the counter, trying to figure out what any of these things were and what the hype was.
Coffee he got, though he had always preferred a different kind of stimulant, but the fruity, sugary stuff you’d gotten into from this place could hardly be considered coffee.
Most of the time it was closer to a milkshake.
“No, I think I’ll keep my teeth, thank you” he teased, settling into one of the nooks in the corner and watching your head over to the waiting barista, who was far too perky for this early in the morning.
You were so lucky you were cute.
The list of people he’d be willing to do this for was a short one for sure, though when he stopped to think about it, it wasn’t much of a list at all.
You were the only one.
The only person in the world who could have hoped to drag Edward Munson out of bed for anything was you, and deep down, he knew that you knew it too.
All things considered, he should have been glad you used your powers for small things like this instead of dedicating it to evil.
“Miss me?” you grinned, holding your cup to your chest, almost as if you were worried someone would steal it from you.
Which, given what you’d done to get here so early, seemed fair to him.
“Yeah, I didn’t know what to do with myself” Eddie cooed, clutching his chest similarly to how a heartbroken damsel may have in those old movies he adored so much.
Not that you paid that much mind.
You had grown far too used to the dramatic antics of your best friend and chose to focus your attention on the festive drink.
It would no doubt only be the first of many before the season was up but the first one was always the most special.
That was part of why you wanted Eddie to be here with you.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier” you hummed, taking a deep breath of your coffee, and letting the spice envelop every part of you.
You could have sat in this moment forever, but when you opened your eyes to survey the grumpy metalhead you’d brought with you, he hardly looked to be enjoying himself.
If anything, Eddie wasn’t impressed.
“This is what you dragged me out here for?” he scoffed, keeping that gentle softness about him even as he tormented you.
The incredulous glare once again returned to his gaze as he looked into the cup you were holding, even less thrilled than he’d previously expected.
It was coffee, sure, but not in the way that he’d always known it. In sharp contrast to his Uncle’s stark black coffee, always brewed into a company thermos, was a milky brown fluid topped with whipped cream.
Just as he’d suspected.
It was a breakfast milkshake that you had somehow convinced yourself that it was okay to drink before your day even started.
“Yeah, and it’s delicious”
You didn’t even humor his attitude, because as much as you loved Eddie, his idea of a balanced breakfast was a cigarette, a poptart and whatever was left in his beer cans from last night.
He was hardly the all-knowing authority of what was good.
“If you say so” he shrugged, taking a small sip and knocking his booted feet against your own under the table.
He made a small face at the taste before letting you get back to enjoying your sugar in a cup.
The first sip you managed to take was velvety and hot, burning from your tongue to your throat in the best way.
It was all you could have wanted on a cool morning like this one, even if it was only going to last until the last drop was drained from the paper cup.
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you for a while, with you sipping at your cup as you looked out the large window in front of you, and Eddie fidgeting as he often did.
If you listened close, you could hear him humming “Lady Evil” by Black Sabbath under his breath which only added to the peace you were feeling.
It was nice.
Though, you should have known that it wouldn’t last long, given your chosen company.
You turned toward his voice without hesitation, the view out the window long forgotten but you didn’t even have time to process anything before you were greeted by Eddie’s hand in your face.
With the sole goal of dabbing as much whipped cream onto your nose as he could manage at one time.
“You’re such a child” you groaned, immediately going to wipe it away on the back of your hand, shooting daggers into your best friend.
Who, in the time it had taken you to realize what he’d done, was nearly crying with laughter in his chair.
“Hey, I wore this stupid thing. The least you can do is make me laugh” he shrugged, once again taking your cup and sipping at the warm liquid he supposedly couldn’t stand.
“What happened to wanting to keep your teeth?” you scoffed, swiping a bit of whipped cream from the top for yourself and popping it into your mouth after momentarily faking him out for revenge.
Eddie had always been like this.
He would go on and on about not wanting and liking things, but as soon as you had them, suddenly he was a fan.
Not that you really minded.
You knew he was enjoying your little coffee date just as much as you were.
“If you tell Henderson about this, I’ll kill you in your sleep” he replied, all shame going out the window as he drank from the cup cavalierly, drumming his free hand on the table.
He had an image to uphold, those kids worshiping him like a God, but it was a delicate balance. If they ever found out about this, he knew they wouldn’t hesitate to hold it over his head indefinitely.
There was no way he’d ever live it down.
“Your secret’s safe with me” you grinned, not at all surprised at how this morning had gone down.
If you were being honest, you may or may not have ordered a larger size just to share.
Eddie nodded casually in thanks before finishing off what was left of the cup. He didn’t have a lot to do today, aside from a Corroded Coffin practice after Gareth got done with his shift at the gas station.
Which, normally, would have meant getting high and watching Knight Rider all day.
…but not today.
Today, Eddie was going to spend all day with you doing whatever it was you decided you wanted because it was the first day of Fall, and you deserved it.
If for nothing else than putting up with him all the time.
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andvys · 8 months
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 15
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Warnings: slight angst, mostly fluff though. Steve is not really in this chapter, don't be mad, please. He will be back in the next chapter.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader, Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: You need reassurance after the horrible date with Ray, and your best friend is there to give it to you.
Word count: 4k+
A/N: The amazing flashback scene of Eddie and Steve was written by @hellfire--cult when we were going over ideas together, so credit goes out to her, also thank you for listening to my rambles and for sharing your ideas with me 💕 ps: if you haven't read any of her stories, go do it right now, do I wanna know? had me in a chokehold
series masterlist
The bruises on Eddie’s knuckles don’t surprise you, it was to be expected after seeing Ray’s face but it still makes you freeze a little. All night, he has been hiding them from you, doing everything to keep you from seeing them but now you do, you see them clearly, the cuts and the bruised knuckles, you wonder if he has any others that may be hidden under his clothes. 
With your elbows leaned against the counter and your face propped up by your hands, you stare at him as you watch him make the grilled cheese sandwiches. You aren’t hungry but Eddie always insists on making you something to eat when you come over. 
Eddie can feel your eyes on him, he knows that you know. Yet, neither of you speak up about it. You act like nothing's wrong and so does he, but he knows that a conversation about what happened is bound to happen tonight.
“I don’t feel like going back to school,” you groan. 
A smile tugs at his lips, he glances up at you after he flips the sandwich over in the pan. 
“The good A student doesn’t feel like going back to school?” He chuckles. 
“Shut up,” you snort, “just because I have good grades, doesn’t mean that I like going to school. Besides, you are the nerd out of the two of us, dungeon master.”
His eyes widen and he places a hand on his chest, dramatically. You try not to stare at his knuckles again. 
“Me? A nerd?”
“Yeah, you’ve been studying way more than me!”
“I’m studying with you, sweetheart. You basically force me into doing it–”
“Because I want you to graduate, dumbass,” you exclaim, reaching for the bowl of grapes, you pick out one and throw it at him, giggling when it hits him on the forehead. 
“Ouch! We don’t throw food around, young lady!” He says with a stern voice, pointing at you with the spatula. 
You giggle, “I’m sorry, sir.”
Shaking his head, he huffs with a smile on his face. 
“Are you ready for your gourmet dinner, queen?” He jokes as he takes the sandwich out of the pan and puts it on the plate. 
“I’m always ready for Chef Munson’s amazing grilled cheese sandwich,” you grin, taking the plate from his hands, “it’s better than any other sandwich.”
He snorts at the nickname, smirking at you as he puts his sandwich on his plate as well. 
“One of these days, I’m gonna bake you a cake.”
You raise your brows, taking your plate as you follow him to the small table. 
“A cake? What kind of cake, Eddie?” You ask, sitting down on the chair. 
“Whatever cake you want,” he chuckles, taking a bite out of his sandwich. 
“I think we should make one together, that way nothing goes wrong.” 
He frowns, mouth twisting and looking at you, offended.
“Eat your sandwich, you must be hangry.”
Eddie’s eyes flash with amusement when you giggle at his words, taking your sandwich, you look at him as you bite into it. He watches the way you chew it with a smile on your face, nodding at him.
He chuckles when you hold your hand in front of your mouth, “very good.”
He pats himself on the shoulder, jokingly. 
After you both finish eating, you retreat back to his room with the candy you brought him from the store. Eddie gets comfortable on the bed, opening the bag of m&m’s and reaching for the remote to turn on the TV that he got from his old neighbor after helping him change the tires on his Chevy truck. 
Eddie glances at you, watching the way you take a seat on his chair instead of the bed, next to him. You have been distant all day, you didn’t even hug him when you said ‘hello’, the way you usually do. He knows that you might not feel comfortable with physical touch yet but you hugged him yesterday morning and you let him kiss your hands, you didn’t seem to mind that. 
He flips through the channels but he keeps watching you, watching the way your brows furrow. You look like you want to say something but something keeps you from doing so, so he gives you more time, waits for you to be the one to speak up, the way he always does.
He adjusts his pillows and leans back, offering you some of the candy, he holds out the bag to you. 
You shake your head, giving him a small smile. 
“Why are you so far away?” He asks as he puts the candy on the nightstand, “you can’t see the TV from there.”
He sees the way you hesitate when he pats the spot next to him, the way you seem to think of something that makes your eyes flash with sadness, the way your eyes then soften when they meet his. You push yourself up from the chair, you tug at your black sweatshirt as you walk towards the bed and finally sit down next to him. You lean back and pull your knees up to your chest. 
“Are you cold?” He asks, eyeing you slowly. 
You shake your head, murmuring a small ‘no’. 
He still reaches for the blanket that he bought a few months back. You get cold easily. 
He places the maroon colored blanket over your knees, giving you a sweet smile when you lay your head on your knees as you look at him with soft eyes. 
“What?” He whispers, chuckling. 
“Nothing,” you say with a smile that fades a little when you take a look at his knuckles. Eddie is surprised that you haven’t confronted him about them yet, how you haven’t asked or said anything. He wonders if you are mad or disappointed in him, or even scared – to think that you could be scared of him, makes him feel so horrible. He never wants you to be scared of him. 
He sees the way your eyes lose focus, you get lost in your thoughts, he can see it on your face, the way it loses the smile completely. He tries not to stare, but he can’t take his eyes off of you, he too gets lost in his thoughts when he thinks of the previous night. 
Neither of you pay attention to the sitcom playing on the TV, neither of you listen to the voices or the laughter, you are both too deep in your thoughts. Eddie clenches his bruised fist, trying not to wince at the ache in his side. 
You stare at him and when your eyes meet again, you finally open your mouth to ask the question that has been lingering on your mind for the past two days. 
“Do you want to have sex with me?” 
Eddie freezes. His eyes widen and flash with confusion.
That isn’t your question. 
You regret it, instantly. Yet, you repeat it, phrasing it differently this time. 
“L-Like, do you expect me to have sex with you?” You ask nervously and with a guilty feeling in your stomach.
You never thought that that is what Eddie wanted or wants from you, you always thought that he was just your friend, the friend who loves you unconditionally and platonically. You never once thought that his touches meant that he wanted more and you still don’t believe that but Ray’s words have pushed you into a bad mindset, again. He made you feel insecure and so horrible about yourself. 
You aren’t interesting, he said. You are nothing but a good fuck, that is what he said.
You don’t look at him any longer, your eyes are filled with tears and you are looking down, unable to face him and it worries Eddie. 
“Of course not, sweetheart,” he says softly, wanting to reach out to touch your hand but he decides against it, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable, “why would I expect that from you?”
You shrug, sniffling quietly. 
“I-It’s just Ray, he said some really nasty things to me.”
Eddie tries to stay calm, he tries to keep his anger at bay, not wanting to scare you.
“What did he say?”
You lick your lips as you try to blink away the tears that you don’t want to fall, you glance up at him again, you look into his chocolate eyes, feeling a sense of comfort in your chest when you stare at them. 
“He just, he was nice all night, we went to the movies and then we got some drinks and I-I thought that he really just wanted to hang out, to get to know me and just leave it at that, you know?” You say, finally telling him about the night. 
He nods.
“But then, he took me to Lovers Lake and then he kissed me, a-and then he tried to do more and I didn’t–” you pause, taking a deep breath when you feel the disgust and the anger and the fear rushing through again, “I didn’t want it, I pushed him away but he was so persistent a-and I was so scared, Eddie.” 
He stares at you, helplessly and angry at the man who did this to you. He has already done what he wanted to do, but he wants to do it again. He wants to hurt him, over and over again. 
He can’t stand the thought of you being so scared, of you feeling so helpless and afraid and small. 
“I slapped him and I tried to run but then he came after me, and then he said all these things to me. He told me that he never wanted to get to know me, t-that he just wanted to fuck me,” you say in disgust.
You clench your fists, not noticing how deep your nails dig into your palms, “cause apparently that’s all I’m good for, I’m a good fuck. I’m boring and not interesting enough to keep around, that’s why Steve dumped me. I am nothing but a good fuck, that’s all I am to others.” 
Eddie stares at you in shock. 
His soul is filled with anger and he wants nothing more than to go after him, again and again. 
He takes no offense to your question, he knows the state you were in after Steve left you, the insecurities and the thoughts you were dealing with. 
“It made me feel so, so worthless.”
Eddie’s heart aches at your words. 
You sit there, making yourself as small as possible, you wrap your arms tighter around your legs as you pull them closer to your chest, you wipe away the tears of anger and hurt and you look down with a trembling lip.
“Sweetheart, I hope you know that he was full of shit.” 
You hear the shakiness in his voice, you see the anger in his features when you look up at him, the mention of Ray is enough to fill Eddie with rage, you wonder what he looked and felt like when Ray was right in front of him. 
“Guys like him are used to things going their way, when they don’t, they get angry and frustrated, you bruise their ego, they’ll bruise you back in some way,” he mumbles the last part as he thinks of the bruises he had left on you, “and this guy, he’s a fucking psychopath, I can tell you that much.”
He won’t tell you everything, he won’t tell you what Ray said to him, you know he won’t. 
“Somehow, he knows how to fucking get to you,” he says, pausing to take a deep breath.
What does he mean by that?
“I-I mean, he knew how to get to you, he said things to you that he knew would hurt – but, it’s all bullshit, y/n, it’s all fucking bullshit. You are not boring in any way, shit, you’re the coolest person I know! You’ve always been the coolest person, sweetheart – even when you were still just listening to The Smiths and rewatching the same two movies every Friday, you were still the coolest fucking person on this planet!”
Your eyes widen, a smile tugs at your lips at his little outburst. 
“The whole planet?” You ask, giggling. 
“Yeah,” he smiles when he hears your giggle, “the whole planet, sweetheart.”
“There’s so many amazing girls you haven’t met yet though,” you point out, tilting your head. 
“There’s no one more amazing than you.” 
You smile but you don’t believe his words. 
Eddie eyes your whole face as his crosses with confusion, sadness and disbelief. 
You easily believed the words Ray said about you, but you struggle to believe his words. He thought you were doing better, he hoped so. 
“I shouldn’t have just gone after him, I should’ve gone after Harrington’s hair as well.”
To hear him admit that he went after Ray doesn’t shock you, you knew it from the moment you saw Ray at the hospital.
You shake your head with a chuckle. 
“I’m serious,” he says, nudging your knee with his hand, “he was an asshole to you. He didn’t deserve you.”
“Eddie,” you whisper. 
“It’s the truth, y/n. Steve never deserved you, he treated you like shit, he made you feel like shit.” 
Eddie knew it from the start, from the moment you first talked, from the moment you first spent time together, he could see the pain in your eyes, the insecurities that you have felt just because of him. Steve had the best thing he could get; your love. But he threw it all away, he never gave you what you deserved, he never treated you like he should have, he never loved you like you should have been loved. He gave it all to her, all the kindness, all the gentleness, all the trust and the love, she got it all without having to fight for it, without having to ask for it, he just gave it to her, he gave her the things that you deserved. 
Eddie would never admit it, but to see Steve treat his new girlfriend like the queen of the world, always made him so incredibly angry, that’s how he should have treated you when you were still with him but instead, he treated you like garbage, he betrayed you, he lied to you, he hurt you over and over again, he put other girls before you, he gave you nothing but pain and still, you stayed with him but he tossed you aside so easily and replaced you with another girl. 
“You believed Ray’s words, right?” 
You blink, looking down at your hands as you slowly nod. 
“Because of Steve,” he mumbles quietly, “he made you feel that way first, right?” 
Your heart drops a little, tears well up in your eyes again. 
Steve made you feel like you were never good enough, like you weren’t interesting enough, like you weren’t the right girl to be a girlfriend, like you didn’t deserve to be treated like a girl someone loves, like you were nothing more than a side piece because that is how he treated you most of the time. 
That is why his words had gotten to you. That is why you got drunk and high at a place you shouldn’t be at. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, sadly. 
Eddie looks at you with sad eyes. 
He doesn’t hate Steve, not anymore. He can tell that he changed, he knows that he regrets his actions and the way he treated you but he can’t help but feel anger towards him at this moment. 
You keep looking down, trying to hide the sadness on your face and tears in your eyes. Eddie reaches his hands out to you, slowly. He cups your cheeks and tilts your head up,  eyeing the look on your face as he wills himself to speak. 
“Listen to me, sweetheart. If I were him, I would’ve held onto you, I would’ve taken you on all the dates, I would’ve dropped all my shitty friends, I would’ve kicked Billy’s ass a long time ago, I would’ve never looked at any other girl if you were by my side, I would’ve treated you like the queen that you are,” he says, tapping your nose to make you smile and it works, it always does. 
Your eyes soften and you melt into his touch, smiling sadly at his words. 
You wish he would’ve done all of these things but, he never did. 
“I would have never let a bad thought get into this pretty head,” he says, tapping your forehead softly.
“And I certainly would have never let you go, ever.” 
Your brows knit, your eyes are glossy, again. You look into his soft brown eyes and you see nothing but the truth, he isn’t just saying that to make you feel better, to take away your pain. He is honest, he always is. 
Eddie watches you, he watches the way your eyes skip over his whole face, the way they flash with sadness and with fear as you think about his words and then you say something that shocks him, a little. 
“Please don’t.” 
His brows rise up, surprise crosses his features. 
“Please don’t ever let me go,” you whisper, your lip trembling when you reach your hand out to grab his wrist, “please don’t leave me.”
The smile falls from his face, his eyes widen with sadness. This time, he doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his arms, he hugs you tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“I would never leave you, sweetheart. You will always have me.”
“Promise?” You ask shakily, just as you asked him once. 
You need him to stay. You can’t lose him, not after you had lost Steve already. 
“I promise,” he whispers, squeezing your sides as you hug him back tighter. 
You close your eyes and lay your chin on his shoulder as you melt into his embrace. He radiates warmth and comfort, safety and something you can’t understand yet. Eddie smells like cigarettes but you don’t mind, the smell of his cologne and his body wash covers up the smell of smoke. 
Eddie runs his fingers through your hair, finally holding you the way he has been craving to ever since that night. 
“I’ll marry you one day.”  
“What?” You ask, giggling. 
“I said; I’ll marry you one day,” he chuckles, not pulling away from the hug just yet. 
“Is that a proposal?” You joke, unable to fight the smile off of your face.
“Where’s the ring?”
“I’ll give you one of mine.”
“I want the one with the black stone.”
“You got it, angel.”
You giggle again and he smiles at that. 
When you pull away and he sees that the tears are long gone, and a smile is playing on your lips, he pinches your cheek gently. 
“There’s the smile I wanted to see,” he grins. 
Your hair falls in front of your face when you look down at his hands. There are cuts and bruises on his knuckles, you are scared to touch them but you take one of his hands in yours and you softly touch the bruises with your fingers. 
You don’t need to talk about it, it’s enough to look at each other to understand it all. 
He watches you, again and he wonders what you are thinking. 
He clears his throat about to speak up but you beat him to it. 
“You know, I like your idea,” you say as you look at him through your lashes. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Well,” he starts, already smiling at you, “we should get married when we’re both 30 and still single.”
You laugh, “that sounds like a plan.”
“A good plan?” 
“The best. But, you don’t plan on spending your twenties without me, do you?” 
He scoffs, “never, what would I do without my best friend?”
Your heart skips a beat and for the first time after the horrible days you have had, you feel the happiness rushing back. You feel comforted and safe, you know that as long as you have him, your best friend, nothing bad will happen to you. The look in his eyes, the bruises on his knuckles are the evidence that he will do everything to keep you safe. 
This time, you are the one reaching out to touch him, you cup his cheeks and you surprise him when you pull him towards you to kiss him, to kiss his cheek. 
“You’re the best, Eddie,” you whisper before your lips meet his cheek again, “you’re my favorite person.”
You don’t pay attention to the way his cheeks flush red, you don’t see the way his eyes flash with something you haven’t seen before.
Eddie stares at you for the longest time and he suddenly feels flustered when he realizes that you can see the redness on his cheeks and his neck when he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror on the wall and then, he remembers what Steve said to him last night.
It all comes rushing in and it overwhelms him.
He squeezes your hand, clearing his throat, “I-I’m gonna get us something to drink,” he says as he practically rushes out of his room, leaving the door open as he makes his way into the kitchen. He raises his hand, running his fingers through his hair as he lets out a long sigh. Turning on the lights, he places his hands on the counter, gripping it tightly. 
If only Harrington would have kept his fucking mouth shut.
Eddie was driving Steve back to his house, knuckles almost bleeding on the steering wheel, not a single word being said by neither of the men. Steve's temple was bruised, his fists as well and Eddie if he were to raise his shirt up, a bruise would be displayed on his rib.
The Harrington's house came into view and Eddie parked the car in front of it, waiting for Steve to come out. He heard the door open but it didn't close, making him turn to find Steve looking forward, eyes that Eddie could only describe as lost, yet with fire within them, as if angry.
“Munson.” It was the first time Steve has said a word to him.
“Yes Harrington?” And he was expecting a congratulations or a thank you or good job because of what they just did together to someone that hurt you. But Steve's gaze turned to him, a cold glare featuring in his eyes, and Eddie's face went rigid.
“You're a fucking liar.”
And then the door slams, and Steve Harrington goes back to his house, leaving Eddie Munson completely stunned inside of his van. 
The sound of the freezer door closing startles him a little. He turns around with a frown, he finds you walking towards him with a bag of frozen peas in your hand, without a single word, you grab his right hand, placing the cold bag on his bruised knuckles. 
He looks down at you, swallowing nervously. 
“You didn’t have to do this,” you whisper, finally addressing it. You look up with glossy eyes, a knowing look lingers in them, you did not know how to approach this topic but, you don’t really have to. You know why he did it.
“Thank you,” you whisper as a happy tear runs down your cheek because for the first time, you feel protected and loved after all these years of believing that you do not deserve this. Eddie proved you wrong, time and time, he proved you wrong and showed you that you do deserve this and more.
Eddie gazes down at you like you are the most precious thing in the world. 
He wipes your tear away the way he always does before he pulls you into his arms. He holds you, he holds you tightly, like he never wants to let you go, like no one ever has before.
Eddie enjoys this moment, just standing here in the kitchen under dim lights with you in his arms before he has to ruin the moment. 
“You should thank Steve too.”
He feels the way you freeze in his arms and he also feels how you don’t pull away. 
“Steve was there too?”
“He was.”
You don’t say anything, you stay quiet and then you whisper a small ‘oh’ before you relax again and hug him tighter, pressing your cheek against his chest as you listen to his beating heart. 
Eddie tightens his hold on you as well, he kisses the top of your head. 
“Anybody that hurts you won’t walk away without a bruise.” He whispers.
Something changed and you can both feel it, you don’t understand it, not yet.
You should not be here. 
You know that you should be far away from this place. 
It was bad enough that you had called him three nights ago, that you had let yourself be vulnerable in front of him, that you had spent the morning with him, that you had let him drive you home, that you had hugged him. It was bad but it was nice, it was nice to be with him again. 
To drive in his car, to feel his arms around you again, to see him look at you. 
You never realized how much you missed it, how much you missed him. 
Your thoughts kept taking you back to him, especially today. The record store was mostly empty today and you stood behind the counter, listening to the music playing on the radio and drawing in the notebook that Eddie gave you. 
When Heroes by David Bowie started playing, you felt like you were being haunted, haunted by memories of you and him together.
You shouldn’t let your heart guide you here but it did, you let it, just like you always do. 
You wanted to see him, to thank him for what he did but you didn’t want to see this. 
You should be used to it by now, after months of seeing him with her, it should be easier, right? It’s not. 
And as you stand there, watching him kiss her on his porch, smiling against her and brushing the curls out of her face, you can’t help but feel that it will never be easier. 
He looks happy, happier than he ever did when he was with you and even though you let him go a long time ago, you still feel the ache in your heart, the hollowness in your stomach. 
He used to kiss you like this, though he never looked at you the way he looks at her – with the light in his eyes and the smile on his face, the one that doesn’t look forced or fake. 
You hear her giggle when he drops the keys to his house. He picks them up and pulls her back towards him, leaning down to kiss her cheek before he opens the door to let her in. 
You never watched him so closely when he was with her, you always avoided it, not wanting to hurt yourself more than necessary but now, you can see it all, the love and the happiness in his features. 
He loves her. 
You always knew that he did, yet, somehow it feels like you understood it all just now. 
He loves her. 
He claimed to have loved you too and maybe he did, maybe he did love you but never like this. 
A weird feeling settles in Steve’s heart and he doesn’t know what it is that pushes him to turn around but he does, he looks back as though expecting to see someone standing in his driveway but it’s empty.  
He doesn’t see anything but trees and the empty streets. 
He furrows his brows, almost confused to not see anyone. 
“Steve?” Nancy calls from inside the house, “come on.”
“Yeah,” he mumbles to himself before he turns around and walks inside. He holds the door, not shutting it yet, he takes one final look at his driveway, staring at it for a long minute before he closes the door. 
next chapter
tagging friends & mutuals
@mysticmunson @taintedcigs @corrodedseraphine @corrodedcorpses @wroteclassicaly @take-everything-you-can @trashmouth-richie @xxhellfiregirlxx @screammunson @nemesis729 @somethingvicked @sherrylyn628
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oneforthemunny · 8 months
I'd imagine that every time Halloween rolls around, Rockstar!Eddie and Nepo Baby are on the cover of at least one magazine with a spooky Halloween photoshoot. I'm seeing a werewolf eating (out) a fair maiden. Or a pregnant Nepo Baby tied to a table and a Rockstar!Eddie getting ready to sacrifice her. Or them recreating a scene from the biggest horror movie of the year.
Only over the years, as the kids accumulate, it goes from Playboy to Parade. And instead of tits with fang punctures, you've got a line of tots in skeleton pajamas.
(This was originally meant to be a blurb prompt and I got carried away so now I think it's more just a Spooky Thought I had to share with you. Whatever, Happy First Day of Fall! 😂)
oneforthemunny's spooky stories: rockstar!eddie x reader's time warp
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or how halloween looks through the years for rockstar!eddie and nepo baby!reader :) ps pics below are for inspo that i used not specific more of just how the photos looked or what the idea was based off of!
October 31st, 1992
“Look at you.” Eddie grinned, dimples and shining eyes when they rolled over your frame. “My bride.” 
That you were, both in and out of costume. It was the only recognizable part of yourself right now, your engagement ring. Your skin had been tinged a pale green, the SFX artist made your ‘gashes’ and ‘stitches’ look far too real for your liking. Tonight, you were the bride of Frankenstein, instead of Munson. 
“Look at you.” You pouted, eyes rolling over his costume. Not Frankenstein, but… a vampire? “What-What are you wearing?” You huff, throwing an arm out at his costume. “We’re supposed to be Frankenstein and-” 
“-Technically, it’s Frankenstein’s monster.” Eddie grinned, fake fangs making his smile more sinister looking. “I had a last minute change. Dracula and Bride of Frankenstein together? That’s scandalous. So much better, baby, believe me. No one’s done this before.” 
You rolled your eyes, shifting the torn white dress to cover yourself. “When did you change your mind? While I was in makeup for six hours?” 
Eddie laughed, hands running down your skin. “I like your hair.” He muttered. “Think you should do this more often. Pretty metal look for you, baby.” 
“Yeah?” You hum, running a hand lightly over the electrified updo. “Too bad it’s a wig. Maybe I’ll keep it. Put it in the dungeon for you, when you want to get really weird and freaky.” 
“I always wanna get really weird and freaky with you.” Eddie growled, a low rasp in his tone that had your knees shaking. His lips ducked down towards yours, the fake blood around his mouth making your stomach turn. 
“No,” You shake your head. “Get these pictures first, then you can kiss me. I’m not sitting in makeup again, Munson, my ass was falling asleep. I was sitting there for so long.” 
“I can help you with that.” Eddie growled, a playful smack to your barely covered backside that had you shrilling, glaring at him through white contacts. 
October 31st, 1993
“You can barely even see the bump.” You huff, cradling your bare stomach in the mirror. “It just looks like I’m bloated.” 
“You’re out of your mind.” Eddie shook his head, inked hands cradling your torso. “You look so pretty.” 
Your lips settle in a pout, turning to the side, pushing your stomach out further in the pink, frilly lingerie from the 60’s. The sheer robe tied at your collarbones, flowing over your frame beautifully, parting so your belly could poke out. It wasn’t the pregnancy announcement you expected to have, but a fun one, regardless. One that would leave a shocking impression when it was sent to the press. 
Eddie’s ‘costume’ hung around his waist, arms crossed over his bare, tattooed chest. You grinned at the green, scaly suit- designed to subtly resemble Creature From The Black Lagoon’s monster. 
You smirked to yourself, looking at Eddie through the mirror. “My parents are going to hate this.” You grin, nearly proud. It made Eddie’s heart skip. 
“Good.” Eddie snorted with an eye roll. “Not their baby. Not their choice.” He shrugged, hands roaming protectively over your soft, stretched skin. “Victor shouldn’t hate it too much, right? It’s a movie reference, at least.” 
You laughed lightly. “True, and I’m… more covered than last time, right?” You grin, smoothing your hand over your exposed skin. 
“Definitely, much more reserved than last time.” Eddie grinned, chin hooking over your shoulder. “We have to be more appropriate, Button, now that we’re going to be parents.” Eddie mocked your father’s posh, droning tone, quoting what Victor nagged about over the last brunch you had together- a month ago when you told them you were expecting. 
Eddie’s lips pursed at the pinch still unfaltering in your brows, hands still smoothing over your belly. “Hey, look at me.” Eddie rasped, hand cradling your jaw gently, pulling your eyes to meet his. Those soft eyes that made your heart skip a beat every time you found yourself in their gaze. 
“Fuck ‘em, alright? This isn’t their baby, it’s our baby.” Eddie muttered. “You wanna do this? We don’t have to. I’ll tell them all to go fuck off if you want me to. Or we can do something different. Do the Mummy things if you want to. Just say the word. Your call-” 
“Ed.” The smile he’d been looking for graced your face finally. “I still want to do the photos. I’m just… I’m having a moment. I’m hormonal, and-and I’m just having a moment.” 
Eddie grinned, plush lips pressing a kiss to your nose. “Have a moment. You look hot, though.” 
“Thanks.” You muttered, eyes fluttering to look up at him through the strip of false lashes. “Not bloated?” 
Eddie snorted. “Definitely not. Very pregnant. Very, very hot.” 
October 31st, 1994 
“Ed, is she looking?” You say through a smile, eyes still trained on the camera. 
“No, she keeps looking at you.” Eddie huffed, lowering the camera. “Looking at your webs.” 
No crew this time, oh no, Eddie wanted to do it all on his own. The set up wasn’t elaborate, but your costume was. The Black Widow, finished with webs that attached to your dress, hung around you for the perfect dramatic effect Eddie was looking for. In your arms, your little itsy bitsy spider, Persephone. 
“Sephy,” Eddie cooed. “Fuck, babe, where’s the rattle thing? The lamb?” 
“I grabbed it. Look behind you.” You nodded, cradling Persephone closely, her little hands reaching for you and pulling the fake spider arms with her. “You’re just a pretty little spider, aren’t you? The cutest little spider!” 
“Found it!” The camera bounced on Eddie’s chest, shooting you a dimpled grin that had you flushing. “Look at me, Sephy! Look at Daddy!” 
You fixed her in your arms, cradling her to your side. “Is she looking?” 
“Yes, she is!” Eddie lilted in that babbling baby talk that had your heart swelling. “Look at my little spider. That’s so good, look at Daddy!” 
“You sure you don’t want to be in this one?” You asked, hoisting Sephy up higher into your arms, swaying her lightly. 
“Nah,” Eddie shook his head, looking down at the camera, pulling out the film. “Just wanna look at you, baby.” He winked. 
October 31st, 1999
“Kensie,” You coo, looking down at the red faced four year old, desperately trying to keep her from tearing off her ears, two fuzzy clips that mimicked a cute werewolf. “We just need to take a couple of photos, and then we can change and go Trick-or-Treating, I promise.” 
“I wanna go no-o-ow!” Kensie wailed, a piercing sob that had you cringing, the twins stirring in their black bassinet prop. 
“Kensington,” Eddie grit, adjusting Persephone’s cape. “Trick-or-Treating hasn’t even started. There’s nothing out there right now. No candy.” 
You glared at him lightly, though Kensie’s sniffles did ease. “No?” She asked, head tilting to the side sweetly. 
Eddie shook his head, green painted frown softening lightly. “No, baby. Doesn’t start until six. We have plenty of time.” 
“Better quit frowning, baby.” You hum, tapping your finger on Eddie’s creasing forehead paint. 
This year's theme was a take on the classic, creepy show from the 60’s. What better way to celebrate your still growing family than this? Everyone else was favoring the Addams Family this year, but not the Munson’s- Munster’s. 
“Are you ready, Mrs. Munson?” Phil asked, looking up from his camera at you. 
You nodded, fixing your dress while you stood next to Eddie, one hand on the bassinet. “You think they can tell?” You grit through your smile, your dress snug when you turn towards him. 
“No.” Eddie gritted back, eyes flickering down to your abdomen, just starting to swell with baby number five. “You look good, baby, always do.”
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knottyk · 2 years
Golden Slumbers
Pairing: Eddie x GN!Reader
Word count: 677
Summary: Eddie falls asleep on reader’s chest. 
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff
ps. I'm like 99% sure there aren't any pronouns used other than 'you' for the reader. pls let me know if i'm wrong.
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You sat against the headboard with a book in your hand. Deep within the pages, you were interrupted when Eddie let out a loud yawn, his eyes pooling with tears. The bags under his eyes were prominent as he slouched towards the bed.
“Tired?” You asked, putting your book down. 
He shook his head ‘no’ but you knew better. You opened your arms and waited.
He took off his denim vest along with the leather jacket and crawled his way to you. You spread your legs a little to make way for him. Like a well practiced routine, he nestled in the space you made for him. 
Eddie laid his head on your chest, his arms falling on your sides as you caress his hair and slid down to his ear. 
“You can sleep. We can work later.” Tongue clicking against the roof of your mouth as you keep your voice down. 
Your middle finger traced his outer ear and repeatedly went over his lobe, the piece of flesh plump and soft. You trailed up the curve of his ear and let the rest of your fingers run along his jaw with a feather like touch. 
He hummed as he nuzzled closer to you. He moved his body a little higher, just enough for your chin to rest on his head. You chuckled and Eddie warmed with the rumble in your chest, glad to be close to you.
Looking down at him, you admired each freckle and each wrinkle that reminded you of all the things he had to endure. His rough upbringing, fending off for himself and living the way he did. Having been exposed to things that he should have been unaware of at such a young age. You couldn’t imagine how he got through them all but you were glad that he did. 
Chest rising as you breathed in deep, you kissed his forehead. With a small curve on his lips as he adjusted his head further on the space between your chest. 
His hair was unkempt but soft as you run your hand over. Pushing his hair to the side, you scratch lightly at his back. Going in circles, from top to bottom, middle then all over. Figure eights. Alternating your index and middle fingers as if it’s a running figure. Long and short strokes, all done tenderly.
Soon, Eddie no longer held his weight for you. His head lolled to the side and you held him against your chest so he wouldn’t startle awake. You caressed him by the cheek as he fell deeper in his slumber. His cheek squished on your chest, lips slightly pouted and parted. You couldn’t hold back the giggle when you heard his soft purring as his chest steadily rose and fell.
You swipe your hands over his bangs, directing them to the side and holding them in place. With his forehead exposed, you extend your index finger and poke his puffy cheek. 
“Oh, Eddie.” You whisper as you take in the sight before you, quietly giggling to yourself. 
“You’ve got a lovely face, my good sir. Very cute.” You could imagine his response if he was awake. He’d pretend to be digusted and put on a serious, dead-pan face or he’d make a wacky expression. 
You let go when his eyelashes fluttered and his lids pressed tightly, brows scrunching a little. 
It could be a random dream. A nightmare? Whatever it was, you made sure it didn’t disrupt his peace. You whisper a soft tune against his ear, so soft and silent that some parts came out as a whistle. Thumb smoothed over his brows until he relaxed. You did it a couple more times until the distress is untraceable.
Two fingers brushed on his cheeks like he was a painting, using the pad of your fingers on the downstrokes and your nails upwards. His chest rumbled against yours and soon enough, you felt yourself being swept away.
Breathing in sync and bodies molding into one, you let yourself be carried to a peaceful slumber.
lololol i suck at summaries and titles h3lp. anyway, I wish we could each have an eddie to cuddle with. aaand that’s my wish. oh and also world peace.
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littlemessyjessi · 2 years
Eddie Munson and the Kawaii/Lovecore GF
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Eddie Munson and the Kawaii/Lovecore GF 
Ok, so I've done a few posts with Billy Hargrove and his Goth GF. 
And I made a post sort of hinting at Eddie Munson and his Kawaii GF. 
So like… hear me out here. 
So in this scenario we all know that Goth GF is like a little angel. 
Omg, she's so precious. 
She just makes her little sweets and she just wants friends.  And she's all shy and sweet and cute and just fucking precious. 
In case you haven't noticed… I love her. 
So let me present to you, Kawaii GF. 
Ok, here's the thought. 
Maybe Kawaii GF is one of those people who just drips in sparkles. 
Like the girl would damn near eat diamonds if she could and I'm fairly certain she bleeds glitter. 
Aesthetically speaking perhaps maybe combine kawaii notes with lovecore.  
Queen of Hearts who? 
But unlike Goth GF who is the literal human emboidiment of an actual fucking angel…. Kawaii GF is a straight up demon. 
I mean, not an actual demon but holy hell the attitude. 
I'll explain. 
So like maybe while Goth GF has lived in Hawkins her whole life… Kawaii GF is a new kid. 
And she spots Goth GF on her first day and makes a BEELINE towards her. 
And Billy is on the defense immediately because this girl, while admittedly a little obsessed with wearing pink and red with hearts and sparkles… seems like she could probably fit in fairly well with the popular kids if she tweaked it a little.
Even if she did look like Valentine's Day threw up on her. 
And she's also moving towards his precious little angel at an alarming rate. 
So he springs into action but she beats him there. 
And he just kinda stops because Goth GF is standing there blinking at the new kid with big eyes and a shy look.  
Maybe Kawaii GF is southern and she's just drawling on and on about how pretty Goth GF is and how she loves her lipstick. 
"Sugar, you just gotta tell me where you got that lipstick.  It is the PERFECT shade of red.  And unfortunately for me, I just finished my tube of 'passion nights' and I can't find anything around here in that particular shade. I thought I was plum outta luck but low and behold, I ain't here but fifteen minutes and I see a total babe with the exact color I need." she said.  
And Goth GF is just standing there flustered as fuck because holy hell this girl is pretty and maybe she's having a little bit of a bi panic moment and Billy's headed over. 
And she's just like totally overwhelmed and it shows but also Billy knows what she looks like when she gets butterflies because he's usually responsible for them. 
And so maybe he gets a little territorial and slings an arm over her shoulder. 
And new girl smiles at him, "Ooooh, this the boyfriend?" 
And Goth GF just nods all shy and new girl grins again, "Hot damn, you two make a good couple. Hotter than sin, the both of you." 
And now Billy gets it because damn the new girl is charasmatic as fuck. 
And then the hurricane that is Eddie Munson pops up out of nowhere effectively scaring the hell out of Goth GF who straight up squeaks in surprise. 
And he's talking a mile a minute but new girl can't even hear him because mother of God, this boy is perfect. 
Kawaii new girl has straight up anime heart eyes for him and I guess he feels it because he turns to her. 
And Munson just melts because she is literally the cutest thing he's ever laid eyes on. 
And then he's stammering over his words. 
And Kawaii girl just turns to goo even more because he's so cuuuute. 
And it's so fucking obvious to Billy and Goth GF so they're trying to hide their snickering and it snaps Kawaii girl out of it. 
"Uh, hi." Eddie says. 
"Hey, sugar.  Nice to meet you.  What's your name?" she says winking at him. 
And the boy literally hides behind his hair somewhat. 
"I'm Eddie." he said, clearing his throat and trying to at least regain some of his dignity. "What's yours?" 
"Well, my name is ____." she said. "But I'd much prefer it if you call me yours." 
And poor Eddie nearly dies right there. 
But also he damn near preens from the attention. 
"What a woman.." 
The group of them laugh and he flushes, "... did I say that outloud?" 
And Kawaii Girl just winks at him, "You did but I'm happy you think so.   You got plans tonight?" 
He just shakes his head. 
She grins, "You do now." 
Next thing he knows, his arm is being yanked towards her and she's scrawling her name and number along side the bat tattoos in sparkly red ink. 
And she's walking away and Eddie is lovestruck while Goth GF and Billy are laughing their asses off. 
Hey, loves.  I hope you enjoyed this and was able to follow my random thought process.   I just think it's kinda fun to imagine the scenarios and I'd really like to write more of the four of them and their individual dynamics.   What do you think of referring to Goth GF as Angel because she literally is and maybe referring to Kawaii GF as Queenie.   Like Queen of Hearts? 
Anyway, I hope you liked it and I would love to hear your thoughts?  Also, if you'd rather me just turn this into a story with flushed out characters, please let me know because I could just as well do that!  
Love, K 
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