starfall-spirit · 11 months
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theanimeview · 11 months
[Commentary] The Fluidity of Water & Genderless Characters
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Source: Spirit King Elquines, Chapter 12 – https://page.kakao.com/content/49361421/viewer/49499204
By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting
Water and fluidity are often used as metaphors when discussing some nonbinary or non-conforming gender identities because they are both characterized by their ability to take on different shapes and forms. Water can exist as a liquid, a gas, or a solid, and it can change its shape and form depending on its environment. Similarly, some people who identify as nonbinary may feel that their gender identity is not fixed or static but rather as something that can shift and change over time, depending on the person, circumstances, and, potentially, the context.
Using water and fluidity as metaphors can highlight the idea that gender identity is not necessarily a binary concept but rather exists on a spectrum that is separate from sex-based distinction. Just as water can exist in various forms and take on different properties depending on its state, gender can also be multifaceted and exist in a range of expressions and identities. At least, that is how I have come to understand this concept over the years through my interactions with nonbinary identifying peoples and research/analysis read in psychological journals. With that said, this a rather new-concept that is still being explored beyond the sciences and politics through art and media.
Right now, there are several manhwa currently exploring this idea of gender as a fluid concept (i.e. constantly changing or apt to change) in societal terms, two of which I think are worth mentioning here for those interested. These are the Daughter of the Spirit King, currently available on TappyToon, and Spirit King Elquines, currently available on Kakao.
In both works, the main characters are spirits. Spirits that are defined as genderless beings who may or may not take on masculine and feminine traits. The genderlessness of these characters may be rooted in cultural or religious beliefs, such as in Taoist or Buddhist, wherein spirits and other supernatural entities are often considered to exist outside the constraints of gender, but regardless of the roots for the idea of genderless spirits, the stories themselves defined them as nonbinary and as beings which exist beyond the norms and conventions of the physical world.
Yet, the genderless main characters of both works assign themselves a gender. Haein, from the Daughter of the Spirit King, calls herself a girl despite many viewing her as masculine. Meanwhile, Elquines, the title character of Spirit King Elquines, views himself as male despite many perceiving him as female. Their respective choices in identity are regularly brought up in the works, and there is consistent commentary by other members of the respective manhwa’s casts on these characters’ clothing choices, identity, and capability based on their image.
Perhaps, the depiction of spirits, particularly these water spirits who are picking their gender, as ultimately genderless/sexless can be seen as a commentary on the fluidity of gender and sexuality. By not adhering to traditional binary gender roles, the spirits can represent the idea that gender is a social construct.
These water-based spirits challenge traditional gender norms and expectations by identifying differently from how they look and by acting in ways that are a mix of traditional masculine and feminine assigned “traits,” challenging the often rigid and fixed perspectives on gender and sex within their respective works without being outright in their messaging.
While the intentions of the authors may vary, I believe that the main characters in these works are being used to challenge traditional gender roles and explore alternative perspectives on gender and identity in somewhat subtle and yet not subtle ways.
I’m not sure if this is truly the authorial intent of these works, but, regardless, it is an interesting concept to think over and explore. With that said, what do you all think? Let us know!
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dalso · 10 months
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ratabrasileira · 3 years
I want Elain to go to Summer Court, fuck Tarquin as bad as she can and come back to NC to Nyx's birthday
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dw-miniatures · 4 years
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Irjan, tiefling wizard
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I know everyone’s battling it out with elriel vs elucien but watch sjm just make Elain’s love interest like Tarquin or someone like that
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digitaldeckle · 2 years
Being fired from my job sucks but I’m the most upset that I’m not gonna see my elquin (I’m writing that phonetically I can’t find the actual spelling) my bus stop friend anymore ☹️
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Con honores fue recibido el soldado santandereano, fallecido en accidente aéreo en Guaviare.
Con honores fue recibido el soldado santandereano, fallecido en accidente aéreo en Guaviare.
Desde el aeropuerto de Bucaramanga a donde fue trasladado su cuerpo, el Ejército Nacional rindió un tributo a la memoria de este héroe, que murió en cumplimiento de la misión.
Soldados de la Quinta Brigada, unidad militar orgánica de la Segunda División, realizaron honores al Soldado Profesional Elquin Eduardo Vargas Guerrero, quien falleció en un siniestro aéreo en el departamento de…
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noticiascalabozo · 5 years
Fes neutralizó a tres sujetos en operativos ejecutados recientemente en Calabozo
Fes neutralizó a tres sujetos en operativos ejecutados recientemente en Calabozo
Tres sujetos resultaron abatidos por efectivos de las Fuerzas de Acciones Especiales  (Faes) en el municipio Miranda recientemente.
Se conoció que tras operativo ejecutado por el organismo de seguridad antes mencionado, fueron dados de baja Luis Alfredo Molina Aponte y Elquin Tovar Rodríguez  en las comunidades La Aguada y Vicario respectivamente.
El tercer hecho se suscitó en el sector Chinea…
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sanjuaneros · 5 years
#TAMAYO: Manos criminales destruyen conuco de plátanos a machetazos
TAMAYO, Bahoruco.-  Manos criminales destruyeron por completo a machetazos un conuco sembrado de plátanos, la madrugada del pasado lunes en la comunidad de Bateycito distrito municipal de Santana de este municipio. 
Según explicó al portal  Identidad Bahoruquense, el propietario agricultor, Ángel Montilla alias Guayo, llegó a su conuco como de costumbre y se percató que le habían robado tres racimos de plátanos por lo que decidió preguntarle a señor Elquin Cuevas Mártires alias Cabezón , quien se encontraba cercano a su propiedad junto a su dos hermanos.
“Se me están perdiendo unos plátanos y yo no digo que eres tú, pero tú sabes quién es, aunque tu no me lo digas dile a ellos que por favor no me cojan mis plátanos, porque yo no quiero problemas, pero si encuentro a alguien robándome pues la vamos a tener”, les señaló Guallo.
A lo que Carlos hermano de Cabezón le respondió, “yo se que tú el que encuentras robándote en tú conuco le haces cualquier cosa pero no te apures, no te apures”.
La pequeña discusión se generó el pasado sábado y para la madrugada de este lunes el conuco estaba totalmente destrozado a machetazos. 
Por su parte el joven agricultor junto a una comisión se dirigieron a la fiscalía a los fines de poner la querella en contra de éstas personas principales sospechosas por las amenazas hechas al propietario del conuco esperando justicia, ya que levantar un conuco cuesta dinero y mucho sacrificio. 
Tomado de:  Identidad Bahoruquense.
Fuente: Ohelmis Sánchez
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zenny · 7 years
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My Half-orc Ranger, Vink Venk photobombing Elquin Shadowstep the Rogue. Such stealth. 😜 #DnD #dungeonsanddragons #rogueclass #rangerclass #michelangelo #ninjaturtles #stealth
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