#emmanuel carrère
theatsthetic · 4 months
The Mustache by Emmanuel Carrére.
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The Mustache is so cool, it's an absolute nightmare of a story.
The book is on the internet archive if you want to read it. If you'd rather watch someone go over it, I'd recommend watching this fantastic video on it.
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schizografia · 10 months
“Non esistevo. Sono esistito. Non esisto più. Che cosa importa?» si legge su una tomba romana.
Emmanuel Carrère, Il Regno
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francescacammisa1 · 1 year
"...la sua matura e serena assennatezza l'aveva preparato al momento in cui si smette di essere figli per diventare padri, non soltanto dei propri figli ma anche dei propri genitori che pian piano scivolano verso l'estrema infanzia."
Emmanuel Carrère - L'avversario
Ph Robert Doisneau
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rotor25 · 3 months
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fabiansteinhauer · 6 months
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Viel passiert in der Rechtstheorie, viel passiert in den Beschreibungen dessen, was man Recht nennt. Da gibt es viel zu kommentieren. Am Ende dieses Jahres liegen drei Bücher auf meinem Tisch, die man zum Anlass nehmen könnte, die vergleichenden Normwissenschaften weiterzutreiben. Da ist Sabine Müller-Malls Buch zu Urteilen, die verfassen. Sie ist ist in den Strudel der Konstitutionsleistungsdiskurse geraten und zieht dort analytisch ihre Kreise, besser gesagt: Klärungen. Röggla und Carrère haben neue Bestseller zur Prozeßbeobachtung abgeliefert. Da werde ich nachts wieder einiges vermischen und durcheinanderwerfen, aber am Tag kann man es ja wieder sortieren.
Verpassende Urteile
Passen ist eine Kulturtechnik, die dadurch läuft, dass man etwas passen lässt, passend macht, passieren lässt oder passieren macht, indem man etwas verpasst oder jemandem was (etwa eine) verpasst. Nichts, das wäre mein Ausgangspunkt, passt von selbst - dafür braucht es Technik.
Meine These lautet, dass diese Kulturtechnik eine juridische Geschichte hat - und dazu eine juridische Theorie, nämlich die Rhetorik, die diese Technik unter anderem mit den Begriffen aptum/ decorum assoziiert. Das heißt, dass man auch vom Mustern sprechen kann. Sabine Müller-Mall assoziiert das Passen mit dem Zusammensehen, das würde ich auch, über die Schiene rhetorischer Tradition, die mir mit ihren Synthesen, ihrer Synthetik, ihrer Plastik und ihrem Plastik mehr Fragen stellt, als die logische und die analytische Tradition mit ihren Klärungen und Verklärungen, nämlich ihren Transfigurationen ins Allgemeine.
Im Anschluss an Warburgs Arbeiten zu einem Recht, das unbeständig ist und dessen Regen eine meteorologische Bewegung und Begründung ist, würde ich erstens betonen und zweitens 'archäologisch' herausarbeiten, dass das Passen polar ist - auf eine Weise, die man begrifflich nicht ergänzen sollte, also nicht mit Ausführungen zum Bipolaren oder Multipolaren auf eine blockierende Spur bringen sollte, etwa diejenige der Vorstellungen einer Vermehrung. Das Polare ist in allen Details, eigenen und fremden, es ist in sich polar und damit auch außer sich, und zwar außer sich, ohne die Polarität zu verlieren.
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aschenblumen · 11 months
No tenemos la impresión de que ese fondo del fondo sea tan profundo. No es un abismo dostoievskiano de donde manaría el aliento de un infierno. Nos sorprenden más bien la ligereza, la inconsistencia de este muchacho, que ha participado en la matanza de 131 personas, pero al que todo el mundo describe como un buen chico, y quizá lo sea.
— Emmanuel Carrère, «El fondo del fondo» en V13. Crónica judicial. Traducción de Jaime Zulaika.
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writerly-ramblings · 1 year
Books Read in February:
1). Serious Noticing: Selected Essays (James Wood)
2). The Scandal of the Century (Gabriel García Márquez)
3). Winter Journal (Paul Auster)
4). 97,196 Words: Essays (Emmanuel Carrère)
5). Any Human Heart (William Boyd)
6). Nada (Carmen Laforet, trans. Charles F. Payne)
7). Seeking Air (Barbara Guest)
8). Someone (Alice McDermott)
9). The Accidental Tourist (Anne Tyler)
10). Winter in Sokcho (Elisa Shua Dusapin, trans. Aneesa Higgins)
11). Amy and Isabelle (Elizabeth Strout)
12). All About Love: New Visions (bell hooks)
13). Tolstoy Killed Anna Karenina (Dara Barrois/Dixon)
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dooareyastudy · 1 year
Books I read in December 2022 & my opinion on them !
My favorites!
La raison dans l’Histoire, Hegel, 1822 (it’s the intro of Lectures on the Philosophy of History if I am not mistaken) | much more approchable than the Phenomenology, I think it could be a good book to start with if you want to discover Hegel’s work.
Un balcon en forêt, Julien Gracq, 1958 | my favorite Gracq so far. If you don’t already know Gracq, I really recommend you check out his books!!
Hegel et la société, Pierre Macherey et Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, 1984 | a great book to explain some of Hegel’s concepts into simple yet precise ways. Made me want to read Elements of the Philosophy of Right.
Marxism and the Oppression of Women: Toward a Unitary Theory, Lise Vogel, 1983 | Very interesting on paper. Disappointed that the original production of the author only amounts to 2 chapters out of 10. Moreover, they feel more like an introduction than a proper contribution, as the original production is quite underdeveloped and sometimes lacking. An important book nonetheless. Makes me want to read more of Lise Vogel !
Limonov, Emmanuel Carrère, 2011 | Could have easily been a favorite of mine but the author is so.......... annoying. Like mate, the book isn’t about yourself, stop it.
Querelle de Brest, Jean Genet, 1947 | Maybe it’s a Jean Genet overdose ? Idk, I really liked everything I read of him until now. But this one........... is not it. Very unsubtle, the balance in Genet’s work I liked so far is nowhere to be seen. The writing is usually heavy but here, it’s heavier than ever, making the book very hard to read. The fact that there is no sections makes it even worse. I am so disappointed.............
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comporsilencios · 9 months
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heartsbreath · 9 months
“Non è meglio morire da vivi che vivere da morti?”
Emmanuel Carrère - Limonov
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francescacammisa1 · 11 months
Un amico, un vero amico, è anche un testimone, e il suo sguardo ti permette di valutare meglio la tua vita
Emmanuel Carrère - L'avversario
Ph Bert Hardy
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myborderland · 2 years
"Mi secca mostrarmi così poco indulgente con l’adolescente e il ventenne che sono stato. Vorrei amarlo, riconciliarmi con lui, ma non ci riesco. Mi sembra di poter dire che ero terrorizzato: dalla vita, dagli altri, da me stesso – e che l’unico modo per impedire al terrore di ridurmi alla paralisi totale fosse ripiegarmi su me stesso in un atteggiamento ironico e disincantato, e considerare ogni tipo di entusiasmo o impegno con il ghigno del tipo a cui non la si fa, uno che sa come va il mondo senza essere mai andato da nessuna parte. "
Emmanuel Carrère - Yoga
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the---hermit · 2 years
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The Moustache by Emmanuel Carrère
I decided to read this book after I hearing about it online. It's not something I think I would have come across on my own. I then also realized that I could use this book for the contemporary prompt in the 2022 genre bingo, so this was my final read for that challenge!
The plot starts off with a very simple premise. Our protagonist decides to play a small prank on his wife by shaving off his moustache. He had them for ten years, and figures this will be a silly little prank. The problem is that after shaving them off, his wife, and the people around him claim he never had a moustache in the first place. And so starts this incredibly claustrphobic tale, in which our protagonist is left to wonder whether they are playing a prank on him, or whether he has gone insane. It was a hell of a ride. An absolutely unpredictable read to the very last page. It's such a short book but I have a feeling this story will be in my head for a very long time. If you want to read something that wil surprise you this is the book. I am left without many words, I honestly don't know how to describe this. The way this very innocent prank turns into a mental nightmare is incredibly well done, and you will end up spiriling with the main character. I feel like it could be a good book if you are in a reading slump because it's 150 pages, and it's so unpredictable it will keep you glued to the pages.
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elizabethanism · 2 years
“Life is a machine for separating people.”
– Emmanuel Carrère, from Yoga (2021)
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aschenblumen · 11 months
El video dura 17 minutos y es propaganda. Quizá me equivoque, pero me parece que esta clase de propaganda [difundida por el Estado islámico, donde los «nueve leones del califato» se entrenaban decapitando prisioneros] me parece totalmente inédita. Por espantoso que sea lo que encubre, la propaganda habitual, hoy en día, exhibe el rostro de la virtud. Desfilando, jóvenes de mirada clara se encaminan hacia un porvenir radiante. La propaganda nazi no mostraba Auschwitz, la estalinista no mostraba el gulag, la de los Jemeres Rojos no mostraba el centro de torturas S.21. Normalmente, la propaganda oculta el horror. Aquí lo exhibe. El Estado islámico no dice: es la guerra, tenemos el triste deber de cometer actos horribles para que el bien triunfe. No, reivindica el sadismo. Para convertir, utiliza el sadismo, lo exhibe, permite ser sádico.
— Emmanuel Carrère, «Gran fractura facial» en V13. Crónica judicial. Traducción de Jaime Zulaika.
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