nicckhazzel · 6 months
Breaking the Silence: Combating Violence Against Women
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In the shadows, beneath the surface, and across every boundary, violence against women looms as an insidious threat. It knows no age, race, or social divide. It's time we illuminate this dark truth, confront it head-on, and free women from its grasp.
Startling statistics lay bare the grim reality: violence against women is a global epidemic, striking at the heart of countless communities. Every day, women endure the torment of abuse. It's an urgent issue we can no longer ignore.
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Types of Violence "The Harrowing Reality"
Physical Violence: This includes any form of bodily harm, such as hitting, slapping, or pushing, that women may endure. It leaves visible scars and invisible wounds.
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Psychological Violence: Psychological violence messes with the mind. It involves threats, intimidation, and controlling behaviors that leave women in fear, anxiety, and emotional distress.
Sexual Violence: It's about non-consensual sexual acts. Women experience sexual violence when they are forced into sexual situations against their will, which is a profound violation.
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Economic Violence: Economic violence involves controlling or limiting a woman's access to money and resources, making it hard for her to escape an abusive situation or gain independence. It's a subtle but potent weapon in the hands of abusers.
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Causes and Consequences "Unveiling the Pain Behind the Shadows"
Gender-based violence has its origins in a complex web of factors, these include issues like alcohol, financial struggles, limited education, mental health problems, and more.
Alcohol, for instance, can sometimes fuel violent behavior. Financial difficulties can create tension, while a lack of education about healthy relationships and respect can lead to violence. Mental health issues can also play a part, making it crucial to address them.
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The effects of gender-based violence ripple through women's lives and society as a whole. Women may endure physical harm, but there are far-reaching psychological consequences too. For society, there are scars that run deeper than the eye can see. But perhaps the most heart-wrenching impact is on the children, who often suffer the most. They witness violence, which can leave them traumatized and anxious. Some even consider taking their own lives. The scars left by this violence, both seen and unseen, cast a long shadow over families and communities, especially on the children who are meant to be protected.
"Will we continue perpetuating this chain of pain and despair? It's time to break the silence and stand against violence towards women. Let's create a world where every woman can live free from fear and harm."
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cyarsk52-20 · 8 months
Remember, you are so much more than the pain you carry. You are a beacon of hope, a source of inspiration, and a force to be reckoned with.
Stay strong, keep shining, and never forget your worth. You are loved, cherished, and admired.
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saporsalato · 11 months
Giocavo ancora con le barbie quando lui mi urlava che ero scema, che ero una puttana, che ero una piagnucolona, che non capivo nulla.
Quando lui mi tirava uno schiaffo perché era tornato a casa dal lavoro ed era nervoso.
"tuo padre ti ama tanto", mi dicevano.
"devi portare pazienza, lui é fatto cosí, ma ci soffre", giustificavano.
"é colpa tua, lo sai che non devi rispondergli", e mi sentivo colpevole.
Le mie amiche mi dicevano che no, non era normale. Che la mia rabbia era giustificata. Che dovevo chiedere aiuto, che quella non era una famiglia.
E io pensavo che avevano ragione, ma dove mai potevo andare? E se lui si fosse arrabbiato ancora di piú? E se stessimo esagerando?
In fondo é un padre, non puó non amare la propria figlia. A volte mi dice che sono brava e intelligente. A volte ride e scherza con me.
A 23 anni la mia prima relazione. Mi sembrava un bravo ragazzo, non urlava mai e non si arrabbiava.
3 anni dopo ci fu la nostra prima grande litigata, lui alzó la mano come per picchiarmi e io me ne andai.
Mi sentivo ancora colpevole.
Dov'erano i segnali che non avevo visto?
Perché non lo avevo capito, sono davvero cosí stupida?
In fondo ha fatto solo il gesto, ma si é trattenuto, ho esagerato?
É colpa mia?
No, ho avuto paura. Avrei continuato ad averne ogni giorno, da quel momento, se non me ne fossi andata.
Non gli parlai piú. Non lo vidi mai piú.
Per un anno sua madre chiamó mio padre quasi ogni settimana. Passarono per casa mia a piangere e parlare male di me.
Mio padre era dispiaciuto per lui.
Le mie amiche mi erano ancora accanto, a difendermi, a parlarmi, a salvarmi.
Ci ho messo 27 anni a capirlo.
Ho cambiato paese, per prendere le distanze da casa mia, per vedere le cose da una prospettiva piú lontana.
Io lo sapevo che la violenza non é normale e non va giustificata, lo dicevo con gran vemenza.
Ma quella realtá era tutto ció che conoscevo. Volevo amore e uguaglianza, ma ero fatta di paura.
Paura di non meritare qualcosa che sembrava fuori dalla mia portata, qualcosa che per me era come un unicorno, perché tutti ne parlavano ma io non lo avevo mai vissuto.
Perché quando cresci in un ambiente cosí tu non ti senti meritevole di amore e cure. E te lo dici ogni sera che ti meriti di piú. Ma non ci credi veramente, e non lo sai di non crederci.
Perché dentro di te hai rabbia e parole denigranti e schiaffi ingiustificati e tante giustificazioni, te le hanno sempre ripetute, sono radicate in te.
É come una corda che ti tiene prigioniera e non sai sciogliere, e ogni giorno lotti per liberarti e poi ti arrendi.
Poi ho avuto bravi uomini. Ho avuto una brava psicologa. Ho ancora le mie amiche, che non mi hanno mai lasciato sola in questi 15 e passa anni.
Ho dovuto perdonare per salvarmi l'anima, ma non ho dimenticato.
E mi sento fortunata.
E penso a te, Giulia, perché io non ti conoscevo e ho saputo della tua esistenza nella maniera peggiore che esiste. Penso a tutte le vittime che non sono state fortunate. E penso che ognuna di noi poteva essere Giulia.
É facile parlare col senno del poi. É facile, per alcuni, dire che "ce l'andiamo a cercare/ se non sono stronzi non li vogliamo/ dobbiamo imparare a difenderci".
Piú difficile é guardare la vittima e sentirsi un po' responsabili.
É il nostro fallimento come esseri umani che non scendiamo forse abbastanza in piazza, che ci arrabbiamo contro le ingiustizie e il giorno dopo ce ne dimentichiamo, che quando qualcuno viene picchiato in mezzo alla strada ci allontaniamo e non aiutiamo.
É fallire ogni volta che co arrendiamo e diciamo "ma che vuoi mai, é cosí che va, che ci vuoi fare".
É il fallimento di una scuola che insegna le guerre ma non l'amore.
E forse é la mia ferita che parla, forse ancora mi sento una colpevole mai vittima.
Ma a volte mi chiedo se io stia facendo abbastanza. Se forse sono troppo abituata al fatto che il mondo sia cosí e non si possa cambiare.
Oggi Giulia non potrá rivedere le sue amiche, la sua famiglia, crescere la vita che portava in grembo.
E mi sento come se fosse anche un po' colpa mia.
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mumbled-tea · 10 months
Soul that lost to society
I cried and brawled with all my might to save her. But what was the meaning of initial acceptance When you planned to increase the oppression on me? Your presumption of male fetus wasn't my fault, it wasn't the fault of my princess either. what wrong did she do to you without stepping into the world?
I was ready to break all the chains and fight for her. But she shouldn't take birth in this tyrannical world. She deserves more than living a life like her mother, and I don't want any of my bruises to reach to her. I've never felt safe here so I can't assure her safety.
Now I cry by holding my womb after killing my angel, I was forced to support the society and to kill her. what more can I do now? Other than telling the tale of the soul that lost to society?
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letusbloomtogether · 27 days
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Support Malak Mission in Gaza
Kids Paradise ambassador in Gaza and our great partners Refugee Protection International "
Your support for Malak's mission in Gaza is crucial in providing assistance to those affected by the ongoing conflict. With your contribution,
Malak and our team can continue to provide daily urgent food, psychological support, and recreational activities to children, women, and displaced individuals in the camps.
Your donations will directly impact the lives of those in need, offering them essential aid during these challenging times. Malak and her dedicated volunteers are tirelessly working on the ground to address the pressing needs of the community, and your support will enable them to make a meaningful difference.
Our Campaign Goal:
With support Malak's mission provides crucial assistance to children, women, and those without shelter or displaced by war, offering daily urgent food, psychological support, and recreational activities and surprises.
The funds raised will go directly towards offering daily urgent food, psychological support, and recreational activities to those in need in the camps and new IDPs.
with Malak, along with a team of dedicated volunteers, works tirelessly on the ground to monitor and address the pressing needs of the community.
Malak's camera constantly monitors human stories in the field with a lot of volunteers around her.
How You Can Contribute: Donate directly through https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon Share the campaign with your friends and family on social media to raise awareness and support.
Thank you for your support and solidarity with us in these challenging times.
This is a call to action for all who believe in the power of humanity.
Want to join me in making a difference?
I'm raising money to benefit Refugee Protection International and Kids Paradise and any donation will help make an impact.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause which means so much to me. More information about Refugee Protection International: RPI partners with grassroots nonprofit organizations near conflict zones to strengthen protection and self-reliance among urban refugees and internally displaced persons through relief interventions including housing, documentation, emergency protection assistance, and basic services. RPI's model offers minimal overhead and enhanced sustainability by empowering grassroots relief capacity. Donations currently support IDPs in Gaza
How You Can Contribute: Donate directly through the campaign https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
Share the campaign with your friends and family on social media to raise awareness and support.
Thank you for your support and solidarity with us in these challenging times.
This is a call to action for all who believe in the power of humanity. Support our campaign for war victims https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
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cyarskaren52 · 2 months
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Chris busted his own mama car windows, threw a chair out a window at the Today show, beat up frank ocean, threw bottles in the club like a basketball wife at Drake, we just saw him buck up at Teyana Taylor last year, we all witnessed him stalk karreuche. He hasn’t changed
Niggas would be more lenient to grant Chris grace if he actually did the work to rehabilitate himself after the first incident wit Rih. Instead he got worse. Chris is crying over a self inflicted wound and y’all need to stop ignoring that cuz y’all like his songs. He ain’t changed, get that manhood out your throat and recognize that your favorite doesn’t care!
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cyarskj1899 · 4 months
In a world where we strive for inclusivity and understanding, there’s a harrowing statistic that often goes unnoticed: 9 out of 10 autistic women have experienced sexual violence. This alarming figure isn’t just a number; it’s a reflection of the profound struggles and dangers faced by autistic women in our society each and every day.
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cyarsk5230 · 4 months
Never forget your teenage self was a child too and she deserves the same amount of compassion and nurturing as your little self.
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ruvalerio · 5 months
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dsarchdesigns · 5 months
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Stand together for a world free from violence.🚺 On International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, let's raise our voices, spread awareness, and work towards a safer, more equal future. .
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solidcadinstituite · 5 months
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Stand up and speak up. On this International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, let's be the change we want to see. 👭💞
UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls!
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aquaneet-a · 5 months
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On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, let's unite against gender-based violence. Every voice matters. Together, we can create a world free from fear. 👭💞
UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls!
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cyarsk52-20 · 8 months
SAFE is over the moon to be marching in Halton's first-ever pride parade! The parade will kick off at 2pm on Sunday, August 20th and will wind its way through the vibrant streets of downtown Milton. Expect to see a sea of rainbow flags, colourful costumes, and smiling faces. It will be a sight to behold, a true celebration of love and unity. Don't miss out! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Hosted by @prism_ontario.
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gempac · 5 months
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Happy International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.🚺 “UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls” . .
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acefinepackindia · 5 months
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Together we can, together we will. On International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, let's unite for a safer tomorrow. “UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls”🚺 . .
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letusbloomtogether · 28 days
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Asalamu Alikum, my name is Dalya Ayoub, founder of Life Matters Community.
Every year in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, I run the “Laylatul Qadr Charity Drive”, where I ask people to give every single night in the last 10 nights with the intention that their charity will be guaranteed to fall on Laylatul Al Qadr (The Night of Power, a night better than a thousand months!)…
As you know, I usually would choose various charities to distribute the total funds raised to maximize benefit, but as you also know, the current situation in G a z a is beyond catastrophic at the moment, and because of the scale of urgency and need, there is no better time than these blessed nights to give generously to provide some relief to our brothers and sisters in Ga za.
I will be distributing all the funds we raise in these 10 nights to life-saving projects daily in both the North and South Insha Allah.
These will include:
Iftar meals
Suhoor meals
Clean water distribution
Monetary support for those who need it
Your contributions no matter how big or small, will help our brothers and sisters in G az a DAILY in every single way possible in Sha Allah!
It’s the least we can do to help them continue to survive.
How You Can Contribute: Donate directly through the campaign https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
Share the campaign with your friends and family on social media to raise awareness and support.
Thank you for your support and solidarity with us in these challenging times.
This is a call to action for all who believe in the power of humanity. Support our campaign for war victims https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
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