#first step to becoming an aniamagus
lulublack90 · 22 days
Prompt 12 - Rub
@jegulus-microfic May 12, Word count 757
Previous part First part
James, good to his word, snuck down to the dungeons and collected Regulus under the invisibility cloak while Sirius and Peter made their way outside. He took Regulus to an area on the lawn that was in a black spot from anyone looking out of the castle. The only person who might catch them there was Hagrid, but that wasn’t likely, as Sirius had mentioned to him that there was a bit of gambling going on in the Hog’s head that he might be interested in. They’d sat together, peering at the Marauder’s map as Hagrid’s little label disappeared out the main gate.
Padfoot bounded across the lawn and transformed just before he got to them. He looked Regulus up and down. 
“You ready?” He asked. He’d been trying harder these past few weeks to be better around Regulus and while neither of them seemed overly enthusiastic about each other, James could see they were more relaxed around each other and after tonight, he hoped that Sirius would come to accept that Regulus maybe didn’t tell their parents about everything they got up to.
Regulus nodded stiffly at Sirius.
“Yes.” His voice was just as stiff. Sirius let a grin spread across his face, James thought it even met his eyes, which was a first between them. 
“Good luck,” He winked, before turning back into Padfoot and loping across the grass to the base of the Whomping Willow. 
Regulus swallowed and looked up at the sky. Typically, it was cloudy tonight. They might have to wait a while for the full moon to be visible. 
Twilight fell around them and James flung the invisibility cloak over them again when Madam Pomfrey appeared out the entrance door, escorting Remus to the shack. 
“He doesn’t look good,” Regulus observed. James nodded solemnly. 
“He hurts around the full moon, but especially just before. The transformations are hard on him. Maybe once you can transform he’ll let you join us if you want. But I’ll warn you now, it’s heartbreaking to watch what his body goes through each month.”
They stood quietly for a while, gazing at the sky and watching for Madam Pomfrey. They had to stand quite close as the cloak was only so big. James tried his best not to touch Regulus, but their shoulders kept brushing. He inhaled, trying to calm his breathing, but it didn't help. 
Madam Pomfrey appeared, and she hurried back up to the castle. Once the doors were firmly closed, James removed the cloak and took a step away, pretending he was struggling to roll it up.
When he’d stopped messing with the cloak, he looked back over at Regulus, who was staring towards the Whomping Willow. Just then, the clouds rolled away and revealed the full moon behind.
It shone brighter than James remembered, then again it had been a while since he stared at a full moon with his human eyes. “Okay, it’s time.” He smiled encouragingly at Regulus. Regulus paused with the leaf in his hand. He gulped. “You don’t have to do it if you’re not ready,” James said gently. Regulus huffed at him. He tilted his head up, so he was staring squarely at the moon and put the mandrake leaf in his mouth. It was very anticlimactic. 
“Is that it?” His face twisted into a frown. James chuckled. 
“Yep, but it gets more exciting later.” He fully turned towards Regulus. “Let me have a look, so I can make sure you’ve got the leaf in a good position.” Regulus automatically opened his mouth and James peered in. 
Ever so carefully he raised his hand and moved the leaf further under Regulus’s tongue. He was surprised Regulus hadn’t bitten him, but the leaf would have fallen out in his sleep otherwise. 
His thumb was resting on Regulus’s lip and James unconsciously started to rub the pad along the delicate skin. It was only when Regulus drew in a gasping breath that he realised what he was doing. “Sorry,” He mumbled as he withdrew his finger. 
Regulus moved his jaw around, testing the leaf in his mouth. 
“So this thing won’t fall out now? Even when I’m eating?” He asked, ignoring James's apology. 
“Yeah, it should stay put. That’s how we had them when we did it, and we got through the whole month with them barely moving.” James told him. But before he could do anything else, Regulus had stepped into his space, and under the full moon he pressed his body into James’s and stole a kiss. 
Next part
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