drarw · 7 months
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supa old homestuck art for you!
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snarkylinda · 1 year
I just imagined Emily hearing from Pen what they got Luke's friend (a puppy) and going full "hey, that is a great idea to cheer up a friend!" So she shows up on Spencer's apparment all with an little fish on a bag all "Here, to help you forget the worst 6 months of your life 💜 even tho you literally can't-" and like he is all "Em....I got rid of my aquarium, they were all dead when I came back" "....oh"
*scenes cuts to the two drinking on the floor*
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solardistress · 1 year
i actually love the activity update. its like you all put on nametags that show me who im following and who im just mutuals with and its great actually
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kawausso-old · 1 year
Moving to @kawausso !!
I’ve decided to remake my tumblr so I'm able to better interact with / find my mutuals, friends, followers, etc., from other platforms. I’ll be deleting a fair amount of my art so I can repost them on my new account. I won’t be deactivating this account nor my alts, so they’ll remain mostly inactive from now on!
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hooskathebot · 1 year
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ty mysterious foolish goofy silly ridiculous lollygaggers and goofsters.....
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powerofbarian · 11 months
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"....A..Goat? Why is there a Goal following.."
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bitchy-craft · 7 months
Which Mean Girl You Are | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out which mean girl you are. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
ANNOUNCEMENT: I have added new products to my shop.
Masterlist > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
Regina is the leader of the Plastics as most know when having watched the movie, the popular girls' clique. She is confident, manipulative, and highly self-absorbed. Regina is known for her beauty, but also for her ruthlessness and cunning behavior. But also keep in mind that the chances of Regina actually being confident are very slim, and could easily be a mask she puts up in a way to protect herself.
Regina's mean streak stems from her desire for control and power. She often belittles others, engages in gossip, and actively tries to sabotage people she perceives as threats to her popularity.
Pile 2:
Gretchen is one of Regina's closest friends and a fellow Plastic as well. She is insecure, eager to please, and tends to be overly dramatic. She often follows Regina's lead and seeks her approval. If there is someone she sees where she needs validation from she will do whatever it takes to get that approval, afraid of being looked down on.
Gretchen's mean behavior comes from her need for validation and fear of Regina's disapproval. She is willing to do hurtful things to others in order to maintain her position within the clique.
Pile 3:
Karen is another member of the Plastics, known for her ditsy and clueless personality. She is friendly but lacks intelligence and often says unintentionally insensitive things that hurt the people around her.
Karen's meanness is mostly driven by her willingness to go along with Regina's schemes and insults without question, she simply followa and is not even aware of Regina's cruelness. She doesn't actively instigate cruelty but is complicit in Regina's actions.
Pile 4:
Janis is an outsider who was once friends with Regina but later became her enemy due to Regina making up rumours about her and spreading them around the school. She is artistic, witty, and outspoken. Janis has a strong sense of justice and a desire to expose Regina's true nature.
While Janis initially appears to be the victim of Regina's cruelty, she also engages in mean-spirited actions, such as plotting against Regina. Her desire for revenge and her willingness to use others to achieve what she wants makes her a 'mean girl' as much as Regina.
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drifftingg · 26 days
tw seks
Macie konto na pomarańczowym hubie?
ja kurde nigdy nie miałem (tak właśnie otwarcie mówie o czymś co robi dużo osób ale równie wiele znajduje powody żeby to było tabu - ja mam tbw w tabu na blogu i to pewnie widać irl generalnie też tak mam, jestem także otwarty na różnorodność i ją wręcz lubię pod względami estetycznymi - super sa ludzie tacy wiecie - co powodują zesranie się starych bab, dziadów prowansalskich i innych prawiczków z konfederacji - wybaczcie mi wszyscy followersi ktorzy wybierają korwinka (btw tak wiem ze go wyjebali n-ty raz z partii))
No wiec ja wlaśnie się rejestruję - kiedys praktykowałem cos takiego że dodawałem do zakładek profil który był moim obiektem zainteresowań ale teraz znalazłem tak "gem" że wole go nie stracić i dam followa czy suba czy co sie tam daje.
Ogólnie duzo sie pozmienialo odkad pierwszy raz uzywalem takich tresci - jest inaczej, lepiej dla twórców, dla mnie jako konsumenta bardzo okazjonalnego też jest lepiej bo jest wiecej treści typu cosplay, goth no i z popradniego powodu czyli ze istnieje OF - wiec mniej jest aktoreczek i wielkich planów filmowych typu ZZ, w miejsce tego babeczki z ich stronkami na OF (zdaje sobie sprawę że masowej prodkcji niektorych kanałów OF i istnienia manadżerów itd ale no różnica jest tak czy inaczej i jest lepiej dla osób ktore content tworzą i content jest lepszy - dla mnie przynajmniej) czyi to ze jest taka relacja z twórcą i ogolnie bardziej domowo.
No dobra ale duzo sie rozgadałem
Zdaje sobie sprawe ze wiekszosc osob na edblr to dziewczyny, ale zdaje sobie tez sprawe ze wy tez lubicie seks i macie potzeby seksualne (nawet sobie zdaje sprawe z tego, że są one lekcaważone w kulturze oraz w kulturze seksualnej typu hookup gdzie orgazm kobiecy w ONS (one night stand) jest rzadki - odwołuję się do statystyk i jest on rzadki w porównaniu do nie występującego przecize zawsze orgazmu w setupach bardziej klasycznych jak związki)
no ale ja pisalem ze jestem aseksualny przeciez!
no bo jestem czaicie ale jestem seks-OK (to jest takie spektrum że są osoby ktore nie potrafią zniesc seksu i ich odżcuca ine osoby są neutralne a trzeci typ jest seks-OK czyli nie ma się wlasnego pociągu/zainteresowania nim - ale nadal to jest cos calkiem przyjemnego i Okej w związku osoby seksOK mają największe szanse tzn osoba o normalnych potrzebach ma szansę na regularny seks z osoba ace seksOK największą). Ogolnie no jest to jakiś temat dla osoby ace gdy sie wchodzi w związek ale w moich poprzednich jakos to bylo poza tym no swojej natury raczej się nie zmieni.
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ungodly-thespian · 3 months
Hai ! Ait seems laike people are followaing now . . . Cool ! Do you guys laike mullet socks ?
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beepboopchibbo · 2 months
chwenny chew followas
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meeeeeraiiiiiodonnnn · 4 months
so as a almost 100 followa special, i got bored and decided
why not put my skrunkle in a situation
sooo....im making altalune suffer. they go back to their families house, and considering they r based off ME!! (mod ketches and their headmate)
uhh. it does contain themes of daddy issues (wow very original ketch) and themes of abuse, panic attacks, and...the reason altalune fears fairy types so much.
i'll tag it as "homecoming arc" so block that if u dont wanna see it
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dziadcore · 2 years
właśnie dostałam followa od radfema więc przypominam że możecie stąd wykurwiać, wasze działania są antytezą jakiegokolwiek "pomagania" kobietom albo w ogóle komukolwiek nie pozdrawiam xddd
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panzershrike-pretz · 5 months
pretz you have to explain "nerdy prudes must die" to me one day 😂 your reblogs of it keep showing up on my dash and i'm like "I'M LIVING FOR THIS ARTSTYLE! BUT WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!" i can't tell if its like heathers or mean girls or even something as dramatic as phantom of the opera
The NPMD musical is one of the musicals in the Hatchetfield franchise by Team Starkid; it's the most recent of them (and by far my favorite) - butbesides it there's also The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, Black Friday and Nightmare time 1 and 2 (both of which I didn't see yet)
So basically the musicals followa the tiny town of Hatchetfield thru a series of stuff. Very strange stuff such as an Apocalypse. Another Apocalypse. And then another Apocalypse- all in different timelines eith different characters, wsith some recurrent jokes that are hilarious and the songs are actually amazing.
The best part?
You can watch them on YouTube
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mathiasriverus · 1 year
Ono kad zabunom blokaš neki pravi blog umjesto followa jer automatski misliš kako je opet neki porn bot
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skinnyducky · 2 years
okay okay im done with being dramatic with this little break and whatnot. i know i wasn’t missed lol but happy to continue writing. im using this as a time to refresh and reload so i genuinely apologize if i wasn’t able to get to all of your requests; i just need a clean slate. there are some part 2s that i still have to finish and then there’s party at y/n’s which is still being worked on. other than that, i want to completely restart, rebrand, and re-up (if that makes sense). also using this time to write for other people, idk who just yet, but they’re coming. n e ways, hope you all are having an amazing day.. just wanted to come on n give a lil update. 
see yall soon!
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harrleen · 2 years
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