#freelance beastars au
eggfruit · 1 year
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Anime Sam racism AU
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ms-berry-jam · 8 months
I just had an IDEA
Sam and Max freelance directive
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looney-mooney · 3 years
Thinking about making an au where Sam and Max are Haru’s distant, crazy gay American uncles who she hasn’t thought about in a while. Until she starts seriously dating Legosi, after which she’s like “maybe I should contact Uncle Max, he’s been married to a vigilante canine for ages”
Details for the Insane Beastars/Sam and Max au under the cut
Max of course DEMANDS to see his niece and her crazy new wolf boyfriend, so they end up going on a trip to the Beastars version of New York City. Louis ends up going along and paying for the trip, because he was already headed over for a business deal so they might as well.
The Beastars version of New York City is obviously culturally different from the Beastars version of Japan, and Legosi ends up getting a new perspective (as he always does.) There are some bugs who can actually talk here (???), and meat isn’t considered taboo in the same way. Most people sign up to be meat donors in their driver’s licenses, because there’s a tax incentive. This move has considerably lessened the strain between Herbivores and Carnivores, so though there’s still definitely some tension between the two groups, those who vehemently insist that carnivores and herbivores shouldn’t interact or date or anything are generally considered right-wing bigots. Most people don’t even really see a separation anymore - carnivores can be meat donors too, and some herbivores here eat meat sometimes. Most Americans are just omnivores.
Systematic racism is still a thing, obviously, because America just Sucks Like That, but I’m White so I’m not even gonna attempt to map out the History of American Racism with Furries. Just know that most people in America have at least a little bit of mixed ancestry, and Legosi probably thinks that’s cool and fascinating while everyone else is like “you seriously didn’t know about the Great American Melting Pot? Bruh have you been living under a rock”
Max is part piranha and no I am not elaborating
They also don’t have permanent Beastars in the States. The closest thing they have to a Beastar is the President, which in this world is… basically the American Beastar. I’m having this be the case mostly so that President Max still fits in with the Beastars Lore ™
Geek exists, and is just a bit younger than Haru and Legosi. She’s probably in high school, but taking college classes at the same time, because Geek’s just. Like That. She’s probably a monkey. Haru isn’t sure what she thinks about Geek at first, but then they start talking and plotting mutant botany projects together and Haru decides that this is her favorite cousin actually
I think Sybil should be at least part fox. Maybe even kitsune-coded, since she changes careers so often? Doctor Mama Bosco’s probably either a dog or a sheep, maybe a sheepdog hybrid? Whatever she is, she started her cloning experiments with insects, which is how Sal and the other talking insects in New York came to exist. Bosco’s probably one of those experimental spider goats or something. The Stinkys are carnivorous seafolk of some sort, originally from the Hudson River but migrated to Land when the river got too polluted for their ancestors to keep living there exclusively. Grandpa Stinky was probably fascinated by land culture and particularly cooking as a young sea-land immigrant, and just messed with the art of cooking as much as possible, which led to the insane food he sells at his diner. I am not going to attempt to assign Abraham Lincoln a fursona.
Legosi spends a good chunk of the trip trying to impress Sam and Max, because these people are members of Haru’s Family and he wants them to like him, but then Legosi ends up star-struck by how well Haru’s uncles work together. He’s never seen partners quite like them in action before, and tries to get them to teach him. But these guys aren’t shonen anime mentors, they’re Sam and Max, so it becomes more of a “hey back off buddy just be yourself and maybe trust your partners a little bit more”
Max in particular really tears Legosi a new one, really gives him a nice good shovel talk. Like, Max likes the kid, sure. Legosi’s the BEST kinda crazy and also a really sweet guy and he seems to care about his niece a lot. But he’s really, REALLY annoyed by how much Legosi shuts Haru out of his life. Like, she’s Max’s kin, she’d be able to take care of herself, she doesn’t need you to protect her to the point of reverence, she needs you to let her in. And not just sexually! Though he has some health class tips and condoms if they wanna do that, cuz he’s the cool uncle. But if you wanna be her partner, you have to RESPECT her, kapiche? Stop treating her like some damsel in distress, she’s tougher than you think. I will end you if you don’t stop infantilizing her.
Sam and Max teach Haru how to fight at some point, because no relative of theirs is gonna go through life not knowing how to defend themselves! Max specifically teaches Haru how to use her hammerspace, and now nobody is safe from her wrath. They also taught her how to use a gun, while scolding Louis for never teaching her this incredibly important life skill! For shame.
Imagine Haru with a gun. The power she would wield. No wonder Paru nerfed her
Speaking of Louis, I’m sure he gets involved in the misadventure somehow, probably by getting accidentally tangled with the villain’s plot during his business deal. I’m sure it’s tangled up in the reveal that Mama Bosco was involved with the anthropomorphic insects, just cuz that’s the biggest and newest difference between these two cultures, and might also somehow nod to the systematic racism in America and how fucked up that is.
Might also address how capitalism is the root of all evil, and how the pressure to conform to capitalism in order to maintain a position of power in his attempts to make the world a better place while also giving Legosi and Haru the space to have their own relationship (while also forcing himself to maintain the charade of a heteronormative arranged marriage with someone he isn’t even remotely attracted to) has been slowly but ruthlessly breaking Louis in a terrible cycle, and how he’s spent so much of his life hiding behind masks that he doesn’t even know who he is anymore. And now he’s in a cage again, but this time he put himself there, with his own actions. And Legosi has to tell him that he doesn’t have to pretend all the time, that he’s his best friend and he wants to help. That he and Haru both love him, and they want him in their lives.
The whole adventure probably ends with Haru saving her boy’s butts, and ruthlessly affirming what Legosi just said. Demanding that they BOTH stop hiding from her, and BOTH stop trying to “protect” her. That she NEEDS them, and she wants them to need her. That they don’t have to be Beastars to be PARTNERS.
And then the whole family (yes I’m including Louis and Legosi in this family) beats the villains up and goes out for a celebratory meal or something IDK how to end things
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Been doodling lots of bunnies on the leftover receipt paper at work lately
First two images are me redesigning Faether from Fairyspace (AGAIN) to be a rabbit-like fairy this time. Separates him more from Sprite, who is already a black cat. Also plays into his anxiety, and makes it feel more like his fairy form is a natural extension of his true nature as a person. Also I just really like it
Last three are fleshing out my Sam and Max Beastars Crossover au idea. Mostly figuring out Sam and Haru’s outfits, since Haru doesn’t wear her high school uniform anymore and Max can’t be a nudist anymore due to all those pesky public decency laws. I want him to dress like the gay, middle-aged twink he is.
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urbanqhoul · 3 years
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WOOMe and ShutUpJaney been plotting this au out recently >u>  They did the concept/ doodles for Max's design n I did the final/finished version :3  It involves Sam n Max being blackmarket cops. Max is a carnivore/herbivore hybrid with intense violent/carnivorous tendency's that tends to get himself into a lotta trouble.
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cocoamochart · 3 years
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I’m just going to give this monstrosity it’s own post.
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maineframe · 4 years
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freestars (freelancer beastars)
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looney-mooney · 3 years
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So I’m making an au where Sam and Max are Haru’s crazy gay American uncles, so here are the canon heights of each of the characters. (Specifically, Max is Haru’s distant blood relative and Sam is Max’s husband)
Haru and Legosi are actually closer in height than Sam and Max are, and Haru is 5 inches taller than Max and Legosi is only one inch taller than Sam. Legosi is roughly 5’1”, Haru is about 3’5”, Max is 3’0” and Sam is 6’0”. I added Louis in for both fun and my own reference, he’s the same height as me at 5’8”.
I’ll probably end up changing the proportions slightly in the fanart, just to make it look a little bit more like all these characters belong in the same world, even if my in-universe explanation for how Sam and Max look toonier than their Anime Relatives is because the Great American Melting Pot lead to America being populated almost entirely by hybrids. Fun fact, Max is part Piranha in this au, which is why he has those big sharp chompers! Also probably part cat, to explain the grooming habits, purring, territorialism, and general impulse to cause problems on purpose. Sam’s probably mostly a dog, but also part gorilla with maybe some capybara thrown in cuz’ he’s just Like That.
Max isn’t gonna be a nudist in this au (not that he didn’t try, it’s just harder to get away with it when your existence is less of a novelty and public decency laws exist), but I wanted to use official art for this reference. But don’t worry, I’m planning to dress him up like the slutty, middle-aged twink he is. There’s gonna be crop tops! And JORTS!
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eggfruit · 3 years
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Adult man throws nude hissy-fit, instantly regrets it
Oh and I posted a couple wips of this!
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eggfruit · 3 years
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When you call your dad “mom” but you gotta pretend you don’t last minute so you don’t have to explain your weird mammal/reptile family dynamic to strangers
Bonus familial harassment Very sketchy much more than before
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eggfruit · 3 years
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It’s 4 AM…. Post big Beastars AU sketch dump. There's a little bit of thought for the top and bottom rows!
These are spread out over a couple weeks and of big varying quality because of that oop- Also fucking hell I need to make a comic or something. Bah. Anyways. Top two are baby John times: Max graphically telling his toddler about a case, and Sam bundling up John in winter. Gators don't hibernate but get super sleepy and slowed down in cold weather so they gotta wrap him up like a burrito. Layers on layers. Big warm sausage boy.
Bottom two are for a little thing I've been thinking about. Originally I'd been thinking about just Haru getting taken on to be a cadet but then I was like "Haha what if Legosi got dumped on them by Gouhin for a bit". And then I thought oh wait that'd actually be fun. Sam and Max hardly have the budget to take on one new cop, let alone two, so they make a bet on who can train up the better cadet in three months. Winner gets car driving privileges and tons of opportunity to gloat to strangers about how they single-handedly trained their newest member.
Max slaps Legosi's nose when he does something wrong and rewards him with cookies when he does something right. Max focuses on more "practical" skills like tailing a suspect, breaking and entering, and combat. It's a very loose teaching style that takes Legosi a lot of time and scrambling to adjust to. Max intentionally freaks Legosi out as often as possible to both loosen and toughen him up. It just freaks Legosi out most of the time.
Sam gives Haru homework and constant pop quizzes. They don't go out as often as Max and Legosi because of the focus on book smarts rather than street smarts, which Haru kind of resents; especially because she hoped to be trained by Max rather than Sam. She's bored a lot of the time so she tries to make Sam squirm by asking extremely stupid questions, telling dirty jokes, or just flat-out trying to make him uncomfortable for her own amusement. She absorbs more than she lets on and occasionally busts out what she's learned to give Sam a break. He's very proud when this happens. She follows it with a dirty joke. He's less proud.
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eggfruit · 3 years
Seeing How Sam and Max reacted to Louis and as you said never think of him again. Seeing how he eventually becomes leader of the Shishigumi. They might not have a choice in this au. Of course they might even have a even lower opinion of him for becoming a Mafia Boss and committing crimes.
More below the cut! Seven more! Wow! I had a lot I wanted them to say and figured writing it out would be a nightmare, so they're hasty sketches of varying quality as per usual with nice little digital speech bubbles! OH AND SHISHIGUMI IS TRANSLATED TO LEO GANG IN THE VERSION I'VE SEEN AND I DEFAULTED SORRY AH-
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I don't imagine Louis would be super involved in my little AU world, but I like the idea that Sam and Max are his white whale of adult attention and he's just waiting in the background to try again. Like. Like a hot, confident, usually respected Lorne.
Louis has probably told them his life story at this point. Not that they'd know
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eggfruit · 3 years
I’m not sure how Louis would react to Sam and Max? Especially Max due to how crazy he is.
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I think he’d try to pessimistically see them as “realistically” as possible because he feels threatened by how opposite they are to him and can’t wrap his mind around two people who could easily be in a toxic circumstance thriving together instead. The thought of them would probably drive him crazy, especially from jealousy (which of course he’d never admit).
Sam and Max would think he’s a pompous loser then never think of him again as soon as he left their field of vision
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eggfruit · 3 years
In your beastars au do sam and max keep John and Geek?
Yes and no! I have thoughts! I don’t like making long posts without a cut to shorten it for the dash so go below the cut for my thinking. Above is sketches I made while thinking the thoughts.
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Somehow Geek has more drawings but John has more thoughts. Way more thoughts. Enjoy the dump!
Okay, so! Geek gets kept no problem. I thought she’d be a red fox (which is harder for me to draw than i thought good GOD) so she’s a nice middle ground kind of animal, especially between Sam and Max. She’s not their daughter in a legal sense-you try adopting a child as an unmarried man over 30 with dangerous living conditions and a criminal record-but she’s lived with them for about three years and is definitely their child in the eyes of Sam and Max. In the AU she’s still techy but in a boring realistic way: hacking, repairs, small weapon upgrades kind of deal. Sometimes does little experiments with chemicals and injections for funsies. She wants to be a freelance cop but in her own way, choosing to focus on medicine, interrogation, and other behind the scenes things rather than going out into the field. I prefer her to be about 11 but AU age is 14.
John's bit is longer because his little area is pretty much all new ground! John's bio mother was murdered by his bio father who didn't want to be a dad. John would've died but his mom hid his egg in the toilet which saved his life and got him his name. Max is mom because John hatched in his arms and imprinted (gators in the wild are raised by just their moms), he got adopted by Max despite Max looking like a giant red-flag to any good social worker because he refused to eat unless Max was feeding him. He gows to be a very bubbly little boy, the kind that walks up to strangers in a store and launches into a conversation with them.
He lives with Sam and Max with little to no problems until the middle of his middle school years when hormones, growth spurts, and bullying make him emotionally volatile and aggressive. He gets sent to a boarding school that caters to alligators and others in his order like crocs after lashing out and biting off a piece of Max's ear. He thrives there! He goes home every holiday and break to be with his parents who he loves! They're a happy little family again! Hooray!
School's super expensive so for John's middle and high school years Sam and Max do their policing as well as unsavory yet highly paying side jobs, having a very Do It For Him kind of mindset that slowly expands into darker and darker territory. It's left behind now that John's in college but it's certainly not forgotten. John doesn't have a passion for freelance policing like Geek and's instead in medical school. Sometimes he brings her medical equipment as gifts when he visits.
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eggfruit · 3 years
Found out I've been drawing Max's teeth wrong so I made a Beastars AU explanation for his teeth being weird because the potential for extra pain was right there. More below the cut.
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SOMEDAY I'll put in the effort to make these look real good but that day was not today
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eggfruit · 3 years
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Big dump of Sam and Max Beastars AU sketches. It lives in a corner of my brain looking at me like >8) all the time
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