#full hazmat suit
copperpipes · 1 month
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Magical girl versus child soldier :]
When Dani was created vald's intentions were to create another danny, off the bat, she wasn't a person of her own in his eyes, you can imagine what that does to someone. Being forced another person's individuality instead of figuring out your own.
Vlad didn't know the exact circumstances in which Danny died, only the outcome, and so he thought that all he had to do was to recreate the final product to get what he wanted, but there were a lot more things in play then vlad predicted.
For one, Vlad didn't think that a major reason for Danny existing was thanks to his hazmat suit, its why most clones didn't last long outside their tube.
A solution that was figured out for Dani was to make clothes from ecto resistant fabric to hold the clones shape, of course for her they were extremely uncomfortable just being in them, let alone fighting in them, but she maneged.
Of course, she was still at a risk of suddenly starting to melt at any moment, but luckily she was valuable enough to be given treatment that could keep her functioning.
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After she ran from vlad she lost to said treatment, and this caused damage, but it was still a hundred times better then returning to plasmius.
Then Danny found her and she wasn't dying anymore but the damage was done and she was left with problems in both forms.
As a ghost, keeping a solid form is very hard for her now, not that she couldn't exist as a puddle, but she doesn't want to. Basic asking for help was not a skill she was taught, but her now new family were observant enough.
She got a full body-brace-suit (first picture left) that would let her keep her shape, but it's not meant for fighting, which she doesn't plan on doing anymore.
As a human, chronic joint pain and misshapen meniscus in both knees which causes them to be very easily dislocated.
The cane they got her helps but on worse days getting up from bed is harder then fighting Danny, and they don't have the money nor does Dani has a civilian identity to get a wheelchair.
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Dani herself is very different from Danny. From personality to interests (she likes fish, marine biology seems cool). They may be genetic twins but like in all sets of twins they are completely different.
Also she got a water core
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abrielarnold · 1 year
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"I'm sorry. That me being posessed was a better alternative than me just being, well, me."
'Echoes' by @phantomtwitch
(this fic has had me in a chokehold for the past 2 weeks. no one knows, full hazmat, void danny au to the max. he can't fly in his hazmat suit!! aaaaaaaaa tragedy)
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surelysilly · 1 year
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may 15th: full hazmat
h̶̡́e̷͔͋y̷͝ͅy̵͇̾y̷̯̕ ̶̬̀y̸̿͜o̷̼͂u̷͚͘ ̴̡͌ ̴̹̽č̷͇ā̸͈n̸͉̅'̶̣̉t̷̨̀ ̶͓̉p̷̯̂a̷̱̿r̴̼͊k̷͎̇ ̵͛ͅh̵̬͐ë̶̤́r̶̖̔ȇ̴̫.̴̜̃
- We’re doing the best we can. All of the samples keep turning to literal sludge before we can map enough of the chemical structure. We need more time.
- You have to do better. This is the longest the anomaly has remained in one place. We only have so much time before—
- heyyy, you can’t park here.
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murphy-kitt · 1 year
Full HAZMAT / Hood AU Fic Rec
This is a rec for fics in which Danny has a hood or mask on his HAZMAT suit / or has all the equipment attached to his suit. I saw a few more of these pop up during dannymay so it was only natural to make a rec 😄
does this suit come off?
Work Recognition
Notice Me!
My Brother is the Amity Park Monster
rescue mission
When Seeing Isn’t Always Believing
Other Fic Recs (All DP)
Outsider POV
No One Knows AU (1)
No One Knows AU (2)
Corpse AU
Ghost Hunger
Social Media
Identity Reveals
My Favourites
Random Fics
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zootopiathingz · 5 months
I wonder how common it is in Zootopia for restaurants to get complaints about hair in the food
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prettyflyshyguy · 2 months
Need you all to know I was feeling bad, so I've decided the solution is to deep dive into the dumpster that is my deviantART storage to excavate all my old comic pages so I can do a direct comparison of how it started and how it's going.
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makeoutstopcrime · 1 year
I love SO MUCH the contrast (and similarities) between Tim’s big gesture at the end of last episode of taking the desk job with no hesitation, and Lucy spending literally the entire episode plotting and researching and planning and PUTTING ON A HAZMAT SUIT TO CLEAN SMITTY’S RV so that Tim can have a job he is excited about. The big gesture. The million little gestures. It’s so them and I am on my ROOF.
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bidokja · 5 months
okay okay this is long overdue. im doing it. im updating my reading list.
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lucimiir · 1 year
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Gonna tell my kids this was Commander Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead
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udunie · 13 days
My trick for writing is to write the next thing I'm excited about, and then go back and sort of fill in the transition between. Maybe Harvey does get him up a time or two to weigh him. I love keeping him blindfolded the whole time.
Yessss, hands and knees. Shaky like a baby horse, practically crawling to the space. Forced to throw up his slime balls into a big tub. The awful thing of throwing up so hard that stuff is coming out of every end, so his slime plug gets pushed out. Maybe Demetrius wants to be extremely sure he's thrown everything up so he decides to "inspire" Sebastian by putting something up his ass. Getting railed hard from behind might just make him puke up a couple more after all. Of course it's for science! And maybe also to tell Sebastian this is the only way he can be useful to anyone now. >:)
man, what I really want is Sebby on his hands-and-knees, with Demetrius sort of having him in a headlock and fingers stuffed in the boy's mouth to make him give up the last few slime balls, with Harvey on the other end checking just how stretched his hole is - possibly with some fisting - before pushing the still warm slime balls up there for the last leg of their development 😈
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hazmatgearguy · 3 months
I will be entering a highly toxic area, therefore it is mandatory to wear required safety gear. Including a DuPont Tychem suit, 3M full face respirator, and chemical resistant gloves. ☣️
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everymadara · 11 months
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Chapter 623
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Should we be talking about the fact they appear to be filming in an astrophysics lab?!!!!
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kirstielol · 1 year
Were your neighbors not allowed to take their stuff with them when they were evicted? How does that work?
ok so yesterday we heard someone banging on their door saying it was the "sheriffs department".. so ofc i stood near my door and eavesdropped 👀 it was hard to hear exactly everything but i heard them ask "have you made arrangements?" "we'll be back at 9am tomorrow" "the fact that he [the husband] is not here right now is a breach" (breach of what????)
anyway yeah they had a moving truck outside this morning and moved their shit out while the building super changed their locks and the police supervised it i guess?
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upsddwn · 2 years
Since the Duffers have admitted that they forgot Will’s birthday, does anyone know if the retconning of the air in the Upside Down being toxic this season has been officially addressed at all?? It’s been driving me crazy
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