robug-lyon · 7 months
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a very strange gekk, they're upto something here that or they just wanted to fit some new stuff on, maybe he wants that funny beeping device back that those funny humans with big armor have
or he dislikes strogg as much as they do and wanted in many questions with variable answers
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rosysins · 3 months
continue from here | @deathfavor
♣ Gekkouin.
Ah, Gekkouin would look down momentarily surprised, before threading his hand through the white hair. "Sorry, it's nothing, I didn't mean to wake you." It was rare for the two of them to find time to relax like this, it'd be a shame to worry the overgrown cat endlessly over ... trivial matters.
'Weird dreams' wasn't the most accurate term for the kind of dreams he had. It was more of... unusual dreams. Gekkouin recalls seeing Byakkomaru in those dreams and... he was missing his stripes and tiger ears, and Gekkouin was missing his own horns and face markings too. He can never recall what they did in those dreams, but whenever he woke up from such dreams, a longing nostalgic feeling would linger in his chest. These dreams were also the reason why he's been seeking Byakkomaru out so much these days, a futile attempt to relieve that longing.
When the large tiger began moving them around, Gekkouin would frown displeased at his comfortable position being changed. He would be faced to face with Byakkomaru's sharp eyes and he would let out a huff. "You're making this into a bigger deal than it is. It's just a passing a comment, nothing more." Honestly, was he always so anxious? No different than a regular fat house cat then. "If you're not going back to sleep, I'm gonna go play games. Get off."
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darcyolsson · 9 months
om even oernederlands te zijn op main. ik vind het zo zonde dat klederdracht verloren gaat in nederland en dat er ook gewoon vrijwel niks wordt gedaan om het in stand te houden???? de jongste dragers zijn meestal al de middelbare leeftijd voorbij dus over een jaar of 20-40 is het wss gewoon weg. en dit komt gwn voort uit mn algemene passie voor modegeschiedenis dus ik ben wss de enige die dit iets boeit lol maar ik vind het gewoon zo zonde is want kleding is juist vaak iets dat heel veel inzicht biedt in de geschiedenis van een land wat betreft de grondstoffen, technieken en het dagelijks leven van de gemiddelde mens en het verdwijnt waar we bij staan! een traditie die bestaat sinds de 16e eeuw!!! iemand kom klederdracht met mij redden
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deathfavor · 3 months
@rosysins said: "Well if I'm all yours then kiss me like it." (time for SPICY demon boyfriends)
Possessive, territorial, and jealous starters
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Byakkomaru is rather famous among demons for his calm, collected behavior. He has an almost limitless patience — but it is being tested. Of course Byakkomaru knows just how good looking Gekkouin is. And he also knows Gekkouin is perfectly capable of handling it all on his own. And he can't exactly blame other demons for looking, but that doesn't mean it doesn't cause something possessive and protective to flare within his chest. ( The line between the two could be razor thin and this felt like one of those times where he could no longer tell which was what. )
Either way, the tiger had moved closer and that had been that. Or, so he had more or less thought. A lift of a brow had him offering an explanation as a simple Mine punctuated with a stolen kiss. His little birdie. His secretly shy boyfriend, despite how tough he might look upon first glance. One who hid behind barbed comments. He expected an insult, not that.
Gekkoin had just opened a can of worms, he'd gone and opened a whole dam with that phrase.
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Byakkomaru's attention snaps towards Gekkouin, pupils instantly constricting into narrow slits. A snarl rips straight out of his chest, deep and possessive, and then he surges forward with a burst of speed. Byakkomaru does at least remain considerate enough to take consideration of their horns - though whether consciously or instinctually was left to the unknown. His hands cup the side of Gekkouin's face and he slams their lips together, instantly closing the distance between them. No play, no tease, just a possessive demand.
He kisses with a dominating, desperate hunger that envelopes the space around them like a fog over the surface of a lake. He kisses like he'll starve to death without Gekkouin. It's a primal, intense hunger that's finally been set free of the tiger demon's careful control, set loose in all its monstrous yearning to be laid bared for Gekkouin. It invades every gesture and touch, shows in how he crowds Gekkouin back against a wall, the way his lips move and teeth nip and tug. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. It's a chant woven into each kiss, the hands that hold his boyfriend tight in his claws.
" Gekkouin. " Byakkomaru manages to groan his name, sultry voice deeper than usual with his desire. His fangs nip onto Gekkouin's bottom lip, and then presses forward again, tongue slipping past to taste his boyfriend and drink from the source. It feels like being lost in a haze, Gekkouin's the only thing he can ground himself with this moment. He memorizes it all despite knowing it, every nook and crevice, purrs into their kiss with a sharpened smile. More. More. More. It's that thought that pulls him back, makes the haze in his eyes clear up a little bit.
He pulls back just enough to break the kiss with the only sliver of restraint that he still possesses. He flashes a grin, tongue darting out to lick his lips as if he's just tasted a particularly delicious meal. And he has. " You have no idea the power you have over me. " Byakkomaru rumbles, ducking his head down to press several desperate kisses to his boyfriend's throat. His fangs ghost over the skin, but he doesn't bite down, only presses himself closer, his restraint held in the tension of his shoulders.
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 4 months
Ohhh is dat schilderij met die nummers verbonden met of die anderen aan het kijken zijn???
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 4 months
1 & 4 for lugard, 1 & 11 for gekk, 16 for aerana and 45 for aluen
1: What’s the lie your character says most often?
That he doesn't hate Gekk. I mean if he did why did he stay for so long. And how could he hate Gekk that man has done so much for him. He's more father to Lugard than his biological father. So how could he hate him.
4: What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Swimming regularly. The New Kaineng canals aren't as welcoming as the Lion's Arch bay.
1: What’s the lie your character says most often?
Either the common pleasantries he exchanges when working with the other crime bosses (he hates criminals with a passion, why do you think he does all this crime?) or his facade of loving money (he does not care for the money)
11: If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Well first of all he doesn't have friends. Second of all his family (aka the gaggle of handraised henchmen) would notice when Gekk would no longer explain in excuciating detail his plans and designs.
16: What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
The Arcane Council, Oola, The High Council of the Gentlemens Gang, Charrlotte
45: What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
I don't know. I think she is too busy hating herself to care for hating unimportant things.
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maystardust · 1 year
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Musical top hats
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gekkekapsels · 12 hours
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Tuindagen in Park Beervelde
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ralph-mulder · 11 months
Zijn we nog vrij
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duckprintspress · 6 days
Queer Book Recs for Speak Your Language Day!
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Once a year on Tumblr on May 7th, the account @spyld organizes Speak Your Language Day, a day to encourage people on such an English-centric platform to speak their native languages instead. Duck Prints Press works with creators from over the world, many of whom speak languages other than English as their native tongues (French and German are most common among our folks, but they’re far from the only mother tongues) and so we wanted to join in the celebration for the day by highlighting some of our favorite queer works originally published in languages other than English. Six people contributed to this list (half themselves not native English speakers.). Original language blurbs used when possible!
Where We Go from Here (Você Tem a Vida Inteira) by Lucas Rocha. Original language: Brazilian Portuguese
As vidas de Ian, Victor e Henrique se encontram de uma forma inesperada. Ian conhece Victor no dia em que recebe o resultado de seu teste rápido de HIV. Os dois são universitários. Victor está envolvido com Henrique. Ian está solteiro. Os três são gays.
Dois deles têm a vida atingida pela notícia de um diagnóstico positivo para o HIV. Um não tem o vírus. Um está indetectável. Dois estão apaixonados. Henrique é mais velho e, depois de Victor, pensou que poderia acreditar de novo em alguém.
Victor têm medo do que o amor pode trazer para a sua vida.
Ian sequer sabe se será capaz de amar.
Os três são, ao mesmo tempo, heróis e vilões de uma história que não é sobre culpa, mas sim sobre amor, amigos e sobre como podemos formar nossas próprias famílias.
Guardian (镇魂/Zhen Hun) by priest. Original language: Chinese
Zhao Yunlan heads up a covert division of the Ministry of Public Security that deals with the strange and unusual, blurring the line between the mortal realm and the Netherworld. His cocky, casual attitude conceals both a sharp mind and an arsenal of mystical tools and arcane knowledge. 
While investigating a gruesome death at a local university, Zhao Yunlan crosses paths with the reserved Professor Shen Wei. Zhao Yunlan is immediately intrigued by Shen Wei’s good looks and intense gaze, and the attraction between them is immediate and powerful, even as Shen Wei tries to keep his distance. Shen Wei and his secrets are a puzzle Zhao Yunlan feels compelled to solve as mysterious circumstances throw them together, and their connection becomes impossible to deny.
The Center of the World (Die Mitte der Welt) by Andreas Steinhöfel. Original language: German
Was immer ein normales Leben auch sein mag – der 17-jährige Phil hat es nie kennengelernt. Denn so ungewöhnlich wie das alte Haus ist, in dem er lebt, so ungewöhnlich sind auch die Menschen, die dort ein- und ausgehen – seine chaotische Mutter Glass, seine verschlossene Zwillingsschwester Dianne und all die anderen. Und dann ist da noch Nicholas, der Unerreichbare, in den Phil sich unsterblich verliebt.
Journey Home (A Caminho de Casa) by May Barros. Original language: Brazilian Portuguese
Amara e Luiza are two witches that live in a queerplatonic relationship. When Luiza decides to embark on a journey throught the galaxy in a quest for the lost fortress of Laura, the Dragon Queen, she ends up finding more than expected, while Amara follows her footsteps, hoping it’s not too late.
Roze Brieven by Splinter Chabot. Original language: Dutch
Op zijn verjaardag op 3 maart 2020 debuteerde Splinter Chabot met CONFETTIREGEN. Het boek werd al snel omarmd door de boekhandel en media. En daar bleef het niet bij. Sinds de verschijning krijgt Splinter dagelijks reacties op zijn openhartige verhaal over zijn coming-out. Reacties van ouders, van jongeren die met dezelfde worsteling kampen, van ouderen die zichzelf herkennen in het verhaal, van mensen uit de LGBTQ+-gemeenschap, van docenten en nog vele anderen. Ontroerende, grappige, gekke, treurige en hoopvolle reacties die Splinter stuk voor stuk beantwoordt.
In Roze brieven zijn de meest bijzondere brieven verzameld door Splinter zelf met daarbij de reacties die hij heeft gestuurd. Voor alle lezers van CONFETTIREGEN en voor iedereen die worstelt met zijn of haar identiteit zal Roze brieven een waardevolle bron van herkenning zal zijn. Een intieme en ontroerende bundeling waarin een belangrijke boodschap weerklinkt: Het wordt beter.
Silent Reading (默读/Mo Du) by priest. Original language: Chinese
Childhood, upbringing, family background, social relations, traumatic experiences…We keep reviewing and seeking out the motives of criminals, exploring the subtlest emotions driving them. It’s not to put ourselves in their shoes and sympathize, or even forgive them; it’s not to find some reasons to exculpate their crimes; it’s not to kneel down before the so-called “complexity of human nature”; nor to introspect social conflicts, much less to alienate ourselves into monsters.We just want to have a fair trial – for ourselves and for those who still have hope for the world.
Favorite (Preferida) by May Barros. Original language: Brazilian Portuguese
(no blurb available)
Amatka by Karin Tidbeck. Original language: Swedish
Av ren slump har människor hamnat i en parallell värld. Det är en instabil plats, där orden hela tiden formar verkligheten. Den dagliga kampen för att överleva har skapat ett samhälle fyllt av regler, där kollektivet alltid går före individen. Vanja skickas till det avlägsna samhället Amatka. De människor hon möter där ruskar om i hennes sorg och ensamhet. Hon gör häpnadsväckande upptäckter, som förändrar inte bara henne, personligen. I en instabil värld kan en förändring spridas hur långt som helst.
Thieves (Voleuse) by Lucie Bryon. Original language: French
Arriver à l’heure en cours et étudier ? Très peu pour Ella. Ce qu’elle aime ? Regarder à la dérobée la douce et mystérieuse Madeleine et, bien sûr, faire la fête. Un peu trop, même.
Un matin, elle se réveille avec une gueule de bois carabinée : c’est le blackout. Et la panique. Chez qui a-t-elle passé la soirée ? Et pourquoi son lit est jonché d’objets luxueux qui ne lui appartiennent absolument pas ?
Here the Whole Time (Quinze Dias) by Vitor Martins. Original language: Brazilian Portuguese
Felipe está esperando esse momento desde que as aulas começaram: o início das férias de julho. Finalmente ele vai poder passar alguns dias longe da escola e dos colegas que o maltratam. Os planos envolvem se afundar nos episódios atrasados de suas séries favoritas, colocar a leitura em dia e aprender com tutoriais no YouTube coisas novas que ele nunca vai colocar em prática.
Mas as coisas fogem um pouquinho do controle quando a mãe de Felipe informa que concordou em hospedar Caio, o vizinho do 57, por longos quinze dias, enquanto os pais dele não voltam de uma viagem. Felipe entra em desespero porque a) Caio foi sua primeira paixãozinha na infância (e existe uma grande possibilidade dessa paixão não ter passado até hoje) e b) Felipe coleciona uma lista infinita de inseguranças e não tem a menor ideia de como interagir com o vizinho.
Love Me for Who I Am (不可解なぼくのすべてを/Fukakai na Boku no Subete o) by Kata Konayama. Original language: Japanese
女子の制服を着て学校に通う高校生、もぐもはある日、カフェのアルバイトに誘われる。 可愛い制服を着て働ける仕事に、最初は喜ぶもぐもだったが、このカフェが『男の娘カフェ』であることを知って…。
This Is Our Place (Se a Casa 8 Falasse) by Vitor Martins. Original language: Brazilian Portuguese
O terceiro romance de Vitor Martins, autor de Quinze dias e Um milhão de finais felizes Ambientado e narrado pela mesma casa em três décadas diferentes, Se a casa 8 falasse é um romance sobre jovens lidando com mudanças drásticas, conflitos familiares e primeiros amores, que mostra que, apesar das gerações mudarem, algumas experiências são capazes de atravessar a barreira do tempo. Algumas casas guardam histórias especiais. A que fica no número 8 da rua Girassol tem muito para contar. 2000: Ana recebe a notícia de que vai se mudar e será obrigada a deixar para trás tudo o que conheceu até agora, inclusive a parte mais dolorida de todas: sua namorada. 2010: Enquanto os pais de Greg passam por um divórcio complicado, ele é enviado para a casa da tia, que é dona de uma locadora em tempos de internet e odeia companhia – e muitas outras coisas. 2020: Beto sempre quis se mudar e seguir o sonho de ser fotógrafo em São Paulo. Só que uma pandemia aparece para obrigá-lo a ficar trancado em casa com a mãe protetora e a irmã aparentemente perfeita. Esta é uma história sobre uma casa e seus moradores, incluindo um vira-lata de três patas chamado Keanu Reeves
Heaven Official’s Blessing (天官赐福/Tian Guan Ci Fu) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. Original language: Chinese
Born the crown prince of a prosperous kingdom, Xie Lian was renowned for his beauty, strength, and purity. His years of dedicated study and noble deeds allowed him to ascend to godhood. But those who rise may also fall, and fall he does–cast from the heavens and banished to the world below. 
Eight hundred years after his mortal life, Xie Lian has ascended to godhood for the third time, angering most of the gods in the process. To repay his debts, he is sent to the Mortal Realm to hunt down violent ghosts and troublemaking spirits who prey on the living. Along his travels, he meets the fascinating and brilliant San Lang, a young man with whom he feels an instant connection. Yet San Lang is clearly more than he appears… What mysteries lie behind that carefree smile?
Golden Hue (Aura Dourada) by May Barros. Original language: Brazilian Portuguese
(no blurb available)
The Way Spring Arrives and Other Stories (no Chinese title) ed. by Regina Kanyu Wang & Yu Chen. Original language: Chinese
In The Way Spring Arrives and Other Stories, you can dine at a restaurant at the end of the universe, cultivate to immortality in the high mountains, watch roses perform Shakespeare, or arrive at the island of the gods on the backs of giant fish to ensure that the world can bloom.
Written, edited, and translated by a female and nonbinary team, these stories have never before been published in English and represent both the richly complicated past and the vivid future of Chinese science fiction and fantasy.
Time travel to a winter’s day on the West Lake, explore the very boundaries of death itself, and meet old gods and new heroes in this stunning new collection.
There are so many wonderful queer books being published in languages other than English. What are some of your favorites, available in translation or not?
View this list, and other books we’ve previously recommend that were originally published in languages other than English, on this Goodreads shelf!
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rosysins · 3 months
♣ Gekkouin.
As a bird demon, I think Gekkouin has a lot more potential that Kagami didn't explore before kind of pushing him to the side(?). When I saw the chapter where Gekkouin was fighting with the other Shinoa Squad's black demons, he only used very generic attacks that seems to be any attacks that demons could use? Which personally feels like a waste, considering Kiseki-o and Asuramaru were able to exercise their own powers during the fight against Yuu.
I think it would've been cool if he made use of more bird-themed abilities, like even something as simple as using his wings to throw Yuu off-balance during the fight would've pose some form of challenge. After all, even the most formidable swordsmen would waver if they loose their footing.
Also, a rlly cool ability i read somewhere, like a peacock's shrill? or peacock cry? An ability that agitates or grabs the opponents' attention, thereby limiting their ability to tunnel vision?? LIKE THATS SUPER COOL and could've made Gekk so much cooler?? I mean, yeah he would still get beat up but at least it goes to show that the black demons aren't exactly weak either??
Like yes, he is a side character and yes, he probably shouldn't be 'invested' in so much. But if a side character doesnt prove any sort of challenge or support to the main character, then he might as well not be there in the first place.
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dophaminezest · 10 months
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So for gekko I was Hella confused on what to do with him, all I know is I want him to have a Dino onsie-like hood :skull:
But I got I just needed time before coming up with something
His whole theme is supposed to be pastel/softie/baby core(?) Inspired
So uhh, let's make this clear. Instead of using pjamas, the pj masks have different accessories that they use to transform (like mlb) BUT their powers are made by different people, that's why their mechanics and costume designs are different.
Unlike the other two, Greg uses two items to transform into gekko, a dinosaur plush Keychain and a pair of gloves
Anyways, his hooded cape is supposed to be an adapted from the dino onsie he uses when transforming, the hood also doubles as a "mask"/covers his identity.
If he take off his hood, he would turn invisible (I'm trying to give him new powers mechanics)
He can spawn these sticky green goo, and by sticky, I mean it will litteraly NOT come off without gekko's will (Yes, the good is controlled by gekko's will)
he uses the goo to can climb on walls, roofs, etc.
Also cause this goo is really sticky, gekko could litteraly move ANYTHING, like cars, houses, mountains even. All he needed to do is spawn the goo, stick his goo covered gloves/boots on something he wants to carry/move, and just.. *pulls*
Also, since the goo is controlled by gekko's will, he can shape shift it to anything he wants, like a shield, wall, etc etc. But they all will still have the same sticky/bouncy consistency.
His powers are used more as defense instead of an attack
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jaarijani · 8 months
Inspired by this post, I love this idea sm
Als je me een jaar geleden had verteld dat ik deze zomer zou doorbrengen compleet geobsedeerd door een finse rapper had ik je volkomen voor gek verklaard. Maargoed, nu zijn we hier want soms gaat het leven een gekke kant op en de dingen die je niet ziet aankomen zijn vaak de beste!
Ik ben zo ontzettend dankbaar dat ik Jere en dit fandom heb ontdekt wanneer ik het vond, voor deze zomer was ik mentaal in een behoorlijk slechte plek maar de muziek en de vrolijkheid en de gekkigheid hebben ervoor gezorgd dat ik me nu beter voel dan in maanden 🥰
Bedankt Jere voor deze fantastische wereld die je hebt geschapen voor ons, de muziek waar ik nog steeds zo lekker op ga, de lach die je bijna dagelijks op mijn gezicht zet, de geilheid (<- ps. ik haat dat ik woord met mijn eigen handen heb geschreven hdvdbs) en de geweldige sfeer die je hebt doen ontstaan hier 🩷 we houden van je en ik kan niet wachten om je in levende lijve te zien in oktober!!!
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danikatze · 3 months
Hey, gekke vraag.. ik ga zondag 3 maart naar de liveshow van Welcome to Night Vale in Utrecht en ik heb een kaartje over! Kan ik iemand daar blij mee maken? Helemaal gratis wat mij betreft, het kaartje is al betaald.
You know what, I'll also reach out to non-Dutch speaking people who are in the Netherlands this weekend. Are you interested in a free ticket to the Welcome to Night Vale live show Sunday 3 March in Utrecht? Send me a message lol
Ik verwacht hier eigenlijk niks van omdat ik bijna nooit iets post/reblog over wtnv, dus niemand zal me daarvoor gevolgd hebben. Maar niet geschoten is altijd mis, toch?
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Gekk time! 6 & 13 for the GW2 ask meme if you like! :D
6. They're now a heart NPC/part of a string of quests. What does that involve?
"Help a reputable businessman make some money"
Distract Guards, intimidate rival gang members and "recover" "lost" cargo
13. What is the worst/funniest/dumbest article that could be written about them in Tyria's trashiest gossip mag?
"Local Criminial suspected of secretly running legal business"
"Area Asura declares entire city his personal laboratory. Inhabitants unaware"
"This Asura has only just turned 50 but has more wrinkles than a dredge's grandmother. Learn his secret!"
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cactusklas · 5 months
Vandaag was het ons moment om tijdens Cirque D’Olei ons KEItof moment uit de klas te delen. We hebben samen heel veel gekke, leuke, ontspannende momentjes in de klas. Ontspanning is minstens even belangrijk als inspanning 👏🏼
We hebben ons allemaal KEIhard ingezet voor de proeven, nu is het tijd om ons KEIgoed te ontspannen. Fijne vakantie iedereen ✨🎄🎅🏼🧸🤎
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