#genuinely love ocs you create a character and a world for them and interactions then there is the joys of hearing about your friends ocs and
leafeonb · 3 months
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i need to draw... sorry about the kill and revive patrick gif i love it it has to be here
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hello, everyone. this will be my first and only time i will be publicly addressing this. i am not answering questions about this, and for the first time ever, i am also disallowing anons.
first of all, i want to say that i've chosen to address this now out of my own volition. because i do not find it fair at all that i have felt that i could NOT address it at any point in order to maintain peace and harmony during, and in the wake of the event.
however, i feel that due to the nature of what happened, and the absolute damage that it has done to my mental health, that i must, in order to further my own recovery from it all, and as so no longer feel bullied into silence.
there will be no names mentioned. this is not a vaguepost. this is my formal statement for my own peace of mind and progressing on my path towards recovery.
if you know, you know; and if you don't, you don't.
let's talk.
throughout this past year i have been the target of a smear campaign concerning GOOMT. it actually began late 2022, but escalated long into 2023.
what entailed was nothing short of bad faith reading and interpretation from someone whose skill in character analysis was something i'd admired. in fact, i had agreed many a time with how they'd interpreted characters and the world of Silent Hill. although my interaction with said person had historically been minimal, it had been civil, and i strived to be respectful of them.
i am unfortunately unsure of what caused this, or why it happened at all; and i do not think they know either. what i do know is that many upon many lies were told about what i write, and that it turned needlessly personal on many occasions. people were turned against me for one reason another, and i'm saddened to have seen this happen.
i stayed quiet during it all. i did what many people facing ruthless targeted harassment do, and pretended i didn't know in hopes of minimizing damage, and in hopes of responsible parties losing interest; but this did not happen. i was sent bad faith anons, i was subject to lies, and saw hypocrisy.
and i understood who they were and why they were here. they were looking for "gotcha's!" that didn't exist, digging for reasons to further vilify me.
worse, the bullying was praised. it was encouraged, and it was near-constant. a whole tag was created. the intent was to hurt and isolate me, and it did. it did hurt me, and it did make me feel isolated, and i withdrew quite a bit.
but i did not stop writing. it took longer for me to post, but i did not stop writing.
and moreover?
i REFUSE to stop writing.
i write a fanfic for a fandom i love. i am as how you see me and how i present myself. i'm enthusiastic and encouraging to others because that is genuinely how i feel. i LOVE to see others create. i LOVE to see the vast amount of interpretations, and silliness, and new OCs and pairings and OC/canon pairings, and i LOVE to see others thrive.
and i am in competition with exactly no one.
i did nothing wrong. i KNOW i did nothing wrong. i also know that those involved know that i did nothing wrong, and i did nothing to deserve the treatment i received, no matter how they try to justify it to themselves.
the behavior i faced, and how others reacted with encouragement and cheer is becoming too common and too normalized.
and it needs to stop.
i've been in therapy for the better part of my life. although i've been without a therapist since i've moved, i've finally found one to not only continue my lifelong recovery in other matters, but to help myself recover from what i faced this year.
i am extremely hurt. i know that this was the goal, and it has succeeded. if hearing this fills those involved with pride and glee, then something is wrong, because that should not elicit that reaction. i am extremely, deeply disappointed in those involved for this, and all the hypocrisy, and all the contradictions, and all the willful bad faith asks sent and posts made.
and i have done nothing wrong.
i do not hate anyone. i do not hate who started this, or even who engaged with them; and i never did.
it is okay if someone doesn't like what or how i write. in fact, i have made multiple posts about how i view my attitude towards my writing. one of the points i have made is that i encourage people who do not like what i write, to NOT read it.
there is a very old saying on fandom internet: Don't Like? Don't Read. now, this should be obvious, but the practice of hate-reading is an extremely unhealthy behavior that has, again, become unfortunately normalized in the recent handful of years.
unlearn hate-reading. you do not read to read anything you do not like. it, in many cases, can actually constitute as self-harm. and if you choose to do this, it is not the author's fault.
it is yours. and you need to take responsibility for your own actions.
there are people here who were needlessly cruel to me and who i feel do not feel a lick of remorse for what they've done. i hope some day that they can reflect with a clearer head and understand, and take some responsibility for their actions.
and i genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, with full raw sincerity, hope that they do get to heal; that they do learn and grow; that they UNlearn these toxic behaviors; are able to move away from people who exhibit them; find the courage and strength to stand up for themselves and/or others, to end the cycle; and that they understand that i do not hate them, and that i wish them full success in their future health and endeavors.
that said, i hope all involved will never forget the harm they have done. i hope they cringe. i hope it keeps them up at night, and i dearly hope they actually regret their actions, or at some point come to regret it.
i do not hate any one of them, and i won't. i never will.
and never will anyone involved ever be forgiven for it either.
most of all - and on a much lighter note - i want to say thank you to those who supported me during this time. your patience and reassurance has been a saving grace that words unfortunately cannot do justice. you are precious to me, and i love you all, and i hope that i can be just as strong and supportive to you in your times of need.
thank you too to all my readers, my followers, and my friends. i'm sorry to have been largely absent this past year, but this was the reason why. next year it will be better, not just for me, but for all of us. i promise. i love you all.
i also love me, my art, my writing as a whole, and myself. i am a tough cookie. i may have cried a lot, i may have gotten frustrated and angry, but i am human. i'm allowed to feel this way, and i will feel this way for a while as i heal, yet i refuse to be bitter; and i refuse to stop loving what i do.
because i love GOOMT. i love developing GOOMT, i love drawing for GOOMT, and i love writing GOOMT. i always will love GOOMT, no matter how many years more it takes for me to write it. so thank you to all who have read and enjoyed GOOMT, and have matched my enthusiasm for it and its future. i am so, SO blessed to have you here, and i am SO excited to spin my story.
and i am so, SO glad to be alive to be able to share my piece of this silly foggy world with you.
cheers, mates. i look forward to a new year, better health for me and all, and to what beautiful things we can create and share together.
i love you - and i promise that we will be okay.
for we are alive, and with wounds that WILL heal.
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rockybloo · 3 months
Ur honestly brave asf for that recent post because people can get really nasty about that type of discourse, and you spoke nothing but facts. i wish you nothing but peace and hopefully people can learn how easy it is to simply block and move on instead of making a big stink about content they don’t vibe with.
For context for the people who might not know
Thank you!
And, like I said, the older I get and the more I witness the internet and the world itself change, the more I just...feel no desire to get into drama around fictional content.
HELL--I don't even get into fandoms anymore. I just like what I like and keep to myself because I get easily annoyed with surface level fandom drama like people disagreeing with ships for the smallest of reasons when the two pairs of characters people are fighting with AIN'T EVER EVEN CANON IN THE SOURCE MATERIAL!
THE WAY I SEE IT--The internet is a series of tubes (at the bottom of the ocean that occasionally is nibbled on by sharks and other marine life) and is contained in boxes on people's desks.
Working a job where I interact with actual people on a daily and not pfps with usernames has put into perspective how dumb a lot of internet discourse really is and I always feel some typa envy for the regular person who is just vibin' unaware of the digital fuckery.
The longer I've been around, the less free time I have as well. So these small little gaps when I don't gotta work or sleep, I try to take advantage of and treat myself, often with my own OCs.
I think the proper word to use for how I feel about the internet is "jaded". I now understand the power of touching grass. The world is a big and wonderful place where the average human will not care I made a 30 tweet long thread about someone. Or that I tweet at all!
And what sucks is that saying the simple phrase "I do not care about online discourse about fictional media" will cause a buncha people to immediately go "WELL WHAT IF SOMEONE IS DRAWING INCEST OR UNDERAGE OR NONCON DOES THAT MEAN YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT" because the internet LOVES some extremes.
And, as I've stated before, I don't fuck with fuck shit. And those things I just stated are fuck shit. Just because I am not constantly making posts upon posts about people creating that content DOESN'T MEAN I support or condone it. I block people who create that stuff. The law and higher forces will handle 'em where it's fit. I don't need the stress in my life of dogging on someone constantly to try and get them to stop doing weird fictional stuff because I know, FOR A FACT, they will not stop and I am wastin' my time. I have seen it so many times where people that get outted as weirdos do not change. Some actually celebrate their "cancellations"
I've seen so many people who spend their time online trying to be a "hero" and cancel the weirdos of fiction only for it to come out that they themselves are some other type of weird and, because their squeaky clean image they've tried so hard to maintain is ruined, they bail out. Or they will get overwhelmed with the stress or all the drama and stop posting. Or some other "bad end".
When you constantly try to portray yourself as having higher moral standing, you keep making that pedestal you accidentally are placing yourself on higher and higher so it eventually becomes unstable and topples over from even the smallest mistake you made because the internet ain't loyal. Supporters can become "I KNEW THEY WERE A WEIRDO" in less than 3 hours.
The only good I see in making a post about someone being a weirdo is that it alerts other people who might not know so they can unfollow. And even then, I have made it a task for myself where I read all of a post I can so I can craft my own opinions on someone since things have gotten to a point where if you don't gotta be making genuinely fucked up content to be seen as bad.
Humans are messy creatures and the internet is a messy place. And I wasn't placed on this planet to try to clean up either of those things. All I gotta do is stay black and die...and draw my OCs, of course.
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mists-reading-nook · 1 year
I'm gonna post this idea myself later but I'm also gonna send this ask cuz I wanna see your own take on it.
Post-Imposter Hunt reader who makes their Self-Insert. (Or at least one of them)
The Imposter is dead, the hunt done with, and we're at the top of the world as the Creator. Of course we want little to dow tih Teyvat because it wanted to be our friggin kidnapper, sacrificer, and coffin.
But then we remember, "hey we're called the creator cuz we friggin made Teyvat (allegedly)" so we decide to bring our SI to life and it works.
The best part? Our self-insert is somebody we like hanging around, no matter their traits we'd see as less than stellar in anybody else in our worshippers. And they understand us because they're us in a way! They get our pain, struggles and anxieties even if they aren't wholly us. And vice versa because we made them.
They don't worship us, revere us, they treat us as they would anybody else. They don't think of us as some god! (or hide it better than everyone else if they do)
And what can Teyvat do but watch? A real Vessel was in front of them.
We play soldier and dress-up with the Allogenes. But our self-insert, who was our way of interacting with worlds personally before our descension into Teyvat? Who was made with a piece of ourselves? They're a real Vessel. Favored by the Creator.
And Teyvat can only watch as they steal all Their Grace's love, love they forfeited through their stupidity.
Yoooo this is genuinely a really good idea-
I can imagine that most,if not all characters are hella jealous. Especially the traveller and free 4 stars like amber. Like all of a sudden,traveller went from being a special vessel (as not only the first,but the one we use most often story wise) to being a regular vessel,and this random "real vessel" took thier place.
It'd be so much worse if you had ocs. Like no matter how they came to be (either they materialized into Tevyat when you created them pre isekai or you made them along with your SI post isekai),your ocs are viewed as special,no matter how unimportant they were before. It's extremely demoralizing for your now-disgraced acolytes.
It's a really interesting idea,especially considering how your SI would probably be "blessed" or smth. Plus they treat you like an actual person! Which,in your case,is a very good thing. You can actually Unwind and talk with them without having to worry about things you say being taken out of context,or taken too seriously.
Of course,even if your self insert sees you as a god,they wouldn't tell or show you. They want to keep this privilege. Even if it means getting dirty stares when they call you by name. Or constant threats from your insanely jealous acolytes.
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overgrown-memory · 28 days
Oh...? A new specimen?
“Life keeps growing and wilting, no matter what – erosion eating away at it… This is why I seek to eternally preserve it.”
A sly and humourous scholar, and Member #80 of the Genius Society; who also happens to be Ruan Mei’s little brother. An expert in the biological sciences, who focuses on preserving life to make it eternal rather than figure out how to create new things from nothing. Like his sister, he greatly enjoys desserts, however also enjoys traditional poetry and music. 
AGE: “Young Man”
SPECIES: Human. 
FACTIONS: The Genius Society. 
PATH: The Preservation. 
THIS is Ruan Lian's character doc, which involves character stories, voicelines, lightcone descs, and more!
Ruan Lian identifies as genderqueer and aroace. 
He is single, but can be a bit of a flirt and tends to enjoy teasing Aventurine.
Ruan Lian does not anger quickly, and typically laughs when faced with aggression. He is not necessarily haughty, but he knows his own worth and is assured in it, and will therefore not respond to being ordered around and will merely ridicule whoever attempts to do so. He can be cruel and vicious with his words, and has an almost fox-like disposition if he is not acting neutral.
Ruan Lian, as the name suggests, is Ruan Mei’s brother. 
Ruan Lian has low levels of empathy, and frequently commits to morally questionable experiments, just like his sister. However, there are people that he truly does care for and genuinely wish the best for, including family and close friends. Ruan Lian is fiercely determined and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, sacrificing time and people like pawns if necessary. He also is quite vengeful to those who hurt those he loves, going to great lengths to return the favour once someone has gotten on his bad side. 
I mean, if you managed to piss him off, you’re in for a world of pain. 
Ruan Lian will often seek a neutral or positive relationship with those he deems ‘interesting’ or ‘potential specimens’. He has a generally positive relationship with the other Genius Society members, and is neutral on the subject of Dr. Ratio.  
preserving life . 🌸 | for in-character posts & reblogs
flow of time . ⌛ | for random thoughts
stopping time . 🕯️ | for answering asks
an equal mind . 💡 | for interactions with others from the genius society
twin strings . 💮 | for interactions with ruan mei
reversing the clock . 💎 | for interactions with herta
a fellow friend . 🌻 | for interactions with yu qingtu
cold steel . 🔩 | for interactions with screwllum
rubber ducks . 🦆 | for interactions with stephen
a fascinating specimen . 🎴 | for interactions with aventurine
flourishing potential . 📘 | for interactions with dr. ratio
familiar instruments . 🌼 | for interactions with canon characters
a foreign song . 🌺 | for interactions with ocs!
erosion . 🌷 | for writing starters/bits
home . 🌹 | ooc!
I use they/them pronouns!
I am a minor. NO NSFW. 
I love interacting w/OCS. 
If you want to RP a specific situation you’re free to!
I get wordy sometimes with my replies. No need to respond with the same amount of energy.
I respond quickly, even though I’m in school.
Feel free to say hi in the inbox!
No flirting with the mod. I’m taken. :) 
I am the same person that mods @yingchens-writings, @dreamingmachinery, @nihility-zel and @robbery-dollie, so the format is NOT stolen.
If you want to use my formats, ASK FIRST. 
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searching for aot/attack on titan writing partners (updated NEVER EXPIRES)
Elle. 20+. GMT. discord/tumblr/docs. I'm a long-term roleplayer and I will literally send you memes and HCs and create Pinterest boards and google docs one hour after we start talking because I'm both stupid and unhinged. I joke around a lot but be critical of the media you consume or leave, also this is a no bigotry zone.
You are older than 19 years old.
You’re not interested in smut-centered plots.
You’re genuinely ok with doubling up. I've been roleplaying for over a decade, trust me it's blatant when someone is forcing themselves to write a character they don't want to write.
You don’t care intensely about following what’s canon: my philosophy is to look at the world that is provided to us and turn it into our playground.
You like plots with a mixture of realism and clichés: realism is VERY important to me especially when writing ships, but i WILL conjugate that realism with more cringy elements (like love triangles, pinning, and accidental pregnancies).
You’ll match my energy. I'm going to jump right to plotting and shipping to gauge if we’ll be compatible or not because I don’t like to waste time.
You can communicate and be enthusiastic: I'm a very devoted roleplay partner. I don't expect us to talk every day and I don't expect fast replies, but if we don’t interact for 2 weeks, I'll clock out.  
You'll explore mature topics with respect. I don't have trigger warnings and enjoy writing potentially triggering topics like manipulation, religious themes, and memory loss etc, but let's always be respectful. 
what i'm interested in writing:
please know that ilse langnar, mike/miche zacharias, and eld gin are my main characters and i will always want to throw them at you, in a ship or in a brotp or i any other dynamic.
i only write m/f ships with new writing partners, sorry!
erwin smith x f oc
zeke yeager x f oc or pieck finger (i can write either)
porco galliard x f oc or pieck finger (i can write either)
marcel galliard x f oc
levi ackerman x f oc
and also:
reiner braun x f oc (selective with this one, need to discuss plot ideas first)
jean kirstein x f oc
jean kirstein x hitch dreyse
erwin smith x f oc
zeke yeager x f oc
mike zacharias x f oc
gunther schultz x f oc
eld gin x f oc
petra rall x m oc
hanji/hange zoe x levi ackerman (i can write either)
hanji/hange zoe x erwin smith (i can write either)
absolute massive bonus points if you do a mumu with me bc i love connecting characters and plots. i write ilse (and lynne) and if you give me a brotp for her with any of these characters : marlene, nabana, hange i will deadass cry. if you let me write mike or eld against erwin in a brotp i will deadass cry too.
ty for reading!! don't forget to say hi if you're interested. ✨
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roseadleyn · 1 year
if u truly like diabolik lovers (according to ur fandom list anyways) then any diabolik lovers ocs that you like and/or love?? and do you have any dl ocs of your own?
OH MY GOD. i have another ask like this. should probably stop procrastinating and answer all 87 of my asks but procrastination is life 😍‼️
btw this list is not in order at all‼️i love you all the same <333
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1. helen harrison, aurora, and lae'la by @/nutaella-kookie
laila isn't around on tumblr anymore (deactivated) but i actively stalk all blogs that contain helen posts. she's my favorite oc ever created and i genuinely love and fantasize about her all the timeeee
aurora is the BEST person in the demon world alongside devyn and gilbert. shut up. u don't get to argue because omg i love this woman
and lae'la... she's so objectively wrong but oh my heavens she looks good while she's at it. girlboss, love her.
2. keiichirou seong by @gingerall
okay but i am so in love with this man u do not understand!!! he's written well, he's drawn well, and he's so pretty 😭💞 yes he's a red flag but red is my favorite color so what are you going to do about it huh 🙄🙄
(@gingerall's art SLAYS btw. go check it out. i dare you. rn. )
3. devyn kang by @secretarykang
devyn is so beautiful???? so girlboss???? like, genuinely, this is the rare female oc who's a compelling female character who doesn't need to beat everyone up to be empowering and i just. hhhh ma'am i love u pleaseee
4. maya by @summercreolefanfictioner
BABIE!!! mentally traumatized, but babie!!! i found maya a while back and read her ENTIRE masterlist in one setting. istg i love her, she's so complex (in a good way!!) and deserves the world for putting up with kanato like she does
5. gilbert by @summercreolefanfictioner
SIR??? MY HAND IN MARRIAGE IS HERE??? literally simp over him as a hobby he's too well written and way too handsome for me to not do that okay??? and also he didn't need to die miss summer he deserves a happy ending with devyn!!!
6. cyra by @mariicake
is she single??? because i am (/j)
okay but like come on. this woman is so. wjsjd she makes me feel things she's so pretty and she slays literally every interaction with those mentally ill vampires and whatever else cooks in the dl abyss
7. asa, akemi and amaya by @crookedherringcolorclodthe2nd
(i'm unable to tag your original blog, my apologies!!)
my go to ocs if i need to laugh??? these girls. i absolutely adore their dynamic and the way they're written, a definite 10/10 for character building
8. malorie by @whitechocolatemochaasblog
MALORIE IS THE PRETTIEST NAME EVER OMG. also i just love how cute she is???? she's so baby, i love her with my whole entire heart and soul
9. makoto by @kirua9
poor girl </3 she just wants some love 😭 come here makoto i can treat u better than he ever could‼️
she's so hurt that it makes my heart ache
as for whether i have my own dl ocs... i have my own ocs, but not dl ones!! i'm considering putting my ocs in dl but i'll probably do it after i've organized this blog a little bit, you know???
currently, the ocs that are out are xander, raymond, roselyn, and caelia, and i'm working on emma (that's her old moodboard) rn <333 seven of my ocs have moodboards but i hated the mbs so i obviously had to remake them all; currently four have been remade, fifth is abt to be done‼️
lots of my mutuals have ocs but none of them are dl, so they weren't mentioned here. they slay nonetheless!!!
...and i've rambled way, way too much again, bye bye 😍
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bitciziad · 10 months
welcome to my blog || minors + ageless profiles DNI !!
i have zero idea how tumblr works i’m rawdogging it cuz i learn no other way, expect a lot of editing but we got this dwdw
i’ll mostly use this blog for Degrees of Lewdity, meaning MINORS DNI. no age = blocked :(
i do NOT tolerate: -> homophobia, transphobia, racism, the sexualization of minors/pedophilia, etc.
NSFW material will be reblogged, posted, drawn, etc. while the content i personally create might not be that explicit, the community i interact with is - which can include art + stories with nudity, dub/noncon, sex, gore, etc. so just like general cw there. heavy on the might.
viewer discretion is advised!
blog navigation:
#binge!myart - my posted art ! have fun homie
#dol!hc - headcanons kinda (or shitposts)
#bitwip - work in progresses OR unrelated text
#others art - rb art that isn’t mine !!
#reblog - self explanatory text rb’s ykyk
#asks/messages - answered inbox stuff
T.B.C. - the hashtag stuff confuses me but i’ll figure it out so… to be continued ?? tags might change and i’ll link ‘em later.
side note; any specific character art you want to see will just have the normal DoL tag (ex: #kylar the loner // #dol kylar) on my profile, which will also be included with the reblogs! idk i’m figuring it out
other stuff, FAQ:
using my art:
feel free to use my fanart with credit as pfps on tumblr, you can also use/reference my designs for DoL! love that n i don’t mind, all i ask is that my personal art of OCs are not taken (or art that i specifically create for others) and to not repost any of my art on other platforms whatsoever. other than that idc, i get inspired by all y’all anyway so have fun go crazy go stupid
i genuinely have very little clue as to how asks work but i love to see them so we’ll burn that bridge together when we get there ;) it takes me a minute to respond but i’ll try just for you tho bb dw say whatever you want i gotchu i don’t mind if it’s related to DoL or not, be unhinged n curious always babes i’ll absolutely reply when i can
what is DoL?:
if you followed my account without knowing what DoL is - degrees of lewdity (DoL) is basically a free-range-do-what-you-will text-based explicit porn game that contains mostly any and all mature NSFW topics of dubcon, noncon, sex, drugs, abuse, etc. with other world/story elements. all characters in the game are 18+
you can call me bitciziad or binge! i’m 19 and bi as hell (drooling over any and everyone forever and always YUH) anyway i’m a self indulgent (but procrastinating) fanartist n i make out with the homies PASSIONATELY so pucker up we bout to kiss. on the lips.
on another note though feel free to interact with however you do that, i talk a LOT im shameless babes u wanna share music ?? art ?? headcanons ?? just shoot the shit ?? i gotchu BUT THANK YOUU for liking my art/the comments or tags you leave y’all’re great
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anyway that’s all for now i think so have this tiny ass mta doodle i did forever ago for a filler, 100% expect for this to get edited at some point along with everything i will ever post ever™
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ask-tay-relic · 1 year
TMI Tuesday: whats a video game that changed your prospective on your life or the way you think of gaming?
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This won't surprise some people -- but Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is my 100% all-time favourite game. Not for the -gameplay- per se (It's notoriously Anti-Player mechanics-wise just from a design standpoint but that's also from the era it was made) It's not the best game in the world, some (like my partner Lumi) would say it's not even a good game.
But that's not why it's a treasure to me.
It's the first time in my life that I was given a proper blank slate of a character and a lore-rich world and told 'This is whatever you want it to be. Develop them however you want; It's what taught me narrative progression, and gave me my love of storytelling and character creation that I have today.
I played it with my sister, and we spent who knows how long just playing it together, creating stories about how our two characters interacted, their personalities, and how they would feel about events.
The game's story also as a whole is a fantastic narrative and gives the importance of 'memories' and 'who you are' - of how much of 'you' is tied to that? how much will you lose to protect it? What happens when you lose all of it?
What would you do to protect those you love, and what happens if you fail? You see the impact of other characters on the same mission as you [get drops of crystal water to purify the crystal in your town so the miasma won't kill everyone you have a year to do it over and over and over] - and you see what happens when the caravan fails. Can you handle that?
Sorry! Rambling a bit! It's a wonderful game that honestly taught me so much about what kind of stories I love, and what kind of person I want to be. Maybe sometime I'll talk about Sheno more, he's my genuine first media OC from the game \o/
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lilypadding · 11 months
Hii! I haven’t really been active here for some time sooo how are you? How have you been? :)
HIIII!!! honestly I haven't been very active here either, I just hop in every so often. I should go back to the time when this was my #1 social media cause that was a lot easier to digest than twitter LOL
(this ended up being longer than i thought so I added a read-more)
I've been okay generally, I feel like I'm in a bit of a transitory period in my life where I'm trying new things and attempting to get myself to chase dreams that feel very far away. I just recently got on my Summer break from school, so I'm grateful for that! I was planning on taking another summer course, but I dropped it last second because it's technically not a requirement
I posted a random scene that I've been wanting to post on AO3 because I wrote it a while ago, it's basically an AU where Nagito is a fem musician and the whole premise is that she's popular (and so is the rest of the DR cast and some others, like just generally a fame AU cause I dig the idea so much) but it hasn't gotten many interactions since it primarily involves a rare-pair. (I've been so into Taylor Swift's music and her rise to stardom, it's been a recent fixation for me so I completely blame that on that AU/snippet of a fic.)
I have SOOOO many fanfics sitting in my documents of this rare pair, like 99% of them have fem nagito, and it mainly stemmed as an "inside joke" between my partner and I but now it's like second language to us and it's this weird thing where this version of fem nagito feels more like an OC if anything, cause the more deviations you take from canon the more creative liberty you impose on them and all that. I always feel a little bit like I'm lying when I post that content, because I love writing canon Nagito and writing him as accurately as I can muster because I'd like to think I do a good job, but then I remind myself that fanfic is entirely optional and I may as well post things that feel completely unique to me and even "out of character" because what's the harm in it? most sensible people will just click off if they don't like it.
Like, I posted this fic titled "3 years different*" on AO3 which was ANOTHER rarepair AU fem-nagito thing (Like, a different AU to the musician AU one) which, again, stemmed between my partner and I and I didn't expect anyone to read it and enjoy it but I got a pretty nice comment on the second chapter that warmed my heart and made me feel like posting was slightly worth it.
and I just love the rare-pair and I love my version of fem nagito that has shifted and grown - and while it's SO much fun to kinda have a little fandom AU between my partner and i, it gets sooo lonely being the only 2 people who are a fan of this hyper specific fandom-amalgamation we created??? like I'm only touching on it lightly here but THE LORE we made runs ridiculously deep, I've considered what a video-essay on it would look like trying to cover EVERYTHING and it would be A MESSS but it's so fun
in my personal life I've just been filling my time with animal crossing, I don't know if you're anything like this but I swing between all of my previous fixations when I don't find a new one and I just ping-pong between getting really sucked into one thing to another. like, a few months ago I was OBSESSEDDD with the sims 2. before that I think it was stardew valley. Now I'm back on animal crossing. I finally have a Switch so I've been decorating my island from SCRATCH for the first time ever, it's fun but I also find myself running out of ideas so quickly so I end up running around my island aimlessly wondering what I should do. I love building on animal crossing with long-form youtube content in the back.
I also want to start doing fan edits again!! I used to be really into it in 2020 (I Wonder why with the state of the world then), but I'm trying really hard to dabble more because playing around in After Effects and making transitions is genuinely a lot of fun. I hope i get into it more consistently
I'm also looking forward to a concert that I'm going to with my partner soon! I've never been to a concert so it'll be my first! I'm excited to dress up and hopefully know the words to the band !!
IDK why I'm just rambling LOL I got so excited to see this question in my ask! You're so sweet for reaching out and asking!! How have you been?!?! I want to know!!
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grieverled-moved · 1 year
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❏           This is an  independent writing blog for SQUALL LEONHART from the  FINAL FANTASY 8 / KINGDOM HEARTS . I am mutually exclusive, & will likely not follow first unless I know the other writer to some extent. If I follow you first, ' chances are I want to write with you. 18+ is the age for following & for normal interactions, but anything delving into darker / more mature territory will only be done with others that are   21+ .  I WILL NOT interact with Minors.
❏           Both Squall  &  the series itself deal heavily with mentions of war  &  its after effects. There are also mentions of existentialism, depression, child soldiers  &  darker, more mature themes revolving around death & memory loss. If you’re uncomfortable with anything mentioned, I highly advise you not to follow or interact with me. A reminder that anything written here is purely fictional — I am not my Muse.
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G E N E R A L .
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❏           MAINS / EXCLUSIVES - GENERAL ( … ) I do practice Mains  —  but rare is it I practice Exclusives. A main is someone whose lore is greatly tied with & heavily influences my own, therefore, they will have their interactions prioritized first. Anyone that’s been a mutual for a long enough, has written with me or talked a fair amount out of character can ASK to be my Main  &  are more then welcome to tie-in or take from my lore for their own muse if we have Verses developed.
❏           WORLD-BUILDING ( … ) I will always try to adhere to another’s world-building in the event it’s preferred over following my own. I do feel there should be some talk beforehand & some compromises in case lore conflicts or clashes, but I usually try to nudge Squall into whoever I’m interacting with’s lore for my writing partner’s comfort.
❏           DRAMA ( … ) I don’t participate in drama. I avoid involving myself unless it’s genuinely serious — such as a writer displaying behaviours that are dangerous ( obsessive / going out of their way to stalk or harass others, homophobia / transphobia / racism / pedophilia ). In those cases, I will reblog a call out post with the intention of informing others, but nothing more. If the situation calls for it, I will make an informed decision privately  &  decide whether or not I will cease interactions.
❏           SOFTBLOCKING ( … ) I usually go on a softblocking spree once a month to clear out archived / inactive blogs & blogs I can’t see myself interacting with in the future. It’s nothing personal & if there is interest in interacting again in the future, I fully support re-following!
❏           HARDBLOCKING ( … ) I usually only hardblock when I want to completely cut ties with someone. However, if there ever is any sort of issue between me & another writer, if it’s a situation where I feel comfortable enough — I will try to explain beforehand why I am cutting contact before hardblocking. I fully support curating one’s own space, so I support needing to break Mutuals in any way to ensure your blog space is a safe place. While communicating is still a skill I am learning, I want to do better moving forwards with this, & want to practice being transparent with writing partners.
❏           REGARDING TWINS ( … ) I love Duplicates / Twins! I am always willing to make a twin / sibling verse or create one for Mutuals who share the same muse. I’m a firm believer that each portrayal is different, unique to the mun writing them  &  bringing them to life, so please know that my blog is safe to poke for twin shenanigans or to follow.
❏           REGARDING MULTIMUSE’S / OCS ( … ) I am Multimuse & OC friendly! Though for Original Characters, while I am open to interactions, I am selective  —  please have an about page / post / Google doc available to look over as it helps me tremendously in learning about your muse!
❏          GODMODDING ( … )  I don’t mind my muse being manhandled / injured / wounded, but please allow me to write my muse’s reactions in turn. If I ever do plan to take a thread in a more violent direction, I will message you beforehand to make sure it’s alright  —  I expect this in return. If I ever do something in a thread you don’t like, please message me  &  I’ll edit my post. Communication is key.
❏         ARCHIVING THREADS ( … ) I will often reblog ask replies from partners to archive / save them. There won’t be a guarantee that I’ll always reply  —  I’m only selective so I don’t overwhelm myself  —  but if you’d ever like to turn a response of my own or yours into a thread, don’t hesitate to let me know.
❏         BEST WAY TO INTERACT ( … ) Askmemes! It helps me get a good feel of our muses, on whether their dynamic works or they mesh well or not. Plotting generally happens once there’s more of a solid dynamic built to build off of.
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S H I P P I N G .
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❏        SEXUALITY / ORIENTATION ( … ) My Portrayal of Squall is Biromantic Demisexual.
❏          SHIPPING STATUS ( … ) My blog is a multi-ship one.  I love exploring all sorts of dynamics  &  giving rarepairs a try  —  they just need to be within comfort for me  &  we need to communicate ooc to Plot things out. But I am always open to discuss a ships potential. All I ask is that there is direct, blunt communication regarding this. Tell me upfront what kind of relationship you want with Squall — only hinting / vagueing / expecting me to catch on that you want to ship without telling me about it will fly right over my head otherwise, so I greatly encourage talking to me about possible dynamics.
❏         MAINS / EXCUSIVES — REGARDING SHIPS ( … ) I am open to doing many of the same ships with other people unless it’s been stated otherwise. There will be rare times where I will click very well with another writer & we’ll create a very unique dynamic that I grow to adore to the point I admittedly won’t feel the desire to write with a duplicate of their muse. In those cases, I’ll also be open to accepting ship exclusivity for my writing partner’s comfort — so long as its discussed ooc first.
❏          Each writer will have their own unspoken verse ( unless I’ve made one for us specifically )  & Squall is always faithful to whomever he’s in a relationship with. I do not tolerate possessiveness / jealousy shown ooc regarding my other ship partners. It is a huge trigger of mine to be restricted / made to feel bad in such a way so please be mindful or you will be hard blocked.
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N O T S A F E F O R W O R K C O N T E N T .
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❏          There will be mature content explored on this blog given the series nature itself. I am well over the age of 21, therefore I will not interact with anyone under the age of 21 regarding NSFW content. Anything falling into NSFW territory will always be tagged accordingly. If you do not wish to see such content then please blacklist / block the following tags:
❏          I will only write explicit NSFW with people I know  &  trust  —  there will be no exceptions to this. Smut / NSFW is a subject that is tricky for me to tackle  &  while I enjoy writing it, I need to be in the right headspace for it,  &  muses need to have enough of a chemistry / connection for me to be invested. I also only want to explore spicier scenarios within a safe, comfortable environment  —  again, with close friends / writers I trust.
❏          TRIGGERS / TAGGED TRIGGERS ( … ) I will take care to tag the more common ones. If you are a mutual of mine who needs anything specifically tagged, please let me know through DMs so I am made aware what to tag in the future.
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M I S C E L L A N E O U S .
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❏         REPLY LENGTH ( … ) I am a literate roleplayer with an admitted preference for longer plot heavy threads. While I do respect lengthier  &  more detailed responses  — it’s not a requirement  &  I never go into an interaction expecting it. So long as you’re giving effort to reply  &  actively showing interest in our threads, I don’t mind shorter ones. Please never feel obligated or pressured to match my length — I’m here to build a story with you, not to judge you on how much you can write.
❏           PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME ( … )   I do not mind waiting for replies at all  &  I understand that life comes up  &  not everyone can sit to write everyday. I’ll never take it personally or try to pressure you. Please do things at your own pace  &  know there’s never a time limit or deadline on when to reply to our threads. I am also a snail when it comes to them so I completely understand.
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lifeofkaze · 1 year
HPMA Appreciation Week - Day 3
On this wonderful third day of @endlessly-cursed HPMA Appreciation Week, it's all about love and our favourite ships. Seeing as I only have three HPMA characters and two ships in total, I figured ignoring one of them would be kinda rude, so we're going with both of them today!
DYLANIELLE - Dylan Amari & Danielle Parkin
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Dylan and Dana are my only ship consisting of two OCs that are both owned by me. Their my personal epitome of childhood-friends-to-lovers, and from the very beginning of their concept, they were meant to be nothing but fun and without any real drama (screw Dana for blowing my plans, but that's another story), and that's exactly what their charm is about - their reliability. Dana is the notoriously romantic, sometimes slightly ott girl who maybe lacks a little sense of realism at times, while Dylan is the stoic, fuss-free, cba-kind of guy, who usually doesn't get what all the drama is about. They are two sides of the same coin, and while they are both so different, there is nothing that could separate them not even entitled little sisters.
Bonus: I swear that the faceclaims for Dylan and Dana have a lot of material together because of their roles in GoT was a coincidence. Honestly. But I'm not exactly complaining about it, either.
REVANTE - Reva Amari & Dante Lopez Briarwood
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Who is even surprised at this point that Reva wiggled herself into this post, too? I genuinely wanted Dylan and Dana to have the spotlight today (because let's face it, having a ship between your own two OCs gets somewhat lonely at times), but the thing with Revante is - they're special. Reva and Dante were never meant to be. In fact, Reva was already in a ship by the time Dante came around, and Dante was created by @the-al-chemist with the intention of branching out to interacting with other creators outside our usual group. But... Reva wasn't happy and her ship no proper fit for her anymore. She decided she wanted to go travel the world. Dante had done so. He told her where to go. And before either Al or I knew it, these two had flaunted all our plans and had fallen in love, despite our best attempts to convince them that this wasn't the plan, guys. But ever since then, Reva and Dante have brought us nothing but joy, headaches, and laughter, and if two OCs go to such lengths to be together and be fabulous about it - what else can you do but roll with it, really?
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rosietrace · 1 year
huehehehehe finally posting my req...
Canon! Yuuta and Mirens first interaction and its Miren offering some donkkaseu (basically a savory, breaded pork cutlet)
Yuren my lovelies 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
What the hell is that?
Event: Rosie's valentines special 💌❣️
Ocs featured: Sumeragi Yuuta, Miren Lockhart(@authoruio)
Ship: Yuuta x Miren
Summary: Yuuta decides to question Miren when he chose to ruin his weekly gardening session. So Miren's only solution at the time was to offer him food.
Warning(s): Yuuta, their relationship is left ambiguous, Yuuta being an overprotective plant daddy, Yuuta is implied to be a big clean freak, Miren is genuinely afraid of him, potential ooc moments
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
[ Reblogs are recommended/encouraged ]
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Yuuta was having a wonderful time.
Gardening was a passion of his. A comfort he'd confide in whenever there came a time when he just needed to create a rift between himself and the rest of the world.
His touch against the white rose in his hand was gentle, a contrast to the proud and devious smile on his face.
"I'll never understand why Heartslabyul doesn't just leave these roses white…. Probably something I forgot about from the movie." Yuuta murmured, feeling rather petty enough to chop off the red roses instead of the white ones.
He knew Riddle would've given him a lecture over the rules of the queen of hearts, but honestly, Yuuta could hardly care less.
His gloves were like a second skin to him, something that was conceived when he was born.
He hummed, touching the lotus in his hands."My symbol of wealth…." He fought back another chuckle before he continued walking around the botanical garden.
He had managed to narrowly avoid disturbing Leona's regular naps, as well as managing to convince Grim that he'd chop him in half if he ever did anything to disturb his gardening.
But unfortunately for the young man, Miren ended up bumping into him as he was wandering around the botanical garden.
And that irked Yuuta. He sent Miren a scowl, along with showing the vein on his forehead.
Miren blinked with wide eyes for only a moment.
"I-I apologize…"
Yuuta clicked his tongue, visibly annoyed."You better be. You interrupted my alone time." The tone in Yuuta's voice was enough for Miren to understand one thing.
That gardening meant more to Yuuta than he initially thought.
Miren gulped, "Sorry…" he muttered, looking away from Yuuta's direction with a nervous smile.
Yuuta's eyes narrowed. He put the watering can he had been holding to cross his arms. He looked down at Miren like he was a mere speck of dust that needed to be removed.
The cold stare he gave him had Miren realize another thing. That Yuuta should never be disturbed whenever he's gardening.
After those fleeting moments of total silence, Miren gulped and cleared his throat.
Yuuta arched a brow at him."What now?" He questioned, appearing impatient for whatever Miren had to say.
Miren had to take a breath before he could respond."I… Can offer you food." He suggested.
Yuuta's lips parted once he said those words, but Miren noticed how unimpressed he was with his suggestion. Which… Is unsurprising.
"Food isn't gonna change the fact that you've ruined my mood, you utter disturbance."
It was Miren's turn to narrow his eyes."This guy is more easily irritated than I thought…" he muttered as quietly as he could.
"What was that?" Unfortunately for him, Yuuta had managed to hear him.
"Nothing!- Uh- How about you just try the food?"
Although Yuuta turned away from Miren, he kept eye contact with them."Depends. What kind of food is it?" Yuuta's voice sounded like he was requesting an immediate answer.
To which Miren gladly obliged, just so he doesn't get even more upset at him. So he held the food he was holding out for Yuuta to see.
"Donkkaseu, it's basically a breaded pork cutlet…" Miren stated. His smile became even more awkward, and he didn't know how Yuuta would respond.
In response, Yuuta pursed his lips."Seriously? That's your offering for my forgiveness?" Yuuta criticized.
Now Miren was starting to get a little more than pissed at the taller young man in front of him."It's not like I bring a feast everywhere I go." He retaliated, deciding to show a little more of his annoyance.
"Oh please. Aren't you a good cook?"
"Of course you know I am, I'm literally the one who makes breakfast."
Yuuta rolled his eyes."That doesn't change the fact that food isn't gonna be the solution to my bitter mood."
This time? It was Miren's turn to have an unnaturally visible vein on his forehead.
"Just eat the damn food, Yuuta."
Frustrated by his insistence, Yuuta took the donkkaseu from Miren's hands and shoved it into his mouth.
And immediately Miren noticed the change in his expression.
His eyes softened and his face didn't look as irritated after the first couple of bites. And his neutrality transitioned into having literal sparkles in his eyes.
After swallowing the donkkaseu, Yuuta felt a faint blush on his cheeks and looked away.
Miren saw this as an opportunity to affectionately make fun of him.
"You liked it, didn't you?"
"No comment."
Miren didn't fight back his snort."C'mon, Yuuta. Admit it already."
"Absolutely not."
"You've got to be- Yuuta, just admit that you like the donkkaseu. It isn't that difficult."
After what felt like hours of bickering, Yuuta groaned as he rolled his eyes. Miren was surprised his eyes weren't stuck at the back of his head from how many times he's rolled them.
But at least his answer was worth it. For Miren, at least.
"F-Fine….. I guess I did like it a lot more than I thought."
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Taglist: [ I'd like to hear your thoughts if possible! ]
@starry-night-rose @windbornearchon @nem0-nee @fumikomiyasaki @sakuramidnight15 @geminiiviolets @twsted-princess @oseathepebble
Request by: @authoruio
Hi UiO! I'm really sorry that this took a long time for me to answer, writer's block hasn't exactly been kind to me ^^|| Another thing I'd like to apologize for is the potential ooc moments and the writing quality of the oneshot. I was genuinely excited to finish my WIP of this(Because its Yuren) oneshot, but I hope it wasn't too bad for you! I hope you enjoy this oneshot, even if the writing quality isn't the best ^^ (Also I was listening to Ifuudoudou while writing this-)
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knightfeared · 1 year
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                                                           LAST UPDATED JUL 3 2023.
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❏      This is an   Independent  &  Highly Private   Multi-Fandom Multi-Muse roleplay blog. 18+  will be the age for following  &  interacting for the usual, more normal interactions, but anything delving into darker more adult in nature content, will only be done with others that are   21+.    Please understand that this is for my own comfort. I will be extra strict in this regard. I will not interact with Minors.
❏      A lot of my muses  &  their respective series deal heavy topics. There are also mentions of trauma  &  it’s aftereffects, depression, along with other darker, more mature themes revolving around death. If you are uncomfortable with any of what was mentioned, I highly advise you not to follow or interact with me. Anything portrayed is purely fictional  &  doesn’t correlate with my own beliefs. I am not my Muse.
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G E N E R A L .
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❏       MAINS / EXCLUSIVES  -  GENERAL  ( … )  I do practice Mains  —  but rare is it I practice Exclusives.  A main is someone whose lore is greatly tied with  &  heavily influences my own,  therefore,  they will have their interactions prioritized first.  Anyone that’s been a mutual for a long enough,  has written with me or talked a fair amount out of character can ASK to be my Main  &  are more then welcome to tie-in or take from my lore for their own muse if we have Verses developed.
❏       WORLD-BUILDING  ( … )  I will always try to adhere to another’s world-building in the event it’s preferred over following my own.  I do feel there should be some talk beforehand  &  some compromises in case lore conflicts or clashes,  but I usually try to nudge into whoever I’m interacting with’s lore for my writing partner’s comfort.
❏       DRAMA  ( … ) I don’t participate in drama.  I avoid involving myself unless it’s genuinely serious  —  such as a writer displaying behaviours that are dangerous ( obsessive / going out of their way to stalk or harass others,  homophobia / transphobia / racism / pedophilia ).  In those cases,  I will reblog a call out post with the intention of informing others,  but nothing more.  If the situation calls for it,  I will make an informed decision privately  &  decide whether or not I will cease interactions.
❏       SOFTBLOCKING  ( … )  I usually go on a softblocking spree once a month to clear out archived / inactive blogs   &  blogs I can’t see myself interacting with in the future.  It’s nothing personal  &  if there is interest in interacting again in the future,  I fully support re-following!
❏       HARDBLOCKING  ( … )  I usually only hardblock when I want to completely cut ties with someone.  However,  if there ever is any sort of issue between me  &  another writer,  if it’s a situation where I feel comfortable enough —  I will try to explain beforehand why I am cutting contact before hardblocking.  I fully support curating one’s own space,  so I support needing to break Mutuals in any way to ensure your blog space is a safe place.  While communicating is still a skill I am learning,  I want to do better moving forwards with this,  &  want to practice being transparent with writing partners.
❏       REGARDING TWINS  ( … )  I love Duplicates / Twins! I am always willing to make a twin / sibling verse or create one for Mutuals who share the same muse.  I’m a firm believer that each portrayal is different,  unique to the mun writing them  &  bringing them to life,  so please know that my blog is safe to poke for twin shenanigans or to follow. ❏       REGARDING MULTIMUSE’S / OCS  ( … )  I am Multimuse  &  OC friendly!  Though for Original Characters,  while I am open to interactions,  I am selective  —  please have an about page / post / Google doc available to look over as it helps me tremendously in learning about your muse!
❏       GODMODDING  ( … )   I don’t mind my muse being manhandled / injured / wounded,  but please allow me to write my muse’s reactions in turn. If I ever do something in a thread you don’t like,  please message me  &  I’ll edit my post.  Communication is key.
❏       ARCHIVING THREADS  ( … )  I will often reblog ask replies from partners to archive / save them.  There won’t be a guarantee that I’ll always reply  —  I’m only selective so I don’t overwhelm myself  —  but if you’d ever like to turn a response of my own or yours into a thread,  don’t hesitate to let me know.
❏       BEST WAY TO INTERACT  ( … )  Askmemes!  It helps me get a good feel of our muses,  on whether their dynamic works or they mesh well or not.  Plotting generally happens once there’s more of a solid dynamic built to build off of.
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S H I P P I N G  .
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❏       SEXUALITY / ORIENTATION  ( … )  My Portrayals are all often Panromantic  or  Biromantic  /  Demisexual.
❏       SHIPPING STATUS  ( … )  My blog is a multi-ship one.  I love exploring all sorts of dynamics  &  giving rarepairs a try  —  they just need to be within comfort for me  &  we need to communicate ooc to Plot things out.  But I am always open to discuss a ships potential.  All I ask is that there is direct,  blunt communication regarding this.  Tell me upfront what kind of relationship you want with my muses  —  only hinting / vagueing / expecting me to catch on that you want to ship without telling me about it will fly right over my head otherwise,  so I greatly encourage talking to me about possible dynamics.
❏       MAINS / EXCUSIVES   —  REGARDING SHIPS  ( … )  I am open to doing many of the same ships with other people unless it’s been stated otherwise.  There will be rare times where I will click very well with another writer  &   we’ll create a very unique dynamic that I grow to adore to the point I admittedly won’t feel the desire to write with a duplicate of their muse.  In those cases,  I’ll also be open to accepting ship exclusivity for my writing partner’s comfort   —  so long as its discussed ooc first.
❏       Each writer will have their own unspoken verse  ( unless I’ve made one for us specifically )   &  my muses are always faithful to whomever they’re in a relationship with. I have zero tolerance for possessiveness / jealousy shown ooc regarding my other ship partners.  It is a huge trigger of mine to be restricted or guilted in such a way so please be mindful or you will be hard blocked.
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N O T  S A F E  F O R  W O R K  C O N T E N T  .
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❏       There will be mature content explored on this blog.  I am well over the age of 21,  therefore I will not interact with anyone under the age of 21 regarding NSFW content.  Anything falling into NSFW territory will always be tagged accordingly.  If you do not wish to see such content then please blacklist / block the following tags:
╰┈➤  ┊❛ SUGGESTIVE. ❜┊     ╰┈➤  ┊❛ VEILED IN THE DARK.  /  NOT SFW. ❜┊
❏       I will only write explicit NSFW with people I know  &  trust  —  there will be no exceptions to this.  Smut / NSFW is a subject that is tricky for me to tackle  &  while I enjoy writing it,  I need to be in the right headspace for it,  &  muses need to have enough of a chemistry / connection for me to be invested.  I also only want to explore spicier scenarios within a safe,  comfortable environment  —  again,  with close friends / writers I trust.
❏       TRIGGERS / TAGGED TRIGGERS  ( … )  I will take care to tag the more common ones.  If you are a mutual of mine who needs anything specifically tagged,  please let me know through DMs so I am made aware what to tag in the future.
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M I S C E L L A N E O U S  .
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❏       REPLY LENGTH  ( … )  I am a literate roleplayer with an admitted preference for longer plot heavy threads.  While I do respect lengthier  &  more detailed responses  —  it’s not a requirement  &  I never go into an interaction expecting it.  So long as you’re giving effort to reply  &  actively showing interest in our threads,  I don’t mind shorter ones.  Please never feel obligated or pressured to match my length  —  I’m here to build a story with you,  not to judge you on how much you can write.
❏       PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME   ( … )   I do not mind waiting for replies at all  &  I understand that life comes up  &  not everyone can sit to write everyday.  I’ll never take it personally or try to pressure you.  Please do things at your own pace  &  know there’s never a time limit or deadline on when to reply to our threads.  I am also a snail when it comes to them so I completely understand.
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madcom-mer-au · 1 year
Small PSA for this AU
Below is a handful of things we would like to address, nothing too severe or heavy, it's mostly personal preferences and rules/guidelines for the AU.
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First and foremost we want to mention that the iterations of Hank, Doc, Sanford and Deimos are based on Temporalcrow and Trickstyr's personal iterations. We ask that in fanart of the AU, if you are intending to add your own spin on things or ship characters differently than what we have pre-determined, that you create your own iteration of them that is visually different from our iterations. Create your own iteration of the characters to work with and do as you please.
We are not trying to police the AU, we just have strong emotional connections to these specific iterations and the world developed around them, it would be extremely uncomfortable to see the versions of these characters we created suddenly shipped with different characters or acting in ways we deem OOC for our iterations. We simply ask you to respect our boundary with this.
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When it comes to the canon of this AU, we want to give people the freedom to do what they want, to develop the AU beyond what we already have. But we want to make it clear that all the information on this blog pertains to the main canon of this AU. We will not be including anything added by others that conflicts with already established lore, or is simply content we do not like or don't agree with. For example, if in your verse, your OC falls in love with Hank and end up together with him, cool, go nuts, just know that this will not be considered canon and will not and never will be included in this blog.
This includes crossovers. Characters from other media/fandoms will not be included in canon.
Again, we are not trying to police, we are by no means saying you can't do certain things, we are simply saying that those things will not be canon and likely will not even be acknowledged by us. This AU is a passion project between Temporalcrow and Trickstyr and we are choosing to share it publicly. Do what you want, just be respectful.
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Lastly, I want to mention a guideline about age. Obviously it goes without saying that any adult content linked to this AU is for people who are 18+ only. If we find minors interacting with adult content or making adult content, they will be blocked permanently on every platform available.
Aside from this, we also recommend that people be 16 or older to interact with this AU. Aside from the fact that Madness Combat is not kid friendly in the first place (the amount of children in this fandom is genuinely insane), but the content in this AU can be potentially disturbing and uncomfortable. Being under 16 will not get you banned, though depending on how you are interacting with the AU, it may get you soft-blocked.
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If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask. The ask box is always open.
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verkja · 1 year
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[ID: A colourful collection of icons and images related to tumblr, each animated to switch between two angles, surrounding the words 'tumblr 2022 My Year In Review' in front of an orange grid background. End ID.]
I posted 1,016 times in 2022
That's 1,016 more posts than 2021!
307 posts created (30%)
709 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,012 of my posts in 2022
#whump prompt - 187 posts
#writing - 164 posts
#ask answer - 116 posts
#whump writing - 107 posts
#whump tropes - 88 posts
#whump - 76 posts
#30 days 30 lines - 62 posts
#oc stuff - 52 posts
#tag games - 48 posts
#long post - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#which is an english style i don't actually use often - i typically opt for gongfu so very small clay teapots or gaiwans are more my thing
My Top Posts in 2022:
How about an older whumpee? One who's lost the appearance of being young and vulnerable, so rather than wanting to help or save them, people just pity or ignore them.
They used to have some kind of hope that their life could get better, but not anymore; now they're just bitter, or resigned, or apathetic. The world and other people have let them down one time too many. They've let themself down one time too many.
They're still scared, all the time, but where once that fear provided an impetus to try and change things, now it just exhausts them. Maybe they try, hesitantly, to reach out for help at some point, but instead of coming across as timid they're just seen as creepy.
Maybe they work for a villain, and while the heroes are inspired to spare or rehabilitate some of their younger colleagues - it's such a waste, seeing people with potential throw away their lives in the service of evil - the whumpee is only seen as an obstacle to overcome. Disposable.
When a younger, conventionally attractive person starts shaking and crying at a meeting of uneasy allies because something someone said brought up a traumatic memory, people are alarmed and sympathetic and want to take care of them. When the one having a breakdown is some middle-aged accountant-looking person, it's just awkward.
Stress ages people, and the effects increase over time. Someone who is actually twenty-five might look and feel thirty under high-pressure circumstances. Someone who's actually forty-five might look and feel sixty-five.
It's a lot harder to break out of a negative mindset when you've been living with it for a long time. It's hard to believe someone telling you things will get better after decades of things only ever getting worse. The whumpee won't bother to argue about it, but they fully expect anyone acting like they care about them to be pretending for the sake of getting information or manipulating them. (Which of course makes it even more intense when someone genuinely does care about them.)
This was kind of a long one, but I really love this setup. Also I was listening to 'No Surprises' by Radiohead yesterday and it kept giving me Feelings.
182 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Ideas for robot/machine whump; I’m sure some have been done before, but not often enough! I love robot whump.
Dents in metal that cause pain like any other injury, but can’t heal
A character who’s alive and able to think, but the wires which allow them to move or blink a light or otherwise interact with the world have been severed; no one looking at them can tell they’re not dead
A character who could never independently interact with the world in the first place - like a PC, they can only respond upon receiving outside input through very limited means. Even in a room full of people, they can’t detect that they’re not alone, isolated by their own design
Wires that function something like nerves; stripping away the insulation to expose bare copper, which causes excruciating pain when touched even lightly
A character who relies on continual updates to function, getting increasingly glitchy and slow after the company which created them stopped offering support for their now-outdated software
A character who is very much not designed to look convincingly human trying to blend in (think a toaster on stilts in a trench coat)
A company recalling one model of robot for a minor flaw, but fixing the flaw involves a memory/personality reset
190 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
There's something special about a whumpee getting literally thrown in the trash. It's both physical whump, since they're presumably too injured or weak to get out of the trash, and a way for a whumper to symbolically illustrate that they are completely worthless. (Or they can throw themself in the trash, if you prefer!)
It's probably easiest to make this effective in genres where the whumpee is both considered subhuman (or sub-whatever-else) and is legally considered property - a tool, a weapon, a pet, an android, etc. - but it can work in any setting with a bit of modification.
214 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Seen a few very nice posts lately about ‘known whumpees,’ so I figured I’d write a little about the possibilities of a completely unknown whumpee!
Nobody knows who they are - not because they’re mysterious or disguised, just because they’re no one special. They aren’t part of a team, aren’t a public figure or celebrity, don’t have a family or friends or allies who will show up to help them out.
There’s no practical reason for anyone to help the terrified, forgotten prisoner in the last cell in the dungeon, covered with scars obviously caused by torture. Or the injured soldier in beat-up armour, not an officer or otherwise hard to replace, who surrenders because they’re too hurt to retreat with their comrades. Or the broken, discarded android or robot or pet, just one of a million others, who’s been thrown out because they’re no longer useful.
The character is fully aware of their own insignificance; they know they aren’t worth anything to anyone. So when their fate is left in someone else’s hands, all they can do is hope that person happens to be feeling generous.
411 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
PSA for newcomers
I've noticed a number of new people posting in the whump tag lately who have migrated over from Twitter. That's great! We're very glad to have you here, and excited to see your content.
Just one request: Please tag thoroughly. Whump contains all kinds of dark content; a lot of people who engage with it are fine with some kinds, but really don't want to see others. Tagging provides a way for people to curate what content they see, and enjoy what you create while keeping whumpblr a comfortable place to spend time.
(If you're new to tumblr and don't know how tagging works here - only the first five tags on your post determine which tags it shows up in, but all tags can be filtered, so you can put #whump and things like that first, and add the warnings near the end. In fact, that's better, because it means whump stories containing abuse, for example, won't show up in the same tag as people's posts about their own real-life experiences with abuse.
Don't censor words or the filters won't work, so 'cw noncon,' for example, is great, while 'cw n0nc0n' or 'cw r*pe' won't do what you need them to.)
Edit: Oho, apparently it's been updated to the first 20 tags these days! Go wild with tagging specific tropes, in that case; that'll make it even easier for people to locate work they enjoy. :D
458 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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