7clubs · 4 years
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silly halloween-sorta comic I made for bangalore week :b
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porchemou · 4 years
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That day we came back home together... 🌆
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nevaryadl · 3 years
Day 23 of the 31 Days of Apex: Recovery cw: Gibraltar/Crypto, mlm fluff, canon typical violence, injuries (broken ribs, mild head trauma)
Crypto was not scheduled for the next game.
So regrettably, he got a first row seat to seeing Revenant putting his metal hand with robot strength into Gibraltar's gut. Gibraltar's gear and the fact that, even for a bot, Revenant was a pile of metal string comparatively speaking, that probably saved Gibraltar from anything horrifically gory happening. However, Crypto knew all too well what it looked like when someone broke their ribs, and seeing Gibraltar go down with a shocked expression on his face and lifting his hand to grab at his side, Crypto knew all too well that Gibraltar likely just had about three or four ribs shattered by the metal bastard.
Thankfully, Gibraltar's teammates (Caustic and Wattson) quickly rushed in and started opening fire. When they had pressured Revenant off of him, Wattson doubled back to get Gibraltar on his feet while Caustic deployed a gas trap to keep Revenant further at bay. Wattson managed to get Gibraltar up, but he kept holding his side and when they got him walking, he did so with a painful limp, which only confirmed Crypto's mounting dread that Gibraltar had finally broken something. Even with how much of a shield he acted in battle, Crypto had yet to see Gibraltar break something, let alone something like a rib where he needed to keep fighting or give up on the fight, and given that there were still teammates to protect? Gibraltar was going to keep fighting, pain and broken bones be damned.
Crypto went from looking horrified at the big screen projecting the game to getting up and running towards where they took the injured Legends after games. Most everyone got out of his way as he booked it like a man dying, making it there just as Lifeline (also not scheduled) rushed in.
"Ya saw too?" She breathlessly asked, pulling on her coat and snapping on a mask.
"Is he--"
"I won't know until they bring him in."
Lifeline let him stay, waiting until the game finished and the injured Legends could be brought in. And of course Gibraltar was last because it was him, and of course he was keeping a very wobbly Octane up and steady as blood dripped steady from a rather nasty looking gash that had cleaved through his mask, despite clutching his own side still. Lifeline, being the professional that she was, just started ordering her aids to start taking care of people, get the Legends out of armor and gear and start working on wounds while she took care of the worst cases first. Crypto, seeing a chance, slipped into the mass of furiously working orderlies and was there to help Gibraltar out of his gear.
"Hey Cry," Gibraltar rasped, giving him a strained smile. Because of course he would try and reassure Crypto when the man himself was the one that was hurt.
"You've got broken ribs, Gibby, you shouldn't be talking," Crypto scolded softly.
When they got him out of his gear, Lifeline had come around to see how bad the breaks were and then taking Gibraltar over to Doc to have the helpful bot to scan him. Crypto breathed a small sigh of relief when she deemed the breaks clean and start working on getting him painkillers and using medical tape to put ice packs to the affected areas.
"Ya shouldn't have helped Silva in here with these busted things," Lifeline scolded gently as she very gently pressed an ice pack to the patches of dark bruises and taped it down.
"Hey, I'm fine, he couldn't even see straight," Gibraltar chuckled before wincing.
"Easy on ya ribcage, Gibs. Ya gonna need to take it the next two months, doctor's orders," Lifeline scolded softly, before turning to Crypto. "I'm gonna trust ya with makin' sure this big marshmallow takes it easy, okay?"
"Yes, doctor," Crypto said.
Once Gibraltar was settled, Lifeline had him stay around awhile to get a chance to help reduce the swelling with the ice packs and let the painkillers sink in. She had a few ice packs for him to take with him, some more painkillers, a prescription for more if he needed them, and a helpful little booklet of information on how to properly recovery, what he was limited too during recovery, length of recovery, so on and so forth. She made sure to drill in it in that he needed to rest, because he had broken ribs lower in the chest, his organs were most at risk if one broke off and went stabbing inside of him and she did not want to have to sew up those kinds of injuries on him. Then she handed him off into Crypto's hands to take him home.
"You can lean on me a bit, Makoa," Crypto said, easing one of Gibraltar's arms over his shoulder.
"I know, Cry," Gibraltar said, giving him a small but strained smile.
Crypto could not take all of Gibraltar's weight, but he could let Gibraltar lean against him and get some of the weight off of his bad side, making the journey to Gibraltar's place that he stayed between games at least easier and less punishing on him. Cyrpto could not take away all of his pain, but he could make even a small part of it easier, so he was going to do it. When they got to Gibraltar's place, Crypto insisted on helping Gibraltar into a seat and then getting a few things to make it so that Gibraltar did not really need to get up. And then he just... lingered. He wanted to stay longer, he wanted to help more, he wanted to be around Gibraltar more because he really liked him, but he also was aware that Gibraltar might have wanted space--
"Hey Cry, can you hang around some more?" Gibraltar asked, looking up and giving him a smile. "Sorry, just I know I tend to be the shield and forget about myself. Could use a hand remembering to take it easy.
"Yes, of course, Makoa," Crypto readily said, thankfully tampering down just how happy he was that he got to spend some more time with Gibraltar.
"You know, I hear kisses can be quite soothing," Gibraltar chuckled before wincing.
"I do not think they do that," Crypto smiled, "I think you just want a kiss."
"Maybe, I have had a rough day..."
Crypto just kept smile, leaning over to press a kiss to Gibraltar's handsome face.
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seerofmike · 4 years
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saw these tweets on twt and knew i had to make it gibto
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pinguinmitbrille · 4 years
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honestly? same.
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stingfurious · 4 years
Bedtime (Kinda) - Crypto/Gibraltar Somnophilia fic Mature 18+
Tags: Somnophilia, pre-negotiated somnophilia, aka sleep sex, anal sex, crypto is a nervous person, bad sleeping habits, body worship, established relationship, fluff
Notes: long time no fic thanks for reading
eung = yes
mianhe = im sorry
e ipo = darling
Read Here on Ao3
“If you need me, I’ll be there.”
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se9g7 · 3 years
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Lowkey thought Gibraltar and Crypto were cute together but then I found out Crypto has a whole ass WIFE who is a SUPERMODEL and I’m like well damn that ship sunk hard
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noctuascion · 4 years
Here's a request for you: How about a fic where Crypto has a very nice day, followed by eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. (No obligation, but I just want that man to catch a break!(
Thank you so much for the request!! Anyone can go ahead and read it here!!
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7clubs · 4 years
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morning after 
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dreamhalo · 4 years
Made a commision for @coverformybrudahs on instagram! :)
"can you Draw Gibraltar breaking someone's back while doing the revive"? Ofc yes
My commisions are open btw! The price is around 5-10€/$/£/zł depending on The complexity (paypal payement ofc)
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Spent 12 hours on this dont judge me pls
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nevaryadl · 4 years
Gibraltar/Crypto fluff cw: food
"Share the cherries, Cry."
Crypto turned his body, to shield the bowl of fruit in his arms and tucked against his chest, but Makoa just grabbed his sides and pulled him easily across the floor and then into the big man's lap. He had to swallow the cherry he had been savoring to avoid choking on it in his laughter, snorting really as Gibraltar just reached around him to pluck a cherry from the bowl and pop it into his mouth, humming in satisfaction about finally grabbing them. Crypto also liked to think about the person in his lap, but he had been hogging the bowl of fruit for the past few minutes and Makoa had threatened to use 'any means necessary' to get it back, though with a crooked grin on his handsome face and a mischievous twinkle to his eye.
"Fine," He snorted, finally able to swallow past his chuckles, squirming in surprise for half a second when one of Makoa's arms slipped around his waist, the other devoted to raiding the fruit bowl they were now sharing.
"Oh what a crime, sharin' with me," Makoa laughed, taking a piece of apple from the bowl, seeing that Crypto was leaving most everything else but the cherries alone, and popping that into his mouth.
"Not a crime, I'm just greedy," Crypto grinned, before reaching into the bowl and plucking out something yellow and lovingly carved into the shape of a heart. He ate that, he was pretty sure it was a melon of some kind, savoring the sweetness in his mouth. In his heart, in his head, in his life. But mostly of the sweetness on his tongue.
"So if I took one of these bad boys..." Makoa teased, taking up a cherry.
"I can share... also that one still has a stem attached," Crypto pointed out.
"Oh! Can you do the cherry stem trick?"
"What's the cherry stem trick?"
Makoa plucked the stem from the cherry, holding the cherry still to keep Crypto from taking it, before popping the stem into his mouth. Crypto watched, slightly fascinated, as Makoa made a show of working his tongue around his mouth for a few moments. After those few moments, Makoa opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, showing the cherry stem... and how it was laying tied on his tongue.
"Wow," Crypto said, eyebrows hitched up and quite agape at the skill, watching Makoa take the knoted stem from his mouth and flick it away.
"It means your a good kisser," Makoa beamed.
"Didn't need a cherry stem to know that," Crypto smiled, setting the fruit bowl aside so that he could twist around in Makoa's lap, cup his handsome face and kiss him almost as sweet as the fruit still lingering on his tongue.
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p-nchy · 4 years
feeling like hozier’s “wasteland, baby!” would be gibraltar calming crypto down when he’s having a panic attack...... be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking though quaking, though crazy that's just wasteland, baby
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pinguinmitbrille · 4 years
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Gibto doodle I made this morning as a warm up ~
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villaincock · 3 years
gibto —> crrypto :)
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seerofmike · 4 years
crypto for the ask thingy!!
sexuality headcanon: gay!
gender headcanon: cis or transmasc depends on my mood tbh (he/they)
ship i have w him: cryptane 👁👄👁 and gibto
brotp: wraith!
notp: with wattson, caustic, and mirage
random headcanon: he wears contacts because hes blind as fuck babey
general opinion: stupid little loser nerd. love him
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