#gotta do some grinding to get the boy before the banner time ends
siennaditbot · 20 days
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Me when I lose the 50/50 to Mona and do not get the boy
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kiichxko · 1 year
Bllk boys playing genshin!
Warnings: some quest spoilers for genshin
He's the very rare traveler main! Specifically aether
Mainly uses electro or dendro aether for the elemental reactions
He doesn't understand why people don't use traveler a lot, he thinks being able to switch elements at will is very useful and versatile
SUCKS at dodging, he literally depends on his zhongli's shield to keep him alive
Speaking of zhongli, he lost his 50/50 to keqing on his banner, homeboy later spent hours grinding for primos, he deadass refuses to whale at all
He also might have sacrificed keqing at qingyun peak multiple times
Luckily, the peepaw came home after 30 more pulls
He's pretty netural when it comes to co-op, so long as you don't take his materials without permission (bachira is an exception)
He LOVES the new TCG event, he's got all the character cards and won nearly every single match in a span of a week
He also does co-op challenges with the others, they range from waverider races to stuff like "who dies first while fighting _____" competitions or "beat azdaha without a shield or healing" challenge
Bachira came up with the last one specifically for him
Low key hates fighting the cryo cube, the fruits you gotta hit to break the shield are a pain in the ass (i'm not self-projecting here i swear)
A hutao and yoimiya main!
He enjoys looking at yoimiya's idle animations and spams her normal attacks just so he could see her do those little flips
Probably learned hu tao's dance and song by heart so every now and then while playing he'll go:
He plays in CN dub but with JP subtitles
Still messes up a little on the pinyin pronouncination but he's trying
He also relates to hu tao since they were both considered weirdos by everyone (bachira's hu tao kinnie era guys)
Has considered cosplaying a character before
Loves exploring! Has every area at 100% exploration rate and all statues at level 10 somehow??
Always forgets that he's a pyro main and that grass exists so he basically almost dies standing on burning grass (can someone please get him a healer or a shield.)
Trolls other people in co-op by doing shit like the "disco disco party party" thing or using jean to yeet people
But other than that, he's actually very helpful with exploring and finding chests
Also steals materials from isagi
Sometimes forgets how to glide and ends up dying from fall damage (me too bachira me too)
Ningguang main chigiri ningguang main chigiri ningguang main chigiri-
He first got her on the beginner's banner she's been on his team ever since, definitely has her c6
You can't tell me that he wouldn't decorate his teapot bc he WOULD
And it's decorated so nicely too, he's even got a whole area dedicated to the animals he caught
Started playing after bachira said the landscapes were pretty but then he got invested into the lore (he watches those genshin theory videos too)
Enjoys taking photos of the landscapes and his characters, he once accidentally clicked on his diluc's skill while taking a photo and proceeded to laugh at how cursed it looked
Doesn't like solving the puzzles in inazuma and enkanomiya tho so he just google searches the solutions
Randomly makes cracked theories about khaen'riah, it happens so often no one can tell if he's being serious or not
Absolutely hates paimon's voice, he'll throw off his headphones whenever paimon starts talking and go "stfu paimon" like calm down
HATES the spectors with all his heart
He also likes collecting items in the open world, has over 2k of each of them
Might have spent a bit of money on welkin but that's as far as he'll go
Idk why but he strikes me as the type to mainly use bow or catalyst users bc of the range
Is very good at aiming and dodging, has laughed at isagi struggling while they were fighting azdaha
The man somehow got a qiqi on the beginner's banner, he read her backstory, felt bad, and decided to main her
And no, his qiqi is not a healer or support, she's a full blown physical DPS
And her build is no joke either, he once made her do 200k damage while fighting the new scaramouche boss like kunigami wtf are you feeding her??
If there's a boss you can't beat, just call him to co-op and his zombie child will carry
Is another lore invester
Chigiri once sent him a video explaining enkanomiya lore and they later spent hours discussing about it
Got emotional at the tsurumi island and kazari quest, maybe at the dainsleif chasm quest too
Also levels up all his character's friendship to 10 to get their name cards
Has read all of his character's stories out of boredom
Completed ALL of his world quests, doesn't skip the dialogue in case he misses something important
Does hangout quests, beidou was his favourite one
Can never see hilichurls the same anymore after the chasm archon quest, all this time he's been killing cursed, innocent people? He feels so guilty
His luck when it comes to the gacha is literally phenomenal, the guy has never lost a 50/50 in his life
He's very skilled at controling his waverider and comes out at the top during waverider races
He's also good in fishing too, he manages to always stay within the moving bar
He plays spiral abyss often and would have 36 stars if it weren't for the last few floors being such a pain in the ass
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tflaw · 1 year
AAAAA up until now i still feel giddy n happy over getting scara i really CANNOT thank u enough pls i feel like you're the reason for this bc i rmb u saying "maybe you'll win next patch" around 3.1 AND I ACTUALLY DID ??? TWICE NOW ?? u r the lucky charm frfr but wndnw im now gonna be a nervous wreck bc of raiden 💔 hoping the luck comes thru again bc if not :')) idk how i would cope ... we still have 19 days before raiden's banner comes up !! more time to manifest HAHA aaaa im scared
+ btw have u done the new quest omg ?? i only finished doing it now bc i was soooo hooked up on the TCG (hehe another namecard to grind for 😈) but it was SO GOOD!! idk if u already done it n i dont wanna accidentally spoil anything but i'm just gonna say that sumeru's archon quest is such a wilddd ride omg seeing it all come to an end ?? oh boy.
+ PLS I FEEL LIKE EM STATS WOULDNT LEAVE ME ALONE YET .. i got sucrose on standard !! n now im rlly fighting the urge to build her right away :// need to save up my resin and mora smh but SSNNSN seems like im gonna go back camping in vv domain again after this :')) im already dreading it huhu
+ ava ngl the tags r making me go 👀 rn ... what r u planning ... i fear for the person im abt to be once u reply to that ask ... HAHA but seriously i hope it gave u inspo !! even though it's literally just me being insane abt rockstar thoma LMAO
ai!! it’s the way i didn’t believe you for a sec when u said u got qiqi !! there’s absolutely no way 😭 AND I LITERALLY SCREAMED WHEN I SAW YOUR AVATAR !! LIKE YES!! you and me kuni havers at last !! maybe this is gonna be ur lucky banner <33 and raiden will come home earlier than kuni !!
+ i haven’t yet!! i’m gonna do it later but exploration might sway me from it i am having so much fun using kuni 😭 you won’t believe it but he managed like 24k on his skill w/o supports and then 72k swirl hydro dmg on his burst IM SO WOW !! tcg!! i played it yesterday and im not gonna lie i need a bunch of tutorials to understand which is which and what is the function of everything. but there was a sense of adrenaline when i was playing w fischl!! i might battle w the remaining ones i have in mondstadt :)) but finals are literally just around the corner 😭 might save some after it idk im in pain <//3
+ OMG the scream !! the sweat !! the everything !! when sucrose appeared on screen for me too !! i was so happy but i have 0 purple exp materials for maxing kuni yesterday 😭 all i have left is the brown one but thankfully i still got 5m mora !! i might prioritize farming for exp materials before diving into building sucrose baby girl gotta wait i have nothing for her but ascension materials 🚬😔
+ im gonna cook up something spicy for ur rockstar!thoma i swear ✋
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rinoomi · 2 years
my beloved fir !! i heard you lost your 50/50 to mona? D: nooo, there's still time to grind !!! ayato's here for 20 more days !! you can do it, i'll be rooting for you !! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
speaking of which, i really like his playstyle :'0 my friend recommended i pass venti (since he'll be back soon more or less) and build jean or sucrose first and that i should pull for ayato since he seems mobile-user friendly. really tempting since i really got into the groove of his game. any thoughts on it? :0
anyways, i'm manifesting you'll get ayato :((( giving all my luck for him to come home to you !!! <333 oh also make sure to take breaks and to hydrate too :0 hoping you had a great day ilsym !! <333
RIMIIII sobsob yes I lost 😭 but I did some calculations and I'll probably get ayato before his banner ends!! gotta do all the quests and hangouts now and speedrun everything :(
yes yes he seems really fun!! played his trial and oof-I want him so bad aaaaa >:( I think you should def go for ayato!! I love that woosh sound when he uses his elemental skill also the countdown is pretty low? and yes I'm sure venti will have another rerun before this year ends! I'm gonna start saving for xiao after ayato comes home eeee not gonna miss my boy for the third time nopeee :< also maybe scara in the future too? I saw some leaks and I have a feeling he's gonna be playable soon! ALSO did u see yelan and shinobu? :0 i kinda really like yelans design I love how that coat rests on her shoulders!!
and I wish the same for you rimi! manifesting ayato for the both of us 🙇🏻‍♀️ also kazuha! he will come home to you HE HAS TO!! hope school isn't stressing you out too much and take good care of yourself ilyt <33
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Family Pride or Clan Trevor
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage Contains Potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and very smutty content.
Summary: Rod and Kirby talk more about what a potential future together might look like and Rod meets the rest of the Trevor Clan.
Kirby's POV:
The rest of the day was quiet, too quiet, almost as if Roddy was planning something for the get-together tomorrow. The morning of the Twenty-Ninth was quiet still, then we had to leave to go to the get together, we got in my dad's Vauxhall Firenza and I zoned out until we reached the community centre and parked in the overflow parking lot.
I spotted two of my cousins walking over, the identical twins, Mona and Meredith, with their husbands and kids not to far behind them.
"Su’mae" They repeated, in unison.
My skin crawled as I recalled all the times over the years that the twins had spooked me.
"Beth ydy eich enw chi?" Mona attempted to ask Roddy.
"Mon, he doesn't speak Welsh, this is Roddy. Rod, this is Mona and Meredith."
"Hi Ladies, I'm Rod, Kirby's boyfriend."
"Cariad?" Meredith looked up at me, my face unmasked showing flushed cheeks, "Cawsoch chi'ch hun yn gariad?"
"Thank you, Meredith, How're the kids?"
"Oh, They're fine."
"You speak English?" Rod asked, incredulous.
"Of course we do." The twins answered in unison.
Rod shot me a concerned look, I gave him a knowing but still somewhat scared look in return.
We walked into the centre and I immediately saw the 'welcome home' banner and I couldn't stop the rush of emotions and Rod noticed the change in me, seeing the softer and much more hidden side of me, the part of me that never wanted to leave my homeland for the USA. I rushed outside, sitting on the bench next to the door, Roddy following quickly behind me.
"Woah, woah. Are ya alright, baby?"
"I'm fine, just a little light-headed is all."
"Don't you go lying ta me."
"I'm just a little emotional, Rod, it's been a while since I was here and I haven't seen half of my family for much longer than that."
My cousins Pat and Rod came up to the bench.
"Hey Kirby, new fella."
"Hey Patrick, Roderick. Uhh, boys, this is my boyfriend, Roddy. Roddy, my cousins, Patrick and Roderick."
"So," Pat started, "When's the wedding?"
"What are ya talkin' about," Rod (My cousin, Roderick) added, "There's got to be an engagement party before a weddin, Paddy."
"I know Roddy, but then there's also the Hen and Stag Do's, too."
"So, How long you two been dating?"
"Not long enough for you two to be making those jokes." I chided
"Okay, we'll leave you two to your business."
They scarpered off quite quickly after that, leaving me and Roddy (Piper) alone for a while.
"Those two are weird."
"Rod, they're family, of course they're weird."
"They raise a fair point though."
"What do you mean?!" I shot him a confused look
"Well, when would our wedding be?"
"That depends."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, knowing your 'appetite' it depends on if you y'know put me 'up the duff' so to speak, before or after the end of the year."
"Well, if I get you 'knocked up' before the end of the year, you'd marry me at the start f next year?"
"What if I get you 'knocked up' before the end of next month?" he teased
"Roddy, don't tease me, boyo."
"Oh come on, we'll sneak back to ya Da's Firenza, get in the back, shack up and-"
I covered Rod's mouth with my hand, "Don't be a fuckwit, Roderick," I let him speak again.
"I'm not being a 'fuckwit', I'm suggesting," he placed his hand on my thigh, close to my knee, slowly moving his hand closer to my groin, "We go, shack up, fly back before the second of Feb, if I get you pregnant, then we'll get married sooner rather than later, if I don't then we'll try again."
"Rod, I'm twenty-nine."
"So am I, until April seventeenth. Why? When are you suggesting I get ya 'Knocked up'?"
"I dunno, when I'm thirty, or in my thirties. Not now."
"So, next year. I think I can wait until then," He then whispered something to himself that I could barely hear, "If I don't get blue balls and die."
"Ya heard that, didn't ya."
"Rod, I, you, ugh."
"C'mere baby." He pulled me closer, one hand on my thigh and the other cupping my cheek, giving me a quick kiss on the lips, "I love ya baby, I would wait an eternity to have a family with you," He pulled me back into a longer and more passionate kiss, pulling away when we both needed to breathe.
"I love you, Piper."
"Do you want me to marry ya, before we have kids?"
"Preferably, I don't want you to leave me."
"I'd never leave ya, never, not me."
"Yeah, like you're Prince fucking Arthur."
"That would make you my Guinevere."
"I'm nothing like Guinevere."
The rest of the evening was quite quiet, a family meal at a local restaurant, resulting in a drunken Roddy and me getting somewhat tipsy. Safe to say, my Da did not enjoy driving us back to the house. But I had sobered up somewhat by the time we were in bed for the night, Rod not so much.
"Oh, baby, let me make love to ya."
"Rod, shush."
"But we could be havin' so much fun."
"Roddy, get some rest or you'll hate yourself in the morning."
"But I just wanna kiss ya, and hug ya, and stuff ya pretty little maw wit ma co-"
"Roderick. Shut up."
"Fine, fine. I'll get some sleep, ya bi-"
I pulled him into a rough and passionate kiss, slipping my tongue into his mouth before pulling away and shifting positions to straddle his lap.
"ya big sexy beast, c'mere."
He pulled me down into another rough but passionate kiss, using his free hand to grind my grin against his, making sure that I can feel the heat rising from his crotch, barely covered by his briefs, grinding against my own barely clothed frame. The bulge in his pants pressing into the curve of my groin, Rod letting out small grunts and groans, feeling his hand move from my ass to the front of my crotch before feeling him rub at my clit before he slipped his hand into my boxer shorts, rubbing at my clit before checking to see if I'm wet, letting out a satisfied grunt before pulling away from the kiss.
"Would you like me to get you off, Roddy?"
"How about, you give me my release and I give you yours."
"Sure, but we gotta keep this quiet."
Rod pulled me into another heated make out session.
When we woke up the following morning, limbs intertwined, Rod's body on top of mine.
"Morning, beautiful."
"Good Morning, my love."
"What day is it?"
"Monday. Thirtieth, January. Nineteen Eighty-Four."
"I gotta make some calls."
Rod tried to get up, not realising how intertwined our legs were, climbing out of the bed, pulling us both off the bed and landing on his back on the floor with a thud.
"Oh my God, Roddy, are you okay?"
"I'm alright baby, I'm ok, you?"
"I'm alright. I was scared that I hurt ya."
"Nah, you could never hurt me."
I got off of him, pulling him up afterwards and kissing him before he went off to make the calls he needed to. I did my morning routine, my Mam gave me a coffee and I set myself up in the gym half of the garage.
At least an hour passed before I saw Roddy again, I was drinking the final drops of my coffee when he rushed into the gym his concerned expression instantly turning into relief.
"Ya alright, handsome."
"I'm okay honey, I'm okay. Turns out we need to leave earlier than planned, as in before the fourth."
"Then we'll leave tomorrow, my parents will understand. My Da won't like us leaving so soon, so if I were you, I'd go build the familial bridge now so that he doesn't kill ya."
"Alright, I'll go do that. I love ya. Oh, you have a match on the Sixth against S.D Jones."
"Okay, I love you."
I spent another hour in the gym before Piper returned.
"Ya Da has said that he'll kill me if I hurt ya or break ya heart, however he knows that we need to go back to work eventually and trusts that you'll put me in my place."
"Sounds like my Da, hey Hot Rod."
"Hey baby," He got closer, wrapping his arms around my waist, "gimme some sugar."
"No, I'm covered in sweat," I tried to avoid him kissing my neck but failed, "alright, fine, fine. I give in."
He cupped my jaw with his left hand, pulling me down into the kiss, his eyebrows knitted together and my eyelids fluttered closed for a moment, letting Rod control the moment. The moment Rod pulled away I pressed my forehead to his.
"Do you wanna watch me work out?"
"You box, Rod?"
"Golden Gloves Champion. Black belt in Judo, too."
"Handsome and athletic, you are the whole package."
"Thanks for the compliment, but y'know, a strong man is only as strong as his partner."
"Do you mean me or Orndorff and Schultz?"
"You, ya dafty."
"Yes, Kirby?"
"Do you wanna leave tonight, red eye flight, get back before tomorrow morning?"
"Sure, if that's what ya wanna do, we'll go tonight."
"I want … I would like," I took a second to compose myself," I would like to have a family with you."
He pulled away, locking eyes with me, his tone optimistic, "Really?"
"Absolutely," I wiped a tear away from my eye, "I want to marry you, I want to be a wife and a mother and I want to be with you."
"Do you want to live here, or in the States?"
"Well, America would mean we can work easier."
He let out a small chuckle, smirking up at me, "I love ya, I want to marry ya and be with ya through thick and thin, anything happens, I'll be by your side."
"Promise me, you won't fight with Damien any more."
"I promise you I won't. Promise me, you'll let me tell people about us."
"I promise you, you can tell whoever you want."
"Let's go make ourselves a new home, alright baby?"
We packed our things and my Da drove us to the airport. I gave my parents a tearful goodbye and we got the next flight back to New Jersey, checking into a hotel in Edison and I left Piper for half an hour to pick up the D200, collecting my paperwork from a nearby DMV centre and going back to the hotel. Rod opened the door, letting me in and slumping on the double bed next to me.
"Hey beautiful."
"Hi Rod, help me with this, please." I gestured to the paperwork
"What is it?"
"Insurance stuff, getting you insured on the D200."
"Give it here, I'll deal with it."
"No Rod, I'm capable of filling it out, just help me with the details."
"Just, gimme the papers," He leaned over and kissed my neck, "let me handle it, baby."
"Not with the mood you're in."
"I can't help that you're sexy."
"Rod, stop thinking with ya dick for five minutes and help me."
"Alright, fine."
We were almost finished with the paperwork when there was a knocking at the door.
"Who is it?"
"Piper, let me in or I'm kicking this door down." The muffled voice threatened.
"Shit, that's Schultz."
"Holy shit, Piper. Are you fucking the female giant?"
That was not Schultz's voice. It sounded like Orndorff.
Piper groaned as he opened the door.
"I'm not fucking her right now, Paul."
"Hi Schultz, Orndorff. Rod get your ass back over here and help me with this."
"Pay me." Rod teased
"With what?" I jokingly responded
"With sex" Schultz and Orndorff said almost simultaneously, giving each other a knowing look.
"All three of you share a brain." I mumbled
Piper groaned, gesturing for me to give him the papers, I complied and he read through it, mumbling the words of the document to himself.
Schultz looked from me to Piper before nudging Orndorff's arm, "They look like they're already married, Paul. Piper's got himself a wife."
"I'm not his wife-"
"She's my girlfriend." Roddy interrupted
"I was gonna say that Roddy."
"I know baby, I know."
"Jeez Rod, get her pregnant or somethin' boy."
"David!" I chided
"I would, but she's got a fight on the sixth."
"Roddy!" Orndorff chastised
We spent the rest of the evening with the boys and eventually I fell asleep next to Roddy. I woke up the next morning with Roddy next to me.
"Morning Kirby."
"Good morning, Roderick, ya handsome fool."
"I love you too honey," Rod kissed my forehead, "I filed the paperwork for ya."
"Thank you. What's the time?"
"About, half ten in the morning. Do ya wanna go grab breakfast?"
"I'd thought you'd never ask."
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
“Listen you need to dance with me right now” pairing and scenario of your choice
Here you go! I went with Indruck and a college-ish AU
“Listen, you need to dance with me right now”
Duck turns around in the black pleather booth and finds a man about his age, silvery hair tousled out at odd angles and red glasses perched on his nose, smiling at him nervously. 
“Not beatin around the bush are you?” He smirks.
“Huh? Oh, ah, this is not a flirtation attempt, Ah, that is, not that you are unappealing, just, nevermind, this was foolish.”
He turns away, and Duck grabs his elbow, “whoah, hey, didn’t say I wasn’t interested. Not about to turn down a dance from a cute guy.”
Tension drains from the man’s shoulders as Duck stands leads them towards the strobing light of the dance floor, “Thank goodness. Wait, what did you say?”
“I said” Duck pulls him close as the current song winds down, “I think you’re cute, sugar.”
“There’s no need to pretend that’s true. As I said, this isn’t about flirtation.” 
“Then what is it about?”
His new friend thinks as the tempo grinds down to slow beat, couples flowing on and off the floor around them. It’s the kind of gay bar where anyone who falls under the rainbow banner can go to look for a partner. Duck himself is on the hunt for something to banish the taste of a bad break-up from his mouth. 
His original plan for the night involved sitting in the dark in his bedroom, watching nature documentaries until he no longer felt the dull heartbreak oozing in his chest. But Juno, his roommate, insisted he come with her for a night on the town.  So he’d settled on a new plan: get laid by someone who likes hairy guys with some fat on top of their muscle in hopes of not remembering all his insecurities, ones drilled deeper under his skin by his exes parting words. 
The man currently holding his hands with all the confidence of a freshman at their first homecoming dance hadn’t been on his radar until a minute ago. For the life of him, Duck can’t figure out why. Sure, he’s weird and messy, but he’s so singular looking Duck’s amazed everyone in the room isn’t trying to cut in.
“It’s about keeping you safe.” The man whispers, jarring him from his thoughts, their proximity the only reason Duck can hear him over the music. 
“Come again?”
“Do you see that gentleman who just walked in?”
Duck turns them in time to see a blonde man with the build of a water-polo player enter the bar.
“Mr. Salmon T-shirt?”
“Correct. Had you not danced with me, there was a high chance he would ask you instead. All would have gone well until you two decided to use the back alley for some, um, quick relief to the fact you were both very turned on. It would be at this point that he would try something you did not want, you’d push him away, and he would punch you before slinking back inside. I assumed you’d prefer not to end your night with a black eye.”
“Got that right. So if you’re dancin’ with me for my own good, what happens to him?” 
The man’s face goes worryingly blank, then he shakes his head as if clearing it, “he gets very drunk very quickly, starts spouting unkind words at Joseph over there and promptly gets bounced by the bartender.”
Duck snorts, “that’s what he gets for talkin shit near Barclay. Think the only thing that actually makes that man mad is when someone is rude about his boyfriend.”
“That’s my experience as well.”
“You know Barclay too? I mean, not just as a bartender?”
“Correct. You know how he has someone living in a trailer on his land?”
“Yeah? Wait, holy shit, you’re Indrid?”
A nod.
“I’ll be damned, Dani kept sayin she wanted to introduce us. I’m-”
“Duck Newton.” Indrid says along with him.
Okay, that was a little weird. 
“Y’know, s’okay if you actually hold onto me while you’re apparently savin me a fight.”
Indrid presses closer, but his hold on Duck is still light, as if he’s afraid of trapping him. A happy sigh drifts between them.
“You’re so warm. It’s very nice.” Indrid murmurs
Duck draws Indrid’s hand close to his mouth, blowing across the chilly fingers. Another sigh, Indrid actually curling his arm around Duck’s shoulders. He seems to relax when Duck talks, so he says the first thing he can think of.
“You’re in the art grad program, right?”
“Indeed. You’re in forestry, yes?”
“That ain’t the usual reaction.” Duck smiles up at him, “Once you start talking about tree taxonomy or forest health, people’s eyes start glazin over.”
Indrid cocks his head, “How does one measure the health of something as complex as a forest?”
And so Duck spends two songs explaining the answer, Indrid listening attentively and asking questions. Thank god the DJ is in a slow jam mood, so he doesn’t have to shout about pest control over some sort of horrible, rapid bass-line.  Not wanting to be rude, he spends song number three asking Indrid about how he chose illustration as his focus in his art program.
By the end of the song, Indrid’s left hand has slipped into Duck’s back pocket, and Duck knows he won’t be interested int dancing with anyone else for the rest of the night.
He gives his best sweet southern boy grin and nuzzles Indrid’s cheek. 
“Gotta say, think you win for creative excuses for askin a guy to dance.”
Indrid deflates and hunches in on himself, his hands dropping from Duck’s body, though he otherwise stays put.
“It’s not an excuse. I was just trying to help.”
“Indrid, how could you possibly know what was gonna happen?”
“I just can!” He snaps, recoiling instantly at the sound, “I can see the future. I’ve always been able to. Not that anyone, save for a few close friends, believes me when I tell them.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, “there are no longer futures where you get punched, so I will leave you alone.”
“Indrid, wait, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright, Duck, I’m not upset. Enjoy the rest of your night.” Indrid turns away.
“Do you wanna go grab something to eat?” He thought through the offer for exactly zero seconds, but he knows it’s what he wants the moment he says it. 
Indrid blinks at him, then smiles small and odd, “That was...unexpected.”
Duck holds his breath.
“I accept your offer.” The grin is wider now, to the point that it’s a bit unnerving. Indrid must notice, and forces the smile to a normal size, “where would you like to go?”
Duck takes his hand, leading him out into the night and down the street. There’s a Mel’s Diner standing mostly empty on the corner two blocks away, and they slip inside. Duck orders a burger and fries, Indrid an orange creamsicle shake. The taller man’s fingers drum on the Formica table top.
He waffles on what he wants to say, how much he wants to share.
“Sometimes a glowing blue woman appears in my room.” 
Indrid’s eyebrows shoot to the top of his head, “there was only one future where you admitted that.”
“You actually believe me?”
“Of course. Why would you lie about such a thing?”
“I….I dunno.” Duck shrugs, rubbing his forearm, “tried tellin one or two other people and they looked at me like I was losin it. Been happenin since I turned eighteen, along with these weird vision-y dreams. Gets kinda old.”
“And you’re telling me because you think the fact I see the future makes me more likely to believe you.”
“Yeah. Uh, did you see that comin or just connect the dots?”
“Both. I take it you believe me now?” Indrid fiddles with the drawstring on his sweatshirt.
“Did the second I saw how hurt you looked.  Know exactly what bein on the wrong side of disbelief feels like.” Duck pauses as the server sets down their food, “Let me buy you dinner as an apology?”
“Gladly.” Indrid sips his milkshake, and Duck freezes mid-bite at the way his cheeks hollow and the little sigh of pleasure he lets out.
Indrid catches him staring, and licks his lips with a smirk. Duck hides behind his burger. 
“So, uh, why were you at the bar?”
“Bear hunting.” Indrid deadpans. It’s only when a blush splashes up Duck’s cheeks that he breaks into a smile, “I’m kidding. Mostly. I’ve been trying to get out more. I can be a bit reclusive, as I like my privacy and my hobbies and coursework are all solitary. You?”
“Gettin over an ex.” He shoves fries into his mouth, not quite ready to say more. Somehow that topic is even more intimidating than revealing his weird powers. Indrid nods in understanding, polishing off the first half of his shake with terrifying speed. Roy Orbison wails “Only the Lonely” from the Jukebox.
“Hardly the music for it. Hmm” Indrid flips through the options on the table-side music selector. The pink and blue neon flashes through the window and along the angles of his face. He looks so ethereal.
Duck is so screwed.
“Ah, here we are.” Indrid digs into his pocket, pulling out a quarter and dropping it into the machine. 
After a few moments, a voice croons from the speakers.
Love me tender, love me sweet
“Fan of the classics, huh?” Duck rests his elbow on the table and his cheek in his palm.
“I find Elvis and his contemporaries pleasant to draw to.”
“Know what else they’re good for?” Duck bounces his eyebrows. 
“Yes, but I want to hear you say it anyway.”
Duck slides out of the booth, holds out his hand, “Dance with me?”
Indrid takes it, and this time he doesn’t hesitate. His arms drape around Duck, and his head nestles onto his shoulder.
Duck sways them in time with the song, arms around Indrid’s waist. 
“I meant what I said earlier. About you bein cute. And I really like talkin with you. Would you, uh, wanna go on a date sometime?”
Chapped lips find the base of his neck, and Indrid kisses a slow line up until they’re gazing at each other. 
“Nothing would make me happier, Duck.”
Duck draws his fingers along Indrid’s face, leans in and kisses him in time with the fading melody.
“In that case, sugar, how about you and I go dancing tomorrow night?”
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arostormblessed · 5 years
Soo this is my first time writing a fic and it’s a little bit iffy but eh I’m posting it anyway. It ended up being a lot longer than originally intended so I’m only putting up the first part right now. WIP so don’t judge too hard. It looks like it’s going to be a cool action story about some looming villain but is actually just about the avenger kids babysitting Morgan. Lots of Peter & Morgan being siblings ‘cause I love them. Oh and contains Endgame spoilers I guess so don’t read if you haven’t seen it yet. Enjoy
Communication was iffy, to say the least, among the remaining Avengers after the second snap. What with many retiring, some being halfway across the world, and a large percentage of them in space, it wasn’t always clear as to how to get in touch with each other. Whenever a threat arose big enough to alert everyone, it usually went through Nick Fury, who seemed to have an obscure way of contacting everyone. At the moment, though, he and Agent Hill were investigating the aftermath of some European incidents, and were indisposed. That meant the process was much slower.
It had started when Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel herself, had heard about trouble brewing on a distant planet; something that might affect the rest of the galaxy as well. Upon visiting the said planet and realizing it was much worse than she could have imagined, she made the decision to call in some backup.
 She managed to track down the Benatar, because of the homing device the Guardians had entrusted to her. From there, Thor gave Rocket Bruce’s email address and sent him a message, hoping for the best. Intergalactic messaging is normally not the quickest, but it was going to have to work. Carol led the Guardians to the planet, insisting there was no time to waste. The Earthens would make it there eventually, but until they did, there wasn’t a minute to spare.
 Dr. Bruce Banner, currently large, green, and Hulky, received the email approximately twenty-two hours after it was sent. He was working in his lab then, and at first was delighted to get correspondence from his adventuring buddies, but quickly became horrified at the news. He made nine phone calls in the next half-hour, to a various number of people.
“So, uh, because of all that there will be a Wakandan airship arriving on your farm in about two minutes…”
“Um, what? Buddy, you gotta be kidding me. I’m retired, I thought you were too.” Clint had his phone pinched between his ear and his shoulder, attempting at multitasking. 
 “I know, I know, but-” Bruce paused and flinched as loud grinding sounds came from the other end. “What exactly are you doing right now?”
 “I was trying to finish building our new shed.” Holding a wooden beam upright, he clicked the button on the drill he was holding and it whined as it forced in a screw. Using his left hand to dust sawdust off of his shirt, he set the drill down on his workbench and laid the phone flat on his shoulder. “Lila, hon, come here a sec. Tell your Uncle Bruce why I’m not skipping out on our father-daughter weekend.”
“Sure, Dad.” She laughed, setting down the bucket of apples she had been picking from a nearby tree. She jogged over to him and was handed the phone. Clint returned to building his shed.
 “Clint- are you there?”
“Hey Uncle Bruce, I’m really sorry but my dad is unavailable this weekend because mom took the boys to her parents and I finally don’t have to deal with them for once, and once he’s done with his latest construction project he promised to teach me some moves on his sword and then we’re staying up late and eating ice cream-hey Dad what’s that noi-”
 She dropped the phone in surprise as huge gusts of wind blew down on them from above. Lila’s hair whipped around her face as a glowing hexagonal shield appeared in the sky, revealing a sleek black airship. She glanced at Clint, who was shielding his eyes with his hand. He sighed. “Guess we’re going to have to pick this back up next weekend.”
The couch at the Lang household was, as far as they were concerned, the most comfortable piece of furniture in the world. Scott, Hope and Cassie had all settled into it, gigantic bowls of popcorn on their laps, and were just about to press play on their favorite movie when their phone rang. Scott dramatically dropped the remote beside him in defeat, and reached over to grab the phone from the coffee table.
“Who is it, Dad?” Cassie asked, looking over to see the number.
“If it’s Luis again, just leave it,” Hope joked, playfully stealing some popcorn from Cassie’s bowl. 
“No, no. I gotta take this. It’s Bruce, my favorite guy!” he exclaimed, stepping into the next room.
“Is that the big green one?” Cassie whispered as Hope laughed.
“Hey, Doc Green, what’s up? Scott asked, leaning against the wall.
“Something bad, I’m afraid. We need both of you to come in.” 
Scott rubbed his forehead. “What’s wrong? Can’t someone else take it for once? We just started movie night, man.”
“That’s pretty much what Clint said. But no, it’s an emergency, and we’re calling in the whole team.” Cassie listened from the living room, waiting anxiously. Secretive phone calls were never good. And neither were giant airships in your backyard.
“Bruce- are you sure? I mean, I’ve got both the kids here, and-” Pepper spoke into the phone with a hushed voice, leaning against the kitchen counter. She glanced over to the dining room table, where Peter was helping Morgan with her homework. Not that she had much homework at six years old, but Peter had taken it upon himself to make sure she lived up to the reputation of her genius father. That meant many late-night reading sessions.
In the year since the second snap, Peter and Morgan had grown close. They were basically siblings. Peter bounced from his apartment to the lake house to HQ, and Pepper had gotten to know him better. She really liked the kid, and decided to keep up her late husband’s legacy of parenting him. It’s what Tony would have wanted, anyway.
“I’m sorry, Pepper, but we really need everyone we can get. Rescue’s needed, too.” Bruce hated calling everyone in from their lives, but it was crucial.
Careful not to disturb the kids, she sighed and said quietly, “All right. But the kid stays here.”
“But Pepper, he’s got some powerful skills-”
 “Out of the question. He’s seventeen, and he’s already had to deal with enough after everything Fury put him through.”
He started to protest more, but just sighed. “Okay, fine. Everyone’s going to meet up at your place in a few minutes. Expect lots of airships.”
 “At this point, nothing would surprise me.” She hung up and set the phone down on the counter. She rested her chin in her hands, deep in thought. She had never been to space before; it was both exciting and terrifying. She didn’t want to leave Morgan, who had already lost one parent to a supernatural battle, but everything Bruce had told her made it clear this mission was more important than their daily lives. If Carol Danvers, one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, called for help, it was definitely serious.
“Close, look at the context clues.”
 “Yeah, you got it! Nice job, Morgs.” Pepper watched from the kitchen as Peter gave Morgan two high fives. Morgan was usually ornery as a donkey when it came to learning new words, but with Peter she didn’t seem to mind. She thought he was the coolest person in the world.
“Can we take a break? We’ve been going for hours,” she whined, yawning a little and slumping over into his lap. “And I want a juice pop.”
 “Perfect timing. It’s probably getting close to your bedtime, too,” he teased, tickling the back of her neck. She squealed and sat up, batting away his hands. Scampering into the kitchen, she made a mad dash for the freezer before Pepper sidestepped in front of her, blocking it.
“Uh uh, little miss. Supper before dessert.” Morgan crossed her arms and stamped her foot, but failed to contain a smile. 
 “You haven't cooked us dinner yet, Mommy! How are we supposed to eat it?” she cried, throwing up her arms. 
 “There’s the leftover risotto in the fridge, I told you I would heat it up when you wanted it.”
She made a face. “That stuff’s gross.”
Pepper shrugged. “Guess you don’t get juice pops, then.”
“Hey- hey, Mrs. Stark, what’s happening out there?” Peter had pulled aside the curtains and was peeking out the window, where in the soft evening light you could just make out several descending airships. And a lot of noise.
“Mommy?” Morgan asked hesitantly, looking at her with wide, anxious eyes.
“Don’t worry, kids,” Pepper replied, walking up to the door and unlocking it. “This is just...well, you’ll see.”
Part two to come soon!
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