#happy chichester
looseygoosey66 · 10 months
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scotianostra · 17 days
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Happy birthday Scottish actor Hugh Ross.
Ross was born in Glasgow on 28th April 1945, where his parents were both doctors. He was educated at The Glasgow Academy. Hugh continued his education at St. Andrew's University for two years, where he became interested in drama, dropped out of his course, and, after working as a teacher, enrolled at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts.
Hugh has a long and distinguished career in theatre, film, radio and television.
TV credits include The Team with Lars Mikkelsen, An Honourable Woman, Poirot, Absolutely Fabulous, Midsomer Murders, The Palace, and notably as Major Mungo Munro in Sharpe’s Gold, Sharpe’s Battle and Sharpe’s Sword.
Outlander fans will know him as Arch Bug,, he was a recurring character in the popular series.
Hugh’s films include Clive Barker’s Nightbreed, Patriot Games (with Harrison Ford), Trainspotting, Charlotte Gray (with Cate Blanchett), Before You Go (with Tom Wilkinson and Julie Walters), The Four Feathers (with Heath Ledger), and most recently The Iron Lady and Sunset Song.
Recent theatre productions include Twelfth Night for English Touring Theatre, Macbeth with James McAvoy, Hamlet with John Simm, 5/11 at Chichester, Pyrenees for Paine’s Plough at the Menier Chocolate Factory, Pinter’s The New World Order at the Brighton Festival, Waste at the Almeida Theatre.
His production company, The Other Cheek, in association with Cahoots Theatre Company, recently presented a revival of J.B. Priestley’s The Roundabout, which Hugh directed, at the Park Theatre, London, which subsequently played a season in New York . Hugh also recently redirected the West End production of The Mousetrap at the St. Martin’s Theatre.
Hugh has also narrated a number of books that are available through audible website.
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jbaileyfansite · 1 year
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“Lord Bridgerton you made this lady very happy - hope you enjoyed Bugsy too.”
Jonathan Bailey with a fan today at the Chichester Festival Theatre (February 19, 2023) [x]
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sineala · 2 years
Captain America/Iron Man: Invasion Force
Hi, internet! I'd like to tell you the story of how I discovered a glorious piece of new 616 Steve/Tony canon that has somehow remained unknown to us for twenty-four years! A lost treasure! And it's great.
So for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, a couple days ago I was looking for digital versions of the recent Captain America/Iron Man miniseries. (Yes, I legally own it in issues, trade, and digitally. I own it many times.) And those came up, all right. But what also came up was something I'd literally never heard of, called Captain America/Iron Man: Invasion Force. And I thought this was weird because, as a Steve/Tony fan, I figured I'd heard of all the Steve/Tony miniseries there were, right? But this was new. This was a four-issue team-up miniseries I had never even heard of and here it was on the internet. I'm not going to link it, but if you like to, um, read comics online, you know what I mean, right?
The upload dates on this thing were this April, but the miniseries was dated 1998. At this point I was wondering how in the world there was a Volume 3 Steve/Tony team-up I'd never heard of. And then I clicked on it and it was even weirder, because it was a bunch of tiny blurry lo-res screenshots of a comic being displayed panel by panel in a program I didn't recognize. But it definitely looked like 1998-era Steve & Tony art; it was clearly a legit comic.
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We have so very, very few actual Steve/Tony team-up comics and so finding a brand new one that none of us had ever heard of before was a treat. And it's actually a fun read! This is delightful!
So I did some digging (and also Magic did some digging) and it turns out that this is from a long-defunct free digital comics line that Marvel ran from 1996 to 2000, consisting of what they called Marvel CyberComics, which is the most 1996 name I have ever heard. I hear modem dial-up noises in my head when I read that. CyberComics were new original comics for a wide variety of superheroes that were basically comics that had been lightly animated as Shockwave files, with some sound effects.
Eventually Marvel took those down from their website and I gather that they don't have the source files anymore, but, according to a 2011 CBR article, the guy who wrote a lot of them, D. G. Chichester, did in fact still have the source files, and in 2011 he put the Cap/IM one up on YouTube (1, 2, 3, 4). And from then on they languished in obscurity -- as of yesterday I think Part 4 had something like 24 views -- and then a couple months ago someone screenshot all of them, and here we are.
(They are hard to read, especially on the YouTube version -- you can zoom in a whole lot on the RCO screenshots -- but the YouTube version preserves the animation, so it's more fun in that respect. The first video doesn’t have sound, but the rest do.)
Captain America/Iron Man: Invasion Force is pretty fun. 1998 is one of my very favorite time periods for Steve & Tony and I am so excited that there is an entire brand-new team-up miniseries from that era of them being friends and punching aliens together. They have some nice banter and it's a fun team-up and they have each other's backs the whole way through and the ending is nice and happy and it's a fun read and I am just so happy that there is new Steve & Tony content from my favorite era. It is a shiny new present for all of us.
Also, if you are a Steve/Tony fan, you will probably enjoy the beginning of the first issue a whole lot.
We open with Tony and the beautiful woman he has taken on his yacht, because of course he has a yacht. They are having a great time together and are clearly interested in having an even better time in the near future, at which point Steve shows up at Tony's yacht to interrupt his hot date and tell him that they have to go meet aliens. You know, the plot. So Tony tells his date to head belowdecks and get started without him, although at this point it is pretty obvious he won't be continuing the activity he had planned.
And then Steve apologizes for ruining his date, and the conversation goes like this:
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STEVE: Sorry for the visit, Stark. TONY: No, you're not. You live for this "duty calls" routine, Captain America. I hope you're not waiting for me to salute. STEVE: I expect you're saving that for the young lady. TONY: I'll make you a copy of the video. What's this about, soldier?
So I'm reading along, going, okay, okay, Steve's apologizing, that's sweet. Tony's having some snarky banter. And then Steve is MAKING A DIRTY JOKE ABOUT TONY'S BONER???? And in response, Tony is OFFERING TO MAKE HIM A SEX TAPE???????
Like, uh. None of that went where I expected it to go. At all.
And, hey, now we can all enjoy the knowledge that Steve is the kind of guy who likes to make dirty jokes about Tony's dick, and now 616 can join Ults in "list of comics universes where Tony canonically offers a sex tape of himself to Steve." Just bros being bros, uh, watching each other's sex tapes. These guys, internet. I can't even.
I just. Yeah. I'm going to need to contemplate this.
And, honestly, the rest of it is pretty good, too! They team up! They defeat the bad guys! They each have a fun interior monologue about their motivations, and the end is very sweet, as Steve thanks Tony for his help and Tony, uh, offers to buy him a desert island.
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Anyway, Invasion Force here is a fun Steve & Tony team-up with some excellent banter, friendship, and fighting aliens together. It is a lost comic from one of my personal favorite Avengers eras, and also it contains some fun commentary on Tony's personal life. I am so glad that we have now refound it and all of Steve/Tony fandom can enjoy it.
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jessieren · 3 months
Happy Moustache Monday
I was going to post one/both of the pics included in this article but I loved the review so thought I'd add a bonus link with the photos embedded.
Wish I'd seen this - sounds like it was fab
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tonystravels · 1 year
An Overnight at Tinwood
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So this week as a birthday present we had an overnight stay and tour at the Tinwood Estate near Chichester
#englishwine #tinwood
Our day started with a dog walk at Kingley Vale through the woods which are full of Bluebells
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Not just blue though
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Then on to Tinwood for a quick tour then the tasting!
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The South of England is an ideal location for sparkling wine due to the climate and soil (chalk) We tasted 3 of their sparkling wines Blanc de Blanc, Brut & Rosé
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You can buy some nibbles to go along with the wine! We had cheese an biscuits
We then checked into our lodge. Tinwood have 3
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These are very nice and spacious. Comes with a continental breakfast which had loads of stuff!
The place is dog friendly and they are happy for the furry friends to be off lead
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The Anglesea Arms is a short walk away and again is dog friendly
So all in all we had a cracking time at the Tinwood Estate very friendly would def reccommend it
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Ah well. Goodbye (for now at least) to the wonderful Chichester Theatre and The Unfriend. One of the happiest experiences of my professional life - and I’ve had quite a few very happy ones. What a cast, what a team, what a director. And you know what? I think it was a pretty funny show too.
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bikepackinguk · 8 months
Day One Hundred and Five
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It's been 15 weeks on the road!
Whilst it doesn't manifest too often, I am a sufferer of hereditary Restless Leg Sybdrome, and last night it decided to be its wonderful self and do what it could to prevent much sleep from being had.
So, may as well get up and at 'em! It's an easy start today, extricating myself from a patch of trees by Hythe Bypass and rolling down around town to the pier at Hythe, where I don't have long to wait for my first ferry of the day.
The Hythe ferry is a catamaran style vessel, and it's a short cruise over the water to land at the docks by the city centre of Southampton.
Ruah Hour is in full swing right now, so it's some careful maneuvering to navigate around town and over the bridge across the River Itchen, before heading through the streets of Woolston to get back to the waterside.
There's a nice run along the water's edge here, before heading up through the grounds of Royal Victoria Country Park and into the nice little village of Hamble-le-Rice, which is still and quiet in the early morning.
Down to the docks and it's onto ferry #2 of the day, a tiny little pink boat that I share with a few ramblers to get across the River Hamble to reach Warsash.
Around the trails I go and it's up into some rough pathways along cornfields above the sea.
The paths meander around the fields before turning down to Hill Head, before a nice long run looking over the water through Lee-on-the-Solent.
As the road turns inland a little, the busy roads have a good few cycle paths along them, so I have a good charge down the main streets to speed my way through to the town of Gosport, where awaits my third and final ferry if today's river-hopping.
It's only a short journey across the harbour to land in the historic docks of Portsmouth, beside the famous HMS Warrior.
I'm on a bit of a schedule currently so I hit the road once more, rising through Old Portsmouth and missing a turn to take me through aome of the busier urban stretches of town, before zigging down to hit the edge of the Solent once more for a ride down past Eastney Beach.
I double back for a ride up through Eastney and along the easterly edge of Portsmouth and roll up to a hearty greeting with my lovely cousin Sarah!
The last time I was in Portsmouth was for her wedding to her lovely wife Charlotte and riding through has brought back many happy memories of the occasion, so it's all the more joyful to be able to interrupt her busy schedule as I'm treated to a beer and slap-up steak lunch. Thank you so much again and look forward to seeing you again soon cuz!
Farewells said and bellies full, I'm off along the road north as the cycle route hits some major road junctions around the north of Portsmouth, but the cycle paths track around alongside a good ways yet ao I'm spared the heavy traffic as I track around the A27 past Havant.
The route drops on to the A259 here, so it's time to put that hearty lunch to good use as I stretch the legs for a long run along the busy road awhile.
The cycle pathing here is spotty at best, and I end up just staying in the road to get some miles cranked out, and as the miles and small towns drop away it feels like practically no time at all before I hitnthe edges of Chichester.
With some twisting through town, I drop on to the towpath at the Chichester Canal to follow the cycle route down the water to Hunston, where I tack on to the B2166 as it curves around the expansive farmlands.
Along the road and jostling with plenty of tractors and school-run drivers, I keep in peddling away the miles and charge my way down through the growing suburbs and push on through to arrive at the beach at Pagham.
I have a brief pause to appreciate the view up the coast, but I've energy yet in the legs and light in the day, so am eager to keep at it.
Around through the roads of Pagham, it takes a good bit of routefinding to work my way around, but eventually ride around to hook up once morenwith NCN 2 as it restarts once more at the promenade of Bognor Regis.
My eagerness hasn't done me a great deal of favours here as I had been thinking of stopping a little short of Bognor, as it's a long urban stretch ahead with little opportunity for stealthy camping.
A bit of thinking and checking of the maps has me riding up and through the seaside town to head to the northern end of town where there look to be more possibilities to hole up for the night. I'll let you know how the scouting goes in the morrow!
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Bash and a fan after the play (27 May)
📸 mamasloth_kirri
"Still can't quite get over it. As an artist, there is no greater joy than being able to share your work with the subject of your art and make them happy 😀 Yesterday, I think I managed that when I presented Bash with his paintings 🎨🖌️ @sebastiancroft- you truly are a joy to paint 😊 and a pleasure to meet. Thank you x Image of #DameEileenAtkins and #SebastianCroft in #4000Miles at Minerva Theatre, Chichester"
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gavinkaufman · 1 year
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I really enjoyed @housesketcher’s (Albert Kiefer) ‘Expressive Architectural Sketching with Colored Markers’ on Domestika (@domestika). He encourages a relaxed and expressive approach to drawing which removes the need to be overly accurate and perfect. I absolutely recommend this course if you’re interested in Urban Sketching 🎨🌇🧑🏼‍🎨 In prep for this course I bought a pack of Promarkers (Set 1) but didn't realise they would be so vibrant 😅 This meant I wasn't able to do light washes of grey/peach, as suggested in the course, and had to go bold haha!! I'm happy with the outcome all the same ☺️ Thanks Albert for a great course!! 😁👍🏻 Other brilliant Urban Sketchers to look out for: @sketchingscottie @lizchaderton @tobyurbansketch @ianfennelly @katebeuerart @lironyanil @taria_sketchy_adventures A bit about Domestika: Domestika is the fastest-growing creative community where the best creative experts share their knowledge and skills through professionally produced online courses. https://www.domestika.org/en/courses/3675-expressive-architectural-sketching-with-colored-markers (at Chichester, West Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9pGHPrDwk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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looseygoosey66 · 1 year
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Brad shoots, recordings and performances over the years
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scotianostra · 2 years
Happy Birthday, singer/songwriter/guitarist Mark Knopfler,  born 12th August 1949, in Glasgow.
Born as  Mark Freuder Knopfler, the family originally lived in the Glasgow area and Mark Knopfler’s younger brother David was also born in the city, his father was a Hungarian refugee who fled his home country in 1939, they have a Jewish heritage but Mark described his dad as a “Marxist agnostic” His mother came from Blyth near Newcastle in Northumberland. 
The family moved to Newcastle when Mark was 7, where he was educated, he started making music aged 16 but it wasn’t till he formed Dire straits, with his brother in 1977 that he began to have success.
The band were signed to Vertigo Records in 1978 and recorded the album Dire Straits, which featured their first major hit single, “Sultans of Swing. Their follow-up albums include Communique , Making Movies featuring Romeo and Juliet  and Tunnel of Love.  In 1985 the band released its mega-selling album Brothers In Arms, which has sold more than 30 million copies to date.
Mark “quietly” dissolved Dire Straits and launched his career as a solo artist. Knopfler later recalled that, "I put the thing to bed because I wanted to get back to some kind of reality. It's self-protection, a survival thing. That kind of scale is dehumanizing. He would spend two years recovering from the experience, which had taken a toll on his creative and personal life.
Mark has collaborated with many of the world’s top acts through the years, and although he spent most of his life in England, he still holds an affinity with the land of his birth, of course many of you will know he penned the music to Local Hero, but Scotland has featured in some of his songs too. On his second solo album, Sailing to Philadelphia, the in the lyric of the first single pays homage to Edinburgh.
In 2019 Knopfler penned the score for the musical version of Local Hero, including new songs alongside adding lyrics to the original instrumental music, reuniting again with Bill Forsyth
Dire Straits have sold over 120 million units worldwide, including 51.4 million certified units, making them one of the best-selling music artists., they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2018.
Mark Knopfler’s ‘Studio Albums 2009-2018’ Boxset Due is due out In October The collection will be available as 9 LP vinyl and 6 CD boxsets, and in digital SD/HD.
The live musical version of Local Hero is currently doing the rounds, next up for the production is  Chichester Festival Theatre from October 8th to November 19th.
I don’t know if it’s just the music or I am in one of those spiraling moods, but this is the second piece of music to bring me to tears today, it covers the closing scene of Local Hero, Mac gest back home, after emptying his pockets of shells and rocks, poignantly smelling one, he pins some photos up of his time in Scotland, his phone is looming large as he steps out onto his balcony the sound sirens and the hushed march of oil capitalism buzzing gently   he looks out over the city of Houston, the scene fades and then …, then reopens 4,500 miles away, where, on the harbour side of a small Scottish fishing village, we see the phone box, is it ringing? If so you know it will be Mac yearning for the tranquility of life in the wee seaside hamlet..............
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Times anon, in the same interview he said this
"“So far I’ve been incredibly lucky to work with people who think outside the box. Working with Phoebe Waller-Bridge on Crashing was like being on the brink of an orgasm — there’s kind of nothing I wouldn’t do for her.” (Sidenote: if Bailey is relatively sedate today, he still has a fondness for a ripe and surprising metaphor — at one point he refers to Bridgerton’s “sort of throbbing erection of financial support”.)"
Then this about Sir Ian McKellan
"“We would just get Wagamama Deliveroos and sit in the park in Chichester and talk about gay history and queer theory. Basically, when you work with certain people, there’s a chemistry that happens. And, of course, if I trusted someone and they said, ‘Look, this is what is needed to tell the story,’ I’d go there.”"
God I'm so happy he and Sir Ian are friends. That's something I think about from time to time that makes me go "ah yes, the world makes sense sometimes".
And I'd pay good money to see him work aiht Phoebe again, just saying. Someone give the man some honest work that has nothing to do with Shondaland, please.
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luderelucis · 2 months
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23th of March in 2024 - Chichester (West Sussex)
I like this house. I like the details on the roof which make it look like a castle or a defensive wall. I always think that when I have my own house, I would like it to be something out of a tale. Something inspiring. A house that makes people happy when they see it, something that adds value to the urban or wild landscape.
And the garden...Oh the garden... One day I will have a garden, and it will teach me a lot. It will help me to understand my creative process better as for example sewing does. It will make me refine my art and understand why I do things the way I do them.
And it will be very beautiful. Beauty is so important. God is beauty. We are beauty. Kids and babies are beautiful.
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devidpaul41-blog · 3 months
Letting Agents in Chichester for Hassle-Free Rental Management
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Chichester has long been a fantastic location for property investors and landlords, with demand continuing to outstrip the availability of premium quality residences, well-maintained flats, and apartments for students studying at the nearby university.
From holiday properties with views over the South Downs and Chichester Harbour to housing for professionals commuting into Chichester during the week, the rental market in the city is strong and stable, presenting an excellent opportunity.
Here we’ll look at the complexities of managing one or several rental properties and how delegating these tasks to a reputable, experienced property lettings team can save time, cost and stress.
Common Challenges Associated With Property Rental Management
A great letting agent takes over all the practicalities of your property rental management, from marketing the home when a current tenant leaves to securing deposits, running background checks, ensuring tenants are settled and happy, and dealing with maintenance issues or problems that crop up from time to time.
Landlords often find that the biggest pressures on their time relate to:
Sourcing good quality tenants, completing the necessary checks, collecting references, and performing other mandatory tasks such as ensuring they have the right to rent a property in the UK.
Dealing with monthly or weekly rental collections, chasing up rental arrears or communicating with tenants if there are issues with on-time payments.
Drawing up compliant, legally enforceable tenant agreements in line with the ever-evolving legislation around private property rentals.
Protecting tenant deposits, using an appropriately tandardiz scheme to ensure deposit funds are secured and comply with conditions.
Managing repairs, complaints or issues, from neighbourhood noise disturbances to appliance breakdowns, decorative problems or requesting permission to change something within the property or bring a pet into the home.
The regulatory landscape we’ve mentioned is frequently the most significant concern, where landlords must meet health and safety rules, electrical appliance testing, fire safety, gas appliance inspections and Energy Performance Certificate regulations – among many others.
Adding the unlikely but possible stress of handling an eviction scenario can mean many landlords with superb properties find the process of finding a tenant, managing the rental agreement, and remaining up to speed with their obligations demanding.
The Advantages of Working with a Professional Local Chichester Letting and Rental Management Agent
An experienced letting agent works as a property professional, and part of our role is to remain current as regulations and requirements change, including the long-announced Renter’s Reform Bill and the changes to rules around things like tandardized tenancy agreements.
Our team has been working in and around Chichester for over 30 years, and we have an established series of processes and policies we follow for every landlord, whether we are managing one rental flat, a large-scale HMO with multiple units, or a considerable property portfolio.
In short, we take all the elements of managing a rental property and tenant away from you and implement best practice checks, tenant liaison schedules and payment collection processes to ensure your rental properties generate the returns you expect without any surprises.
Our Services for Landlords
The Tod Anstee team can step in at any time to support landlords with newly acquired rental properties looking for long-term tenants or those keen to reduce the time they spend communicating with tenants or managing rental payment collections.
We offer a comprehensive service and can manage as much or as little of your rental business as you would like, including:
Marketing rental properties across West Sussex and via our Mayfair, London branch.
Tenant screening, reference checks and deposit management, ensuring you are satisfied your tenant is reliable and has a stable credit background.
Rental collections, providing regular updates and ensuring your finances are well protected and collected on time.
Property maintenance, managing tenant relationships and carrying out necessary repairs quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively through our network of experienced local tradespeople.
Adding Value to Rental Property Returns With Expert Support
We’d always recommend working with a local letting agent who can visit tenants directly if there are any issues to deal with, can suggest contractors that offer excellent standards for a competitive cost, and understands each aspect of a property that will dictate the ideal tenant.
Examples include apartments aimed at professionals or family properties with large outdoor grounds. The types of tenants most interested in these two very different types of properties should be carefully targeted through professional marketing, ensuring landlords and tenants are equally happy with their agreements.
In many cases, a local lettings team can improve the profitability of owning and letting a rental home by:
Conducting thorough checks before recommending a landlord offer a tenancy agreement, pre-empting potential issues or tenancies unlikely to meet their requirements.
Reducing the cost of maintenance works, including regulatory compliance jobs. As an established lettings team, we can achieve economies of scale on most work and manage any repairs directly with our approved contractors.
Marketing a property to the most suitable tenant groups and highlighting aspects of the property that will most appeal – from commuting distances to local schools and amenities.
Maintaining regular contact with tenants and providing a location where they can pop in to discuss the types of rental homes they would like is ideal and means our lettings team establishes positive relationships with all parties.
Working With the Tod Anstee Chichester Lettings Team
Tod Anstee’s lettings department is available at any time to discuss your objectives or rental property portfolio, either virtually or in person, at our offices based in West Pallant, Chichester.
Our primary goal is to offer every landlord peace of mind, assuring they have the convenience of an experienced letting agent who will deal with every element of their property rental and deliver the hassle-free experience we are known for.
Please get in touch to arrange a good time to talk.
Original Source: - https://www.todanstee.com/latest-news/letting-agents-chichester-for-rental-management/
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inshortfacts · 4 months
Which Dog Festivals Are In Your Diary For 2024?
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The sun is out and we’re all wrapped up in the cold and many of our little friends are modelling their warmest outfits or Yellow Dog vests as we prepare for 2024. With this in mind we thought you might like to put some great dog events in your diary as possible options for days out this year.
 Sometimes, when we think about going to  events that offer a day with lots of other dogs around us it can seem rather scary as we worry about not only our dog’s reactions but about ours and  that of other dogs too. Will they bark? be lead reactive? Be afraid?  Where generally no-one has fun and we are all sharing the tension or is this a good opportunity to socialise and try to overcome these fears? 
Certainly at such events you hope that all dogs will be on leads so at least there is some control and you and your dog can therefore control who you choose to speak to or not. A dog that is more sensitive may just enjoy viewing the activity from a distance and as they grow in confidence you can build up moving nearer and walking past dogs without reactions. A fairly constant supply of treats to make yourself more interesting than other dogs can help and hopefully build up a happy more relaxed atmosphere for you and your dog.
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So with this air of positivity here are some events that you may like to look forward to this year and consider getting tickets before they sell out…
Billed as the ‘Nations favourite dog-friendly Festival’,  DogFest this fun event continues throughout the summer and begins on 27th & 28th April in Loseley Park, Surrey. Two days of so much dog activity, with each date set against the backdrop of seven of the UK’s most wonderful stately homes. Lots of play and attention and hopefully good weather should tire you and your dogs out and if they need their Yellow Dog lead, cravat or vest please do make sure to take it so others can be considerate of your dogs needs too. From Burghley through to Knebworth in September, try and find one near to you and have some fun!
GoodWoof is another great day out with your dogs and  takes place this year Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th May at Goodwood in Chichester. They promise this will be the ‘ultimate dog’s day out with their family’ where they will offer competitions, wellness workshops, talks from key behavioural and vet experts, field and trail demonstrations. It really is a fun day out where your dogs are most definitely the stars of the show! 
So why not give one of these a go or find a dog show, festival or doggy day out near you and begin the year with some great fun days ahead to enjoy with your dogs and family.
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