#happy or sad tears?? who knows!!! it depends XDDD
skittlewaffle · 4 years
If you make an inkwall child- I will cry forever.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
Rex x Reader: Gray Sky
(Author’s Note: That bonus ending just sort of happened XDDD.  It made me smile!  Enjoy! 
Word Count: 1,469)
    The overcast sky painted the city outside your window gray.  Pressing a hand against the cool glass, you exhaled and watched the rain patter on the other side.  There were no meetings today.  Nothing.  There was some paperwork if you were desperate for something to do, but you couldn’t bring yourself to sit quietly and work.
   It wasn’t clear whether the dull weather reflected your mood or was causing it.  Either way, you wished to break out of the cycle.  The life of a politician in your time could be lonesome.  Some days you were surrounded by allies, and other days, there was no one to be found.  Today was the latter.  You had even tried contacting your friend, Padme, to see if she wanted company as well, but she told you she had a guest arriving that afternoon already.  With a heavy heart, you told her to enjoy her day in the cheeriest voice you could muster and ended the holo-comm.
   It was times like these you almost wished you hadn’t fallen for a soldier.  Of all the men in your home country- fellow politicians and activists- and men from other lands you had met over the course of your career, you fell for a captain who was forbidden to have a relationship.  But that was because, out of all the men you had met, none were quite like him.
   There was no reason to fret over it now.  He was on duty somewhere.
   You pulled the robe tighter over your form and walked over to the door leading to the balcony.  It wasn’t recommended that you spend time out there because it made you more vulnerable, but just for once, you felt like forgetting about protocol.  No one was here to tell you “no,” so you might as well take advantage of it.  You unlocked the door, and it automatically slid open.
   The air was warm and damp, and the scent of rain on duracrete filled your nose.  It was a strangely calming smell, reminding you of warm rainy days as a child.  The ships and speeders below were a distant hum.  Eyes closed, you lifted your face to the sky and let the cool raindrops fall on your skin.  It made you miss going outside in the spring rain back home.  It was about time you visited.  Springtime was so beautiful there; so many flowers blooming, their petals and sweet scents filling the air...
   A particularly loud ship cut through your nostalgia as it zipped by a few levels down.  You watched it for a moment before closing your eyes again.  Home continued to occupy your thoughts, and you felt your face twist from sadness.
   “You shouldn’t be out here.”
   You spun around to face the source of the voice.  It had sounded like him, but there’s no way it could be.
   “Rex?  You’re here.”
   “Yes, I’m here.”  He opened his arms, and you quickly embraced him.  “The question is, what are you doing out here on a balcony on Coruscant with no security?”
   “It’s my day off.”  You buried your face in his shoulder.  “Officially, I’m not even here.  As a matter of fact, how did you find me?”
   “General Skywalker is here to see the Senator.”
   Funny thing is he didn’t even have to say which senator.  You knew all too well.
   “She told me she had a guest arriving today.  It all makes sense now,” you mumbled.  “She could’ve just told me!”
   “I inquired on your whereabouts, for official purposes of course.”
   “But of course,” you nodded in mock seriousness.
   “And she was happy to oblige.”
   “Do you think she suspects anything?”
   “I am ninety-nine point nine percent sure both she and Skywalker suspect something.  In fact, he teased me about it on my way out.”
   You laughed.  “Well, it was bound to happen sometime.”
   Now that Rex saw you up close, the smile disappeared.  He reached up and wiped a bead of moisture from your cheek.
   His caramel eyes met yours.  “_______, are you alright?”
   “Yeah, just getting some fresh air,” you responded.  “And it happens to be raining outside.”
   “This isn’t a raindrop, ________.”
   “I was just lonely is all,” you admitted.  “I miss friends, home, and I miss you.”
   His expression fell, eyes softening and lips forming a frown.  He pulled you into another tight hug.  “I’m sorry.”
   “It’s alright.”  The tears came back at the realization that he was really here.  “You have your duty, and I have mine.  We knew what we were getting into.”
   He sighed.  “I know.  I just don’t like being away from you, and I don’t like how it hurts you too.”
   The rain picked up at that moment.  It steadily went from a quiet trickle to a heavy downpour.  You and Rex pulled away from each other, smiling.  You ran a hand over his buzzcut, only darkened by the rain.  He then reached up to touch your hair.
   “I know, I know.  My hair looks like a mop,” you joked. 
   “It’s beautiful.”  He then wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up, carrying you back inside.  The automatic door shut behind him, and he set you down.
   “So, what do you say?” You asked, planting a kiss on his cheek.  “Do we enjoy an afternoon indoors and order in, or go out to eat?”
   “Well, it depends.”  Rex shook his head.  “How long will it take you to decide what you’re in the mood for.”
   You rolled your eyes.  “Oh, please.  It doesn’t take me that long.”
   “Whatever you say.”
   “Here, let me get my cloak.”  You had a special cloak designed to hide your features so you would not be recognized in public.  You were a politician respected by many, but also in danger because of the Republic you stood for.
   “Guess we’re eating out then,” he chuckled.  “There’s a place the boys in 501st told me about.  It’s only a block or so away.  You up for it?”
   “I believe so.”
   The two of you downstairs to exit the building.  As you stepped out into the pouring rain, it was a totally different feeling than earlier when you were on the balcony.  The sky didn’t seem so dark.  The raindrops didn’t seem so cold.  The day overall didn’t seem so lonely anymore.  You looped your arm with Rex’s, unable to stop stealing glances at him as he led you to the restaurant. 
        - - - - Bonus ending - - - - 
   The bell chimed as you and Rex opened the door.  It wasn’t anything fancy, just a small diner with a few customers sitting here and there.  Some sat in booths, others sat at the counter, and a few more were waiting for takeout.
   There was a couple dressed in bland cloaks about to be seated.  They spoke quietly to each other, but something sounded awfully familiar.  Suddenly, one turned around and looked you dead in the eyes.
   “________?” she said, eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
   “Padme,” you stated, equally shocked.
   The other figure turned around.  “Rex?”
   “Skywalker?  What are you doing here?”
   Never had you seen Anakin look so caught-off-guard.  You had to refrain from laughing at his wide-eyed expression.
   “We heard about this place...Well, I did from some of the men...”  Anakin replied.  “So I thought we’d, er, have lunch.”
  The four of you exchanged looks, eyes shifting from person to person.  Finally, you spoke, looking at Padme. 
   “So, a guest, huh?”
   She folded her arms and whispered, “Well, what was I supposed to tell you? That I was meeting with my secret husband?”
   “It’s not really a secret that something's going on with you two,” you whispered back.  “But I will admit,” you clasped your hands together, “I did not know you were officially married.  So, congratulations to you on that.  But that’s beside the point...”
   She sighed.  “I wasn’t expecting you to be supportive considering this is against the rules.”
   “Are you kidding me?  I would have gotten you a wedding present if I’d known.  And well, as you can see I am in no place to judge.”
   While you and Padme exchanged words, the men stood there absolutely baffled.
   “Should we….get a table together?” Rex asked finally.
   The four of you exchanged looks again. 
   “No, no,” Anakin protested.  “This is already getting out of hand.  Let’s just say that your business is your own, and our business is ours.”
   “Yeah, you’re right,” you agreed.  “That would be odd.”
   The group fell silent, with only the sound of plates and silverware around you.
   Minutes later, you and Rex found yourself seated across from Anakin and Padme.  Anakin had been reluctant to share a table, but in the end, both couples were too curious to let the opportunity go by.
   “This day just keeps getting better and better,” you remarked with a smile.
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realitv · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME! ♡     claire
PRONOUNS! ♡     they / them
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     aries bay bee
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     I Don’t Need Friends They Disappoint Me
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡      i used to roleplay on youtube. yes, youtube. think late early aughts and early 2010s. you’d set up your channel with all those fancy fonts (yes, the fancy fonts that now made a come back here); use picnic to edit your pics, set an autoplay video up for ur channel, and rp using dms or comments. it became popular to keep comments on approval and only approve things like: CLAIRE ISH MAHH BIIIISH. xDDD <3 NO ONEZ CAN TOUCH MAH BISSSSH <3 <3 xDDDD LUV U 4EVER. after the channels became what they are now, i hopped around on proboards before coming to tumblr. 
2! ♡     i speak three languages. english, conversational french, and rudimentary german which i am relearning. i used to speak it fluently as a child. i hope to one day be able to communicate with my tante elisabeth and my cousin utta, as they only speak german (they... are... from germany LMAO) but until then i’ve been relearning with my aunt karin. it’s so weird because i feel like i’m very different when i speak french or when i speak german. like. english me is very different from french me and french me is very different from german me. i don’t know how else to describe it. i’m way more flirty and suave when i’m speaking french but i’m very serious and to the point in german. i find when i speak english i’m a little more aloof. i don’t fucking know. 
3! ♡     the longest i have ever written a character is six years. most of my mutuals probably know me from that account (lady a. c/omstock of bioshock in/finite). i still write her on discord, so technically i’ve been writing her for 7 years. she’s just very draining to write these days as she’s just so goddamn fucking sad all the time and i prefer writing her on a smaller scale with very close friends privately. i still love her and her development and everything i’ve done with her, she’s just Ultra Ultra Depressed and i find myself having to get into that same headspace when i write her on tumblr, hence... why i do not like doing that any more. trauma muses, baby: it be like that.  it’s actually really funny bc i consider lady amelia c my BRAND. depressed edwardian milf. that’s the brand. media was an EXTREME departure of my brand of muses. i’ve written belle, sansa, lady c - all three of those ladies really follow the ‘porcelain to steel’ trend. media is neon chaos. 
PLATFORMS USED! ♡   uh. youtube, as i mentioned. rolepages (don’t ask), and a lot of proboards forums. i miss those. they were so Spicy. now just tumblr. i’ve Been Around lmao. 
GENDER! ♡    i simply Do Not Care. i used to feel really insecure about the way i wrote men but i’ve since gotten over that and now i’ll write anyone who strikes my fancy - but i do defo have a type and it’s Sad Ladies From Period/Fantasy Dramas. 
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡    honestly everyone overused irks me. remember when everyone was using nina dobr/ev or natalie do/rmer. can’t do it. i don’t know what it is. something irks me. 
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡    i wish i had the strength to write a multi muse blog but i can’t. :(
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  i want to say i don’t like it but i love happy endings and domestic bliss bc that’s comforting and i like happy endings. but depending on the character i’m very selective with who i will write it with. media? I Simply Do Not See It (unless im writing with nee). it’s something i enjoy, but not something i write often on this blog; as i’m more horror oriented at this point.
ANGST:  i enjoy angst; but again, it really depends on the character. i had this really great thread with g where christine and amelia had an argument that resulted in amelia breaking down into tears as she was so angry. i really enjoyed the raw emotion i could write in that; and with a character like amelia, it was a great way to release a lot of pent up energy and add some character dev. for someone like media, tho, media doesn’t show emotion. media refuses to show emotion. it’s not Their Thing. they can show emotion and do emote, but it’s muted and rare. if, again, i were to write angst, it’d be with nee; since law is someone who reminds media how human they truly are. 
SMUT:  depends. i’ve written it privately. it’s not really my thing but i don’t mind it. i prefer to write it privately with people i know very, very well. i’m not adverse to reblogging a smut meme or sending one in tho lmao. 
PLOT / MEMES! ♡  i love plotting. i’m not good at i but i enjoy it a lot and will do my best to help think of dynamics, settings, and plot threads to do. as for memes? i want to love memes. i think they’re a great ice breaker - i used to be able to reblog a meme and write a really nice drabble response (i always write drabble responses lmao) but now it’s like... I Simply Cannot. i look at memes and my muse jumps ship like its 1912. i think it’s because i have an easier time responding to memes with people/muses my muse has an established/talked about dynamic with; instead of me trying to write a 4 para drabble for a muse that my muse has yet to interact with. idk.
tagged by :  stole it from nora uwu tagging :  steal it nasties.
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lucy-sky · 5 years
9, 12, 36, 46 with "Promise", 50
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
Is this question about “Promise” too? I will answer about it, but if you wanna know about another fic - you know where my askbox is xD
Okay, so… The kissing scene. I just see in very clearly in my head, maybe it could be written better, but if we talk about how I feel - it was intense for me.
Also for some reason I like the scene on the surface of the Moon. Space is something that fascinates and amazes me, but also there’s something creepy in it that gives me goosebumps and there is also a sad vibe, like how small and lonely a person must feel up there… I tried to express these feelings… For inspiration I watched a lot of NASA photos in the internet.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
It’s a damn hard question because it all depends on my mood… If I have too chose I’d say Sam 1… But I also really like writing Victor even though it’s not easy… And Trent, because he comforts me… And of course I love Billy Bickle and Silas Groves (I just ran out of ideas about them, I guess…) And you may or may not believe me but I love writing Dixon too! It’s just… probably your writings are a bit intimidating. You’re a Dixon expert xDDD
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
Lol… my WIP is only in my head… Haven’t written a single sentence yet… But okay, the spoilers are: 
It will be a new character for me and probably he will be even less popular than Trent or Sam but fuck it xD
The fic will involve music and I’m not really sure if I’m able to write it well since I don’t play any musical instrument… But I love the tv show Mozart in the Jungle and it’s partly my inspiration too
It will be quite fluffy, but I plan a little drama too
There most certainly will be a sex scene ^^”
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it? (with “Promise”)
Well, basically… I can’t get out of my mind an ide about a small drabble. Including the cuddle thingy I told you about once, but also i have a conversation in my head. Though I am not sure if I should write this drabble. First of all, because it’s kinda plotless and maybe a bit too fluffy/angsty… And second of all, this story probably doesn’t need a sequel at all… But I will probably write it to get it off my head and just show you and will decide to post or not to post xD 
Oh, but I ignored the question xD What might happen? The meeting. Tears of joy, words of love, but also some self doubts… but still a happy ending. I know, I’m hopeless.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Fluff. Because I’m fuckin hopeless -__- xDD
Thanks for asking. I know I talk too much xD
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lightgirlification · 7 years
Bungou Stray dogs, as you all know, is one of my favorite series and the promotional/official art is no different. They are some of the most beautiful pieces of art for an anime series I’ve ever seen. One of my favorites is the one with the flowers, which are featured here:
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I actually tried to guess the flowers they are holding, even going so far as to look up examples and their meanings. Why? Because I am a sad 23 year old who has no life. <|...D;;;;;;
And THEN I found the actual flowers on the official Twitter for BSD and, no surprise, I got only one right. In fact the only one I got right was Atsushi’s. My favorite character had the flowers I guessed correctly. Made me feel a bit better to be honest. <¦3;;;;;;
So with that being said, you probably think I felt my hard work go to waste. But, no. I actually felt like my choices still were pretty damn good. I honestly like my choices better then the actual ones; mostly due to the meanings of the flowers.
So I figured I’d go over them here. I’ll also type the actual flower types that the characters are holding as well here:
John: Western flower ornithogalum: purity, such as hope. Chuuya: Camellia: not modest and unpretentious elegance and virtues of humility Tanazaki:  Diamond Lily: enjoying the days met and looking forward to happy memories, brilliance and perseverance (A/N: I kinda agree with this one) Kunikida:  "Sennichisou" flower: enduring love or forever in love Ranpo:  Tithonia diversifolia: The lucky person, graceful gesture, you are beautiful, happy (A/N: Again, kinda agree.) Akutagawa: Daffodils: Warm heart, waiting for you Dazai: Roses, Alyssum, Rindo: (A/N: I DID get the rose part right cause they were the easiest to recognize. Yellow roses mean “I won’t forget you”. Ow. Ow my heart. TTATT The other two’s symbolism weren’t given so feel free to look them up! ^0^)
And Atsushi’s flower is the one I got right so I’ll go over them in a bit.
And now lets move on to my choices. These are flowers that I felt looked like the ones shown as well as meanings I felt fit the character best.
Let’s start with John Steinbeck!
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Actual Flower: Western flower Ornithogalum My choice: Star Of Bethlehem
Meaning:  “This delicate flower is primarily used to symbolize hope in life...The white color is used to represent innocence, purity and honesty.  This bloom may also be used to symbolize forgiveness after a problem. Problems may include a conflict between spouses or between friends.”
I felt this flower was closer to Steinbeck seeing as he does have a little sister and the meaning of said flower could represent her. The ‘forgiveness’ part might refer to him leaving and not returning for a long while. I really love the name too, Star of Bethlehem. Just...So pretty. X3
Next up, my man Chuuya Nakahara!
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Actual Flower: Camellia My choice: Poppy
Meaning:  “Represents eternal sleep, oblivion, sacrifice and imagination. The flower also symbolizes magic, consolations, fertility and eternal life. Poppies are also symbolize war and death during war time.”
Now while the poppy doesn’t really look like Chuuya’s flower thanks to the middle, the petals and the meaning match perfectly. The fact these flowers mean ‘oblivion’ accurately describes Chuuya’s ability. If he goes too long with his true power unleashed, he will end up dying, hence the ‘eternal sleep/sacrifice’ part. Fun fact! These were the flowers used in the Wizard of Oz that made Dorthy and the Lion fall asleep. My Great Grandma actually grew them in her garden and that’s how my grandpa got is nickname! X3
Next in line is our cloaking ability user Tanizaki Junichirou!
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Actual Flower: Diamond Lily My choice: Jasmine Flower
Meaning: “The jasmine flower is associated with love, beauty, and sensuality. In some cultures, Jasmine represents appreciation and good luck. When used in religious ceremonies jasmine represents purity. Jasmine’s meanings varies depending on the culture and setting.”
This flower pretty much hits the nail on the head for Tanazaki and his affections for his sister and her in general.
Quickly moving on ((Sorry Tanizaki <|D;;;; )) we have idealist Kunikida Doppo!
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Actual Flower: "Sennichisou" flower My choice: Allium
Meaning: “Symbolizes good fortune and prosperity. Allium can also mean unity, humility and patience.”
While this plant can be big balls of tiny flowers there are some small species of it, at least from what I researched. Kunikida is a no nonsense man who has many ideals and ambitions. He does his best to have the agency run at a good pace, with varied results due to some of our favs being, well, ‘full of energy’ as I put it. XDDD He also tries to keep the team focused, he knows humility from being someone who wants to save everyone but knows he can’t whilst also will listen to criticism and tries to better himself, and while he does have outbursts and a short temper he does have patience and can keep a cool head when faced with danger. He’s the kind of level headed companion/partner that the agency needs and I have a ton of respect for this man.
You don’t need to be a detective to know next up is Ranpo Edogawa!
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Actual Flower: Tithonia diversifolia My choice: ‘French’ Marigold
Meaning:  “Known as the "Herb of the Sun" and are symbolic of passion and creativity. The Welsh believed that if marigolds were not open early in the morning, then a storm was on the way...Water made from marigolds was thought to induce psychic visions of fairies if rubbed on the eyelids. In some cultures, marigold flowers have been added to pillows to encourage prophetic or psychic dreams.”
Do I really need to go into why this flower fits Ranpo? It’s pretty much spelled out for you with it meaning ‘passion and creativity’ and how water made from said marigold is said to induce psychic visions and/or dreams which can also be prophetic. Super Deduction my ass, Ranpo’s been doing marigolds! LOL Jk jk XDDD
Onto the biggest tsunderes in this series and the one we need to always pray for please Asagiri don’t leT THIS BOY KEEL OVER AND LEAVE US-*Clears throat* Sorry...Akutagawa Ryunosuke!
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Actual Flower: Daffodils My flower: ...Wait... I DID choose this flower...Huh...Well I found better explanation for it’s symbolism so leave me alone! dX<
Meaning: “Has contradictory meanings. It represents unrequited love, vanity as well as good fortune. Daffodils also symbolize regard, chivalry, long lasting friendship, happiness, and good wishes.”
Like the meaning itself, Akutagawa can be very contradictory at times. On one hand he is calm and can handle his own on a mission but on the other he has a very angry mental state and will lash out when he is looked down upon or someone else is getting Dazai-Senpai’s attention. *Cough*Atsushi*Cough* Which is where the ‘unrequited love’ comes in at least in the beginning. It is shown at the end of the guild ark that Dazai does truly care for Akutagawa, most likely even knowing he screwed up with him and his learned lesson is shown through his interactions with Atsushi. Both boys mean a lot to Dazai and I know he’s proud of both. He should just...Not give too much praise to our sickly mafia child in short intervals. Seriously, if Akutagawa fainted from just one form of praise/acknowledgment from Dazai then constant praise would most likely give the poor boy a coronary!
Now it’s time for our favorite tiger shifter and precious being, Atsushi Nakajima!
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Actual Flower and My choice: Lily of the Valley
Meaning: “Represents sweetness and the return of happiness. It can also symbolize humility. When the lily of the valley blooms, happiness is said to return... Because of the belief in the healing powers of this plant, it is often known as the ‘ladder to heaven’ or ‘Jacob's tears’. Legend tells that Mary's tears turned to the lily of the valley when she cried at the cross. This is the reason for the third alternate name, ‘Mary's tears’.
This flower is Atsushi; plain and simple. He’s generous, very kind, and extremely sweet. He’s been subjected to so much and yet he still has a heart of gold, taking his mistakes to heart and thinks about how he can better himself. And you bet your ass that when he smiles happiness returns. He just blooms and everyone else is doomed XDDDD Hey I rhymed! 8D Also there is a legend about this flower where it fell in love with a nightingale. Just the thought of two polar opposites falling in love even though they are so different, species obviously included, is so romantic to me. Gee, I wonder who this legend reminds me of. >|3c Yeah yeah it’s Dazushi shush. >¦T
And last but certainly not least, our favorite suicidal maniac Dazai Osamu!
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Now I saved Dazai for last seeing as he has more then one flower and all, of course, contain different meanings. Let us go over them!
Actual Flower(s):  Roses, Alyssum, Rindo
My choice(s):  Roses, Lily, Heliotrope
We’ll start with the obvious one, the yellow roses. 
“In general, they represent  Long associated with the sun and its life-giving warmth, yellow is the age-old spokes-color for warm feelings of friendship and optimism. In many Eastern cultures, the color represents joy, wisdom and power...the history of the yellow rose in particular has an optimistic, serendipitous character that really makes it the complete package. By the 18th century the worldwide love of roses was in full swing, but they were only cultivated in shades of pink and white. At last, the elusive yellow rose was discovered growing wild in the Middle East, and the European love affair with yellow roses was born. The early yellow rose lacked the sweet scent for which the rose is famous, however, which was not to be tolerated. So, as cultivation methods were developed and refined, the beloved sweet-and-spicy rose scent was soon introduced and the yellow rose achieved all its optimistic and aromatic glory.”
As described, yellow roses are happy flowers! They have a warm, inviting feeling that provides happiness, wisdom, and power; three things Dazai has plenty of. Especially the joy I mean have you seen him? The joy is RADIATING from this man XDDD Well, to an extent, as we know most of that joy is a front cause of what he’s gone through dear GOD boy let us love you or better yet let ATSUSHI love you! Anyway XDDD As I wrote in the beginning, yellow roses can also mean, “I won’t forget you”, obviously referencing Oda. Dammit whose cutting onions...? TT^TT
Moving on to the Lily.
While white lilies symbolize chastity and virtue – and were the symbol of the Virgin Mary’s purity and her role of Queen of the Angels – as other varieties became popular, they brought with them additional meanings and symbolism as well. Peruvian lilies, or alstroemeria, represent friendship and devotion, white stargazer lilies express sympathy and pink stargazer lilies represent wealth and prosperity. Symbolizing humility and devotion, lilies are the 30th anniversary flower - while lilies of the valley are the 2nd wedding anniversary flower.  As the flowers most often associated with funerals, lilies symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. Pretty much all about friendship and death and ODA WHHHHHHY QAQ
Yeah this flower fits. Humility and devotion? You bet your ass Dazai has both. Sympathy and prosperity? The man has some of the best development in this story guys, don’t deny it. Wealth? Uh.......Let’s skip that one! ^0^;;;;;  The part that gets me though is the ‘restored innocence after death’. Just...Just that thought of Oda at peace being with the kids looking over Dazai with a smile just-just-GAH SO MUCH FEEL BUT SO MUCH NICE <X......3
Wait a second...Dazai, in my eyes, is holding a lily...and another breed of lily, the Lilies of the Valley, are 2nd wedding anniversary flowers...And Atsushi is holding...
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And finally the last flower of this long post, the heliotrope!
Because of its striking beauty and alluring scent, the heliotrope plant has found its way into myth and storytelling. One of the best known stories is of Clytie, a water nymph, who was deeply in love with the sun god Helios – or, in some versions, Apollo. This god, however, had his eye on the princess Leukothoe, and one day abandoned Clytie for her. Finding that she had been forsaken, she spent the rest of her days pining away. Upon her death Helios, taking pity on the forlorn nymph whom he had slighted, turned her body into the heliotrope plant. Ever faithful to her beloved, the plant dutifully followed the sun every day. Other tales tell of this plant having a prophetic effect on sleep; dreaming of the plant itself is said to represent unrequited love, while heliotrope oils are thought to bring about prognostic dreams. Other folkloric tales show this plant’s place in rituals. For instance, if you pick a heliotrope blossom in the month of August and use it for good, then good things will come back to you; if, on the other hand, you use it with bad intentions, the wickedness will be turned around on you ten-fold. In addition to having a varied history in folklore, the heliotrope plant is also considered very useful in alternative medicine and cosmetics. The essential oils are used to help fight fatigue, and are also placed in many perfumes and lotions; while tinctures are made from this plant to help cure viral infections, cleanse the blood, and clear out congested lymphatic systems. This plant was once referred to as the herb of love, which is not surprising as, in general, they are thought to symbolize devotion. In addition to being a romantic emblem, heliotropes are also thought to have a religious bearing; representing a hope for salvation – or “turning towards” God. As a gift, these lovely plants are often given in decorative pots or within small container gardens.
Well if THIS doesn’t flower speaks volumes... First off the legend of this flower just works; why? Let me explain:
The water nymph was in love with the sun god but was abandoned and left behind. Feeling sorry for the nymph, who remained in love with the same god until her death, the sun god turned her into the heliotrope, which always followed the sun everywhere it went everyday.  Think about it, when Oda died Dazai was totally heart broken, and there is no doubt in my mind that he still is. Oda’s death is, in a way, abandonment to Dazai because...well you can’t necessarily come back from the dead can you? Oda was the only person Dazai felt he could truly rely on, and whether it was platonic or not the brunette loved him. Losing someone that close to your heart isn’t just a loss of a person, it’s losing a piece of yourself and as that freaking hurts. But then Oda gives Dazai a purpose to continue his life and Dazai follows through with it, matching up with the sun god turning the nymph into a flower. It may seem a little far fetched but the similarities are definitely there. And this not only transitions into more devotion cause Dazai still has tons of that lol XDDD but also into the religious meaning:
“Hope of Salvation”
This flower encompasses everything that Dazai’s promise to Oda means. Seriously, the hope is to achieve the salvation Oda would want for the brunette. Excuse me while I curl onto a ball and start bawling thank you.
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Phew that was a long post, but damn am I proud of it! X3
Hope you all enjoyed my insight on a random piece of official art because like I said, I have no life and way too much time on my hands XDDD;;;;;;;
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