#harshing my vibe ......
ninjasmudge · 16 days
feeds your narilamb yuri juice
dude i have great news about my regular narilamb
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mattastr0phic · 1 month
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dozydawn · 5 months
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“balletcore” fashion inspired by black swan + athleisure is so 🙄 to me. the pajamas >
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kbergceramics · 1 year
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i’ve got lots of sweet friends in store! all waiting to make your acquaintance and become your new favorite smoking buddy ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*
check them out here -> kbergceramics on etsy
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sleepyfawn · 16 days
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sootcore · 3 months
im begging yall to consider adding milly in on the poly shenanigans hear me out HEAR ME OUT
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enden-k · 10 months
like fr, im weak for the stoic/cool types (haitham, clorinde) silently yearning and pining for the shining beauty (kaveh, navia) but keeping it to themselves to not strain their already strained relationship more/ destroy smth they just managed to restore just a bit--- perfectly fine to live with these feelings tucked away in their hearts forever, like ????? the ladies rlly seem like that too so no wonder im alr interested in whatevers with them AHAHH
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why is job hunting.
that's it that's the post
#this is both radicalizing me even more & absolutely harshing my mellow#why. do i need. to communicate with a 'virtual assistant'. to apply at hot fucking topic#you know? maybe i Dont need to apply there. who wants em#everywhere is like you need This This and This#oh look an entry level job! aaaand i need a thousand certifications#Excuse Me Where Do People Who Have Done Nothing With Their Life Thus Far Apply???#why do jobs exist. why cant we all just vibe huh#each application feels like a new death sentence#cant wait to work myself into the ground for a company that views me as nothing but an easily replaceable part! yeehaw!#cant wait to sacrifice my personal time / hobbies / wellbeing for a nine-to-five 5 days a week job i hate!#absolutely unprompted#this world we live in is miserable and infuriating and i want to SHAKE PEOPLE#fucking!! look outside!!! value yourself!! the company is not your family!! they are not worth dying for!! we are all worth so much more!!#gonna go out in the middle of a field and SCREAM#humans are made for art and kindness and for enjoying the short life we're forced into#why make an already doomed existence even worse huh.#why subject ourselves to that. we deserve better. our pasts deserve better. our futures deserve better.#sorry sorry im just. ARGH. this world!!! this life!!! could be so good!!!#but late stage capitalism rampant corruption among Many Other Issues said noooooooo#happiness is illeeegallllll#what if i BITE you. huh. what then. die#every time i sit down to apply i have to actively Not Think About It or i'll delete all my tabs and stop before i start#we as humans are not built for this life... we did not evolve proclivity for kindness and art just to stress ourselves to death#over silly jobs that do Not require the level of dedication we are forced to apply#abolish the 5 day 40+ hour work week... decrease the horrifying amount of funding given to cops and the military... etc...#i think i need to go lie down for a minute im feeling Too Much Anger at the absolute state of things#so happy to be an american. (sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm)
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kristsune · 15 days
[shakes my anxiety] go aWAYYYYYY
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littleweepingdalek · 6 months
as a native german speaker it kind of irks me when people praise nph's accent in the episode... like zat wos not ä konnwinnsing äkzent ät oll
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sableeira · 1 year
okay but ada dazai is so pretty princess vibe and prison dazai is so cat vibe. pre-dark era dazai is also cat vibe but not in the silly way but in the haunted way. dark era and beast dazai are both bastard vibe but in a tragic way and in the most affectionate way possible. the peak of dazai’s pretty princess vibe was during dead apple.
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baptism-inblood · 8 months
me as a kid seeing that my strange addiction episode abt the carsexual guy: he. loves his car? wants to be in a relationship with it? huh. hm. lets the idea sit in the back of my head for 11 years.
me at 25 owning my own car and being an objectum/objectophile: ah. yeah. i get it now,
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mayasaura · 11 months
I saw the Barbie movie!! Impression under the cut, to avoid spoilers.
There were definitely parts of it that spoke to me, and I enjoyed the overall experience of watching it. The choreography was fantastic, and there were a couple of twists I really liked.
The feminism was a bit stuck in the second wave, turned up to eleven and lovingly parodied but sincere, just like everything else in the movie.
I guess I just feel a little alienated, because Barbie is everything, and can be anything, except masculine. The movie ended up depicting two worlds with no place for me in either of them. That had never even imagined someone like me might exist. And I guess I'm also feeling a little stupid about it, because why should I have expected anything different from the Barbie movie?
So yeah, I have mixed feelings. It was a very fun movie clearly made with a lot of love by people who both enjoyed and believed in what they were doing. It was not made for me.
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lesbiancolumbo · 9 days
Could you please elaborate on your dislike of sean baker, cause i feel it, but cant articulate it
i think any man in this industry who cultivates a rep for "being one of the good ones" and being "an ally for marginalized people" without actually doing anything for the communities you're basically inserting yourself into and taking stories from to profit off of is........ lol, well that's the biz for ya!
sean shot to stardom off of two black trans actresses who basically are doing...... what right now, career wise? mya taylor should be FAMOUS famous right now. he consulted them for the story and script and then what? just moved along to his next "uwu im an ally what community of vulnerable people can i mooch off of i mean be inspired by next!" schtick.
also this is the man who would review films on letterboxd and dock them points for not being shot on film when his WHOLE FUCKING DEAL was that he shot tangerine on an iphone. blow me.
i think he's a pretentious asshole who has profited off a lot of communities under the guise of "being an ally for the marginalized" and he can take his palme and shove it right up his ass. also his movies suck.
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new-world-mutation · 3 months
Walton Goggins interview for Den of Geek, Fallout press junket at SWSX 2024
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nilonne · 10 months
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Jeu set et match | Part 3 (3/3)
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Kevin as always :
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