#having a blast with whm though
asleepinawell · 2 years
the fact that the prae cutscenes are unskippable in even duty support is one of the funniest and most sadistic things square has done
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elliewiltarwyn · 4 months
for the meme!: Top 5 Jobs (ICly and/or what you prefer to play)
this was harder than I thought, considering that if I like a job I tend to bend my own personal canon to make it work in-character -- like Ellie picked up reaper because deep down she knew she wanted to go head-to-head with Zenos on his own terms. but that doesn't mean it's actually still what I prefer to play, either, so it got weird. I decided to make this about which job I like playing most in each role...though I am pretty bad at ranged and caster. and healer. I have a very obviously in-your-face playstyle, I'm pretty sure.
at any rate!
Tank: Dark Knight
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i have. exulted quite a bit about dark knight in these answers lmao. but part of the reason i love it so much is because I genuinely have a blast playing it. It feels big and powerful, it feels risky, it really nails the feel of making yourself bleed to protect your comrades. The burst phase when you just throw absolutely everything you have at the enemy is an incredibly satisfying, violent rampage. They made it an ability to call upon your dark twin to help you in combat, and I've mentioned how much of a sucker I am for dark twin shit. Blackest Night, imo, is the most rewarding "super shield" tank ability. And post-buff, I'd argue Living Dead is the best invuln.
plus you know, everything about the entire storyline and Esteem and the image of playing through Shadowbringers in this job. it's all just so good. Immensely satisfying to play and is probably the best at fulfilling its "job fantasy" for me.
2. Melee: Monk
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I always like the hand-to-hand characters or movesets in fantasy settings; there's something very appealing to me about facing a bunch of fantastic supernatural beings and just punching them in the face. That said, I actually had several false starts with FFXIV before it finally hooked me about... four years ago. Every one of those times I picked pugilist as my starting class, got frustrated by never being able to hit positionals (it was because i was using lockon. why does the lockon in this game exist lmao.), and would give up. Once I was finally properly playing, I pushed through leveling pugilist into monk and thought it was... alright, but felt incredibly high-strung, like they were putting in more effort to do the same damage. Then Endwalker completely reworked the kit.
They lowered the level requirements for the chakra moves, making them actually fun and usable long before Stormblood. They made Greased Lightning a constant trait instead of having to struggle to keep it up so your GCD wasn't ass. They added the Masterful Blitz mechanic to dial in combos that end with kickass finishers. They... didn't give it any new buttons for the actual 80-90 level range that EW covered, but that was okay because I was suddenly having way more fun working this rotation than almost anything else in the whole game. It's either tied with or above DRK for my absolute favorite to play, because it's fun, rewards skilled play, and I get to do DBZ shit and zip all over to kick my enemies into oblivion. Plus, I'm doing almost as much damage as my co-melee in my static who uses the hanzo steel of a samurai, but I'm using my bare fists. It rules.
(not really a fan of the storyline, though. hence why canonically Ellie trains with Lyse instead of Erik and Widargelt. :V)
3. Healer: Sage
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I kinda feel bad that I started as a conjurer, and yet I am by far worse at healing than any other role. At least with White Mage you can kinda get away with spamming Medica II through most of the MSQ, but y'know... that's pretty boring. Pretty effective, and I'd still probably prefer WHM if I ever attempted to heal high-end content, but I'd struggle.
Sage though, I have an absolute blast playing even if I'm not necessarily being a great healer. The aesthetic rules and can pretty easily be written as magitek-y: hence, Mia canonically can use Sage even though she's Garlean and can't usually do a caster job. I love flipping Eukrasia to activate powerful energy shields, even though it also means one more button press than all the other healers to apply the DoT. I love zapping dudes with Gundam-esque funnels and having that channel heals to whoever I want, I love throwing out Physis+Kerachole before a big raidwide, or Krasis+Haima onto the tank before a buster. I even kinda love that it really encourages you to be constantly using your Addersgall pips to help manage your MP. It makes high demands kinda like monk did pre-EW, but for some reason it's a lot more fun as sage. Maybe because of all the sick twists and dramatic pointing you do while firing lasers from Gundam funnels.
I always forget Holos exists though. I have no idea why.
4. Caster: Red Mage
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look, the more red you wear, the more damage you do as red mage. it's scientific. Ellie's favorite color is red, idk how obvious it is. :V
Canonically, I don't think any of my WoLs actually use this. But of the three current casters, RDM strikes the best balance for me of a complex rotation with rewarding mechanics, balancing black and white levels and trying to keep them unsynced so you can keep properly proccing your real attacks, without being overly-demanding like Black Mage or sort of basic with not much room for variations like Summoner (I'm sorry SMN mains! I do like SMN! it's really good for me when I'm having a bad brain day, which is frequent. >.>). You also get to completely save disaster runs with instant-rezzes and double heals, and then never get any comms for it! /eyetwitch
And above all else, it's stylish as fuck to the extent that I kinda wish I had the physical ability to try fencing.
5. Ranged: Dancer
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Funny, I actually thought I was going to choose MCH because gun, but then I thought about what actually satisfies me the most to play, and... it's massively buffing the whole party and then just whaling on every button on your hotbar that lights up, and suddenly I understand how people get addicted to like, pachinko and such games. But seriously, it's fun, it's stylish, the rotation's easy to pick up, you get to feel good about making a buddy do mega damage, and you get to make big damage numbers yourself (I mean obviously it's because of how long it takes to activate the dances but damn it's still satisfying to see that many numbers).
I haven't remotely figured out how, but I do want Lily to canonically pick up and use Dancer. You look like you're having fun when you dance on the battlefield, and Lily deserves good things like having fun in the middle of combat.
and now you're way too familiar with how I play this game. :3 thanks for the prompt, @viiioca!!
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discountdps · 1 year
When I was a wee sprout, I decided I was going to only play WHM until I got through MSQ. I wasn't a particularly GOOD healer, looking back on it. I didn't DPS much, I relied heavily on Cure 1 even when I had lilies, I saved Benediction for "emergencies," and was just kind of bad mechanically.
None of this was more self-evident than when I got to Sohm Al. You know those first couple of pulls with the mobs that just spit poison and the tank's HP can drop really quickly? Well, I let the tank die on my first run through. Multiple times. I still remember them saying "you have to heal me," even though I was blasting Cure 1 as fast as my GCD would let me. I felt like shit by the time we were done and that almost made me give up playing altogether.
I still have a lot of bad habits of not using some abilities that would be useful (sorry Presence of Mind!). So as a way to kind of relearn how to heal in general and WHM specifically, I've only been taking WHM into MSQ dungeons on my Dynamis alt. Well, today was the day I reached Sohm Al. And I almost wussed out and just did Duty Support. But I decided to truck through it. IDK if it's the changes to the dungeon or if I've actually gotten a better handle on healing, but I'd like to think I did pretty good. I walked away with all three commendations and I'm pretty sure they weren't together because they were all from different worlds lmao.
I still don't think I'd ever be able to take a healer into even an Extreme trial, but maybe everything else isn't as off the table as I previously thought.
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 320 Short Spoiler Analysis: The Power of Friendship
The battle between Deku Vs. Class A has begun!  Well, it’s technically a battle, but more so a “Catch-A-Deku” situation.  Everyone is trying to use their cool Super Moves and words of friendship to try to convince Deku to come back home.  They’re all reminding him all of times he helped them, so they’re trying to return the favor.  So far, I think half the class was featured here including Shoto who I thought would be saved til the end.  Maybe he will be featured again since he’s one of Deku’s closest friends.  What’s interesting is that the trio that was shown at the end of last week’s chapter, Bakugo, Ochako, and Iida, didn’t have their heart-to-hearts with Deku this week, so I bet you they’re being saved for the end.  Anyway, my left hand is still on the mend, so I’ll keep this one short this week.  I hope it heals soon.
The 2nd Color page is shown this week!  It’s of Froppy this time around!  I think it’s been a while since we’ve seen Froppy featured in a color page, so this is cool to see.  She looks really good here too.  Horikoshi’s art rarely disappoints.  Next week is going to be the 7th BNHA Anniversary color page and the 7th Popularity Poll announcement, so I’m excited for that.  Apparently we’re going to get a lot of BNHA things next week including things for the WHM movie, Team-Up Missions, and the WHM one-shot manga.
I love how at the beginning, Bakugo breaks the 4th wall here by commenting on how Deku’s “art style” underwent a complete change.  It’s both a good taunt on Bakugo’s part and some acknowledgment from Horikoshi-sensei on the change of Deku’s design in general since this arc began.
So, Bakugo did tell the rest of 1-A about Deku’s other Quirks which is good.  I thought that would be the case after remembering that Bakugo read All Might’s OFA archive book.  Bakugo would still look over the other Holder’s Quirks, so he would have knowledge on the 4th-6ths Holders.  Problem is that none of them know of the 2nd and 3rd’s Quirks, so dealing with Fa-Jin will be troublesome.  None of us know what the 2nd’s Quirk is yet though, but I have a feeling we’ll see it in this battle.
Quite a few new Super Moves debut in this chapter!  
Katsuki Bakugo: Shockwave Landmine: Looks like Bakugo creates a blast on the ground so that the blast blows away anything around it like Deku’s Smokescreen.  It’s a big blast too, so Bakugo’s got a lot of range with this thing.
Kiyoka Jiro: Heartbeat Wall: It’s hard to tell, but I think it’s a move where Jiro uses her sound waves to block or stop whatever comes her way.  It could be really effective to stop anyone who can hear I’m sure.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Ragnorok: “Womb”: It’s a like a capturing move that traps anyone within Dark Shadow.  It kind of looks like one of the moves Tokoyami uses in The Strongest Hero Game.  Unless someone has a light Quirk, I can see this move being very effective in capturing villains.
Really, everyone is doing their best to remind Deku of all the good times they had with them. They’re using the power of feels and friendship to bring their sacrificial idiot home.  I like to believe it’s working given how Deku is finally shown crying tears of sadness as he pushes his friends away.  God, please let this kid have a good cry.  How they’ll be able to catch Deku though I still have no idea.
Deku is able to overpower pretty much everyone this chapter.  Even Tokoyami, who is considered one of the strongest in the class, and Momo who created this insanely complex machine to try to put Deku to sleep (how the hell did she make that anyway???).  At the end he’s captured by Shoto’s Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall (which he’s standing on btw and looks so damn pretty 💙☺️), but I doubt that will last.  Deku’s probably going to break right through the ice next chapter.
Speaking of Shoto, since I’m such a simp for him 😔, he has the least amount of dialogue out of everyone having heart-to-hearts with Deku.  But what he says is significant: he basically asks Deku if he can still truly cry and for Deku to share the responsibility with his friends.  I think this is calling back to when Shoto reassured Deku that heroes are allowed to cry back in the Overhaul arc and when Deku meddled with Shoto’s life to save him.  Which is essentially the philosophy everyone’s running on.  Meddling in Deku’s mission is the only way to save him now.
Side note, but I love that Kaminari is the one to tell Deku to take a freaking bath 😂!  Like, we’ve all been telling Deku that, but it’s good to know that Horikoshi and his characters are thinking the same thing.  Now someone has to tell Deku to eat a good meal and take a long nap.  
Also, small detail, but Sato comes in at one point and reminds Deku that they won’t be able to make candied apples for Eri anymore if Deku doesn’t come back.  Deku tells Sato that Eri will be fine without him 😭.  No, Deku, you dumbass!  Eri needs her big bro in her life!  I can’t imagine how sad she must be if she already knows about Deku’s disappearance 😭❤️
I’m also glad to see pretty much every student get some kind of spotlight especially the ones who are more minor characters than the others.  Koda actually gets a mini-monoluge this chapter.  Also, Froppy’s got a lot of focus at the end along with the color page this chapter.  Which, I’m glad to see.  It’s been a long time since Tsuyu got some spotlight.  Really, all the girls need more spotlight.  I assume everyone else will get their shine the next few chapters.  
It’s small and I’m still trying to find the meaning of it, but there’s one panel after Deku escapes from Tokoyami showing him flying through the air in the background and you can see the All Might statue at the forefront.  I want to say this symbolizes Deku being All Might’s successor or something, but I’m not sure.  This one just stood out to me for some reason.  
But yeah, like I said, the last half of the class will probably be featured next chapter.  I think Bakugo will be the last person to talk to Deku since he’s the most important one here.  Remember: Bakugo knows Deku better than anyone.  He will be the turning point I’m positive.  Iida and Ochako will definitely have an impact on Deku, but Bakugo will truly HIT DIFFERENT!  I won’t be surprised if that last conversation leads up to Deku Vs. Kacchan Part 3.  I wouldn’t be mad if that will happen tbh.  Part 2 was about understanding Bakugo and letting his feelings out.  Part 3 could be Deku’s turn.  And of course you gotta have a trilogy to cap it off.  I’m really excited to see what happens next!
Me seeing all my adopted children come together to save my green broccoli boy 💚🥦:
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makeste · 3 years
Open for movie speculation? :) The new key visual was released today and if you don't want miniscule spoilers then I'll gladly spend the time asking how you're doing in these times and how you light up my saturday with your posts that never cease to make me laugh haha. I do hope you're doing well :) So here's the wee spoiler (or should I call it a spoiler?) the antagonist(?) is called "Flect Turn", hope you have a nice week :)
so as usual, I'm late in responding to this, but I just wanted to clarify that my "no spoilers, please" policy pretty much only applies to the new BnHA manga chapters, and that's specifically because of the weekly reaction posts. I know part of the appeal of a liveblog is watching someone else's reactions to all of the surprises and twists and wtf moments, and so I try to preserve those each week. if I wasn't liveblogging the series I would probably be reading the leaks along with everybody else to tell the truth lol.
so that said, feel free to send me spoilers about the upcoming movie! out of respect for those who do want to avoid being spoiled, I'll tag those posts (and this one) with "bnha world heroes' mission spoilers" and "bnha movie 3 spoilers" so people can blacklist those tags if desired. but I personally have no objection to them; back when Heroes Rising came out I already knew all of the plot points and had read detailed spoiler summaries well before I finally got the chance to watch it myself. it definitely did not take away from the experience at all, and in fact I'm kind of glad I knew about the end twist ahead of time because I was able to devote more mental energy to analyzing and appreciating it rather than still being all "!!!!" from the shock lol.
so yeah, I've been trying to stay up to date with the news about WHM as well. here's everything I think we know so far:
the movie will take place during the Endeavor Agency internship, as expected.
the bad guys are a terrorist organization called "Humanize", who believe in the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory we first learned about during the Remedial arc. as a refresher, basically the idea is that as quirks continue to evolve with each new generation, they'll eventually grow too powerful for humans to control and will destroy the world or something lol.
anyway so Humanize hears about this, and they're either like, "man that sucks, we should just kill everyone with a quirk so it doesn't happen", OR they're like "man that sounds awesome, we should totally expedite that." like, I'm really not clear on this part lol. but either way, they apparently come up with a plan to cleanse the world of quirk users by planting magical plot bombs called Ideo Trigger Bombs, which make people lose control of their quirks.
as mentioned, the bad guys' leader is named Flect Turn for god knows what reason lmao. I'm guessing it's some kind of weird play on the word "reflect" (especially given his character design), and based on that, as well as the Ideo Triggers, I suspect this guy has the ability to somehow turn people's own quirks against them. you can see him at the bottom of the key visual anon mentioned, here.
anyway so the heroes are all "hmm, pretty sure the end of world = bad" and so they all decide to band together under this "W.H.A." umbrella (which I'm still assuming stands for either World Hero Agency or World Hero Association or something like that) to deal with the bombs.
as shown on the key visual, in addition to the Endeavor Agency trio, the movie will also feature the kids from Ryuukyuu, Fat Gum, Gang Orca (who has Jirou and Shouji interning under him for anyone who lost track), and Hawks's agencies.
the movie will also feature a new character named Rody Soul, who's this weird steampunk Dickensian urchin-looking guy with a ponytail lol. he apparently teams up with the trio following one of the bomb incidents.
most of the movie will apparently take place in a fictional country called Oceon (this is why nobody could quite place where that bridge in the trailer was from lol).
at some point Deku gets framed for murder idk. just Deku things.
and last but not least, as usual there will be a special manga tie-in release, in this case titled "Volume W(orld Heroes)". looks like the initial release will be exclusive to theater-goers in Japan, but I'm sure someone will get their hands on it and post it online, and Viz will eventually release it in English as well (they did the same with the previous two tie-ins). it'll include behind-the-scenes sketches, a new Horikoshi interview (probably the part I'm most looking forward to), and of course, the new movie tie-in chapter. as with the previous tie-ins (Volume Origin and Volume Rising), this will be written and drawn by Horikoshi himself. I'm hoping that it will feature the trio, but the other movie tie-ins featured All Might and Nine, respectively, so it's probably more realistic to assume this one will focus on Rody. ah well.
I think that's it. I haven't really done much speculating about the plot either tbh, though what we've learned seems pretty straightforward. Deku probably either gets framed for one of the bombs, or gets caught up in one of the blasts and loses control of OFA. or maybe they'll save that part for his fight with Flect at the end. god, if we get a scene where he goes on a Blackwhip rampage with a big screen budget I will lose my whole damn mind. especially if Kacchan and Shouto have to work together to stop him. can you imagine omg. but I should really rein myself in before I start getting way too hyped up over a bunch of wild hypotheticals. this is why I try not to speculate lol.
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cerastes · 2 years
What are your opinions on the healer classes in ffxiv? Including outside perspective from ones you haven't played!
I play White Mage (81; next 90) and Sage (90). I really don't have any opinions on the other two, they fail to capture my interest.
White Mage -> The classic FF healer. In 14, White Mage is pretty easy, a Big Numbers healer with good damage and a trillion buttons that amount to "HEAL". In fact, once you reach a sufficiently high level (70s) you mostly don't use GCDs, you instead depend on your multitude of oGCDs. I like the fact that you can keep pressing different buttons that keep people the fuck alive, so you can then unholster your Glare III glock once again and resume blasting ass. Also really fun in PvP because of how much damage it can cause in addition to wide, pure heals. Though easy, there's definitely stuff you can opt to learn to optimize and refine your WHM, but even if you don't and keep your repertoire as laconic as can be, It Still Works(tm).
Sage -> Not the Sage we know from older FFs but nonetheless a refreshing take. I have an Erection for Funnels. I like the "trigger" system of Eukrasia, helps reduce button clutter, and also rewards good decision making when it comes to knowing what it is you want to do for your next few steps by giving Sage Physical Ranged DPS-levels of mobility while still being able to heal on the go. It's a nuanced healing class but not the Quantum Jimmy Neutron shit people were making it out to be at release, you just need to know your gameplan and know when to pop out your shields, and when to trade them for raw heals with Pepsis. On the offense end of things, it's playing piano with buttons to optimize your attacks with Toxicon II but that's what makes it fun and efficient. Sage hemorrhages MP, though, you NEED to use your four -cole oGCDs to keep restoring MP while healing, and Sage is the only class in which I actually have to keep Lucid Dreaming handy on a regular basis. On PvP, you can blast some good damage with it, and it's good for pocketing someone, since PvP Sage is very good at keeping One Person VERY Alive with beefy single heals and shields.
Red Mage -> Verraise
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cherrylouvol6 · 4 years
to celebrate the impending release of the final chapter of the whms fic, heres some cursed facts about this universe that you really dont need to know (spoiler warning but also not really)
- bree is briana i just didnt want to type her full name cause ew right
- the “andrew” harry goes on a date with in chapter 7 is actually andrew garfield, simply because i couldn't think of any other eligible british men and i watched the social network a few weeks ago
- stevie started out as just a random original character name cause i didn’t want to put, like, hannah or danielle in there (it felt weird and cheesy idk its bad enough that i included briana) but when i wrote her reappearance i was like oh wait a second is that.......steve aoki
- so maybe she is steve aoki. it doesn’t have to be though cause lol cursed. you can pretend it's actually stevie nicks if you like, that'd be funny
- idk if anyone noticed that stevie’s fiancé is called winston but uh. yeah the name is a reference to THAT winston. the one that made the atrocious you and i music video (fuck u ben!)
- one may assume that when taylor says her song is about “someone i met in new york” she means like, dianna or karlie or someone, but it’s actually me. that’s my obligatory shameless cursed self-insert character, the nameless blink-and-you-miss-it new york lover that inspired state of grace. its my fic i make the rules
i think thats it for the cursed facts. hope you enjoyed the fic i had a fuckin BLAST writing it lol x
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angry-healers · 5 years
5.0 Scholar Changes (Opinion)
My Initial Reaction: Fucking lit.
First of all, in case you guys didn’t know, I actually quit playing SCH gradually about part way through 3.0 only getting on it at the end of 3.5 to finish its relic weapon. The SCH that gets me warm and fuzzy inside is, oddly enough, 2.0 SCH which I loved to bits and played three times as much as I played WHM back then. However, when 4.0 dropped and I tried to continue with it, I found that I couldn’t. It wasn’t really the skills or anything. As a SMN main, I know how to handle my pet and use it to bounce Deployments, semi-macro’d spells in order to lock embrace on needed targets (until they ruined that. Thanks SE), etc etc etc. The works. I was all over that shit before.
But I just could not get into 4.0 SCH. And eventually I lost my touch around 5.2 due to exclusively playing AST and SMN. 
But after seeing the SCH changes I feel my my interest was completely rejuvenated. I love the new critlo effect. I love the new faerie skills. The new uses for the gauge. Fucking Seraph. I’m absolutely amoured. 
But I do see where the “sch got ruined” argument comes from. And it’s coming from the same place as where the AST one came from. You were comfortable and nothing was wrong with SCH. But because of WHM complaints and the need to balance the healers around WHHM without changing WHM into something it’s not, it got bent. Goodbye miasma. Goodbye bane. But hello Art of War. Basically our own Holy. Though I do disagree with the removal of Miasma II (and by extension Aero III but that’s for a different post) just for ease of group application, but then they’d have to give AST some AoE DoT because someone somewhere will be offended by the fact that we don’t have one so on second thought just keep it in the trash.
Now I do have a concern about Aetherflow and its usage. being unable to activate it until in combat is a poor idea as for ACN in general, AF prep was essential. For SMN it meant being able to do your stupid 5 hour opener in slightly less time and for SCH it just plain allowed planning your useage and having essentially 3 charges on standby for when you ran out for whatever emergency reason. Now I understand why energy drain is gone due to its new mechanic with SMN, but I think this would’ve been an amazing opportunity to give SCH an AF damaging skill. Nothing ridiculous, just something to expend AF on when you don’t need Lustrate or Indom or literally anything else. Some people have been saying Soil will fill that need and I can see it, but idk I do know I’ll miss Energy Drain.
Edit: Oh and also to the people complaining about a boring DPS rotation. Just like I said in the AST post: you didn’t play healer to DPS. You play it to support. Your DPS rotation is not meant to be intuitive.
But of course we must wait until the content comes to determine if the change was truly necessary. Is our incoming damage going to rise so much that we’ll be blasting stacks left and right in order to keep up along with our shields? I mean. We did see protect being removed but they’ve said nothing about raising our passive DEF and MDEF to compensate so..... //thonkface
Anyway my current Reaction: Still lit
I want to play Scholar again. I love the focus on the pet healing skills. I love the addition of Seraph. I haven’t been this excited for it in a long time honestly. So here’s to hoping it’s as good as it looks when 5.0 drops.
Coming up next: WHM.
-- Mod Mhi
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maivalentine · 7 years
Have you beaten Nidhogg ex" Zurvan ex, and/or Sephirot ex? I need to do them to unlock my new mentor roulette but I'm a squeeb who is mildly terrified of the fights.
I have beaten all of those except for Zurvan!! However I did not tank Nidhogg or Sephirot, I healed! Healy is my main class, but sadly i never brought WHM to 70 because i was upset with the changes. However Im working on it next! Idk what class you play, but primals are my favorite thing to do in the game. It can be intimidating if you dont know what to do, it helps to have a good FC or friends to help you OR to find a good learning party in PF! (sometimes hard sometimes u get lucky tho! I did PF for Lakshmi and we cleared in 3 tries for a learning party) 
Nidhogg ex was HELLA stressful i wil say but i had a blast. id love to do it again because it was really fun. I think itd be extremely stressful as dps or tank though lol. Sephirot is breezy and easy for me and a lot of fun, probably one of my fave primals??
id like to try zurvan if i can find some ppl to go with, im actually 100 percent clueless abt that one never even glanced at a guide lol. its the only primal i havent cleared besides thordan (which i could clear easily but i just havent gone yet lol but i do know the whole fight tho i must be rusty. i think dps and tanks have stressful parts of that fight but healing it was easy)
anyways didnt mean to write a book but dont be scared!!! primals are super fun please watch some guides and join learning parties to get used to them!!! :> i find MTQ capture guides are so helpful and easy to understand!!
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asleepinawell · 1 year
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All jobs at 90!
Put some thoughts about them all below the read more if anyone if interested
Casters - favorite role. while not as mobile as ranged physical, you still have a good bit of freedom to move around (blm is...interesting for that) and who doesn’t love casting fancy magic spells.
smn - This was the main job I leveled as and I am very attached to my carby. After playing a lot of other jobs I see how people find it a little too mindless, but I enjoy it. Summoning a giant dragon? Yes please. Also excellent starting class for new people.
blm - This was one of the roughest jobs to level at early levels. It’s kind of cruel that it’s a starting job. It can be very confusing to figure out, but it really shines later on (66+) and becomes a lot of fun if you enjoy making big explosions. It was a wild experience leveling it where your rotation shifts around a lot as you go and new abilities are sometimes very ????. Definitely very hard to play well but so satisfying by 90.
rdm - This is the job I play the most these days. I love the utility of rdm and that I can just spam raise the group if needed. I’m a very average player at best so jobs that make me feel like I’m being useful to the group are my preference. Also the complete combo at 90 is intensely satisfying though I really need people to stop dying in the middle of my combo. I consider myself equally a rdm and smn main these days.
Healers - second favorite role. I enjoy healing a lot though I mostly stick to alliance raids for it. I healed some of the treasure maps and deep dungeons recently which were both a blast.
sch - Despite getting sch leveled for free with smn, this was the last healer I picked up. It’s the most confusing in my opinion despite the toolkit not being that dissimilar to sge. It’s very fun once you get the idea, but definitely my weakest healer. The faerie tether is hilarious and I like having a little buddy to follow me around. I know they’ve said pet classes are tough to make for some reason but I’d love more.
ast - The micromanager healer. There’s always more buttons to be pressing with ast. Not a healer I’d take into newer content where I need to pay attention. It is, however, extremely fun and has some of the prettiest effects. Being able to set up big heals on a timer in advance is strange and means you’re sometimes wasting stuff, but ultimately it works out. Also love handing out cards
whm - Not the most interesting of healers but definitely the easiest to take into stuff I’m not comfortable with yet. whm can just panic heal the crap out of the group if needed. blood lily hits like a truck and is immensely satisfying and holy spam in 4-mans for packs of mobs is so sexy to both the healer and tank.
sge - Sage was my first healer and still my favorite. It’s got fun lasers and a pretty straight-forward toolkit. I’m glad I learned shield healing first since I think it would be harder to have learned it after doing whm or something first. Also quite good for soloing stuff because kardia is amazing. Definitely pleased they switched the addersting to proc off group shields now too.
Tanks - I hate tanking with strangers so I mostly do it in trusts and fates. I occasionally tank alliance raids which are fun except for all the tanking drama.
gnb - Favorite tank. Very straight-forward, cool moves, no mp management. Great aesthetic. Definitely the tank I’m most comfortable with. I do a lot of fates with it.
war - Of all the jobs in the game this was the only one I’d say I flat out did not enjoy. The animations and attacks feel so slow and clunky. The rotation is boring. The self-healing is very ridiculous and nice though.
drk - First tank I picked up. Loved the story, got lost in how it worked at later levels. Aesthetics are A+ I just don’t know how the fuck to play it. The mp management also drove me bonkers
pld - Last tank I leveled. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. It’s pretty easy and once you get a little self-healing it really shines. I soloed a lot of hoh with it and had fun. The invuln is very nice and the effects are pretty. My biggest gripe is there’s too many abilities to fit on the controller crossbar. I just could not make it work and it’s frustrating.
Melee - Least favorite job role. I loathe positionals. I hate how much mobility is limited by needing to stay within melee range. Also I am just Not Good at melee and that makes me feel bad playing it.
sam - Tied with rpr for fave melee. Love the moveset, love the fact it’s really straight-forward. Definitely feel slightly less useless on this one than other melee. Love having a rainbow moon button for the finisher.
rpr - This was my first melee class and it possibly has the coolest animation effects of the melee classes. It’s very swish swish and fun and looks cool. The positionals are less annoying than other jobs for some reason.
drg - I love the drg moves and animations but I am just not very good at it and end up feeling useless in group content. Doing buff/debuff upkeep on it gives me a headache. Of the available options though it is probably the best melee to pick up when you first start the game. I feel like it could benefit from having some of the buffs condensed.
nin - I have a love/hate relationship with nin. It’s very cool and a lot of fun and I am so so so bad at it. I cannot stress enough how bad I am. I have no problem remembering the mudra combos I just can’t seem to get jackshit in dps out of it no matter what I try. And it gets a little ‘too many buttons to hit’ by 90. The opener and burst for it is ridiculous in those terms and I always am like wow I did it and then realize I somehow missed one thing.
mnk - I’m kind of neutral on monk. The animations are super cool. The forms are interesting in the flexibility they give you but I prefer the drg loop rotation rather than having to track the buffs/debuffs and choosing attacks each time.
Ranged Physical - I enjoy these but not as much as caster. I love how mobile they are and they all feel very unique.
dnc - This was the first one I picked up. Dnc is very pretty and fun and I like the group utility it has. It’s also a low-stress job for me since I don’t feel bad if my dps isn’t fantastic. It definitely doesn’t feel as interesting at 90 as some of the other jobs though. Also why is it when some asshole early pulls it’s always a dnc?
brd - Bard is fun though it was painful at lower levels. Definitely picks up later on. I don’t mind bard but it’s not my go-to. Also think it’s a decent choice for a new person playing.
mch - I ended up liking mch a lot more than I expected. Guns just aren’t very interesting to me, but the combat ended up being fun and I loved the bioblaster gun.
I think overall it’s pretty clear I value jobs that are a little more straight-forward and easy. I’m not a great player and I probably never will be so having something that’s easier to manage so I can focus on not fucking up mechanics is nice. There’s a balance needed for making the rotation interesting enough but keeping it simple enough for me to autopilot when needed. While I don’t feel any pressing urge to be the top dps in a group (though it’s a nice ego boost when it does happen) I do feel shitty when I’m clearly underperforming. I like the cooperative aspect of the game and I like to feel like I’m contributing and carrying my own weight, It’s one of the reasons I like utility stuff and healing a lot.
While it’s a ton of time and effort and a mind-numbing amount of roulettes to level all the jobs to 90, it’s also really cool to get to explore all the different jobs. Definitely glad I did it.
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 321 Spoiler Analysis: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
Good god almighty it’s been 2 weeks already!  A lot of MHA stuff was released today: the Shonen Jump Cover, the 7th Anniversary cover page, Volume 31 Cover, and of course, Chapter 321!  My hand’s getting better, but I’m liking these shorter analysis's so let’s go:
First we got the Volume 31 Cover and it’s really good!  It’s basically All Might passing down the power of OFA to Deku.  You can see their various clothes in the mist like their UA uniforms, their Hero costumes, and even Deku’s middle school uniform (which took me a while to see).  It’s a really beautiful Volume cover, but god it’s weird to see All Might not smile in his buff form.  Like it’s so odd.  
Next is the Shonen Jump cover page featuring Deku in his Stealth Suit with Rody Soul and his bird, Pino, looking from the sidelines.  Deku looks so freaking badass in this suit!  I really hope he wears it for a while in the film.  I’m gonna guess he’s gonna wear it at the film’s climax, but we don’t know yet.  Hell, we barely know what WHM’s about AND THE MOVIE COMES OUT NEXT WEEK!  God, I want to see this movie why can't I live in Japan and speak Japanese 😭
The last color page we get is this awesome double page spread of all the 1-A kids + Aizawa building this massive All Might Mecha!  They’re all wearing green suits, goggles, and various pieces of tech on them.  Really, it’s just a super cool spread that looks like it’s colored the same way as the 5th anniversary one was.  I think you need to see it yourself to know what everyone’s doing because there’s a lot going on.
Now onto the chapter!  Endeavor has made it to the scene, but he’s still trusting the kids to bring Deku back as he should.  They can definitely handle themselves.  I do feel bad for Kirishima though.  He wants to say things to Deku (as everyone does), but his Quirk can’t do much to stop Deku so long as Deku’s fighting long range and in the air.  I’d like to see my rock son in action again.
So, SHOTO’S FREAKING PISSED!!!  I don’t think I’ve seen him this mad at Izuku since the Sports Fest.  He’s being logical here by thinking how AFO could be planning to target UA now since Deku isn’t there to protect it and that Deku should have a choice to come back to UA and fight along his friends.  Shoto REALLY wants Deku to come to his senses.  Probably more than most of the class.  This is what happens when your best friend goes rouge and doesn’t think the rest of you are strong enough to catch up to him.  I was honestly hoping Shoto’s and Deku’s conversation would go further than this, but this is still really good.  Maybe we’ll get more later 👀
A lot of this chapter is mainly the rest of 1-A teaming up to catch Deku with all their Quirks.  Even Mineta is out here spitting facts for once.  Like, ok Grape boy go off. 
Then the kids pull off this insane plan that’s kind of hard to explain, but I’ll do my best:
Shoto created a more refined ice ramp like what he did back in the All Might VS. AFO fight except it actually looks like a ramp this time and covers a good block of the city.
There are some rails put down to ready the kids for launch and I bet Momo created that b/c who else?
Shoto stands behind Bakugo who is preparing to get launched in the air with this 0.1% Solubility Acidman created my Mina.  I honestly thought this Acidman was created to help the kids slide easier on Shoto’s ice at first, but I finally understood what it actually was after going through the leaks a few more times.  
The more physically stronger kids push Shoto and Bakugo to slide on the ice and Shoto blasts both of them on through the ramp using his Flashfreeze Heatwave like a speeding rocket!
Shoto pushes Bakugo up in the air with the propulsion of his Super Move and Bakugo goes flying.  Ochako uses her Zero Gravity on the Acidman for reasons we’ll see later.  Also, Shoto sounds insulted by Deku’s “Won’t be able to keep up” when CLEARLY THEY CAN!
Bakugo uses his new explosions to use Explosive Speed Turbo Cluster to increase his speed to what looks like mach speed levels!  Seriously, this dude is like a sonic jet at this point and his new explosions look sooooo cool!
Finally, it’s revealed that Iida was covered in Mina’s Acidman and Bakugo uses his Explosions + Ochako’s Zero Gravity to FREAKING LAUNCH IIDA TOWARDS DEKU BECAUSE HE’S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN WITHSTAND THIS SPEED!!!
I told you guys that plan was insane!  But it did work!  They grabbed Deku!  Now all they need to do is bring him back.  
Throughout this team-up, there are some interesting things that happen here:
Ochako establishes how all of them want to fight alongside Deku.  They don’t want to push him away or need to be protected by Deku.  They just want to be by his side again.  
Shoto looks extra pissed and determined in one panel to the point where his left eye is set aflame.  That rarely happens outside of him being in battle unless Shoto’s feeling some strong sense of emotion like he did when Endeavor fought High-End.  I guess this counts as him battling, but you get my point.  
Bakugo calls Iida “Class Prez” instead of something like “Glasses” for once!  Maybe he’s slowly gaining more respect for the rest of his friends.  Not 100% close to real names yet, but he’s getting there.
Bakugo thinks how there are things he needs to say to Deku!  He’s letting Iida do his part first, but looks like that conversation is going to happen soon.  Man, I’m REALLY hoping we get Deku Vs. Kacchan soon!  Bakugo needs to apologize to Deku or at least have a good heart-to-heart with him, but we know how these two work.  Their going to fight their feeling out and it’s going to be amazing.  I can feel a Part 3 in my bones.  Please, Horikoshi!
Now we hear the rest of what the 2nd OFA Holder said a few chapters ago.  It was addressing Bakugo, but more like Class A as a whole.  The thing that can bolster Deku are the people who share the same will and the people who run beside him at the same pace.  Isn’t that 1-A for ya?
So, Iida finally grabs Deku’s hand (hey, IidaDekus, how ya feeling?), his glasses are broken and his suit is breaking from the power of the speed he was going at, and he says the words that Deku said to back in the Stain Arc: “Giving help when it’s not asked for is the essence of being a hero”.  AND BOTH DEKU AND IIDA ARE CRYING IN THE AIR WHILE ALL THIS IS HAPPENING MY HEART I’M SOBBING 😭
Really, this whole thing is a big callback to the Stain Arc and how Deku let Kirishima grab Bakugo’s hand back at the Kamino Rescue because Kirishima was the only one who could do it.  Now it’s Iida’s turn to grab Deku’s hand who, btw, even refers to Deku as a “lost child” 😭💔.  AND THE CHAPTER IS EVEN CALLED “FROM CLASS A TO OFA” WHY HORIKOSHI WHY???
Honestly fantastic chapter all around!  We’ve seem to have reached the climax of Deku Vs. Class 1-A, so now comes the resolution.  The SFX on the last panel of Deku says “Fall” so maybe he’s run out of fuel and his finally passing out from exhaustion.  But, I don’t know guys...  Deku Vs. Kacchan still NEEDS to happen.  I don’t know about now, but definitely soon.  Also we still don’t know what the 2nd Holder’s Quirk is yet.  I want to say that they’re going to finally bring Deku home next chapter, but I’m not certain.  So, we’ll just have to wait and see.
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angry-healers · 7 years
One of my favorite stories to tell when the topic of jerk tanks pops up:
This was back in the days where World of Darkness was the newest 24 man out there, though it had been out long enough that I knew my way around the place pretty good. I was on my WHM alt trying to get him some not junky gear, possibly get him at least on par with my main, y'know. The plan was to pop into WoD, do my thing, get the stuff, everyone goes home happy, everyone wins.
Getting in, my co-healer is also a WHM and tells us they’re new to this raid (and obviously meets ilvl requirement, this becomes important later). That’s a-ok. We can take a bit of time, get that knowledge in. Unfortunately, we get this PLD. He’s not new, he’s impatient and he LOVES to stand in every AoE ever. He pulls the first set of trash without either me or other healer being ready and proceeds to stand right in the first AoE, killing him instantly. I raise him and immediately both of us get blasted for not healing him. My reply was something along the lines of “Yeah, ok, but you need to not stand in AoEs that will one shot you, man.” We get through the trash with him dying a couple more times to AoEs (I honestly don’t know if he was doing this on purpose at this point or if he was really bad at raid awareness). He spends the next fight telling both my co-healer and me that we’re too undergeared (we weren’t, we both obviously at least met the min ilvl requirement otherwise we wouldn’t be there and my co-healer was doing a really good job) to keep him alive and that we should uninstall, and while I’m pretty good about people being dick tanks to me, cause ha ha GUESS WHO ISN’T GETTING HEALED OR RAISED NOW, I have a huge problem with more experienced players yelling at newer players, especially if you don’t let someone explain mechanics to them first.
After so after watching him die YET AGAIN to avoidable mechanics right after his long ass tirade about how WE suck, I got fed up and just straight up left. I felt really bad doing it cause I left that poor newbie there, but I really couldn’t handle that tank anymore.
Be good at your job before you tell me or anyone else that we suck at ours, please.
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