#he nope'd so hard
fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months
I'm agree with the fact that giving another kid to Isabella post anime is the most stupid thing ever (supposing that it's really her) considering her character.
I gave her other babies (twins) in one of my fics but it was not a choice. Peter Ratri forced her, few days after she became grandma, to have one boy to replace Ray and one Girl who will become a Sister and who will eventually take her place one day.
The pregnacy was a torture for her, and she couldn't stop to think about Ray because this situation made her emotional. So having other babies make her re-think about how was Ray when he was a cute little one, and how she treated him after this day. And how much she misses him now and how she is relieved that he's alive, whatever he was now.
So yeah, i'm ok if Isabella has other kid(s) if
it's because she is forced to during the almost 2 years gap
or if it's after everything (if she survives) and that Ray and her are on "better" terms so if the idea is correctly used (unlike the anime if it's really her and i have doubts).
Made a separate tangent post to gripe over the TPN wiki having this picture from the powerpoint ending under her anime gallery flkdvld (in addition to TPN Committee overworking CloverWorks' animation staff which may have prompted them to reuse character models for the sake of their health).
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I gave her other babies (twins) in one of my fics but it was not a choice. Peter Ratri forced her, few days after she became grandma, to have one boy to replace Ray and one Girl who will become a Sister and who will eventually take her place one day. The pregnacy was a torture for her, and she couldn't stop to think about Ray because this situation made her emotional.
I have a hard time wrapping my head around her never once thinking of Ray (or her other children) over the course of nine months. Even if Peter doesn't explicitly tell her what the purpose of having these two children is, she's an incredibly intelligent woman. It wouldn't be lost on her.
So yeah, i'm ok if Isabella has other kid(s) 1. it's because she is forced to during the almost 2 years gap
I personally can't deal with Isabella being subjected to systemic medical rape for a second time or any of the child characters because I feel it's very easy for it to stray into being too fetishy (stumbled across a Mama Emma fic like this and I nope'd out so that definitely didn't help my general dislike of those types of AUs).
or if it's after everything (if she survives) and that Ray and her are on "better" terms so if the idea is correctly used (unlike the anime if it's really her and i have doubts).
I think "correctly" can be debated since I could easily believe she was so traumatized by the experience she would never want to physically go through childbirth again, not even getting into how she has nearly forty kids that are still alive she raised and formed an attachment to already; S2 does have this lovely shot in its powerpoint ending that I can get behind:
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She can finally love them normally in earnest and reconcile with them, if that's what they want too.
That said I find #2 the much more palatable option like what @officersnickers has in her Leslie Lives AU.
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alexagirlie · 9 months
September Song Challenge
Day 20: A song with a number in the title
No. 5 by Hollywood Undead Fandom: The Last Kingdom Rating: M Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred warnings/tags: recreational drug use. alcohol use. college life. frat life. oral sex.
Uhtred pushed through the crowd of fellow party goers, a large bottle of salted caramel flavoured rum in one hand and a 6 pack of some fancy artisan sour ale in the other, trying to make his way back to his room. His fraternity was throwing a massive, balls to the walls, Halloween party and the fraternity house was packed with costumed students. Uhtred had holed up in his room along with his boyfriends Finan and Sihtric so they could have their own private party away from the crowds. 
All three of them were international students and found how hard American students partied a little too much. Uhtred had put in only as much time as absolutely required before he had dragged the other two off with a small bottle of iced tea whisky and a baggie of premium weed tucked into Sihtric's back pocket.
They had drunk through the bottle pretty quickly between the three of them and Uhtred had braved the journey to the kitchen to restock while leaving the other two young men sharing a joint in his room.
It had taken him way longer than he thought to get through all the people and he hoped the other two hadn't smoked the whole joint without him. He had ended up needing to go the long way around the frat house as the main stairs had been too crowded to pass. The west wing had been a no go as there had been someone being violently ill in the middle of the hallway and Uhtred had nope'd right out of there. He ended up having to go down the east stairs, went outside and cut through the back yard and then back inside to the kitchen where all the booze was being kept. Then he had to go back the same route.
He finally made it back and ducked through the door as fast as he could and slammed it shut behind him and flipped the lock. He sighed, looked up then promptly choked on his saliva at the sight that greeted him.
Sihtric was sprawled width wise across Uhtred's bed, his bat sweater pushed up to his armpits which exposed the long, lean muscled torso the youngest man was working so hard on. His jeans were a crumpled heap on the floor, his blood red briefs just beside them. His head was thrown back which made his dark curled swirl around his head like a halo and his mismatched colored eyes were closed in bliss.
Finan was kneeling on the floor between Sihtric's sprawled thighs, his mouth wrapped around the head of Sihtric cock, the length glistening with saliva and precome. He even had a smear of white on the edge of his beard. His own pumpkin sweater had been discarded on the floor next to Sihtric pants and Uhtred could just see where he had a hand plunged down the front of his pants, his arm flexing as he jerked himself off roughly. 
Uhtred swallowed thickly before he palmed his rapidly hardening cock through his sweatpants. "Damnit, you two couldn't fucking wait for me?!"
taglist: @almostg @gatoenlaciudad @softhecreator
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museswithinx · 2 years
"Anyone with a pulse can get that, how does that make me special?" She countered with a quirked brow, disbelieving that was the best he could do. With an amused smirk, she knew she got him there. "I think both of you drew some blood."
Her lips twitched as he mocked her look. "Ehhh," she murmured, giving him a little wobble of her hand that it was only maybe half-true. He proved her point as he proceeded to lie in response to her question. "I'm sure it's exciting in the moment, but it's the same thing. It's the same type, the same 'hey, darling, get me a drink/come back to mine.' It's why Aubrey broke your heart," she said, glancing over to catch his genuine reaction to that, "someone, besides your family, actually cared about you and what you thought. You act a lot like your dad, but you're not a thousand year old original vampire, so some of it has to be just that: an act." Looking over at him, she prompted, "right?"
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"Clearly you've never seen me naked or you wouldn't be asking," he retorts as if that alone should make anyone feel special. "Pretty sure I drew more blood, but I suppose he's trying to save face. Poor lad."
Deniz just shook his head at her. "I know the truth." As she picked apart his response and pointed out certain things, he ran a hand through his hair and kept his gaze looking straight ahead. This was certainly not a conversation he wanted to be having. "You're wrong. Aubrey didn't break my heart. Deniz Mikaelson doesn't get his heart broken," he insisted with an air of coolness. "There's plenty of people who care about me, it's not only family. Now if you are done trying and failing to profile me..." He reached for the radio, finding a station playing Hispanic music and turning it up as Ricky Martin came on.
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strahtas · 5 years
why yes i do play minecraft with cheats enabled & trying to play on this server where i somehow apparently did not enable cheats is absolute hell tbh bc on a single player world i would have just went ‘oh well i fucked THAT up time to give myself the stuff to try again’ instead of on the server i have with my cousin having to fucking
get three more wither skeleton skulls ‘cause i put the sand & shit in the wrong spot in the end to kill the wither the cheat-y way & he fell into the void & died & i am never going to get a beacon ever
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randomnameless · 2 years
oh boy, I just saw the post about dragons in FE are inherintly bad and I'm gonna weigh in about Jugdral cause that's where my braincells are.
as already pointed out, the evil dragon Loptous became a problem after Galle/Gair/whatever his localised name is went out of his way to travel to Archanea in search of power and found it in the form of a bloodpact with Loptous. Also nobody said Loptous is innocent whatsoever, so no idea where that came from?? (And yes, Loptous resided in the tome and descends into anyone with the fitting Holy Blood. Only at the end he's released after Julius is defeated.) Anyways, Galle returns, establish his funky new empire and everything starts going awry for several years. "When it came to that, the other group of dragons who were then living in secret came to discuss what they ought to do. So, in the middle of that discussion, their leader proposed tentatively trusting the humans and intervening, and they distributed their power to the soldiers who remained until the end--that's a summary of the event that we call The Miracle at Darna Fortress. [...] Afterward, humanity preserved the teachings of the gods AKA dragons, and for several decades, continued the era of peace. However…… as time passed, the teachings of the gods were slowly forgotten, and humanity became arrogant." - Kaga [Source]
And that's quite literally the theme of FE4! Humanity's hubris once someone gains an inch of power. In the span of barely 100 years the people went from waging war against Loptous to waging war against one another because everyone believes themselves to be in the right. (Importance of the word "seisen" and the implications it has in Japan) "Seeing this, the dragons from whom the Twelve Crusaders drew their power regretted aiding the humans, and agreed never to intervene in the human world again."
That is until Forseti/Lewyn, who helped out a little. He only sheltered Julia for several years, taught Arthur wind magic, helped out in Leonster, watched over Lene (if he's her father) and basically provided guidance for the new generation. So yeah, I guees he helped out "a little". He also delivered this banger of a quote: "Yeah... Consider this a lesson, Seliph. Good and evil can't be easily reduced to such simple, black-and-white ideals. If you must hate, hate the evil which lurks in us all, not the individual. Never forget this."
In short, FE4 is not a game about "dragons bad". Yes, there is a dragon, who is bad but overall the shittiness in Jugdral stems from people being greedy and arrogant. Galle also would have established his empire if the power came from a freaking salmon, it's all about power and what it does to people! And Julius in the end is just a vicitm of circumstances.
Oh damn, this is long but I couldn't just let this be, sorry for that. Also I wouldn't think too hard about Ced/Sety being named after the crusader. I think this is more of a case of Kaga not being subtle/being biased towards Lewyn x Erin, why else would she name her son after an crusader even if Lewyn isn't her husband. Of course, there can be an analysis in that direction but Kaga had his clear biases and I think this is one of them.
Nah, don't worry!
I'm not posting as much about Jugdral as I used to be, but I welcome any kind of discussion about the verse!
I don't know what was wrong with that person, but they apparently didn't want to talk, because if you rebuked them or disagreed, you were apparently a terf and whatnot, and then they brought their degree and I nope'd out of it because it just isn't worth it - like, seriously, I do not understand how you can brag about academics when we're talking about video games, but the more you know...
Imagine if everytime someone criticised Thatcher and some people would immediately jump on you affirming you said she was "stupid because she has ovaries" - no mate, I've never talked about ovaries, and quite frankly I don't really want to.
Anyways, I agree with everything you said!
Jugdral is the verse where we don't see manaketes and physical dragons ruining things - Jugdral is the verse where humans abuse power, let it come from a dragon or a jack'o'latern, to do cruel, petty or stupid things because Jugdralians are shitty people.
But for every Raydrick out there, we also have an Amalda, an Eyvel or a Siggy.
Dragons left, Forseti tries to help and guide... it doesn't always work - and the world would have been doomed if Manfroy wasn't a petty bastard - but his MO is to let humans deal with their own mess, he is just here to give directions.
IDK about Ced/Sety, but I thought it was maybe just a callback to the OG Crusader and founder of Silesse - since Erinys becomes Queen, maybe she would have found it nice for her child to be named after the previous Hero and founder of Silesse?
And this is mainly why I really do not want a remake for Jugdral to be announced, I know some people like that person did would, not misunderstand, but refuse even to listen or to consider what the game wanted to tell, if it can be used to prop, usually, Supreme Leader and her nauseabond take that people with scales are the reason why humans suffer.
There can be no discussion with someone who refuses to engage, and I've seen it in real life, it becomes quickly tiresome.
In real life, I cannot block those people but in the fandom?
I can cure my own experience, and yet, as we saw with FE16, it will spread around like an unattended chamber pot. At first I thought Serenes might be the last bastion of common sense, since people who played and talked about past games, who (used?) are open to discussion could kindly rebuke them, and if it ever escalated mods are here to remove their access to debating spaces if it becomes clear they do not want to engage in any discussion and are just here to troll...
But Serenes let Beta ruin the FE16 subforum for several months, with the famous "one day one bad take" and everyone who disagreed would either be harshly rebuked or straight out ignored, so...
So I don't know if it counts as gatekeeping, I hope not, but even being worried about the question raises an issue about the current state of the fandom, are you really gatekeeping when you just ask of someone who wants to debate/talk/engage to play the game or read the script? When you ask them to answer and reply with canon material, and not their latest recipe on how to make egg-less mayo?
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lesbiansupersons · 4 years
Oh man I was gonna give YJ comic a go but then I saw someone put Tim in a poop wetsuit and called him Drake and I just Nope'd out. Why is DC so determined to put Tim in hideous outfits, he hasn't gotten any leave since his original Red Robin uniform... First the literal wings and now this generic ass duck colored onesie... Honey I'm sorry but you aren't dick you don't have the ass for that suit
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sinmedaddy · 4 years
Ok, I obviously saw the matching toy ask and now I gotta know- Same situation with Black, Wild, Wine, and Axe? Axe, don't you dare tease your SO! I designed her to be shy AF. She will literally hide under the blankets for hours from shyness. But yeah, that one was funny! Especially Stretch's. I loved the part where Blue just 'nope'd out when he saw it x'D
He’s always flustered whenever sex is brought up. He already suppresses his urges as it is. It’s not like he doesn’t like sex, he just feels like there’s no time for it with how busy he can be. That and he thinks it should be special, reserved for more intimate moments. Even though when you first sex with him, it was during one of his heats and God, he’s still flustered about that. So he stumbled upon your collection by accident. He’s been staring at the contents, bright in the face as various scenes flash through his mind. Knowing how flustered he can be, when you see him and your toys, you quickly try to put them away, apologizing, but he grabs your hand and points to one particular toy that closely resembles his own dick. 
“I’m... Not sure what this means, but right now...” He mutters, then stops himself, averting his gaze. “N-Nevermind.” You ask him what he was thinking, and with some convincing, he mutters, “Next time... Could you show me how you use it..?”
He thinks he has this “moral high ground” by not having sex at all, not realizing that it’s really a natural thing and he shouldn’t really feel ashamed for it. It takes you a while, but you’ve finally convinced him that it’s nothing to be ashamed of, but he’s still a bit nervous so you two haven’t had sex yet.When he accidentally finds your collection he almost screams, but it gets caught in his throat. Among your toys is a dildo that’s a striking resemblance to his dick. You two haven’t even had sex yet, so-?!? How-?!?!He quickly goes to you, pulling you to him. 
“I need you.” He states. You misunderstand his statement and ask him what he needs you for. He’s nervous, because how do you ask for sex properly?!? How does he do this??? “I... I, um... Found a box of your stuff... And it’s, um...” He stammers. Looking at that bright blush across his face, you finally put two and two together and now your face is equally bright. 
You two haven’t had sex yet, but the two of you were comfortable enough to talk about these sort of things. You even showed your collection to him. He’s actually pretty surprised, but he asks you questions about what you do with these toys and what about them feels good to you. When you bring out a dildo that looks pretty similar to his cock, he actually starts laughing, a bit of a blush growing on his face. 
“Oh no, no, no! I’m not laughing at you! It’s just funny how similar it looks to my own.” He explains. His own what? “Oh? Is that an offer to show you then~?” He purrs. 
He’s actually legitimately curious about what makes you feel good, so he’ll ask some questions, strictly out of pure curiosity. It depends if he’s settled on the surface or if he’s still recovering. If he’s still recovering, you’ll have to wait after a few heats pass before he can consider being intimate with you. If he’s settled, then sex would still take a while, but he’ll be a little more comfortable then.He’ll be patient, but it’ll be up to you when you want to show your toys to him. He’ll ask appropriate questions, since he really has no idea what some do, aside from the obvious. Though he’s actually surprised the most when you finally show him a dildo that looks a lot like his dick. He actually starts smiling and it’s hard not to laugh because man, out of all the people, you really were a perfect fit.Does he say that though? No, but he’s trying not to say it because this is a serious conversation, but it’s really, really hard.Dammit, he did it again.
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cantankerouscanuck · 4 years
So I just had the most god-awful nightmare I've ever had in a long time and I figure the next day to cope is to subject you all to the horrors of my mind!
The beginning started out as a pretty cute movie trailer about a group of plucky underdog heroes that had to save a kid from monsters. I don't remember this part much, but it looked like it was for a kids movie because one of the heroes was a talking grapefruit
Then I started watching the movie. It actually started out like a video game and I was playing a first-person game as some kid wandering the woods. Im just minding my business when from nowhere, I stampede of foxes come rushing for me. To beat them, you needed to find some old doll that'll make them flee. I didn't find it the first time so I got trampled to death by foxes (COMPLETELY accurate to their hunting methods). Take two, got the doll and the foxes all ran away.
Then the doll said "Thank you"
Most of the dream played out like a movie. A bunch of bugs and talking grapefruit and pinecones were going on about how "It's escaped" and they're all going to the lair of the monster to save the kid that released the beast. So they go into the Electrical aisle of a local hardware store where a disembodied voice starts rambling all "This is my world, come closer and you will all belong to it too." Cue the bugs and fruit running away when it's a shot taken from the monster's perspective. He's walking towards the door of the hardware store and his shadow is clearly monstrous, but none of the employees care and say "Hi boss!"
Then some kids are somehow aware the monster is out and about and try to catch it. They hide in the hardware store until night and start sneaking around to find the monster. That's when it's suddenly first-person perspective from one of the kids as the other 2 become possessed and start chasing him. Then a bloody Gravity Falls-esque gnome shows up to help the kid escape and they climb up the ceiling and out a skylight. But the gnome becomes possessed too and the monster says how the first kid he stole "Will be taken to that place to revive me". It then breaks into a disembodied musical number as the kid runs away
Next day, the surviving kid gets his friends and they go to the hardware store to buy some monster fighting stuff. As they do, all the adults are singing along to a song that has the same tune as the song from earlier, but different lyrics. All the adults are showing signs of the monster possessing them, but the kids make it out okay.
Then they're wondering a beach at night and it turns back into a first-person game! All I had to do was avoid the burrowing monster that appeared at random and reach the sewer network from Mr Whiskers. Refer to this;
So the guys in the sewers help you drug the boar man, cue fleeing towards the forest. All of a sudden, jumpscared by a fox monster thing
And it goes back to being a movie! And it's a flip-it book drawn in crayon (yet very realistic style) of a bunch of kids all huddle around something. If I'm interpreting it right, they all believed in something hard enough for the doll from the beginning to come into existence. One kid hugs said doll as a monster shows up, it gets absorbed into the doll. The doll is smiling at first, but it starts scowling as the kid grows up and begins neglecting it. The doll then starts creeping up behind its grown up owner, it's face the same as the monster's from earlier
That's when I NOPE'd my way out and woke up
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oh geez is that episode that bad? glad i nope'd out after episode 3
This episode is largely bad in it’s complete lack of cohesion. It feels like it relates to nothing that came before in Chronicles, nothing that came before in Xiaolin Showdown, and nothing even within itself.
Chase Young no longer has to trick the monks into becoming cats, paradoxically becoming less threatening the more power he has. The time travel is completely pointless to solving the problem but, for reasons I will get into in the recap, the episode would be absolutely ruined if it wasn’t there. The titular character, Princess Kalia, shows up for like 30 seconds and is comedically pointless. The whole episode feels like an admission that nobody did any second drafts.
On my end? It’s the absolute hardest kind of bad to write funny things about. Nothing leads into anything, so I can’t build a coherent narrative around my jokes nor can I build it up into something subversive. I can just sort of take things as they come and it’s...hard to feel invested.
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rebbykins · 7 years
Wild flipping ride
This is a looong story, so under the cut it goes
So our party, which is a dwarf rogue (Beck), an elf mage (Hale/me), a Qunari warrior (Yuuthal), and a human templar (Kat), head to a city. The city guards freak out because “OH NO THERE IS A QUNARI AND A ELF MAGE ENTERING TOGETHER? gotta stop them.” So we're taken in for questioning. Kat is also taken with them, Beck has gotten in with Kat’s donkey and figures he’ll get supplies or something.
The three of us are taken in for questioning, each give an explanation of what we're doing there, and with Kat's influence, allowed to stay at an inn while the guards check out our story. Kat is like “I am a ward of the super powerful (but also large) family of the area. Go ahead and ask them yourself” So that's why we get a nice inn to stay in, under watch of two guards Kat asks a guard if she can take a bath. He allows it and accompanies her downstairs. Then she seduces him. Kat is like 40, a seasoned warrior, and like high religious figure who helps keep mages under control. And this guard is like probably a 20-something newbie. So rip in shit him. Meanwhile, Yuuthal and Hale are let into the hallway of the inn to chat with each other at least. (Hale is pretty scared of going to jail and stuff). Nothing interesting. They try to chat with the guard but he's not having any of it.
BACK to Kat. She is getting this dude nice and hard but there's been someone else in the public bath. Our new player, a human mage named Fable. Fable has seen all of this and makes a small sound. Kat and guard notice. All Kat can say is “Out.” and Fable scrambles out in a rush, just in her towel. (Awkward once in the inn, and she scrambles upstairs) Now GM is ready to fade to black with Kat and the guard. But Kat's player is like “Nah son.” after Kat has gotten him nekkid, she attacks him, trying to slam his face into the floor.
I think the guard screams and the upstairs once hears him. (Meanwhile upstairs, Fable has also scrambled up, seen the three in the hall, and just “nope'd” into her room. She also notices that they seem vaguely familiar). Upstairs guard is like “To your rooms now!” to Yuuthal and Hale. Hale does what he's told right away, getting locked in his room. Yuuthal, thinking Kat is in trouble, tries to push the no-fun guard into the room across the hall. Fails that roll. Starts a fight. Hale blows the door handle off of his door to open it and joins the fray.
Kat is down stairs, and I quote “cast[ing] sword” in a 1v1 battle with the guard.
Hale and Yuuthal are both failing rolls left and right, but also trying to be like “yo can we not fight?” Yuuthal has disarmed him of his shield, throwing it out the window. Old guard grabs something in a pouch, but Yuuthal disarms him. This throws a smoke bomb at Fable's door. Fable comes out and is like “Yo y u guys fighting? stap”--gets realllly good rolls to to add on to what she says twice. the last thing she adds is “and you have nice eyes” to the guard. Guard is not impressed. Next Hale does lay down his weapon and also adds “You really do have nice eyes” to the guard, ALSO trying to flirt. Still does little to nothing. Yuuthal and Hale are cuffed and sent back to different rooms. (Hale ugly cries too)
Kat has bloodied the guard she's fighting, but knocked him out at least. She also tends to his injuries and starts to dress in his armor. So old guard comes to face off vs Kat, quickly knocks her out. Cuffs her and takes her upstairs. Kat has 1 hp and is in the hallway.
Kat claims that she was assaulted by the young guard. Old Guard doesn’t believe her, but Fable, who was told to leave, is like, “No I saw it. There were boobs and touching and they were thiiiiis close.” Kat stealths and Fable distracts the guard. Player!Kat's goal was to jump out the window. But if she failed the acrobatics roll GM said she'd have to roll 1d4 damage. So I'm like “go to Hale's room and drink one of his potions!” She gets 4 hp from the potion and is like “That's enough” So Kat throws herself out the fucking window. Guard is like “oh shit she's gone.” and looks for her. Fable bolts to her room, grabs her stuff, and proceeds to jump out her own fucking window to join Kat outside.  We also learn Fable has a war hound dog called a Mabari. Which she's like "it needs a name" and I say it should be something punny. So we have Fable and Fiction now. They make it out to where Kat is. Guard is trying to chase them.
Yuuthal is like “gotta get out” and slams his fucking body against the door to open it. He's about to do the same to Hale, but then Hale's door pops open as he kicks it (pls note, I have 0 strength, I rolled fucking amazing). They gather everyone's stuff, hands still cuffed behind their backs, throw it out the window and also dive out the window too.
We make a break for the gardens, everyone following Kat and guards on our heels. Yuuthal takes some arrows to the knee because he's in back of running order. I fuck up some spells along the way (like fuck up so bad that if I rolled mega bad I would become an unstoppable monster and the book literally says “GM gets control of what happens, roll new character”) We get into the gardens. Hale asks our new mage friend to break his chains with magics. Then he sees Yuuthal is really hurt and try to heal him. Hale tries a healing spell but fuck up and is knocked down. (rip me) I think he took some arrows too now. Hale lost his staff as well, but then gets running again. Yuuthal stops and just planks on the ground, giving himself up it seems. He tells Hale, who has stopped to try to help him, to go. Hale goes. The party's goal was to get to the river grate in the city wall and escape. Kat and Fable are there already. Fable has been working on blowing off a grate in the water. Kat sees Yuuthal go down and bolts over to him. She tells him something like “This is not your time, protect the boy.” and gets shot up with arrows, getting her HP down to 0. Hale and Fable also don't seem to get along. Hale tries to use Fable's staff to attack the grate, but she's all “da fuq you doing?” because her experience with elves was them as slaves. Fable opens the grate and they get to the other side of the wall. That is where we ended. MEANWHILE. poor Beck has been in a tavern, knowing something bad has happened but not really able to do anything.
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nerdinsandals · 7 years
A friend of mine wanted to ship Biscuit with Gon or Killua. Then I told him how old Biscuit was. He nope'd so hard after that. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
Oops, haha! You helped him dodge that one. :P
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bhadpodcast · 7 years
Oh man if I knew you read it too I would've come to you for therapy back then!! I read non-consensual dehumanisation before, and I never loved it, but if it was kinky enough, I sped through the fic and then left kudos and forgot about it. This one stayed with me, sigh. Plus there was a comment left on it that they never saw sterek as a loving relationship, and if it ever happened in canon, this is how it would've went down? I nope'd so hard. I'd rather read st*lia!
First of all, Staliuggh is never a viable option, just... no.  But yup, I saw that comment too and I was PISSED. And then I asked them why Stiles was so complicit and he was just like “well he has low self esteem” and I was like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?
Thing is, they weren’t antis, but I felt that was so messed up so I just ignored.  I think they also did an adult baby series which is another HUGE turn off, but mostly because I”m all GET A JOB YOU BUMS!
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starspangledteacups · 10 years
WTNV got real for a minute tonight. I had to check to see if it was still playing it got so quiet. Earl knows what time it is.
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