#henrich's art
diioonysus · 3 months
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castles + art
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random-brushstrokes · 3 months
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Hendrik Henrichs - Snowy Village at Night (ca. 1930)
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Henrich Matveevich Manizer (Russian, 1847 - 1925) Countess Sofia Andreevna Bobrinskaya, 1869
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the1920sinpictures · 5 months
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1928 c. Henrich Hoffman uranium glass pin tray "Girl in Pool". From Art Deco, FB.
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northwindow · 2 years
random acts
a chaotic, uncertain, and disorderly syllabus [x]
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why fish don't exist & “the eleventh word” by lulu miller
book and essay by npr journalist lulu miller on the search for order in a world of chaos. miller was inspired by the story of naturalist david starr jordan, whose collection of carefully classified and labeled fish specimens was scrambled in an earthquake in 1906. while researching his quest to rebuild his life's work she discovers surprises about his life that yield insights about her own search for order and meaning. “the eleventh word” follows her family after the onset of the covid-19 pandemic and the publication of why fish don’t exist, when her young son learns the very word “fish” that she attempts to complicate in her book.
chaos: the making of a new science by james gleick
the first popular science book on chaos theory aimed at non-physicists and non-mathematicians, published in the 1980s by science reporter james gleick. presented chronologically, chaos begins with the story of meteorologist edward lorenz's experiments with a weather simulator and expands to cover the ubiquity of chaos in fields like astrophysics, ecology, economics, geometry, and biology; as well as the ways the study of chaos has altered scientific paradigms.
"the lava lamps that help keep the internet secure" by tom scott
video in which youtuber tom scott visits the web security company cloudflare, where a camera photographs the changing patterns in a row of lava lamps to generate unpredictable values for their cryptography. in another office, a receipt printer generates outputs such as magic 8-ball responses, mazes, and sudokus from their random data.
"just randomness" by michael marder
essay in real life magazine by philosopher michael marder about ethics and algorithmic decision-making, in which he argues that algorithms should not recuse us from making fundamental decisions about justice. by trying to use randomness to create fairer systems, marder writes that we are prone to the pitfalls of perceived randomness-- particularly at the hands of the learned gender, race, and class biases absorbed by artificial intelligence.
"what does chaos theory have to do with art?" by dean wilcox
paper by culture writer dean wilcox on the connections between chaos theory in physics and image/process-driven work in art. wilcox uses the plays of robert wilson and the films of david lynch, both of which eschew predetermined narrative structures, as artistic corollaries for chaos science. for an analysis on art and entropy focusing on the work of many 1960s artists and architects, see robert smithson's "the new monuments and entropy." (thank you to @vis-uh-vis for the suggestion!)
"divination and game theory" by john henrich
short section of evolutionary biologist john henrich's book the secret of our success, which as a whole explores various ways that cultural evolution may advantage the human species. he touches on several examples of how random divination techniques, such as augury or osteomancy, are an evolutionary boon in situations where random decisions are valuable. for more thoughts see "paul the octopus' death and other thoughts on animal oracles" by alice dos reis from the dutch socio-political research project, schemas of uncertainty (many other interesting pieces here too!)
"the elusive apple of my i," "consciousness = thinking", "a courteous crossing of words," & the final pages of i am a strange loop by douglas hofstadter
a selection from cognitive scientist douglas hofstader's book on consciousness, i am a strange loop. these parts are dedicated to pondering how our coherent sense of self is established in spite of the chaotic "mass of seething and churning” at the level of cellular structures or subatomic particles. (note: brief references are made to concepts from elsewhere in the book, notably epi from ch. 7 and careenium from ch. 3 in the full text. thanks to @calliopecantaloupes for pointing me to this!)
alan watts on the myopic view of the world
lecture by theological writer and speaker alan watts on the common western perception of the universe as chaotic, alien, and unsympathetic. he explains how we might expand our "myopic" view of life, which focuses on our individual egos and voluntary actions, to see a larger order of magnitude in which the self and environment depend harmoniously on each other.
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art-of-manliness · 4 days
Podcast #989: How to Get Better at Anything
Life revolves around learning—in school, at our jobs, even in the things we do for fun. But we often don’t progress in any of these areas at the rate we’d like. Consequently, and unfortunately, we often give up our pursuits prematurely or resign ourselves to always being mediocre in our classes, career, and hobbies. Scott Young has some tips on how you can avoid this fate, level up in whatever you do, and enjoy the satisfaction of skill improvement. Scott is a writer, programmer, and entrepreneur, and the author of Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery. Today on the show, Scott shares the three key factors in helping us learn. He explains how copying others is an underrated technique in becoming a genius, why, contrary to the sentiments of motivational memes, we learn more from success than mistakes, why experts often aren’t good teachers and tactics for drawing out their best advice, why you may need to get worse before you get better, and more. Resources Related to the Podcast * Scott’s previous appearance on the AoM podcast: Episode #557 — Grow, Adapt, and Reinvent Yourself Through Ultralearning * The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter by Joseph Henrich * AoM Podcast #896: The Art and Science of Getting Unstuck * AoM Article: Want to Become a Better Writer? Copy the Work of Others! * AoM Podcast #927: Beyond Lazy Learning — The Keys to Gaining and Retaining Knowledge * AoM Article: The Secret of Great Men — Deliberate Practice * Thinking in Jazz: The Infinite Art of Improvisation by Paul F. Berliner * “Stroke of Genius” by Scott Eden Connect With Scott Young * Scott’s website Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!)   Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Transcript Coming Soon   Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T6blgw
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teejaystumbles · 9 months
personal questions tag game!
I got tagged by @ginoeh, thank you! Were you named after anyone?
Actually yes, I did a bit of digging because my Mom always said I was named after (a book character by?) Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich, but I think they named me after what she received as an honourary name by the Dakota, "Lakota-Tashina". (My parents were always very interested in Native American cultures) Since I know that I like my name a lot more even if I haven't earned it the same way :)
Do you have kids?
Yes, one :)
Do you use sarcasm?
A lot, mostly when I'm angry or taking the piss. It's probably awful for everyone involved because I can get very cruel :/ (I'm not proud of this)
What's the first thing you notice about people?
I try not to look at people? Because of anxiety, but then I usually notice how they are talking, their tone of voice and posture, how comfortable they are. I'm bad at remembering names but faces are better once I got the nerve to look at them LOL
What's your eye colour?
It's brown. I wish I had inherited my dad's grey-green though :/
Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending please. I like to be scared a bit sometimes, but I handle horror podcasts better than movies
Any special talents?
I can draw quite well I guess!
What are your hobbies?
Drawing my favourite blorbos, writing fanfiction, crochet
Have any pets?
Not since I was a kid. I'd like to have one again but I don't like the hair getting everywhere
Which sports do you play/have you played?
None. In German we say "Sport ist Mord" LOL I guess that's me. But I enjoyed Badminton in school
How tall are you?
Fave subject in school?
Dream job?
I'd love to be a comic artist or book illustrator but I'm disillusioned enough (or old enough) to know that I do not have the stamina to be a full-time artist. I cannot handle the self-promotion necessary and would not have the energy to put out enough to make a living.
I'm tagging noone, I'm not in the mood to think of people who haven't done this already right now. Feel free to do this if you'd like to share abit about yourself!
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shamelessperson2 · 7 months
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Also this is the arabian sand boa
It’s beauty is truly mesmerising
Truly a mesmerising beautiful creature. Also so silly, I love them, going into my top 10 silly animal list.
Okay now drop the dogboy Benjamin Henrichs art.
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astranomiconx · 1 year
— about —
23 | she/her | cishet | 27.12.Y2K        ՀԱՅ | ENG | ESP | DEU 
hello, tumblr:
my name is shei. i’m an armenian-lebanese artist from the US. i also speak armenian so feel free to say parev. [ես հայ եմ, բարև կրնաս ըսել որ ուզես։]
here there will be no content related to sonic.exe. this blog will be used for original content only. anyone may follow me, just please be good people.
for general info about me, please refer here: https://tinyurl.com/astranomiconx
— FAQ —
✦ do you take requests/art trades? — no, i do not. [if you’re a mutual/friend, please ask first.] 
 ✦ do you take commissions? — commissions are closed at this time, but i will make a post when they’re open. 
 ✦ may i use your art as icons/banners? — yes, so long as you credit me @/astranomiconx. 
 ✦ may i kin/ID as your characters? — no, please respect that. [this includes canon sonic.exe characters.] additionally, please do not tag any art portraying my characters [whether they are by me or by another artist] as kin/ID.
✦ may i create fanworks with your characters? — yes; i always accept fanworks of my characters, as long as they are not relating to the game friday night funkin’ [FNF]. 
✦ may i create headcanons with your characters? — with canon sonic.exe: yes. [this goes for all characters from said universe.] — with my OCs: yes. [the only exceptions are of my persona, and my characters stella pratine and henrich mesman; please do not create any headcanons with them.]
✦ how long have you been drawing for, & how did you learn? — i've been drawing for as long as i could remember, and have been creating original characters since 2009. i am, for the most part, self-taught, although i have briefly taken classes to learn fundamental skills.
✦ where else can i find you? — tumblr, instagram - @/astranomiconx — deviantart, youtube - @/astranomicon — public discord server - https://discord.gg/B9VTVz4GdJ
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luiz-henrique · 1 year
=”[ A GRANDE CLAVÍCULA -: Livro Terceiro -: Dividido nas Secções Alpha, Delta , Delta- A , Sigma , Sigma- A e Ômega , que é sua Consumação, sendo uma Única Integração]”=
Sequência de Delta }”-:
-:”( Re- Enfatizar -:
Esta Obra foi escrita por mim Henrich: Chyren...,
Em Memória de Howard Philips Lovecraft até o Rei do Terror -: Al Dajjal, o Grande Cão Banido que Retornará...,
Dedicado ao Grande Escritor e Amigo Michael W. Ford , a Ordem dos Illuminati..., e aos Outros Mencionados...,
A Obra é uma Grande Chamada que Invoca , Evoca e Convoca ao Mal..., para Servir a DEUS..., para que os Sagrados Mistérios Sejam Honrados e o Nome Sagrado de DEUS Seja Enaltecido , como na Lenda do Rei Salomão...,
Ante o Solene e Grande Desconhecido )”-:
-:”{ Continuação de Delta , esta a Secção Delta – A }”-:
“ venha o Miliciano, com as Milícias do Inferno...,
com Gog e Magog , diante de Babilônia: Babalon: Babylon: Chioa : Zhyon , a mesma Senhora Escarlate que não deixa de ser sua Outra Faceta -:
Leviathan (Leviatã)...,
A Besta -: 666 , uma das Facetas e Reflexos Espelhados Semi-Autônomos de Lilith ,a Grande Rainha da Noite 🌃...,
Venham as Aparições e Assombrações Várias que se escondem por detrás da Sinistra , Semi-Indetectável e Marcante Penumbra...,
Sombras Movediças , Silhuetas e Vultos Sinistros , Vozes do Além...,
Assombrações como D- o- b- i- a , Venerável Dama , Acompanhada de Trude , a Druckgeister...,
D- o- b- i- a , Senhora das Assombrações , que Rege Casas e Âmbitos Assombrados , Aquela que Desliza por debaixo da Cama , e Sobe Através da Cama , Transpondo o Obstáculo como em Outra Frequência...,
Que Usa do Temperamento e o Mais dos humanos que Adentram em Tais Casas , e Sabe como Investir na “ Arte de Assombrar...,”
Já Trude , a Druckgeister...,
lhe Compraz Deslizar Veloz pelo Ambiente , dando Posições Falsas em onde não se encontra , fazendo sua Voz Ressoar em Diversos Quadrantes de um Lugar , mas no Onde não está...,
se Divertindo e Mais , ao lado de Mari , Alp e os Outros Druckgeister...,
acompanhadas de Ameretat , Mokusa: Mokosh e de Baba Yaga...,
que Estas , Solenes se venham com as Chamadas Incursantes e Viajantes do Rito Indizível , Procedentes do Mais Além ,e que Não tem Natureza – humana...,
Venham com os Veneráveis Antigos Verdadeiros do Culto Préter Alienígena e Ancestral, e Grimórios Legítimos do Necronomicon , anteriores ao de Abdul Al’ Hazred , de cuja Versão Original , Jaz Ocultada no Museu Britânico...,
venham com Samyasa e os chamados Anjos Caídos , dentre estes Kesabel..., Samyasa que é Outra Máscara Facética de Lúcifer...,
venham com Todos os Qlipphos e Qlipphoth...,
que dos Masculinos , Muitos são o mesmo Lúcifer , Desdobrado Co- Ubíquo , em Reflexo Espelhado com Magnitude Ajustada ...,
como Sorath : Zurathy...,
Luzbel , Lucifugo – Rofocale , Mefistofeles : Mephistho e Chavajoth, o Cavaleiro Negro...,
que Acompanham o mesmo...,
que dos Femininos , Muitos são Reflexos Espelhados da mesma Lilith, a Grande Rainha da Noite 🌃...,
Qemethiel , Belia’ al , A’ thiel ,Thaumiel : Thamiel , Ghagiel : Ghogiel , Sathariel , Gha’ Agsheblah : Gamchicoth : Agshekeloh , Golachab , Thagirion , A’ Arab Zaraq , o Corvo da Dispersão ...,
Samael , Gamaliel , Ba’ Airiron : Bairion , Adimiron , Tzalalimiron : Tzelladimiron , Schichiriron: Schechiriron , Shalehbiron : Shelhabiron , Tzaphiriron : Tzephariron , A' Abiriron : Obiriron , Necheshithiron : Necheshetheron : Nachasheron , Dagdagiron , Bahimiron : Behemiron , o Bestial...,
Nashimiron : Nachasheron , e a mesma Lilith , como Qlippho , e assim Qlipphoth...,
e que no mesmo Simultâneo, se Manifesta também com Arch- Daimon – Vampira e Bruxa , Sacerdotiza- Mór ,
Arch- Daeva , Daeva , Druj , Ghoul , Djinn: Jinn , Gênio Feminino Malvado , Perigoso Demônio da Noite , que este Título é um Elogio para a mesma..., com Distintos Outros Módos de se Manifestar , por detrás de seus Reflexos Espelhados, Semi- Autônomos , que em quanto a um destes Reflexos , a própria Lilith é chamada Az- Jeh , Rainha de Todos os Arch- Daevas , Daevas , Druj , Ghoul , Djinn: Jinn e de Outros , que Reina sobre Arezura , a Boca do Inferno e sobre o mesmo Inferno , Dozakh , no Acompanhar Ahriman : Angra- Mainyu ( Angru- Mainyu )...,
Vinde Todos Vós , para Honrar a DEUS...,
Para Cumprir os Desígnios Divinos...,
Para Velar e Zelar pelos Sagrados Mistérios...,
Onde DEUS e seu Santo Nome , e seus Nomes Sagrados -: Deve ser Respeitado e Honrado...,
Que os humanos que Não vivem pelos Mistérios Sagrados , que Morram pelos Sagrados Mistérios,e pelo Enaltecer do GLORIOSO DEUS INDIZÍVEL, que é ALLAHU AKBAR, e próprio ALLAH...,
Com seus Nomes Sagrados (...)!!!-:
“ Lúcifer, Oyar , Chameron , Aliseon , Mandousin , Premy , Oriet , Naydrus , Esmony , Eparinesont , Estiot , Dumosson , Danochar , Casmiel , Hayras , Fabelleronthou , Sodirno , Peatham -: Venite Lúcifer , com Asmodeus , Belial , Belphegor , Mammon , e Teus Reflexos Espelhados , Sob Máscaras e Magnitude Ajustada -:
Samael (Sammael) , Mahazael , Azael e Azazel...,
e Chavajoth ...,
e Íblis Al’ Qadim , com suas Facetas Íblis e Éblis e a Predominância de Íblis...,
no serem o mesmo Lúcifer , Desdobrado em Reflexo Espelhado, e Insurgência Manifesta Co-Autônoma ...,
Acompanhado de Moloch..., Belzebuth ..., Astaroth – Thrichas ...,
Egym , Bayemom , Amaymon , Magoa (...)-:
Oriens e Harithon..., Acompanhado da Serpente 🐍 do Éden , que é Moritolyf , e mesma Gimela, Nahash...,
A própria Lilith...,
A Grande Rainha da Noite 🌃...,
Eu vos Chamo, desde vossos Lugares e Outros que Não se Constituem como Lugares , no desde vossas Moradas Ocultas, em Ante a Grande Obscuridade...,
Em desde Onde Descansam..., e Nesta Metáfora , no por detrás das Entranhas da Terra...,
E nós Lugares e Outros Mais Temidos e Todos por Malditos...,
no Âmago Sombrio dos Mais Sinistros e Terríveis Pesadelos ...,
e dos Floridos e Enigmáticos Jardins da Morte...,
Abram meus Olhos, para que Eu vos Veja...,
Abra meus Ouvidos, para que Eu vos Escute ...,
“ ào Tapa na Cara do Descrente ...,
com o Mais ...,”
venham com as “ Vozes do Além e Mais Visões...,”
Abram minha Boca , para que minha Voz possa ser por Todos Vós Ouvida , em Onde Estiveres...,
Pelas Quatro Colunas da Terra , que Sustentam os Céus...,
Anna e Kia...,
Anshar e Kishar (...)!!!-:
Zhyón (...)!!!
Pela Palavra que Ordena e Comanda...,
em desde a Glória Vera Solene Exelsa Augusta Maior do GLORIOSO DEUS INDIZÍVEL, que é ALLAH...,
com seus Nomes Sagrados (...)!!!-:
de pronto , in subito e Mais o Indizível...,
Abram Todas as Portas , Pórticos , Portais , Átrios , Plataformas , Reinos e Outros Distintos...,
Vias , Caminhos e Sendeiros...,
e Atravessai Todo o Umbral ...,
vinde com o Encanto Paradisíaco e o Terror e Horror Inimagináveis...,
com os Cães do Inferno e Criaturas Sombrias , Gargulas , Basiliscos , Áspides e Outros , sob vosso Controle...,
vinde com a Recompensa e Dádivas...,
como também com o Látego , e com os Inumeráveis Males da Caixa de Pandora...,
com as Tempestades Escuras que se Ocultam por detrás das Aparentes Bonanças...,
vinde -:
Ordenados por DEUS...,
Para Estabelecer a Justiça Divina Infalível Exemplar Magistral...,
Para o Cumprir dos Desígnios Divinos (...)!!! “
-:”( Continua na Secção Sigma )”-:
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diioonysus · 3 months
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hand kissing + art
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henrichtechnology · 4 months
The Art and Science of Rangefinders with Ballistic Capabilities
Precision shooting enthusiasts and professionals continue to redefine their craft as technology advances. An innovation that has gained significant traction is the integration of a rangefinder with ballistic capabilities. This powerful combination elevates accuracy and efficiency, providing shooters with the tools they need to hit their targets with unparalleled precision.
Understanding the Basics:
Before diving into the specifics, let’s break down the basics. Rangefinders are devices that measure the distance between the observer and the target. Traditionally, these devices have been essential for hunters, golfers, and surveyors. However, the integration of ballistic capabilities takes the functionality of rangefinders to a whole new level.
Why Choose Henrich’s Rangefinder with Ballistic:
Accuracy Boost:
These rangefinders deliver precise measurements and consider environmental factors. This means your adjustments are well-informed for a more accurate shot.
Designed for all conditions, these rangefinders are ready for any shooting environment, giving you confidence in any situation.
Real-Time Precision:
With constant updates, these devices provide real-time calculations, letting you focus on your shooting technique without getting bogged down by manual adjustments.
Versatility for Everyone:
Whether you’re a pro or just starting, Henrich Technology has a rangefinder to match your needs. The collection caters to various shooting styles, making precision accessible to all.
Exploring the Options at Henrich Technology:
If you’re ready to take your shooting experience to the next level, Henrich Technology offers a range of cutting-edge rangefinders with ballistic capabilities. From compact models for on-the-go enthusiasts to professional-grade devices designed for precision marksmanship, their product lineup caters to a diverse audience.
For shooters seeking precision without compromise, Henrich Technology’s Ballistic Rangefinders are a game-changer. Elevate your shooting experience, adapt to any environment, and take your skills to new heights. Explore the future of precision shooting at the Henrich Technology website. Aim true with Henrich Technology.
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Aesthetic Of My 2023 Reads- All My Summer Reads
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My summer reading is a lot different than everyone else's. I've figured out the longest duration I have reading a book depending on the pages is 1-3 and a half weeks and that I often end up reading two books per month.
So I challenged that my summer reading from Late June to Early September will be four books that were higher up on my TBR.
I'm a person that has a very random tbr so if your wondering why the book order is very random that's why.
So let's start with the aesthetic of the first book in my summer reading collection that I managed to read which was Bullet Train.
1: The Aesthetic Of Bullet Train.
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I decided to go for a very dark thriller spy aesthetic as I think that's what summed up the themes of the book. I also decided to feature Kimura and Nanao out of all of the cast of characters as to me although Lemon and Tangerine were cool, their storylines held the grip of the book.
Honestly if it wasn't for the outdated language and stereotypes in the book, it would have been five stars. Definitely has made me interested in reading other translated books in the future.
Really enjoyed it and I loved all the character dynamics throughout.
2: The Aesthetic Of Into The Dark
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Another legendary entry into the high republic that had me hooked every page. Just had to use concept art of the characters as their isn't enough pictures from Star Wars themselves to use. Definitely proud that I managed to get the spooky vibes of the aesthetic though.
Claudia Gray has become one of my favourite authors like this was an absolute blast. Every character shone and seeing the High Republic from a different perspective was super interesting. Those flashbacks I thought were really necessary in developing Orla and Cohmac which makes me worried both of them might die in the future.
Apart from Dez Rydan not being developed enough it was so fun. Really hope Orla, Cohmac, Reath, Affie, Leox and Geode show in other Novels as I can't read the comics unfortunately.
Can't wait to pick the next High Republic book in future when I get to it on my TBR.
3: The Aesthetic Of Mirror, Mirror
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Sort of a reread that I'm suprised held up so well. I'm honestly shocked as normally when you like something as a child, you hate it as an adult but shockingly I didn't. To me I thought it was a well done Twisted Tale with a few flaws but apart from that it was fab. Younger me rated this five stars whilst I would now rate it four stars. To be honest though losing only one star isn't that bad.
I think this Twisted Tale took what made the original Snow White good and made it even better. The characters are more developed and have way more interesting backstories especially Ingrid aka The Evil Queen and the magic mirror.
For the aesthetic I wanted to add a sinister colour palette as alot of the backstory is super disturbing. I also wanted to highlight Henrich and Snow as they are the key main characters of the book. Hope you like it.
Honestly I think the Twisted Tales are a really interesting concept similar to Marvels What If and I think they're underhyped. I saw a lot of reviews complaining it mirrored the orginal movie when I don't think it did, I just think it branched of into an alternate timeline like a good what if story should.
The Aesthetic Of The Many Half Lived Lives Of Sam Sylvester
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Wow amazing every part of this book was amazing. I wish Little Mel had this kind of rep for themselves when they were younger. This book had one of the best representation of autism in media that I have ever seen. Sam was amazingly compelling and rich character and they didn't fit any stereotypes which was so heartwarming.
I think although the murder mystery was part of the story, the main plot thread was Sam finding a new found family that accepted them and wouldn't treat them like Lee did back where they moved from. The found family warmed my soul I loved all the side characters Shep, Sky and Adien it was so comforting. Sam's Dad Junius was also a standout.
For the aesthetic I wanted to blend the spooky parts of the book as well as essential plot points without giving anything away at all. Still wanted to make sure I could include Sam even though there's no adaptation yet. Really proud of it the only thing that looks odd is the Nonbinary Flag colours I wanted to en corperate.
Amazing concepts and a wonderful debut novel . I can't wait for the future of Mayas published novels. I have read an arc copy of Will and its certainly good.
For my full review of each of these novels you can follow me on my storygraph and goodreads page. There I have reviews of every single book I've read.
Goodreads: Melody Soundy
Story Graph: melsage1822
Ps: This is Future Mel. This post was before the Actors strike. I stopped making the aesthetics after I couldn't post about them I'm afraid. Hope you liked them though.
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luiz-henriques-posts · 7 months
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" DAS TREVAS SURGIU A LUZ (...) !!! "-:
" Silentium est Aureum -: Sigé (...)-: o Silêncio é de Ouro, para que os Símbolos e Conhecimentos Iniciáticos Não Sejam Profanados pelos Mundanos (...)!"
( Acima , Trecho Extraído do " Relacionado ao -: " De Umbrarum Regni Novem Portis " , o Trecho Continua , Entretanto Retirei a Palavra " TRETAS " e a Substituí por AIE SARAYE , Obtida da Grande Chamada Atribuída a Pedro ( Petrus ) de Apano , que se Referem a Autoria do " Heptameron " )-:
DAEMONE : DIABOLUS , MAJESTATE AETERNA , MAHAMALI , o Oposto a MAHABONNE : Ante de Jacob -: a Primeira Letra " J " , de JAKIN e a Última Letra , de BOHAZ : as Duas Colunas do Templo de Salomão , Guardado pelo que Revela o Símbolo e Mais do -: BAPHOMETH -: BAPHOMETHR..., onde os Sete Degraus da Escada de Jacob são as SETE NOTAS DA PALAVRA PERDIDA : IHVH : EHEIEH : TETRAGRAMMATON : IOD - HÉ - SH - VAU - HÉ : HWH : I- HIH - G ( GUI ) - Ô - HOH -:
HWH- IOD- HÉ - SH ( G (GUI) : Z - VAU - HÉ - HWH (...)-:
Z - ABRA - Z - HAD - Z - ABRA - Z (...)-:
Relembremos aqui Alguns Grimórios , uns Fictícios Inspirados , Outros Conhecidos , e Aqueles que Guardam Colecionadores ou Sociedades Secretas e o Mais Abrangente (...)-:
O Draco Musca ( Libélula ) com seus Três Volumes .
O Corpus Arcanum .
O DELOMELANICON , que Não chegou a esta Posteridade , porque foi perdido no Transcurso dos Séculos e Milênios , alguns de forma equivocada o associam ao -: " De Tenebrarum Regis Novem Portis, que escapou do Index da Igreja de Roma , desde Guardado por Colecionadores e que Teve Sem Ser Alterado, seu Prefácio feito pelo Nolano , o Grande Enviado das Forças Superiores -: Giordano Bruno , que em sua Outras Vindas que alguns apontaram como Reencarnações , mas no Caso Deste Não é...,
Foi Jâmblico , Pithágoras de Samos , Camille Flamarion , em suas Respectivas Épocas...,
onde o que a Posteridade Não Sabe é que este Livro -: " De Tenebrarum Regis Novem Portis" foi Escrito por Roger Bacon , que era Mestre Acadêmico e Nunca foi Clérigo e Nem Preso pela Inquisição, pois Teve suas Obras Ocultadas no Index e sua História Criada pelos do Index da Igreja de Roma , onde Roger Bacon foi em Outras Vindas em desde as Forças Superiores do Além desta Terra que o Enviaram -: Marco Aurélio , Imperador de Roma , e em Outra Época, Alexandre Magno , que no Sucessivo Veio como William Shakespeare , e posteriormente Wilhelm Richard Wagner , para em Vinda Sucessiva ser Chamado Howard Philips Lovecraft (...) !!!
Ainda Relembrando alguns Grimórios , dentre os já mencionados Nesta Obra -: o Livro Quarto , de " A GRANDE CLAVÍCULA " , escrita por mim , HENRICH : CHYREN...,
Há o Famoso Lemegeton ou Chaves Menores de Salomão , Composto pelos Cinco Livros -:
Ars (Arte) Goetia , Ars Theurgia - Goetia (Goécia) , Ars Paulina , Ars Armadel , e Ars Notoria .
( Continua, esta é apenas a Introdução da Secção H , em sua Sub- Secção H - Rho (Letra Grega , Sequência de H- Pi (π) ) , de -: A GRANDE CLAVÍCULA , Obra que já Publiquei nas Redes Sociais e que Dediquei ao Grande Escritor Michael W. Ford , a Sociedade dos Iluminatti , a Nobre Maçonaria Russa -: a Maçonaria Negra em seu Comando Vermelho , mas parece que Todos Jogaram no Lixo e a Obra Não Foi Considerada por Ninguém )
"[ Continua em H- RHO , Segunda Parte e Conclusão ]"=
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whadupcat · 9 months
Asphaltwelten part 3
// Go Plastic Company site-specific performance
+ performance + artistic research
The third and final part of the project "Asphaltwelten" of the go plastic company deals with the themes of "shelter & life on the street". This last part works on the artistic thesis of a utopia: a group that renounces stability and security: a life without walls, without insurance, without rootedness. Being at home in the body, not in buildings. Independent of origin, orientation and opinion. A throwing together of biographies on public but "neutral" ground. How do we feel and create our own "artistic shelter"? How far does it reach; does it encompass only me or others as well? How can I carry it, support it, take it with me and (co-)share it?
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Artistic Research / Performance: Douglas Bateman, Caroline Beach, Joseph Hernandez, Cat Jimenez, Christian Novopavlovski, Steph Quinci, Esther Schachenmayr, Rika Yotsumoto
Künstlerische Forschung und künstlerische Direktion: Cindy Hammer, Susan Schubert Material / Set / Kostüm: Alexandra Börner Video / Künstlerische Dokumentation: Benjamin Schindler, Hans Bauer Technische Direktion: Benjamin Henrichs Produktion / Management: Michaela Jarosch Art Work / Web: Stephan Tautz, Dominik Glöß, Lea Schweinfurth Distribution: Dirk Förster Network / Consulting: Frauke Wetzel
PARTNER* & FÖRDERER*: Eine Produktion der go plastic company in Koproduktion mit TANZPAKT Dresden und in Kooperation mit HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste. Unterstützt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz. Gefördert von der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen. Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des von den Abgeordneten des Sächsischen Landtags beschlossenen Haushalts. Gefördert vom Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz Dresden.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von TENZA und TanzNetzDresden e.V.
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opentripper · 1 year
Savoy Homann, Hotel Post Road
1827-1865-1870-1880-1882- 1884-1939-1945-1946-1947- 1955-1984-1987-1988-1990- 2000
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Lahir: 16 Jan 1827 Hannover Jerman (asal berlin) Wafat: Bandung 1 Mei 1896 (69 thn, java bode 4-9 mei 1896 Anak asli: Louise Homann anak tiri:W.C.N van gent, C.N.J van gent Istri 1: J.Homann Geb van hogezand istri 2: N.J.van gent (menikah semarang 25 feb 1874)
Owner hotel: 6x Berubah kepemilikan: 1).thn 1870-1946 August Henrich homan ->Hotel Bojong, Hotel post road, Hotel Homann)
2)1946-1947, Fr. J.A.Van Es thn 1946, van es van de brink ->Hotel Homann
3).1940-1947, R.H.M Saddak->Hotel SAVOY Homann
4).1987, PT. Panghegar Group, pemilik hotel Panghegar ->Savoy Homann Panghegar Heritage Hotel (hotel 4*)
5).1990,manajemen BIDAKARA Group-> Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel
6).2000, YAYASAN BIDAKARA (Bank Indonesia Dana Karyawan), pemilik hotel & menara Bidakara di Jakarta (Milik Karyawan BI dari Dana para Karyawan) Di bawah manajemen anak perusahaan, PT. Bidakara Savoy Homann 2000->Hotel Savoy Homann Bidakara.
August Heinrich Homann --Domisili awal di semarang antara thn 1865-1869 --punya rumah peristirahatan sindanglaya cianjur --datang ke priangan thn 1870 --Thn 1880 punya hotel daerah bojong semarang--> Hotel bojong (de locomotif 15 maret 1882 menjadi hotel homann, bojong) nama lain HOTEL POST ROAD
➡️Hotel homann berdiri 11 maret 1882
"Hotel Post Road" (HOMANN) Sama halnya Hotel preanger, hotel homann awal mula ada di dekat stasiun  KA (Post Road) menjadi Hotel Homann didirikan keluarga Homann asal Jerman August heinrich Homann & istrinya pada 1870-an sbg rumah penginapan sederhana-> berkembangnya kota Bandung tahun 1884 hotel berubah menjadi bergaya gothic.
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"Renovasi Hotel 5x: 1939,1984,1987 1990,2008" ➡️@Tahun 1939 hotel direnovasi arsitek Belanda, Albert Frederik Aalbers, dgn desain ombak laut bergaya art deco (ada yg bilang gaya anthropoda deco) yg sangat unik, thn 1940 kemudian nama hotel "Savoy Homann"
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Saat Konferensi Asia Afrika'55 (KAA) diselenggarakan, banyak pemimpin dunia menginap di hotel ini, krn lokasi hotel ini .sgt dekat gedung KAA.
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➡️@Thn 1984, RHM Saddak menambah gedung baru 5 lantai ->Kamar hotel bertambah 85 kamar
➡️@Thn 1987, hotel dijual ke PT. Panghegar Group, pemilik hotel Panghegar.->Renovasi Bangunan hotel kembali ditambah, total 153 kamar
➡️@Thn 1990-an hotel ini direnovasi & sayap baru ditambahkan, saat ini hotel dibeli + dikelola di bawah manajemen BIDAKARA Group-> Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel
Bangunan hotel ini memiliki 3 sayap: -TOWER WING, -GARDEN WING -MILLENIUM WING
➡️@Renovasi thn 2008, skrng hotel punya total 185 kamar tamu terbagi: -126 Kamar Deluxe, -41 Kamar Eksekutif, -15 Kamar Junior Suite & -3 Homann Suites,
17 Ruang Meeting & fasilitas lainnya, Bbrp balkon dgn kaca patri asli & fitur art deco lainnya. Satu ruangan yg memiliki perapian sendiri, mebel antik digunakan sepanjang tahun.
Grand Ballroom ->ruang fungsional luas kapasitas 1.000 tamu. Ada 14 dimensi ruangan yg berbeda utk mengakomodasi berbagai ukuran pertemuan /pesta pernikahan.
Thn 1945 Saat Jepang minggat, & Indonesia merdeka, Hotel Savoy jadi markas Palang Merah Internasional.
Thn 1946 hotel dikembalikan ke pemiliknya, Fr. J.A.Van Es (meningal thn 1952), sang istri, Van Es van de Brink, meneruskan pengelolaannya.
Thn 1947, karena ingin pulang kampung ke Belanda, hotel itu dijual ke pengusaha lokal R.H.M Saddak->Hotel Savoy Homann dipakai jadi hotel KAA pertama thn 1955. Saat KAA, Presiden Soekarno menginap di kamar 244, Perdana Menteri RRC Zhou Enlai di kamar 344, dan PM India Jawaharlal Nehru di kamar 144.
Orang2 penting lainnya pernah menginap : Raymond kennedy (peristiwa APRA Westerling), Chulalongkorn dll
Thn 1984, RHM Saddak menambah gedung baru 5 lantai ->bertambah 85 kamar
Thn 1987, hotel dijual ke PT. Panghegar Group, pemilik hotel Panghegar.->Bangunan hotel kembali ditambah, total 153 kamar, bergaya art-deco & memang kebetulan sudah ditetapkan sbg CAGAR BUDAYA ->Savoy Homann Panghegar Heritage Hotel berstatus hotel 4*
Thn 1988, krismon melanda Indonesia. Panghegar Group pun memutuskan utk berkonsentrasi di Hotel Panghegar & melego Hotel Savoy.
Thn 2000, Hotel Savoy Homan beralih kepemilikan ke tangan YAYASAN BIDAKARA (Bank Indonesia Dana Karyawan), pemilik hotel & menara Bidakara di Jakarta (Milik Karyawan BI dari Dana para Karyawan) Di bawah manajemen anak perusahaan, PT. Bidakara Savoy Homann 2000->Hotel Savoy Homann Bidakara.
SUMBER: @Digitalcollection.universiteitleiden.nl @kitlv 182555 @genealogische en heraldische gedenkwaardigheden betreffende europeanen op java,deel IV (1939:11, P.C Bloys van treslobg prins) @java bode 4-9 mei 1896 @bataviasch nieuwsblad 1 mei 1896 @de locomotif 26 feb 1874, 6 juli 1875,3 maret 1881, 15 maret 1882 @regering-almanak voor nederlandsch indie 1872-1883 @Atep Kurnia, "Riwayat orang eropa beken di bandung zaman HB" @olivier johannes
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