#hetalia slavs
redbayly · 9 months
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Slavic Family
Ancient Slav and her three sons, East, West, and South Slav. She is a very mysterious person and it's unclear where, exactly, she came from. She doted on her children, and, later, her grandchildren, teaching them how to sew and embroider, as well as how to ride horses and practice archery.
East Slav (right) would one day meet Varangia and the two would establish the Kyivan Rus' and become the fathers of Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. East Slav and Varangia were tough with their children, especially young Ukraine, but would also frequently leave the children with their grandmother while they went on expeditions together. 
West Slav (left) wasn't as fond of traveling as his brothers and mostly tried to stay in a centralized spot from which he could effectively care for the young countries and states that looked to him for guidance. Little Poland and Slovakia spent a lot of time with him, as did the regions of Silesia, Lusatia, and Pomerania. He became close with a Germanic tribe, Marcomanni, and the two became the fathers of Moravia; however, due to how scandalous their relationship was, Marcomanni kept it a secret when he presented Moravia at the Frankish court. Moravia would later marry a Celtic tribe, Boius, and the two would have a daughter, Bohemia, who would one day become the Czech Republic.
South Slav (bottom) died young. After living in the Balkans for some time, his influence on the young states of the region diminished and he was ultimately slain in battle. The Balkan states, however, remember him fondly and see themselves as his successors, even though they can barely stand each other a lot of the time. 
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kioneira · 4 months
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A Family Portrait
--- Both outfits I gave Poland and Czechia are folk, Feliks outfit is a combination of Male and Female Łowicki folk costume while Radmila's outfit is called Horácko. Mama Słowiańszczyzna is dressed in her typical clothing cus it's her kids time to shine
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ego-meliorem-esse · 11 months
Ok but what if another turning point for the world power dynamic was the Suez Crisis of 1956. France and England were adamant that they control the canal while the US and USSR were (surprisingly) collaborative in their demand for a cease-fire in the region. I can just imagine Alfred storming into a meeting room with a storm in his eyes yelling at these two raggedy fucks to quit their dumb-ass behaviour. Giving them an eloquent lecture in front of the world. The room full of nations, still recovering from all the events of recent years, going quiet while both Arthur and Francois (for probably not the first time) start reevaluating their roles in the evolving global landscape.
Arthur would likely have felt a mix of anger, embarrassment, and surprise. He had grown accustomed to being an influential world power, and being confronted so forcefully by Alfred, especially as his son, would have challenged his sense of authority and superiority. Despite his pride, Arthur would also have acknowledged a sense of resignation, knowing deep down that the world was changing and that his empire's dominance was waning.
Arthur has a complex relationship with his children, and Alfred holds a special place in his heart as his favorite child (I'm sorry but it's true). He might recognize Alfred's achievements as a reflection of his own influence and guidance, feeling a slight mixture of satisfaction and pride in seeing his protege step into a position of power. Seeing the United States, a former colony, rise to prominence and challenge the established powers could evoke a sense of pride in Arthur as he recognizes the legacy of British influence and ideals that have shaped the nation.
Arthur does recognize the accomplishments of his "wayward son" to a degree. (what a loser)
Francois would definitely feel anger. Even stronger than Arthur, I think. The failure and backlash of the crisis would have strongly wounded his pride. He would display a certain stubbornness and reluctance to accept the changing dynamics of power, more so than Arthur. His pride and desire to assert France's influence might have led him to defend his nation's actions during the Suez Crisis, even in the face of mounting criticism and geopolitical realities. (huge loser)
The Suez Crisis, a focal point of tension, becoming a catalyst for transformation, shaping the dynamics of power and diplomacy for generations to come. In that meeting room, the world witnessed the birth of a new era, where old empires bowed to the demands of a changing world.
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jalshristovski · 1 year
Hello Hetalia fandom
A lot of your headcanons and ships about/for the Eastern Europeans make me unfathomably angry 🫶 please actually know stuff about Eastern Europe before you make headcanons/ships 🙌 thank you
Edit: Forgot to add but if you do your best and you’re not Eastern European, your efforts are appreciated and I love you ❤️
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estbela · 4 months
In romanian, a lot of slavic loanwords, such as "drag" (=dear, darling), are often connected to like. Situations that stir up emotions and such. I mean, 'love' in romanian is 'iubire', a slavic loanword, and the word for friend (prieten) as well(forgot to mention that there is a word for specifically romantic love, "dragoste" that is also of slavic origin). It's probably because when slavic people would speak with romanians, they would still use these emotive terms.
Anyway, I think it's sweet to think about in the context of nations, and how they influence and change eachoter, in this context being about Romania and it's slavic influence (and how romanian and other eastern romance languages influenced the slavs as well, although to a lesser extent).
I forgot where I was going with this post. Uhh. Something about the slavs & balkans (and some eastern european nations in general) sort of being Ro's found family? I mean, he is a romance country, but she spent most of his life separated from them. And like, he learnt several things from his neighbours, the ones who were close to him during her childhood. And he is sort of related to the romance nation in the weird nation way more than he is to the slavs or balkans in general, but they've been more of a family to her than the romance nations were.
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turtleramen · 2 years
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its yugoslavia (1945) (+just me rambling under the cut)
wanted to line them up and decided ill try to do my own spin on them but most r just inherently tied to yugotalia in my head so _(:3/ couldnt rly DO anything differently even tho i kinda tried (fair use no copyright yknow)
croatia is basically the only character that differs Significantly (himas design), with serbia flip flopping between being more muscle jackass (tix design) or gremlin menace (hima design) depending on the time period i guess (or the amount of pathetic i want to make him)
and i just kinda shrunk macedonia and made her resemble bulgaria a bit more -- didnt register that the ponytail is the same design choice like in yugotalia . see what i mean its just subconscious
montenegro, bosnia and slovenia are basically just tix's yugoslavs with like, minor tweaks but nothing too big . fair use no copyright etc
altho the heightssss are kindaaa different but yknow
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aragonyx · 1 year
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must introduce… my slovenia, Jernej Založnik
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arreloi · 2 years
I'm not really back in the fandom, but... Let's say I suffer from occasional sentiment.
So, have a thing I made
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this happened when bulgaria was little and still living with his family (he wasn't danube bulgaria yet cuz he hadn't gone to the danube yet)
little bulgaria: dad look I learned to write I wrote something *holds up a piece of parchment with bulgar runes on it*
old great bulgaria: *is busy with something, doesn't even look* what did u write
little bulgaria: idk I can't read yet
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sere-ness-ima · 11 months
Arguments against giving personifications a universal language (or another method of communicating with each other immediately and without any problem)
(Ok, this was a little clickbaity. First of all, I absolutely don’t intend to say that whoever does it is wrong. Like everything in Hetalia worldbuilding, it’s a matter of personal preference and goals we set for our story. Additionally I absolutely think that heavy focus on this matter would be detrimental for the story and unapproachable by audience other than a couple of crazy linguists.
Unfortunately I happen to be a crazy linguist, so here’s what I actually mean by this post:)
Fun linguistic things to consider in the context of Hetalia :D
Now, personally, I feel like the universal language takes away from the naturality of their relationships, *especially* so-called “first contact”, but not only that. Language is an enormous part of international relationships through the ages and removing this part from the equation results in the personifications not experiencing this side of their people’s history.
Sometimes in a story you don’t want two nations to understand each other. It happens. I’d much rather have choice than create a rule that takes this possibility from me.
The question of “which languages these two characters share” is interesting; it silently reminds of their history and points to cultural circles they belong to, as a subtle storytelling tool. (Other than that, deciding that is insanely fun, but this might be a linguist thing?)
Languages can be symbolic for other details of relationships. Think Lithuania speaking outdated Polish, from 19th century at best, because he didn’t have many opportunities to catch-up with the living language after that, now they’re not together with Poland anymore. [/personal hc, but even if they were, I think he’d still lag behind].
Another case, think a weaker country speaking the language of the stronger country, never the other way around, indicating a power imbalance between them.
Think a weaker country [personally I’m thinking a friend’s Serbia] absolutely refusing to speak the language of the stronger country, forcing them to seek compromises or use an interpreter or more drastic measures.
The lingua franca, whatever it would be, automatically carries a huge cultural and social influence with it. I believe the personifications should be prone to it too.
Another linguist thing, but I find communication struggles fascinating and endearing. There’s so much cultural exchange to be drawn from a second language user: which parts of learning are difficult for them, which are easy; what mistakes they make and how are these influenced by their native speech; what words do they choose to use, what do they think a chair’s gender is, do they sound soft or harsh or have an accent? If two Slavs talk to each other in English, is it correct English or do they use Slavic pronunciation and grammar to make it easier for themselves, causing a distress for each anglophone that hears them?
Another linguist thing, but a lot of pairs of countries that technically don’t have a common language can probably communicate with ease anyway. I want to see them go wild. I want to see them make a mixtape out of their French and Latin to talk to an Italian, I want distant Asian countries to talk to each other in English that no actual English person would understand, I want to see Latin America NOT understanding each other despite theoretically all speaking Spanish. And I want to see two distant countries find out that their only common language is something completely unexpected they’ve studied out of boredom.
I want to see the poor couple of nations without decent linguistic skills SUFFER.
Some of you speak like not having a common language was an unconquerable obstacle that would destroy all the fun and be a giant problem in the storyline. But I don’t really see how? Our ancestors did it. They travelled, they met other nations and they had to learn how to communicate with them. Some of them saw the opposite thing happen: they used to understand their neighbours without problem, but as the nations found themselves under different influences, the languages drifted away from each other until the similarities became unrecognizable. People across the ages have been learning languages, travelling and communicating. There are teachers, translators (my friend Laurynas says he’d like to see translators acknowledged), interpreters, etymology, lingua franca and body language all for them to use. I am not 25 yet and I speak 4, with a certain pain I can communicate in 6, and I could probably visit 100 countries of the world without worrying about the language issue at all. My nations are 100 years old. I just don’t think they need additional help. They'll slay :D
There were a couple ideas I’ve seen pro-universal language that I liked, so thought I’d share:
One, as beetroot said, being able to communicate with one personification doesn’t mean the countries wouldn’t have to learn languages, as the rest of the society wouldn’t be able to understand it. Therefore, most of these “fun linguist things” would appear anyway, just not between personifications. For me it’s a bummer, although acceptable. For someone else it can be more than enough.
Two, a quote from my friend Huku:
“Universal language is also a thing that helps them identify each other, which is a cool trick. It explains why, upon finding a personification in a swamp, the nation knows that this child is a personification and not some random mortal. Besides, nations from distant cultures also find it hard to communicate initially, because maybe the language is universal, but the context is foreign, the metaphors unreadable, the wording strange.”
Three, at first I didn't like morgenlich’s version that the language “can’t be written down because of magic”, but after seeing a suggestion that it wouldn’t be an actual language, just a mysterious way of understanding each other, the idea sounds more approachable to me. Cheers!
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kioneira · 5 months
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"I might only took you in, but you're still my kid"
Czechia and Mama West Slavs, I headcanon that Marzanna took her in and just raised like she was her born daughter. Besides having siblings was in some way good for Feliks too. They might have some bad moments at first but that didn't matter after passing of their Mother they at least had eachother.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 8 months
💕who's a character you love but never (or rarely) talk about?
twoją ulubioną postacią jest Francja
🔥give us a hetalia hot take!
My god I love that character. Even the fucking character deaign. I love that he is a chaotic neat freak. I love that he is still chugging along despite some,,,,health issues. Oh god i have hcs for that as well. This man who is straight up a military genius who has albinism is the greatest thing for me. Can he see the map he's pondering and strategizing over? No. Does he still know every position and strategy on the said map? Absolutely. To a fault.
I refise to believe he doesn't watch 2h long youtube rants and documentaries. He plays video games with Alfred when the lad has time to spare. He sends tiktoks, he tags people in memes, he plays piano while listening to Bebe Rexha on his earphones. Absolute treasure.
Oh and
As for the hot take
Matt is bisexual but thats not a novelty or a hot take. He prefers women like 80% of the time and will look at women more than men by a long shot. You may fight me on this. I will fight me on this.
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lysutsia · 1 month
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Canon and 2p version of the Eastern Slavs of Hetalia
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brandtner · 8 months
As an Eastern Euro yourself how would you make the entire East Euro? (Since you said Himaruya screwed the whole region up). As someone who’s not from the region, my current thought is that if it were up to me there would be less blonds lol. Also: specific opinions on Russia, Ukraine and Belarus?
Yes, yes :D Less blonde I agree.
Russia - for me as a person who lives among them he's just... Too nice? Too well-behaved? Something like that. He needs just a little bit of spice, not too much. I would've also incorporated his sense of humor in some way, because it's a thing that is absolutely unique and IMO Russians have the best sense of humor in the world. And cartoons. Also his lack of organisation and general incompetence in EVERY SPHERE, I never saw that in Hetalia. Only his brutality. Shallow really. It must be there, that's what the Russians are mostly known for. Their main stereotype. He lacks carelessness
Belarus - I do get it. She's cold because of political reasons, only country in Europe to have death penalty... But I wish that she could also be warm. For example, yes, cold in the international arena, but comically warm and jolly among her friends. Belorussians are INSANELY nice and good people, like, I never met anyone on the same level. I absolutely love them and I am forever grateful to God for putting so many in my life. It's a miracle. I don't deserve this lol Also maybe a bit more play with Lithuania and Belarus, how he used to rule her, how she stole his coat of arms (xD), they're just a lot alike (same national bird etc). More spice in their relationship, not just Lithuania having a crush on her, but maybe accusing her of things, etc. Conversing about their love for potatoes. You know, things from everyday life that happen there.
Ukraine - Terrible. First of all, never met a Ukrainian without a tan in my life. They're reasonably positioned in southern Europe, the black sea... They're pretty dark although not all of them but I think it would be awesome if Bel and Russia were so pale and white and Ukraine tan but maybe still with blonde hair. It would contrast nicely. Tits, agreed. Poor gal? I don't think so, Ukrainians are quite strong and DEFINITELY NOT pushovers. What her design lacks are main events of Ukrainian history: Issues with Poland, nazi collaboration. Some edginess to her character. They're a bit nationalistic, but you can't blame them for it since how Russians and Poles treated them. (albeit they weren't exactly goodies either)
Latvia - I wish someone just read latvian history at least once in their lives. Just, one person, please. Hahaha. So basically, making Latvia more weak than Lithuania is a CRIME. At least more morally weak. Latvia had COLONIES, a great fleet, they were influenced with Germans, hence the better the development of his than that of Lithuania who was influenced by Slavs, LATVIA was the ONLY baltic state who fought the Nazis, who defended their country when they occupied them. Lithuania just let them in. He's just incredibly underrated, you can't just base his entire design on how he looks in 21st century. I'm not saying he's supposed to be buff and strong, because he is weaker in terms of military and sovereignty, but making him a woman I think would be very cool? Since the Latvian girls are the tallest in Europe. So making her tough in medieval times then making her weak in modern times would be pretty easy. They're way better than Lithuanians morally and behavior wise. Latvia is more liberal and easy going when it comes to ethnical issues, they don't really care that they're getting assimilated into Russia when Lithuania is really mean about it.
Lithuania - His name doesn't exist. The national clothes he's wearing in his design are incorrect, they look Ukrainian. Hair colour is very on point. Other than that, he has no right to be as nice as portrayed. They're usually mean and very passive aggressive. Terrible sense of humor. They're called the Italians of the North so that would be cool to see, making him the most emotional or in-your-face attitude out of all northerners. It's not good that his love for singing, the entire basis of that country - singing, was never put into spot. I think it should be mainly based off that. More pagan stuff, they had remaining pagans up until the 19th century which is unbelievable, and that religion still exists now, people practice it. Also its a bit hard to speak of it as one country because there's like 5 regions there and people in each one of them differ a lot. Samogitians don't even consider themselves lithuanian.
Hungary is way too nice too. Their politics or history are not nice at all, they have an attitude of an oppressor. She looks too normal, there's not much hungarian about her, give her some special features. Should be made into a duo with Poland since they both call themselves brothers.
Slovakia - should never exist and should never deserve own design and appearance in the series. Die Slovakia
Poland - Gay weak inconsiderate irresponsible annoying and lame. So 100% accurate. Very nice, I agree, good job Hima.
Also it would be cool to see Königsberg in the series!
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smoothie03 · 11 months
Noricum | Austria's mom
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These drawings are already quite old but I made an OC for Austria's mom Noricum a while ago.
Basic information:
Name: Noricum (Celtic Kingdom & Roman Province)
Human name: Noreia
Age: 20s-30s
Birthday: somewhere around 200 BC when 13 tribes formed the Celtic kingdom of Noricum
Hair colour: brown
Eye color: purple (like her son's)
Family: Roderich (son), Germania (brother, that's why Roddy and Ludwig and Gilbert are cousins)
Likes: making jewellery, crafting, swords (bc they're cool), music, singing, dancing, swordfighting, luxury
Dislikes: arguing, being ordered around (cough Rome), her brother's stubbornness
Reason of d3ath:
-histocial: fall of the Roman empire as she was made a province and got romanized, so the province didn't quite survive long on its own
-symbolized within Hetalia: After disappearing in the forests she eventually dr0wned in the danube hence Roderich's deep rooted fear of aquatic animals, deep waters etc.
Headcanons and some history stuff:
-The name Noreia was taken from the Celtic mother godess and godess of mining called "Noreia". (The historical deity "Noreia" was probably sth the Roman came up with tho) Noreia is also the name of a "possible" "capital" (difficult situation there) of Noricum. As she's a personification and one of the first that existed around this area, her people probably treated her like a deity or a queen.
-Noricum is Austria's biological mother as she was the first "country-like" political system on nowadays Austrian ground. She is Germania's sister as we found out in Hetalia Collezione that Austria is a cousin to Germany and Prussia.
-Her birthplace is Hallstatt (because Hallstatt culture) in the south of Upper Austria. She and later on Roderich (who hasn't gained a nation status/name yet, he was merely Roderich, the son of Noricum)
-She had a close friendship with Rome. They met through trading. Rome was interested in her iron and gold and Noricum found a liking in Roman luxury. They became friends personally and economically. In 170 BC they had a formal tribe alliance called "hospitium publicum". Germania was quite sceptical of Noricum's and Rome's relationship.
-Around 49 BC, after the Caesar vs Pompeius stuff, Noricum was annexed by the Romans and became a Roman province. The annexion happened without bloodshed (usually wasn't the case) and she still had some sort of autonomy within the empire. But then the Noric people started to riot as their living condition started to worsen. That means the longer Noricum was actually around Rome the more they fought with each other.
-When Rome fell, she d!ed rather quickly as well. She appeared rather silent and triste and not like the usual quite lively woman she was before.
-After her death Austria was left with the Avars, Bavarians and Slavs that settled in the area, after king Odoaker kicked the Celtic-Roman population out from the area.
-Noricum's neighbours and friends were Pannonia and Raetia, both were female provinces. Noricum also lived with Illyria sometimes as Rome partitioned her into two parts.
-Her relationship with her brother was alright but they frequently argued. Siblings. She probably adored her nephews as well and coddled them just like she coddled Austria a bit too much.
-Despite not appearing like it from the outside, she was physically quite strong and good at swordfighting. Also, she liked to drink a lot.
-She had two horses from the Noriker race with the name Epona (horse godess, also because I like The Legend of Zelda lol) and Vibes (source deity). When Roderich grew older he learnt how to ride a horse and how to treat them. Epona became his horse.
-Noreia was a rather creative person and she sang a lot to and with her son. Roderich takes after her regarding his love for music.
-Roderich fell into the danube once and almost drowned and got bitten by some aquatic animals. Yeah that's it. That's the headcanon and Noricum had to pull him out of the water.
-After her death, Austria was brought to Germania and he cared for his nephew.
-A sad hc but: Austria probably forgot his mother for a long time due to many reasons (I still need to do research, I know where the book is that I wanna use as a source but I didn't have time yet) but when he finally remembered her he felt so unbelievably miserable and guilty about it because he definitely was a mama's boy growing up.
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aragonyx · 1 year
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I think of Jernej as being absolutely obsessed with animals and nature. Like, obsessed obsessed. Reads to his pets. Reads to your pets. Plays the zither to the animals in the woods like a disney princess (in traditional Slovene clothes ofc)
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