#aph macedonia
borisyogurth · 30 days
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🇲🇰 N. Macedonia n Bulgaria 🇧🇬
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tsvetochnyiholm · 1 month
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roran01 · 4 months
Balkantalia but make it a boy band, or just a big band
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stockpheebphoob · 6 months
Could you draw Slovenia or Macedonia in Hetalia World Stars style? Their designs look cute on the old seasons style, but I would love to see them on that new style.
Hello, thank you for the Ask ÇuÇ! I was asked this around Two Months ago and I actually Never got around to Finishing the drawing, I’m sorry. Here it is the Sketch. It’s Very Crappy, I’m sorry, again.
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ifindus · 8 months
Could I request Macedonia from Yugotalia?
You can! I'm not too familiar with Yugotalia, but I tried my best ✨
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yaoxsblog · 8 months
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Haha gay
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jalshristovski · 2 months
Maybe I should start posting my WIPs here too
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I’ve decided I want to do a little “series” (is there a better word for it???) of drawing Macedonia, Poland, and Turkey in my regional folk costumes. It’s 02:30 and I’ve given up trying to continue drawing the embroidery, I will continue when I wake up. But for now this is what I have
It’s the nosija from selo Buf where my family fled from in the 1930s, and I love drawing it very much
She will be the first in this little mini-series, then I’ll probably do Poland next. My only debate is if I should just pick one strój ludowe to draw or do all of them, because my family comes from 6 different voivodes 🫠 and all different regions. I don’t really want to draw Feliks 6 time for this, I will likely just choose one. Though I do debate if I should do research on the clothing worn by Jews in Podlasie/Kujawsko-Pomorskie as well since that’s where my Ashkenazi culture comes from. Who knows, we’ll see what I can find
Anyway here’s a picture of the nosija
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Last note before I end this post, I’m gonna try to post more art here since that was the point of me making this blog lol. Surprising to say some of my old art still floats around certain Yugotalia tags but I haven’t posted much complete work in ages before I posted that art of Emil. I’ll try to post more. Hopefully my engagement will go up, my engagement on Instagram has been pathetic
That’s all, have a great day 🫶
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Map of the 6 Republics, along the SARs of Serbia (and Srpska) that conformed Yugoslavia, with all the Yugotalia characters, during 1990
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red-pincushion · 1 year
Balkans at the theater
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Honestly, are they even going to pay attention to the show?
I got to say after the serious editing, this was a wonderful return to the more humorous edits!
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borisyogurth · 1 month
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🇲🇰 Macedonia n Bulgaria 🇧🇬
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turtleramen · 2 years
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its yugoslavia (1945) (+just me rambling under the cut)
wanted to line them up and decided ill try to do my own spin on them but most r just inherently tied to yugotalia in my head so _(:3/ couldnt rly DO anything differently even tho i kinda tried (fair use no copyright yknow)
croatia is basically the only character that differs Significantly (himas design), with serbia flip flopping between being more muscle jackass (tix design) or gremlin menace (hima design) depending on the time period i guess (or the amount of pathetic i want to make him)
and i just kinda shrunk macedonia and made her resemble bulgaria a bit more -- didnt register that the ponytail is the same design choice like in yugotalia . see what i mean its just subconscious
montenegro, bosnia and slovenia are basically just tix's yugoslavs with like, minor tweaks but nothing too big . fair use no copyright etc
altho the heightssss are kindaaa different but yknow
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roran01 · 5 months
Consider a hetagame (or fic) where the female mc (with personality) is a conspiracy theorist and obsessed with the concept of country personifications living amongst humans and wants to study them like a nerd on animal planet. Plotline works like a reverse harem (or bi harem since there has to be girls too). No one has to get with no one but let there be a ton of simping and weird shenanigans to happen.
And it focuses mainly on the balkan countries since they need more attention. Plus it's like a jungle in there anyways so it fits /jk don't kill me
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stockpheebphoob · 8 months
Do you have any headcanons on illyria? ( and I'm quite curious on how he/she looked like, so if you don't mind, can you make some fanart of him/her?) ^_____^
I never would’ve Thought someone would Ask about My Illyria! :D
I’ve got a couple Ideas of What she’s Looking Like, but I haven’t Fully decided on Anything :,) I have plenty of old and Very Ugly drawings (which, I don’t Think you guys Care to See)… But, This Ask inspired me to Attempt her Design again :D I was just Doodling, really, so it’s Very Messy. I hope you Guys don’t Mind.
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Okay, onto the Headcannons for Her Personality and Such (which, I apologize for Any incorrect Information. It’s Hard to do these Sorts of Things with Ancients since there’s Not Much to Base them From. Also, I don’t know Much about Illyria as a Kingdom, haha…):
Sort of like how Italy and Romano say “Grandpa Rome”, I like to Imagine that. Albania calls her “Mother Illyria”. In some of my Older stuff with her I used to Say “Mother Illyria the Great”, but I think that Title is Too Long to Say All the Time
Also like how Grandpa Rome will Visit Italy and Romano at times, I’m sure Illyria does it too. Other than Albania and Kosovo, though, they don’t Seem to Care as much. (Maybe Croatia, too)
Chronic Fisher. So much Sea, can you Blame Her?
Really Fierce. She often got in Fights and Caused Trouble. Can also be defined as Reckless, but, it’s the Same Thing basically
Also very Energetic and Ambitious, I imagine
Picking into So Many wars like How Else can I describe her other than A Troublemaker
Not a Moment of Peace with her, I fear
Probably wasn’t As Old (visually) Compared to The Other ancients
She Despised Rome (and Italy + Greece, but Mainly Rome). In Relation, Rome was Very Hostile to her. She did eventually Apologize for her Earlier Lifestyle under King Agrons rule, but Didn’t feel Too Bad about what she had done Afterwards.
I’m not Very Sure how ancients/kingdoms work in Hetalia, but I always Imagined it as the Ancient being A Ruler more-so than a Parent. So, no, I don’t title Illyria as Albania’s (or Anyone’s) actual Mom, but Albania definitely Calls her it because of how Similar they are lol
She got into Plenty of Fights with Little Macedonia :,3 I think Macedon is Technically Northern Greece more than it is Macedonia, but I’ll have to Look into it More.
She was Mainly focused on Gaining Land in the Beginning (Under rule of King Agron), but, she Soon decided that Regional Trade was good too (Under rule of Queen Teuta)
If I settled on her Being Male, I think he’d Still be Wearing the Dress. I have an Idea that Albania probably got Mistaken for a Girl when he was Little (Like Italy or Hungary) because his Traditional Clothing has Dresses. So, the Same Thing would Happen to Illyria lel
Though, her being A Woman sort of Makes More Sense to me. Queen Teuta faced Misogyny as a Queen, so imagining that Other Kingdoms thoughts of her Were Similar to the ones Applied to Queen Teuta is Understandable to me
Pirate 4 Lyfe (Kleptomaniac)
So, TLDR: Illyria was a Reckless and Ambitious woman who’s hobbies included Fishing and Thievery. Very loud and Such, obviously. Never Afraid to Fight (She probably Should’ve Been, though)
I really Hope that this was Good for my first Question/Ask post. If you guys have Any Specific Questions or Recommendations about her I’d Gladly Listen ^u^
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ljuubav · 11 months
Macedonia: wait what happened in Warsaw ?
Slovenia : I kissed a random guy on the street
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gospa-dar · 7 months
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Tadija as a freedom fighter, chetnik circa 1900s.
Basically this is the personification of North Macedonia. Macedonia, or simply put Tadija, has a complicated relationship with his identity identity, history and honestly his whole neighborhood. I wanted to make a sort of continuation of my former drawing of Montenegro but with all of my country/region male characters, in a monochromatic colour scheme. Since Montenegro was wearing a traditional costume that also doubled as his military uniform I wanted to make more illustrations with male characters in uniforma because Y E S- uniforms are somewhat attractive and fun to draw.
Tadija spent a long time with a sort of fluid identity, although most fluid among those were ethnic and social ones, he was sort of always constant with his faith. Surprising no one who follows me, Tadija was most often a Serb in my stories, he however did have perioda where he identified with Bulgaria and other cultures around him depending on the time period. While fighting against the Ottomans he sides with Vesna (Serbia) and identified as a Serb however as nations and powerful countries fell and sprung around him, he yearned for his own nation and not be subservient to his former love. He was a Chetnik before and during the Great War, with most of his land falling to Vesna it's no surprise that they became closer. However, despite their personal relationship being close he still yearned to be separate and distinct from her and the neighbours that surrounded them, with the help of Bulgaria Tadija started to secretly associate with terrorist groups that were fighting to separate Vardarska from the newly formed Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Technically speaking, he identified as a Macedonian way before the communists came to power, he only openly started doing so with the new regime.
Despite him rejecting Vesna's identity and the history they share, with all the neighbours that surround him -she's probably the one he has the best relationship with. Personally and politically, and although he doesn't know how to show it he appreciates her support. He argues with Greece, his relationship with Albania is always filled with tension and his interactions with Bulgaria always lead to fights about history and how Tadija should accept his identity. In the past he sided with Vesna because she was the stronger nation with whom he shared a lot of his ideals with, he also had a long personal history with Vesna which was filled with drama, friendship, romance and camaraderie. Who knows where his future will take him. Let's hope another crisis doesn't erupt.
У суштини, он је персонификација Северне Македоније. Македонија, или једноставно Тадија, има сложен однос са својим идентитетом, историјом и, искрено, свим својим суседством. Желела сам да направим својеврсни наставак свог претходног црно- белог цртежа са Црном Гором , али са свим мушким ликовима који су персонификације земаља/ регионе, у монохроматској шеми боја. Пошто је Црноје (ЦГ) носио традиционалну ношњу која му је такође служила као војна униформа, желела сам да направим више илустрација са мушким ликовима у униформи, јер је да се не лажемо униформа привлачна и забавна за цртање.
Тадија је дуго имао неку врсту флуидног идентитета, иако су међу њима били најпроменљивији етнички и социјални идентитети, увек је био на неки начин константан у својем верском идентитету. Никога ко ме прати не чуди што је Тадија најчешће био Србин у мојим причама, иако се он сам тако данас неби изјашњавао међутим, имао је периоде у којима се поистовећивао са Бугарском и другим културама/земљама око себе у зависности од временског периода. Борећи се против Османлија, стао је на страну Весне (Србија) и изјашњавао се као Србин, међутим, како су се народи и моћне земље распадали и настајали око њега, чезнуо је за сопственом нацијом и посебним идентитетом, где идеално речено неби био потчињен својој љубавницом. Био је четник пре и током Великог рата, када је током Балканских ратова добар део његове данашњем територије био додељен Весни, није ни чудо што су се зближили. Међутим, иако су њихови лични односи били много блиски, он је и даље тежио да буде одвојен од ње и комшијс који су их окруживали, уз помоћ Бугарске Тадија је почела тајно да контактира терористичке групе које су се бориле за одвајање Вардарске од новоформиране Краљевине Југославије. Технички гледано, идентификовао се као Македонац пре него што су комунисти уопште дошли на власт са свим својим променама, али тек њиховим доласком је отворено почео тако да се изјашњава.
Иако одбацује Веснин идентитет (читајте као "српски") и историју коју деле, наспрам свих комшија које га окружују, она је вероватно једина са којом има најбољу везу. Лично и политички, и иако је он неспособан то да покаже, цени њену подршку. Он се расправља са Грчком око историје, његов однос са Албанијом је увек пун напетости, а његова интеракција са Бугарском увек доводе до расправа о историји и о томе како Тадија треба да прихвати његов (читајте као "бугарски ") идентитет. У прошлости је био на страни Весне јер је она била јача земља са којом је делио многе своје идеале, имао је и дугу личну историју са Весном које је било испуњена драмом, пријатељством, романтиком и савезништвом.
Ко зна где ће га будућност одвести. Надајмо се да неће избити још једна криза.
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yaoxsblog · 8 months
Which yugotalia ship is your fave
A poll by yours truly, sponsored by the yugotalia discord server™
(Obv this isn’t all of it, tumblr only allows 10 options so I didn’t include ships with characters outside yugotalia such as BulMace :(( sorry )
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