#i did say im a nerd for the magnus archives
thatforgottenbasilisk · 5 months
the unofficial adventures of the unofficial archive group chat
Chapter 1 (AO3)
Originally posted on 1/22/2024
TIM TAM TOM: martin you do not owe him an apology
TIM TAM TOM: i think you promoted yourself to his best friend actually
sash (❁´◡`❁): He's going to be asking you out any day now
TIM TAM TOM: married within the year
sash (❁´◡`❁): However I wouldn't bring up spiders again with him he's got the 'intense arachnophobia' note on his employee file
mahtin: He showed you his file?
sash (❁´◡`❁): No
mahtin: Oh
OFFICIAL archive discord
hibitchcus flower just slid into the server.
hibitchcus flower just changed their nickname to TIM TAM TOM
Turbo nerd as in the movie joined the party.
TIM TAM TOM just changed Turbo nerd as in the movie's nickname to sash (❁´◡`❁)
sash (❁´◡`❁): Acceptable only because of the kaomoji
Good to see you, Blackwood, Martin
TIM TAM TOM: ugh god marto please tell me you just made that account 5 minutes ago
Blackwood, Martin: I'm sorry I've literally never heard of Discord!!
sash (❁´◡`❁): Give him a break he probably thought it was an official work thing
sash (❁´◡`❁): Directly affiliated with the Magnus Institute, London
TIM TAM TOM: please sash no jon references this early in the morning
Blackwood, Martin: It's 11:30?
TIM TAM TOM: if it's the AM it's too early in the morning
sash (❁´◡`❁): You voluntarily wake up at six, don't act like you're one of us
Blackwood, Martin: You're a morning person?
sash (❁´◡`❁): He goes to bed no later than 10 pm except for on special occasions
TIM TAM TOM: why would you call me out like this
TIM TAM TOM: im wounded
Blackwood, Martin: You should be
sash (❁´◡`❁): You should be
TIM TAM TOM: youre ganging up on me already i see how it is
TIM TAM TOM: also your name is giving me hives
TIM TAM TOM just changed Blackwood, Martin's nickname to MARTY PARTY
MARTY PARTY: Now I'm getting hives
sash (❁´◡`❁): You can change it in the top left corner
MARTY PARTY: Thank you!!
MARTY PARTY just changed their nickname to mahtin
mahtin: There, more acceptable
TIM TAM TOM: what did i JUST say about jon references
mahtin: You don't pronounce the 'r' in my name either? Nobody does? This is London?
TIM TAM TOM: yeah but jon is the most intense about it
sash (❁´◡`❁): MAHTIN!
mahtin: I mean, to be fair, I truly haven't got a clue on how to do half these reports and follow-ups
mahtin: It's been too long since I've done anything outside of, you know, Library Things
mahtin: I don't blame him for being frustrated sometimes
TIM TAM TOM: once you get used to it its not hard at all
TIM TAM TOM: esp since you did it in uni all u gotta do is dust off them memoreez
sash (❁´◡`❁): Jon is unecessarily dramatic and mean about it though
sash (❁´◡`❁): He's like that with most things, though, so it's fine
sash (❁´◡`❁): He doesn't mean anything personal by it
TIM TAM TOM: we only bully him a little bit for it
mahtin: ah
sash (❁´◡`❁): ... 'ah?'
mahtin: I see
mahtin: I may owe him an apology?
sash (❁´◡`❁): You what
TIM TAM TOM: im torn
TIM TAM TOM: on the one hand hell yeah lets go marto my man
TIM TAM TOM: on the other hand jon? is he okay? did you actually hurt his feelings ? the only reason hes not in the discord is bc hes fucking insufferable rn and also bc electronics dont like him-
mahtin: I could tell you what I did? To make you not torn?
mahtin: Well I'm going to say it anyway to determine if an apology is in order
sash (❁´◡`❁): Yes go ahead don't let Tim convince you otherwise
mahtin: Well
mahtin: I may have started a bit of a fight with him?
mahtin: Might have implied that he didn't pay attention in Uni?
mahtin: I was completely pulling it out of my arse but I was tired of being corrected on a bunch of little things like I'm SORRY it's been over TEN YEARS since I did ANY education
mahtin: So I dug in my heels on some inane little thing and now it's kind of. On sight
mahtin: This has been going on for a few days now? I'm surprised nobody picked up on it honestly
mahtin: I mean who has an argument about spiders? Even most arachnophobes agree that the jumping ones are cute! They're small and fuzzy what's not to love!
TIM TAM TOM: martin you do not owe him an apology
TIM TAM TOM: i think you promoted yourself to his best friend actually
sash (❁´◡`❁): He's going to be asking you out any day now
TIM TAM TOM: married within the year
sash (❁´◡`❁): However I wouldn't bring up spiders again with him he's got the 'intense arachnophobia' note on his employee file
mahtin: He showed you his file?
sash (❁´◡`❁): No
mahtin: Oh
TIM TAM TOM: if sash says dont bring something up w someone it means she hacked into somewhere she shouldnt and saw things nobody wanted her to see
TIM TAM TOM: she does that with everyone btw
sash (❁´◡`❁): It's easier to just look at the 'phobia' part than dance around like "hey, most people at the Fear Research Institute are absolutely fucking terrified of something, which club are you in? what should I not talk about with you?"
sash (❁´◡`❁): It's EFFICIENT and not personal information in the FEAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE it's basically an icebreaker question in Artifact Storage
sash (❁´◡`❁): For example
sash (❁´◡`❁): No clowns or mannequins with Tim
TIM TAM TOM: or creepy dolls
sash (❁´◡`❁): Or creepy dolls
sash (❁´◡`❁): I'm fine with pretty much anything in all honesty but I'll let you know if that changes
mahtin: Does my file say anything? I don't remember what I said my fear was
sash (❁´◡`❁): Yours was something existential like 'loneliness' or something like that
sash (❁´◡`❁): I don't tend to get that deep with my coworkers so if it's not going to come up in conversation I don't put in as much effort to remember it
mahtin: ... Interesting
mahtin: I don't remember what I said my fear was but I'm fairly certain it was something concrete
mahtin: Might've been snakes? I used to be scared of snakes for a while
mahtin: Then I got a part time job at a pet store for some extra money and their snakes were cool so no more of that
mahtin: But I was only asked the fear question once? During my interview?
sash (❁´◡`❁): ... Weird
TIM TAM TOM: ... indeed
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Ok so because im a nerd and i daydream all the fucking time im going to talk about my not-so-self-insert to The magnus archives, ¿why? Why not? Is fun and makes no harm really
Spoiler warning Magnus Archives S1-S4 kind of
So yeah their name is cristin robin "moss" "crow" they are like 11 on the first season and like 14-15 on the 4th, he/they for him and a hunt avatar,but they are not really That violent, sure they can be, and he will on special cases, but robín is more of a silent hunter.
Still more human taking on count he's short age, he mostly Listens and just takes info and put everything together(Just like all podcast listeners), has a somewhat close friendship to the distortion and just fucked up by the change on host, still they don't dislike helen so yeah all good.
I like to think that the eye and hunt are "allies"(? That's why he's close father-kid relationship with jon (and martin but ill say no more, unless if one (1) person ask bout him) they are ""conected"" more than others at least.
Robin is sassy and a little bit bitchy but can be respectfull at times, best examples are Elias and Jon, they are loyal and respectfull To jon ever sense the S3 (A lil sass to), but at the chance given they can (and will) fist fight elias
So yeah S1 just got the tapes from nowhere, the most normal explination will be either Elías or michel the middle of S2 is when they meet the gang on real life, of course jon was in his ass sometimes but they came on terms, mostly helping with avatars and such they are not so present for some while because protecting jon/martin/others as much as he can.
On jon's coma he will just stay there hearing nothing, the most scary part for moss was not hear his heartbeat, that until oliver was found by georgie, so on that time he just go to get some awnsers and is not there for the most part (from 120 to like 130 something, i have not finished to S4 yet soo yeah)
I think i would stop, in case no one really see it, if you did i adore ya mate
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assistant-archivist · 5 years
“Statement of Arianne Delaney, regarding a strange man she has seen frequently as of late. Recording straight from subject, research and investigation by [REDACTED], assistant archivist at the Magnus Institute. September fourth, 2019. Please, Ms. Delaney, begin.”
“Well… Thank you for seeing me. Um, begin at the beginning I guess, yeah? Uh, it began- that is, I saw him for the first time a few months ago. Actually, the two year anniversary of my fiance’s death… She’d been an angel, you know. Beautiful, kind, generous, I still miss her. Oh- Sorry, I’m… I’m getting off track. 
Anyways, I had been making coffee in the morning, just like I do everyday. It was around… Seven thirty. Nothing at all seemed out of the ordinary, I didn’t feel strange, nothing odd had happened prior to this, everything was just as it should be, as it always was. I looked out the window absentmindedly and, if he hadn’t been looking right at me, I think I would have missed him entirely. I was still rather tired, and nothing aside from him seemed to be amiss. At first glance, he wasn’t particularly remarkable. He didn’t have horns or a forked tongue or anything like that, the only strange thing about him was all of his clothes were white - his hair and beard too, all white. 
So, I looked like I said, did a double take because I thought I’d seen a dog or something, and I saw him. Right there, staring right at me. Two stories up and fully clothed, doing something mundane like making morning coffee - I didn’t know why he was looking at me, but he was. He was staring right at me. Right into my eyes. This might sound strange, but… As soon as I met his eyes, I felt… I felt calm. I can’t really explain it, I don’t think. I just suddenly felt all the panic drain from me, no tension, no fear, no worry of any kind was left. When he smiled, I swear I could nearly hear him promising me that he meant no ill will. His smile wasn’t one of those creepy stalker ones, it was… Polite? Yes, it was polite, kind, gentle, maybe even a little sad. Though I couldn’t even begin to guess why. He felt sort of… Fatherly? That’s the best way I can describe it, I suppose. He looked so, so… So austere, so stark against everybody and everything else, now that I’d noticed him. I couldn’t unnotice him. I practically couldn’t look away from him. Couldn’t even blink. For a moment, I felt a compulsion to go outside, to go to him. 
I finally forced myself to blink and as soon as I did, he was gone. Just as quick as he’d come. 
When he’d gone I felt… I felt this profound sadness, like I had just lost somebody I held very dear, but- I had never seen this man in my life, I swear it. I tried so hard to remember if I had ever met anybody that looked like him, that had that same… aura, but I just couldn’t. I just couldn’t think of anyone.”
“Are you alright, Ms. Delaney?”
“Yes- Yes I’m sorry, just… When I think about him… Him going away like he does when I’m not looking at him- I just, I get so sad.”
“Well, take all the time you need. We’re in no rush.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bright. I’ll… I’ll keep going, then.
The next time I saw him was 3 days later- He always comes by every three days, and I’ve noticed- He always comes round the same times too, between seven to seven thirty am, 11 am, 3 pm, and 9 pm. I tried to think of what the pattern is- if there is one, but all I could really connect was that all the times are odd numbers. 
Anyways- Anyways, so three days after the first time I saw him. I was in a coffee shop, trying to work on an essay I had to write - I’m working on my Master’s degree in theology. So, I was writing an essay about something to do with Jainism, their uh, practises and such, and I looked up from my laptop and notes, and there he was. Standing on the other side of the window. He had the same look- the all white and that, he was smiling the same too. I stared at him, like I had at home, and the same calm came over me. I felt so relaxed, like I hadn’t a care in the world. And I felt the same compulsion too, to go to him. But something kept me from doing it. Looking back, I was too distracted to see it then but… I think I saw another man staring at him, out of the corner of my eye, one of the baristas too. I felt so… Comforted. Just from him being there. I remember thinking that I never wanted him to leave.
Then a group of people passed by in between him and the window, and I lost sight of him, and when they passed he was gone again. I had to pack up and leave in a hurry, I was on the verge of tears. God, I don’t even know why, but I missed him so much. I think I would have been content to just stare at him forever, though I couldn’t even begin to explain why. 
Oh… God…”
“Would you like a tissue, a cup of tea perhaps?” 
“Y-yes please, that… That sounds lovely, thank you.” 
“Martin! Would you please fetch a box of tissues and bring Ms. Delaney a cup of tea?- Thank you. Please, Ms. Delaney, continue when you can.”
“Yes, thank you. Well um… I suppose, I saw him for a while after that, frequently, as I said every three days I would see him. Seeing him became a part of my ordinary, some days I even looked forward to it. I would get so excited when his days came round, just for a few moments of being in his presence. 
I suppose, it wasn’t until about a month in that I realised other people can see him too. Not everybody though, only a few seemed to see him. Though it looked as if his presence affected everyone, even if they couldn’t, you know. See him. The first time I took notice of other people looking at him, I saw him standing near the doorway of the bookstore I was about to enter. He gave me that same smile, I felt that same calm, I even began to walk towards him. I… I never planned on following through with going to him, but today I thought, well, why shouldn’t I? At that point, I don’t think I’d ever wanted anything more. I took a step towards him, when I saw another man, standing some twenty feet behind him, staring at him just as I was. Of course I only saw him out of the corner of my eye, I couldn’t bare to take my eyes off the man. I didn’t want him to go away before I could reach him. 
I was just about to cross the street, unknowingly about to step in front of a car, but… I was a little slow, fortunately. And it passed between us, and he was gone. I looked to the other man that had been staring at him, trying to hold back tears, and I saw- It was all over his face, he was just as sad as me. He was just as devastated. God, I… I still don’t know why I miss him so much. 
Anyways, I tried to reach the other man that had been staring at him, but he was gone before I was able to cross the street. I never really got the chance to talk to anybody else that had seen him until just a couple weeks ago. I managed to catch up to a women that had seen him, she had tears running down her cheeks when I tapped her on the shoulder. 
We talked, God we must have talked for hours, just about him. Her name was Beth- Bethany Miller. Another man I caught up to that had seen him was named Nicholas Harper, both of them are um… Both of them are gone now. They’ve both passed away. I miss them dearly, too. We shared something I may never share with anyone else again. But- That’s a different part of the story. 
Shortly after I met Bethany, I realized one day… I had never tried to talk to the man. I resolved that I would do it. I would talk to him. I would ask who he was. I… I never got that chance, though. To ask who he is. 
I have managed to approach him twice, but I still don’t know who he is… Was? I don’t know. Something like that. Maybe he’s a ghost, maybe he’s somewhere in between. 
Anyways. The first time I approached him - it was outside my home, I was returning from work, he was there. Just, just standing there, you know, like he does. He was smiling like always. I didn’t even blink - I hurried up to him and I asked; ‘Who are you?’ And he said the strangest thing. He said ‘I must go now, for I am going to be late.’ And then - He turned away from me, and walked away. He faded away, into the light of the streetlamp. I was so confused. He didn’t say where he was going or what he was going to be late for. I still can’t make sense of it. 
The second time I - I asked why he was here, why I was seeing him. He said the same thing, he said he was going to be late. When he turned to walk away I tried to grab his wrist and - I could, I did, I grabbed his wrist. He was so cold, I wasn’t expecting it. I thought he would be warm, the rest of him is so warm, so welcoming, but when I touched him - It was like ice. It was bitter, I could feel it all through me, he was so cold. He just… Smiled at me, and repeated his little… His little mantra that he has, and then he slipped out of my grip. I didn’t loosen it, he didn’t pull hard or force me away, he just… He just slipped away from me and disappeared into the light of a sign for the thrift store. 
That was two days ago, the day after… After I heard about Bethany and Nicholas. They both - Oh god, it’s… It’s so hard to say it. They both… they were found dead in their homes, on the same day. Supposedly it was suicide but I… I don’t know any more than that. 
I’ve thought about it, sometimes. I wonder if dying would get me closer to him, if dying would let me be with him. I wonder if that’s what they were thinking about, too…
Well, um.. Anyways, yes that’s… That’s my statement. Thank you for- For your time.”
“Statement ends. This is… Quite difficult to investigate. As of right now, it has been a week since the initial recording. I have conducted an investigation, and I have not been able to get back in contact with Ms. Delaney. According to police reports, she took her own life two days after she made her statement. She also used the same method as both Bethany Miller and Nicholas Harper… An overdose of sleeping medication. The strange thing is, all three were found with their eyes wide open. It is also, I believe, significant to note that all three of their suicide notes ended with the sentence; “I must go now, for I am going to be late.” 
It is unknown why these individuals were able to see this supposed man, or what makes one able to see him. It is unknown where he is going, and I have not yet been able to find anyone else that has seen him. 
I was able to recover a series of journals kept by Bethany Miller, in which she goes into great detail about her experiences with this man. There is an entry dated every three days, for the past three years. I would like to note that it is strange she was driven to suicide now, when she has been seeing him for several years prior, but… That, I suppose, is it’s own mystery. 
Ms. Miller says on several occasions that the man seems entirely calm, utterly unhurried. She remarks that this is strange, considering he apparently only says the phrase; “I must go now, for I am going to be late.” She also observed, towards the end of the first journal - of which there are seven - that even if a person does not seem to be able to see the man, his presence has a calming effect on them. She observed a - oh, I’ll just quote it. “Today I saw him in a bar, he looked very out of place. So clean, so pristine, so pure, in such a shit hole of a place. I was hiding in a booth, there was a fight going on at the bar. A man pulled a knife… I was going to run, but then I saw him. He was standing behind the bar, near the bartender. I couldn’t look away, of course, I never can. But I saw, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the man drop his knife. They both stared at each other for a moment, they sat back down… I was confused, but of course, I couldn’t question his influence.” 
Her entries get more and more… Fanatical, as they go on. She frequently describes herself, this man, and the people within his line of sight as; passive, serene, docile, tranquil, peaceful, and still. 
There is one… Strange, passage. It takes up nearly half a journal, I… I won’t go into detail. It’s rather confusing, and quite frankly, disturbing. Ms. Miller describes… Time stopping, when she approached the man. She goes into very… Graphic, detail about a number of strange happenings during this experience. I… I’ll be sure to add a note about it, in this case’s file. 
Statement ends.”
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lighthausen · 3 years
Tma 190 liveblog time :)! Spoilers below cut
Private contemplation hgkddkhfhffk
I heard a small "after you" from Jon, aww <3,
Martin's little "hello! :)" Nerd <3
Oh my god is Celia the same woman who gave the statement to Martin in Mag100??? She lost her name? Oh how sad :(, but im really glad to see her again. She was one of the ones I wanted to see the most
Oh no theyre making him tell the truth?
"Old friends of your prophets" lol.
"Shut up Jon"
Oh no... Sims... old boss aaafjdjdhha
Ah pointing out Tape Recorders
Georgie turning off the tape recordings montage. The magnus archives is a workplace comedy
There's seven? Seven what? Seven people?
Attracted attention!? Oh noooo D:
"They seem to like him" aww
Oh the apology. That's a really nice scene.
I'm glad they don't think he did it on purpose :)
Leitner's stash
ennui coke bottles
Where's the Admiral??? Wh! Where is he?
Oh Melanie and Martin time.
Snoop god's favorite kid
And now my therapist thinks I'm the chosen one
"You and Jon, eh?" Lmaoooooooo. They probably liked kisses in front of them and Melanie and Georgie were like :0!!
Oh, since before Jon woke up! Damn!
The introduction . Cute. Chosen Prophets, the Antichrist's plus 1, love that
They're invisible. Neither watcher nor watched.
Imagine them running carrying the therapist... all the fears following them, jesus
Saying she had a vision?
"The blind prophet" "ah yiiiikes"
Early relationship hurdles lol
I only hope she doesn't realize I'm not good enough for her aww
Jon's a mess, so am I.
Oh my god Basira and Daisy.
Helen turned up!!!! Oh my god!! Tried to eat Celia!!!
Ohhh the fake friend thing, poor Melanie
Lmao Jon killed her.
Someone's writing poetry for Melanie lmaoo "I swear if it's another hymn" lmao
The world is hell and Georige and Melanie can walk through untouched. But Martin can't. Martin got trapped in one of the dimensions. Inch resting...
"It helps to believe" sure does
Poor Erin.
"Thought it was quite a good rhyme" lmaooooooooo
"Maybe your powers feed on hope" aw. :). That's a nice thought isn't.
Oh. No. That's not how it works lol
The giggling with "what do you know about poetry" hehehe
Martin and Erin poetry nights! I want the Martin and Erin poetry nights!!!!!!!
"Nightmare strider" oooh
"I do not want a poem"
Jon is so snarky! Oh my god I missed that lol.
"How do you know when tomorrow is?" "We usually er on the side of sleeping in" lol
That was a fantastic episode, I loved that
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dangerous-tangerine · 5 years
SO I’ve been seeing alot of the Magnus Archives posts where people rate the entities scariness levels and I'm here to say - y’all are cowards and instead of scary levels I’m rating them via how sexy/fuckable each entity is. Ok? here we go. (I pray no one from Rusty Quill ever sees this)
The Eye: Hmmm like I guess being known ™ is very intimate, but like… other than that it’s not very spicy??? I mean I’m sorry but the baddest monster this bitch has is a grumpy nerd in a sweater vest trying to eat my trauma and sorry but that just doesn't get my gears going ya feel? 1/10
The Spiral: HMMM so like the whole “going mad thing and not knowing what's real” isn’t great for spicy sexy times ya feel…. I do like that it’s avatars have extended limbs and razor sharp fingers tho… 3/10
The Lonely: I mean… what are you gonna do? Fuck the void of loneliness? No thanks. 0/10
The End: Hey who doesn’t love a little death? Not to be goth on main but Mary Keay was kinda a milf, also murder skeletons? HOT. Visions of people's doom via thicc viscous black tendrils wrapping around them? SEXY! SIGN ME TF UP BB 9/10
The Stranger: SO this one… oh boy…. Incomprehensible monstrosities with grotesque extended limbs? Check. Things that seem human until you look just close enough? Check. A sadistic mannequin who wants my flesh? Check! Truly, this is a smorgasbord of monsters. A monster fuckers DREAM. The clowns aren’t super sexy but I hear people wanna fuck Pennywise so like I’ll throw the clowns a bone for that. Not my cup of tea personally but to each their own? Also this entity is so DRAMATIC! Knows how to party. 10/10
The Desolation: MAN now this Entity is HOT. It has wax play, temperature play, pain play AND an angry woman threatening to burn my face off. Gawd that is so sexy. There IS the threat of absolute destruction but like. That's a risk I am willing to take. 7/10
The Slaughter: Tho I think a good friendly fist fight is excellent foreplay - Usually these folks take it a taaaaddd too far. Unless dying painfully and horribly is your end goal I think it’s safe to say that this is just a messy entity and not very sexually appealing 2/10 (the two is for the fist fight)
The Vast: Idk man I don’t wanna throw up from vertigo during a shag but Micheal Crew sounds pretty mean and sexy with that lightning strike scar of his, also I hear he can really take your breath away. Ergo 4/10
The Buried: I guess if you have a smothering or constriction kink this entity is the one for you? Personally I don’t like dirt in my butt crack so 3/10
The Dark: OOOOOhhhhhhh this boy has a LOT of monsters - Shadow Creatures, a Still and Lightless Beast, that one creature with tendrils? While I do wanna know what them tendrils do, this entity's leader is a dried up, old fuck with a cult and thats not very sexy now is it! 6/10
The Corruption: While this entity really knows how to get down and dirty - Illness and worms burrowing into my skin is not my idea of a good time. -10/10
The Web: Ok… Listen… I think it’s safe to say we ALL want to be tied up and relinquish control to a skittering woman with multiple eyes and/or a large spider like creature that may or may not have the intention of turning your organs to soup and slorping them out of you leaving you an empty husk. But that’s the risk we all take for love isn’t it? Losses points for the tiny spiders tho fuck those guys 8/10
The Flesh: This is hard cuz on one hand the idea of mounds of mutated flesh is pretty gross. BUT this entity does have some choice monstrosities like Jared Hopworth and that flesh Frankenstein from the gym ep… also that ep where the dude explicitly describes what it’s like to get devoured alive by a pulsating flesh hole with teeth REALLY did things to me so 5/10.
The Extinction: It’s the ultimate end. So. 10/10.
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amicicidalgambler · 4 years
nerd ramble about magnus archives and homestuck and Archetype Boxes
i think homestucks focus on categorizing things into archetypal categories had more of an effect on how much i got attached to it than i thought it did?
like, its a thing thats really central to how homestuck ticks. it goes a few steps further than, say, hogwarts houses or what happened to YA novels after the hunger games, and makes these broad yet very specific categories that combine personality traits and super powers and story themes with colors, shapes, iconography, character design bits, and so on
all of these archetypes are integral to the characters. you cant have dave strider without those bits that come from being an strider and a beta human and a knight of time, or sollux captor without being a beta troll and a captor and a yellowblood and a mage of doom. except...you can, actually. theres a core to the character that exists without these, and the whole point of bloodswaps and kidswaps and hemoflips and all of that nonsense is trying to pry that core out and push other archetypes onto it and see what happens
and i find that very fun. theres not really a deep reason why, it just makes my brain happy to play around with those bits
and the magnus archives is the first piece of media ive come across that really pushes those buttons in the same way. like, its hard for me to go into exactly why i like it over other similar systems, partially bc im not done catching up and partially bc i havent thought about it much until now, but i still do like it, and i especially like it because its entirely different than the homestuck ones, and not just on a superficial level
the archetypes in the magnus archives have...a presence and being of their own, outside of the characters or objects theyre attached to (maybe literally, but again, only halfway though). the avatars and such are very obviously that thing given a form, but even without the avatars theres just something tangible about them.
homestuck almost plays with this? it really wants lunar sway and classpects to exist outside of the characters, and they do mostly, but theyre just slightly too black box to be alive in that way. like, take the rage aspect for example. it has a color and a symbol and you probably have a general gist of what the rage aspect is supposed to mean because of the makaras, but pre extended zodiac personality quiz itd be hard to give a concise definition of what exactly it is without using the makaras as a base. even if you had that definition, that was still almost certainly the basis it was built on.
compare that to the corruption in the magnus archives. you dont need jane prentiss’ actions as a character to explain what the corruption is. her whole deal certainly helps, sure, but its not necessary
for that matter, consider how jane prentiss’ statement has her explicitly define how whatever is behind her brand of nonsense with insects and infinite honeycombs is different than whats behind the spider related stories and whats behind the fractal related stories. and it does this in like episode 32 or whatever, WAY before we have any idea about what the fuck any of this actually is. it tries to prevent that confusion before it can really stick
compare that to homestuck, where it can still be kind of hard to say where the aspects do or dont overlap just because it wasnt ever discussed in canon much beyond a couple spots
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whump-captain · 4 years
tagged by @deepwoundsandfadedscars
thank you!!
Name: N or Van
Nicknames: Captain
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5'2'' i am,,Short.
Languages: polish and english, little bit of norwegian picked up from media
Nationality: the polish immigrant stealing ur job
Favourite season: autumn
Favourite flower: hmm im not much a flower person. i do like buttercups, they're usually the first ones blooming in the park that i work in
Favourite scent: peaches, cleaning supplies, cooking mushrooms
Favourite colour: red and dark silver
Favourite animal: cats!
Favourite fictional character: it's a revolving rota of assholes, currently Jon Sims from The Magnus Archives and Urianger from FFXIV. My all time favourite and my life inspiration is Jaskier from the Witcher series (take the netflix version and make him less english, surprisingly intelligent, and about twice as insufferable. that's him in the books.)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: imma say tea. i love hot chocolate, but it's gotta be Gourmet
Average sleep: on workdays 5 hours, days off like 11. i have depression.
Dog or cat person: C A T S
Number of blankets: 1, but a well thick one
Dream trip: eurotrip across europe with a group of good friends, staying in slightly fucked up hostels that we can make memories of, eating in small local restaurants but also fast food chains to try all the international exclusives, buying foreign chocolate bars in tiny grocery shops, taking lots of pictures and busking to earn money for souvenirs
Blog established: i wanna say 2018? something september-ish
Followers: 115 when did that happen lol
Random fact: im a massive nerd with a jock job. i work at an outdoor activity centre, encouraging people to be brave and push themselves while being a veteran of skipping PE at school myself. i get to hang out at height though, which is pretty cool.
tagging: @whumpitywhumpwhump @get-whumped @burtlederp @inky-whump @one-lonely-whumperfly @animewhumpfan @whump-me-up-scotty @pomegranatewhump
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