#i don't talk about sasha enough and that's a crime
insomniac-jay · 2 months
Garth genuinely trying not to be mean: Do we really need a second water person on the team? I mean-
Sasha: I can literally control the planet's weather and really fuck you up if I wanted to
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wutheringmights · 4 months
2023 Reading Wrap Up
I tried starting this post about 20 times already, and no introduction is really hitting. I am quite a bit hungover, and in dire need of a rest. But alas, I want to talk about all the books I read last year.
So I had the goal of reading as much as I physically could last year. Why? After finishing my degree, I was having trouble reading for the sake of reading. I wanted to be someone who read a lot, but my self-motivated reading habit was in the dumps. My sibling and I ended up making a bet to see who could read more in 2023, and I was determined to win.
I did win, but that's besides the point. My importantly, I am now back in the habit of reading again.
I really enjoyed starting my reading tag and making little write-ups summarizing my thoughts. I really appreciate everyone being so patient with my book-posting, especially as I gradually went from writing a sentence or two to rambling bullet point lists to well-thought out reviews. If you ever interacted with one of those posts-- thank you so much! I hope to continue in this upcoming year.
So to wrap up my year of reading, I figured I would rank all of the books I read. If I read an entire series, I'll count it as one entry on the list. Also, the ranking is going to be determined less by quality and more by personal enjoyment.
All that being said, let's go~
Ranking My 2023 Reads
#17) Breaking Time by Sasha Alsberg - This was my first read of the year, and my worst. This book is near unreadable in terms of prose, and features one of the most infuriating lines I have ever read in my entire life:
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Add the most unoriginal plot I have ever seen, and this makes for one bad read. I knew it was going to be bad going on, but the levels of incompetency on display here was mind-boggling.
#16) Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan - Is this the worst book I read this year? No. But it definitely pissed me off more than the others. I didn't need this book to be good; I just wanted it to be fun, but it couldn't commit to a plot line long enough to do so. I will give this book credit for having one of the unintentionally funniest villains I have ever read. That man failed upwards and it was GREAT. No notes.
#15) Ariadne by Jennifer Saint - I don't think this book is terrible, but its flaws are the most glaring to me. Structurally, it's a mess. The prose tries to use imagery to cover up how much telling it's truly doing. Both hampered an overall decent plot.
#14) Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston - This book wasn't really for me. It was an entertaining read, but the references to pop-culture were more cringey than humorous. I also could not stand how the book was ashamed to be escapist literature and tried to uplift itself with shallow critiques of American politics.
#13) Lightlark by Alex Aster - That I am putting this book so high on the list is a crime and an insult against every book ranked below it. If I was ranking off of quality alone, it would be the second worst book I read this year. Unfortunately, I started an inside joke with my friends about how I'm Lightlark's #1 Fan, which ended up increasingly my enjoyment of this very stupid book exponentially. #TeamOro
#12) Garrison Girl by Rachel Aarons - This book really isn't anything special, but its place in publishing and anime history tickles my brain. It's not bad but it's not all that good either.
#11) The End of Everything: (Astrophysically Speaking) by Katie Mack - Someone with a more thorough baseline on science would probably find this book more enjoyable than me. As is, I didn't understand half of it.
#10) The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid - A fast, enjoyable read. I think it reveals its hand a bit too quickly, but the plot overall is really fascinating. Lacking on prose, but it didn't need a lot of it. This is a book begging to be made into a movie (which will probably be better than the book itself).
#9) A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes - What this book lacks in originality and plot, it makes up for with comprehensiveness. As much as I enjoyed reading all of its varied perspectives, I am still peeved by how Penelope's perspective was wasted and how Haynes had no interest in writing from Helen's perspective.
#8) The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin - A prime example of a book series that is objectively excellent, but was simply not for me. My interests didn't align with what the narrative thought was important. However, the characters are fantastic and what there is of the central conflict between mother and daughter is earth shattering.
#7) The Poppy War Trilogy by R.F. Kuang - An incredible fantasy series with some excellent characters and ideas. While I do think that the series is a little simplistic, it makes up for it by being endlessly entertaining. Except for the last book, which leaned too heavily into its grimdark flares.
#6) Beowulf by Unknown (Translated by Seamus Heaney) - A reread featuring a fantastic introduction from Heaney that connects the text to his Irish roots. The translation itself, while good, prioritized brevity a bit too much for my taste.
#5) Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson - A long overdue reread that reaffirmed why I found this book life changing when I first read it in junior high. Lyrical, brutal, and surprisingly funny, this book paints an honest picture of depression and trauma in adolescence.
#4) In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado - A lyrical, dreamy exploration of an abusive relationship. I love how this memoir pushes the limits of its own medium as it also tries to establish a canon for abusive queer relationships. Machado's imagery is insane, and I devour it every time.
#3) The Catcher In the Rye by J.D. Salinger - My last and most surprising read of the year. I did not expect to love this novel as much as I do. I will never forgive the world for insisting that Holden Caulfield is an archetypal male manipulator when he's a traumatized kid (albeit a bratty one) who desperately wants to be feel happy.
#2) Children of Ash and Elm: A History of the Vikings by Neil Price - An incredible, comprehensive look on the history, culture, and legacy of the vikings. Price parses through popular fiction to bring humanity back to a historical group of people every subculture wants to claim as their own, for better and for worse. This book broke a damn in my head that was preventing me from doing world building for a piece of original fiction I want to write.
#1) The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas - I have been haunted by this book since I was a little kid, promising myself that I would one day gather the courage to read this behemoth of a story. As long as it is, every word was worth it. It was both parts entertaining and stimulating, and I ended by the book knowing why so many people call this the best book ever written.
And that was my year! Please feel free to share what you read this year. Let me know if there's anything I should try to read in 2024. You can also fight me about any of my opinions lol
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rosered2018 · 2 years
Rusty Quill Remix
I've been relistening to Rusty Quill Gaming the past few weeks, and it occurred to me to wonder what the story would be like if the characters and their backgrounds were switched around.
Just imagine:
Alexandra Rackett, called Sasha, the heiress to the Rackett shipping empire, who is determined to find her missing cousin, Brock. The only lead she has is that he was last seen in Paris. Most of the connections they make are through her contacts in her uncle's business and the ones she made during her own travels.
Zolf Smith, a paladin of Poseidon who's struggling with his faith and has stumbled into mercenary work in hopes of finding his way back. He does have a past, but doesn't like to talk about it.
Hamid Saleh Haroun al-Tehan, a reluctant member of the al-Tehan crime family, come to London to assist his sister in overseeing their operations in Other London. He wants more than anything to get away from his family, but hasn't had a chance yet.
Bertie MacGuffingham, a pirate who tangled with the wrong magic user and is under a geas that forces him to be a hero, and he hates it.
And the later additions:
Azu, an orcish cleric of Aphrodite. (Honestly, can you imagine her serving any other god but Aphrodite? No.) Initially, she wants to become head of her order, but by the end she wants to do as much good as she can in the world.
Grizzop drick acht Amsterdam, a cleric of Artemis. He's there mainly for the money, and considers himself the lone sane person amongst these people until Azu shows up.
Cel Sidebottom, a half-elven American wizard living in Japan. I really can't see their backstory changing all that much, except that they went with a different specialization when they were young.
The NPCs - Wilde, Mme. Curie, Einstein, etc. - who aren't directly tied in with the main characters would pretty much all be the same, though they would interact differently with the heroes in more than a few cases.
That's really all I have at the moment, and I'm honestly not sure if I could even write this. The project itself would be enormous, and I don't think I'm good enough to do it justice.
So, I'm putting it up for adoption, and if anybody does decide to take a stab at it, let me know so I can link to it.
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talon4ever · 2 years
Lira San Home
This is for @isilwenshadewind.
After the war, Zeb took Kallus along the secret hyperspace path to the planet Lira San. It was then that Kallus realized he hadn't destroyed the Lasat people, and that they were thriving in this new world. A world where he was welcome as one of them.
Zeb and Alexsandr get married on Lira San and live in a forest. Zeb has a dōjō to teach the martial arts of bo-rifle. Alexsandr is a stay at home husband. He gardens and cooks. Does most of the domestic chores.
Alexsandr genuinely gets into cooking. Alexsandr was a poor orphan growing up so good food was scarce. Joining the Empire food was rations that were a grayish, gooey substance and at best tasty horribly bland. Living with the rebellion the food was a great improvement but not always enough. Now that he has the time and ingredients.
Zeb is really happy that his Sasha is cooking for both of them. That he rests and takes time for himself and for Zeb. Six months later Sasha puts on some weight. Zeb loves how soft Sasha is. Alexsandr's hair has grown past his shoulders and braids it with flowers that Zeb pick s for him.
One day Alexsandr is cooking with mushrooms and starts feeling nauseous. He barely makes it to the sink to vomit. He feels sick all day. Zeb finds him in bed, with a trash can next to him. Zeb: “What the matter Sasha?” Alexsandr: “Not feeling well.” Zeb checks Alexsandr's forehead for a fever. Zeb: “No, fever. What feels bad?” Alexsandr: “I feel nauseous, my chest feels tender and I feel so tired. I think I ate something bad.”  Zeb: “I’ll make you some tea and dry toast.” 
For three days Zeb takes care of Alexsandr. Zeb: “That’s it I’m taking you to a healer. You're not getting any better.” Noramly Alexsandr hates doctors, healers and physicians, but this moment he wants to feel better. Alexsandr: “Alright take me to the healer.” Zeb wraps Alexsandr in a blanket and carries him to the healer.
At the healer there are a few female lasta. Some had children and one was heavily pregnant. The pregnant lasta: "First one?" She ask Alexsandr. "What are you talking about?" Alexsandr look at her confused. "Oh! Don't worry you won't feel like this the whole time. It gets better." Zeb and Alexsandr look at her, still confused. "Alexsandr!" The healer called.
"What  can I do for you?" The healer asked. "I'm not feeling well. I feel nauseous, tired and my chest is tender." Alexsandr whined. “No, fever. Any chillies or diarrhea?” “No” “Alright, I’m going to take some blood and do some tests.” After some time , the healer comes back. “Congratulations, You are pregnant. I want you back in three weeks for a check up.” Alexsandr was only hearing a muffled sound.
Zeb carried Alexsandr back to their home. Alexsandr is silent. Zeb sets Alexsandr on the couch. “Sasha are you alright?” “Yes, no, I don’t know.” “Whatever you are feeling it going alright. We will get through this together.” “What if we mess up this baby and they hate us?” “We are not going to mess up this baby. They will probably hate us for a while when they are teenagrs. Don’t you remember what you were as a teen?” Alexsandr was having a sad flashback. “By the Ashla, what if we both die. We leave this baby alone. They are forced to go through trash for food. They join a gang, get arrested, be forced to join an evil regime and then commit war crimes.” “I think we are getting ahead of ourselves. We are not going to die. And Ashla forbid we do die, our baby won’t be alone. They will have Hera, Sabine, and Chava and Gron. This baby will be loved by many.” “You promise?” “I promise.”
After that, Alexsandr calmed down. Three weeks later they go for a check up and find out they are having four babies. And Alexsandr panics again. One pep talk from Zeb later and he was good. 
Alexsandr goes into a nesting mode. Their living room becomes one giant nest. There are blankets and pillows. Zeb learns who to make grass bassinets. Alexsandr takes up knitting. After Alexsandr first trimester he has gained a lot of weight. Some from the babies and from Zeb spoiling him. He is having a hard time walking whis his bad leg. Zeb makes him a cane for walking. Chava helps Alexsandr with his cooking. Even Gron comes to keep him company. Life is good for them. 
Hera and Sabine come to visit them when Alexsandr is tenth month of pregnancy. They bring Ezra. Ezra being Ezra ends up screwing the tooka. He calls Alexsandr fat and makes him cry so hard. After Ezra escapes Zeb's wrath and things calm down, he apologizes to Alexsandr. All is for the better.
Alexsandr can’t walk anymore at his tenth and half month of pregnancy. Zeb has to carry him around. At first he was not happy about this but after three days he was grateful. 12 months and seven day of pregnancy, Alexsandr goes into labor. Zeb panics a little bit but Alexsandr helps calm him down. Giving birth is long and hard but Alexsandr would not take back one moment. Especially when looking at their four daughters. 
Bonus: After six month Alexsandr is still really plump. Alexsandr loves cuddling with his babies. Zeb often comes home to them. He always joins them for a cuddle pile. 
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b0rista · 3 years
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: language, because i can't form sentences without using "fuck" every other word JDJD.
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: i only made this modern because i desperately wanted to include marco to the fullest leave me aloneEffsg. gn! reader, and i went pretty lengthy on this one so beneath the cut is where the headcanons start :)
𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓: bearbrickjia on instagram!
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by far, the best friend group to have. everyone balances one another out, and it's a perfectly imperfect mesh of teenagers.
there's jean, the group's centerpiece. he's the alpha of the posse, usually working as their own personal line leader whenever they're caught doing something as a group. he'll never admit it, but he's also the dad friend. of course, he's more of a "i wish i never gave birth to you oh my god please leave me alone also i love you" type than the stereotypical dad friend.
there's marco, the glue holding the group together. unsurprisingly, he's the calm, kindhearted support system that balances out the cokeheads, keeping them all sturdy. without a doubt, the group would fall apart without him. they need him, okay!! and by "them," i mean jean and yourself. marco, never change.
following up, there's connie & sasha, the wonder twins. their roles are pretty self explanatory, given their natural rambunctiousness. they're the two that hang out outside of the group the most, for obvious reasons. they're the crackhead siblings that bring life to the group, despite the hot water they typically land the others in. through their antics and their comic relief, they're irreplaceable. still, it's easy to want to strangle them sometimes.
next, there's you! because you're the reader, i won't name any specifics, but you're greatly cherished. you mark your place in the crew through various ways, having a unique relationship with each and every member. when he's in need of a breather outside of his typical nest (AKA marco), jean hits your line. if you're needing any kind of assistance with literally anything ever, marco's there to help. craving some chaos? bitch, connie & sasha have GOT YOU.
the main hangout spot is jean's house, 100%. not only has his mom practically adopted the whole squad, but there's only two people living there, so it isn't crowded. connie banned literally all four of you from his place, lmao. there was too many people there, and his family lives to humiliate him.
the group has this one policy, set down by yourself and jean: four piece maximum. this is directed solely towards sasha, of course, considering her tendency to raid her friends' fridges entirely of any food. if she's ever caught rummaging through a fridge for longer than necessary, it's the home owner's duty to shout, "four piece minimum!"
^ it never fails to startle her 😭. one time, she hit her head so hard on the fridge ceiling at jean's house she had to use a bag of frozen peas to soothe the swelling.
then, she proceeded to eat the thawed out peas. jean gagged.
the inside jokes? endless. all it takes is one word from a single event, and the five of you are losing your shit. it's cute, to be honest, how overzealous you all get from a single instance from months ago.
"ha. heh. hee."
"what is it?"
"ngGhh,, chEDDAR TIDDIES-"
if there are any inside jokes formed between two group members that isn't shared with the rest of them, there will be immediate bitterness. one time, you and sasha were giggling to yourselves over some druggie named jerry who'd tried selling baskets of rotten cherries to the two of you during a gas station haul— the boys were not having it. what the fuck were you doing without them, "friends"?
right before starting your guys' senior year of highschool, the five of you were on a group facetime when you all sent your schedules into group chat. due to the scarceness of your soon-to-be-majors, absolutely none of you had any classes together. you had a single lunch period with connie while marco had one with jean, but that was about it. it was,, a dramatic discovery. sasha fucking screamed.
"i have nothing with nobody!"
"calm down, sash-"
"you have lunch with y/n! LUNCH! that's my place, lunch. this is despicable, this is evil, this is a braus hate crime-"
yeah, she didn't take it that well. it's okay, doe. the four of you made a special effort during your passing periods, giving sasha enough of a fix for her to make it through each and every day.
it isn't like the five of you don't hang out outside of the classroom, either!! if you hadn't already made plans during that week, the weekend is where you absolutely thrive as a group. study sessions that always shift into exclusive house parties, lunches spent at your favorite places, the occasional visit to the movie theater, and so on. with a mini crowd like that, it's hard for any of you to get bored.
jean's hopeless crush on mikasa is a big factor in your friendship. when everyone minus marco (because he's an angel) isn't mercilessly teasing him, you're all trying to actually help the fucker score the girl. from talking him up obnoxiously enough whereas she'll hear, or flat out telling her to give him a chance, it's an actual effort. though, it's unfortunately all to no avail. shawty's too smitten with eren to even consider her options.
^ with that being said, the four of you have to give jean the "there are other fish in the sea" scoop more often than you'd like to admit.
group cuddles. that's that.
because he's the tallest and therfore the longest (probably, depending on your height), everybody has a chosen body part of jean's to latch onto during naps. connie has one leg while you have the other, and sasha keeps her head rested on his shoulder. marco's at the very bottom, entangling his legs in your own. somehow, this is heaven for jean. he'll never admit to it, though. as far as any of you are concerned, he HATES IT.
ranking from #1 as the best and #5 as the worst, these are the rated group therapists: ⇩︎
#1: marco. self explanatory, he's an amazing listener and provides supremely good advice. that, and he'd literally rather die than let any of his friends internalize anything they're dying to let loose.
#2: you. really, you're just a lot better than jean or connie. sasha's okay at it, but she's not the best at rationalizing, leaving you at second best. basically, when marco isn't available, you're where the freak shows go. marco goes to you about things, too.
#3: sasha. again, she's just a loT better than the final two. sasha's a sweetheart! she's empathetic, and nonjudgmental. we love her in this house.
#4: connie. also somewhat of a sweetheart, although not as much as sasha. he'll drop a shit ton of humor into serious conversations, making them just a tad bit more tolerable.
#5: jean. look, he's a great friend! however, he isn't all that empathetic, and he'll have some trouble understanding. still, he would try his hardest to make you or the other three feel better :,)).
in a modern universe, i know damn well connie's a half-assed stoner 30% of the time. he doesn't light up all that often, and he doesn't tell anybody about it, even you guys. mainly because marco will grill him for it DJFK. however, you stumbled upon his mini marijuana stash and he was like ahh, shit. you didn't really care doe, his secret is safe with you. you, however, now have DIRT on him.
matching bracelets that you all made for eachother yEars ago but never wear 🥺🥺.
many, many, many poly relationship jokes. only jokes, though. some people take it too literally, which y'all just laugh at.
there's a miniature rivalry going on between you and another nearby friend group: reiner, bertholdt, annie, ymir, and christa. of course, all of you are friends, it's all fun in games— most of the time, anyway. it's a funny rivalry, and you guys go at it quite a bit.
one of your guys' most intense debates is whether or not marco has freckles on his dick.
he,, refuses to show any of you, or even anSweR you.
"you act like we can't just check whenever we use the urinals, man."
now, marco refuses to go to the bathroom at the same time as any of the boys <\33.
the group band? black eyed peas.
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Do all the ROs have really loose morals when it comes to murder? Or do Roan and Khari (they seem the sanest so far lol) have stricter morals?
Because all I can imagine is poor, danger-magnet MC surrounded by all these people who just eh at murdering someone, and I feel like they’d need someone else who can commiserate about how screwed up this is lol (but at the same time, it’s funny to think about MC turning to Roan and Khari and being like ‘you think murders bad right????’ And they’re just like ‘well…I mean…’ and MC just screaming cause seriously????)
The answer will be under the cut, as I'll mention different crimes (I mean whole variety of them) and violent actions relating to this.
Okay, so, all of the ROs would murder someone under certain circumstances, that's canon, and not even a spoiler. They have the means, so with right motivation, it would happen. All of the ROs would never allow a child to be hurt, or for any form of se*ual abuse or harassment to happen. That is set in stone.
Not all of them think murder is right. This is where their morals differentiate.
Sage doesn't place value on life, or the well-being of people they don't care for. They have their own boundaries, of course, but very few. Violence is the means they have at hand, they see no point in not using it if the situation calls for it. They also do not think much about the laws wherever they are.
Ariel believes ends justify the means, and the life of someone who destroys and/or hurts others are worth less than the life of an innocent. (Example; a spouse who commits domestic abuse vs a nurse who just wants to help their patients.) They have a very strict moral code of what is justified, and what isn't (revenge - not justified, justice killing - justified).
Morgan absolutely hates violence, and would not condone murder. They see enough victims of it on daily basis, they have to listen to the regrets of the perpetrators and the pain of those who were harmed. Only way they'd justify a killing, is if a survivor killed their abuser, or if it was self defence.
Roan tries to be a pacifist, they see no sense in violence or murder. They have more of a 'the other cheek' philosophy. That, however, ends when someone they love is seriously harmed, or if they witness discrimination and/or injustice. They see no fault in anyone who fights for freedom, safety, or protects themselves. Morally they'd be conflicted if they killed someone (unless said someone would be a vile being, doing anything I've mentioned in the beginning) and struggle to come to terms with it.
Riven is more of a mindset that violence is the answer to many questions. In their experience, talking rarely works if the other person is not willing to listen and/or compromise, so a fist can make them finally start listening. Not only that -- they'd kill to protect others, and see no issue with taking revenge.
Khari is more of a tricky case, as they are used to aggression more than they are to peace. They do hold human life in high regard, senseless violence is something they'd never condone. They do, however, think that it can be excused if someone crosses your boundaries (assuming they were voiced), in case of self defence, getting rid of an abuser, or if a loved one was in imminent danger or was severely hurt -- doesn't matter if physically or psychologically.
Sasha lived the life of violence once, so they are probably most conflicted out of everyone. They view their past life as an easier one, they did not care much for who becomes their victim. If someone seemed well-off, privileged, etc., they'd have no issue disposing of them. Nowadays, they're careful about that, and prefer more humane and less permanent solutions. Granted, they'd kill in a blink of an eye if someone their love was threatened, and would go to extreme ways to protect the ones they care for, but their conscience would gnaw at them later for years, if not decades.
Now -- the MCs choices and attitude will influence each of the ROs. They can either steer away from violence, try more peaceful solutions, try to forgive and let go, or they can become more ruthless, wild and vengeful.
thank you for the ask, I hope this clarified things a little! <3
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rw47vr-key · 3 years
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Doll without a key to its heart
Thank you so much for the request dear anon!!❤️(I'm still waiting for your reply :D) Sorry it took this much time D:,I hope I won't disappoint you with this.🙃This went very very long than I expected 😅😂,so find a comfy seat�� before reading this silly drabble of mine🤭💕
It's Episode 9 spoiler free!
And these two unique masterpiece songs inspired me,( I mentioned few lines)
Sweet Little Lies- Bülow
Dancing With Your Ghost-Sasha Alex Sloan
It's not necessary to listen to them to read this fic ;but go and check it out if you like!!💕✨
Sorry If there's any mistakes,and Let me know what you think about this!💕
Warning: angst,hurt, happy ending (?)
Important A/N in the end! (General, you'll understand after reading this)
The chirruping birds, descending sun whose orange-yellowish light fell on those recently wet green leaves;You rest yourself in a bench found before a shop,take up all wonders of nature to your tired soul and gaze at those majestic trees in duskwood forest.
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(I don't own the gif)
It seemed strange that there was no raven cry heard there."After all that happened to me,this place is no longer scary.Or it never had been that way.It appeared to be because of the people around here",you mutter and close your eyes unable to resist the calming atmosphere adding to the sudden chill blow of the wind.
"You always here bad things about Duskwood.But there are lot of pleasant ones you'll surely enjoy", Jessy's chat text crossed your mind.
It has been a year since Hannah was found, thanks to your help and the hacker.You were really glad that you saved a life, though yours was just a random number that the serial killer known as the "Man without a face" sent to Thomas to direct the investigation on you.
It made you very upset,you cried and yelped for days alone, because you've gone through so much suffering and nearly lost your job due to Lilly's video. Things turned out well and everyone of those duskwood friends thanked and invited you to celebrated a party.That was a week after Hannah and Richy was found.Richy was injured badly and was in a coma for a few days.Thankfully,Jessy was there for him.
You were from a city which was near to the bustling, industrious city, Colville.So you didn't visit them after that. Yet you kept texting and calling them often.
The case was over soon because the police finally solved it with your warrant.Everyone thought it'd have been better if they've left the investigation to the police initially.Thats why their relationship with you went a little crass and gradually they stopped responding back.Only you know that Jake did a master plan by providing clues anonymously to the police, because all they tried to do was 'close the case faster for the sake of their popularity'
Even Jessy, the best friend you considered as, didn't talk to you,she was upset with you, she slightly blamed you for not immediately helping her brother who was in prison, and also after what happened to Richy .Well,the latter one is atleast something you blamed yourself,but it was not entirely your fault.
Tell me all your sweet, sweet little lies;All about the dark places you hide
Tell me all your problems, make them mine;Tell me all your sweet, sweet little lies
"Hey could you help me with this?.I will also help you with anything if you need,you can ask me,I promise,ok?",a friend of you asks.
You nod and say,"Ah,of-of course.I will."
"Ok thanks!"
Later on someday....
*You approach hesitantly* well, I need your help with something.I already asked you ....But Can..."
"Oh? You mean that? I can't now,See you later".
And you were never helped after making such promise.
You can list out a lot of such incidents in your life.You don't need anything big in return from them.A simple thank you, means a lot enough to you.But avoiding you for nothing and seeking you only for their own benefit,that's really difficult to accept.
It happened again in a different angle,with a little crime involved.
As time changes, people do change ,you can't do anything about it.All their attention soon turned to Hannah ever since she survived. You don't mean that they are not grateful to you,but you felt a little left out of their space.
The usual cheerful approach they had,when the case was being investigated vanished into thin air.Your heart sank into the same numb feeling you get as if you were just a ploy for their game.
You are the 'key' to find Hannah.How many times you must have heard that? Now,you are just a frivolous doll without the key to open your already crushed heart.
I can shake it off, chloroform peace and rest;But you know all I ever really wanted was a friend
People may say it's because "you're jealous".No, it's actually not.You were forgotten like you didn't exist, didn't mean anything to them,like you were an invisible being,that hit you so hard,just because you were a "Stranger".
But what hurted you the most is the message you received from your dearest hacker.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yelling at the sky;Screaming at the world
Baby, why'd you go away?;I'm still your girl
'Nothing will work out between you and me?' It sounded very strange coming from a person you've never dated for real.The scar he left in your heart,is still wounding you more and more.
Every night,when looking at those stars 'Will he be sleeping now?" ,When there is heavy rain, 'What if he gets sick ,not caring about his health and running from his persuers?',when you get any call from an unknown number,you attend it with the hope you'd hear it from Jake,or atleast the distorted voice of him.You can't erase him from your memory,for all those almost 365 days.Love can indeed make you blind,trusting an unknown man foolishly.
You flinch and get up from your nap and breathe heavily.You get this dream of Jake's last chat over and over again.You twist your bracelet frantically,you do it everytime if you're depressed or angry.
"Is this what I deserve,huh?",you let out a bitter laugh, wipe your tears,hold the small gift box and decide to go to the destination you need to be; A hotel venue in duskwood .
You tap on a small button in your smart bracelet and hold it closer to your mouth so that you can speak to the bot "What's the weather like here today,JD?"
"No connection??",you bit your lower lip, annoyed by the series of disappointments.
Today is the wedding ceremony of Hannah and Thomas.
They didn't invite you.It was actually Dan.One change that you never thought of ,the always grumpy guy, offended on behalf of you to his other friends ,really was unexpected.
*In group chat*
Dan: "Why do you all act weird to our hacker's girl?A stranger?, that's the reason?"
But all remained silent as if they agree to it.
Dan: if MC thought we were all strangers,Han..
You: No! Stop it dan please!
Dan made a huge fuss about it in the group chat once, but then he knew he can't do anything about it.You told him it was fine .You left the group chat , questioning and blaming yourself whether it was right or wrong,you couldn't endure thd fact that you were a nobody.'Letting go of some people is fine,move on' said your head,but how so? asked your heart.
*Private chat*
Dan: Sorry, MC
You: it's ok Dan.But thank you🙂
Dan: I'm still pissed off
You: "Pff,I agree you are a gentleman.But let me know if you or they need any help,ok?"
Dan: "Arrgh MC! You're still the same after everything happened??"
You: "I don't need to change myself for others, right? Don't you always go by that law?.And I'm the same😉
Dan: "Fine,fine"
*In the wedding ceremony*
You couldn't stop feeling delighted after entering that vibrant and festive hall.You looked around to find Dan,but he wasn't there.Then reality strike your mind,it ached your heart,that you felt alone even in that large crowd.
Dan insisted not to push yourself by coming here,but you do want to congratulate them.They were indeed your friends.Holding a grudge won't leave you anywhere.
You were anxious to approach the couples at the beautifully decorated altar .Though your heart raced faster,giving you chills to approach them, you overcomed it and congratulated.Other friends weren't there.Initially Hannah and Thomas were quite shocked to see you.They received your gift ,thanked and responded with a smile but were ashamed after what they did to you.
"MC, I'm sorr-"
You interrupt Hannah, shook your head and silently replied,"it's okay"
You return a smile , went and stood in a corner.You saw Jessy,Cleo and Lilly running here and there , making the preparations; and Richy,Dan and even Phil joking around and greeting the other people. You imagined yourself being there along with them,laughing aloud, and teasing.
I love the picture in my head;But I know that it's not real
I leave a picture in my head;Cause I like how it makes me feel
'You were okay?How could you lie to others and to yourself too? Fabricating your real thoughts with fake ones, struggling all alone ,but showing a fixed bright smile,while deep inside you know you're obscure and gloomy, like those rainy dark clouds ready to pour up anytime.'
"I- I amm not okay" ,you choke up, whisper to yourself and you weep with your face half covered with your palm.You walk hastily towards the entrance, you brush off someone's shoulder but you continued pacing your steps till you reached the walking pavement on the road.
Jake's POV
Jake's devices weren't working properly due to the poor network availability near the woods.
"Is this the right area?",Jake wearing a newly brought black tuxedo,a milk white shirt,a bow tie not properly worn,and in a black mask ,he stared at the surroundings.He widened his eyes, finally spotting the ceremony's welcome sign "Thomas weds Hannah" in a vivid display board adorned with beautiful flowers.He paced his steps and timidly entered the hall.
Seeing his sisters was a new feeling,and especially one of them in a wedding dress, brought tears in his eyes.He just wanted to observe and walk away like nothing happened. The main reason he came here,was to see you, who made him scared and go crazy because of the selfless love you showed him ever since your first message.
How much he yearned to hold your hands, vowing to each other to be together for eternity and kiss you like there's no tomorrow,living a normal life beside you,he picturised this every single day and now it crossed again in his mind,when he saw Hannah and Thomas,visualing you and himself in their place.
He knew what you went through all this one year,He felt guilty for that and was very annoyed at your friends including his sisters. He was there with you all that time,close yet far away,but you didn't know that.
A while after cutting contact with you
"You are a hacker?!"
"You know what,I like you"
"We are an awesome team🤭"
"Is everything ok with you?"
"Of course I was worried🙁"
"You kiss,and the world around us disappear"
"I will be waiting for you"
"Your happiness is more important than mine"
Jake wakes up from his nightmare,his chest rising up and down with rapid breaths.He leans forward from his seat,with his hands on his face ,he wails silently and whimpering now and then, trying to catch some air. You haven't met him and so does he.But all he thinks about is you,everytime he dreams about your chats,he sees a snippet of you ,mouthing it in reality and expressing your concern for a loner like him.
/Is it a coincidence you both dream about the tragic final messages?/
Running from the government and fighting the devil within himself,he thought it'd be best to forget you,it was a bad choice,it is definitely not easy for him,since it was the first time in his life,someone showed him what's love,how nice it'd be to have a family,and to be together through thick and thin.
"I will be waiting for you"
,his heart sank and he trembled whenever he thought those words from you.'Why does she trust me so much? I'm a fool, for leaving her alone' ,he runs his fingers through his hair in frustration and suddenly, something strikes his mind.
He rushes out to buy some requirements and returns to his hiding place, starts activating a new program named "techbracelet-MC-Jake"
.....After 2/3 days...
At night time
Jake walks restlessly from one end to other in his small messy room and waits anxiously, gripping his bracelet worn in his hand.
*A GREEN LIGHT TINGS in that bracelet*
*Welcome Jake,please wait for the system to process*
*Linked user : MC*
HEART RATE: |normal|
CURRENT FEELING: *loading* sad? Weary?
*unable to detect⚠️*
ALARM SET AT : yy:yy am
It will help him know atleast how you are doing.First,he felt really bad to invade your privacy.But this way,he hoped he could feel your illusioned presence,your rhythm of heart beat and your emotions,a greedy decision to feel closer to you.
He finally feels relieved after seeing his smart bracelet being connected with yours.He sighed in dismay but then giggled accepting the fact that "feelings can't be detected digitally".Still he was contented.
You got this bracelet ,that was similar to a smart watch,as a bonus gift along with other stuff you ordered online,so you didn't quite speculate about it.You listened to songs at night in that smart bracelet and there was a speaking bot too.There were many other features,you wondered how much costly it'd be.
Though you'd be crying by hugging your pillow at night,you sensed a warm hand holding yours because of that tiny bracelet, which was also made in your favourite colour.
"A bot that can respond?" ,You widen your eyes in excitement and mutter softly by pressing a small button, "Hello there bot".
Part 2.....(there was a problem while editing this,and I exceeded the limit 😅😂)
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oodlyenough · 2 years
(No need to respond if you don't want) I am very curious to know why your stories always have Felix having a favourite daughter? Is there a reason you think he favours Fiona over Sasha, instead of him just treating them differently as Fiona is the oldest?😊
Hello! This response got very long! Lol So I write Fiona as the favourite (and that generally as a source of tension amongst the three of them) because it's what canon told me, lol. It's been a while since I replayed, so I can't remember the exact lines or scenes anymore, especially since I think some of them are determinant so I might not have seen them in a LONG time.
But I know for sure there's a (determinant) scene where Vallory will say she sees why Fiona is the favourite. I think Felix himself might have a line about it in ep 1, as well... or at least a line that suggests it. He seems a little bit dismissive of Sasha in the betrayal scene and she definitely seems to be a bit of an afterthought in the $10m scene, since she's not present and he's apparently not going to reach out to her himself. I actually can't remember anymore if Sasha has a line about it directly or just her general bitterness towards Felix after his betrayal. In the hideout, if you look at the picture of the two of them as kids at a shooting range, Sasha will remark that Fiona was always a better shot and it used to make her jealous. So I think there's just enough there overall to make the case that Felix played favourites a little -- and that Sasha knew it.
I tend to approach it as partial truth, partial misunderstanding. I think Felix cared about both sisters and was generally trying to do right by them; I can't hold it against him for raising these orphans into a life of crime when they live on Pandora where all life is a life of crime lol. I tend to think he got along better with Fiona and saw Fiona as more of a direct protege, because Fiona was older and (I imagine) less emotional and more pragmatic about doing whatever a job needed done. I think he didn't really "get" Sasha in quite the same way. Sasha seems the most dissatisfied with life on Pandora, she's got a temper... I also think Sasha resents the con lifestyle more and earlier than Fiona does, which was probably obvious to Felix and created tension between them. And then I imagine Fiona as the constant mediator trying to peacekeep between the two of them.
Having said that, I also think Sasha's very strong reaction to his betrayal shows she did really care about him, look up to him and want his approval; I don't think she'd have nearly the same amount of anger towards him if she didn't. Sasha would've been quite young when they met Felix, he's probably the only parental figure she's ever known, and I think he must've seemed like a hero to her at first for taking them in off the streets. I always felt like part of the difference between her anger & Fiona's is the pedestal Sasha had him on. You might've already read it, but I wrote a fic about them meeting Felix once called Risk Management that gets into this a little more.
From an out of universe POV, I think part of it is coincidence of Fiona being the player character, and Sasha and Felix being NPCs; it means Felix is going to have more direct interaction with the player than he is with Sasha, and I think that's why you get scenes like Felix talking about what a great con artist Fiona is at the start of ep 1 (even though objectively her job was to fool August for 10 minutes, vs Sasha for weeks/months...), Felix and Fiona being alone for the betrayal scene, Athena is supposedly hired to train both sisters but we really only see her with Fiona and it's Fiona who is treated as the Vault Hunter in Training, Fiona being alone for the $10m scene. (This last one is the clumsiest... but narratively it's because they needed it to happen before the whole team assembles, and they want Sasha to be the dramatic last arrival lol). For the most part I think Sasha just isn't in those scenes to keep those scenes focused on the player, the player's feelings about Felix, and the player's choices as a result. Also, cutting it down to just Fiona and Felix spares them having to write additional dialogue for Sasha to go with every Fiona choice, lol.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
don't play the fool now (multi) — chapter 4 - lily2
[ summary ] : bianca feels an unexpected emotion growing within her and shea is attempting to maintain her strong and calm aura around sasha who is continuing to knock her guard down.
[ authors note ] : hope y'all enjoy, part of me loves this chapter, other half hates it with passion but love this au so it’s alright xx — lily.
— ✧*。
A knock at Sasha’s studio apartment made her a bit nervous, she didn’t know of anyone who was supposed to come today, let alone to her apartment in Brooklyn. She stood up, putting the magazine she had been reading as she shushed Vanya, her dog, who had insistently barked at the door for a good minute, pushing her back gently she unlocked the door barely, “Yes?“ 
“Sasha it’s just me.“ 
The voice and face was instantly recognizable and the Russian smiled widely, unlocking the door and hugging Shea who hugged tight, picking her feet up from the ground a bit and laughing as she put her down, their arms around eachother’s shoulders. 
"I’m very happy you are here so unexpectedly don’t get me wrong but how long was the drive?" 
"Oh, it was only twenty minutes, I live in New York City babe." 
Their lips pressed together and Shea felt herself entirely falling for this blonde detective who she had just met, the native Chicago girl always spoke about how untrustworthy everyone was who wasn’t family and could only love someone with years of bonding but here she was, unintentionally wrapped around Sasha Velour’s finger, completely immersed in everything possible that involved Sasha.
They seperated, still holding onto eachother as Vanya barked and wagged her tail with no restraints as she almost practically jumped into Shea’s arms though she couldn’t possibly complain, she had three dogs back home and loved them, she adored all animals but dogs were the closest to her heart.
"Vanya!” Sasha groaned, “Im so sorry, she doesn’t usually trust people but guess she knows a keeper.” The comment made Shea flush, biting her tongue to restrain herself from laughing, cooing the dog and smiling as she was graciously greeted with dog kisses, her favorite. 
A dog trusts me, a hitman with her owner, who’s a detective. Either shit instincts or she’s trying to tell me something.
The two turned towards eachother and smiled widely, arms around eachother’s waist and shoulders, “So what brought you to my city?” The blonde the first to speak though a reply came right after, “I wanted to see you is all, sorry if I came during a bad time but I figured Saturday you probably don’t work." 
"I don’t!" 
They sat on the couch and Sasha offered alcohol which Shea wholeheartedly accepeted with no reservations, she wasn’t exactly a person who enjoyed vodka but she could handle drinking it with no further comment, taking a small sip and wincing, Sasha laughed gently. 
"It’s really strong, I got it when I was in Warsaw, they have all the extremely genuine Russian and Polish vodka I like.” Sasha being well traveled didn’t help the feeling in Shea’s mouth, she put the glass down though told her thank you for the offer, both of them giggling like schoolgirls though her hand only ran through Sasha’s hair, staring at her completely smitten.
“You’re so beautiful that it’s honestly concerning." 
Sasha’s face was completely red, it never felt sweet and kind hearing it from men at bars or the people at work, it felt like an act but something in her heart fluttered everytime Shea even spoke to her. "You’re a tease.” Was all she could bashfully reply with, staring at the ground though quickly Shea grabbed her wrists, pulling her closer, “It’s not teasing if it’s the damn truth.” She whispered as she put the stray hairs behind Sasha’s ear. 
There was a concerning amount of quiet from Sasha who only tilted her head and closed her eyes for a second, pondering to herself before grabbing Shea by her jacket and slammed their lips together, every time she kissed her it seemed like there was another star in the sky— no matter how disgustingly cheesy it sounded. 
Shea smirked against her lips and ran her hands down Sasha’s hips, causing an immediate response and a wince, “Oh, I’m sorry.” Apologising for any possible discomfort she felt, Sasha only felt her cheeks turn red as she spoke back, “Don’t apologise, it felt good.” A wink from her and that was when Shea knew she was in love and filled with regret: she winked and every wall she had built up for herself since she was a child and especially since she left Chicago was gone, gone because of one blonde and Russian detective. 
That response stirred something in Shea who immediately kissed her again, her hands staying at her cheeks, tilting her head and never feeling so wanting to kiss someone ever, Sasha was only happy, not wanting to speak about how it might be odd they had such a strong connection after about a day, she said nothing but kissed back passionately, toying with Shea’s hair, which was easy considering the hair reached about her stomach. 
Shea intentionally seperated early though their hands interlocked, “I hate to be awkward and all but—” she stood up and held up her now lonely hand, “I’d be happy to kiss you some more if you show me your room.” Sasha getting the gesture grabbed her hand and pulled her along, kissing her lips and biting her lip as she took Shea to her room, “I’d love to.”
Shea wasn’t exactly sure what to do or think of herself: she had flirted and fallen so head over heels for the blonde that she was now in the Russian’s bed, gently running her fingertips down her bare shoulders, the two huddled together under the thick layer of blankets, she kissed the base of Sasha’s neck and wrapped her arms around her waist tightly, “You okay?" 
"I’m perfect.” She whispered with a genuine tone in her voice, she turned herself so she could be facing Shea who had a permanent smile drawn across her lips, their fingertips pressing together as Sasha spoke, “You’re amazing.” She breathed to Shea as she comfortably was held close, “Oh god you’re so damn romantic.” Shea laughed, “I can only say the same and more." 
Ask her Shea, do what you came here for.
"Can I ask you something a bit personal? You don’t have to answer!” She quickly added as Sasha blinked curiously, “Yes, ask away.” Her guard raised just a bit, Shea wasn’t like any of the others she had proven thus far but the Russian was always a bit weary.
“What do you do for a job?" 
She breathed a sigh of relief, that wasn’t what she was expecting and she didn’t mind talking about her work either. "That’s such a simple question, why were you worried?” Shea kicked herself a bit for thinking it was such a huge deal, to a normal civilian it was not, definitely.
“I’m a forensics detective, I just basically analyze and gather how the crime took place and look at any evidence obviously, I’m usually not on the scene though, I’m mostly in the building and doing my field of work." 
Shea smiled, It was definitely better than an investigatior or a regular detective, especially since she stayed in the building, "That sounds really cool, I can tell you’re into science and technology and all that I’m guessing." 
The Russian kissed her head, "Well yes, I have to be though in all honesty I was going to just be a professor of some kind of science, the detective and police world just kind of was in a drought and they pay much better, it was much easier than it is now to try and get an application." 
She knew the question was coming and Shea had calmly prepared herself an answer though lying to Sasha felt wrong, it almost felt inhumane especially when she flashed her gorgeous smile at the Chicago native. "Me?” She nodded, intent on an answer. 
“I honestly work around the medical field, I don’t like to talk about it though because well, you can imagine the stress. My best friend is a physician, she’s really good to have around when the job gets hard." 
Sasha frowned and nodded completely believing and biting onto every word, "I understand, I’m passionate about my work but I don’t like knowing in the back of my head that I’m looking at the last thing someone might have saw before they were shot or murdered or in a crash, anytime I know there’s another person gone it hurts." 
The other woman nodded and kissed her lips, holding her cheeks gently, "You’re amazing and you don’t need me to tell you but I think you need to hear it outloud.” Shea smiled as she finished speaking though in the back of her mind she was utterly terrified: how many of those pieces of evidence or blood were caused by her or her team? 
“We have a lot of cases with the mafia that seems to be running around.” Shea immediately perked up, wanting to hear what Sasha’s own thoughts were, “Oh really? I’ve heard about some of the cases circulating around the office.” The Russian nodded, anger clearly pointed in her words, “It’s awful! I don’t understand why people feel the need to kill other people and for money? And usually it’s for petty reasons, not to mention all the other kinds of crime my co-workers have to answer to.”
She nodded a bit breathless hearing Sasha who egged on and on about the matter, Shea eventually putting out an arm, “Hey, it’s okay, don’t get so worked up babe.” Kissing her forehead and standing up with Sasha, “I say we go and have lunch, together, what do you say?" 
Oh how impossible it was for Sasha to possibly say no to Shea. Shea Couleé who was so irresistibly charming and sweet, outspoken but beyond words loving and passionate and everything Sasha had ever wanted. 
"I would be happy to." 
Adore tapped her boots across the concrete as she skipped along to the loud noise of New York City, it was a much different city than Azusa but she welcomed that with open arms. California wasn’t too bad of a place to live in all honesty but Adore never enjoyed it even as a child. The minute she was old enough and graduated from college in Los Angeles she packed her two suitcases and swerved around the big city, completely struck with fear and excitement until she met Tatianna who landed her the job. 
It definitely was weird going from a music major to a detective, Tatianna had only managed to get her the job since Adore had stellar scores in all her exams, despite never taking time to study, and she had minored in criminal justice. She took it since she was in high school and enjoyed it so much she decided to minor in it. 
Being a musician and singer was still her biggest dream but right now she was simply focused on getting her job done even if it meant abiding to the dress code which Adore Delano, queen of fishnets and jeans, could barely stand. She atleast didn’t have to wear a hat or any stupid shit she’d seen in movies or around the office sometimes, the outfit definitely gave her looks both good and bad when she walked into an establishment. 
"I came for coffee and I can’t even find a Starbucks, Jesus.” She muttered before turning around amongst the herd of people, staying at the sides of the buildings and walking back, looking at her phone occasionally to text Courtney, who inisited there was one only five minutes from their office. 
To Courtney: I can’t find this starbucks!!! I might be stupid and slow but I can smell coffee from several hundred miles away, can you please send me the address and what everyone wants? 
She put her phone in her pocket before walking along the now deserted sidewalk lined with various stores, most people we’re just heading to work, at work or going to the metro, all Adore needed to do was find some damn coffee.
Her phone beeped but she looked down before knocking into another person, she gasped and grabbed her phone which somehow survived the pavement before turning her attention to the person she had knocked over before helping her up though her heels complicated things just a bit. 
Adore brushed her hair behind her face and put it in a ponytail before hearing a distinctly familiar groan, “Jesus fucking christ, almost broke my heels on the sidewalk of New York City.” Her words spewed out angrily before their eyes met and Bianca stepped up, piecing together almost immediately that this was that same beautiful girl from the casino, “Hey, I know you!” She yelled before Bianca could even respond, she let go of her waist once she balanced herself, “I also do, you can’t take your eyes off your damn phone can you?" 
The younger detective felt a rosy blush across her cheeks, quite embarrassed to have made the wrong impression twice on the same gorgeously witty and aggravated girl from the casino, "I’m so sorry, I’m trying to find a Starbucks, guess my co-workers can’t walk so they had to send my lazy ass out.” That earned a snicker from Bianca which gave Adore a bit more confidence. 
“What’s your name? I saw you yesterday.” The grin plastered across her cheeks made Bianca’s knees weak, she wasn’t that old yet— her face and tone was just that damn charming. In every other universe Bianca would’ve pummeled her and bitched for a good ten minutes but something about her was oddly and clearly attractive: personality and face. 
“I’m Bianca, just Bianca, no fucking nicknames please.” She pleaded before Adore laughed, “Okay B.” She immediately replied though she waved the joke off, “I’m kidding, Bianca.” The name rolling on to her tongue perfectly. 
“I’m Adore!" 
Cute name, Bianca had to atleast give a faint smile to the girl who was just desperately trying to find a Starbucks, "If you keep going down this street and turn left, right next to that Asian market, you’ll find it.” Adore gasped and held her shoulders, “Thank you, thank you! Jesus, you respond more concisely and faster than my co-workers." 
She wasn’t sure why it took so long to realize Adore was in her uniform, a detective uniform, suddenly every single heartbeat grew faster and faster: she was probably much newer considering she was just walking out and about and fetching coffee like a damn server but that didn’t stop the visible panic in Bianca’s eyes.
"You okay? You look a bit tense." 
Bianca snapped from her delusions and thinking, "Yes, yes.” Adore cocked her brow and crossed her arms not believing her, Bianca rolled her eyes. “I’m fine really, I just have issues with my blood pressure and you know problems ladies have, I feel a bit light-headed is all.” She lied though the younger girl frowned, grabbing her hand instinctively, “Do you want me to buy you something from the place? You can atleast sit and eat something." 
"Oh don’t worry about me, I’ll manage and I live only like four minutes away, not as if I need an escort." 
Adore wasn’t buying it but she couldn’t suffice wasting anymore time so she nodded, "What’s your number?” Bianca definitely didn’t see her being so honest, they had barely even had a conversation and only met because the detective was a complete klutz, “Seriously?” She barked, laughing though Adore was not joking. 
“I’m serious! You’re the first person since I’ve moved who’s actually attractive." 
That was definitely a compliment worth hearing, Bianca knew it wasn’t a smart idea at all: Adore probably didn’t even know a damn thing about the mafia circuits around New York but it didn’t make Bianca look like any less of a fool when she punched in her number to Adore’s phone. 
"Don’t text me every three minutes or I’ll block you real quick.” She joked, the younger girl smiling, “I won’t, see you soon enough!” She yelled before turning on her shoes and walking away, ignoring the buzz of her phone. 
You’re a damn fool Bianca. 
“So we’re a bit closer, it wasn’t exactly what the wanted but she still got all of the copies of his certification and such, Violet said they cleaned everything up easy after with some help from Katya, who of course had absolutely nothing to say.” Bianca laughed heading Sharon tell a bit more to the story from last night, it was very Katya of Katya to jusy help hide a dead body and clean blood off of her carpet with a simple smile while still in latex.
“I’m impressed, she adapted and Violet to, I usually pin her off as brainless and unable to focus, which she can’t, but good on her. I’m satisfied for what they had to do and get.” Sharon felt nothing but pride to hear that Bianca, her friend but also her boss, the head of this entire operation, said her “daughter” did a good job. She was raised by the best! 
Scrolling through the paperwork that Jinkx had managed to download and find when looking through the ID’s there was a knock at Bianca’s office door, her and Sharon quickly met eyes, confused as to who would willingly interupt their personal business, it was a known rule that unless it was emergency you didn’t knock ever on Bianca’s office; though looking through USB’s and paperwork wasn’t the most exciting thing. 
“If it’s your daughter I will absolutely—” Sharon almost immediately glared, unable to accept any critique of her daughter, only praise though Bianca was kidding, Aquaria was a good teammate and an even better fashion designer, if she wasn’t lying low so often she would absolutely have a twenty room mansion from her fashion brand, making millions in Milan. 
Sharon opened the door a bit forcefully, Bianca raising an eyebrow before seeing Alaska who waved, Detox right next to her and sighing, head in her hands. “Jesus Christ…” She said aloud glaring at Alaska’s white dress that was completely doused in blood, Detox only holding up a file and tossing it to Sharon who handed it to Bianca, not wanting to step inside with the nice marble floors, worried that Alaska’s blood stains would continue to drip.
“So you killed her?" 
Detox could almost scoff, as if it was a question. "Yes, Alaska did most of the dirty work obviously but I found the file and then we ran.” Sharon turned to Alaska and muttered something unintelligible to Bianca who ignored if anyway, Sharon grabbed Alaska by her hands and turned to run with her out the door, insinuating she bathe and get all the dried blood out her dress and leg.
“We’ll be back!" 
No they won’t. 
"I’m so mad!” The blonde whined as they ran out the door, “Aquaria made this for me and now it’s ruined, dammit.” Sharon had to smile at Alaska’s awakening, “Don’t worry, I’ll get her to make you a new one.” The door closed and it was just Detox and Bianca who definitely didn’t have the most reliable friendship or even work relationship.
Bianca gestured Detox to sit, “Since you’re already inside.” The two awkwardly exchanged glances, Detox wasn’t exactly what they’d call a teammate, it was all very accidental and all Alaska’s fault she even got involved when she just had to help Alaska from being chased by police yet again. 
Bianca never would really trust her, no matter how much love and faith Alaska claimed to have for her so-called “Best friend.” Detox would always be an outsider to her though she definitely had gotten much better and finally immersed herself in the job and took orders well. She could hate the bitch all she wanted but that wouldn’t excuse the fact that she was intelligent, she was gonna become a laywer for god’s sake, she knew every corner of the city despise being from California originally.
Bianca put her phone down, trying not to think about other things, other people at the moment. “So you said Alaska pulled the trigger, got that, so what’s the file for? I really just wanted the fucking girl dead.” Detox crossed her legs and nodded, “I got the file because she seems to have worked or had some kind of professional relationship with the guy you’re trying to get money and hunt down, the one Aquaria and Violet we’re trying to find information about." 
She was almost impressed, almost.
"Really?” A genuine suprise and distinction in her voice, Detox nodded, glancing down at her acrylics, “Broke a fucking nail for it to.” She groaned as Bianca snickered, just as posh and uncaring as she always is.
“Well, next time don’t just come in especially when you clearly see the door closed, thank you though, nice find.” That was about the biggest compliment ever made to the younger girl since she had started, she got up and excused herself from the table, “Thank you." 
"Close the door please.”
She did and then Bianca was alone, she and Adore had talked a bit and looking through files curiously she had some interesting information, simple government files, no sluthing required. The most interesting text was her admitting to Bianca, like an open book, she was a music major and a singer.
It was definitely a surprise though Bianca from the minute she heard her speak and saw her in the uniform could tell the work of a detective or crime solving wasn’t exactly Adore’s dream career or something she had been dying to do. 
She could absolutely rip Adore to shreds with no utter remorse for her well being, just gut her and get another detective off their asses but she was an odd case— in a very charming, attractive way. Bianca had an unknown feeling in her stomach whenever she texted back or smiled at her earlier today though Bianca wasn’t usually one for a public apperance unless she was being paid or it was for purposes of a certain event or close friend.
Maybe I could use her, she is a detective after all and probably works with all the fucking people trying to get me and my partners.
Sucking in a breath she shook her head, feeling that it was a bit too much, too soon. 
God know’s what’ll happen at this stage.
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