#i hope this was clear enough to follow :(
artist-rat · 1 year
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i’ve never listened/watched critical role but my best friend does and sometimes talks to me about it. i asked them for some characters to draw (from any campaign) :p
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
if i may ask, how did you know your writing might have been fed to ai? tbh i'm uber paranoid about ai as someone who also posts their work on the internet so i guess i'd like to know if there's a way to reverse search (?) it somehow ... ?
i'm not entirely sure how widespread it is across the internet, but ao3 itself made a post acknowledging the issue and the precautions they intend to implement to help combat the problem. there's also this reddit post going into how they figured out this was happening more (omegaverse gave it away which idk if i should laugh or cry about).
i hate to be a Doomer, especially since i intend for this blog to be a getaway from life's various woes, but the whole ai ''''''''''''''''''''writing and art'''''''''''''''''''''''' thing is genuinely depressing to me and almost made me consider giving up publishing my work on the internet altogether. so i completely get what you mean.
however, i was able to cheer myself up (some) eventually. i know the nature of technology is to improve on itself and i'm sure ai ''''''''''creations''''''''''' will get better, but i'm going to stubbornly stick to the belief that it'll always remain inferior to works created by people. there is just zero soul to ai ''''''''''''works'''''''''. all i can see is the thousands of artists it stole from and tried regurgitating into something cohesive. idk how to explain it, it's more of a Feeling than anything logical.
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
I was originally gonna wait till the poll was over just to not tamper with the voting or anything, but I do want to explain why I personally think that the player telling the truth to Kieran or not doesn't exactly matter in the end.
Spoilers ahead! Just to be safe
I mean. It does to Kieran. Someone he thought he could trust didn't tell him the truth and that hurts. Especially given that he already had trouble making friends before. But it wasn't the lying that caused him to spiral the way he did. It was ogerpon. Ogerpon was the thing that Kieran honestly loved the most. He wanted to befriend her, give her room in his own house for her, bc he probably saw himself in her too. While I personally believe that Kieran was projecting a little bit onto Ogerpon, and probably latched on to the idea of her a little too much, I don't exactly blame him. Kieran wants a friend, and before the player, he thought Ogerpon could be that.
But then ogerpon didn't choose him. And that's what pushed in over the edge, so to speak. Cause this whole time, Kieran's fears of being weak were only just growing. Ogerpon liking the player more just kept on edging him further down in his spiral. Cause what else would you do when the being that you really wants to be friends with favors someone else? The being that you thought would understand your loneliness and form a bond with? That would boost one's insecurities far more than a lie would imo.
Don't get me wrong, the lie definitely played a part here. I personally think it speed ran the inevitable( Yes, I think regardless of a lie of truth, what would have happened with Kieran would have been inevitable). Kieran lost a person he thought he could trust, and that hurts. I don't want to understate that. But given everything about Kieran, his social anxiety, his relationship with his sister, his own view of himself, I feel like the ending of the teal mask was going to happen one way or another.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that Kieran is/was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen. Telling the truth wouldn't have prevented it from happening. But of course that's just my opinion and my perspective!
There's lots more I want to say, but I often struggle with finding my words. This is the best I can do, and I hope you found it insightful!
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gammija · 1 year
Yaaay my favourite season 😊 time to be hurt again! @a-mag-a-day
in s4 i love how everything sucks, and everyones at each others throats, but there's no clear saboteur between our protagonists; they're all making choices which are reasonable from their perspective, even if it hurts the people around them
like here, of course Jon deserves to be greeted by someone who's happy to see him alive - he just woke up from a fucking 6-month long coma, for gods sake! But instead of a hug or even a "glad you're back," what he gets is Tim dead, Daisy gone, Martin isn't there, Basira 'wants to talk later' about if she's disappointed he's back, and Georgie can't get out of the room fast enough. And all his clothes are gone. what the hell?
but at the same time, neither Basira nor Georgie owe it to Jon to be his friend. The last we heard of Georgie, she was telling Jon that he needed people around him, that she wanted to help him, that he didn't need to move out, that she didn't want him to cut her off. That was over 20 episodes ago!
Did he talk to her at all in the meantime, (inbetween kidnappings, to be fair, he did have other things on his mind, but Georgie's only sources are Melanie and Jon himself, and how much do you want to bet that they both exaggerated Jon's role in any of the situations they found themselves in)? She still visits him in hospital, she's there when tape recorders suddenly appear, she's there as he wakes up -
and the first thing he does is to refuse to even be looked at by a nurse, deny that he needs any help, refuses to admit that there might be anything worrying about being 'fine' after 6 months of being basically dead. Georgie has experience with someone walking around when they're supposed to be dead, and it killed her best friend and scarred her for life. so maybe she chooses here to get a bit of distance from Jon, for her own safety
Basira had some friendly interactions with him, but she was literally investigating him for murder and trying to keep him from fleeing the country. Then she's made into a hostage, goes to the Unknowing, barely makes it out alive of an exploding building, only to find that she's the sole survivor, if you don't count the body that's apparently not braindead.
It looks like Jon, but how can you be sure? She's done her research, it wouldn't be the first time the Stranger replaced someone. Melanie is getting more violent by the day, and Martin has decided that apparently it's a good idea now to work together with the evil manager. They're constantly under threat by evil cults and living meat, basically living out of the Archives. And Daisy, her partner of years and years, her solid point, is gone. So when the body that looks like Jon suddenly starts to breath again after being visited by an End Avatar, priority #1 is finding out how big of a threat he is, with 'worrying about Jon's emotional state' a far second
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stormyoceans · 2 months
thinking about pirate captain sea and surgeon jimmy like
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#like sea as a fearsome pirate captain whose ship gets attacked either by another pirate crew or by the navy#they manage to win but they suffer great losses#one of which is their surgeon#and since many people on his crew ended up injured sea decides to take on a passenger ship hoping to find a doctor#or at least a medicine chest#he gets lucky and does indeed find a doctor (jimmy of course)#and like i don't have a clear plot in mind but the dynamic would be so delicious#sea kidnapping jimmy and being ready to bribe him with a share of their plunder to convince him to help his crew#but jimmy is a doctor through and through and he would never let someone die without at least trying to help them#even if that someone is a pirate#on the other hand jimmy believing that pirates are heartless but then witnessing sea being ready to do anything to save his crew#even following jimmy's orders as sea helped him with each man#and after a while jimmy notices that sea is favoring his left side and having a hard time breathing#so he realizes that sea got hurt as well but didn't say anything because for him his crew comes first#and as jimmy patches him up sea does end up offering him a share of the loot for his services but jimmy refuses because that would make him#and sea laughs because saving a pirate's life would already be enough for the world to consider jimmy a pirate himself#so sea just promises him to let him go as soon as they get to shore#and suddenly jimmy finds himself in a weird position because the crew respects him and treats him well#and it's hard to remember these men are supposed to be violent and cruel when they're just laughing and helping each other's out#WHY DID GMMTV GIVE ME A PIRATE CONCEPT NOW IM OBSESSED#m: txt
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vuulpecula · 9 months
× just a friendly reminder: hate of any degree and/or type is not tolerated on this blog. that includes c*llout posts, anons about other people, r*cism, s*xism, any type of phobia pretaining to a group or groups of people, etc. there is already so much hate in this world & those that deserve to be blocked usually make that pretty apparent. let's be better & learn how easy it is to be kind ( also to utilize the block button when you need it ).
ANYWAY, hope everyone is having a good day and if you're not, know I'm sending you love ✨️ xo.
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long-distance-love · 1 year
This won't be like my usual posts, but I want to make one thing clear: this is a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community, and any minorities for that matter. If you hate any of them, if you speak out against them and actively try to make their lives miserable to fuel your own (fucked up) beliefs, you're not welcome here.
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monster42069 · 9 months
Getting a good hit of indica that’s a little stronger than vapes I had last time after I ran out of my indica is Hallelujah Praise The LORD and that kid with ADHD
#…#I need indica or antipsychotics both to function. an upper and a downer of some sorts. stimulate then depress. over and over again. daily.#TBH one of the dreams/goals that I still haven’t let myself let go of despite knowing the stats and likelihoods of the outcomes….#well anyway one of those dreams is to somehow fix this. to meet a doctor who has a treatment plan or life change idea that works on the drug#dependency / the ‘maybe’ acquired brain injury issues.#the ‘is this idiopathic narcolepsy or is this ABI from drs or would you consider this probable narcolepsy from ABI from drs or?’ issues.#the ‘it’s harder to put together a clear understanding of your health overall’ comments followed by silence bc they don’t need to say it lol#it’s hard because no one has known what my health ‘should’ be like. know one has any labs without me on psychotropic medication combos.#they have partial proof from brain scans for the conclusion that my brain was just .fried to deal with me/make me easy and good. didn’t work#and they don’t even need proof to know that medication combos in their own profession shouldn’t be used together or are only used together#in extreme cases with no options left that they immediately fucking jumped into and were lucky I didn’t DIE so many times but fuck yeah#now my brain hurts and I’m not how I was beforehand but don’t rlly know why or how to express it#and I feel alone there and then I have bitch ass doctors telling me to Just Stop The Meds For A Fee Weeks :-)! …..Dr u have no idea huh do u#a few weeks? give me 3 days before I’m having a psychotic episode that’s severe enough to warrant police arrest or 911 called for me.#that’s thousands of dollars in a legal psychiatric hold. and that’s if someone catches the signs on time before I potentially harm myself or#like yeah no I’m sorry doc but i can’t just Simply Stop or Substitute anti-anxiety drugs when I’ve had them holding me together b4 puberty.#anyway I’m still. hoping I’ll find some info somewhere or stories and people like me who figured something out or anything idk#because my medical testing is interfered by medications that I cannot stop taking (mainly benzodiazepines) without losing my mind now. bad.
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argiopi · 2 years
got the cops called on me for the most hilariously sensible reason last night
So i have a new industrial piercing (my first piercing..! i love it •w•), and it got infected because of course it did, it's a cartilage piercing and i live outside. Context i've been living in my car for the past few weeks, which has been pretty good but one of the tradeoffs is i do not have a bathroom. The piercer told me if the piercing got infected I could soak it in saltwater, so i needed a source of 1. salt, 2. water that is warm or at least not the below-freezing ambient temperature i currently exist in.
Gas stations have both these things. (I have yet to purchase salt for my occasional propane stove cooking). Only problem is it was past midnight in a rural area, so I didn't find a 24 hour convenience store until around 100 miles into my route for the evening.
At 3 AM local time the store was inhabited by just One stern-looking employee who was mopping the floor. My grungy ass walks in carrying a small collapsible bowl and immediately begins casing the place like the world's shittiest thief, looking for those little free salt packets. I looked around the (empty, no hot food at 3 AM) hot dog stand and saw only wet condiments so i circled back around to the grocery section in case they were selling salt shakers I could buy. No luck so i desperately returned to the hot dog counter in case I missed the salt, and noticed a cabinet labeled CONDIMENTS below the dog cooker, which did conceal salt packets. I stuffed a handful of them in my pocket and hoped the mopping woman wouldn't ask, then pivoted to the bathroom where I locked myself for the next fifteen minutes.
I filled my bowl with hot water which was actually cool water but at least it wasn't frigid, and mixed salt into it and held it to my ear. After a few minutes the staff, who had been understandably watching me from around corners the entire time I was searching for salt, knocked on the door. I replied "hello?" and she didn't respond, so I assumed she was just checking if anyone was in there before she tried entering to continue mopping. I finished cleaning my sad little ear and bought a bag of yogurt pretzels as a gesture of good will because I felt bad for taking her salt and taking too much time in the bathroom when she needed to clean.
Enter The Pig. I had returned to my car and grabbed my first aid kit to apply antiobiotic ointment, when an officer entered the store. Trepidation when he arrived since I knew I was being a freak, but then i thought he was just doing his own shopping, then he came back out and approached my vehicle.
Rolled down my window and he asks what was going on in the bathroom. (What if i had been just taking a long shit??). So I showed him my ear and my bowl and explained, as Alertly, Calmly, and Soberly as i could after driving for multiple hours after midnight, to the face of someone who can ruin my life with a penstroke, that I was on the road and had to soak this infected piercing. Luckily it was a confused young cop who was too bewildered to inquire much further, not an old hardass who might start asking more challenging questions such as "where are you going" or "where are you staying tonight and why are you washing your ear at the gas station and not there." He clearly barely even looked at my car - asked if i was a local when my license plate is from two timezones away - and let me go without even collecting my information.
That was the sixth time that police have confronted me for acting outside social norms. The first time was because I was plucking an invasive plant species from the side of the road and he thought I was falling when I walked up & down the slope. The second time I was walking home alone at night, and maybe someone called because I had a backpack on and they thought I was trying to rob a house. I was just walking home from the train. The third time I had been biking home in the dark without a headlight, and i fell on my face and didn't know I was bleeding until a bastard pulled up and told me someone called because they thought I got hit by a car. The fourth time was when I fell in the river last winter and i was knocking on random doors asking for directions home to minimize my risk of hypothermia, and I suppose the woman who drove me home called to send someone to make sure i was okay? The fifth time was the first time I slept in my car, which ironically was before I started serially sleeping in my car. I was falling asleep on the highway after an all-nighter so I took the next exit and took a nap in my driver's seat at the end of a random residential street before I ended up on the news, and that's how I learned suburbanites are paranoid as all hell about anything out of the ordinary because a cop knocked on my window and asked me if I was drunk (who would say yes to that question?). Now I select my sleeping sites very carefully, which is probably the most annoying thing about hashtag vanlife, but I haven't gotten The Knock again yet and sometimes when I pull into random public lands after dark I wake up to mountains I've never seen before and that fuels my soul.
Lesson learned is that if you need to snort sodium chloride in a gas station bathroom at 3 AM, just have an ear piercing and dampen the hair around it and carry a bowl around, and you've got a story that's Too Weird To Be Making Shit Up.
#seriously how do y'all stay out of trouble#I Am Just Living My Life why does that incite so much suspicion.#this time was fair though i 1000% looked like a criminal who was about to drive home under an influence#blogging#FOLKS WHO FOLLOWED FOR ART I HOPE YOU ENJOY STORYTIME TOO LOL.#I saw THIRTEEN!!!! shooting stars while driving last night#i think that is a new personal record. was there a meteor shower? surely there was.#Two of them were bright enough to leave a dust trail.. ⭐︎つ⭐︎#mountain roads are so scary lol what do you Mean there is no guard rail on this narrow winding road that drops off into Death Zone#not to mention when there is snow on the road..?#my tires spun out the other night because i was clinging too close to the uphill side of the mountain and went off the road#in my defense i could not see the lines on the road on account of they were covered by snow#anyway i sunk deep but luckily i have 4WD so i could wiggle out without help#but the snow gripped my tires and pulled them in the opposite direction i was trying to go..#what if i was driving on the side facing downhill and slipped off the road and the snow gripped me.#best case scenario: car is Funked. worst case scenario Death#anyway i think my ear is slightly less painful & inflamed this morning..? i am going to go wash it at a much less sussy hour#the sky is so clear and bright here...#madly in love with the milky way.#i wonder how often ppl assume ppl are sneaking hard drugs when they actually have a completely legal reason to be acting strange.#not that i'm not living on the fringes of the law rn with the whole car thing and that's the only reason i had to be weird at a gas station#but like... lives be strange and complex and human behavior is rarely as simple as it seems there is always a story!
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((As much as I *hate* the modern interpretation of the myth of Perseus (“MeDuSa wAs A vICtIm” no she wasn’t shut up) I feel like the story how i conceptualised it wouldn’t work if she actually was a monster. I jumped in this story with very little plot and basically figured it out as I went along and at this point it’s too late to back up and rewrite everything. So yeah, my Medusa might be a victim, but Perseus is one just as much.))
((Making them both kids makes the story so much worse, which is okay from the perspective of Perseus because his story is tragic, even if it ends well (as in, Perseus manages to have a decent marriage and die of old age unlike many other Greek heroes), but I feel like a hypocrite bashing the other Medusa apologists while doing the exact same thing))
((Anyway friendly reminder that this is just an askblog for an OC based on a game about the Bible of all things, as much as I love Greek mythology and try to incorporate it into this story don’t come here looking for correct and good representation of the myths, treat this blog like those little kids’ books that watered down the original stories to make them appealing to kids okay bye))
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arrowpunk · 11 months
I have decided to quit my stupid dumbass job and just live off of the sheer power of spite
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artifour · 1 year
AGHGH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I'm sooo sorry for the time I took to respond to you. I've been busy and its also a very difficult question, i'll be honest. The thing is you're asking for tips for a struggling artist.... to a struggling artist... so. I'm gonna try my best to give you something concrete and that makes sense, but i don't know if ill be able to- and knowing me, it IS going to be messy, I'm really sorry for that!!
First thing I'm gonna say is, obviously, draw things for yourself. Draw stuff that makes you happy! When I get really into a piece of media, i've noticed that i can see my improvement over a significantly shorter amount of time than usual, simply because, well, i like this stuff, and i like drawing things in relation to this stuff, and i want to draw more because i enjoy this stuff, y'know? It's easy to say and it might sound like it's not really a tip, but from my personal experience, i can say it does make a big difference. So basically, obsess over something and draw it all the time- but then, don't only draw the same thing over and over again, rather insert it into your art and get creative? For example, since we're both Pokémon enjoyers- take characters or pokémon you like and try things out! Focus on different things; shapes, colours, lineart etc. But if you don't feel like making studies or changing anything today, that's also fine, you don't have to. The most important thing is to have fun, or else, you'll get stuck. You don't draw with your head, and that's something that I myself struggle with, so i can't really talk, but having fun when you draw and just not caring about if it works technically or if the anatomy is correct or if others are going to like it- THAT's when you're going to improve, because you're going to like what you're doing and you're going to want to do it even more!
Also, search for inspo! Open pinterest and collect artworks you like, and staaare at them for a very long time. I like doing this. Plus, it usually makes you want to draw, too. This is a very common "tip", but notice what you like about how this person draws that specific thing (hands, legs, noses maybe? or the way they do lineart, or the way they colour), and just slap it on your art. It's like a cool little upgrade and it makes drawing even more fun.
Art takes time... art is a fuck... and we all have sort of a hate-love relationship with it, i think. And you're always going to struggle to a certain extent, because it'd be too good to be true if you could do everything and anything without having to learn and try and fail before. And sometimes you're gonna feel like you don't want to draw, and sometimes artblock will hit you like a truck, and thats ok!! You'll come back to it eventually. Challenging yourself can be great and all, but don't force yourself when you really don't feel like it. Be patient, and be indulgent!! You got this!! We got this!!! We can do it!!
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returning-spring · 1 year
every day, the desire to write a k/p fic where they’re explicitly half-siblings grows stronger
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savethepinecones · 1 year
okay so ive been following some character competition polls recently and for the most part i dont really care who wins but holy shit im having the time of my life. its like when i was actively involved in fandoms but i dont actually give a shit so im just watching people get into passionate debates over who has the most loser vibe or something and spiritually im sitting in the front row shoveling popcorn into my mouth
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soryualeksi · 2 years
Huge shout-out to my colleague, who I was locked into one car for several hours a few days ago, for coming in sick as a dog to work and not because anything like "out of sick days" but because "I have fun stuff planned for the weekend and I would feel kinda bad calling in sick and then being well on the weekend again", which. Arguably noble(???) but absolutely senseless.
So shout-out: If the reason I can't hear from my ears being stuffed and swollen is because YOU COUGHED YOUR DISGUSTING THROAT GERMS ONTO ME ALL DAY, I will come to your home and kick your ass.
Don't be an ass. If you're sick and CAN stay home then DO stay home instead of infecting all your coworkers.
Also if you LIED to me and everyone and didn't actually thoroughly test yourself that it isn't Covid, I WILL tell that to our bosses, all of them.
#I'm sorry I'm just so pissed off right now#all of the sudden my ear swelled shut and this is extremely disorienting for me because i can't tune out that sensory input at all#so basically it's like a huge bass speaker is blaring right into my ear in sensory intensity#and it's driving me crazy right now and I'm so confused and angry#also don't infect people just stay the fuck home instead of sitting next to me and coughing on everything#all day long#at least wear a mask while in the car but nooo you're a poor little meow meow and very sick and very poor THEN STAY HOME#i don't wanna deal with this i want my ear open again it's like I'm walking lopsided because my sense of orientation is all screwed#I'm very sensitive to stuffed ears sadly because the sensory input is so incredibly overwhelming and affects everything else#so I'm not 'seeing right' on that side either and that is even more disorienting#i don't feel sick i just have pressure on my head and can't hear on one side but that's enough to make me a furious confused animal rn lol#soryuchan's personal issues#hope no coworkers accidentally follow my blog and find me but also fuck you personally if you spread germs at work and COULD stay home#and actively decide not to because uwu i wanna do the fun stuff and have a clear conscience about it#whatever that means#why are you getting me sick I've done nothing to you#also i had to deal with the whining all day that she was sick and felt bad and was a poor little meow meow I GET IT I DON'T CARE#DON'T GIVE ME YOUR GERMS#sob
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jocktrolls · 2 years
Hey I do just wanna say like, I’ve said it a lot behind closed doors but I do want to put it out there that as far as I’m concerned, this specific blog is permanently inactive for the point of fantroll stuff. If you’re primarily active on here and have ships with me, I can rock either dropping ships or working to be more active with you off of tumblr.
If you feel the need to talk to me, either to discuss rp stuff or question me about rumors/accusations, I’m always available on discord (current handle weiner crunch teri#5357)
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