#i just didn't listen to tons of new music this year/discover too many new artists
godofsmallthings · 5 months
@andisitover tagged me to share my albums of the year! (i'm going with nine faves that came out this year & not including rerecords/reissues/deluxe versions where the og album didn't come out this year)
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i tag anyone who wants to do it (seriously pls do it and tag me, i would love to see your faves!!!!!)
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visualtaehyun · 3 months
When you get this you have to answer with 5 of your fav songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same :) (no pressure <3)
Tagged by @chickenstrangers @twig-tea @thegalwhorants - thanks y'all ☺️ please never stop tagging me in music games, I love discovering and sharing music <3
I'm cheating here but a lot of my fav songs are OSTs so to not give myself a headache give the rest a fighting chance, I'm gonna choose 5 favs, excluding OSTs, and 5 only-OST favs!
ดาวหางฮัลเลย์ - fellow fellow
/daao haang Halley/
This song has not released me from its clutches since I first heard it during the musical portion of the ZeeNuNew concert last year. I love the lyrics and the vibes so so much. 🥹
ติดฝน - PiXXiE
/dtit fon/
I. LOVE. THESE. GIRLS! They're so talented! I legit struggled with which song of theirs to choose but I'm most obsessed with this one these days and, recently, I keep hearing people I follow sing it or play it as background music. Case in point: Keng Harit, Domundi gen 3, singing it on an IG live.
ฉันมันเป็นคนแบบนี้ - Boom Saharat
/chan man bpen khohn baaep nee/
The weirdest thing happened: I was listening to NuNew's cover of this song (listen- I'm aware I discover a lot of songs through him but he IS my favorite performer dsjshdhhs) and got real confused because I was able to sing along right away but cannot for the life of me recall how I knew this song already! I hadn't seen the MV, no one I follow seems to have covered it, and I didn't know the artist at all?? It remains a mystery to me but I've played it endlessly since then. New Thitipoom stars in the MV btw!
ต่อจากนี้เพลงรักทุกเพลงจะเป็นของเธอเท่านั้น - No One Else
/dtaaw jaak nee phleng rak thook phleng ja bpen khaawng ter thao nan/
I don't remember how I originally found it but it's one of those songs that routinely has me singing along. The title translates to 'From now on every love song will be yours'. I love the lyrics a lot!
Complicated - MATCHA
This is one of many songs and artists I discovered on that one afternoon-turned-evening-turned-night when I decided to start tracking down every song Amp Achariya has had a hand in (I then realized I was in over my head and that she'd worked on so. many. more. than I ever expected and that my spreadsheet skills weren't sufficient to catalog them lol). Needless to say, Matcha is incredibly talented and I've so far only scratched the surface of her discography.
Onto 5 of my fav OSTs!
ร้อยฤดูหนาว - Pond, Phuwin
/raawy reu duu naao/
I love the way this song builds with the instruments coming in one after another. I love their voices. I love the lyrics. This song was written by ณกมล ปุคคละนันท์ aka PEPPERY P who penned a lot of the My School President songs - อีกนิด (Come Closer), รักษา (Healing), พูดได้ไหม (Let Me Tell You), ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock&Star), and รักคู่ขนาน (Multi-Love). Yes, I am in fact sneakily rec'ing the MSP OST here too lol
คือเธอ - Zee, NuNew
/kheuu ter/
I could've chosen so many songs among the Cutie Pie OSTs but ended up deciding on this one because P'Pin truly wrote this song to highlight both their vocal talents and it shows. ✨️ He works a lot with Domundi artists (especially ZeeNuNew) and FreenBecky, writing songs and OSTs for them and arranging songs for them for concerts - his IG is full of song insights and singing snippets if you like any of these artists!
ภาพสุดท้าย - William Jakrapatr
/phaap sut thaai/
Do I even need to explain? It's an Amp Achariya song, the lyrics are beautiful, the meaning within the show is so !! and this LYKN boy right here kills it with his performance. 👏
แค่เธอ - Jeff Satur
/khaae ter/
I'm not a KP girlie and this song wasn't even on my radar when I watched the show. I kinda rediscovered it a few months later, most likely either by going through Jeff's discography or maybe through Joong Archen singing it on an IG live (I realize it must look like I sit and watch a shit ton of IG lives but the honest truth is that I don't even use IG, I just stumble upon clips on twt and YT a lot lol). And boy howdy did Jeff's writing strike a chord! Don't get me wrong, the English version is nice too and all but it doesn't come close to the Thai lyrics and how well they flow with the melody, Jeff really outdid himself there!
คู่คอง - Kong Huayrai
/khuu khaawng/
นาคี is not a drama I've seen and, yes, I again know this song through a NuNew cover lol but I really wanted to make sure to include a ลูกทุ่ง (Luk Thung) song because I love this genre. This song is extra special because the lyrics are in Isan, which is a Northeastern Thai dialect (though it's actually far closer to Lao than Central Thai). I routinely get this song stuck in my head.
/end of Thai music ramble
I'm sure I'm late to the party again so if you've been tagged already, please kindly ignore this or point me towards your post. ✨️ Tagging @raktae @sunshinechay @btwinlines @zimmbzon @airenyah @rocketturtle4 @telomeke and whoever sees this and wants in on the fun~
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amphibeans · 8 months
September 10 - from the start
Hi ! Welcome back to another blog post of mine ! This one is gonna be a lot larger and more full than the one from last week, so bear with me on it, but I hope you don't mind it. I have a lot to tell this week and I would like to go in detail with it. So let's do it from the start .And yes, the title is a reference to the Laufey song. I've been a fan of her work after discovering 'Love to Keep Me Warm' last year which features another all time favorite artist of mine named dodie. And now that Laufey is getting recognized for her amazing jazz tunes It feels good to me for becoming an early fan of her work. I highly suggest listening to her new album 'Bewitched' ! Listen to it here Now let's get onto my very eventful week.
Heading into a last year
This week was the start of the first full week of school for me. My final one as a high school student. I didn't know what I would expect from it because all the learning material was kinda new and some teachers were new as well. Sometimes having different teachers can be a good thing for me, but not all the time. One good new teacher however was my new Dutch teacher. She has a different kind of attitude towards the lessons than all the previous teachers that I have immense respect for. Previous teachers were keen on finishing the material that the government had set up for us pupils for the entire year, but she didn't follow that rule set. Her new rule for class was that: "If you have a topic you don't like or one you want us to cover in class, we can do it" Hearing that new vision on how to teach inspired me a ton. I think the lessons would be a lot more fun this way. Of course, I don't mind how teachers teach; they have each their own separate way to and sometimes I like that way. But if you want to make a lesson more fun, the model of my Dutch teacher is a great model. Many lessons apart from my Dutch lessons were just the same as last year, which is brilliant. Change can be good in many different settings, but in a school setting the opposite effect takes place. But looking at what is gonna change for me this year, it's all weirdly very positive. A lot of the time my class as a group will be celebrating the fact that this is our last year, so we will go do some crazy stuff with the teachers; one of which is doing a BBQ at school and then sleeping there as well. It's a nostalgic way to do it and I can't wait for it to happen. But let's not think ahead too much. It's still the first full week for me of school. I thought they were fine this week, apart from me having a heatstroke. Last day of the week was great because it was an excursion in the nearby city where my school lays. So all in all not a bad week at all ! Hopefully more weeks are like this.
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Photo of the cloth hall where I played piano and ate ice cream (raspberry) on Friday in the city, it reminds me of Bloom by Beach House
Getting a job at a music venue
One of the things I looked forward to do was getting my volunteering job at a music venue where I went to last summer vacation. To get it was a bit of a doozy because I needed to get there after a schoolday, and it was about a 1:30 hour trip. That was on Monday, and it's a whole story. So let's start from the beginning: After school, I hurried to my bus, and went to the train station where I boarded a double decker train (standard train that was used for that kinda trip). I sat at the bottom viscinity and read a book because my phone had no battery. The train trip was uneventful, but when I arrived and ran to the metro station to catch a metro, I took the wrong one, and lost some precious time. Luckily however, I made it just enough to not lose much of the information given to the new volunteers. When I arrived there, people immediately began to notice my age. Many of the volunteers already had jobs (part-time or flexi) and were adults already. I was a high schooler and a 17 year old (which was the minimum age). However, the people were very kind when I arrived there, the coordinator explained every job we needed to do, and we had to sign a contract. After that was done, one of the volunteers asked me if they could drive me back home since it was such a far distance, but I declined. However, that was not a good decision on my part. After getting back to the station, 2 trains were cancelled to get back. I was stuck in the station for an hour with no battery. I however knew that there were powerbanks but they were very hidden, and I found them after 30 minutes of searching. It took me a long time to get back home, and it was already 9 PM when I arrived safe and sound, but it was all worth it. I'm very excited to start soon.
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Before taking the last train home, I sat down and took this photo, the number of the platform (9) is illuminated behind me
"Who the f*ck is Alice?" theatre show
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The sun shines bright before heading into the small theatre
The final event that I want to talk about happened yesterday evening. And that was a theatre show. The theatre show was a parody based on Alice in Wonderland, it was a retelling of some sorts with a lot of comedy and clever wordplay in it. 5 women played Alice, and each one of them had a scene that all had a significant impact on me. Also one of my favorite lines from the play was "Now kiss my ass" that all the Alice's said in unison. The whole production was very barebones, just a stage with a door that (spoiler alert) had a fully fledged obstructed table at the back of it that was pulled out during the scene with The Mad Hatter, the crowd gasped and laughed when they saw it happen, and I found that type of stuff brilliant. And speaking of that scene of the Mad Hatter, that was easily my most favorite one. They constantly cracked jokes like it was just normal conversation and it honestly didn't feel rehearsed, it felt like total improv. One of the jokes was the two actors playing Mad Hatter and his wife making a Belgian friterie snack where they smashed eggs and flour on the actor playing Alice. That was something I was not expecting. I wish I had a photo of it but events itself speak louder in our mind. The whole night was really fun, and even though I kinda felt a little sick from one of the ginger drinks I had that night I still enjoyed it ! The smell of the drink still lingers a bit now that I think about it. Art like this inspires me constantly, and I would love to do something like this in the future. My inspiration for everything always comes back to other creations, so don't be afraid to watch art and believe that you can make something like this.
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One of the Alice's performs in full bright light
Car Seat Headrest and furries
Ever since the start of the new month, I'm listening to a lot more music than before, currently it's still in its infancy but with some more time I feel like I can get ready to discover a new project by a certain artist and review it every day. The current artist I'm listening to now is Car Seat Headrest, which was recommended to me by a lot of people; on the review website, and from friend input. As of writing I heard a few records from the band, mainly Twin Fantasy, Teens of Denial and How to Leave Town. As of now I'm starting from the roots of the Will Toledo-driven project with their numbered albums. I heard their first album last week and I didn't really love it, but I hope many other projects (that I haven't listened yet) are a lot better considering their maturity in writing and music. Now that I'm listening to this solo-project-turned-band's entire discography, and their main member being a furry, I would love to talk about those kinds of people more. Furries, if you don't know, are people who spent their time in a new character based on an animal, usually a dog or a wolf. They create a whole persona (therefore the term fursona) around themself and express themself as such in all sorts of art, including music like with Will Toledo and Car Seat Headrest. I myself have tons of friends that are considered furries. And I'm a supporter of what they're doing. I won't consider myself a furry yet, but I have an appreciation of their work and they've been very kind to me in return. Their appreciation largely stems from their creativity and the ways they express themselves. I'm a large advocator of that sort of stuff and it makes me happy to see how much fun they're having with it. Not all furries do this, but the furries having a fursuit (a costume where they fully dress as their fursona) spending ridiculous amounts of money to get one is dedication that I would love to strife for in my own body of work. Today, the reputation of their work and creativity kinda goes negative in a lot of ways: either unnoticed or hated. One of the reasons of hatred is the sexual route. My response to this is that with every community, they're are bad actors. They're will always be someone who legitimately wants to ruin a perception of a group of individuals just being themself. And we should not give a voice to these kinds of people. Most furries I've met are not those bad actors, they're quite the opposite actually. And I hope many people recognize that. We should not hate someone just because they're a part of a group who has bad people in it.
Relationships and overthinking
Reading this part might get heavy, so bare with me. One thing that I'm really struggling with and have been for a very long time (so long that I actually wanted to tell about it in my first blog post but couldn't) is that I am an overthinker. And a very big one at that. I always have had a feeling where I don't know if people like me or not, this because I was in a ton of relationships that fell apart because people didn't tell me that I actually wasn't kind to them and that I didn't love them. Those type of events still hurt me, and you might also have a feeling like this, that's perfectly a valid feeling to have. We as human beings are complex and our feelings are all over the place for reasons unexplained. We like to be kind but we also like to hurt other people because it's something against etiquette. Rules are meant to be broken they say. And these rules that are broken hurt ourselves on a mental level and in rare occasions a physical level. And the only thing that we can do against it is to try to get over it and find new people, and you will always find new people that actually love you and trust you. And I know that it's not easy to do that, I myself still get regrets about certain things i said that led me in a situation of pain. You're never alone into thinking that you only have this problem, no one ever is alone. Don't be scared to talk to people about it like I did with my new friend groups. After two to three significant events in my social life that left me wrecked and feeling lost, I thought I would never get any more friends. I thought that every time I meet someone new they would hate me for the things I did. But that assumption is completely wrong. They're will always be new people, after a few months of not talking to anyone of significance, I met my first friend group that I still talk about to this day, and then another group, and another. One of the groups I came into was almost by accident, but now we're really great friends. And I feel like I can talk about my struggles to them. I feel very free for doing this. Of course I do it with a lot of caution, but it's not as restricted as I had before with a few other groups. In conclusion, you should never give up finding new friends that respect you and appreciate you. And even if they might not like you anymore, it's all about growing out of it and finding someone new that really appreciates you. Thank you for reading this week's blog, and see you next week. - Acacian
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sky-is-torn · 2 years
I don’t really celebrate Halloween, in my country it isn’t as big, but I did make Halloween cookies yesterday!! It was sooo fun to do. Do you have plans for Halloween? I looooved The Walk, it’s based on Philippe Petit's walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center!! Rocketman was nice too. Depending on what your definition of biopic is, I would also say 12 Years a Slave. As for Marvel, the exciting thing is mostly that there will be a ton of new superheroes in this phase, so getting to know them will me nice imo. And Harry Styles yes haha, I don’t think his role will be major though! I…. haven’t seen any Lord of the Rings movie, I’m sorry!! But the universe you described sounds super fun! Who is your favorite character of the franchise? 😊 As for hobbies or passions, I loooove to bake! It calms me down and it’s just a fun thing to do (and you get food as a result!) how about you?? 💌🥰
Ooh Halloween cookies, that sounds delicious!😋
I invited some friends over but Halloween isn't a big thing where I am either and we ended up just talking and eating sweets!
I've heard a lot of praise for 12 Years a Slave, I haven't taken the time to watch it yet but it's definitely on my "to be watched later" list!😄
I can't say for certain if you'll like LOTR, but if you get the chance to watch it one day you should try! There are a lot of different stories and characters and I think the theme is very relatable, in general!
I'm awful at choosing favourites but I think my favourite character is Faramir. I relate to him, his entire arc is very interesting and I like the fact that he's got flaws -- while Aragorn is absolutely amazing and badass but he's so perfect in many aspects that it's difficult to relate to him. Anyway, this probably won't speak much to you but I didn't want to spoil anything, in case you end up watching/reading it!
What about you, who's your favourite Marvel character?😊
Baking is such a cool hobby! What's your favourite recipe?
I like baking too! I love focusing on a recipe and what my hand are making, it keeps my mind blank for a while, if you know what I mean? But mainly, my favourite part of baking is sharing what I made with loved ones 🥰 sharing food isn't an official love language but it's definitely mine!
I also love writing! It's really a passion, I always have new book ideas and if I go a few days without writing, my mind feels full to the brim with creative ideas and I get antsy! It's also one of those hobbies that I can do anywhere: I can daydream about outlines while walking, listening to music, or on the bus...
I also love drawing, although I'm very self-conscious about the results (the perfectionnist in me always compares my drawings to drawings from more experiemced artists)
As for other hobbies, I have a lot of different interests! I play the piano, I listen to music a lot... I've taken up yoga and pottery this year, and both are quite fun! I also love learning new languages (I don't know anyone to practice with but it's fun to discover how the language works, it really opens the mind I think!) This summer I taught myself Italian, last summer it was Gaelic! And these days, I'm trying to figure out the Arabic alphabet!
(This has been sitting in my inbox for a while, sorry! This week is very busy for me, but I was very glad to hear from you!💕)
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dreamculture · 6 years
A Conversation with Cowgirl Clue 1.10.18
DREAMCULTURE: I read that you're one of five kids, where do you fit in that and growing up did any of your other family members or siblings influence your love for music or did you take that up on your own?
COWGIRLCLUE: Actually me and my siblings are so different. They're supportive of my music but they don't understand it very much so its been like my own path honestly. Like when I was a kid my older brother and I ,he's my full brother my other siblings are half, my older brother and I we’re close in age so we were wearing diapers and dancing to Madonna when we were kids but like you know, we like music we love it but our music taste is super different.
DC: So in school you'd walk around with headphones and things like you got your first job at age 13. Do you like doing things independently like this is what you're gonna do or do you sometimes rely on other people for help or influence?
CLUE: I mean if its around and inspiring, its definitely great to have a support system, if its not its also good to stay confidant in who you are and being true to yourself. Yeah when I was in high school I didn't have a lot of friends because a lot of my friends were older and graduated so I just hung out in the art class and wore my headphones, discovered new music.
DC: Growing up in Austin, who were you listening to and what kind of shows did you go to?
CLUE: Well I was going to a lot of my cousins shows cause some of my cousins were in bands. I moved around a lot but I was definitely one of the youngest or at least it seemed like one of the youngest people going to shows. Now its totally different cause everyones very young. I was probably the only sixteen or even seventeen year old at shows. I was one of the only people with x’s on my hands but now its totally different. Its super cool.
DC: Was going to shows a big part of your life or did you go to just have fun?
CLUE: I definitely went out of curiosity like whats it all about whats its like whats it like seeing something live like the sound. But there were a ton of artists at the time that I loved so much and I never got to see them live and looking back I'm like ughhh you know? Like will my dad or my mom drive me and like yes sometimes but sometimes no or not at all so it just kinda depended on the time.
DC: Did high school and college guide you into where you are with music now? I know know you started music at 18.
Clue: Well i started DJing pretty young maybe even before I was 18 I think I was maybe 17 but yeah in some ways I think it more helped my mentality maybe not so much with music but it helped me have a motivational mindset. I also took a lot of dance classes which help me now. I didn't realize at the time but it helped me branch out of my shell. In a ways it was good.
DC: You went to college in Olympia and lived in a punk house, what was that like?
Clue: It was cool. It rained a lot so thats why I'm no longer living there anymore cause that does affect your mind no matter how many people wanna tell you that it wont. Olympia is a great place and also a terrible place at the same time. Living in a punk house is cool for like what it is. The rent was cheap, I got to play my music as loud as I wanted, I got to stay up as late as I wanted, and I got to paint my walls black and white striped but at the same time it wasn't always the cleanest place.
DC: Moving onto your music now, you currently live in California. Whats it like being apart of the California music scene compared to other places you've lived and preformed?
Clue: I don't know if its the scene, well I mean yeah theres a lot of people that are very supportive in general but I think thats more of a time thing like I was saying I feel like the younger audience is more brace now than it was before when I was younger. I feel like my music has changed and so I don't know if its the atmosphere thats changed and helped but I don't know maybe its a combination of everything.
DC: When and where did you play your first show?
Clue: My first show... well I played some of my first shows in random bands. Like I would make a band and we would play a show at a friends house and then it'd be done and we'd never play again. I don't even remember who was in my different bands. But my first time DJing my friend was like “Hey do you wanna DJ my birthday party?” and I was like sure and then it just developed from there and now I'm here in Denver it's great.
DC: Where have some of your favorite places to preform been?
Clue: I honestly just like preforming it really doesn't matter as long as the sound system is good I like playing anywhere.
DC: Do you ever get stage fright or anxiety before you go on?
Clue: Yes and no, it depends on if I get to the venue and I don't have a lot of time to soundcheck thats really terrifying, its actually extremely terrifying. I mean I always get stage fright cause thats just normal.
DC: Going on to your lyrics, how do you come up with them for your songs?
Clue: My only EP that I put out was very personal and I played off a lot of metaphors but the album I'm working on now which is my first album, I want it to be more relatable so I'm thinking about more relatable scenarios and less of an intimate setting but also intimate too, and visual lyrics that are visually stimulating are always really good too.
DC: Your 2016 SXSW performance was one of the first performances I saw of you , since then you've accomplished so many cool things like your song "Jewel" was used in a Volcom trailer and you've also done things with Volcom in the past and have been doing things with them like when you took over their snapchat story, how did all these things come about?
Clue: Just really putting out content and meeting new people in music constantly. Never saying no to anything and not having a huge ego will really help you. Just art in general or anything that you wanna accomplish and thats what is helping me right now.
DC: Into your style, its unique and you have your Clue Wear. When did you decide you wanted to start making your own clothes?
Clue: Actually that manifested this past year. Its a lot of work because I hand paint jackets. I was supposed to put it out last year but i haven't yet cause I'm still working on things but its something I'm recently trying out so we'll see how it goes.
DC: I was curious where did your genie aesthetic come from?
Clue: Thats a really good question no ones asked me that before. When I was DJing I guess if I really think about it I came up the name Geniefactory because I felt like if you were some sort of entity and you're changing the space of a room it would kind be like a genie. Smoke represents music like filling the room and changing the atmosphere so thats why I went with it when I really put thought into it.
DC: I know you're into crystals, the moon, plants, things like that and of course your boots! Is there anything you're currently really into?
Clue: I really like stuffed animals they make me feel happy because they just are brainless and cute and thats what they're there to do, to make you feel better.
DC: Last but not least, you're putting out a new album in 2018, what else can we expect from Cowgirl Clue in the new year?
Clue: Shows lots of shows. The new album which I don't have a name for yet and those are pretty big things honestly maybe some music videos too who knows we'll see!
,,,Thank you Ashley for sitting down with me to talk and being the amazing artist and human being that you are!,,, ,,,Thank you to all that have read you can find Cowgirl Clue's music on Bandcamp, Spotify, and Youtube.,,, ,,,Also be sure to see Clue live on her upcoming tour supporting The Garden!,,,
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spreadplaylist · 7 years
This month's SPREAD Artist Spotlight is a dear friend of mine, Tina Mathieu. Let's get a closer look at her life and her music!
Tina: Hey there.. My name is Tina Mathieu. I’m a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. I moved out here by way of NYC, where I spent roughly 15 years writing and playing acoustic soul music. Within the past few months, I released my first indie r&b single and ran my very first official trail run... uphill - So i’m kinda feelin’ myself. ; )
Dan: Haha hi Tina! Those are definitely things to be proud of. I'm so excited you're our SPREAD featured artist this month! Diving right into your life and career a little more, how long have you been a songwriter/artist?
Tina: I started writing my own music after I stepped away from musical theater back in 2003. I was 22 with a broken heart and a cheap classical guitar. Typical story. I’d been writing poetry since I was a child - and somehow the ability to turn my words into melodies just clicked.
Dan: And when it clicks it's the best feeling ever. Since you have been writing for a while I am sure you have some sort of routine. Describe the place that makes you feel the most inspired creatively.
Tina: The mountains and the shower… recently I began trail running through the Santa Monica mountains. Moving through the open air, surrounded by 360’ of a world reminding me how small I am gives me major perspective - I become elevated in every way. I usually record voice memos while I hike and continue playing with those ideas once I’m home... washing all the dirt the off. The shower makes me feel like I can sing anything.
Dan: More power to you on trail running. I don't think that's something I could ever have the endurance to do! But if we're talking singing in the shower, I definitely feel like Beyoncé the moment I step in, even though I definitely don't sound like her...
Quickly moving on to get that image out of everyone's head...I know you are a very motivated and driven person. Do you have a personal mantra that helps you get through each day? If so, what is it?
Tina: These days when I feel like so much is out of my control, I like to stick with “One day at a time” and the serenity prayer... Accept the things I cannot change - the courage to change the things I can - and the wisdom to know the difference. Oh wisdom…
Dan: I've never actually heard that prayer. That's something I may have to adopt. I definitely use the day-at-a-time mantra or I tend to get overwhelmed.
So, now that you have released a new single, I know you are trying to get out and perform in LA a little more. Coming from experience I know that's a blessing and a curse. What do you think is a misconception people have about performing?
Tina: That bigger notes mean better singer. This is especially true in musical theater or televised singing competitions. I’ve had lots of internal struggles with this misconception. After dealing with vocal nodes, I had to start letting the strengths within my tone, emotion and storytelling depict my artistry - rather than belting my life away.
Dan: To be honest I think reality singing tv shows have done some hurt to singers because everyone watches them and then expects everyone to have a huge, belting voice. But we have to make room for the soothing, sultry vocals too. ;)
If you can pick, what song of yours are u most proud of? Why?
Tina: I’m super proud of two songs. ‘Downward Spiral’, my first single that I released, was a long time coming. I wrote it about 2 ½ years ago in NYC after dealing with some family turmoil. I’m proud of it because I actually followed through with it. I’ve written tons of songs and always found excuses to not finish them. When I released ‘Downward Spiral’ I felt ready. I had no excuses left.
I’m also very proud of the next song i’ll be releasing in October, ‘Ring Off’. Reliving the discovery of an affair is probably the most raw i’ve been in songwriting yet. It still hurts when i sing it and i think it makes people uncomfortable… which means I did my job.
Dan: I've heard both and I have to say they are both chilling. I don't even know if I could pick a favorite. And again, congrats on the new single!
I know that this journey is hard to follow through with sometimes, and its easy to get caught up. So throughout your years as a songwriter, who is one person in your life that has influenced and pushed you to be where you are now?
Tina: Influenced and pushed are two different things for me. I’ve had several artist and musician friends that have inspired me immensely. My family has always supported and believed in me. But as for pushing me to where I am now... I did that. Lots of people gave me advice and thought I was wasting my talent by not following through for so long, but I couldn’t do anything until I was ready - from the inside - an inner push that was long overdue.
Dan: I'm so happy to see that push now, because you're amazing! It's crazy how we can hear kind words and support from so many different people but we equally have to hear us say it to ourselves, too. With this unstoppable Tina, describe a typical day in your life. What are you doing? What do u enjoy the most about it?
Tina: I’m a mom - so everyday starts the same... I have to wake up way earlier than I prefer to blindly pour apple juice for a 4 year old dude. I also work in tv production so I’m often juggling a freelance lifestyle which allows me the opportunity to make music. I try to hike or trail run whenever I can squeeze it in. Also, Target. I’m mostly at Target.
Dan: Target always saves the day. Also, you are my hero. Now that we've seen a glimpse into your grind, and that you are not holding back in your music making any longer, what do u think is the biggest misconception people have about working in the music industry?
Tina: That you get discovered and industry people figure everything out for you and you just get to sing and make money. EASY. It couldn’t be more of the opposite. Being an artist is running a small business - the financial investment, the self promotion, understanding the convoluted money splits on the back end of a song... I mean you really have to love the ‘making music’ part of it.
Dan: You have to love it almost more than anything else. There's so much more behind the scenes that people do not think about. Being where you are today, and having just released an awesome single, if you could go back in time to the Tina Mathieu who just started out as a songwriter and artist, what is a piece of advice you would give her?
Tina: Be nice to yourself. It’s ok to tell people that you are a songwriter. You’re not a phony. And you don’t have to hide behind other people’s success… you deserve your own.
Dan: Preach, girl. Also discussing your day-to-day life, how do u manage a busy schedule and stress? How do you recharge when u need to?
Tina: I try to stay as organized as possible - Google docs run my life. Hiking and weed are my stress relievers. Often paired together. :)
Dan: We definitely need those stress relievers to get us through the business. Breaks away from the madness are so important.
A part of this business also includes of failed attempts or let-downs. I feel like they are so common you can easily lose track. Tell us about a time that you feel like you failed musically. How did u overcome this?
Tina: When I found out I was pregnant, I felt like I completely failed musically. I had yet to put out a single, yet to release an EP… and to be honest, I thought that being a mom meant that I had run out of time. I wrote a depressing song that day (that no one has ever heard) and decided to accept my failure as an artist. Luckily, being a songwriter is simply a part of me that won’t go away. It took a few years to start finding my way again - but I’m actually better than I was before and now I have someone very special to impress.
Dan: You are a natural songwriter. I don't think it could go away if you tried to make it! I am really touched by your answer, and I can't help but be grateful for all the badass moms we see in the industry that are killing it. Ya know, Pink, Beyoncé, Adele to name a few... It gives me hope that other moms will be inspired to keep going; that they're not done after having a kid. And I'll be the one to say I am SO glad you didn't give up. We desperately need your music in the world. Also...your kid is ridiculously cute I can't handle it. He'll always be your number one fan!
What is a defining moment of your career and how has it affected your life since?
Tina: Releasing ‘Downward Spiral’ is the most defining moment so far. When I teamed up with the Los Angeles Songwriters Collective for their 2nd EP, I committed to myself that it was time follow through. The past few months have been non-stop songwriting, studio time, gigs, co-write sessions, networking and supporting new artist friends. Making that one commitment changed everything for me.
Dan: I have such a big smile on my face. The gears are turning and there's no stopping now!
Looking to your inspiratioins, tell us about an artist/songwriter who inspires u. What would you like to emulate in your own artistry?
Tina: Erykah Badu is my all time favorite artist. Unique in every way. Her voice, words, melodic decisions, storytelling... honest & confident.
“She’s Clever.”
John Mayer is my favorite lyricist - I try to learn a lot from the honesty and details in his poetry. I may or may not have a lyric tattooed around my wrist. (Shhh.. I’m a fangirl!)
I’m not looking to emulate them but rather let what I love in these artists innately come through me - kinda like osmosis.
Dan: You said something SO important right there. I think up and coming artists struggle a lot when they're first releasing music. They listen to their favorite artists and then try to sound like them, but the key is letting what you love about them show in your own way! Ah, I could scream! Nail on the damn head.
So what artist/album/song have u had on repeat lately?
Tina: 90’s male R&B slow jam Playlist - Ginuwine, Dru Hill, 112, etc..
Julia Michaels - She is an effortless genius.
Kehlani - Obsessed with her.
Fiona Apple, Tidal - because her words never go out of style (and I still need a dictionary to get through some songs...)
Dan: What a good ass mix! If people reading this have not checked those artists out, GO! Some of them have been featured on SPREAD before... ;)
Laaaaaast but not least at all, how can we check out ur music and stay up to date with ur releases/posts? Anything we should especially be on the lookout for? ;)
Tina: I’m mostly active on Instagram - @tinamathieumusic. You can listen to ‘Downward Spiral’ on SPREAD CH. 4 - Feels and also stream or download it anywhere music exists. I have a few LA gigs lined up for Sept / Oct, which I’ll be announcing soon - and my newest single, ‘Ring Off’ will be available this fall.
Dan: Y'all heard it from Tina herself! If u haven't already, go check out her new single, 'Downward Spiral' on SPREAD CH.4 and go follow her! LA people, make sure u go see her live to because her music and her voice slays. Thanks again, Tina, for being SPREAD CH.4's featured artist. I'm super excited to see where this next year takes u! :)
Thank you everyone for joining us for this month's SPREAD Artist Spotlight! I hope you have let out all the FEELS u can before Friday because a whole new playlist is coming! And it's gonna end with a bang 🎊
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