#i just think hes the best protag ever yk
todayisafridaynight · 10 months
ichiban always makes me giggle and kick my feet and think about the whimsy and wonder of the world
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patentedsun · 2 months
Rapid fire Fairy Tail rewatch thoughts. May or May not expand upon each point later on.
for reference, I've reached tartaros so far. I am aware of the canon happenings after that tho.
The female cast is so good idc what anyone says obviously the fanservice is awful BUT I will say, in the earlier arcs, it actually felt decently balanced because of Gray's whole stripping shtick + Natsu's cunty vest wasn't particularly modest either LOL.
Erza is such a wonderful character. I've seen comments that she goes downhill like 100yq onwards but. Um. 100yq characterisation.... that's a whole post of its own.
I never expected to like Lucy so much. idc that it takes her like 200 episodes to win a fight solo because when she FINALLY DOES IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF THE SERIES BY FAR. characters who's defining traits r kindness and compassion <33
Interesting how Lucy is the traditional shounen protag (underdog, skills develop overtime) because the rest of team Natsu sans Wendy were all like ... already kinda OP established mages even at the beginning.
I know there are debates ab who really is the protag and imo the narrative skews towards Natsu more BUT. it's bizarre how unexplored he is for a main character. Like yes he is my favourite character other than Lucy but his inner psyche is barely explored it's so weird. He doesn't really have a character arc either??? I'll expand on this more once I finish post tartaros (lolll not looking forward to that) and once again it seems like he's completely regressed from what I've seen of 100yq.
I fucking love all the ships.
I don't agree with comments that Natsu can't be traditionally romantic. Like, I definitely don't think he would ever have the natural inclination to be that way as a part of his character on its own. BUT considering iconic rainbow sakura moment I fully believe he would do whatever it is that would make Lucy happy. And if that includes red roses and candlelit dinners he would absolutely try his best.
Nalu moments r seriously. so good.
I totally see why Juvia stans don't like gruvia. But unfortunately I like them. And I've slightly rewritten them in my head so that juvia doesn't get completely flanderized LOL.
the Natsu Erza Gray sibling relationship goes soooo hard.
Just in general there's something beautiful about the way Fairy Tail handles it's numerous platonic and romantic relationships. Nothing feels secondary yk. Everything is given its due time (except maybe NALU goddammit).
I LOVE THAT FEMALE CHARACTERS HAVE DEEP COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS IRRELEVANT TO THE MALE CAST. Lucy and Levy, Lucy and Yukino, whatever combination between Erza Lucy Wendy, Lucy Flare, Wendy Shelia, Wendy Carla etc
Even when the relationship involves a man in some kind of way like eg Lucy Cana or Erza Kagura it's still not like... in a bad way. The friendship itself is still there, it's just that the inciting incident tends to involve a dude.
Speaking of Lucy having so many deep female friendships is a big reason why I like Nalu so much lol. Like I literally do not care ab ships in media but fairy tail.... just has that something...
Love how often everyone changes outfits.
This show desperately needed a mini arc somewhere with just Natsu Lucy Happy going on a low stake job, where Natsu actually opens up ab his emotions and his relationship with Igneel.
Needed more Natsu and Igneel flashbacks in general.
Wendy triple combo abandonment issues are not talked ab enough holy shit. Grandeeny, Mystogan and then her entire guild???!
Lucy's relationship with her dad was objectively so well written. I skipped starry skies arc sorry the pacing was destroying me so I can't speak on that. But everything else was just BEAUTIFUL.
The fact that she returns to him just to tell at him. The fact that he comes to her with money problems and she STILL stands her ground. The fact that it's HIM who has to better himself and earn HER forgiveness.
Even after it seems like they're on ok terms, Lucy mentions in tenrou that they don't keep in contact, which is soo... realistic...
and then his death... Shout-out to Natsu who actually is emotionally quite mature (as the author himself seems to have forgotten) and dealt with it wonderfully. He gave Lucy her space, he let her vent, he stopped Happy from interfering too much. + Lucy being conflicted ab it and clearly grieving what could have been instead of what was. sighhh. .
idc ab no deaths but I do wish they didn't do fake out deaths as often. Because when actual loss sticks, it's done super well imo. Ultear, Aquarius, I haven't hit this part yet but Igneel... (yes I'm ignoring 100yq)
the episodic fillers r INCREDIBLE.
Rogue and Frosch are so special to me.
Wish they expanded on Jellal and Meredy's relationship a bit more it seems quite wholesome.
I love Virgo.
Really hate the muted colours Ft2014 onwards, but I do like that Lucy's hair became blonde and not yellow.
Pacing 2014 onwards was GOD AWFUL. I WAS SO SAD because I think the story beats in eclipse arc is actually super good but it was DRAGGED OUT SO MUCH nothing had the impact it should've.
Snow fairy, FT, Masayume chasing you will never be forgotten.
Lucy underutilizes Gemini so much it drives me mad. They were terrifying under Angel so like... cmon...
idc what anyone says GMG and edolas were top tier.
Edolas Natsu X Edolas Lucy... yes
objectively speaking gajeel is a top tier character too
Someone pointed out that Natsu didn't reallyyy hang out with anyone other than Happy pre canon and it changed my life. Every time I notice him and Lucy casually hanging out now I start screaming.
HAPPY IS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER IDC. His edolas character arc was incredible, his relationship with Lucy is just as (if not more) fleshed out as his one with Natsu and that's part of what makes them such a great trio.
Whenever he goes LUUSSHIEEE . my heart ...
OST top tier no notes
the writing was actually so tight up until GMG part 2
I generally don't care ab the powerscaling issues but laxus v jura... no.
The anime kinda fucks up his face a lot but manga Natsu was genuinely soooo adorable in every single panel (once again IGNORING 100YQ).
Wendy also great character arc.
Sting's whole design is SO GOOD and ten years too early. the fur lined vest, the crop top, the one dangly earring, the scar, the loose fitting pants, good God now that's a Look.
Seriously I love Nalu so much...
That's all for now folks. If you want me to expand upon anything just lmk bec believe it or not all of this is a summary.
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galaxynajma · 5 months
hmm what about yuji for the send me a character and i’ll tell you?
My first impression: I thought he was a sweet kid and a lovely person to be around
Also he really needs some therapy
Favorite thing about that character: his personality:) also really like his pink hair and how much he wants to save people
Least favorite thing: the fact that Gege made Him wear his school uniform again after Shibuya
It doesn’t make any sense
The outfit he wore while he was with Choso post shibuya and while looking for Hakari were way better ( at least in my opinion)
Favorite line/scene: of course it’s the " I’m you " scene:) idk all of Yuuji’s scenes with Mahito are great
I will say this if Yuuji and Kenjaku ever do get to talk to each other then that would be my favorite ( Gege give us the family drama)
Favorite interaction that character has with another: hmm maybe Junpei? Or Nobara and of course Megumi
But yk all of those ended in tragedy ( well we don’t know about Megumi yet )
Wait wait i forgot TODO! AND CHOSO! How can I forget them ( I miss todo so much)
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Maki and Kenjaku
I LOVED when Yuuji and Maki jumped Sukuna back in chapter 215 ( I believe that was the chapter)
I once read a fanfic that took place right after Sukuna escaped with Uraume in it Yuuji and Maki had a little bonding moment talking about the people they lost and at the end of it Yuuji calls Maki his big sister and OH MY GOD MY HEART
For Kenjaku it’s pretty obvious that’s his mom the person who has planned all of this and ruined so many lives is also his mother
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Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: hmm a lot of people say Denji from chainsaw man and I see why they have their similarities and also their differences ( idk this isn’t something i thought about a lot)
A headcanon about that character: like the idea of Yuuji being a horror movie fan watching the newest movies to come out to the ones from the 80s
He’s a huge movie fan everytime he watches a film he likes to sit in silence and think about it yk the things he liked and things he disliked
Also one time Yuuji missed the bus so he tried to run for it and accidentally went Past the bus
A song that reminds of that character: can’t think of one rn sorry
An unpopular opinion about that character: Yuuji doesn’t need a power up or be the strongest to be the MC he doesn’t need to be the solo focus of the series other characters can have the spotlight and he would still be the protag no matter what
Favorite picture: this one
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I’m just joking
It’s probably these three
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rewh0re · 6 months
okay. you are the esteemed lovely hana. i am a dust who is writing a fanmail. are we clear?! 🫵okay but to be a little bit srs for a bit. hang in there honey, exam is hell. deep breath and drink water okay <3 *grandma voice*
now!! the fanmail!! the confession!!!
okay so, this is hard :>>> but!! my fave fic from u is "omg we are matching!!" with "july rains" coming real close. like listen i am very isagi biased. and you are cooking with isagi being bracelet guy. like. i agree and love it so much in the way i am ready to hit a table repeatedly shouting "this is it your honor!!!!" at an imaginary court for some imaginary reasoning. but!!!! july rains is def the one that makes me go D: D: D: for i think a full minute. at least. like reading it really feels like a first love in a way that flutters my heart while also turning my world upside down. how do i put this??? but yeah there is that.
but with that, my runner up will be "july rains" and "2:55 am" because legit. sae's last line feels illegal. i want to cry. like this happen repeatedly in many of your writing but there are some stuffs you read that make you smile :((((( like a jane austen protag in love :((((( i think that's how i can put it best
okay. i think that's all i can say while still sounding sane. hopefully it sounds sane. ily hana muah muah <3
Let me start by apologising for the late reply. I'm so so sorry!! I was so busy today I had exam in the morning and then I came home and went out to buy some things and I just returned and got the chance to properly use my phone😮‍💨
YOU are the esteemed one POPON I was smiling so wide when I got this ask I can't even begin to describe how happy I was so YOU are the esteemed one and I am a dust just writing fics🫶🏼🫵
I want to say that I absolutely get it lol. When I was planning about which character would match what with the reader I just knew that isagi had to be bracelet. He couldn't be anything else in my mind and I'm glad you agree and that you liked it sm. And July rains oh my I remember it haha the writing process was very simple lol it was raining and I wanted to write a fic but I wrote sm reo and rin that I diverted towards nagi😭😭😭 I wanted to make people feel the first love moment so 🤪🤪 AND JANE AUSTEN PROTAG IN LOVE????? ISTG THAT IS THE BEST THING SOMEONE HAS EVER SAKD ABT MY WRITING POPON I AM BLUSHING SO BAD😳😳😳😳😳😚
again I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sending this text it made me feel very appreciated and it made me feel like "yea yk someone reads my writing and gains happiness from it and likes it" and that made me smile so wide because the thought of it is just dbdbdbdb. So thank you for taking your time and sending this I love you and appreciate you sm🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼😘😘
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plushiehamuko · 1 year
HERE IS MY UP-TO-DATE P5R CHARACTER RANKING bc i think it will be funny if i post this now and then come back when i am later in the game and see that my opinions were severely bad and wrong. also i am doing phantom thieves only (but know shiho would be second if she were in the ranking)
(DISCLAIMER: you cannot get mad at me for my opinion on people who have not showed up yet okay. i have been avoiding spoilers and i know nothing about them so i just know what has happened IN THE GAME SO FAR. also very long post i went off about some people sorry about that)
1. ANN TAKAMAKI - MY GIRL OF ALL TIME. what can i say, i love myself a silly blonde girl. i think my favorite thing about ann is how she’s portrayed as both strong and emotional - she is consistently shown to be resilient, capable, and tough, but she also deals with her emotions in the same way that a teenage girl in her position would. it makes me happy to see that bc not a lot of characters get that right and i hate seeing emotional girls always being the pathetic ones. also i know she’s not canonically sapphic but she does feel very deliberately sapphic to me if that makes sense. having it be canon would be nice, but in a way, the fact that her and shiho have a very sapphic relationship without it being called that reflects what being young and confused about sexuality is like. it’s very common among teenage lesbians, and i know it probably wasn’t the devs’ intention to accurately portray sexuality confusion, but they did a good job of it on accident regardless. anyways i love and adore ann i am hugging her hugging her hugging her and pressing her lips to shiho's as if they're barbies
2. haru okumura - OKAY LOOK. LOOK. i know she hasn't shown up... i know she hasn't said anything besides that one time i saw her in the hallway and she talked about plants to a random teacher for 10 seconds... I KNOW BUT BUT SHE'S SO SKRUNKLY LOOK AT HER. she is so soft looking so silly looking i want to hug her so much. i am reserving this second place spot for her, if it turns out i don't like her as much as i thought then that's fine but nobody knows Girl Of All Time Vibes better than me and she has them
3. yusuke kitagawa - YUSUKE MY BEST FRIEND YUSUKE. I LOVE AND ADORE HIM SOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH... i honestly didn't expect to like yusuke when he first showed up but as soon as he spoke i was like. oh. Oh This Guy. LIKE HE'S SO SILLY he makes me giggle with how he's just so like. WEIRD. but i genuinely don't see how people find him creepy - the fact that he doesn't have any harmful intentions is very clear and he's just a guy who fumbles every social interaction he's ever in and i want to be his best friend for it I LOVE HIM.
4. ryuji sakamoto - I LOVE RYUJI HE'S SUCH A GUY TO ME i love him being best friends with ann and i love his stupid comments he is so funny fr
5. morgana - EVERYONE'S SO MEAN TO MY SILLY KITTY GUY... usually mascot characters like him are super annoying but i fuckin LOVE morgana he's so funny and adorable. i wanna cuddle him THE KITTY EVER
6. kasumi yoshizawa - she's really cute and sweet! the fact that i don't have anything besides that to say about her is why she isn't higher on the list lol
7. akira kurusu - he's a Guy. i like him as a protag, he has dialogue options that don't make me wanna rip my hair out and he had the emotional intelligence to comfort ann without making me want to be like "YOU'RE FUMBLING THIS FR SHUT UP STOP TALKING LET ME TALK TO HER" so i like him. however he's just a guy that exists to me
8. futaba sakura - she's cute! but being a woman in stem is like. every girl i know irl is Like That so she doesn't feel very blorbo to me when she's just An Average Girl In My Comp Sci Class, yk? i might be more interested in her when i actually come across her tho
9. goro akechi - i don't care about him at all i want what he has tho (knows sae niijima personally)
10. makoto niijima - SORRY SORRYSORRYSORRY SORRY. i know this is anti-feminist of me and considering she's so well-liked i am sure i will change my mind on this based on later stuff in the game. but MAN. her attitude is absolutely rancid in the pre-second palace scenes........ LIKE i'm not even mad at her for selling out the phantom thieves bc i get that she's been blackmailed but she said something to akira about how she "didn't know if ann being a victim of kamoshida was all there was to it" naming ANN SPECIFICALLY and not akira or ryuji and like. GIRL WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING THERE WHY ARE YOU SINGLING OUT ANN i do not like the implications there they're Yucky!!! you can do what you have to do without being nasty to ann and mean Okay Thanks.
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marley-manson · 2 years
i’m honestly really impressed by the show’s depiction of BJ’s recurring flaw of not supporting Hawkeye because he’s too emotionally repressed, because as far as I can remember it’s never actually specifically discussed or even directly mentioned in dialogue, but it reoccurs often and we can see how Hawkeye and BJ’s relationship changes to reflect that flaw the more times it rears its head. then it straight up becomes the emotional centrepiece of the finale. it’s just such a fantastic bit of showing rather than telling.
like actually I think the closest anyone comes to describing this flaw of BJ’s in words is Hawkeye’s “what if I was dying, would you hold me in your arms or would you let me lie there and bleed?” and that’s not even necessarily referring to BJ’s overall lack of support so much as specifically the current conflict of BJ refusing to say goodbye. But man it really nails everything from BJ’s casual refusal to engage with Hawkeye’s looming court martial in The Grim Reaper to blowing Hawkeye off throughout most of Back Pay to dismissing his project in Depressing News to triggering Hawkeye and then running away in GFA.
it’s easily the most compelling thing about their relationship to me. (well okay I shouldn’t say easily bc the psychological torture gives it a run for its money, but yk)
and I love so much that Hawkeye’s reactions to BJ doing this initially tend to be taking offence (eg ”Will you shut up about the stupid jacket” in The Grim Reaper when he shows more outrage about his jacket being stolen than Hawkeye’s court martial) but evolve into resignation (eg silently walking away when BJ’s response to his tongue depressor monologue is sarcasm). it shows such awareness on the parts of the writers, and it makes so much sense, and it’s a wonderfully subtle thread that’s very emotionally true.
BJ’s emotional repression and lack of support is also followed through on and shown obliquely through Hawkeye simply not turning to him for support. in the latter half of the show he often opens up to Margaret instead, and she comisserates with him by sharing her own feelings. he goes to Father Mulcahy for help in Letters and Depressing News, eg. he doesn’t tell BJ about his father in Sons and Bowlers, and it’s Charles who ends up supporting him.
also it’s really interesting and kind of unique of the writers to give BJ, the best friend and most important person in the MC’s life, this flaw. his relationship with Hawkeye is objectively the most important relationship on the show, BJ is the character who means the most to Hawkeye, they are best friends, but Hawkeye doesn’t turn to him for emotional support, and BJ doesn’t offer it. it’s just so interesting, like has a best friend on tv ever consistently and pointedly refused to engage with the mc’s problems bc he’s emotionally constipated? normally the best friend is default support and if it’s uneven it’s uneven favouring the protag, but in this case the protag is the best friend’s emotional support system and he gets very little in return.
now to be fair there are examples of BJ supporting Hawkeye - eg the red party; looking for him in comrades in arms, arguably stealing the jeep at the end of back pay and otherwise going along with some of his schemes, etc - but those aren’t emotional support. they’re actions that show he cares but which don’t require any actual open honest engagement with Hawkeye’s feelings on his part, or opening up himself. when BJ opens up emotionally to Hawkeye, it’s because he needs Hawkeye’s support, like in Period of Adjustment.
and even early on, before BJ’s character was fully developed, this aspect of him still shined through in more neutral ways. in The More I See You BJ engages with Hawkeye from a place of somewhat judgy detachment and then has a thematically intriguing final scene with Hawkeye where he casually lies during a guessing game. In The Late Commander Pierce he walks away and leaves Hawkeye on the bus. In Hawk’s Nightmare his response to Hawkeye’s fear is to tell him it’s no big deal, which I’m sure is how BJ deals with feelings, but it isn’t compatible with how Hawkeye deals, as we can see when he doesn’t accept that and keeps insisting that the nightmares are fucking him up.
like honestly... Hawkeye’s “would you hold me in your arms” line is overdramatic in the context of BJ refusing to say goodbye, sure, but it does absolutely nail BJ’s overall attitude in their relationship, because he’s bad at emotional engagement and because he actively tries to keep himself at a distance, and because he does have a habit of ditching Hawkeye when he specifically just needs emotional support.
and I absolutely love it as a writing choice.
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binas-idea-vault · 3 years
Hear Me Out (this one is gonna sound dumb) : Dream SMP Scooby-Doo AU
picture it with me at least for a second alright because i have many things to say (Scooby-Doo was and still is my favorite show to binge ever because there’s not really a storyline that spans throughout episodes so you can just watch any random episode. therefore tis the best show to turn into an AU that is comprised of oneshots that can be read in any order)
so without further ado let’s get started. 
Micheal as Scooby-Doo because yk, Micheal supremacy. i don’t really think much else needs to be said for this.
i think Ranboo would be Shaggy because of obviously Shaggy’s connection to Scooby-Doo, they’re both tall and also because arguably Shaggy has the most protag powers out of everyone else in the cast. most of the places the team go to is because of a contest Shaggy and Scooby won. and out of the characters in the Dream SMP who is the most portrayed by the fandom as the protagonist? Ranboo. a case could be made for Tommy being Shaggy and whilst i do see it, i think that Ranboo is more Shaggy (in this au anyway).
i feel as though the closest fit for Tubbo in this au would be as Daphne, since Tubbo is really intelligent but his intelligence is sometimes downplayed with the way the fandom portrays him and his commentary can be hilarious much like Daphne’s one-liners in the show. also they’re both kinda danger-prone, with Tubbo getting his life constantly threatened by people on the SMP and being put into positions that can endanger him (like when he was appointed president of L’Manburg) and how Daphne is trapped somewhere by the bad guy/fake monster in almost every single episode (and always manages to escape like the absolute queen she is). so whilst both characters have some differences i think overall they’re the best fit.
hear me out on this one, Foolish as Fred. both are categorized as himbos and make things more complicated than they need to be (Fred’s elaborate traps to catch the bad guy/fake monster and Foolish building the mansion as he himself said he made it way bigger than it needed to be, i’m pretty sure it’s like the same size as the prison or taller than the prison i forget which. just, Foolish’s multiple insanity arcs during the mansion building process). also Foolish gets along with Ranboo and Tubbo so them being a group just makes sense. 
which leaves Reader as Velma (random side note but i searched up characteristics of Velma to make sure i was getting the description correct and i almost wrote a description for Velma the villager from animal crossing until i double checked and was like “this doesn’t sound like Velma-”) who is the ‘brains’ of the group. really the logical thinker who has an extensive on obscure topics (like Norse writing from that one episode in season 3 i think) and who always has the spiel about the bad guy/fake monster after the group figures out who it is. also some random one-liners and the obligatory person with glasses joke (ignore if unlike me you don’t have terrible eyesight-).
Dream would be a bad guy that keeps showing up again and again in different fake monster costumes who wears a mask under the fake monster mask (like the overdramatic and meta person he is) who originally had help from Sapnap and George until they decided to quit (redemption arc) and help the team catch Dream every once in awhile.
Tommy would be a character that shows up a lot/is referenced a lot but technically isn’t part of the main cast since he is close with Tubbo (and begrudgingly close with Ranboo/getting closer with Ranboo in the canon).
the Eggpire is an organization of people who use fake monsters to try and scare away people from certain areas so businesses go bankrupt and the Eggpire can take over for profit (most of the motives in the episodes are for business reasons and this is the best i could come up with-). also a recurring bad guy that isn’t too central for the plot of any other episode and their past antics are referenced so you don’t have to watch the other episodes they’re in. most of the Pro-Omlette crew are also in those episodes with the main team helping them stop the Eggpire’s most recent scheme (by the Pro-Omlette crew i mean Captain Puffy, Eret, and the Syndicate minus Ranboo since they’ve all expressed a distaste towards the egg)  . (this is making me want to make a Carmen Sandiego inspired AU my brain needs to stop-)
the other characters not mentioned are random bad guys/fake monsters or they are the people who notify the main team about a fake monster/are being affected by the presence of the aforementioned fake monster. 
uhhh that’s about it, i was at first thinking SBI Scooby-Doo but then i was like “well there’s 4 members of the cast + Scooby-Doo which we could put as Steve so there wouldn’t be room for a Reader character if we’re staying true to the source material” so then i thought of the Syndicate as Scooby-Doo characters but technically speaking there’s 5 members (Niki, Ranboo, Technoblade, Philza and the unknown member with the code name Harpocrates) and also i dont know who i’d put as Scooby-Doo and of course no space for a Reader character. 
(i have no idea how to end these things so yeah-)
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kachinnate · 3 years
We would love to hear more about this fic idea simmering in your brain! Living for it tbh
..👉👈 well,
obvs spoilers below but also tw for suicidal thoughts/behaviors/successful attempt, car accident death, substance/alcohol abuse
SO. i'll explain it first in the context of evan being the protag just because when i first conceived this idea on a random weekend trip back home like three weeks ago That's who i envisioned as being the story's narrator
so.. right off the bat it opens kinda horrible kinda upsetting, evan hansen 17 or 18 yrs old is driving Somewhere late at night. on a seemingly empty road, someone suddenly jumps in front of his car and is p much immediately killed on impact. the person, connor murphy, had a history of attempts before this and it's deemed a suicide so naturally evan is not in trouble, but luckily for him he does not need to be charged with vehicular manslaughter in order to be a bit Extremely Traumatized and Unwilling to operate a Car again
we have quite a bit of a time skip then -- i'm thinking like.. 4-5ish years (i can't decide what any character's Hard occupation is yet or if any/everyone went to uni but for intensive purposes im gonna say whoever the protag is either didn't go to college or did not do Great in college) -- evan and jared are Closer than they had been in high school but there's still a similar dynamic; there's enough trust there though that they're at least roommates now. it's not nearly as fresh now and doesn't necessarily Haunt him as badly, but evan still refuses to drive, and he's like.. clearly in a melancholic sort of [stuck] sort of state of mind/being, sorta aimless, yk yk. sort of transitions from a [does anybody see me :'/] mantra to a [no one Needs to/Should see me]
in some sort of String Of Events, he suddenly keeps running into one zoe murphy, who spoiler alert is also in a Weird Place about her brother's death and similarly to evan hasn't truly reached some sort of closure either but at the same time it is not clearly Affecting her on a day to day basis anymore as his death was 4-5 Years ago, however something about seeing her / continuing to run into her makes evan really unwell -- especially because she's like, a decent person towards him... in his mind he feels like even Now she should resent him and hate him and not be weirdly kind / mildly indifferent to his existence - eventually he probably even Tells this to her, and is only made more distraught by her saying some sentiment of (especially if like she hasn't made really a lot of effort at All to process her brother's death) that she didn't like or wasn't close to connor / hated him when he was around, which like. something something evan having a "still???? i Killed him ?????? and also he was your Brother ??????" it's distressing at all for evan to learn more about connor than he already knows, tbd if he tries and learns more about him in the wake of his death when he's 17 but i'm gonna go with that he Doesn't just so the idea of connor being a Person with Attributes like unsettles and upsets an evan who has not properly processed any of this Later
the entirety of the story though i would want to be like... hm not like slice of life sdgnjksgd but a lot of evan's issues aren't going to be just drowning in guilt over connor cuz.. again it was a Long Time ago but more so he's dealing with the long standing damages to his own person that happened Because Of That -- i'd imagine a lot of things are upsetting and complicated, like whatever job he's in rn might not be going great and he's not able to date really due to his lack of desire in being Perceived, he cannot Drive and it's at best annoying and inconvenient for him maybe bc he can't go home and see his mom ever bc of it, at worst it's daunting and sort of damning in the sense that he's never going to be normal because of this '''mistake'''' he made years ago , his and jared's relationship is complicated to a fault and probably results in interesting arguments (something to be said about maybe jared actually sort of grew up while evan did Not and the dynamics that has), zoe keeps showing up and maybe eventually starts actually trying to be evan's friend and it's distressing and confusing but evan thinks he wants it maybe also thinks he doesn't deserve it, wants to understand her, kind of also wants to sever himself from everything related to connor in an attempt to free himself from all the Everything that seems to be related to it even if it's Not and even if it's become so accidentally engrained into who he became as a person bc he never fully Healed that it's impossible to separate himself from it all yk yk yk
skip this para for idk Big spoilers idk how the story would conclude but in any vers i think at least that the/a climactic bit would probably be an eventual admittance to what the protag was doing the night they hit connor, which.. :'') i think would be extremely tragic if they were going somewhere to have an Attempt of their own! and they never talked about that and that's also a huge part of the guilt and the being stuck and the everything.. because like! maybe they can't bring themselves to try again because look what happened the last time, they killed someone! so they're just stuck living an unhappy life when they'd rather be dead and none of what's going on in their life currently is planned or accounted for and [thrashes n kicks]
SWITCHING GEARS, a jared version [tm] would be similar if not shifted slightly. he still hits connor, he still feels the same [augh] feelings. i think something unique to him though is that his guise in high school set him up for oh i'm Achieving Big Things being someone Great and Successful only for him to have this extreme change in who he Is, and even then he's still sort of swarmy and he tries to be the loveable asshole but it just is always falling short and - evan as the roommate here - is always sort of just like [cringing wincing] at his display bc he really knows that jared isn't right and hasn't been right in so long but he has no idea how to help him because and i think for him it'd be more like a refusal to process things and accept that he wasn't at fault and that no one should hate him despite him playfully 'joking' that they should. for jared specifically i hc that he lowkey does have issues with alcohol As A Kid, so naturally as an adult with this sorta thing on his shoulders he drinks a lot more, maybe as things are getting Worse and eventually hit a certain point he has an alcohol poisoning moment and evan really has to have a leveling moment with him like "Dude." ;_; GOD AND ALSO HIM NOT WANTING TO DRIVE.... i don't know if he'd still make himself do it or not, but the idea of evan driving and jared not because of the guilt makes me ache especially if it was a thing in high school that evan was the lesser confident driver out of the two of them.... just in general i think evan's opinion of jared matters to jared much more than he'd like to admit and that also probably leads to arguments in its own right....
the zoe stuff would still happen too bc jared and zoe friendship rights but jared's distress towards how she's acting would be more angry and kinda confused compared to evan's just disbelieved distress -- evan's eventual greeting to zoe being like "how do we keep running into each other like this" while jared's is probably like "dude Leave me alone if you're trying to get at me in some weird way just Stop" (which could lend to some Great comparisons from zoe on how jared's being stupid.. and jumping to worst conclusions... like someone she used to know........)
( for whatever reason i do have specific career thoughts for jared being like a teacher's aide or a student teacher of some sort, thinks about him slacking off or getting worse mentally and then getting fired... which could again be sort of the beginning to what leads to that scene of him hitting rock bottom maybe getting alcohol poisoning somewhere down the line ;_;;; )
i didn't add romance in omissions for the obvious reasons of like i didn't think it Fit -- it's not a huge priority to me here either but idk i do think kleinsen or zoevan could be a thing in either??
like AUGH zoevan in the evan version would be a whole thing because evan certainly has a complex of [i can't date the guy i killed's FUCKING SISTER EVEN IF SHE'S OKAY WITH IT???] and zoevan in the jared version probably is so upsetting to JARED because in the background his best friend somehow got close to and is fucking dating the sister of the GUY HE KILLED and it feels like evan's being insensitive to his situation when he's not and jared really just feels like the universe is fucking picking on him bc holy shit what the hell of COURSE this series of events would happen to HIM of all people !
kleinsen on the other hand i think would fit better with Jared as the protag -- in the evan version it could certainly be a thing but it would not be like having dedicated chapters of it, it'd probably be like a thing that slowly progressed over the course of the Ending showing that the two of them get closer once evan's sort of Calmed down and settled back into himself maybe told jared the truth about [stuff mentioned in spoiler para], in the jare version it could be a thing that he's liked evan the whole time it just got obscured by everything with connor, and he's not able to proccess that until things start getting better for him too but he can sort of feel it in the way that evan very unconditionally is caring about him even when he's This Way and is trying to push him out of this rut that he's in.... evan's been there the entire goddamn time.........
thrashes and kicks im not sure if i explained well but Those are the sort of pieces of ideas ive been playing with - they're incomplete and obviously not everything has been decided for even a Hypothetical Entire Outline of a fic but [flops]
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i’ve had family members who tested positive and were really sick, so i can’t imagine what it must of been like for you. it’s frustrating bc this whole wave could’ve been prevented with a more competent government.
i feel like the women do more of the running around and getting ready, so the dads and uncle zone is a lot more chill. maybe if one of my uncles wasn’t so creepy I’d hang out with them lmao.
haha, i haven’t read aru shah or finished the magnus chase series. i do remember really like alex and magnus at around book two. i heard they ended up together which is rlly nice!!
also shout out to uncle rick for having so many lgbt characters in his children’s/middle grade books. middle school me definitely benefitted from nico being gay.
me too!! they wanted a warlock and shadowhunter themed wedding 🥺 also having everyone there was so perfect. i do wish alec coming out was more focused in on in the books, instead of the whole clary and jace possible incest storyline. it would have been a lot more interesting.
also on the tollywood thing: you’re so right about low budget movies often being better. in addition to better acting, the stories are often better cause the directors are less formulaic. like some of the best telugu thrillers have actors and directors I’ve never heard of. also jathi ratnalu is one of my all time favorite telugu movies (go watch it if u haven’t! it’s good for when u need a laugh)
a tiny tree babe- you’d be like to below my shoulder 🥺🥺🌳
i.. i thought we were kissing for real this whole time /j
i guess we can kiss officially now *plays wedding orchestra*
mwah! (you’re stuck with me forever now <3)
- indi with an extra heart <3
exactly, modi didnt even do the bare minimum and somehow it's our fault for literally not having enough room to breathe? it makes me even more mad when i read articles from the us bc they clearly did only the basic research and dont seem to understand the extent of it, or they play it up like everyone in india is poor and thats why we're dying like ??? theres a reason this didnt happen before and theres a reason it is happening now. like use your critical thinking skills, they teach you that in first class.
definitelyyyy, if im with the women i get dragged into chores and spend the whole night wrangling kids and serving food to men who are sweaty from laughing so hard, but when im with the men, i can still have fun and chill, but also help out and be useful, and i get to pick the balance. most of my uncles are pretty creepy, but theyre always on their best behavior around me bc im from the us (not bc they want to impress me, but bc they want info on me to tear me down, essentially. they kind of hate me, but jokes on them bc i take and take the juicy gossip and leave before i have to give.)
the magnus chase series is probably one of my favorite books out of the stuff rick's written, and ofc alex has a special place in my heart. i really loved the way the whole series was written, you should read the third book if you can!! and aru shah will always occupy some corner of my mind, it's amazing!! indian rep, indian queer rep, everything is so accurate, and theres a telugu character, plus yk. monsters and dragons and magic and stuff. and chandra!! chandra is The Most god ever, he is So aesthetic.
no but actually, once i read nico's story i was like okay fucker (me) you have to figure this out, no running away and promptly broke down crying hysterically, but!! i came out of gay as fuck so its all okay in the end. plus seeing rick go from white protag, white antag, white heroine, black sidekick, and barely any rep in lightning thief, to an incredibly diverse cast of all different shapes, sizes, colors, sexuality, gender identities, socioeconomic backgrounds, familial situations, and on and on and on, it's just... im almost proud of him? even though he's like 57 lmao
ikr, i couldve cared less about who jace ended up with, and i was cool with whatever clary had going on, but as SOON as alec was in the picture my gay ass took the wheel and shoved any straight remnants of me in the trunk to die of oxygen deprivation. im so happy that the red scrolls of magic series exists bc it gave me literally everything i wanted.
omh yessss, jathi ratnalu is so fucking funny, i loved it so much!! that one guy who was like "if im the problem, then tell me, ill leave" every time (i think lol, cant translate telugu to english very well) that was sooo funny, i lost my mind at that movie.
😌 i am v v smol boi,,,,,,,,,, inside i am ginormous but outside i am. tiny
*wedding bells ring* do you, indiphannon, hereby take this bastard, treeman, to be the most annoying husband ever?
mwah! (i never want to leave <3)
ily indi! <3
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prizmpaws · 3 years
locke kids masterlist 
finally copying @twistedm0th n doin this, these are all gijinkas from a platinum soul link nuzlocke. feel free to send asks for/about them whenever. also if i ever reblog oc ask memes, its for these bitches
current team
jax (crobat) - he/him. my starter. all the e boy aesthetic but without the shitty personality that usually comes with it. shitty homophobic parents trauma meets protag-who-literally-died-that-one-time trauma. bi n trans
neptune (swampert) - he/him. funkie pirate boy!! cuts the sleeves off of all his shirts to show off his muscles.so dedicated to his pirate aesthetic that he kept the pegleg even though he could easily get like. an actual prosthetic. trans n pan
sheba (torterra) - he/him. detective man! dad friend and also an actual father. couldn’t feel fear before he met his soulmates n now hes a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Very Concerned For These Kids’ Wellbeing. gay
elizabeth (torkoal) - she/they. usually just goes by liz. one of the weed smoking girlfriends. frequent ren faire attendee and occasional cosplayer. not necessarily tiktok famous but shes definitely had many a tiktok go viral. trans lesbian
kreios (nidorino) - he/they. pastel goth. wears skirts all the time n everyone goes “wow smol bean breaking gender roles so cute 🥺🥺🥺” n hes like 😐. loves to do their soulmates’ makeup. constantly vibrating with righteous anger. bi
adelaide (sceptile) - she/her. usually goes by addie. newest team member. quite possibly single handedly keeping her local boba shop in business. huge fan of clown husbandry, buys clown dolls from thrift shops and pretties em up n gives em names and personalities n stuff. bi
the living
petunia (poliwrath) - she/her. about 8 years old n already buff as hell. constantly covered in cartoon band aids, only about half of which she actually needs. communes with the dead on ocassion.
dante (lileep) - he/they. mans just wants to farm his radishes but someone *cough cough* @/twistedm0th’s avian *cough cough* keeps stealing them. probably also helping keep that boba shop in business. bi
haileigh (horsea) - she/her. horse girl. genuinely feral. she will bite you.
cato (vibrava) - he/they. thinks hes hot shit (spoiler alert: hes not) unironically pulls out his acoustic guitar during a party and starts playing wonderwall. probably a film major. bi
bahram (metang) - they/hy/it. like 8 or 9. they have a funky cool steel arm that looks like an actual metang’s arm. honestly dont have much for hym but uh. its very cool n i hope i get to use it more someday :3
bingus (dragonair) - they/th3y/ey/xe/chaos/grr/voi/dra/ae/.exe/rawr/glitch/null/pix/beep/txt/vae/ze/bingus. bingus. loves glitchcore and scenecore. obnoxious and over the top and just unabashedly themself. TYP3Z L1K3 TH1Z!!1! th3y are the best and i love em so much. probably commits war crimes on occasion but like. yk. are xey a replacement neo? perhaps. queer
alex (sandshrew) - they/he/she. genderfluid spy, goes by different variations of alex (alexander, alexis, lexi, etc) dependent on gender and also as fake identities when doing spy shit. pan
analise (nincada) - she/her. Mom Friend. pls be kind to her she is trying her very best but she is At Her Limit at all times. covered in band aids, very vague about whether or not they're just for the aesthetic. lesbian
esmerelda (exeggutor) - she/they/he. chill as hell. has a third eye n one of those funky pairs of sunglasses w an extra lens on top. teases her friends but shed hold ur hair at a party n compliment u n trashtalk ur shitty bf who just broke up w u. *sips drink through pink glittery curly straw that says “pussy”*. bi
the deceased
holly (azumarill) - she/her. 8 years old. her death still has jax fucked up despite the fact that she's come to him multiple times as a ghost and told him to move on. Baby.
rin (scyther) - he/him. royal knight and one of june (@/twistedm0th)’s caretakers. very analytical, the way i write him is def inspired by quibli wof. gay n trans
ryan (relicanth) - he/him. big buff fish man. may or may not be an accomplice to many crimes but that does not matter please dont ask him about it. bi n trans
neo (dragonair) - she/her. speak no evil. vigilante justice ass bitch. forces corporations to be disability accessible. homestuck cosplayer. also a big penelope scott fan. bi
iggy (shellder) - she/her. mom friend. so kind. will adopt you without hesitation. gives the best hugs. just wants to enjoy her hot cocoa and go ice skating with her wife who may or may not be involved in crimes in peace. lesbian
sylvester (dewgong) - he/him. glorified theatre kid. wears almost exclusively floral button ups and top hats. most recent death. i miss him :(. bi
lillith (houndoom) - she/her. is a prep rather than being emo like most houndoom bc shes ✨ quirky ✨. soulmates with an old god and a jock and she loves them both very much. bi
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bthump · 4 years
I know this is a difficult question but how do you think the manga is going to end? Do you think there will be a big fight between Guts and Griffith where one of them dies (or both)? Do you think Guts will be able to defeat/kill Griffith? Tbh I'm dying to see them meeting again, really curious to see how that's going to play out. What does Miura have in mind...?? 😫 I know it's impossible to predict anything but I'd like to hear your thoughts!
lol yeah I have like 0 confidence in my ability to predict the story, but I’m kind of hoping there isn’t like, a big climactic fight between them. I think if there’s going to be a giant action sequence right before the end it should be between Guts and Zodd.
And if there’s a big action sequence between Guts and Zodd that should also be a reflection of Guts like, basically backsliding or reverting to his worst self, yk?
Like my take on Berserk, which has been followed up on even quite recently so I’m p confident in this, is that ironically for an action series with a swoosh swoosh big sword protag, Guts’ urge to fight is bad, and Guts living his best life would involve him putting down his damn sword and like, cooking someone dinner.
This is one reason that I really really dislike the idea of the story essentially forcing Guts to fight by putting him on the defensive at some point, eg through apostles invading Elfhelm or something (at the very least if that happens it should be treated less like Guts heroically saving his friends and more like someone giving an addict a shot of heroin). The story has pretty consistently hammered home the point that Guts needs to learn to say no to a fight and that turning himself into a living weapon was a bad idea and ~if a dragon is a dragon because a human can’t beat it what does that make a man who kills dragons~ etc etc. Guts kills people and monsters when he’s upset because it’s his shitty coping mechanism, and it’s turning him inhuman both literally and metaphorically.
The story has never made much of a point of, say, differentiating between good fighting and bad fighting. The most it’s done along those lines is essentially saying that fighting for a dream/revenge/emotional outlet/etc = bad but fighting because it’s your job = fine. And that distinction pretty much just serves to differentiate Guts’ urge to fight as bad without inadvertantly painting your average soldier or mercenary with the same brush.
If by some miracle Guts does get a happily ever after lol, thematically it should involve tossing away his sword and retiring to a village or something to live a domestic life.
More likely though, there will be a final climactic battle, and my hope is that it’s depicted as Guts failing to kick his addiction, becoming monstrous, and then either dying alongside Griffith as someone who’s given in to his inner monster in a slightly more mundane but still comparable way to the way Griffith did, so they can both go to hell together or w/e, or revealing his lingering humanity at the very end by not fighting Griffith and getting himself stabbed or something.
I think my ideal ideal very specific ending is Guts and Griffith having some kind of final confrontation at the top of a high structure or cliff or something, they may or may not duel again but if so it will be v low key and emotional and not a cool intense action sequence lol, something causes Guts to fall, Griffith instinctively catches him as he does, and instead of letting go of his hand like last time he drags Griffith down with him to both their deaths (as a bonus maybe with the implication that Griffith lets it happen.)
Like I’m just saying pulling someone up successfully or not is a recurring motif that’s played out in significant ways like a million times so far (eg griffguts in ch 15(1), guts and casca in ch 15(2), guts and casca when she tries to kill herself, griffguts on the hand, luca and her gf on the tower, farnese and casca at troll village, guts and casca again on the boat...) so it’d make for a fitting punctuation mark.
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crystalsoul16 · 6 years
Fandom Tag✨
Tagged by @mmscum and @dragonpigeons! Thanks for the tag y’all~
Three Fandoms:
Mystic Messenger
Persona 5
The First Character You Loved: 
...Tracey... Yes I’m one of the apparent few who actually liked Tracey
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much: 
Yoosung. I...never expected to fall for him as hard as I have XD
N. He seemed kinda interesting when he was first revealed, but I had no idea he’d have such an impact on me and become so important to me~
Haru. I knew literally nothing about her going in. No one ever talked about her. But she’s so fucking precious and I love her. Give Haru more love
The Character You Relate To The Most:
Yoosung. I swear I’m not trying to use him for every answer, it’s just happening
As for me, I would have chosen:
I have no clue what this is asking so I’mma just skip it ;;;
The Character You’d Slap:
I mean, obviously Rika
.....I probably can’t say without spoiling, cuz I know I have mutuals that haven’t beaten the game yet. If you have, or at least got to a certain point, you should know who I’m looking at for this
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
Yoosung, and Saeran and Seven are tied
N, BW protags, Silver
Joker, and Futaba and Yusuke are tied
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
V. I mean, he wasn’t a favorite to start with, and I don’t hate him now. I just...have some personal reasons as to why some of his actions keep rubbing me the wrong way...
None that I can think of right now
Can’t say I can think of anyone for this
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
Saeran. Started with straight up stranger danger reactions around him, but after the secret endings and his route, he has rocketed up to second place alongside his bro on my list of favorites!
Bianca. I felt pretty neutral about her before, but after seeing her development from the start of BW to the end of B2W2, she really grew on me~
No one in particular. I went in liking almost everyone, and came out the same way~
Three OTPs:
...........Me/Yoosung /)~(\ (or YooSeven if that doesn’t count ;;;)
Isshushipping (N/Touya)
Atlus. Please. Let Joker hook up with Yusuke. 
Tagging: @blacklaughingalonewithhexagons  @sander-sonia @yoosungsbutt @ultyso @pixxelbell @yk-shooting-star
As always, no obligation to do this if you don’t want to! And if you’ve already done this, sorry! You can ignore this!!
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thegeminisage · 7 years
Ooh, ooh, how about...BOTW Link and Zelda for the ask meme? :D
SPOILERS FOR THE GAME IN THIS POST i’ll try to keep them light but you have been warned!!
Why I like them: HE’S SO GOOD he’s so expressive and he CANONICALLY doesn’t talk because ANXIETY are you kidding me that was the best thing ever to learn my son is so pure he gets happy when cooking and riding horses and he shivers in the cold i love him so much
Why I don’t: there is literally nothing i don’t love about him. wait no there is. there’s no more fucking wiimote nintendo put his goddamn sword in his left goddamn hand
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the one where (SPOILERS BIG SUPER HEAVY SPOILERS LOOK AWAY NOW) link “dies” - that last look he gave zelda…Damn that shit was intense. also the one where zelda cries into his arms like. the way he looks at her there, too. man. man. not to be, weird, but that was. kinda romantic?? i’m not used to that particular combination of emotions (intense + dark + Romance?!) when playing a zelda game but i HIGHLY enjoyed it
Favorite line: he does not speak. my beautiful anxious son who is canonically selectively mute i love him so much
Favorite outfit: his classic one, of course. but i spent most of the game running around in his blue tunic with the hood on.
Brotp: link and revali why didn’t we get more of it there was so little and i wanted so much. link and sidon as 2nd place
Head Canon: LEFT-HANDED!!!!!!!!! i don’t care what hand he uses in the fucking game!!! also i would really like autistic link as well
Unpopular opinion: we should have gotten the green earlier like the blue tunic looks cool i guess but green is link’s color god damn it
A wish: i wanted to see more people realizing who he was ): also sad longing for what could have been re: girl link or zelda as the protag, sigh
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i really can’t think of one! like i’m ok with all the directions they took w/ him and i don’t think we’ll be seeing him again bc that’s how zelda games work so
5 words to best describe them: pure pure pure pure pure
My nickname for them: haha just link
Why I like them: she gets so much more depth than most zeldas, i love how she struggles with her purpose and has a rocky relationship with her father and her own powers and goes from hating link to seeing him as like her, and then even (canonically !!!) loving him. like, the development they gave her is incredible and her coming into her role and herself was done so well, i wish we could have had about 8 more hours of it. not to be weird but her spending her whole life feeling broken trying to force something that just isn’t there is such an ace thing, yk? also i love her nerdy side too like how excited she gets and she just starts prattling on and on please she’s so precious
Why I don’t: i’m nnnnnot too crazy about her voice actress. like of course i’m completely shook to finally hear her speak, i wept real tears, and she ACTS well, INCREDIBLY well, i just think she sounds a LOT older than 17, which is the age she canonically was in the game (or is it 16...). like whoever plays her is SUPER talented, one of the more emotive ones in the game, but she just sounds like someone in their thirties than than a young girl. in the other games, it was different - tp zelda acted old beyond her years and had a serious toned down set of vocals; ss zelda was young and bright and she SOUNDED young. this is the only game with vocals where i’m feeling that heavy disconnect. was also not terribly crazy about the accent, but i could have overlooked that if not for the other stuff.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): i know i literally said this last time but AGAIN (MORE BIG SUPER HEAVY SPOILERS LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY) the really intense scene where link dies - hands down my favorite in the game - god when she stepped in front of him, that last look they shared, her talking to fi! i died 
Favorite line: her sad little “what’s wrong with me?” at the fountain i hurt so much for her my poor sweet daughter
Favorite outfit: ohhh man, the royal one she wore at the castle. i would kill to see it in pink. if i could get a nice high quality image of it i’d do it myself. the mud-covered prayer dress was a hell of a #look too tho
Brotp: we didn’t see her interact very much with anybody else besides link except her dad and urbosa, right? could get behind zelda/urbosa brotp. would have loved to see her onscreen with impa as well. 
Head Canon: ace spectrum ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unpopular opinion: she should have worn pink in this game why did everybody wear BLUE
A wish: i wanted her in pink!! i said that already. also i wish we had seen her work things out with her dad’s ghost, or like…interact with anybody at length aside from link? we got so little of her after defeating the calamity and i am sad
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: again - we’ll probably never see her again, so i have no worries about this really. please never let fandom demonize her for being a woman i guess
5 words to best describe them: sad, serious, nerdy, reserved, brave
My nickname for them: and again just zelda
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bthump · 4 years
I realize this is very 2012 of me to ask but since you're into foe yay/foemances I was wondering if you're into Sherlock and Doctor Who and the Sherlock/Moriarty and Doctor/Master ships? Sherlock is a bad show but I really like S/M and D/M has been heterofied too much lately but I still like it.
lol yeah I was actually a big Doctor Who fan pre-Steven Moffat, but I quit watching shortly after he took over, and relatedly I never watched Sherlock either, so I have no opinion on that version of Sherlock/Moriarty. (though Sherlock/Moriwaki from Miss Sherlock and Basil/Ratigan are both legit af t b q h) But Doctor/Master is definitely one of the all time great ships, pre-hettening for me.
I think I like Ten/Simm best in theory, yk, the sad self-destructive protag freaking his admiring followers out by being way too into his horrifically awful mass murderer ex thing is incredibly good shit, like even now that might just be my favourite ship dynamic I’ve ever watched with my own two eyes, but two of their five episodes are unbearable and there are so many bad decisions made around RTD’s Master eps that they’re really dragged down sadly.
And I like Three/Delgado and Shalka best in practice - just absolutely pitch perfect classic frenemies dynamics, you can’t beat it. Like Three and Delgado had to team up to defeat the bigger enemy almost every single episode! Shalka Nine and Master were just straight up domestic husbands with the underlying tension of one being an imprisoned robot. And is there anything better than a d/s-y ship where the sub is the dom’s jailer? The answer is no.
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