#i love my weirdo cat
delicatefury · 14 days
My cat’s new favorite thing to do is to sit next to me on the couch and then flop so that he’s lying on the crook of my elbow or in the bend of my waist or tucked in the space between my arm and my thigh. And then he just softly purrs.
If I’m sitting up too straight or too close to the armrest, he pats at my arm until I scooch over and he can wiggle into his preferred spot.
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sugaryewscythe · 4 months
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valkyrie supports queer rights 🏳️‍🌈♡
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coquelicoq · 2 months
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[ID adapted from alt: Two panels (the first is on the left) from the Natsume's Book of Friends manga in which Natori uses the phrase "clowder of cats". The first is from chapter 101 and he's saying to Matoba, Natsume, and Nyanko-sensei, "So Ban is aware of the clowder of cats that Natsume saw." The second is from chapter 102 and he, Natsume, and sensei are looking at a dozen or so ceramic lucky cats surrounding a man passed out on the floor. Natori says, "Wow, this is a real 'clowder' of cats..." /end ID]
ugh gretchen stop trying to make clowder happen, it's not going to happen 🙄
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
love dovewing designs that portray her as unsettling, exhausted, and dishevelled
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mymarifae · 5 months
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this is probably one of my favorite pictures i've ever taken of alu. and you have to understand i watched him slowly fall into the space between those cushions over a few seconds and like. he didn't even care. he just continued to chill like this. he's so awesome
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sanchoyo · 3 days
watching a lot of cooking videos lately (great for background noise while working) and just saw one where a cat hops on the KITCHEN COUNTER while the lady is cooking 🤢 that is disgusting do ppl rly let their animals up there!! that kitty has stepped in its litter box maam!!! or it could shed on that counter!!! and you're prepping food up there rn!! ew!!!
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panicbones · 4 months
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succs · 1 year
you guys better not woobify topher bus or there will be some craaaazy vague and insignificant posts written about you on the internet
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kirisclangen · 7 months
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He/him, 10 moons, gender fuckery on a level that simply can't be perceived (assigned molly at birth)
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twlvie · 1 year
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fuck you . (furries your dune... 2!)
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delicatefury · 2 years
Many years ago, when my cat was a kitten, he teethed by chewing on electric cords. Obviously, this was Unsafe, but I had never had an indoor cat before, and turned to the internet on how to stop it. The internet’s advice? Use a bitter spray and cover the cords with it.
In the eight years since, this has proven to be remarkably Bad Advice.
Not once has my cat been deterred by the terrifically nasty bitter taste of this spray. How do I know how terrible the stuff tastes?
It got in my mouth when I applied it initially.
It got in my mouth when I had to re-plug in my PS3.
And when I unplugged everything when we moved to our second place.
And when I plugged everything back in.
And again when we moved back to our parents’ place and again when we moved to our current home.
The bottle apparently leaked at some point and covered my cat’s jar of catnip, and got in my mouth again when I was checking the freshness.
And now, EIGHT YEARS after I applied the stuff, I found out that I had never used some of the pencils I had in law school which were carried around with my old laptop charger in my backpack. Know how I found out?! I absently bit on a random pencil and got a mouthful of bitter spray!
The worst part is that the laptop charger is long gone because not once did that damn spray deter my cat. I went through EIGHT MACBOOK CHARGERS when he was teething. EIGHT!
But nearly a decade later and I’m still getting that damn taste in my mouth.
So, dear followers and assorted tumblr people. Do NOT use bitter spray on your electronics unless you know it will deter your cat. It’s simply not worth it.
God, I can still taste it on my molars.
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loregoddess · 24 days
damn I knew the Nibelheim section was gonna be kinda sad, but did the devs really, really have to go and make it sadder?
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I forgot that some people just revel in being mean, even if there’s no reason. I mean I know humanity and the world is a garbage can right now but…damn.
I also forgot that I’m a perpetual bleeding heart, and get real sad at other people being awful. I haven’t had a depressive ep in a few months, probably overshadowed by the stress of moving house. So i guess my dumb ass is overdue.
Anyways, spread some kindness today if you can, folks. It’s rough out here.
(And if you’d like to send some hc asks to take my mind away from negativity/focusing on work…….i wouldnt be opposed 😂)
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tophsazulas · 7 months
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Cat & Trina serving chaotic gf energy here
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basilisk2000 · 4 months
if you have a problem with how i act now blame younger me for being so insanely into osomatsu san that its affecting how i act in the present day
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luckyclover · 4 months
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