#i love you all so much hnnnnnnnnn
mofffun · 6 months
King-Chan #8: ep28 body swap ep visual commentary
unreliable incomplete notes
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mofu note: they were speaking fast, laughing and overlapping all the time i couldn't get everything. this is like ~85% of the long TTFC ver. The Gira/mie is strong in this one.
Kaku-san is hosting this time (thank them for letting Taisei off the hook)
Aoto/Yanma can't join because of schedule conflicts. He wrote a detailed memo with timestamps that Yuzuki will read out for him
[ep27 Recap]
So praised the narration and Masashi the bgm.
Erica noted the tonal shift between ep27's desolation and ep28's shenanigans.
They were all impressed by Dugded's CG universe in ep27. The visuals are more than anything they can imagine just from the script alone.
Erica asked if wire work was hard for Taisei. He said he was hung up for a whole day and his waist hurt.
Everyone calling for Aoto when Yanma shows up on screen.
Everyone going "ara" when Himeno shows up.
Everyone clapping for Kaguragi.
Masashi: *claps table* Objection! Why am I the only one injured here?! Everyone is so cool but I'm all beat up!
So: So you want to complain? Please, face the camera.
Masashi: *looks to front* I have a complaint!
Taisei: Even if you're beat up, it's a beautiful sight. (lit. idiom: beautiful like a painting)
Everyone: Ara!
Masashi: Ara... Thank you. How nice of you. ;D
Erica: Kamihori-san said so too :) (in the roundtable with Takamina and ⚙🕸)
[Dugded's room]
So: That was when the Five Jesters only had four members.
Erica: I kept wondering what that transparent sphere is.
Masashi: Balance ball.
Erica: But it's transparent?
Taisei: *loading* Yeah, it is.
(mofu note: KOPN28 said the transparent effect is achieved by incomplete composition from the green props. They are wrapped in plastic for a different reflection rate with the green background so a semi-transparent effect can be achieved.)
Taisei: What's everyone's favourite jester?
So, Taisei, Yuzuki: Goma.
Masashi: Minnogan
Erica: Glodi
[Sleeping Angel]
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🦋🕸⚙🏵 STOP!!!
🐝: What?!!!
Aoto Memo #1: Kaku-san's first cut as Himeno: an angel's sleeping face (寝顔天使)
So: He's praising me? *waves around* Thank you, Aoto! Thank you, Aoto! *finger heart*
Masashi: Wait, does Himeno smile in her sleep too?
So: Well, it's not written but they told me to do what I like so that's my image of her.
Erica: It's like she had a nice dream.
[Honeybee stretch] caption: んっ❤
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Taisei: *wake-up stretch* I also like your wake-up stretch.
Masashi: How did you come up with that?
So: Image. She looks like she will say something like that.
Erica: *wake-up stretch* So not a "hnnnnnnnnn" but just "hn"? 
Masashi: the "hn" comes after the stretch? *Masashi & Yuzuki mimics*
Aoto Memo #2: Kaku-san's Himeno, first time we see her first breath in the morning. Fishy but too cute, I forgive him. (初発生初吐息 / あざといけど可愛いすぎて / 許しちゃう自分がいる)
Masashi: He loves this scene!
Yuzuki: He gave me the memo but it's pretty much all Kaku-san XD
So: Thank you, Aoto! *does Aoto's favourite pose and Yuzuki follows*
So noted it's the first time we see Kaguragi's sleepwear.
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The cast didn't understand the Chikyu script on Kaguragi's phone for Himeno as well. Erica heard from Mizuma-san (head maid) what it means when they went for a meal together.
So: Isn't it awesome the fans can decode that?
Taisei: What does it actually mean...?
Erica & So: *villainess evil laugh hand* Someone who looks down on others.
(mofu note: 高飛車 [たかびしゃ] is a Japanese Chess [shogi] technical term that lends into describing a domineering person.)
Yuzuki: the maids jumped when you stomp on the floor
Erica: Sebas got rounder too.
So: When did I ever slap my thighs??
Erica: That was Kamihori-san's idea.
[Rita's first Skapon Tanuki]
So noted Rita was barefoot in the first scene.
Yuzuki: Yanma said I did a nice Skapon Tanuki
So: Did he write it down? It's your own part, you need to pause it and read it properly.
Yuzuki: I thought we don't have to pause for this. He just said "Rita's first Skapon Tanuki. Nice Skapon Tanuki."
[Yanma's Rita scream]
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Yuzuki: (paused anyway) OK, this pause is just right. He overdid it. I don't roll my eyes or tremble. XD
They all said GiraJera is super similar, esp. the voices.
The "Tyrant King! King of In-betweens!" exchange is not in the script according to Taisei.
So mentioned Jera-in-Gira checks out his right arm and Taisei laughed embarrassingly, looking over to Yuzuki and said he practised Jeramie's hand movements.
Yuzuki: Wait wait wait. This happened that morning at the entrance of the studio. When I was coming back to the studio, Taisei was coming the other way. He keeps doing Jeramie's hand. *mimics Taisei mimics Jeramie's tosa hand*.
Taisei: I was practising this scene. "'This means...' Ah it's Yuzuyan."
They noticed the OP narration changed from 5 to 6 countries and "man who would become king" became "rebel warriors".
[Rita sitting down]
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So: Rita's new pose sitting down is a big surprise too. It's quite different from what we've seen so far.
Yuzuki: I was waiting for the cameras to get ready. Because the sword is so heavy, I put it down and leaned on it to wait. They told me it's alright to sit down for a bit, and that ended up in the OP.
Masashi: That pose is cool.
So: It fits Rita's character.
[Jeramie's throne]
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Masashi: What do you guys think of the throne? Is it cool? 
Team: Cool! Congrats! *claps*
But I have another complaint.
Yuzuki: You only have complaints? >v<
So: It's alright, let's hear it.
Masashi: My throne is just a green box* and a green screen, and then I have to pretend sitting on it all majestically. You all have an actual throne.
So: Aoto is not here right now, but he even has a PC desk! XD
(*箱馬 Hakouma = standardized wooden boxes for blocking in theatre, english term: apple box)
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Aoto memo #3: "After the opening during sponsor intros, the stacking shugods are cute, I like it."
Masashi: *leans in closer* God Kamakirki's claws are cute like this. *mimics kamakiri claws*
Erica: It always does that, behind the throne too. *mimics kamakiri claws*
Taisei: Aoto is detail-oriented to see that.
Erica: The shugods look like they get along.
So: Kaguragi and Himeno are arguing about the dumbbell in this scene, but over here (Yanma & Rita) something's happening too. This scene is always fun to watch and rewatch every time.
Yuzuki: Gira and Jeramie's reaction is fun to watch too. *confused about how to call Jera-in-Gira, Masashi corrects her* Gira-in-Jera is always *mimics Gira's wide-eyed confusion* and behind him is like *mimics Jeramie's open arms*
Taisei: We filmed more footage than usually needed for this scene.
So: The director let us act freely in this scene so it came out fun.
Taisei: Yes, everyone got to show their personality.
Erica: Right. We were like playing around.
Masashi: We were enjoying ourselves too much, weren't we?
Erica: It was very chaotic at first, during table read.
So: Right, Kamihori-san told us to act freely. He instructed us one-by-one what mannerisms to pay attention to as another character.
Erica: The dumbbell wasn't in the script at first. 
Masashi: Was Kaguragi ever a bodybuilder?
So: No, but he's a power-type character and we want to show that. We thought of slicing the throne in half, but that's impossible of course. Takada Masashi-san (Spider Kumonos SA) suggested the dumbbell.
Erica: Tera-san (Teramoto Shugo, Hachi Ohger SA) said it should fly away.
16:51 Masashi/Yuzuki ???
So: Does Rita do the Moffun chirps themself?
Yuzuki: Rita does, but here was Aoto's improvisation on set. 
(mofu note: Yuzuki keeps using 勝手に to describe Aoto. a little bit accusing that he's doing all these by himself (light-hearted of course), as she later revealed that Aoto didn't discuss with her at all how to portray Rita. It fits with Aoto's style that he prefers the on-set chemistry and doesn't discuss much with the N'kosopa team as well.)
So: Why does Himeno have a second dumbbell when the first one is swept away?!
17:27 Yuzuki & So: *mimics Ootono-sama arm in sync*
[🤔Kaguragi vs. Himeno]
Erica: I don't quite understand (the nuance of) Kaku-san's chin-touching gesture so I asked the director. He said that was touching his beard. But Himeno sometimes touches the tip of her chin when thinking too, so I need to open my thumb and forefinger wider (to grab my whole chin).
Yuzuki: *laughing under her breath*
Erica: What?
Masashi: Don't just laugh sneakily.
Yuzuki: No! XD Taisei is saying in a small voice, "it feels nice to rub the stubs" XD Only I heard him. He keeps muttering something like "じょりじょり" right next to my ear! XD
Taisei: I just resonated with the scene.
So: Right, when the beard grows back a little.
[Erica's ad-lib: "Muscles to protect the people!"]
Masashi: The legendary line is here.
So: Mari is awesome for reacting to my ad-lib so quickly. She asked me if there are more exercises than just the bicep curl, and I said the side raise. She asked, "Then what muscles does this train?" "I'm not sure..."
Then filming started... no, that was during the test, she answered "Muscles to protect the people!"
Erica: The truth is I forgot the names of the arm muscles.
Taisei: I was next to Kamihori-san. He said, "Genius."
Erica: Well, this is the fruit of everyone's hard work.
Yuzuki: this shot when everyone switched to serious mode when the enemy shows up is cool.
Erica too focused in playing Kaguragi her elbow was scratched by the shugoddom chair's handle.
Aoto memo #4: "Rita's line "Been waiting for you" is super cool I want to say it. Jealousy Brasieri."
Yuzuki: *faces camera* Um. Aoto. Can you not do a silly pun in a letter? I am the one who has to read it out.
Taisei: Somehow I can see and hear that in Aoto's voice and his expression.
That line is added on set by Kamihori. Yanma had beef with Goma because he attacked N'kosopa in ep27.
cap: no naming sense.
Erica: I love this line, it's very Himeno-like.
So praised Masashi's hensin is very Gira-like.
cap: kaku henshin
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They love Kaku-san's As-Himeno henshin they go back and watch it again.
So: Actually I wanted to click the Kamikiri switch, but only the Hachi works so my face is "whatever 😠"
Yzy: Your gesture is like a praying mantis leg too.
Mss: I want this as a Line stamp.
22:24 🏵🕸🦋 mimics "もう!"
[Moffun pat]
So: What's up with patting Moffun and the pon pon sound?
Yuzuki: Usually I'll do the pon pon sound too, but this is all Aoto's idea here. "I can't always just hold Moffun in my hand." So he asked the prop master to pin it onto him. There isn't a pocket on his jacket. "Will it stay if I pat it?" He didn't do the Moffun pat in the test though, just the actual take.
cap: mari henshin
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Erica: This is me trying my best to bring about that physique after the director told me to observe Kaku-san. My inner thighs ended up hurting a lot because of the squats. But that was good exercise for blood circulation so any swelling is gone now.
[J!Gira's shiso kourai]
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Taisei added an "Ahh~ ああ~っ❤" in post-recording, Masahi said if it was him, it would've been "Uhn~"
Taisei: But you can barely hear it in the final product thought. It got covered up by the sound effects. *holds imaginary crown above head* /kachaan! Ahh~
Kaku: (when Spider Kumonos hugs Gira from behind) Your voices here are too similar!
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Aoto memo #5: これYanmaであり平川結月 いいね (This is Hirakawa Yuzuki with Yanma mixed in. Good.)
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Aoto memo #6
そうね仕方ないね やつは
可愛い... ♡
Right... There's no other way... He is....
No, I can't keep it in anymore, let me say it:
Kawaii... ♡
So: He was holding it in the whole time?? Was he? Thank you, Aoto. *finger heart*
[The boys' love gossips]
Masashi: I'm feeling kinda jealous... I was the first one to call Kaku-san kawaii! AOTO!!!
Taisei, Yuzuki, Erica: It has started...
Masashi: It's too much of an inside joke. >D<
So: The love triangle?
Taisei: a real tug of war... (ガチガチ)
Masashi: Aoto and I both like So-chan.
So: And that Taisei and Masashi are dating?
Taisei & Masashi: *nods* Yes.
Masashi: We're clear now?
So: It seems so. Either way, we can always cut out this part.
[ohsama walk]
So: look at Rita's radiant smile!
Masashi: Yeah, it's Yanma.
Yuzuki: Right, because he's plotting something. Look, look, he's up to no good.
Masashi: The set was filled with laughter here. This scene is too interesting.
Erica: (Kaku-san is) skipping too.
So: Does Himeno skip when walking?
Masashi: No, right?
Erica: demo sebas ha two step de skip suru kara...  [??? no idea what she's talking about]
So: So it's not impossible?
Erica: Maybe once rarely. She is also a good dancer.
So: Maybe if she is too happy.
[H!Kagu in Toufu]
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Erica: Kamakiri is kawaii with Scorpi.
Erica loves Kaku-san copying Himeno's habitual hand gestures.
a section mute for spoilers (week filming ep38)
The fan is actually (already) broken in half for this scene
[Y!Rita releases Nkosopa prisoners]
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Taisei: That's like Yanma.
So & Masashi: That's like Hirakawa Yuzuki.
Yuzuki: Yeah, the high-five is not in the script.
Yuzuki: Here it comes. He overdid the scream.
[Jera-Gira square scene]
Yuzuki pointed out it's a nice distinction that Gira-in-Jera turns back first hearing his name is called. Taisei replied that it's Kamihori's instruction. They loved the scene of the two's back.
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(J!Gira says thank you when the woman clarified she is worried for instead of about the bugnarok)
Masashi: a good expression. a good expression.
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[Staff: How do Taisei & Masshi achieve such good acting?]
Masashi: "What would Gira do?" "What would Jeramie do?"...
Taisei: We discussed it in length until the actual filming day.
Masashi: And we did the voice tuning together too!
Taisei: I asked him to repeat his lines for me...
Masashi: And he would mimic it from there on.
Taisei: Maybe we actually switched.
(Staff: Even the angles of head tilt are similar)
Taise: Yes. We incorporated each other's unique features.
(mofu note: they are literally finishing each other's sentences)
Masashi: Because we're close! 
Taisei: That's the reason?
So: Because you two are dating?
Masashi: Yes, because we're dating!
Taisei: *picks up Masashi's hand* Right. It's out of frame, but we're actually holding hands.
*cast wheeze* *Masashi tried to hit Taisei on the head but he blocked it*
Masashi: That's right. Because we're dating!
Taisei: Apologies. *bows*
Masashi: Because we became good friends with each other, we can give that performance without talking. It's like we actually switched. That's the story.
So: Next time when you're asked what you like about your fellow cast, you can just mimic it.
Taisei & Masashi: Yes.
Masashi: Even the little details.
Taisei: Even the tiny details? Every nook and cranny?
Masashi: That's enough for now!
Yuzuki: okay, okay, let's move on ^o^"
[Honeybee 2]
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Masashi, So like that Himeno had to get hands-on and improved Toufu's medical care.
The wasabi used is a high-class one, worth 2,000yen each. Three were prepared. Yoshimitsu-san (Sebas) told them at the end of the day not to waste it and it was distributed among the crew.
Taisei squeezed his eyes to figure out if the river background is composite. It's LED wall.
Good wasabi only grows in good water so the crop is suitable for Ishabana where water is an important design element.
(Putting down the wasabi root on Sebastian's tray) Erica: It's important to inject that power into my movements.
So: I like the "sore ha nani yori" line after here.
[Yanma & Rita's prisoner hamster wheel]
Yuzuki: No really, everyone is having such a touching scene, what ARE we doing?! Gira and Jeramie moved forward peace between humans and bugnaroks. Himeno and Kaguragi understood each other better and with a touching piano bgm too. What ARE we doing? It's meaningless to just send prisoners back and forth. Why did our relationship become worse?
Erica: For the two of you, arguing is proof that you are friends with each other. 
Yuzuki: These two synced on the wrong channel. "What ARE we doing?!" Yanma said so too.
Aoto memo #6: "What are we doing?!"
They all laughed at Yanma's exasperated sigh picking up the phone.
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[Baka Ninja]
They like the "idiot ninja" line and Yuzuki said it's actually corrected in dubbing. The original line is something like "It's back". Since Rita has their mouth covered, it's easy to correct their lines in post.
(mofu note: I remember Yuzuki said something similar but I forgot the source. Sometimes her lines are cut for the same reason too, just because the director thinks it's cooler if Rita doesn't speak there.)
[Final fight]
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Erica's second Kaguragi henshin is her second take. She kinda overdid it the first time, it looked a bit silly.
They can't distinguish who yelled "お待だせ" for Gira and Jeramie.
Masashi: (when they switch back) Gira's laughter here is cute. "A ha ha".
Finisher: cool
[BAAN vs. Bang!]
Masashi: That BAAN is not me at all! I'm certain! This is Tai-pi's Baang.
So: How do you usually say it then?
Masashi: Just Bang! (shorter, less blunt)
Taisei: No, I said it in an earlier take!
Masashi: You did. The one you couldn't quite get right.
Taisei: When I'm doing the "Bang!", it doesn't quite sound like Jeramie. But in the end, I went with the version that gives it his all for the "Bang"
(mofu note: i rmb seeing the same comment on jp twitter. they say Gira's is バーン (katakana) and Jeramie's is Bang! (english))
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Masashi: The madness in Morfo's expression is incredible.
Masashi: Mari, how many times did you get hit?
Erica: At first I was supposed to get hit four times, but to sync with the others' timing, it got cut down to two times.
Aoto memo #7: "23:04 The kings have fallen?! What will happen next?!"
They filmed this scene multiple times so everyone falls at the same time.
Yuzuki: Shiokara's bat is too fast and I only have one eye, it's hard to give reaction to that.
Erica is surprised to find out everyone agrees on what they find interesting.
Masashi mentioned they had doubts and worries when they first received the script, but they enjoyed it a lot. The director told them that it's going to be a hard episode to film, especially for Erica, all mysteriously before handing them the script, so she felt a bit of pressure there. During table read, Kamihori was the most tense. They mixed up who speak which lines that led to lots of laughs. That in turn gave them a bit of confidence, because they were worried the comedic bits were not gonna hit.They also learn to understand a character different from their own better.
Aoto didn't discuss with Yuzuki at all how to portray Rita at all. So explained that Aoto said Yuzuki would ban his ideas if he talked to her. Yuzuki said she won't but the boys disagree. Because Aoto did what he wanted with Rita, the possibilities of Rita's character has expanded upon his interpretation as well. Same goes for other characters.
90 notes · View notes
moonraccoon-exe · 4 years
I love all your stuff with regclar and gladnis so I thought of a few questions for you to answer, Love ... ;)) According to your regclar A/B/O verse, Gladio is an alpha and therefore Iggy would be an omega. However, I imagine that Regis and Clarus tried for pups but had many miscarriages in the beginning of their marriage so when they heard that Iggy and Gladio were expecting, what was their reaction? :) WELCOME BACK OLD PAL!
((gonna keep answering to you under the headcanons))
Aaaw, the scenario you propose is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet and cute omg!!! MY HEART IS SO FULL ;-; <3 
I see Iggy as a good beta, but for the sake of Gladnis he’d make a great omega, yes! Aaw, Regis and Clarus having tried for pups and having miscarriages is such a sad scenario, but it also sounds so accurate...? Perhaps what with Regis (and the Lucis Caelum line in general) being frail when it comes to health and such ;-; THE POOR BABIES
Okeh then, let’s get to work!
A/B/O verse: Regis & Clarus react to Gladnis expecting
Iggy and Gladio knew of the hard time Regis and Clarus had to have kids, so they could only imagine this meant a lot to them. Hence, they didn’t just drop the news, they wanted to make it a little more special. 
Have you ever seen one of those “Man knows he’s going to be grandpa” videos? Basically Regclar’s whole reaction <3
Iggy and Gladio were to have lunch with Regclar. By the time they finished and were just talking, Gladio and Iggy said they had a gift. 
Clarus is like >:| all wary because these two can be pranksers when they want, and a gift in no special ocassion? Definitely up to something suspicious!
Regis starts opening the gift and fishes what’s inside and it’s- a onesie?
At first Regis and Clarus are like ?? staring at it
Then, basically at the same time, both gasp and turn to look at Gladnis with this...glow. This face just...shocked, and so bright, with these eyes so pure and wide, and so hopeful. Like, the face of hope, it’s just undescribable.
Regis is holding the onesie tight, tight, like he’s holding on for dear life, eyes wide, gleaming, and teary, just looking at Ignis in disbelief. Clarus covered his mouth for a moment, not taking the eyes off the onesie, then he glanced between the two. Gladnis don’t even need to say anything, they just smile at the good papas.
“...really?” Regis asks, but it’s just...this tiny, miserable, pathetic little whisper. Like if they say ‘no’ the entire world will end for real, almost like he doesn’t want to ask.
When Gladnis say yes, Regis just. Breaks. Something in his eyes goes breaks, and he turned to look at Clarus. The Shield seemed like wanting to stay up, but when he makes eye contact with Regis his lower lip quivers and he gets teary in a second. 
It gets really sad in a very pretty way? Regis leans into Clarus’ shoulder and starts crying, and all Clarus can do is hug him and start crying quietly too. It’s sort of bittersweet, because it’s a happy moment but they can’t help it but cry because it’s just...IT’S SO MUCH
Gladnis get up and reach to hug them because ow, my god, how would they not? 
After they calm down, it’s still sniffling and some tear cleaning, but they start asking; since when? Ooh, dear, is it going okay, how are you doing? Oh dear, I’m sorry, it’s just...I’m just so happy for you two :’( 
Neither Regis nor Clarus could sleep that night. It was a mix of overwhelming emotions. It was excitement, eagerness, worry, shock, and the bittersweet sensation of before. 
Straight away, both Regis and Clarus get into a very protective mode with them, particularly Iggy, and they get super attentive. It can even rub in overprotection, so Gladio tries to tell them when they don’t have to worry too much but doesn’t have the heart to tell them off, because he understands. It’s not just some overreacting grandparents to be being excessively spoiling, it’s a pair of grandparents to be who went through a really tough time losing kids before getting to have them, so of course they must be remembering and worrying over it happening again :(
Regis particularly can’t seem to get off Ignis and giving him attention.
Clarus thinks he’s not being more protective than he needs, without noticing that he’s starting to accompany them everywhere and keeping this...protective aura while going with them, like just his aura is menacing like to keep others away.
Clarus is so ready to fight anyone that dares get too close >:|
That includes Gladio even if he’s the alpha because the kid needs their alpha dad too!!!
Regis is giving Iggy a much more soft-natured attention; making sure he’s comfortable, reminding him of his doctor appointment schedules, heck, he goes through extensive research on appropriate diets and ways to keep Iggy happy and comfy.
Regis can’t help but ask daily if things are going okay. And it’s...honestly sort of heartbreaking. Ignis thanks the attention, but it’s just so sad when Regis asks him that, because it comes out so quiet, so fragile, so profoundly full of a root-deep fear...Iggy can only hear in his voice and see in those gleaming sad innocent eyes the tough times of Regis’ youth when he and Clarus went through this and had it gone wrong :((
 Ignis is being particularly enthusiastic about taking care of himself and following all doctor instructions even if he doesn’t like something because 1. the baby 2. Gladio 3. FOR R E G I S AND  C LA R U S
((Iggy bby why do you never think of yourself too alksjdagdkj))
Some nights, Regis can’t sleep. Clarus has woken up in the middle of the night to find Regis at the living room, standing in front of the phone and looking at it like it’s making him miserable.
When Clarus goes to hug him gently, Regis immediately sniffles and drops a few tears.
“...I’m just so scared something happens, I want to call them all the time to make sure. It’s senseless but I can’t help it, Clarus.”
Clarus tries to cuddle Regis in bed and pamper him to keep him calm and help him get some sleep. 
Poor Reggie may overthink and wonder stupid things.
“...what if...any of my reproductory genes made it to Gladio and it makes the same problems we had-” 
Clarus is shushing him. Tells him that it’s going to be fine, that he doesn’t need to think about it, and most importantly, reminds him that if things went wrong it wouldn’t be his fault, just like it never, ever was back then. 
Honestly they reach a point where Regclar are visiting daily to help the dads to be <3
In the later stages of pregnancy, you can bet Regis definitely stayed, like even overnight, to help out and be around to be of help.
The nerves and anxiety but also hope and eagerness grew with each day that passed IT’S INSANE, REGCLAR ARE ABOUT TO EXPLODE
((you can only imagine how Regclar were when it was the day...and how they reacted when they were told they could go into the room and found a smiling Gladio-Iggy duo holding a tiny little bundle... <3))
This was from the other last time I was back hahaha...I’m so embarrassed I disappeared again, but I didn’t expect it! Sorry, and thank you for this welcome back then and now!!!! I hope you’re around and seeing, I’ve been eager to answer this one so much <3 
And I wasn’t wrong! This was so much fun and lovely to write!! I love the headcanons you people send me, even if it takes me literal ages to get to them. Thank you so much for sending this prompt in, I wasn’t expecting ABO but it was so enjoyable!! 
Aawwww, and thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for saying such nice things about my gladnis and regclar stuff!! Those are two of my 3 faves to write, absolutely, I miss having daily time for them because BOY, even years later I’m still so hardcore into them! 
Seriously, this whole ask is just so alksjdkdjg :’) Thank you for the nice things you said of my stuff, thank you for the prompt, and thank you for sending it as a welcome back!! SERIOUSLY HOW SWEET AND KIND ARE YOU, AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH <3 <3 <3 ;A;
Sending you LOTS of raccoonie sparkles of happy and luck!! Thank you once more!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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lovecinnatwist · 2 years
I really really love your feral alpha tim au. like the idea of alpha tim being tied up and used by jason is just. Really cute. especially him being a little pet for everyone. Any chance I can get you to share more of your thoughts on that?
ANON I SEE YOU ARE A PERSON OF TASTE. I've had a few WIPs were I explored this idea but it never really got too far off the ground! What I had been thinking is Omega Jason comes into the tower to attack Tim and that entire incident essentially wakes up his long sleeping hormones. So slowly Tim starts having wet dreams, waking up in cold sweats, his mood and everything starts shifting and he has no idea why he's feeling so much but chops it up to trauma.
He learns to live with it and balance things out- until Jason comes BACK TO THE PACK. So now Jason is trying to make things up to him and get closer to him but all that does is become the catalyst to make Tim present.
He's horrified and knows what people think about alphas so he hides it. He buries his instincts and tries to keep pretending to be a beta though he can't help stealing Jason's clothes to nest and jerk off with. Then he starts to become feral! The symptoms are small at first but get worse and worse and comes to a head when he gets hit with Ivy's pollen. So then BOOM entire Batfam see's poor snarling and trembling Timmy feral and violent and Jason doesn't have a collar at the ready but his hand is big enough to span that beautiful throat and press into his scent glands and scruff the alpha.
Jason's scent probably goes all caramel and spice with how pleased he is to find out Tim is an alpha. A strong alpha who apparently is feral and ripe for the taking. So Jason purrs and promises to help Tim realize just where he belongs.
I feel like Jason would keep him tied and secured to his bed in his nest and have so much fun breaking Tim out of his feral state. The alpha in him aggressive and dominant practically melting and helpless for even a taste of omega pussy. I love the idea of Jason making him eat him out until he looks like he's going to have a mental break down- then finally finally sinking down on Tim fat alpha cock and making him go from growling to keening and whining.
Tim snaps out of it with a hot pussy on his cock and then looks up and realizes it's Jason! He's so overwhelmed but Jason just kisses and coddles him all while using his cock for him own pleasure and teaching Tim where he belongs.
Then after a few days of marathon sex Jason decides to reintroduce Tim to the rest of the pack- but Tim is shy and sweet and during dinner he gets restless because he's not used to anything but serving Jason- so then Bruce tells him it's ok to be a good little alpha and helps Tim on his knees between Jason's legs and everyone encourages him to eat that sweet omega pussy- be a good boy Timmy. You're so pretty Timmy- look how good you're making Jason feel- and Tim get's loved by every member of the family and lent out as a very good alpha to their friends and family and he couldn't be more happier!
Just filth honestly Timmy is such a good alpha and deserves to eat all the pussy he wants and to fuck and fill everyone up so they know he loves them.
God I just love writing alphas gone for pussy. I feel like Tim would be the perfect little alpha for Jason too HNNNNNNNNN Thank you for asking me about this Anon!
The other Idea I had was Jason is constantly in limbo from not having a pack in under the red hood days so when he breaks into the tower and realizes Tim is a feral packless alpha he kidnaps him to be part of his ‘pack’ which helps Jason with all his hormone problems essentially. He doesn’t treat Tim as more than a fixture or furniture which starts off super emotional abusive but Tim is resilient.
Plus Tim has always been in love with Jason Todd and when he realizes this omega is Jason Todd he is just so gone- terrified but gone and then they start forming a mutual pack bond. Both of them no longer feral and Jason actually subconsciously differs to him? 
He Cooks, is always smells of sweet sensual omega- sometimes subconsciously bares his throat and its too much for one Timmy to bare ok? He’s just trying to live his life but he can’t when Jason is being so sexy all the time. Then Jason’s heat comes and he just quirks an eyebrow at Tim and Tim is supposed to hold him through his heat, let his body know he’s safe and protected- alright he can do that, he can totally do that but then Jason gets more and more heated up and his pussy is so slick and wet Tim just wants a taste just wants to get his mouth down there- maybe his fingers- oh shit he’s balls deep and that cunt is hot. He has no clue why he was worried about loosing his virginity because he’s fucking Jason like a champion and knotting his pussy like its his job ( Technically it is ) Probably because they were both feral Jason’s heats kick starts Tims rut and viceversa and theres a feedback loop while the bond is trying to set in so it’s just months of Tim barely being able to get his hands off of Jason. 
They fuck like crazy and Tim straight up realizes he is going to breed this omega up and???? that makes it worse and that how Jason’s plans for revenge come crashing down because Tim’s knot his so good and they are so into eachother all they want to do is be around eachother and- oops didn’t see you standing there Dick you see I’ve been pretty much face first in this pussy since I disappeared you see- what did you mean you were worried this is great 10/10 kidnapping would recommend to friends-
LOLOL those are my two big ideas. Two wolves warring to be written HUUU
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giratina-plushie · 4 years
rating hermits’ timelapse music
forewarning: this is an incomplete list bc i don’t watch em all
scar: absolute classic. super fast build mode music cleared my skin and watered my crops when i first heard it and it still does so to this day. 10/10
impulse: he’s got a range of tracks to choose from but somehow they all slap hard?? like... they’re not even my style of music. they aren’t. but i love them. 10/10
ren: so chill. like..... so chill. it’s got those chill vibes. genuinely calming for me to listen to. very interesting composition too. well done jono you are good. 10/10
tango: like impulse, he uses a lot of different tracks, but they’re all so fun, and he manages to make them fit super well every time. very enjoyable. 10/10
grian: he’s gone through a fair few main timelapse musics this season, my personal favourite is the one he used during the mayoral race, but they’re all pretty neat. 10/10
bdubbs: i really don’t have much to say here other than they’re comforting? and very bdubbs? they’re very unique and fit his build style and general vibe very well. 10/10
xisuma: classic minecraft music 90% of the time but sometimes he uses stuff that isn’t ingame and they’re all so lovely and they fit with his mesmerising timelapses so well hnnnnnnnnn. 10/10
keralis: oh lord the VIBES. he’s GOT EM. saxophone intensifies. 10/10
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silverryu25 · 4 years
Ooooo just saw some fantasy for your bone tired fic and checked it out. It’s AMAZING WTF?! I love it sooo much 😭 I can imagine sans snuggling his lamia skellie rn 😳😳😳 wow I just can’t believe i haven’t found ur five yet 👌 it’s just HNNNNNNNNN I LOVE THEM SO FREAKING MUCH OMFG 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
AAAAAAAAAAAAA!! I’m so happy you liked that one!! ♥\( ̄▽ ̄)/♥
The fanart I got for that story is freaking superb! I’m so happy you decided to check the fic out too X3
Yasssssss! Red would snuggle up to that tired bag of bones and make more than sure he’s well taken care of... in all ways possible >;3 I can imagine him bringing Sans to their bedroom, where a big bed with a nice soft pile of blankets and pillows await. Sans would be asleep and Red would be super gentle while he coils up juuuuuust right to place Sans in the middle of his coils, wrap him up nice and securely and fall asleep on him so he can’t run XD Sansy will be getting all the sleep he needs UwU
It’s never late to find stories you like! I’m happy you found mine and I hope you like the others too :D You’d probably enjoy Tail Pulling if you liked Bone tired since they are both quite spicy >;)
Thank you for this sweet message! It made me really happy to read it!! (≧◡≦)♥
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mazanica · 4 years
👀 HEY, you're right, there really does need to be more of us LOL... [BTW I have read your stuff and I love it... So much...??? Your art and ideas and stories are all BIG time favorites.] ~7oybonnie
HNNNNNNNNN ;w; Thank yoouuu I’m glad you enjoy them!! I love creating them all ;w; I need to update the stories rip to me lmao gfdhfd
More of us! More of us! It’s such a good pairing, people be sleeping on the potential yo ;w; More love for the bunnyboys
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sourchrry · 5 years
Get to know me
Rules: Tag however many followers you’d like to know better. I was tagged by @zombibinch, thank you so much!! sorry this is so late (finally on my cpu and need a distraction from hw)
Nickname(s): Condor, hawks, conair
Gender: male
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Height: 5 ft 8 or 9 in
Sexuality: pretty faggy (gay)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favourite Animal: hnnnnnnnnn hamsster, but all cept ticks, they can burn
Number of Blankets: it depends on the weather, cold? all, hot? sheet if that
Dream Trip: I’d love to go to different parts of the world to try different food (China, Japan, India, Mexico, Puerto Rico, kinda just all over), but at the end of the day somewhere with a body of water is nice. 
When I Created This Account: i have no concept of time but apparently this blog winter 2016 (checked my archive) 
Why I Created This Account: I’ve been on this site for too long this is my third blog, 1st being a horror blog i ran in like hs, 2 being largely a fandom/friend making then shit happened and now I’m here which is idk just where ive learned to have fun
I’m tagging a mixture of friends 
@m-to-the-6th-power, @sadieadlerrs, @skittysapphic, @thumpps, @ravensland, 
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sky-the-squirrel · 6 years
So th dare is to list all 9 of my Tumblr crushes? I got this~@mtmousie obviously. Her phrase is "Actual Love of my Life♥"@thatsnotrelevant , and your phrase is ""I love you... And I miss you... hnnnnnnnnn!" @writers-shitpost , your phrase is "Satan herself holds affection for me"@7000-bees-in-a-flesh-suit , your phrase is "ominous buzzing"@angelofmoosics , your phrase is "pls be my pal"@oingeaux-boingeaux , your phrase is "I spend too much time on your blog actually help"@whyisbuckyso , your phrase is "go to fic binge"@thorsvodkabottle , your phrase is "marvel trash dealer"@erik-what-the-fuck , your phrase is "Thank you for the Phantom love"
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burr-ell · 2 years
15, 24, and 40 for the ask meme? :O
(ask meme anon, I can maybe guess what 15 is lmao but I'd love a reasoning for it if you don't mind!)
15. Favourite Golden Deer support chain, and why?
oohhhh boy oh boy ok but like there's SO MANY to choose from???
I think, out of all of them...I'd actually have to go with Claude/Lorenz. It really showcases both of their characters' growth, and it's such a fun dynamic relationship. Lorenz in general is just such a good character, and honestly you can't convince me that he and Claude didn't both chuck molotov cocktails at Acheron's house lol
Honorable mentions:
Leonie/Marianne. I think I like this because of how much it showcases Leonie as a character more than Marianne, but I also like that it's one of the few Marianne supports where the other character isn't constantly trying to get Marianne to smile. Leonie's genuinely helpful and encouraging toward her, and tries to connect with her personally. It's really great.
Leonie/Lorenz. Both of these characters are underrated and overhated, but this support chain really shows off their growth as individuals and has them both facilitating each other's development.
Claude/Byleth. There's a lot of genuine character interaction here that I don't really see in the other Byleth supports. Claudeleth is one of the few Byleth relationships that really feels balanced, and it's one of the ones where Byleth feels the most like an individual character (on the route where she feels the most like an individual character). There are also some really neat implications based on when you can unlock the supports that are very telling about Claude and Byleth's relationship and them as people, and I love that kind of gameplay/story integration.
24. Popular ship/support you don't like, and why?
o o f, im assuming you mean aside from edeleth lol
I've said this elsewhere I think, but I think Dimileth is really overrated. Dimitri and Byleth have a good dynamic as friends, but I just don't see why their relationship has to be romantic. There's also just way too much "I can fix him" energy from the fandom.
(also the byleth/jeritza supports had me cringing into orbit. "uwu he likes ice cream uwu" byleth he's a serial killer)
40. Least favourite Golden Deer student, and why?
oh gods oh gods oh no oh NO
hrrrnnnghhhhhh......hnnnnnnnnn ok im gonna have to go with lysithea
It's really more a matter of "which character do I adore the least", I think 😂 Lysithea's just really needlessly abrasive in a lot of her supports, and it can be off-putting. And honestly—and I'm sure I'll eat my words when I get around to playing Maddening—sometimes she's just too much of a nuke; it's nice that she can one-shot the Death Knight, but in a lot of other circumstances it almost feels like it removes the challenge. She's a lot like Felix, in that respect—though at least that nuke-itude is mitigated by the fact that her best class, the Gremory, is an infantry class and therefore her movement is limited. (as opposed to legendary lilina from feh, who just shoots her way across the map and blows up half the enemy team and then gets danced to do it again because i'm a weenie)
send fe3h asks!
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imcomedic-sans · 7 years
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I can’t believe this!! I love it so much!!! This is honestly really sweet and thoughtful, and it’s drawn so well! Q~Q
I can’t express how happy this makes me right now, I wasn’t expecting this at all and just hnnnnnnnnn….
Thank you!
p.s. @edgy-mc-lazy look ))
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