#i made blink animation godamn
bushmonsterr · 4 years
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shreddedleopard · 3 years
Rivahisu Week 2021
Day VI - F r e e D a y
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Levi took a long drag on his cigarette as he sat perched near the lip of the gutter, the tiles of the old school roof hot through the pants of his overalls.
It wasn’t even 9am yet at Shiganshina High and the heat was already stifling; he’d rolled both sleeves up as far as they’d reach, popping open the top two buttons at his front to let the air get to his neck. Any more and Principle Zackley was sure to be on his ass about suitable ways to wear his uniform on campus.
He’d been flushing the gutters and fixing a couple of loose tiles when raised voices below had drawn his attention, and now he sat watching the debacle unfold on the yard below.
“Eren! You little shithead. Why would you do something like that to Historia!?”
“I’ve told you before, Jean, I don’t know what you mean.”
“Fuck you! Don’t get cute with me.”
Levi had to fight the urge to roll his eyes as he watched Jean Kirchstein, biggest jock in the school, square up to that Eren kid - the one who’d not long moved here and didn’t seem to fit in with the others. Despite this reluctance to get involved with any of the other social groups at the school, from what Levi had observed, the guy still had a knack for attracting trouble wherever he went.
It more often than not involved Jean; especially when gothkasa and her blonde pal were around. It was quite evident to Levi that both boys were affected by and vying for the moody, raven haired girl’s attention.
Fucking teenagers.
He watched Eren turn, now nose to nose with the slightly taller Jean.
No doubt the teaching staff would be too busy fawning over one of Erwin’s new sweater vests or trying to stop Four-Eyes setting up some highly inappropriate experiment in her class lab to be bothered dealing with these assholes before the first bell. Shit’d be over before any of them blinked an eye.
Was Levi just gonna leave them to it? Maybe. He tapped the ash from his lit end into his half-drunk bottle of water wedged into the side of the gutter.
Gothkasa and blondie watched from the sidelines, their faces contorted with concern, although they made no move to break up the quarrel. A couple of other seniors had gathered to watch now, too. Levi’s gaze swept the rest of the vicinity. And then, there she was.
Of course.
Supposedly the cause of all this mess.
The Queen Bee herself.
Levi took another long drag of his smoke, the butt held between his index and middle fingers and thumb, his eyes narrowed in her direction. She was surrounded by her little group of mindless disciples as she leaned casually against a tree, looking utterly uninterested in the ruckus that was unfolding just across the yard from her. In fact, she was studying her fingernails so intently as the blonde oaf from the football team leaned to whisper something in her ear, that Levi knew instantly she was acutely aware of what was happening, and doing everything within her power to not give it an ounce of her attention.
What a stuck up little shit.
As though she’d heard his godamn thoughts, she glanced up at the roof. Their eyes met for the briefest of seconds, but then Eren’s raised voice drew his attention directly below again.
Apparently, things had escalated; Jean now gripping Eren by the collar of his shirt.
“What the hell, you animal? You ripped my fucking shirt!”
Before Jean had chance react, Eren’s fist had connected squarely with his jaw, sending the taller guy stumbling backwards. It had some some half decent power behind it, Levi had to admit; if Eren knew how to actually throw a punch, Jean would be on his ass out cold by now, and things would have been over as quickly as they’d started.
Levi would’ve preferred that. Wouldn’t have had to get involved, if that’d been the case. He was gonna have to teach Eren how to throw a better punch.
Jean righted himself, and then launched at the kid. Levi watched them grapple for a minute, their grunts and curses punctuated by a few cheers and whoops from the other seniors.
He sighed, inhaling the last of his cigarette, and then snatched up his water bottle, dropping in the end.
“Kids drive me to this disgusting habit, I swear to god.”
He was at his ladder, sliding down it with ease, in seconds. The bottle hit the trash can in the corner of the yard with a loud clang.
“Oi! You pair of shits!”
At the sound of his voice, Jean immediately let go of Eren’s shirt and stepped away, eyes wide as he caught view of Levi.
“Uh - yeah - sorry. Was just heading to class.”
“Kirschtein. I’m not teaching staff, so I’m not gonna be handing out detentions any time soon, but if I catch you starting shit again, I’ll put my foot up your ass - regardless of what principle Zackley says. Got it?”
Levi watched the kid light up like a flaming beacon, glancing around at his peers, who were already scattering. “Uh - yeah.” He mumbled another apology, before slinking off.
Eren, however, continued to glare at him from Levi’s other side. Levi folded his arms as he turned. “Hey. You.” Eren turned his gaze to Levi.
Funny. Levi felt a pang of recognition at the fire in his green eyes. Sure did remind him of someone.
“If you’re intent on settling shit with your fists, I suggest you improve that right hook.”
“I …”
He didn’t give him chance to explain himself or come up with some shitty excuse, turning his back on him. He could feel Eren’s eyes boring into him as he left, heading in the direction of the outbuildings and his janitor’s shed.
From the corner of his eye, he noticed that the Queen Bee was still loitering at the edge of the yard, back pressed to the tree. Her cronies had left her now, and something about her expression looked a little different as she stared after him.
Levi didn’t hang around to pay attention to it. He ducked around the corner of the building before he could think on either her or Eren any more.
Whatever had gone on between them all; it was of no consequence to him.
The following morning, before classes began, there was a knock on his shed door.
Levi cursed, yanking the arm of his overalls up over his shoulder, concealing the nicotine patch he’d just slapped on to his bicep.
When he peered around his steel shelving, filled with rows of meticulously labelled boxes of cleaning products, he caught sight of the visitor in his doorway.
“Huh? What’s up?”
Eren blinked at him.
Great. Levi guessed he’d probably damaged something with that shitty temper of his.
He shoved his hands into his pockets. “What did you break?”
“Oh, nothing.” Eren shook his head. “I just … what you said, about my punch, yesterday. I was just wondering … could you teach me? How to throw a better punch?”
It was Levi’s turn to blink at Eren now. He clicked his tongue against his teeth. “I’m a damn Janitor, not Mr. Miyagi.”
Eren rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah. I know. It’s just … I heard that, a while back, before you were a Janitor -“
“Whatever you heard, you can keep it to yourself.” Levi turned to head back into the depths of his shed, where he could continue to potter with his odd jobs in peace. “Dumb kids spreading shit,” he muttered to himself.
“Wait - sir -“
He rolled his eyes, pausing.
“Didn’t you hear me yesterday? I’m not teaching staff either. Just call me Levi.”
“Okay then. Levi. If you can’t teach me how to knock Jean out, would it be okay if … sometimes … I stop by here. Maybe help with something? Just during break times. I could do with keeping out of his way for a bit. I don’t really want to get a rep, or anything. It’s just…”
“It’s just, if he starts shit with you, you aren’t going to be able to leave it and walk away?” Levi ventured, arching a brow as he regarded Eren, hands still in his pockets.
“Yeah. I guess. Something like that.”
Levi wanted to roll his eyes again, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Despite Eren being just another one of the kids at school, it felt to Levi that he knew him very well, somehow. He’d seen it all before. That temper; the need to prove yourself. Unwillingness to back down from a challenge.
He’d seen it all before; close to home.
“Sure. Fine. Whatever. Just … don’t get under my feet.”
That one small act - one small moment of kindness on Levi’s part - was how the whole damn mess began.
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-is very thoughtful in interviews. Always engages theories and questions and anything about production. Takes his time to consider the process for the music and the fact that several writers are at the table in the band and it’s not so much about getting every idea out perfectly the first time but about collaborating and making every idea the best version of itself. 
-However, comma, the second Calum steps out onto that stage and climbs onto the riser and his foot is thumping away at the bass drum, it’s all over. He literally becomes an animal on the drums. One show, he breaks not just one, not two, but three drumsticks. The guys make a joke that all the tour budget is going towards replacement sticks. 
-The thing is, on stage, Calum’s not really Calum. It is Calum, but it’s not Calum. His awareness is different. All he can think about is the music, the thump under his feet and the sticks in his hand. Literally nothing else matters. Doesn’t matter if he dropped his sandwich that day on the walk back to the bus. Doesn’t matter if he got lost exploring the city and missed ten minutes of sound check. Doesn’t matter if in the middle of FaceTiming or video chatting with his S.O. that his laptop dies and it takes him nearly ten minutes to find the charger again. Nope, none of that matters on that riser, on that stool, during the set. 
-A lot of photos of Calum drumming of him smiling. Hard. The eye crinkles are out in full effect and he’s just so damn happy to be playing music with his bros. Videos will show him almost dancing on the drum stool, swaying along as his biceps bulge beneath the sleeves of his shirt. 
-Speaking of shirts, they don’t last long. Calum got too excited once, caught the arm of long sleeved shirt on one of the bolts to his drum kit and there went that long sleeve tee shirt into a muscle tee. Ocassionally, Calum opts for a mesh shirt while performing. Yes, that mesh shirt. 
-Back to performing, he gets into it into it. Calum will stand from the stood, sticks in hand, mic pressed to his lips, pointing out to the crowd, “You’re not loud enough for me tonight. I need you to scream!” And the crowd, roars. It’s still not loud enough, so with his index finger and middle finger he motions for the crowd to get enough louder. They do. “Nah, nah, nah, I said I want you guys to scream for me tonight!” Calum won’t let a crowd off the hook until he’s positive someone’s lost a voice in the crowd. 
-Even though Calum is mostly smiley on stage, a few interesting pictures surface, mostly from the tour diaries. A drum cam is set up and Calum plays to it all the time, pointing with his fingers or stick. He’ll turn to it, tongue out, rocking out to the song. The screenshots float around after every show of anyone get the famous Calum photo drumming: Calum, standing from the stool, pointing to the crowd, two fingers motioning with his tongue out. It happens at least once a show. Always more though. 
-And then in interviews, if he’s asked about what fuels his performance style and if they comment on the energy levels being different, Calum usually responds with, “Shows are different. People came out to have a good time, to have some fun. I want to make sure they had a good time and had some fun with me that’s all. In interviews it’s more relaxed.”
-If his S.O. visits while he’s on tour, he always tries to get them to settle down on the stool and give the drums a whirl. “Oh, you can do it, I know you can.” And they give it a whirl, always because it’s Calum with those big brown eyes that look like the night could swallow them up and they’d happily go into that good night. And as Calum hangs back, teaching them a thing or two, he plants a kiss to their cheek. And maybe sticks get forgotten and hands explore bodies under t-shirt until someone bumps up against the symbols and the crash sounds and the drum lesson ends for the day. 
-Backstage before a show, Calum’s running drills on his pad, along the wall, on the cases of their clothes and even he knows how annoying it is, so he always steps out from the room to do it. Literally everyone is like, by god my dude, it’s your instrument no one’s mad. But to be honest, Calum likes the alone time. It kind of reminds him of right before a big football game, his blood would thump in his veins and he’d find himself floating. But not in a spacey way, like he was losing focus, but floating from everyday Calum who doesn’t talk much, keeps quiet into the man that shines on stage that’s an animal on the drums, that’s completely transformed--a showoff, cocky. But through it all, Calum knows it can go at any moment. He can blink and it’s all done. So he tries to make each show unique. He tries to make each show worth coming too. 
-There’s nothing better than looking out at the crowd, singing back the words you wrote, jamming out to progression and chords and beat that you made. And the sight almost always produces a tear or two in Calum. Because, godamn he’s so goddamn lucky to be doing this with his life. And he never wants to take it for granted. And sure whenever he gets a moment to talk during a set or joke with the audience, he makes a joke about how his skills aren’t that great and that he’s blessed to see such a full crowd. And it happens, without fail, at every show because at every show, Calum is floored at the outpouring of love and support by fans. 
-People compliment Calum about his drumming and the joke about all the ripped sleeves/shirts, about the times halfway through a set he’s quickly shedded his shirt and let all see the tattoos and sweat glisten down a toned chest, and Calum always turns blushy. He accepts the compliment and dodges it all at the same time. And though him and Ashton joke about the rhythm section holding the whole band together, Calum is quick to offer praise to Luke and Michael as well. Because he knows without his other three brothers, Calum alone, as the drummer, is nothing but noise. He is a storm alone on a sea if Ashton, Luke, and Michael aren’t there playing and writing alongside him. He’s grateful for the three of them. 
-And when the stage hand leads him up to the riser in the dark, only the light of the flashlight in hand, guiding them, Calum lets himself go. The wood in his hands and between his fingers feel like extensions of himself and with one hand on the stage hands back, they go-half jogging together towards the drum riser, the stoll, the crowd waiting eagerly and maybe even desperately for them, for him that night. They run towards paradise. And the thing about paradise is that it don’t always last forever, but as long as it happens, is all that matters. 
@notinthesameguey @calumscalm @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles
Works Cited Page
H, A Collection of the Muse, 2020.
A Happy Bub, 2018. 
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Day 13 : Pining - Sal Fisher
Okay, first of all, yay! For learning a new word! At first I read this as ‘Pinning’ instead of ‘Pining’ and I had a whole different concept of how this would go. So when I learnt what this super weird looking word meant, I had to spontaneously change the character. But I think I made the right choice <3
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Art by https://iron-dude.tumblr.com
“Sal, are you home? Are you alone? We need to talk, it’s very important. Code red urgent.” I texted Sal, biting my lip as I clutch the letter in my hand really hard, trying not to break it. “Yeah, you can come over. What happened? Is it the cult again?” he texted back almost instantly, making me smile at his concern. “No bb it’s oki. I’ll be there in a sec. Love u.” I send him immediately, already on my way out to Addison Apartments, where Sal was already waiting in the doorway.
I hug him tightly, guiding him to his room where we stood criss-crossed on the bed facing each other, not really daring to say anything for a while before I sighed, my hands trembling.
“Kat...? What happened? Can I help in any way? Or do you want to just talk?” he asked with so much worry in his voice that I almost started crying. “Promise you wont hate me? No matter what I’m gonna tell you? I love you so much that I don’t want to lose you.” I usher, no daring to look up just yet. “What...? Kat, sweetheart, you know I could never hate you. What’s going on, please tell me.” he held my hands, trying to calm me down. “Remember when I told you that I applied for a few top tier Vet Universities in the country? And I had to go away for about a week or so to go around and take a bunch of Entrance exams and I had all those panic attacks and depression break downs and whatever?” I held his hands, finally able to find my voice. “Yeah, of course I remember. Why, what happened? Are you okay? Did you have another panic attack or some of those moods and you didn’t tell me?” he asked, sort of panicked. “Read this.”  I hand him the envelope and he gently takes it, reading it out loud. “Dear Miss Katrina Black, we are happy to inform you that you got accepted to our University...Oh my Goodness, Kat, that’s insane! This is the best Vet Uni in the country, you’re amazing! I knew you could do it!” he threw his arms around me, hugging me tightly as I lost my balance and fell on the pillows, giggling a bit. “Yeah...It is great, isn’t it? I wasn’t expecting to make it.” I chuckled nervously, hugging him back. “I was sure you’d make this. You’ve worked so hard these years, it would have been impossible not to. And besides, you’ve always been so smart and you love animals so much, you’ll make an amazing Vet!” he tried to hype me up, but despite how happy I was, I was still conflicted. “Sal...It’s in another state. I will have to move to another state by myself for 6 years, and I’ll only be able to come back home for holidays, as far as I know. It’s...Pretty far from here and I don’t think I can afford train tickets. You know how bad we’re doing with money, especially now that we were finally able to find a slightly bigger apartment in which I will be able to move in once I’m out of Uni...Which is in another city too. This is what I wanted to talk about, Sal. We have to figure out what to do.” I raised again, looking down at him, and I could see his eyes widening in realisation from behind the mask. “Ah...You’re right. I didn’t realse that until now. You’ve always been the one to think of everything.” he chuckled slightly. “That’s why I said I hoped you wouldn’t hate me. I won’t be able to be here and see each other too often. And you know how distance takes its toll on relationships...I don’t want that to happen to us too. I’m...Kinda scared.” I mutter the last bit, my lip, feeling tears threatening to spill. “Baby, it’s okay. We love each other and that’s what matters, right? 6 years will fly like a breeze, especially since we’re both in Uni, it’s gonna be a lot of work and we won’t even realise when we already get to see each other again. And besides, we have phones to text and call each other, right?” he tried to reason, and got into a sitting position too, putting his hands on my shoulders. “Won’t you...Y’know...Get bored of being alone or something? There’s only so many holidays per year...” I looked away, insecurity and nervousness taking over me. “Kat...Remember the time when we met? And then, when you first saw my face?” Sally asked all of a sudden, making me turn my gaze to his, raising my eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean...? Of course I remember. What does it have to do with this situation?” I blinked, trying to understand the connection, but instead, he took off his mask, looking at me with a smile. “You were the shyest kid in class, and yet, when the bullies started making fun of me, you were the only one who said something. And then they started making fun of you, and you started crying, and then I started beating them up, and we all got suspended. You’ve always been so sensitive and emotional, I guess your empathy is what brought us together.” he had tears in his eyes, remembering that memory, but it kinda made me cringe. “Uh...Yeah, you got attracted to a cry-baby, great job, darling.” I chuckled awkwardly, wiping away a tear from the corner of my eye. “A cry-baby who’s the sweetest and kindest person in the world. Remember when some idiot in class thought it’d be funny to unclasp my mask in class, and you got sooo pissed off that you hugged my face to your chest to hide it while you yelled at the kids and tried to put back my mask without looking? But then the teacher came so it was only the two of us in the class, and I let you look and you just kissed my cheek and put my mask back? Jeez, that was such a long time ago, but I remember so well. I started crying, and yet, you call yourself cry-baby? Pshhhh, as if.” he chuckled in amusement at the memory that I remembered so fondly, as I kissed his cheek now too, just like back then. “I can’t forget that, Sugar Plum Fairy Sally. Your pigtails were so cute, I always loved making them for you.” I grinned, taking Sal’s hair and pulled up his beautiful long blue hair, making it seem as if he had pigtails again. “My point is, Kat, that my heart has been with you since that moment, and there’s no way that will change. So really, go there, smash your way through Uni, and when this is over, we’ll both be adults and we can...Uh...I don’t know what adults do, but we’ll be independent. At least financially.” he shrugged, making it obvious that he doesn’t want to back away from this. “Y’know...While I can’t take you with me at the Students’ Hall during Uni...We can move in together in my new apartment after I finish Uni. It will be only mine, after all. It would be nice not to be alone...And if it’s you, then...Well...” I looked up at him with a timid smile, which mirrored his, as he put his arms around me again, kissing my forehead. “It will all go well, dear. I promise.” he reassured me, and I could finally feel at peace.
Of course, these 6 years have been very difficult, because we always wanted to be close to one another and we missed each other so much. Holidays only became teases as the time spent together was so short, yet meaningful, and having to go back to Uni only made the cut run even deeper.
We would cross days, weeks, months and years, making small progress and objectives out of each holiday passed, each year passed, until the 6 years finally passed and we had such a powerful longing for each other, that it almost seemed like our hearts would break each day until we would see each other again.
His Uni was only 4 years long, so he finished faster, and I was SO proud seeing him in his graduation robes, and then him throwing the cap in the air with the rest of his colleagues. I couldn’t help myself taking so many pics of my beautiful boy.
The same happened vice versa, when I finished and he came over for my graduation, it turned into an outright photoshoot without even realising. And even better, Larry, Ash, Todd and Neil were able to come over too, so we managed to have such a cool party that everyone enjoyed.
The final exams and my license presentation went by very fast, and after that, I was able to get my Masters and PhD in no time, despite having to stay there more than 6 years, but it was worth it.
In the mean time, Sal would constantly text me motivational, loving, emotionally supportive things, knowing how prone to depression I am and that it’s still very hard for me to keep the straight path towards the light.
When I was finally over with my education, my parents drove over to help me pack everything there, then we got directly to my new apartment that I decorated the way I dreamt.
What I wasn’t expecting, however, was to see Sally and the rest there, with lots of “Welcome Home” decorations, balloons and all that, making me start sobbing, completely overwhelmed by emotions, not even able to talk.
“I missed you so much, baby. Welcome home.” Sally muttered into my ear as he hugged me tightly, swinging me around a bit. “I love you so much, Sal, I love you so much. I missed you so so so fucking much, I can’t believe we’re finally at this point where I don’t have to be cities away from you and I can see you every godamn day when I come home, and wake up with you every morning.” I cry into his chest, clutching the back of his shirt tightly, still trembling a bit from the emotions. “It’s okay, sweety, we’re finally together and nothing can change us. We will be okay now, I promise. I love you so much, Kat. So much. I’m so glad we’re finally together now.” he held me tight to his chest, stroking my hair reassuringly, as he always did. “Yo, dudes, enough with the depressing shit, let’s par-TAAAAY!” Larry shouted at us, making us laugh as he brought CDs of Sanity’s Fall, AC/DC, Dir en Grey, Linkin Park and many others, while Ash brought the snacks and Todd and Neil brought the drinks, while my parents kissed my cheeks before leaving us to our party.
All day and night we gossiped, exchanged all the stories possible, stupid or not, we sang karaoke, played video and board games, got shitfaced drunk out of happiness and all that, and God, was it so godamn fine having everyone together again.
Of course, the next day they had to leave, except for Sally who moved in with me, thankfully, but now it would be much easier to go and visit our friends.
The next day, we just stood cuddled together in bed, our legs intertwined, our arms around each other, occasionally kissing each other and confession our love to each other here from time to time, when we wanted to break the comforting silence.
“I missed you so much, baby. I have no words to explain, but it hurt so much knowing that you’re so far away. Every day was so painful, even though I had friends and hung out with them, went to a few parties, conventions and what not. Studying managed to take my mind away from that dark feeling that kept eating me away, but at night...Gosh, the nights were the worst. I spent so many times crying ‘cause I was feeling so lonely and I just wanted to go to you and have you in my arms all night. Sometimes it was so godamn hard not to give up everything...But I had to. That’s what I always say. I have to. I must. And I did it, and now, I’m finally with you, just like I’ve always dreamt.” I poured my heart out to him, stroking his smooth hair, gazing lovingly at his face. “I know, honey, I know, but it’s okay now. I had a lot of help from our friends, and now that Lisa married dad, making Larry my brother made it better, otherwise, I don’t know what I’d have done. Uni was tough as all hell, but I had you as my ambition to keep on going so we could finally meet up to this point. You’re a doctor now, Kat. Doctor Kitty. I couldn’t let you down, y’know? I had to be in your league. Now we can both make money and travel the world, just like we’ve always dreamt of. Can you believe we’ve been together for what? 10 years or so? Unbelievable. And you didn’t get bored of me. You’re still my girlfriend, do you even realise how lucky and proud I am to say that I’m your boyfriend? Jeez, I’m still shook sometimes when I think back at everything we’ve been through and how happy I feel every time I think of you, of your smile, of your gentle touch, your soft lips, how warm you are, how mesmerising your chocolate perfume is, how pretty you look all the time without even trying, how much I love having you in my arms when we sleep together...And...And...Even when...When...We’d make love, it felt like the most ethereal thing in the world, like I was in a dream. I love you, Kat. So much, it’s unreal.” he whispered the last bit, as if afraid that if he said any louder, the spell will break. “I love you, Sal. Nothing is ever going to change that. I am yours and you are mine, forever and ever.” I kissed him, hooking my pinky to his, to show him that I pinky promise everything will be okay. “Forever and ever.” he repeated after me, in a voice as sweet as never before. 
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