#i remembered i can just upload shitty gifs that have no editing on them into the tag and nobody can stop me
fallowtail · 1 month
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Big fan of the Hetty Scuttle
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stars-falling · 2 years
angel in disguise (elriel)
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summary: azriel is having a terrible time but an angel disguised in a pink coat and yellow welly boots saves the day.
prompt: a pair of glasses held together by tape, a missing phone and a small, mean dog.
word count: 4.9k
note: i wrote this last year and only just edited it... i have nothing to say for myself. sorry for not uploading for so long, motivation has been a real struggle for me recently but i'm writing more these days, so hopefully i can upload more this year! also, thank you so so much for 1000 followers, it means so much to me that so many people enjoy my content! i'll be hosting a 1k celebration soon.
hope you enjoy!
lily <3
read here on ao3 // masterlist
Today was a horrible day. During his 26 years of living, today would surely make it into Azriel’s top 10 worst moments compilation, the one that seemed to replay every time he closed his eyes to sleep.
In the scheme of things, the day had started well. Even though he was working on a Saturday, he hadn’t yet found a reason to complain. Sure, he had forgotten to get new contact lenses, but he had slipped on his glasses and called it a day. His alarm had gone off at exactly the correct time. His walk to work was peaceful. And he had remembered all the notes he needed to write the article he was currently working on. But, it quickly went downhill from there.
He knew that being a writer for a popular magazine would be difficult. He’d known from the moment he’d chosen to major in journalism that there would never be an easy day, but coming into work to find his desk laden down with four new assignments, three requests for a meeting and two phone numbers to call was excessive. Still, he had struggled on, rushing from meeting to meeting, phone call to phone call before he was finally able to collapse at his desk in time to start work on the four new articles he'd been given. So yes, it hadn’t been an easy day but it hadn’t been the worst. That was until his boss had called him into his office to tell him that the deadline for both his original and new articles had been moved up. Then the moment he returned to his desk, his old shitty laptop decided to blue screen. All his progress was lost. He had even less time to complete the articles than before, let alone rewrite them from scratch.
Azriel was a stoic man, he rarely let anything show, but at that moment he felt like bursting into tears. He glanced up at the clock. It was 5:45 and he still had 15 minutes before his workday officially ended but he packed up anyway, tossing his now broken laptop, his notes and whatever else (he wasn’t paying attention) into the fancy leather messenger bag his brothers had gotten him as a congratulation for landing the job. They said it made him look professional. He didn’t feel very professional.
He stalked out of the office, discarding the many used paper cups that once contained coffee into a bin and ignored everyone on the way out of the building. Luckily, it was late spring so the daylight remained as he walked down the road. It was cool but not cold enough to warrant a coat, the way he liked it. The streets were surprisingly clear meaning he could wander along, trying to recollect himself after such a hellish day at work. Things were looking up. Then a large drop of rain landed right on his head. He glanced up to see that a dark grey cloud had swept in during his time in the office. He went into his bag, fishing around before producing an old navy umbrella. It didn’t belong to him. Rhys had stolen his the other day and had yet to return it, so he had been forced to search the back of a cupboard for something to bring along with him in case of rain. He was glad to have such forethought as the rain started to pour from the sky. He rushed under a tree and, whilst it did little to stop him from getting wet, it did offer him a little reprieve as he attempted to open his umbrella. He undid the velcro that had been holding it together and pressed the little button that would usually send it flying open. But nothing happened. He pressed it again and again before pushing the material away to see the mechanism had rusted in its years of disuse. He attempted to open it manually but it was jammed and no amount of pushing could force it open. On his last nerve, he swung the umbrella against the tree, hoping it would dislodge whatever had jammed the mechanism. But, the action only caused the umbrella to fall to pieces in his hands. The metal fell to the floor with resounding clinks and the umbrella flopped uselessly open, unable to hold itself up. It was then he saw that the fabric near the top had been ripped to shreds. It was completely destroyed, only held together by the velcro strap, rust and spite.
Azriel sucked in a breath. The rain had only worsened as he stood under the tree trying desperately to get his umbrella to work. Resigning to his fate, Azriel gathered up the remains of the umbrella, dumped them in a bin close to him and stepped out into the rain. Five minutes of walking had rendered him soaked and he was grateful that he had taken meticulous care of his bag over time. At least it had at least some capacity to protect the contents of his bag from water damage. He walked along the road, cold, wet and fed up with life. Water dripped from his hair and down onto his neck, causing chills to skitter up and down his back. The afternoon sun had dimmed to a dull glow barely visible through the clouds and the headlights of cars that came speeding down the road. One of the cars sped through a puddle, sending its contents flying over Azriel and covering him with the dirty brown water that had slowly been collecting along the side of the road. He looked down to find his white shirt stained and water leaking from his bag. He hoped that the plastic folders he usually kept his notes in were doing their job.
He wiped off water from his glasses the best he could using his sodden shirt sleeve but he only succeeded in smearing the droplets further. He placed them back on, uncaring that he could barely see five metres in front of him. He looked up to see a smudged rendition of the park sign. Usually, he loved his walks to and from work. They took him through Velaris park, along the river Sidra and gave him a chance to glimpse into at least one of the crowded marketplaces. It enabled him to see the best of Velaris but right now all he wanted to see was home.
He stepped through the gate to the park and began along the path that would take him to the exit he needed. As he walked, he felt a low pain in his stomach and he realised that whilst he had consumed many cups of coffee, he hadn't eaten. An idea materialised in his mind. Rhysand was currently working from home, he could easily order take out and be at the door ready to collect it before Azriel even got close. Azriel looked around, making sure the path was clear before coming to a halt in the centre. He hunched over his bag as he stuck his hand in to grab his phone. But the pocket he usually stored it in was empty. He continued searching but it was futile. His phone was not in his bag. He patted down his pockets but they were also empty. He cast his mind back to the moment he was packing up. He usually took great care when leaving, as to be sure he had left nothing but today he had been careless. He let out a groan and removed his glasses to rub his eyes as he remembered he had placed the sleek device on the side of his desk. The side of his desk he hadn’t bothered to check when he had packed away his belongings.
He was reaching up to place his glasses back onto his face when they slipped out of his grasp. The rainwater had caused them to become slick in his hands and his frozen fingers couldn't maintain his grip. Startled, he stepped forward. An action followed by a sickening crunch. He looked down to see that his glasses had snapped in two at the bridge. Rain dripped down his face, merging with the tears that had started to leak from his eyes. He tried so damn hard all the time. He worked his ass off, rarely taking holidays. He volunteered when he had time. He donated to charities, he was always polite and he even helped old ladies cross the damned road. Yet all the good he tried to put out into the universe seemed to be rejected. Instead, he was stuck out in a rainstorm with a broken umbrella, glasses and laptop, a thousand and one deadlines hanging over his head and a very bad case of misfortune. He bent down to scoop out the two halves of the glasses and wandered over to the bench nearest to him. He sat down, uncaring about the water that had pooled on the painted wood and soaked his trousers further. He tucked his bag under where he sat in an attempt to protect it from the rain and leant forward, his elbows on his knees so he could rest his face in his palms. The rain continued to pour and Azriel could feel where the cold began to pierce his skin and sink deep within his bones. He sat like that for a while.
The soft sound of claws clicking against pavement stirred him from his stupor. He glanced up to see a small chihuahua approaching him. It ambled up to him without a care for the world around it and sniffed his leg. Azriel held out a hand for it to examine and watched in wonder as it seemed to rest its tiny head in his hand. It was warm and Azriel ran a tentative finger against its cheek. The demeanour of the dog changed immediately. It morphed from the curious being that approached him into an angry hell beast in less than a second. It let out a loud growl and nipped at his hand, biting down hard. Azriel jerked away, letting out various curses all the while. The beast had let go of his hand but it stood before him, barking aggressively, as Azriel rubbed the injured spot on his hand.
A silvery shout rang out across the park although it was quickly muffled by the rain. A woman came into view. Although she was slightly blurry due to the downpour and his lack of glasses, he could make out her short flowery dress and matching pink raincoat and umbrella. She seemed to be about his age, maybe a couple of years younger, and was rapidly approaching him with a stern look on her face. The combination of her warm brown eyes, sodden golden hair and the fact that the streetlamps that had just flickered on, illuminating her silhouette, made her look like an angel. An angel in a pair of bright yellow welly boots. Maybe he had died and she was here to lead him to whatever realm lay beyond. Or maybe she was here to fetch her dog, the one that had continued growling at him. That made more sense.
“I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed as she scooped up the dog in front of him with one hand. “She is never normally like this! At least she’s never been like this before. She’s not mine but I walk her sometimes.”
She continued to ramble, cheeks pink from the cold.
“It’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting it.”
She stopped and looked at him, taking him in for the first time. He was probably a sorry sight with saturated stained clothes and broken glasses in his hands.
“Um, are you okay?”
He held up half of the glasses to her.
“Tough day.”
She grimaced before saying, “I can see that. What happened?”
He didn’t want to get into the details so he simply replied, “I dropped them and then stepped on them out of shock.”
She placed the dog back onto the ground, angling it away from him so it didn’t attack him again. She sat down beside him without regard for the wet bench, tied Princess’s lead to the armrest before holding the umbrella over him (which brushed his head due to her being shorter than him) and holding her hand out. He raised an eyebrow.
“Hand me your glasses,” she said impatiently.
So, he did. He gently placed the two halves of his glasses onto her open palm and she passed the umbrella to him to hold over them. She reached into her bag, which he hadn't realised she’d been carrying.
“My sister injured her knee running the other day so I bought some sports tape for her earlier. I can use it to fix your glasses.”
She pulled the tape from her bag along with tiny scissors that looked to be part of a manicure set. She set about cutting and wrapping as he diligently held the umbrella over their heads. Princess had curled up beneath the bench and was busy gnawing on a stick she had found. After several minutes she held up her finished product. The bridge had been wrapped in several layers of skin-coloured tape and whilst the two halves seemed slightly wonky, it would do. She took the small piece of fabric (likely used to clean her phone) that she had been using to dry the glasses and wiped away water from the bridge of his nose before placing his temporarily fixed glasses back on his face. The tape made them sit lopsided but it was enough. She beamed at him as she took in her work.
“Thank you.” He breathed out. “Really, I can’t thank you enough. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?”
She tilted her head to the side as she looked at him.
“Have you heard of the Flower and Fawn?”
He looked at her in confusion.
“The cafe in Velaris?”
She nodded enthusiastically.
“That’s my cafe! I want you to come back with me and I can make some cookies and tea for us! That’s if you want to, of course.” At that, she smiled at him shyly.
“Because you’re having a terrible day. I found you soaked from the rain with broken glasses, after all. I want to help cheer you up!”
He smiled at her before replying, “You’re an angel.”
She shook her head firmly.
“No, I’m just a decent person.” She twisted round to untie Princess’s leash from the bench before turning back to him. “So, would you like to come?”
He considered his options. He could go home and cry in the confines of his room whilst his brothers bug him about various things, or he could follow this beautiful stranger back to her house. She could be a murderer for all he knew, and he was falling right into her trap. But could his day really get any worse?
“Yeah.” He replied. “I’d love to.”
Despite the umbrella, they were still thoroughly drenched by the time they had dropped off Princess at her owners and arrived at the little cafe. Azriel had walked past it several times before, its baby-pink facade, fancy golden lettering and flowers catching his eye every time. Instead of going to enter the bustling cafe, she walked up to the door adjacent to it. As she produced a key to unlock the door she told him, “I live in the apartment above the cafe with my roommate. You can borrow some of his clothes if you want to shower. I’m not working today but I can raid the kitchen for ingredients.”
Azriel looked down at his clothes as she pushed the door open and began to walk up the stairs. His stained shirt had become almost see-through from the wet and his trousers dripped with every movement. Every time he took a step, a small squelching noise sounded due to the water flooding his shoes and socks. Yeah, he might take her up on the offer. He followed her inside cautiously, aware of how much water dripped from him. She turned back from where she was halfway up the stairs.
“Don’t worry about getting water everywhere. My sister once managed to spill a whole bucket of red paint over the apartment and down the stairs. We had to replace the carpets.”
He let out a laugh as he closed the door behind him and began to ascend the stairs. He entered her apartment behind her. It was a small open plan area with the kitchen, dining area and living room all in one. He spied a door in the living room area to his right, likely leading to bedrooms and bathrooms. It was nicely decorated, houseplants and pictures seemed to litter the space along with books and piles of papers. He followed her into the kitchen and placed his bag on the marble island at the centre. She had set about filling the silver kettle when she spun around suddenly.
“I’ve just realised I never introduced myself! How rude of me. I’m Elain.”
Elain, he thought to himself, what a pretty name. He smiled at her before answering, “Azriel. My name’s Azriel.”
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Azriel.” She placed the kettle on its base and pressed the button before continuing, “What else happened today then, or was it the getting caught in the rain without an umbrella and breaking your glasses that made it a bad day?”
He contemplated the fact that Elain was a near stranger, despite the brief conversation they had had about themselves on the way back to her apartment. He decided to tell her anyway.
“Tough day at work, I suppose. I was given four new assignments today along with extra meetings and calls. All my deadlines, both previous and new, got moved up and then my laptop blue screened, losing all my work.”
She frowned at him, sympathy filling her eyes.
“Oh my god! That’s so horrible. I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. And I thought I had bad days sometimes.” She paused as she opened a cupboard. “Coffee or tea?”
“Coffee, please. I’ll have it black.”
She nodded in confirmation before pulling out a cafetière.
“My roommate will be home soon. He works in IT so he could take a look at your computer if you’d like.”
“I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Nonsense. I’m sure he’d be happy to help.” She said, waving him off.
She pushed down the plunger on the cafetière before pouring out the contents into a mug. He took it gratefully and took a long sip. Warmth spread throughout his entire body and he held the mug tightly.
“Thank you.”
Elain just smiled at him in return before taking a sip of her drink. They stood in silence for several minutes, using their hot drinks to bring some heat back into their bodies. Elain pushed off from the counter she was leaning against, holding up her finger to signal she’d return in a moment. Azriel took it as a chance to place down his cup and finally check his bag for water damage. He undid the clasp and glanced inside. Luckily, the plastic folders he had placed his notes in had just about held up. Only the edges of the sheets were soggy. His computer was slightly damp but mainly the water hadn’t soaked through. He let out a sigh of relief. At least one thing hadn’t gone wrong today. He was pulled from his examination by the sound of Elain’s footsteps as she returned from wherever she had disappeared to. He looked up to see her holding a bundle of clothing in her arms which she proceeded to place on the counter in front of him.
“You can borrow these if you want to change or shower. I don’t think it’s good for you to remain in your clothes, you’ll catch a cold. My roommate is a bit shorter than you but they should fit.”
He pulled them towards him gratefully.
“A shower might be good.”
She gestured for him to follow her through the door he had noted earlier. He was correct in his assumption that it led to the rest of her apartment. She showed him to the bathroom and ran him through how the shower worked.
When she was done, she walked away before turning back to say, “I’m going to head down to the kitchens in Flower and Fawn to grab some ingredients. You can put your clothes in that bag there.” She gestured to a small plastic bag on the counter that he previously hadn’t noticed.
“Thank you.” He told her, the sincerity in it making her blush.
“It’s fine, really. I just want you to be okay. Have a nice shower!” At that, she spun around and walked out of the hall. He closed the bathroom door and set about stripping his soaking clothes from his body before stepping into the warm shower. His day was starting to look up.
Ten minutes later, he found himself in a warm black t-shirt and sweatpants that were slightly too small for him. He stepped out of the bathroom with his sodden clothes in one hand and his shoes dangling from the other. He returned to the kitchen, settling the bag next to his leather one and placing his shoes on the radiator to dry. He turned around to find a familiar yet shocked face staring at him from the kitchen table.
The red-headed man nodded uncertainly. Lucien Vanserra worked in the IT department at the same magazine Azriel worked for. They were friendly, often having interesting conversations when they bumped into each other in the break room but, other than that, they rarely seemed to cross each other's paths. Until now, that was.
“Azriel? What are you doing here?” Lucien gave him a cursory once over. “In my clothes, no less.”
It took less than a second for it to click.
“You’re the roommate.”
Lucien sent him an even more confused expression.
“You know Elain?”
“I do. Well, I met her today. She found me soaked in the park having a rough time and invited me back to cheer me up.”
Lucien laughed, shaking his head all the while.
“That’s such an Elain thing to do. I worry she’s going to bring home a weirdo one day. You’re close but you don’t quite count.”
Azriel rolled his eyes before replying, “She’s done this before?”
“Not quite this but she’s always trying to help people she meets. I once found her looking after three dogs and two cats because somebody she had met needed to go somewhere overnight and had no one to look after their pets.”
“That’s so nice of her.”
Lucien smiled softly to himself, pride shining in his eyes.
“Yeah. She’s an angel.”
The sound of the door opening startled them out of their conversation. Elain barged in, laden down with a basket of ingredients. She smiled as she saw Lucien and it widened when she saw Azriel next to the kitchen island.
“Azriel, this is Lucien, my roommate.”
He nodded. “We work together actually.”
She beamed at him.
“Perfect,” she said. “That means Lucien would be happy to help fix your laptop.”
Lucien raised an eyebrow at Elain but she ignored him as she set about finding different utensils in preparation for her baking.
“Would I now?”
She turned around with a determined look on her face. She pushed past Azriel to retrieve his laptop and placed it down in front of him.
“Yes. You would. Chop chop, Luci, we don’t have all day.”
She turned back to the kitchen where she resumed her bustling. Azriel sent an apologetic look towards where Lucien sat booting up his laptop.
“You don’t have to.” He told him but Elain spun around to point a whisk at Lucien threateningly.
“Yes, he does. He owes me.”
“I have a date in an hour!” Lucien protested.
“And?” Questioned Elain. “You’ve fixed my computer in ten minutes. You should get going if you don’t want to be late.”
Lucien sighed and Azriel could only shrug in defeat before joining Elain where she stood in front of the counter. She turned to look up at him and for the first time, Azriel realised how much shorter she was than him.
“You want to help?” She asked.
He nodded and suddenly found himself piled with different tools and instructions.
Forty minutes and many mixing bowls later, two trays of freshly baked cookies sat steaming in front of him and Elain, who stared down at them triumphantly. A clatter from behind them caused them to look up. Lucien stood behind the island, Azriel’s laptop and a memory stick before him.
“Bad news, your computer is dead. Good news, I’ve managed to salvage most of your work.” He gestured to the memory stick in front of him. “I’m sure you can get the company to buy you a new laptop if you try hard enough.”
Azriel rushed forward, grasping the memory stick in his hand.
“Thank you so much.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He said waving Azriel off before moving around the counter to kiss Elain on the cheek. “I have a date to get to. Don’t pick up any more strays whilst I’m gone.”
Elain only smiled at him sweetly, mischief twinkling in her eye. “Say hi to Jurian and Vassa for me!”
“I will.” Said Lucien who rolled his eyes before turning to look at Azriel. “It was nice to see you. Keep an eye on her for me, will you?”
“I will. See you on Monday.” He replied.
Elain’s attention turned back to him as soon as the door swung shut behind Lucien. She cast him an excited look.
“Wanna try one?”
He nodded enthusiastically in reply and picked up the one closest to him. The cookie seemed to melt in his mouth, the warmth from the oven lending itself to the chewiness. It was heavenly and he told her such.
Her cheeks darkened before replying, “It wasn’t just me. You helped too.”
“You told me what to do and I followed the instructions. These are all down to you, Elain.”
“I’m glad you like them. They’re somewhat of a staple in the cafe.”
They lapsed in gentle conversation as they ate. He learnt about her family, her hobbies, her passions and he told her the same in return. It was almost 8 o’clock by the time he glanced up at the clock, he hadn’t realised how late it had gotten. He stood up from where he had been sitting after they had migrated from the kitchen to the dining table.
“I should get going. My brothers are probably wondering where I am.”
Elain stood too and they both moved towards the kitchen where Azriel began to pack up his belongings.
“Thank you for having me.” He told her. “It’s been wonderful.”
She smiled at him, soft and welcoming. She looked beautiful under the warm lights.
“I’m glad I could help. It’s been wonderful having you here! Would you like to take some cookies with you?”
He nodded and she wandered over to the cupboard to retrieve a tupperware that she began to pile cookies into. She walked over to where he stood putting his now slightly less wet shoes on by the door. He took the box gratefully.
“Take this,” she told him as she handed him the bright pink umbrella she had been using earlier. “I don’t want you to get soaked on your way home.”
He thanked her before he walked out the door and down the stairs.
“I can return the clothes, box and umbrella to Lucien when I see him on Monday.”
He watched her hesitate as she followed him down.
“You could always stop by the cafe if you want to return them. I work Mondays to Fridays. That is... if you want to.”
He turned to see her blushing profusely. Azriel felt his cheeks warm as he smiled at her softly and replied, “That would be nice.”
He reached the bottom of the steps and pushed open the door. The rain had continued to pour all the while, never slowing. He stepped out and opened the umbrella.
“I’ll see you soon then.”
“See you soon.” She replied, waving at him as he walked away.
He didn’t look back until he heard the door shut quietly behind him. Smiling to himself, he started his walk home. It wasn’t until he had reached the park that he noticed a small note taped to the top of the tupperware Elain had given him. Under the light of the streetlamp, he could just about make out her curly handwriting.
I hope you’re feeling better now! Please feel free to stop by at the cafe when you’re available. Don’t be a stranger!
~ Elain
Azriel’s heart stuttered at the sight of the number scrawled beneath her name. He’d definitely be texting it when he finally found his phone. As he wandered through the park, past the bench he had sat on after giving up earlier, he reflected on the day's event. It had been a terrible start but it had ended in something much much better. You know what, Azriel thought to himself as the rain poured down around him and struck the pink umbrella he was holding above his head. Today has been a good day.
@amusedowl @court-of-fuck-me-daddy @akb12348 @actuallyacotartrash @thesirenwashere @julesherondalex @1islessthan3books @verifiefangirl @rhysanoodle @sadbitchlorcan @thefangirlofhp @abraxos-is-toothless @elrielllll @b00kworm @maastrash @rosssas @illyrianbeauty @nightcourtcinnamonroll @ireallyshouldsleeprn @tswaney17 @secretbondsandloveconfessions @sleeping-and-books @thewayshedreamed @rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @the-laughing-bubble @123moiaussi @onceupona-chaos @hereforelriel
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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random stuff, some facts about me, some sims questions, video requests, hair sneak peaks, umm and other stuff too…. also I am 10 candies from being able to evolve that dumb fish so wig
Anonymous said: Do you have a car?
Anonymous said: Hi wcif the shirts in your coming soon in June update ps I love your cc x
hey! for any WCIFs for that stuff, I am probably going to wait until the posts for the hairs are up because I know that people won’t check when the hairs are posted for my old wcifs.
@angelamariacalle​ said: you could make a WIP the eyes that you use in your post with ice cream?     
i have no idea what you were trying to say ;-; the eyes I used are my default ones which you can download here
@ayoshi-sims​ said: Once you get this SHARE 6 facts about yourself and send it to your 10 favorite blogs ✨
I still play pokemon go (fight me)
I think that pop music was the best in 2007-2011 (One of the Boys, The Fame/The Fame Monster, Circus/Blackout, Animal/Cannibal, The best damn thing)
I am a super middle child! (two older siblings, and two younger ones as well)
I keep all my kpop albums on my dresser, with my Red Velvet one hanging in a red/white flower crown I own :)
My favorite food to snack on is either a tuna kit, or pickles
I am a bottom XD
Anonymous said: When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity!
aaaaah okay um
my kpop girlies i stan
my angel rocky (my old af pug)
my friends (irl and online <3)
the concept of love is always something that makes me happy omg i know that is cheesy but like… imagine finding someone that is perfect for you will always be there when you need and like just GOD I NEED A MAN NOW
charli xcx music umm yeah it’s 5 in the morning
Anonymous said: Hello, I was wondering if you have your sims on the gallery? Thanks for your time. :)       
Yeah! I have a few sims for download on my origin which is SPOTHARRIS I also have them for download on this page
Anonymous said: Hello!! Just wondering wicf the freckles from the discontinued model in your older posts (e.g. momo buns) thank you!!! BTW I love your stuff soo much! :)
Hey! I no longer have that file or even know where I got them from :( Here is an OLD af wcif I answered of them though
Anonymous said: Where are you from?
I am from Virginia, which is on the east coast of the United States :)
Anonymous said: Hi!! I feel like this is such a silly question but oh well I’m a noob. If I use your Quartz eyes V2 will they be inherited in the next generation if my sims have kids? Same with your hair colors as well?
I honestly have no idea how any of that stuff works :( I’m sorry! I assume it should but also maybe not? ;-; again, sorry!
Anonymous said: omg the hair with the flowers in it! *-* i love!! will you also make a version without the flowers? I also wanted to say I’m really happy your life is going well and congrats on the 30k followers
thank you so much!! and I the hair will obvi have no flowers :P the flowers should be accessories if everything works out. There are some clipping issues rn but I think it is fixable :) here is a pic without the flowers. If you guys have any recommendations about then pls send them my way
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Anonymous said: Would you ever consider doing really long curly hair like the singer Sza’s?
I personally don’t like super long hair in TS4, it just doesn’t look well with most clothes and has clipping/weight issues :( I’m sorry!!
Anonymous said: Do you know what happened to SimpleSimmer?
I don’t, no. But I am sure she is fine :) sometimes people just take breaks
Anonymous said: Hi! So, i really love your sim with the dark brown hair (for your hair cc) and i was wondering if you could ever share that sim! Because she has a beautiful face. Also i am wondering which skin overlay (etc) you are using! You can find me in the gallery under the name: xThisGirl (if that is an easier way for you to respond :)
Hey! You can find her download here, along with all my other sims :) I am glad you like her <3
Anonymous said: Hey! I know you probably won’t read this as fast but I wanted to ask, how do you shift the hairline to the side or any of that? Like your daisy hair, briana hair, and that one wip you had in a tutorial video of yours! I really want to do that but I just don’t know how :(
I will maybe record something for this! No promises bc I have to get someone to edit the videos for me and I don’t wanna bug him but I will see if he can edit it for me if I film it :) It is pretty simple to do once you get the hang of it
@sims4storiesandstuff​ said: I just wanted to say, your hairs are the shit! Absolutely stunning. I rarely use the EA hairs anymore! I think you deserve every follower you have.            
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate stuff like this <3 I don’t play the game myself much so it makes me happy knowing that my hairs make other peoples games so much more enjoyable uwu
Anonymous said: hello can you make please a video when you make a hair and upload it?
I would like to! I just do so many random things while doing a hair like showing pictures to friends and getting their advice. So I will have to see, would you guys mind if the video had conversation stuff in it? As I said earlier, someone edits the videos for me so I don’t wanna get him to do more work for it by editing them out :( I will look into it for sure though!
Anonymous said: That hair wip in your lil video tutorial is absolutely beautiful!! Can’t wait until it’s released !! 🧡🧡
thank you so much!! Here are some more pics of it:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Anonymous said: are you korean? If not, how can you like kpop if you dont understand it?
I am not korean haha, but music is about more than understanding. It is about the feelings it vibes you get from it and the moods it puts you in. People love screamo music even though it is hard to understand, and music like instrumentals and dubstep heavy are just… what the music makes you feel. I listen to ‘normal’ pop, kpop, instrumentals, artists like grimes that mumble their songs a lot with production heavy stuff. I think that as long as the music is something you enjoy, you shouldn’t be judged for liking it. I know you aren’t trying to be rude with this ask so don’t think I am attacking you please! I am just trying to give you some insight into why different music interests people :)
Anonymous said: I’m so happy to see that you’ve made a patreon account! you really make amazing CC and that’s such a gift to the community, I’m happy that now I get to feel like I can give something to you haha :) have a great day/evening!
thank you so much! and thank you for supporting <3
@lesyatim​ said: Hello,  it’s not ask. I only want to say that you make very beautiful hair and  THANK YOU! I Love You💕💕💕💕💕 P.S. I’m from Russia and I don’t now English very well♡)
thank you so much!! Спасибо большое (that is suppose to say thank you in german lmao)
Anonymous said: When did u make a skin?
it is a hidden gem :P It is mainly to fix the collarbones bc I use multiple skin overlays so I that is why is was never posted :)
Anonymous said: Congratulations i hope you have a happy family 😄
@dangerouskindofmind said: I actually don’t have a question! I just wanna say you are one of my favorite sims 4 creators out here. Your hairs; snatched. Your clothes; beautiful. Your sims; amazing. And your personality looks just as good lol. I’ve probably downloaded like 99.9% of your content and I just wanna say thank you for all you do to make my sims 4 experience loads better. I also hope you’re having a great day
thank you so much!!!! I appreciate it a ton, I love that my content makes people love this game more <3
Anonymous said: Just wanted to say that literally all of your CC is beautiful and from what I’ve seen, I absolutely adore your personality. Keep it up my dear, you’ve got crazy talent. Much love <3
thank you, thank you!!! My personality irl is kind of shitty lmao I am really shy and like reserved ;-; and it is just memorizing how to do some editing to hair meshes, not much talent involved <3 thank you so so much again though!! I love getting these kind of messages
Anonymous said: Are you gonna make an outerwear cc pack when the seasons expansion pack releases?
I don’t make much clothing CC so I highly doubt it. I am working on a swimsuit that I might post later this month though! We will see what happens though :D
Anonymous said: thank you very much for a playlist that you shared with One Shot,Two Shot,I’m totally in love ur the best
yesss BoA is such a queen, listen to the full mini album if you can! It is one of her best releases in my opinion.
Anonymous said: aharris00britney awnsered me,cuz I remember my question and it’s on the asks recent post AND i’ll shake this print in all my enemies face thx,I asked about the patreon and I’m doing it right now bby <3            
hehe thank you!! <3 you show them enemies
– just so the eating ass juicy booty ask so yep that is all I have gotten in the past month that I can answer :P
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