#i think i lost my train of thought somewhere but yeah have characters do legit bad things
dlartistanon · 2 years
Last reblog also makes me think about other characters like Talulah and Shining; I don’t pay much attention to fandom, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they took out all the nuance and viewed them one way or another.
The thing with Talulah is that the story makes it pretty clear that her later actions cannot be glossed over as simply “possession”. Kaschey cannot literally force Talulah do what she doesn’t want to do. He may be inhabiting her mind, but it was never a straight-up bodyjacking situation. She fell victim to his manipulations at her most vulnerable state, the moment she dehumanized other people the way they have dehumanized people like her. The moment where she stopped thinking ‘I’m fighting to protect others from harm’ and thought ‘I want to cause harm’. 
No matter how much Kaschey influenced her--those evil thoughts still originated within Talulah herself. It’s just simply incorrect to label her as fully victim or villain. She’s both.
With Shining, it’s similar to the breadcrumb trail of Rhine in that we don’t exactly know what happened between her and Nightingale, but from context clues, Shining is very remorseful about her past, like Saria. We know Shining was a former Confessor, but there’s not a lot of information detailing what Confessors did. But from what that can be gathered, Shining has a great dislike of violence even though she has been known to wipe out entire platoons of armed soldiers all by her lonesome. Miscellaneous characters who’ve seen her are rendered speechless because they recognize her.
A pretty popular fanon theory is that Shining had something to do with Nightingale’s imprisonment, and it’s one that I really like. I think it’s much more interesting if, let’s say, she was somehow complicit in the abuse Nightingale received while she was a prisoner--Shining’s entire motif about redemption and atonement would feel a lot more appropriate if she did comply with such a heinous thing, especially in regards to her current devotion to Nightingale. A future event has dialogue suggesting that she expects Liz to hate her, which seems like an implication that either Shining did to something to Nightingale personally, or something that indirectly affected her in some way. Regardless, I’m looking forward to seeing where that thread leads.
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deluweil · 3 years
Buddie 4x14 review - if you haven’t watched it yet don’t read.
The episode starts where we left it, once Buck was on the ground, it seems like he was thrust back into reality. I noticed two things here (connected with 4x13) Eddie didn’t close his eyes until Buck was safe behind the truck on the ground. And the second thing is that Buck was spurred into action the moment Eddie’s eyes closed.
And I mean this was some BAMF Buckley right there, that was SEALS trained Evan Buckley! 😱🤩 It’s like training and instinct kicked in and all that mattered was to get to Eddie and get him help as soon as possible, sniper’s bullets be damned. I gotta say it was executed to perfection❣
Big kudos to both Oliver and Ryan for delivering this whole sequence in a heart-wrenching, beautiful manner.
The shooting doesn’t stop and they get Eddie out of there under fire, I really like the 133 captain and crew, they worked so well with the members of the 118, it seemed effortless. (I’m not touching that subject, but let’s picture Buck lifting Eddie bodily up into his arms and in to the truck for just a second here. - I mean we wanted it but not under these circumstances)
Buck taking the role of medic when finally getting Eddie into the truck, is so amazing, he’s usually the one either in need for treatment or the one who stands back and let’s Hen, Chim and Eddie do the medic stuff, it is their jobs after all, but he doesn’t sit back and let the medics of the 133 to take over, he does it himself. 
He tore Eddie’s uniform’s buttons open (again, that’s not how any of us wished for this to happen), tore the pressure bandage wrap open and pressed it down on the wound, he did not step back from Eddie, until he absolutely has to, at the hospital. 😭
Eddie, my poor baby, was lying on the ground of the truck, bleeding and half conscious and the one thing he focused on was the blood on Buck’s shirt and he asked him if he’s hurt. I mean I could totally cry, because that’s Eddie. Best friend, combat medic, protective and caring, that never goes away even as he’s lying there bleeding. 🥺🥺
Eddie was legit ready to forget his injuries and try to get up and take care of Buck if he was hurt too. He loses consciousness only when Buck assures him that he’s not hurt.
Buck’s frantic litany of “Just hang on, we’re almost there.” and “I need you to hang on” (“I need you”, not we, not Christopher, “I need you”) was really hard to watch, because even though we all read and wrote it in fanfics thousands of times, watching it actually play out was heartbreaking, I totally teared up with Buck there.🥺🥺
For firefighters the job ends at the hospital doors, so Buck naturally, out of instinct stops from following. But that’s Eddie taken away from him and he looks frozen, at that moment he must have thousands of thoughts running around his head.
“You ok Buckley?”
Buck’s broken “No.” was maybe expected, but it was also earth shattering of sorts. This is Buck standing there, knowing (especially after the well incident) that when Eddie is not okay, he’s not either. 😭❤
I want to point out that I loved the fact that the 133 didn’t just drive away or waited outside for the cops, they went in after Eddie. And after trying to check in on Buck, the Captain of the 133 went in too.
I’m going to point out a parallel here between S3 Finale and S4 finale, in 3x18 Eddie asks Buck if he’s ok as his ex-girlfriend was taken in the ambulance with her new fiancé, Buck’s response was “What’s next?” and going back to work. He was okay, because Eddie was with him, and there was still work to be done.
Here in 4x14, Eddie is taken from him to the hospital, and Buck doesn’t know if he’ll live, so Buck’s obvious answer here is ‘No’.
Later we see Buck exiting the hospital, in his firefighter uniform. I’m a little disappointed we don’t see him cleaning up, I know that could have made for a hell of a scene, Oliver would have killed it, and us in my opinion.
Taylor is coming to the hospital, not as a reporter but as a friend. She was worried. I like that side of her, when she knows to put away the reporter and to make sure her friend is in one piece. Her character development is shown beautifully in this scene. 
Buck, in no condition to pretend and speak to the press, turns away from her, he doesn’t trust her at that moment and he doesn’t trust himself not to break down there. He’s teary, still in shock and his hands are shaking like crazy. (in complete contrast to the usual Buck, where he can be in danger or wrap up a crazy rescue and he is normally completely steady.)
Taylor, offered to take Buck to Eddie’s house to see Christopher, telling him he can’t go see Chris looking like he does now. “You can’t got see his son like that.” - At first hear and several others it sounded like “Your son.” - of course it’s not but either way it would have been true too, because in a way Buck has been co-parenting Christopher for a very long time now. And indeed later when Buck gets to Eddie’s house he is washed and dressed in civilian clothes.
The scene with Oli and Gavin killed me! I thought for sure the breaking down will be done in private, but Buck couldn’t hold it together in front of Christopher once he found out Eddie is going to be ok, and Christopher comforting Buck was so so sweet.
Christopher’s “like the ones who fixed you?” Kind of gives us a certain idea as to the conversation Eddie had to have with Christopher when Buck was hurt. His sweet “Then he’s going to be ok,” he says it with such conviction, only adding “right?” only as an afterthought.
And as if he manifested it himself Buck then gets a text from Bobby that tells him that Eddie pulled through surgery and it looks good.
Buck actually dropped the phone from the relief and he started to cry, and sweet, adorable, national treasure Christopher puts an arm around him and tells him that Eddie is going to be okay. I definitely cried with Buck here. It was such a powerful scene and it was portrayed so well by Oliver and Gavin. 
The “it’s going to be okay Buck” was kind of a call back to 3x01 - when Christopher reassures Buck and tells him “You’re going to be okay kid.” - I love these two together so much! ❤❤
When Bobby gives them the talk in the firehouse about how they proceed from there, Buck is standing with his arms crossed, looking completely dejected. And when Hen asks about the safety of their families, Bobby says there's no reason to believe they are in danger, Buck pipes in with “We didn’t have a reason to believe Eddie will get shot helping a kid either.” Buck is traumatized, and worried, he sleeps at Eddie’s house looking after Christopher.
I loved Christopher waking Buck up, and them having cereal breakfast together, a call back to Eddie and Christopher having breakfast together in 2x04. Buck doesn’t sit next to Chris, but across from him - to me it says that the seat between them is usually reserved to Eddie when they’re together at the house.
I love how Christopher’s teasing Buck about him snoring. And Buck is later confused because he’s unsure of whether or not Chris really understands what’s happening, but Carla assures him that he already lost his mother, unfortunately he understands better than he or she thinks. Which again should give people a new appreciation for Christopher’s sunshine child attitude.🥺❤
Carla showing up to take Christopher to school, is showing relief that Buck could finally sleep, which means that he didn’t for at least a couple of nights. She’s also asking him how it feels to go to work, Buck doesn’t even think about the sniper, for him all that matters is that Eddie is not out there with him and it feels off. (call back to 2x18 when Eddie seemed pensive about being back at work but Buck was not with them.)
Carla, bless her, retorts that that is not what she was asking - obviously she meant, she was worried about the sniper, but that is not Buck’s main worry, his head and his heart are somewhere else.
The crane scene was insane! I laughed when Chimney looked to Bobby and asked him “Can you blame him cap?” and Bobby flat out responded “Yeah!” 😂
The rescue was really impressive. However if Eddie ever found out about this he would probably hit Buck over the head with something heavy. It just goes to show that Eddie is Buck’s impulse control and vice-versa.
Bobby and Buck’s interaction wasn’t one of anger, Bobby was terrified and Buck was guilty but unapologetic, because he couldn’t protect Eddie but he could protect the rest of his family, so he did just that. Bobby didn’t have anything to say other than give him the same response Eddie did in Monsters - “Don’t do it again.” - Because for one, in my opinion, Bobby knows where Buck is coming from and also Bobby knows, he knows Eddie is Buck’s impulse control, knows he’s his anchor, he knows that Buck will only be his relatively normal self when Eddie comes back.
I’m not even going to touch the Taylor scene, yes she was worried, and yes she scolded him in a friendly way, but that kiss felt so out of left field for me, especially since Buck was just packing a bag to go stay with Christopher and Eddie was still unconscious at the hospital.
Also she freaking friendzoned him last episode, how fickle do male writers think women are? She gets a little scared and kisses the guy? Lucky they didn’t write in a sex scene! That was an insult to women everywhere in my opinion. It could have been set in so many better opportunities, why now? And if she’s scared now what’s to say that won’t make her leave like Ali did? I have a whole tirade about it but I will let it go for now.
Now I know ya’ll are like - Eddie woke up because his spidey senses told him someone was kissing his Buck (and I do not negate that point lol), but he just woke up and he asked for Buck. I find it so deliriously endearing that I need a moment even as I’m writing this.🤗🤗
I have to point out that there is no scene of Buck, Eddie and she who will not be name together other than the second when Buck walks in (read ran through the hospital corridors) and Eddie has only eyes for his partner. 👀❤
Afterwards it just the two of them, with a brief facetime to Christopher. I love that Eddie thanks Buck for staying with Chris, and Buck pretty much breaks down the logic behind the decision, like a true parent. - Christopher’s comfort came first in Buck’s eyes, and really that just demanded a hug right there.
“Is he doing ok?” 
Buck’s response here, was very honest, a lot more honest than I expected, “better than me.” He said. Buck openly admits to Eddie, “I kinda lost it when I told him you got shot. I’m sorry I should have held it together.” To be honest, I’m very curious as to the ins and outs of Buck and Eddie’s friendship, especially during quarantine, they seem so much closer, a lot more open. More honest than you'd expect two male, straight, lead characters to be with their friends.
Buck would have played it down and shared only the essentials when it’s anybody else. With Eddie he openly saying here, in his own way, ‘I was terrified, and heartbroken, and ‘couldn’t imagine my world without you.’ - ‘I couldn’t function with a clear head.’ - ‘all my masks were shattered.’ 
“You were there for him when I couldn’t be, that’s what matters.” Eddie knows, buck, he understands him better than anyone, he’s telling him here in his own way that it’s okay, and he loves him just the way he is - it was his way to reassure Buck that he was doing just fine.
But Buck’s “Still I think it might have been better for him if I was the one who got shot.” - Eddie looked like he was ready to get up and smack some sense into Buck. 
I want to point out that Buck’s response to Eddie being hurt or in danger is nowhere near the same as his response to anyone else in danger. Case in point in 4x14 is Bobby, he is inside, probably injured, in a fire with a gunman - if it was Eddie, Buck would have waited 0.1 seconds before he disappeared back into the flames to help Eddie. 
With Bobby, he was calm, cool, calculated, he knew what Athena would do because that’s exactly what he would have done if it had been Eddie and he is ready with helpful details and a plan. He wants to go with her, but doesn’t argue when she says no. 
Eddie is Buck’s Bobby, and it reflects all throughout this episode, and I think I had some parallels pointed out in 4x13 too. So I don’t know what scripts Tim reads or if we’re all watching the same show but buddie exists and thriving as far as I’m concerned.
Buck is also the one to pick Eddie up at the hospital - he tells him that the nurse is getting his meds and discharge papers ready, which means that Buck did all that process, he was busy getting Eddie discharged. (Take a moment to soak it in.)😌
Eddie sits Buck down to talk, to be honest this talk went pretty much the way I expected it. 
Eddie explains why he had his will updated, and that Buck is Christopher’s legal guardian if anything happens to Eddie. - I love that after all this time, sweet Buck is still surprised. 
He asks if Eddie didn’t need his consent for this and Eddie’s reply is: “My attorney said you could refuse.”  
I also love, that even shell-shocked, Buck knows that Eddie knows him “You know I wouldn’t.”
And Eddie assures him that he does in fact know Buck, and he knows that Buck loves Christopher as much as Eddie does “I know you wouldn’t.” 
(”I had to do it.” - “Yeah, I know you did.” this was a call back to 4x05 where Eddie understood why Buck did what he did. And knowing what we know now, I can assume that even though Eddie understood and forgave Buck, he didn’t have to like it.)
“No one will ever fight for my son as hard as you.” - call back to 3x03 anyone? 
“There’s no one I trust with my son more than you.” - and Eddie proves it time and again.
And here he is basically giving Buck permission to give hell to his parents or anyone who tries to take Christopher away from His Buck. - And I love it!! 🤗❤
Buck, smart, handsome guy that he is, asks the right question again - “Why are you just telling me now?”
“Because Evan.” That first name that even took Buck by surprise, because Eddie only ever called him Buck, to our knowledge anyway. - Eddie was talking to Evan Buckley, not Buck, and yes they are two separate entities living inside one hunky firefighter. - This is Eddie saying, I know you’re frayed around the edges, I know I’m asking for a lot right now but I need you to hear me.
“You came in here the other day and you said it would have been better if you who were the one who was shot,” and I think for Eddie, who was lying on that firetruck floor bleeding out, and his only concern was that Buck may have been hurt, that was the worst thing Buck could have said. 
“you act like you’re expandable but you’re wrong.” 
Eddie has been where Buck is at that moment, losing his wife, watching his best friend nearly die time and again. - Really at this point Eddie just wants him safe, and if telling him about Christopher is what will do the trick, then he is not above playing dirty.
Eddie is telling Buck, you are my partner, you are Christopher's second parent, I love you, Christopher loves you, I don’t know what I’d do without you. - Because Eddie has been without Buck before and he was completely lost. - And that’s before they became even more intertwined as they are now. 
I love the second before Buck and Eddie enter, Eddie’s house, before Buck opens the door, Eddie looks like he’s steeling himself to get in and Buck has a knowing grin on his face, somewhere between ‘ready?’ and ‘they’re happy you’re back be nice.’ 👀😂
I hated the jump forward, but everyone standing on the roof looking good and Eddie with those sunglasses? wow!! 🥵🤩
This was an all out buddie episode, and I was totally there for it!! I really hope for many more, because these two give me life!!
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petersasteria · 4 years
The Forces of Nature || Ch.12
Pairing: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
Summary: “There’s this kid out there that can control the wind or something. I think she’s a great addition to the team. Let’s recruit her.”
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"...𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧." - Jordan Harbinger
Just when Peter and Y/N thought everything was alright between them, it went back to normal. Y/N didn't know what happened, she didn't know what she did to somehow offend Peter. Heck, she didn't even know she offended him. She was clueless. She tried to make things better, but Peter ended up hating her even more. She wasn't giving up, though.
On Peter's side, he knew full well why he started acting up again. Ever since the first training, all he could hear were praises. Not to or for him. Oh, no. How he wished all their praises were dedicated to him. Instead, they were all for Y/N. It was always Y/N this, Y/N that. Peter was getting sick of it.
It wasn't just the Avengers, though. It was also the people at school.
"Hey Y/N! I need help in rehearsing for the graduation song." Ned nicely asked. Peter cleared his throat and said, "I can help you!"
"Thanks, Peter! But this is Y/N's expertise." Ned said and turned to Y/N, waiting for her answer. Peter gave a tight-lipped smile and broke his pencil with one hand in anger and bitterness. Y/N saw this and quickly took a pencil from her bag.
"Here you go, Peter. You can have it. I have so many pencils at home." Y/N said kindly as she handed him the pencil. Peter just looked at it, though. So, she left it near Peter and started helping Ned.
"Jealous, Parker?" MJ asked with a smirk.
"No." He answered quickly. "Anything she can do, I can do better. I'm the best!"
"Ned and I will be the judge of that." MJ said and turned back to her book.
Later that day, it was training again at the compound. Y/N and Peter were training with Steve and Natasha. Since they were training in the same room, Steve and Peter could see Natasha and Y/N training on the other side of the room.
"You're getting better at this, Y/N!" Natasha smiled after Y/N basically tackled her down. She helped Natasha up with happiness flowing through her.
"Thank you! I try my best." Y/N shrugged.
"I agree with Nat." Steve said from across the room. "You're a natural, Y/N. You really do belong here."
Peter was jealous. How come she got praise for everything she was doing? After all, they're quite similar. They're both geniuses, they're both great at training sessions, they're kind and sweet. He knew that he was being sort of ridiculous, but in his point of view, his feelings were valid.
To make things worse, Tony was hanging out with Y/N now. Peter felt extreme jealousy and anger bubbling inside of him. It was like a real family situation.
Tony, Peter's father-figure and mentor, suddenly favored the other kid aka Y/N over him. It was all so sudden. She was just new and everyone loved her. Even Sam and Bucky loved her. Peter was still in the 'we only tolerate you' level with Bucky and Sam, so how come Y/N isn't on the same level as him?
Sometimes, he felt as if Y/N was mocking him. Peter would screw up sometimes and then Y/N would somehow be there right behind him to help and fix it.
"Call me when you need me, Pete. I'd be glad to help!"
"Do you need anything?"
"No wonder you couldn't get it right. You're doing it the wrong way, Peter!"
He was tired of it. He was officially done with her and done with everyone. If everyone thought that Y/N was the best, then he'd make sure that he was the worst.
"Hey, Y/N/N! Have you seen Peter? He was supposed to be here two hours ago." Steve asked and looked at his watch.
"I don't know, actually. I thought he was already here. I didn't see him after school because I had glee club practice." Y/N frowned and pulled out her phone. As she was about to type a text, Peter walked in with a relaxed smile on his face.
"Where the hell have you been, kid?" Steve asked. As angry as he was, he kept his composure. Y/N lifted her phone a bit and said, "I was just about to text you. Where were you?"
"At home." Peter shrugged. "I took a nap after school."
"...So, you didn't patrol?" Y/N asked.
"Nope." Peter said, popping the 'p'.
"Why not?" She frowned. "You love patrolling and you're great at that."
"Yeah? Well, if you're so better than me like everyone else has been saying, why don't YOU patrol?" Peter snapped. Y/N stayed quiet and Steve was shocked at his outburst. He's never heard Peter lash out like that before. It was new and different. It was so foreign to him.
The next day at school, Peter was assigned to be the group leader in English class. When he saw that Y/N was his group mate, he called the teacher's attention.
"Yes, Mr. Parker?"
"I don't want to be the leader of this group. I'd like to be a member instead and I want Y/N to be the leader." Peter faked a smile. "You see, she's really smart and she could do anything."
Y/N looked at Peter and quickly shook her head. She didn't want to be the group leader. Peter just smirked and his smirk grew wider when the teacher allowed it.
"Congrats on your leader position, Y/N! I'm sure you'll do just fine. You can do anything, right?" Peter said and leaned back on his chair, waiting for Y/N give out orders on what to do.
Y/N didn't know why Peter was acting that way. She truly wanted to ask, but she was scared. She was hurt, annoyed, mad, and confused. How can Peter's attitude just shift like that?
"Hey, kid! Can you help me in the lab? I have a few modifica-"
"No." Peter answered shortly and ate his chips while watching tv on the couch. He grabbed the remote and changed the channel.
Tony looked at him as if Peter grew another head, "W-What do you mean 'no'?"
"No means no, Mr. Stark." Peter answered.
"I get that, but you don't usually say 'no' to me. Besides, you might like what we're going to do in the lab. It's for a new-"
"Nah. Count me out of that shit." Peter chuckled.
"Is this all a joke to you, Parker?" Tony asked.
Normally, Peter would be scared and he'd drop the act. Alas, he kept going. Nothing will stop him in keeping his act together.
"No, it's not a joke to me. You asked and I answered. Where the hell is the joke in that?" Peter raised an eyebrow. "Besides, you can ask your new pet, Y/N. She's around here somewhere- oH, RIGHT! She's out patrolling like I told her to."
"Isn't that your job?!"
"Yes, but since everyone here claims that she's better than everyone else, I gave her my job so that she has something to do."
"And what'll you do?" Tony crossed his arms.
"Something I've never done before."
"And that is-?"
"Relaxing." Peter smiled and laid down on the couch as he continued to switch channels and eat a family-sized bag of chips. Tony frowned at his protégé before going back to the lab.
"Any ideas on how to defeat the swine flu guy?" Rhodey asked as his eyes wandered around the room filled with Avengers.
"We could strategize a plan on how to attack him! Villains in movies usually have a pattern or something when they kill so that people would know that it was them. All we have to do is search through the whereabouts of the swine guy and-"
"You do it then if you're so clever." Peter piped up and drank his water.
"Excuse me?" Y/N said.
"You're just wasting your time on telling us how to do shit, so why don't you just do it yourself?" Peter shrugged. He looked at everyone and chuckled, "We have ourselves a prodigy of some sort in our midst. We'll have to use her talent and brains."
"What the hell, Peter." Natasha said and Peter could only shrug.
"She could do it on her own because she's so powerful. She's the most powerful person in this room because she can control everything! So, let's cut some slack and let her do all the work. She's just new, anyway. She has to learn a thing or two." Peter said as he got up from his chair.
"Where do you think you're going?!" Sam asked.
"Home, duh." Peter said and grabbed his back pack. "Have fun with your new task, Y/N!" With that, he smiled and left.
"I know this is so out of character, but I miss the old Peter." Bucky said after a moment of silence.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but same." Sam sighed. "Something isn't right with that kid."
"Definitely." Y/N nodded her head in agreement. Whatever Peter was feeling, she didn't care about it anymore. She just wanted the old Peter back until then, she's allowed to get super annoyed and angry at the new Peter.
* * * *
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag​ @harryismysunflower @buckys-little-hoe @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @itstaskeen @sandystoriess @heeeyitskay @slytherin-chaser @quaksonhehe @yaya4302 @lil-mellow-bunbun @starlight-starks @swiftmind​ @alexx-stancati​ @sovereignparker​ @nerdyandproudofitsstuff​ @pearce14​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​ @cherthegoddess​ @chewymoustachio​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​ @parkerlovebot​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @perspectiveparker @parker-potters @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @chloecreatesfictions @holland-styles @halfblood-princess-505 @spidey-reids-2003 @herbatkazmiloscia @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @unsaidholland​ @musicalkeys​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @hufflepuffprincess24​ @hollanddolanfangirl​ @parkerpeter24​ @bellelittleoff
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
Walking Blind + Thoughts on The Little Mermaid Being Episode 12
Let’s Talk About JSHK Anime #2
Warning: Manga spoilers up until Tanabata Arc (basically that + the entirety of season 1 + the skipped arcs)
I’m gonna talk about how the anime keeps proving my predictions wrong with skipped arcs, and later right, with consequences. Due note that this isn’t me hating the anime (because I love it). Just my funny experience attempting to Sherlock my way through the anime, plus my thoughts on The Little Mermaid being the finale.
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No deduction works when it comes to predicting this series.
It all started when episode 5, The Confession Tree, came out. I was looking forward to it ‘cause I’m hananene trash af. Legit thought the entire episode was gonna be about Kodama.
But then the episode preview pics came out and I was like, “Sakura wtf are you doing here you don’t show up again until three chapters later?”
My first prediction was ep 5 would be entirely Kodama, and then ep 6 would be Young Exorcist. Seeing that these arcs serve to build up Nene and Kou wanting to know more about Hanako, I thought it’d be nice that we set aside two episodes just for that.
But then Kodama finished somewhere around the fifteenth minute mark, and we started Young Exorcist Part 1. Which was, you know, fine. But then instead of continuing, they jumped right to the end of the arc when Nene met Sakura for the first time, and then kept going to No. 5′s rumor and revealed Tsukasa early. Next episode’s title preview confirmed it, too. Ep 6 was gonna be 4PM Bookstacks.
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Okay. I still had hope. Maybe they just rearranged the order.
On the other hand, the lack of ‘Part 1′ in the title was alarming. And it came true. They packed four chapters into one episode. A lot of things got cut. There wasn’t enough room for the op, and they had to run the credits while the episode was still ongoing. Though, tbh, other than Tsuchi’s line about him being able to change the books (with dire consequences), I didn’t have much problem with the cut scenes.
Then this thing showed up.
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Before ep 5 I didn’t think we’d get Donuts until around episode 9-ish. But nope the No. 7s would meet each other in ep 7 (lmao see what I did there?). Again, I was fine with it, but I was a bit upset about Young Exorcist.
Someone said it may be moved to the finale, and I didn’t like that idea. Mostly because Yashiro, our main audience POV, isn’t in the arc. And it just sounds weird having a finale without your main audience POV.
They could put her there, sure, but that would mean adjusting Nene and Teru’s every future interaction. Even without shipping goggles or Nene’s romance-colored glasses, do you think Nene would still act the same towards Teru if she saw him hurt Hanako like that? ‘Cause that was brutal. Like she wouldn’t run and protect him like she did when they met Kou.
They put Kou and Teru’s resolution from Young Exorcist into their convo in episode 7. This kinda makes Teru a bit useless, though. I mean, he still doesn’t do much in the manga but the tension between him and Kou was supposed to set up this badass fight. Since it didn’t happen, and Young Exorcist isn’t gonna be the finale either, then he’s pretty much useless.
Anyway, the thing about Teru being onto The Broadcasting Club?
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Not from the manga.
I’m not sure if Manga!Teru is really onto them. As far as I remember, it wasn’t hinted anywhere in the manga. Do correct me if I’m wrong. So what was the point of that change?
I didn’t get pissed until halfway through episode 7 and suddenly Mitsuba was there, but no fishes.
“What is he doing here, where’s that puffer fish, where’s his murder? Hello?”
I was very neutral about Mitsuba from the very beginning but when he showed up where The Little Mermaid (and my fish murder!!!) was supposed to be I kinda began to grow undeserved resentment toward him (I’m cool now though!). Totally, totally undeserved, because it wasn’t his character’s fault.
I was happy because Mitsuba stans got to see him animated (he was cute, and his VA was so good). But putting him in episode 7??? I mean they just left Hanako and Nene’s tension unresolved like that. That makes the episode really choppy in my opinion. They could’ve had the coolest final shot of the season of Tsukasa murdering that fish to scare and excite the anime-onlys. They missed that chance.
We got to episode 8. Pretty solid. Still would’ve preferred if its first bits weren’t in Donuts, but solid.
Preview title basically confirmed they’re skipping The Little Mermaid too. That was when I lost hope in Young Exorcist. But I tried to compromise. If they weren’t animating The Little Mermaid, then they have to put Hanako and Nene’s conversation and pinky promise in The Little Mermaid at the end of ep 9.
Episode 9 turned out to be my favorite. It was all thanks to Natsuhiko. He really cheered me up over our loss of two arcs. And my prediction was right for once. Hanako apologized for ruining the donuts. That’s definitely not the point of their tension (Tsu-ka-sa and trust), but it was still nice and I’d take what I could get. The hug. The hug was very nice.
I was mostly content, excited to see my boi Akane the next week. But then I thought, wait, we only have three episodes left. And we’re definitely reaching Hell of Mirrors, ‘cause No. 3′s silhouette is in the OP. Then the horrifying thought hit me.
They were gonna skip Searching.
But! The freaking post-credit showed up followed by this:
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“They skipped Searching AND Clock Keeper??? Why on earth would you highlight Akane, with Teru of all people, in the OP then?! Paralleling Mitsuba and Kou no less!”
Due notice, yet again, the lack of ‘Part 1′ in the title preview. Before the episode actually aired, this was my train of thought: “Okay so they skipped The Clock Keeper and Searching, and decided to outdo episode 6 by packing 6 chapters (yeah, I counted “Reach Out Your Hand”) into one episode. Ahahaha ... what?”
Thankfully, they proved me wrong. Kay. Good. Thanks a bunch for fooling me with that title preview.
But then it freaking hit me. You got one episode left. The finale. Sure, Clock Keeper as a finale will be perfect. It’s a good hook for season 2. However. You can’t do Clock Keeper without doing Searching. It’d basically be almost the same as doing Donuts without doing The Little Mermaid. The finale wouldn’t feel resolved this way, because, again, there’s tension between Hanako and Nene (and Kou too) that isn’t resolved yet.
Not that Searching addressed the cause of the tension, but at least it brought the trio back to their status quo (well, with a bit of kounene and hananene development haha). Also, without Searching, it’ll only end like this:
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Clock Keeper itself is 5 chapters. They can cut and modify. Sure. But y’all saw ep 6.
So that’s why I was sure we’re definitely not getting No. 1 this season. To me, that leaves three options for the finale.
A. Delivery + Tanabata Arc
Best pick in my opinion
It’s the direct continuation to Hell of Mirrors
The main trio are all there, especially our audience POV
More glimpses of Amane is always a plus point
The ‘getting hit by a bull, waking up in the past, and seeing your boyfriend before he died’ is just so random I think it’d be a pleasant surprise for the anime-onlys
Just wholesome in general, leaves the audience feeling good
The-ma-tic!!! You begin the series with Nene’s wish and end it with Amane’s isn’t that just asdfghjkl wish wish wish, everything’s about wishes in JSHK
B. Young Exorcist
Classic boss battle finale
Just Teru’s badassery *chef’s kiss*
Hanako getting emotional (something we haven’t really seen before)
Getting deeper into Hanako’s motive (episode 8 would’ve been more impactful had we had Young Exorcist before it, what with his view of disappearing/exorcism for ghosts being salvation)
Kou’s character development
^ counter argument: he already got the character development he went through in Young Exorcist in episode 6 and 7, plus, he and Teru already resolved their disagreements - though, not as impactful as in the manga
Also wholesome, HanaKou is great I love their friendship so much *sobs*
C. The Little Mermaid
@emee-ems​ pointed out here: “it started with the mermaid so they’ll end it with the mermaid” and I agree
Yashiro being persuaded to leave Hanako, while their friendship was what began the whole series? That’s some good conflict right there
Seeing Hanako worried about Yashiro leaving him? Good shit
Also wholesome (extra shipping content never hurts, either)
Hanako willingly opening up to Yashiro for the first time!!! That’s a big milestone for them
Yashiro accepting that he’s just not ready instead of not trusting her like she’d thought is *chef’s kiss*
That pinky promise! Starting the series making a bond due to unfortunate circumstances and ending the series making/staying loyal to a bond out of choice??? Good shit
Aaaaannnnddddd the verdict was:
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I did previously think we’re gonna end the season with The Little Mermaid. But here’s the thing. It only works if everything is in chronological order.
Why? Because the tension that led to this arc in the first place is resolved already in episode 9.
The whole point of TLM is that conversation at the end, really, where:
Hanako apologizes for ruining the donuts (he already did in episode 9)
Hanako thanks Yashiro for telling him that she liked him
Hanako admits that he had a little brother and that he killed him (Tsukasa already confirmed both of this for Nene, both in episode 7 and episode 9)
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So having Hanako repeating all this seems kinda redundant. Nene already knows. Sure, it’ll be nice to hear it from him directly ... but it’s too late now, isn’t it? It’s been four episodes. She’s met Tsukasa three times now. However, point number 2 is still available.
Furthermore, since Hanako already apologized in episode 9, I’m not sure if the fishes can use what happened in episode 7 to persuade Nene to leave him. I mean, she forgave him already. Tension resolved. They hugged and all. And it’s been so long since then.
Animating the fish murder scene is also kinda useless. It was supposed to give the audience a glimpse of how dangerous Tsukasa is. But we already know that. We saw him rip someone’s heart out and force-feed it to someone else.
The first half of The Little Mermaid Part 1 and The Broadcasting Club at the end of Part 2 are already animated in episode 7. That leaves them even more room for extra scenes. I hope they take good advantage of that.
Basically, they have to make a lot of adjustments and I’m curious to see what they’re gonna do.
I am happy that we’re gonna see The Little Mermaid. The way Hanako wipes Nene’s face with his sleeve, and then cradles her head? I need it, they make my heart melt. Can’t wait.
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alewyren · 4 years
tumblr is dead but I’m gonna post my thoughts on Inuyasha here too for archiving purposes. cw for (non-detailed) discussion of sexual assault and suicide wrt kikyo
OKAY. SO. MY THOUGHTS ON INUYASHA. warning for some INCREDIBLY hot takes.
it. sure was a journey. I am not sure if I liked the series overall or not. It had some legit good/touching moments, but it dragged SO LONG and there were a lot of things I thought could've been handled better. But it was fun liveblogging it for sure. And I got NarKik out of it, which snapped me out of my year-long creative dry spell, so it was at least a net positive time investment LMFAO.
I liked... mmmmost of the characters? sango, sesshoumaru, kagura, kanna, naraku, kohaku, K I K Y O, and even kagome were all Good. On the flipside, Inuyasha himself is FUCKING TERRIBLE and he sucks and I hate him. Emotional immaturity ain't cute, he gets everything handed to him on a silver platter, rarely apologizes for being a selfish prick, and the other characters are WAY too forgiving of his bullshit. I got tired of the tsundere het romance cliches between him and Kagome pretty fast, as well as how often he was jealous of her. Like, Kagome's insecurities over Kikyo I can legit understand (despite being #1 Kikyo Fucker). But whenever she's so much as civil with Kouga and Inuyasha's all HANDS OFF MY WOMAN I'm like... dude shut up you two-timing hypocrite. If You Like It Then You Should’ve Put A Ring On It. Credit where credit is due tho, they did chill out over time and some of their moments together towards the end of the series were legit sweet. I'm pretty meh on Inukag overall, and iffy on the resolution of her moving to his era permanently, but that last panel of him greeting her as she came out of the well gave me a Feel.
(Actually, on that note, it... would have been legit kind of hella if the series had ended with Inuyasha himself permanently moving to the modern era? Aside from their friends he had far fewer attachments in his world than she did hers, and there's so much more potential with him having to adapt to the modern era, lol. ALTERNATIVELY, kikyo lives and she switches places with kagome and makes a new life for herself in the modern era. thus letting her truly live as a normal girl. But I'll Get To Kikyo Later. smh)
The premise of the series is actually pretty strong, though of course you can poke holes in it. To my knowledge it was the first isekai anime that really took off, and the driving plot of collecting the Shikon fragments is excellent monster of the week material (though I'm not really a monster of the week fan myself). Also, youkai are awesome. Focusing the series on real-world mythology makes my Shin Megami Tensei heart very excited.
I know the series runs on emotion rather than logic, but I REALLY have some questions here. The fact that the well is explicitly stated to take Kagome back in time rather than to another world makes no sense at all. First of all, where are all the youkai in the present day? Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are at least a couple hundred years old, right? What happened to them in that 500 year timespan? Surely some creature or another from the series would have naturally survived that long. So what happened? Was there a mass-youkai extinction somewhere along the line? Shouldn't this be cause for concern? Also, do Kagome's time-traveling actions create a stable time loop or a branching timeline? If Naraku won in the past, how would that affect the present? The two eras are just completely isolated from each other and I really don't get it. That kind of stuff. Yeah yeah I know MST3K mantra and all but MAN this bothers me.
Which brings me to Exhibit A of stuff I think should have gone differently: Kagome should have stayed the protagonist, and the modern era should have gotten more focus. Not as in her day-to-day school shenanigans, but stuff touching on the questions listed above. There's just a lot of untapped potential regarding How This Shit Works, rather than confining the story pretty much entirely to the Sengoku Jidai With Youkai. Also there could be plenty of shenanigans with characters OTHER than Kagome and Inuyasha hanging out in the present. LIKE KIKYO. okay yeah my kikyo bias is showing but it would be the perfect opportunity to 1. hide her from naraku (unless he found a way into the present, but that just ties into my previous point), 2. develop her friendship with Kagome. Which would have done both of them wonders. BUT I'LL GET TO KIKYO LATER. (I'm dying imagining Kagome introducing Kikyo to her schoolmates as her cousin and taking her shopping though..... teaching her how to ordinary human... like..... HHH.)
Anyway, Kagome as the protagonist. She was very much the protagonist at the start of the series--she took a more active role in a lot of the monster of the week conflicts, and just had a lot more focus and screentime in general. Then Inuyasha got his sword upgrades and her role in conflicts became reduced to sensing Shikon fragments and occasional use of arrows. It took until the last hundred chapters for her to get ANY sort of substantial power-up, and it felt... unearned? I had been looking forward to her developing her miko powers alongside Inuyasha's youkai powers, and getting bow upgrades to match his Tessaiga upgrades, but it just... didn't happen. Her miko powers having been sealed all along felt like an ass pull, and I wasn't really a fan of the test of character she had to go through in order to get the fancy bow upgrade being solely focused on overcoming her feelings of jealousy towards Kikyo... again... like it's valid for her to feel that way but we've been here already! Surely there's more to her character than this! I think it would've been awesome if she actually got some fights of her own too, and maybe Kaede and eventually Kikyo mentoring her growth as a miko? But as far as canon went, it just felt like she got shallower and less interesting over time as Inuyasha slowly took over the protagonist role and that was a damn shame. Let Kagome be the plucky isekai protagonist she was always meant to be! This, of course, ties in with my assertion that the modern era should have gotten more focus too.
okay, so. it's time. kikyo. Kikyo. I fucking LOVE kikyo, absolutely my fave chara, I was not expecting to love Kikyo this much lmao. All that ship war propaganda was a big fat lie. She has an ASTONISHINGLY mature narrative about the effect of tragedy and trauma on people and relationships, but it was SO under-utilized and shafted in favor of the Love Triangle and Inuyasha's Manpain and I'm FUCKING UPSET. Kikyo was (or at least had the makings to be) the best character in Inuyasha but she was not done justice at all, in this essay I
Like, sit down and think about it. Here we have a woman who lost her parents at a young age, taking on the responsibilities of her household, and training to be a miko on top of it--which in the world of Inuyasha is a very emotionally demanding position that requires her to basically devote her entire life to her duties, ESPECIALLY once she's entrusted with the Shikon Jewel. All while being required to live a life of asceticism and suppressing worldly desires. In short, she basically never had a chance to actually, like. Live. Keep in mind that she was a child/teenager throughout all this (she was 17/18 when she died). That's a LOT of pressure on someone that young.
At this point, she's understandably lonely and depressed, and then along comes Inuyasha. She falls in love with him, gets a taste of a life that would truly make her happy, and has it ripped away. Like, there's some really fucking dark subtext to the whole Onigumo plot. She shows kindness to a random stranger, who proceeds to make a deal with the devil to LITERALLY RAPE HER, and her life is ruined as a result. No, Kikyo wasn't literally raped in canon, because even though Onigumo wanted to rape her Naraku's intentions towards her were... more complicated if still incredibly fucked up, but good lord the subtext is THERE. And as a result of the ensuing incident, believing Inuyasha betrayed her, she straight up KILLS HERSELF. Yes, it was partly to protect the Shikon Jewel, but she did not want to come back to life. Let that sink in. Kikyo was driven to suicide by an incident incited by a man who took advantage of her kindness in order to rape her. (nostalgia critic voice) FAMILY PICTURE!
I'm not gonna pretend Kikyo was the only victim here, though. Inuyasha has pretty clear PTSD from the event too, even after learning Kikyo is innocent. But through his relationship with Kagome, he begins to heal and move on. Then Kikyo gets brought back as a clay zombie, fucks up his whole grieving process, kickstarts the love triangle, you know the story. Kikyo's perspective is actually really interesting to dig into though. She didn't want to be brought back. She's PISSED. Even when the dust settles and she learns that Inuyasha is innocent, the anger and trauma have changed her. She's got a good ol' dose of PTSD herself. She's colder, harsher, engages in risky/self-destructive behavior, and distances herself from her loved ones. Like, think about it. Was there any logical reason she had to separate from Inuyasha and his group to fight Naraku on her own? To keep them in the dark about why she surrendered the Shikon Jewel to Naraku? No. That's a character flaw on HER part. And all this puts real strain on her relationship with Inuyasha. They still love each other, but their mutual trauma has completely changed their dynamic. Their love is based on their past relationship rather than their present chemistry. They don't make each other happy anymore. Neither of them are at fault for that. That's REAL AS FUCK. That's what trauma DOES to people and relationships.
So, yes, I'm a hardcore Kikyo stan who supports InuKag over InuKik. We exist. InuKik does not work as a relationship in the present because they've both changed due to trauma and that's the GODDAMN POINT. It's not a story about true love, it's a story about moving on from first love. The problem is that Kikyo's character is largely confined to her role as a love rival to Kagome. Inuyasha's side of the InuKik narrative, of letting go of the past and healing, is resolved. Kikyo's is not. And boy, I was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LIVID that the love triangle was resolved through Kikyo's death rather than Inuyasha just... fucking, PICKING KAGOME OVER KIKYO BEFOREHAND RATHER THAN HER NEEDING TO DIE. She can still die after that! I swear, I'm not just salty because my fave died. At least 70% of my favorite charas are dead. I literally don't care anymore. I'm mad that she was killed off in a way that reduced her to being Inuyasha's Woman rather than getting a chance to heal and grow apart from him, as he did from her. And this in turn cheapens the narrative around why InuKik doesn't work as a present relationship to begin with, because he never actually picks present love over past love! He just keeps committing emotional infidelity until Kikyo gets killed off to wrap things up in a neat little bow with no character growth on his part! This shit is why I hate Inuyasha (the character).
Kagome's kindness towards Kikyo also plays a part in why she softens up by the end, yes, but that kindness is entirely depicted as "I want to save her because she's important to Inuyasha and I love Inuyasha." Kagome's character growth in these moments hinges on her picking love over jealousy, NOT through actually bonding with Kikyo. On top of that, Kikyo saving Kohaku over defeating Naraku struck me as out of character (have to show she's not a bad person after all? which she isn't, but still). It definitely made her death feel even more pointless. How come Kohaku gets to live and not her!!! Seriously, the fact that Kohaku gets to live and Kikyo doesn't REALLY rubs me the wrong way. She barely even knew Kohaku! He was willing to die to defeat Naraku! NOT killing Kohaku to defeat Naraku almost cost MORE lives! It could've been a poignant resolution to her character arc, but there wasn't enough buildup for it to be a convincing decision for her to make.
And oh my god, there's SO much wasted potential here. Kikyo's resentment towards Kagome is super understandable, and it's never really explored. Kagome replaced her. Kagome is filling the role she should have filled. What's even left for her except her hatred of Naraku? She asserts that Inuyasha cannot forget her (her being lowkey possessive of him is *chef kiss* my wife is a bitch and I like her so much), and he doesn't, but she still straight up tries to kill Kagome lmao. Like I said they do reconcile, but it's kinda half-assed. Kikyo's feelings are never explored in-depth. She's never truly given a chance to heal and realize that she does have a place in the world beyond her decaying relationship with Inuyasha and hatred for Naraku. That her scarred, flawed existence is still just as fucking valid as Kohaku or Rin or Jaken being able to live after being brought back from the dead. Like lemme stress again that the girl experienced INTENSE trauma and COMMITTED SUICIDE. The notion that she's the only one who needs to die in order to restore the natural order, that her death is beautiful and tragic but necessary, is..... gross, tbh. :U
Like, she can still die, lmao. IMO it'd be legitimately more interesting if she lived, if she had an opportunity to carve a place for herself outside of Kagome like Kagome did Kikyo, but it IS possible for her to die without it making ME want to die. Just resolve the love triangle shit first, flesh out some of her relationships outside of Inuyasha himself (ESPECIALLY Kagome), show her healing and softening, and then she can die protecting everyone or some shit. That would've been fine. But No. She just gets killed off for the service of Inuyasha's character, so he can hook up with Kagome guilt-free, with NONE of this addressed. Because it's more palatable for a woman to be dead than broken up with, I guess? I Hate It Here, You Guys.
her (near) last words being "I've finally become an ordinary woman" rubbed me the wrong way too... it like, tried to wrap her character arc up in a neat little bow while ALSO entirely confining its resolution to being Inuyasha's Woman and discarding the narrative of trauma driving them apart. I love the narrative of the girl forced to be inhuman who just wants to be normal. This just felt like... a really cheap way to go about doing that, at the disservice of her character being about OLD love, for a forced (and false) sense of closure. Didn't like it. God fucking damn, typing it all out just made me even MORE pissed off.
tl;dr: kikyo had the makings of an amazing trauma survivor narrative but it got shafted. she deserved everything. thank you for coming to my TED talk.
SIGH. okay. there are other characters I wanna touch on too. Uhhh I actually thought Naraku was pretty cool, though he became way less interesting after Mt Hakurei (for the most part--he was cool again during the direct lead-up to Kikyo's death as well as the final battle). His identity crisis was pretty neat, as was the way he specifically targeted other people's emotions and relationships as a way to compensate for his own utter lack of a sense of self. Not to mention the cold, detached way he regards his own emotions ("my pp stands up whenever i look at kikyo, wish it wouldn't do that :/") and how this leads him to succumb to the influence of the Shikon Jewel, in contrast to Inuyasha and Kagome breaking the cycle. His lack of motivation is actually kind of the point, and I think it's neat as hell! Things got boring once The Baby entered the picture, and I got the sense Rumiko wasn't really sure what to do with Naraku for a while. His style of villainy got a lot more distant and "just as keikaku," when it was the way he got up in everyone's business and pushed their buttons for his own shallow amusement that made me like him in the first place. His fragments aside from Kagura and eventually Kanna were way less interesting, and I think it would've been neat to go more into his role as basically being an abusive dad, but it's fine. The Baby was a fucking boring and atrocious villain though, jfc. The /idea/ of Naraku's own heart rebelling against him was cool enough, but it means jack shit when The Baby is just a bland-ass villain who doesn't remotely represent the character traits that make up Naraku's "heart" in the first place, even aside from Kikyo.
Speaking of which, his fixation on Kikyo is a LOT of fun. Their interactions (which he was apparently secretly into), how he rejected his own humanity and destroyed both himself and the object of his desires, etc. Which is another reason he got less fun after Mt. Hakurei tbh. I fucking hate the way Kikyo's death was handled overall but I liked that he had to reclaim his human heart in order to overwhelm and kill her. That was neat. Something something toxic desire destroying both yourself and the person it's directed at. Then at the very end he realized that his entire existence was completely pointless and empty and his complicated feelings towards Kikyo were the only thing that ever made him actually, like, give a shit. Pour one out for this absolute dumbass. He's a relatable villain because I too would go to absolutely insane lengths to get over a girl I never even dated.
Uhh who else. Sango and Miroku. Sango was my favorite character in the main party. She's the most level-headed of the bunch, has a super cute design, and her story with Kohaku was responsible for a lot of the emotional moments in the series that really landed for me. Her friendship with Kagome was actually super cute and heartfelt. That scene early on where she broke down crying in Kagome's lap because she was scared of being alone again HURT. Also, Kirara is fucking precious. Miroku I've got mixed feelings about, since on the one hand he's a legitimately interesting character and some of his scenes with Sango did hit fairly hard, but DEAR GOD I hate the quirky pervert trope with a burning passion. If it were played seriously, I'd stan him to hell and back a la Adachi. But it isn't, so it's not. I've got mixed feelings about MirSan too. Their resolution was really sweet, but I was kinda like "wha" when Kagome said Sango had a thing for Miroku in the first place. Like, sure okay, but I think more time should've been spent showing her falling for him in the first place lol. Also the butt-grabbing joke got old fast. And when he proposed to her and basically refused to stop flirting with other women I facepalmed so hard. Can't have character growth when you have unfunny running gags! To his credit, he did chill out for the most part, but still kept making jokes about flirting/scoring that clearly made Sango unhappy and I'm like. Why. Then the bit with Hirai-Kotsu needing to be fixed. I liked their mutual resolve to protect each other, but I thought Sango's comment about how she couldn't live without him was..... a bit much. Like what about Kohaku??? But anyway I'm just glad Sango got a happy ending even if I'm still super *SQUINTS* at Miroku.
Sesshoumaru was pretty neat, I get why he's popular, though wasn't really My Type. Sure he's cool, but his /personality/ was a bit lacking and I think we should have gotten some more insight into his relationship with his father for how much focus his quest for the Best Sword got. His development was pretty good, but I've kind of got an issue with how Rin was more of a plot device than a character. Like, okay, one of the reasons I decided to start reading Inuyasha was because the announcement of Yashahime sparked a wave of Sessh/Rin discourse and I wanted to form my own take on it. And, yeah okay I don't like Sessh/Rin either and I say this as a certified Nasty, lmao. Less because it's problematic (though I find it kind of offputting myself, even aged-up) and more because it's bland. Rin has no character whatsoever outside of being a vehicle for his development and I'm REALLY not a fan of girls being objects for male charas' development. Still, I'm not gonna boycott Yashahime if Sessh/Rin is canon or anything. I prefer him with Kagura or even Kikyo but they're dead, so. If Rin has to be his cum dumpster to make this happen, then that's how it's gotta be.
Thats about it I think. I'd put it a rung or two above Naruto in terms of overall quality, but BOY am I still mad abt Kikyo. 6/10 probably wouldn't recommend, but it WAS fun.
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spookrm-blog · 6 years
The Last Jedi Rant (SPOILER WARNING)
Oh my... So...
I’ll admit it’s been a few hours since I left the theater, so I already am fuzzy on a few things, but there are criticisms I have of the movie, both plot and the actual filming.  Get ready, this’ll be a longish one and it’s kinda gonna go all over the place.  Bear with me.
OH!  And before I start tearing this thing apart, let me first say that the soundtrack was spectacular and fit the movie amazingly, and visually it was gorgeous.
SO FOR THE PLOT: Okay, so there were things I liked; I liked the first probably... ten minutes?  Space battle was good, but seriously, what was up with those bombers?  Their design was so flawed in so many ways, from the fact they were large and cumbersome to the fact they had to be directly over their target for them to be able to drop their payload.  Now, I’ll admit I’m basing my opinion off of Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) so it might not be entirely accurate, but Y-Wing bombers were much more maneuverable, had a rear gunner, and did NOT have to be directly over their target to perform their bombing runs.  I know the Resistance wasn’t exactly, you know, well stocked with a massive fleet and whatnot, but I feel like if they had X-Wings and A-Wings at their disposal, they should be able to get their hands on some Y-Wings.  OH YEAH, AND WHEN THEY WERE DROPPING THEIR PAYLOADS THEY HAD A FRICKIN’ REMOTE CONTROL BUTTON ON A HANDHELD REMOTE?  AND WHEN THEY OPENED THEIR BAY DOORS THE MEMBERS IN THE BAY WEREN’T CAUGHT IN A VACUUM AND SUCKED INTO SPACE??  Also, what happened to X-Wings having Proton Torpedoes...? All in all, if the Resistance is able to have X-Wings, A-Wings, the same sort of Medical Frigate, etc., then they should be able to have B-Wing Fighters.
Okay, continuing on.
So, Snoke’s ship was the one tracking the Resistance Fleet, right?  That’s the whole big thing?  Snoke’s ship wasn’t at the initial encounter, so how’d they get a lock on the ships in order to track them?  And it wasn’t even the first ship to catch up in the second encounter?  Seems a lil off to me.
I did like how Kylo Ren was flyin’ round, messin’ up the ships.  I liked how he blew up all the Resistance fighters.  I understood why he hesitated in destroying the bridge and his two fighters following him ended up doin’ it.  BUT HERE’S MY PROBLEM WITH THE LATTER:  LEIA SHOULD BE DEAD.  SHE HAS NOT BEEN TRAINED ENOUGH TO HAVE SOME SORT OF ABILITY TO CREATE A FORCE BUBBLE THAT WOULD SAVE HER FROM DEATH IN SPACE.  I mean, for starters, that bridge BLEW UP.  MASSIVE EXPLOSION!  How was she whole?  And how, again, did she get back into the ship without the doors opening causing a vacuum and sucking others into space? Also, we never knew that that was Admiral Ackbar on the bridge until they were like “Oh, we lost Ackbar”, and then he was never mentioned again!  That just seemed...  weird?  And back to the hangar exploding.  Flynn and Rose definitely able to find another ship so they could fly to the Casino place, right?  And their were like... visually, it looked to me kinda like 20ish smaller freighter ships somewhere in that ship?  So like, did they have NO OTHER FIGHTERS IN ANY OTHER HANGARS, ‘CAUSE THAT JUST SEEMS STUPID TACTICALLY!
Okay, so, another thing:  The TIMING of the whole movie was off.  So, ship gets attacked, has 18 hours of fuel left, right?  In the time of 18 hours, Flynn and Rose was able to fly all the way to another planet, spend time there, fly back, and then spend time on Snoke’s ship?  And then, other side of the spectrum, Rey spend DAYS on Luke’s planet.  I understand that I don’t know that planets night and day cycle, but for her to spend DAYS on that planet, and then fly all the way to Snoke’s ship within the ship’s 18 hour fuel limit?  No.   
SNOKE WAS SO RIDICULOUSLY STUPID!  He was worse than Palpatine, and I’m not talking in a “Oh, he was so much worse than Palpatine, he did so many horrible things” sort of way.  He was supposed to be this incredible villain, super powerful, right?  Yet he was less of threat realistically than Palpatine was.  I mean, compare the Snoke-Kylo-Rey situation to the Palpatine-Vader-Luke situation:  Palpatine ALMOST KILLED LUKE whereas we never saw Snoke do anything but sit.  His confidence in his invincibility and his trust in Kylo Ren’s loyalty was ridic.  Palpatine knew Vader would try to kill him one day to try and take his place and Snoke didn’t even seem to consider it a possibility.
Lightsaber Hilts do NOT explode and you cannot convince me otherwise.
How did BB-8 get into an ATST, which you have to enter from the top?
How did Rey get to Snoke’s Personal Escape ship and then to Falcon so fast?
I thought that there was a lot of hype because Phasma was going to have more of a role in this film, but I’m pretty sure she was in it for MAYBE the same amount of time as in The Force Awakens?  And I thought they were going to make the BB-9E more of an important droid, like maybe even Kylo Ren’s personal droid?  That droid was barely relevant in the slightest.
Did DJ make it off Snoke’s ship?  We never actually saw him leave.
Those ridic “speeders” the Resistance had?  Those were busted, converted B-Wings.  Why not have ACTUAL B-WINGS?  You know, actual fighters that could put up a fight?
How did Yoda, A FORCE GHOST, have the ability to produce a lightning storm that lit an ancient Jedi Location (which probably had some sort of Jedi protection on it (I mean, how else would it have been undetected by Palpatine, Vader, Snoke, Kylo Ren, etc. for all those years)).  And if he could do that, how could he not have helped Luke all those years ago with Vader and Palpatine?
And I can kind of believe Luke being able to Force Project himself across the galaxy, but only because he’s spend years and years alone, meditating, and he’s definitely the strongest person in the galaxy at that point in the force (though in that case, I feel like Jedi in the past should have been able to do this and we should have seen it before (again, like Yoda)).  But Rey and Kylo doin’ it?  No.  Even if Snoke took credit for doin’ it with them, it continued on after his death, and I doubt that either of them (at least not Rey) would have that sort of ability.
And if Admiral Holdo had a plan to save everybody, why then would she keep it a secret from like... everybody?  That helps absolutely no one strategically.
Rose went from like...  thinking of Flynn as a hero, then thinking he’s a traitor and a coward, then she suddenly trusts him again and basically skips friendship and goes straight into falling in love with him?  Not impossible, I guess, but seems strange.
That’s everything I can think of on the fly, but trust me, there’s more.  Only other thing I’m going to say is that if they try to kill of Leia off screen in the next movie, they’re gonna have a tough time of it, even if they try and just leave her clothes in a room and say she passed and became one with the force (which it seems like only incredibly gifted Jedi have been able to do (But apparently she’s awesome enough to save herself from an explosion and space, so who knows!)).
So, filming-wise:
They tried too hard.  I feel like they tried to fit way too much into one film, and it’s a film that took way much from Empire Strikes Back.  Trailers are saying “Best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back”?  That’s because in so many ways it’s the meme of “Let me copy your work” and then shows a product that’s almost exactly like the first example.
Movie starts off with the evacuation of a Resistance Base.  They made changed it from the ships escaping with cover from an Ion Cannon on the planet, but it’s basically the same.  And they took the Ground Battle of Hoth and threw it into the last part of the movie (Which by the way, when they mentioned they had speeders at the base, I thought they were going to pull out some T-47 Airspeeders and was sorely disappointed by their B-Wing wannabes).  Rey’s “training” by Luke was done on a remote planet, where there was life and there was also a place incredibly made up by the Dark Side.  And Luke was just as reluctant to training her as Yoda was initially to train Luke.  
The Studio seems to be trying to show off “Hey, here are some new characters you’ll love alongside all of the original heroes that you fell in love with!” but how many scenes have they used Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 in?  Chewbacca was literally in a scene eating, but otherwise he was literally just around to cart Rey around, R2-D2 was only around to convince Luke to train Rey (Won’t lie, I did like him pulling the old Leia hologram for Obi-Wan to convince Luke (Though, continuity-wise, the hologram didn’t move when his projector moved, so that bothered me)), and C-3PO was legit only there for people to yell at for comic relief.  OH!  And why’d they even have DJ in there?  They kept talkin’ ‘bout a Codebreaker that hung out in a Casino and I just kept thinking “Lando?  Is Lando Calrissian gonna show up?”.  They really missed an opportunity with that if they’re wanting to show off all the old actors reprising their old roles. 
Speaking of comic relief, there were too many attempts at throwing in cute and funny moments.  Parts of the banter between characters seemed more like Marvel’s Avengers than Star Wars.  They even threw a “your mom” joke in there.  And the Porgs?  They were adorable, I won’t lie, but they were added in literally to make the audience go “AWWWWWW”.  At least Ewoks had a role in Return of the Jedi.  
Do not get me started on how bad the Yoda looked and how corporeal he apparently was, despite being a Force Ghost.  Just don’t get me started...
Disney is, in my opinion, trying to milk the franchise, and they’re attempting to make their movies gigantic films that people will want to come and see because they’re huge and fantastic.  They’re forgetting that Star Wars was already huge.  Star Wars wan’t completely like huge movie franchises, like Marvel’s Avengers.  They’re trying to modernize them for the younger generation, which I understand, but in doing so they’re also turning it into something much different than it was.
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geneshaven · 7 years
The Story Writes Itself
with thanks to MG and his writing staff, who motivated me write this. It is a work of fiction, not fact.
“Have you gotten anything?” Felicity asked Oliver as she stepped out of the elevator and into the Bunker.
“Oliver turned to her. “No, nothing.”
Felicity came up to the platform and Oliver got out of her chair so she could sit down. “I’m starting to get worried,” she said to him. “Do you think we’ve been forgotten?”
“Well,” Oliver responded. “The sun came up this morning, so I’d say no.”
“This is really getting annoying,” Felicity replied. She started pushing keys on her keyboard, but the computer monitors stayed dark. “I hate having nothing to do.”
“I know,” Oliver agreed. “How do you think I feel? I’m the hero with nobody to save.”
“Where are the others,” she asked him.
“As usual, waiting in the wings.”
“There is nothing we can do, Oliver?”
“No, Felicity. All we can do is wait and hope one of us has the motivation to get things started.”
Felicity pounded her fist into the keyboard. “I hate this,” she said again.
** The writer came into his office and sat at his desk. He put down his latte and turned on his computer.
Now that another summer was ahead and with the start of another new season looming in the fall, he started toying around with a story arc idea, one that came to him last week. As always, he wanted his stories to make everyone happy---most especially the fans. But as he learned after last season, that was not always going to be possible. He was happy and proud of the story he and his writing team told. But there was a large fan base that was not---some even got angry and tweeted some pretty nasty things about him.
No matter, though. This new season was going to be an epic one. He had some exciting changes he wanted to try. And the stunt work was going to be awesome.
Well, the story wasn’t going to write itself. The writer took a few sips from his coffee then begin typing. After a few sentences, the story started to unfold.
Epic, he thought. Really epic.
Oliver suddenly sat up in his chair. Motivation surged through his like an epiphany.
Felicity looked at him with hope on her face. “Oliver, what is it? What’s wrong?”
A knowing smile crossed his face.” Felicity, I know what to do.”
“You mean…
“Yeah,” he told her. “It’s motivation. We need to wait for the rest of the team to get here.”
Suddenly, Felicity’s computers came on. She began to smile too. “About damn time,” she said. “Oliver, I’ll get in touch with them. They’ll be here in no time.”
Both of them were very excited.
** Outside the Bunker, Star City came alive, as if some powerful entity had pushed an on button somewhere. Cars moved up and down streets. Citizens walked to and from different destinations, as if they all had a purpose in their lives. Birds flew in the clear sky, and all the buses were running on time.
And above all this, the sun seemed to shine brighter and warmer.
Diggle listened to Oliver’s thoughts and he could only shake his head. Rene, Curtis, Dinah---they all had similar responses. They almost looked despondent as Oliver shared his motivation with them.
“Man, that is pretty lame,” Rene spoke when Oliver was finished. “You’re not like playing around with us, are you boss?”
“Rene, think about it,” Oliver told him. “If this was not legit, none of you would be here right now. All of you have a part in this, lame or otherwise.”
“Oliver,” John spoke up. “Rene is right though. This…uh, plan is not worthy of our abilities and talents. It almost feels like we’re being fooled---or cheated.”
The rest of the team nodded in agreement.
“Oliver,” Felicity said. “They’re right. This plan is…well, sorry, but it’s not very well thought out.”
Oliver looked at his team and shook his head. “You’re right,” he told them. “It isn’t. But I don’t have anything else. We need motivation. We need purpose and a goal. Do you want to just stay down her in limbo instead?”
“But Oliver,” Curtis complained. “Malcolm Merlyn? Aren’t you…I mean, hasn’t that story played itself out?”
Felicity seemed to disengage from the conversation. She had turned away and was staring at the algorithms on her computer screens. A sudden thought, or motivation lit up her mind and then moved down into her heart. Her hands began to shake.
“Well, I’m the newest one around here,” Dinah continued the conversation. “But I have to agree with Oliver. It’s been quiet for too long. My thumbs are getting sore from twiddling them too much. If I’m being given a chance to hit someone, I don’t care if it’s Malcolm Merlyn or Shirley Temple. I want some action.”
Oliver was about to respond to her, when another motivation took hold of him. He tuned out the conversation and turned his full attention on to Felicity.
“Oliver…” she started to say.
“Felicity…he started to say.
“I love you,” they both said at the same time.
The writer pushed himself away from the computer and rubbed his eyes. He reached for his latte and took another drink. The coffee had gone cold. So had his story.
He was not feeling the Big Bad this time around. Malcolm Merlyn was becoming a boring go to villain. After so many seasons, the show needed another bad guy, one that the fans would love to hate, not be bored by.
And Oliver and Felicity?  The writer was thinking the same thing about them as well. Their feelings for one another were becoming contrived and predictable. He wanted to separate them and write them as individuals, with their own goals and desires. Yes, keep them together as friends and partners, but give them more to do instead of goggling each other. Both of them are strong characters---the core of the show almost. But, if romance was to be the only thing motivating them, something great could be lost. The writer didn’t want to disappoint the fans by making the characters less true to themselves.
He went back to his computer and deleted the last few paragraphs he had written about Oliver and Felicity. He started to think of another way to write them.
John had taken the rest of the team out to look for Merlyn. Oliver knew they were right about this new motivation. Discovering about and then confronting the bad guys had been getting anti-climatic as of late. It seemed too easy. John was right in pointing out that all their skills were being wasted. Oliver didn’t spend all those years training and suffering only to come back and fight the equivalent of boy scouts.
Yet, he couldn’t ignore the motivation and drives when they came to him. He was the leader. He was supposed to set an example. He had helped shape his team into heroes, and for him to give in to their lack of enthusiasm for the missions---well, it was no way for them to be all they can be.
And then there was Felicity. For the past three days, Oliver had been trying to fight against his growing feelings for her. Somehow, it felt wrong to him to have those kinds of feelings. Yes, they had been through so much together, and those experiences had brought them closer together. But was it enough to elevate them into soul mate status? Oliver had not been getting any signals from her. She was almost an island unto herself. And Oliver did not have very good luck with islands.
He looked over at Felicity sitting at her computers, her back to him as she worked her magic. He was still in awe of her, of her skills and seemingly effortless ability to find something out of nothing. He could not deny to himself anymore a certain attraction. She was beautiful and witty and charming. She was also a genius. Despite struggling with his feelings for her, recruiting her onto the team was the best decision he ever made. There was something there. Maybe the motivation he was getting about her was wrong. But when he looked at her, when her soft voice called his name and her breath taking smile stilled his heart---it felt right.
Felicity could feel Oliver’s eyes on her as she followed the latest lead on Merlyn scrolling on her screens.
She was still not sure if Oliver felt the same way about her as she did for him. She was frustrated that she had to keep her feelings to herself. It was becoming complicated and more difficult working around him. There had been a couple times during the past few days when she almost went to him. It had been unbearable stopping herself.
Felicity realized she was in love with Oliver a couple years ago. She couldn’t wait to get to the Arrow Cave every evening. Watching him being heroic and brave, being kind and polite and compassionate, and let’s face it, gorgeous---it made her heart flutter. There were moments when she would be patching up his injuries that she had to stop herself from touching him, from running her hands over his Greek god of a body.
Felicity turned to face Oliver, unable to keep herself from avoiding the inevitable any longer.
“Oliver---“she spoke.
“Felicity…” he spoke.
And sudden electricity filled the space between them.
When the writer came into his office the next morning, he was excited to get back into the story. He found a new direction with Oliver and Felicity.
He sat down at his computer, turned it on and then froze.
On the screen, a different story arc appeared. One he had not written. He read a portion of it:
Felicity turned to face Oliver, unable to keep herself from avoiding the inevitable any longer.
“Oliver---“ she spoke.
“Felicity…” he spoke.
And sudden electricity filled the space between them.
The writer was confused. Okay, somebody is messing with him. He had deleted the love arc last night. He had decided to take them in different directions, away from each other.
Yet, there it was. A different reality for the two characters. In black and white. It was as if after he left last night, the story continued on without him.
The writer started to read some more of the words on his screen. It spite of his doubt and confusion, he had to acknowledge a growing admiration.
Wow, this could be good, he thought.
@hope-for-olicity @almondblossomme @louiseblue1 @ruwithmeguys @swordandarrow @tdgal1 @vaelisamaza @ibelievenu @it-was-a-red-heeler @
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silkyandsurveys · 4 years
survey #3
may 17,2020
1)What is your idea of an ideal date?
i love the idea of an amusement park date? it’s so cliche but it’s so cute and fun cause it would just be such a fun time to just laugh with each other and be soft and cute
2)When did you last unexpectedly gain money?
hmmm that’s hard. i just today applied for unemployment and those results will be coming back soon ? hopefully? but then my mom said that my old job is looking for people to take food to cars so i might be doing that and getting some good money so not anytime recently but i’m guessing in the soon future i will
3)What are your favorite preparations of vegetables?
I’m sorry but just extremely soft broccoli and butter with salt and pepper is so good and classic
4)What are your plans for the rest of the day?
uhm it’s 7:08 pm so take my medicine and shower and then just play on my phone for a couple hours until bed
5)What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
this is so hard because i don’t watch a lot of movies. this may seem odd because of course but the bohemian rhapsody movie but that doesn’t really count. love simon is great same as fault one our stars idk
6)If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
i really don’t know. part of me wants to say go and like do something crazy but what can you really do that’s ~crazy~ in 24 hrs. i would just go see all my friends. say things i never had the courage to say in the past to certain people hug everyone idk
7)If you came along with a theme song, which song would it be and why?
omg something super bright and sassy for sure!! i can’t think of something necessarily. maybe something harry styles?
8)If you could invite 5 people to a dinner party, living or dead, who would you choose?
this is so hard but why do i wanna say ot5 one direction and literlaly just make all of them speak to each other.
9)What is Victoria's secret?
that she’s fatphobic and transphobic oops
10)If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which tv show would it be and why?
omg 10000000% glee OMGGGGGG i would die but also stranger things would be hella vibes and lowkey scary but fun
1. Have you ever moved to a different city?
No only ever moved house
2. Do you ever forget names of people you know well?
i’m not as bad with names as i am faces idk i’m just bad at that in general
3. If you could trade lives with a cat, would you do it?
uhm maybe for like a day? they legit just sleep and scratch you so?
4. Have you ever been lost? Was it frightening?
A couple times i think? driving can get very confusing
5. Do you enjoy doing new or shocking things?
sometimes i do sometimes i don’t. it’s very depending on whether i’m like mentally prepared for the information
6. Would you rather be lost in a forest or a city?
the city alone but the forest with someone
7. What is the biggest discovery you have made about yourself growing up?
that i really am quite odd? like i’m very different from what normal people in my area are. not to sound quirky but it’s true. i’m also very very adaptive to lots of different people and groups
8. Do you want to have children and a family?
yes one day. i can’t ever imagine a time though
9. Have you ever seen something strange and no one believed you?
10. Have you ever had a crush on someone much older than yourself?
no actually. other than celebrity crushes of course
11. Have you ever been separated from someone?
yes. my like biggest crush of my entire life moved away a couple years ago and it was actually really hard and made me grow up
12. Do you cry over books/movies/shows/etc.?
yes i specifically watch movies to cry sometimes i’m just a really emotional person but i have a hard time naturally crying to my problems on my own
Are there any subjects you’ve made an effort to learn about despite no obvious relevance to your daily life?
yes definitely
Have you or would you ever turn down a promotion if it meant moving somewhere new?
it really really depends. right now? no. i’m not ready to move away at this very moment but in the future ? maybe? depends on who i’m with and how happy i am where i am
Do you have someone you can carry on full conversations with and not get tired of them?
yeah definitely i have a couple friends who i really love having conversations with and we can have conversations about the same things over and over and not get bored
Who is your celebrity crush?
harry styles tehehe
Have you ever broken a bone?
no but i’ve bruised them and also gotten very bad sprains. got very close to breaking my ankle and foot tehe
What is one thing you were really good at as a kid?
crafts? i use to love polymer clay and i was actually quite good at it.
What is one thing about humanity that baffles you?
the fact that schools don’t teach about current events and the injustice of america and how freedom is so selective and UGH
How are you at fixing things?
very good. it’s almost a problem i feel like it’s my responsibility to make things easier and better for other people
Do you have any martial arts training?
no ma’am could be fun but
Do people tend to come to you for advice?
If you knew it would prevent a catastrophe or end a war, would you ever willingly sacrifice your own life?
i got to be really honest. no.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
i love love love telepathy but i think invisibility or transportation would be my top picks
Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, and why or why not?
uhm if i could get a large extension on my young life? yes but idk i wouldn’t want to be completely 100% immortal.
If you had to spend your life with just one person, who would it be?
omg hopefully my soulmate? but if i had to pick someone rn y’all i gotta say harry styles
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Do you have any regrets?
yes and no. i know my decisions of my life have led me here but at the same time i always have a bad habit of looking back and wondering if things would be different if i made a different decision. i do regret little baby things though like not going to a 1d concert lmao
Is someone telling you how to live your life, or are you an independent person?
i’m an independent person with chains i haven’t been able to strip yet
If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think anyone would miss you?
yeah definitely
Do you miss anyone right now?
yes. i miss my friends but i also miss people who used to be in my life but not them now them before. it sounds sad but
If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
steal!!!! bro i would legit steal so quick if i could get away with it
What are you like when you’re by yourself?
so out there? i like romanticize my life in my head when i’m alone so i get a little crazy but i’m also way more open when i’m by myself
What would you change about yourself?
id love to be more confident? definitely would like to be healthier
If you knew one of your loved ones/best friends had only one day left to live, how would you spend that last day with them?
i would want to do whatever they wanted to do. hug them tell them i loved them
If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?
make a super rich person give me all their money
If you had one wish that would come true and couldn’t be reversed, what would you ask for?
a credit card that had no limit
What would someone have to do to get in your pants?
that would be hard work as this lady is a virgin queen but idk
What’s one thing you can’t live without?
music. i used to never think this way but now i 100% do
What did you used to have that you are happier without?
a dad LOL
What was your favorite food when you were a child?
chicken for sure but also fruit gummies
If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
18 or 21 18 would be perfect if it weren’t for drinking
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
sing!!! i love singing so being good at it would be great
What sound do you love?
walking on leaves. the typing noise on a phone. laughing. cracking knuckles. a starbucks glass bottle opening. record players
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
elizabeth from pride and prejudice
What do you want to be when you grow up?
something in social media
What do you miss most about being a kid?
being carefree and not caring what people thought about me
What is something you learned in the last week?
certain words and their meanings from uquizzes lol
Would you rather be really attractive or really smart?
this is actually hard because i’m like averagely smart and i’m so satisfied but i’m not satisfied with my looks so
What are your phobias?
vomit is #1
If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?
i have a playlist but i could never describe in just 1 song.
What is one habit of yours that no one knows about?
i pick my skin off my thumb?
What annoys you the most?
rude people. people who brag about their lives. negativity.
If you could change your first and middle name to anything, what would it be?
i wouldn’t change my first and middle i would only change my last
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