#i would kill a man for you anon
seoafin · 1 year
imma be honest with you chapter four was probably my favorite chapter of anything ive ever read ever. you wrote magic that was sooooooo insane. i especially just loved how you wrote ripmc battling with her feelings over betraying or possibly ending such a long term friendship and relationship. the way she isolated herself and then tried sneaking around to not bump into geto…..oh lord it just made me salivate sadistically for when he would eventually pop up. and u fucking delivered truth be told i’m a gojo girlie through and through but when u write geto….u fucking write geto because holy. shit. your characterization of geto is probabaly my favorite thing i’ve seen ever. i’ve found good fics of before he dejected and after but never a middle ground of his best and worst characteristics all merged into one. you projected such distinct feelings when they were talking and geto closed the door…….i was scared horny nervous embarrassed ashamed like u do not understand i cried while he was going down on her😭😭 and the only reason why i can freely admit this is cause i’m on anon. it’s just like holy shit man your geto is soooo scary and hot😭 the way he had this certain jensequa this chapter like it felt like ripmc was exposed raw and he was looking through her. it felt like when you go up to tell a parent you ate from the cookie jar and they already know. it feels like he knows her better than she knows herself. “i kissed satoru” “i see” was so insane i was so nervous for ripmc cause it felt like such a vulnerable exchange like confessing to a priest all your darkest sins but he already knowns. it felt so intimate especially knowing that satoru and suguru share everything so he most likely already knew. it felt so. fucking. intimate. I CRIED especially cause suguru coming in and closeing the door the way you described that sequence alone was so claustrophobia inducing it was crazy my heart was beating out of my chest. and then the “How?” is sooooo hot don’t get me wrong the eating pussy scene was hot but everything that you wrote leading up to it and everything else he said during it and after. The. Dialogue👏🏻👏🏻 had me screaming. ur crazy. him pressing on your wound and asking if it was from satoru my pussy was having palpitations i thought i was gonna have to call 911. i think he wasn’t so against seeing that on ripmc i wonder what he would say to gojo wanting to get her a leash and collar🙈🙈🙈 he was so deliciously sweet and tender and so suffocating and intoxicating at the same time it cause my body to have a physical reaction like my heart ached made me wanna rip it from my chest and send it to you over mail!!! saying he wants to help you asking if anybodys been down there before knowing damn well he knows the answer he just wanted ripmc to say it. i hate him so much lord why isn’t he real. you know i read the first note where you left an obligatory geto warning and i was shocked cause i know u usually reserve those for gojo but holy fuck i had no idea how much of geto you would let him act out. bro had that dawg in him damn. the way you write him as the perfect balance of condecendingly sweet and tender and terrifyingly suffocating
while reading it felt like it was just you and geto and it made me understand how his ass started a cult. it’s funny considering gojo is the one with the six eyes and geto is the one i feel has such an insane ability to rip your safety blanket off and force such raw vulnerability from you. it’s cause i feel like he has such patience but when you fucked up you fucked up. it’s like the terror of disappointing a parent but you made it sexy? with gojo is more like he sees you and he understand you intimately but it’s also not like that matters much to him. because he wants what he wants. spoiled brat😭😭this is getting beyond creepy this paragraph is too long for me to seem even remotely normal but i must get this out!!! also geto in the end post munching asking you to tell him about your lil friend because he’s no longer insecure about the nature of your relationship he’s decided now and there’s no turning back woah……that was insanly hot and when ripmc asked him to get along and n u made his ass say “no i don’t think i will” i shit myself because not even gege could’ve come up with a most perfect geto response. like that sentence alone was SO SO geto it made me so sick like no i don’t think i will no i don’t think i will no i don’t think i will WITH A SMILE on his face you are soooo evil……i’m a gojo girlie why r u doing this to me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 please i’m super sane don’t think i’m crazy off this message. also if it’s not too much trouble i don’t want this to come across as like i don’t appreciate the time you put into your stories or seem like i’m disregarding the fact that there’s a human being behind the screen and not fucking chat gpt and u deserve to rest!!! but i was wondering if u perhaps knew what turn the next chapter would take like the vibes for the next chapter?🙈🙈 AND IF U HAVENT EVEN BEGUN TO THINK ABOUT THEM THATS PERFECT TOO DONT EVEN WORRY im sorry im a child who grew up on old 2000s anime that after every episode would give u a preview for the next one i have so lil self preservation n patience😭😭😭😭 if not please ignore i even asked! i was also curious about when you mentioned geto spoiled gojo🙈🙈 in what way particularly cause i found that so interesting considering gojo is the richer of the too even tho geto is the most mature i would love to know what geto offered gojo that contributes as spoiling🤭🤭 that’s it i’ll take my leave it’s like 5 am and i just wanted to type this up before going to sleep! and ps congrats on that japan trip!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH god GODDDD i have so much to say so i'll put it under a read more
first of all THANK YOU FOR READING AND SENDING ME THIS it was such a pleasant amazing thing to wake up to i want to frame it and put it on my wall LOL but yes!!! this was probably one of my favorite chapters of this fic and one of the best things i've ever written for geto. okay ALSO ALSO let me just say that i love geto's duality so so so so so much. there's nothing better than a man who struggles between crazy delusion and sanity/moral responsibility and constraints/repression and to me geto is someone who embodies that. i think it's so fun trying to not only imagine geto in a world he didn't defect but characterize him. he is the jade that cracked too early!!!! he left before he could fully unlock his potential and we know from the kenjaku/yuki fight geto would've been an MENACE had he stayed (with gojo). i really think his two extremes and his potential make him soooo fascinating and trying to come up with ways to keep his grounded is just another great thing about writing this fic. i like to think he often reminds himself of ripmc's goodness and that makes him want to be a little bit better. if not for him but for her. he thinks about the kids the nice lady who owns the supermarket right in front of the kids' school and gives them free popsicles, the people who have thanked him for saving them, all the small things to remind himself it's worth it. like don't get me wrong i love his cringe girl failboss cult era too!!!!! but something about geto as the person he COULD'VE been. all his flaws and misgivings and condescension wrapped up into a less moral person still trying to do the right thing. still trying to undertake that responsibility despite it. AHHHHHH
i think the most interesting thing about writing that scene was writing it from ripmc's part. i definitely thought the audience was going to catch on pretty quick that gojo already told geto (why wouldn't he) and geto already knows. so basically you're reading from the POV of someone who is oblivious while ALSO knowing that geto probably already knows everything. i just think it adds an extra dimension to the scene and all of geto's dialogues and action. he was definitely hesitating on coming on too strongly and struggling with the morality of not letting ripmc experience things(tm) before taking everything. and obviously gojo doesn't understand it so gojo makes the decision for the both of them. there's no going back anymore!
also to answer your questions!!!!! the next couple of chapters is like....the fall out of everything. but there's not really a fallout ripmc thinks the world is ending but it's just her LMAO they come to a resolution in the next 1-2 chapters and that's when their relationship kinda transforms into a fwb relationship because it's the only way ripmc can wrap her head around starting a sexual relationship with them. she actually agrees to it super quickly and gojo is like be fr rn WHAT. girlie needs to free herself from the prison of compartmentalizing everything! the next nsfw scene is gojo getting a blowjob and nearly blowing his load too early though i will say. if you thought geto's dialogue was crazy in this chapter just wait for that scene because that man is even more unfiltered than geto and more willing to say whatever it is on his mind. the two of them r truly menaces 😭😭😭😭😭
as for your second question i say geto spoils gojo by letting him get away with a little too much. geto is the one usually reigning gojo in but i do think geto is also somewhat emotionally indulgent with him at times. you know....gojo does or says something rude, he's being dismissive, he does a little more property damage than he should've. geto sighs gives him a kiss and lightly tells him not to do it again bc sometimes lecturing gojo gets kinda old. sometimes, it really isn't that big of a deal. which i think marks a very important turn or shift in geto's priorities as he gets older. less formed around morality more centered around gojo n ripmc n the kids....
once again AHHHHHH thank you for sending this in writing this fic has been the most arduous task of my ff writer era bc i've never written a multi chaptered fic before this but i am writing this for you and for every other person who has been reading/commenting!!!!!!
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askblueandviolet · 1 month
Mayor, I like people who play instruments.
Can we have a date? ;)
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triptychofvoids · 6 months
you know that one post that's like "autistic people are legally allowed to kill 1 person"? That's medic. But he gets infinite because I said so.
-☎ anon, macking they cheese.
YIPPEE!! i agree. he should be allowed to do whatever he wants i think and that includes killing people for enrichment
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labyrynth · 8 months
I normally just leave opinions as 'if we disagree we disagree' but I found your post comparing the golden core transfer and consent in remarkably bad taste. I don't care how passionate you are about this fictional book comparing the real fucking trauma rape victims have gone through the shit we have experienced to fictional xianxia surgery is so so disrespectful rape victims are more important then a fucking fictional consent argument. Thanks.
i had to go back and search for what the fuck you’re talking about, bc initially i thought you were talking about this post and i was like ??? and then i realized you probably meant the initial tags on this other post (which…there’s a reason it wasn’t in the actual post, which was a salt/rant post to begin with.)
sorry you found my off the cuff rant in response to some of the abhorrent things people have said about consent while trying to argue that wwx was 100% in the right (see the aforementioned posts), and my comparison of a horrific violation of consent, agency, and bodily autonomy to *checks notes* a different but also horrific violation of consent, agency, and bodily autonomy to be in poor taste but like. not actually.
bc i personally find it to be in poor taste when a fictional character lies to someone whose agency and bodily autonomy was violated and was traumatized by the experience in order to get them to “agree” to another violation of agency and bodily autonomy (but it’s fictional, so whatever.)
but i find it in even poorer taste for real life people to claim that actually that character did nothing wrong; consent was given and there was no violation. or if there was a violation, it’s his own fault, and he should have known better.
bc it’s true that fictional xianxia surgery doesn’t exist, but consent, agency, and bodily autonomy DO, and if real people have used their real world judgement to conclude that THIS situation was consensual—especially if they bend over backwards, unironically using the same arguments used to discredit survivors of rape to argue as such—that’s a red flag.
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oifaaa · 1 year
I'm not following your logic. Every piece of media Judd created about why Jason did what he did in UTRH was centered around the Joker being alive and every piece since has stated Bruce killing the Joker would heal Jason in some way. The only reason he breaks down and destroys is room after being healed by the Pit is that he learns the Joker is alive and killing people. 1-2
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I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only person who's actually read this stupid book considering Jason literally says very clearly to the Joker in utrh that this isn't about you and that he is only bait - honestly tho alot of people get confused about this so I'll try to explain it
The Joker isn't important the only reason he is in the story is bc he killed Jason, if he was killed by literally any other person and that person was still alive by the time jason came back to life nothing about utrh would change apart from maybe the name red hood - the story of utrh is about Jason's relationship with Bruce that's what Jason cares about everything else the way jason thinks crime should be handled and his morals on killing are all secondary - jason doesn't actually want Bruce to kill Joker and he doesn't really expect him to, it's all theatre
If Jason actually wanted Joker dead or just to prove his system works better then Bruce's he wouldn't have to go through the whole show and dance of the stand off - he could of killed Joker when he had him tied up like Joker literally asked him why am I not dead and that's when Jason's says bc this isn't about you - I don't know how Judd could write that whole scene out and people still don't get it
So then we get to my point about Dick killing the Joker and how that wouldn't mean anything to Jason since Dick isn't Bruce and its really as simple as that - Jason wants to prove a point to Bruce, Dick killing the Joker before Jason has a chance to prove said point wouldn't help him at all it would of just made it more difficult for Jason to get the resolve he needed with Bruce and that's it
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johnny-depplyloveyou · 2 months
I know there are many bad takes about Gale on this site, but the worst takes I’ve seen on another social media site in another language are much more abhorrent than anything here tbh, the recent one I’ve seen even gets some popularity among his “fans”... They were basically saying it’s Mystra who make him the humble man he is now, without her influence on him he would be as egotistical as in his god ending, and more than a hundred of reblogs are all thanking Mystra for “training her lapdog so well” for them🤢
Did we even play the same game? Isn’t his god ending a direct result of Mystra making him think he will never be enough as he is, and he can only find his self-worth through gaining more power? Didn’t Tara say he’s not himself anymore and she would no longer be his companion in his god ending, she knew him long before Mystra made him her chosen, he was powerful enough before his relationship with Mystra, if he’s anything like god!Gale at the time wouldn’t Tara just leave him? I’d imagine he would have been more confident and had a more stable self-image if Mystra had never contacted him, therefore he didn’t even need the Gale of Waterdeep persona. He would always have been Gale Dekarios in that timeline. And people glorifying Mystra’s grooming and abuse towards him and unironically calling him “her lapdog” is just... I have no words. But what do you expect from an online space that’s infested with terfs and radfems? They just won’t recognize or acknowledge any abuse from women towards men...
#rant#cw: grooming#cw: abuse#fandom critical#and I lost count of how many takes calling him an abled person on that site#they were like#I don't care that he’s suicidal depressed autistic and chronically ill#compared to a certain elf he’s an abled person and trauma-free!#yikes zero awareness of their own ableism#fuck mystra#don't want to put this in his main tags#I didn’t mean to say that every person who praised mystra here is a radfem/terf#but most people there do share essentialist view about gender and sex#they are very hostile to queer men in fandoms as well#there are anon confession blogs and most of them are males dni#and there’s almost zero content of wyll in the fandom there#racism here is already bad but it’s much worse there and no one talk about it#they liked it when larian made gale doesn’t leave when you denied him medicine#they liked it when they removed the persuasion check in the drow twins scene#it’s kind of a power trip to them#they liked it when they can bully a man they claimed to love and face no consequences#it’s not d/s it’s downright abusive#they’re really saying mystra did nothing wrong in another garbage take#they’re going to excuse a god who sexually exploited a mortal like a tool and then cast him aside because a honest mistake he made#which the said god could easily prevent it by telling him the knowledge he didn’t have about the true nature of the orb#then tell him to kill himself for forgiveness when the god can foresee the outcome which would be unleashing a illithid infestation#the power inbanlance between them is so enormous that no real life situation can be compared to it#he literally can’t say no in that relationship#they’re going to excuse all these just because the god is female presenting#women can’t cause serious harm as men do isn’t a feminist stance at all as they think
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pagetbewbster · 2 years
why isn't demily a more popular ship? I swear they were like the most "almost a couple" characters on CM
I think because both of them are shipped with other characters more (Emily with Hotch or JJ & Morgan with Reid or Garcia). I ALSO agree that they were the most "almost a couple" characters on the show and I have Evidence™
•the s2 deleted scene where they were considering starting a romance arc between Morgan and Prentiss. when Reid bugged him about it he didn't say he wasn't attracted to her, he said she wouldn't be attracted to him 👀
•the EW interview where MGG said that "Morgan takes it as her boyfriend in a sense" about the events in Lauren
•the s7 CM_SetReport chat after the finale where producer Rick Dunkle joked about them sleeping together after JJ's wedding and having an oops baby
•in the same chat showrunner Erica Messer also said Emily has always had "something extra" with Morgan and that he's her partner (always found that interesting considering they're a team)
•how Emily's 2 boyfriends on the show shared uncannily similar physical features to Morgan, specifically Andrew (so we know that's her type in men)
Anyway, in short, we were ROBBED.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Having Nonbinary Sapphic Tuvok Brainrot Lately…
You're the realest motherfucker on planet Earth and I hope you know that.
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Here's a bunch of bullshit I doodled on the topic of Nonbinary Sapphic Tuvok !!!! And I HOPE you will share YOUR personal brainrot with the class (my ask box, the masses, a text post....whatever gets the word out.) If you've been paying attention you KNOW I love a 'Tuvok discovers he's trans while in the delta quadrant' story Guy who likes girls and has always liked girls...but....not in the same way OTHER guys seem to like girls... Tuvok who never quite fit in with 'other' men even Vulcan men...always preferred spending time with women and girls but never felt precisely LIKE a woman or OVERLY uncomfortable with being identified as a man and Vulcan society doesn't seem like it would be heavily gendered so he never really questioned it seriously. Tuvok who found comfort in titles like Husband and Father...those fit, those are good. Then in the delta quadrant he isn't able to be a husband or a father any more and is just some guy surrounded by humans...hmmmmmm....
Still doesn't really seriously think it's worth questioning or exploring his gender identity (partially out of a desire to return home as he left...what will his wife and children think? He's experienced a LOT of sudden change in regards to his personal identity and life, he doesn't really want to undergo more.) until Seven of Nine comes along and also begins to go through a "Questioning Her Gender" arc. Tuvok thinks about it on his own time for a long time and then finally goes to Janeway for support and assistance and together they spend like SEVERAL months just the two of them seeing what this whole gender thing's about. Tuvok slowly exploring expressing himself in a more feminine manner because he's spent his whole life adhering rigidly to one sort of Look. Unexpectedly struggles with anxiety about this. Neelix: Don't be nervous Ms. Vulcan! Tuvok: [nervous] I am not nervous. Tuvok and Seven BOTH exploring masculinity/femininity and their own nonbinary gender identities...late night slumber par- experimentation. Painting each others nails is...very scientific. It's important. Talking with Janeway was good because she's his friend but talking with Seven, another person actively questioning their gender is....well, it's something else.
#Tom: Tuvok?#Tuvok: [towering over him in Seven's heels] Yes Mr. Paris?#Tom: I'm gonna kill you.#anon I hope you know I was in the middle of a completely different drawing and IMMEDIATELY stopped it to answer this#some people wait literally weeks for me to re ply to their things but sapphic nonbinary tuvok??? he gets top billing#Tuvok is SO gender he's EVERY gender and Ilove him for it#Tuvok is a trans man a trans woman nonbinary genderfluid a secret thing etc etc etc infinitely#T'Pel finally sees Tuvok again says 'you've changed' and he stiffens and goes 'yes...'#then she extends her hand out towards him and they kiss. 'yet this remains the same' she says/assures him#st voyager#Q&A#trans Tuvok#your commanding officer shows up out of nowhere one day with a beautiful bust and no comment on said bust wdyd#love thinking about nonbinary tuvok...not only nonbinary but also an alien who doesn't have the same concepts/ingrained markers of gender#Also sorry let's make this about something SO specific to me for a second but one of my personal little fantasies is#trans femme Tuvok/Neelix and man...I don't...even know if I can really explain it#something about Neelix makes me think he'd be like 'That's no way to speak around a lady!!' (scolding The Boyztm) and Tuvok would sigh#or whatever but internally she'd be charmed....she be faking like she don't have a crush but she does....she likeshiiim....#SORRY. AS IF IT'S MY FAULT?????#anyway....I hope this was.........any thing. I hope this was literally ANYTHING.#anon#bee doodles#oh another is trans femme Tuvok x Janeway but that's mostly onesided angst on Janeway's part (delicious)
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ignoring realistic necessities like food, care, space, and medical attention, what video game enemy would you want to have as a pet ?
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if i had to choose. it'd be one of these three.
#ask#anon#i just really like creature designs with sharp teeth and simple shapes i think.#thats kinda why i designed Budd the way i did. simple shape with sharp.... mouth things. and one brushstroke for the eyes.#and overall shaped like a potato. or sausage. whatever.#im not sure (off the top of my head) what other enemy i'd pick for a pet#theres a lot of enemy designs i love. like clefts from paper mario. but those are like. people.#clanker from banjo is also a good design but. not an enemy. cant be a pet.#not because of like his size but because i think itd be fucked up to have him as a pet. put that dude in the ocean#if you had him as a pet. simply you'd be sent up into the air by my wicked blow and buddy you wouldnt be coming back down#banjo saw clanker and thought ''man i should really kill that witch for real actually''#like its one thing to steal his sister. thats whatever. thats small peas.#putting a big fucking awesome dude in a space and chaining him to an anvil. that witch has to be put under a rock#also let's also kill L.O.G. for what he did to clanker in nuts&bolts#like it was fucked up what Grunty had him live through. but what L.O.G. did. lets kill him#now keeping a plush of clanker? thats okay :) a plush of clanker would fucking rule#blahaj but made of metal and flesh. awesone#sorry. i like clanker a lot as a dude. hes cool. not a pet though. or else.#anyway sorry i dont have more options to grab from.#its like if prof oak gave you an option between three bulbasuars. guess im picking bulbasohar. im not backspacing.#anyway thank you for the ask anon :) ik its hard for me to pick between chain chomp chain chomp and chain chomp#but you understand#whatever
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pippuns · 11 months
idk if you would even be remotely interested in this (do you game?) but figured i would toss it your way, but i recently got absolutely sucked into a stardew valley-esque game that is actually you and a bunch of characters rebuilding a cultivation sect together. one of them sends me letters about fish like. constantly. and im gonna marry him as soon as romance is implemented (game is early access). it's called 'immortal life' and its SO fun + i love all of my sect siblings very very much. littlest shimei adores xianxia novels and keeps being like THIS IS HOW IT IS IN MY BOOKS!!! and i feel that on a deep level. anyway. i feel like you would enjoy the characters/story if that style of game is something that interests you!
omg wait that's so cute!! i do game (some would say i game too much) but i don't usually play games like stardew but i'm so endeared by this i might actually pick it up haha
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m1d-45 · 9 months
me when. me when kaeya. when he. th. ( ;∀;) - teddy anon
you just like me fr fr
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monstriiss · 11 months
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caustic-crow · 9 months
you good dude? you're posting a lot of homestuck in 2023. i'm not mad, just concerned
I need you to know, anon, that I just wheezed for three minutes straight. I cackled. I was unable to form proper words. fuck. yeah man I'm so in the shit. @witch-of-stem handed me homestuck and it rewrote my entire brain with dave strider. yeah I'm good just fundamentally changed as a person and I can never be who I was before. fuck.
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gentil-minou · 7 months
People are perfectly fine to condemn genocide until they realize actually fighting it means sacrificing your own comfort then it becomes "actually 15,000 dead and 2 million displaced isn't that big of a number"
All this is doing is taking away from the main issue which is Palestinians dying and being driven from their land not "well this war monger is louder about his support for genocide than this war monger who hides his support genocide behind closed doors"
While you twiddle your thumbs and get mad at us for being furious and demand consequences for our leaders for supporting this, more people are dying. And yeah I care about that more and more
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Mechanisms fans!!!! Thats at least 3 here now :]!!! Hellfire is great and my personal favorite album is Once Upon A Time In Space (its the first one I heard) - [|87
Allowing myself one (1) ask to just go fucking feral YOOOOO HOLY SHIT DUDE. THE MECHANISMS FUCK AND YOU ARE SO CORRECT ABOUT HELLFIRE I literally can't pick a favorite from high noon over camelot it changes every single time I listen to the album they all SLAP
Once Upon A Time In Space is SO fun but my favorite without a SHADOW of a doubt is The Bifrost Incident. It makes me go feral in ways no other albums have achieved before or since I get so excited I have to remind myself to breathe and it FUCKS LIKE HELL. Also lyfrassir edda my beloved I would do anything for this pathetic little detective
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valyrfia · 9 months
I sent you an ENORMOUS ask a while ago (like WEEKS if not a month ago) and you never responded to it so I was just wondering if you got it? I know tumblr sometimes has issues with deleting asks. No worries but I’m asking because if you didn’t I’ll try and retype it. Probably won’t be as good as the first time because it was huge so I don’t remember much but yeah!
x Contract Anon :)
CONTRACT ANON I LOVE YOU! It was the long and lovely notetaking to my response to your original ask? Because it was very much read and appreciated (as are all the asks that are sent!), I loved your bullet points I love your insight and I put off answering because I didn't have the time to sit down and give you the proper response you deserve!
This is a great time for me to apologise in general for not being super on top of the anons I've been receiving recently. I'm unfortunately working insanity hours at the moment, am just about to move house, and am desperately trying to see all my old friends before I move so my work-life-Lestappen balance has gone completely out the window. I'm on the verge of scheduling myself an hour each night of just answering asks because it's unfair of me to let your beautiful insights die like this. I can promise I will answer them when the universe gives me time, and that if your ask hasn't appeared yet it's because I want to give it its proper due.
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