#i'd be grumpy too
pharawee · 11 months
Harikarn have posted part 3 of the Chains of Heart special ep script on their ig and things are getting interesting.
(Here's part 1 & part 2 if you want a recap.)
Actually, no, not really.
But anyway.
Ken, Phayu & Hin and Chayeon & Sai arrive at a flower garden. This is where Lue's map led them to. But instead of Lue they meet... Maengpong.
You know what, I don't even have a picture of Maengpong. He's one of Phayu's men in black. If I tell you he's Safe's boyfriend you won't know, either. It's complicated, ok (I really need to get on to that relationship/actor chart). Just know that Maengpong is one of the (many, many) boyfriends. He's the same age as Ken and Phayu. I think he's from the south and/or beach, and he knows how to fight. His name means 'scorpion'.
Anyway, Maengpong doesn't even seem surprised. He's holding another cloth bag that Lue gave him not 15 minutes ago (and during the flashback he seemed really unsurprised and calm about it all. He even called Lue "Ai Lue"). As for what he's doing in a flower garden/in Uttaradit in general? Apparently he's here for holiday snaps.
Inside the bag there's another map and a puzzle piece. There's also another message: ชีวิตก็เช่นกัน - which translates to "Life's also like this." So basically "That's life", I guess.
Lue, why are you doing this? Seek therapy. Consult a monk. Touch some trees. Stop this.
Ken is understandably upset, but he now wants to meet Lue more than ever (to punch him in the face, right? Right?). Everyone's sympathising. Hin is still hungry. Phayu is still annoyed with him.
And that's it for part 3. 🙏
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echoes-lost · 4 months
It's not so much the lack of sleep as it is the lack of quality sleep.
I do get around 7 hours of sleep at night...but those 7 hours are always interrupted. I'm lucky if I get a 3 hour stretch.
It's just a phase. It will get better soon.
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didderd · 7 months
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so. so.. Corrupted Rebirth is pretty cool. :3
(if u tag as ship, ur days are numbered, make sure to say goodbye to ur family before ur ass is dust.)
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solradguy · 10 months
It's fun dressing cartoonishly masculine. I need to put a steel chain on my leather jacket that matches the spikes and compliments the cyborg demon skull painted on the back
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petorahs · 10 months
me, gearing up to explain why the dragon prince's latest seasons have continued to disappoint me, that while i love the lore and worldbuilding and characters there are clear pacing issues that are so jarring it takes me out of the experience, and that i say all of this with great love for the series but there's only so much good concepts can do before animation has to catch up in order to retain the average viewer's attention. that although season 4 and 5 have been branded as "the mystery of aaravos" the titular character barely appears and that is a crime to me, that even if it's for the suspense and intentionally leaving the viewer/main characters in the dark it's not doing a good job at building up his character and i fear for the exposition dump that will inevitably happen later on. that i will be harsh in critiquing this series because i love it so much and want it to be the best it can be: *inhales*
also me the moment i actually finished the goddamn season:
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#no fair viren i want a canon lovechild with aaravos too are u kidding. i'd do anything to let him manipulate me#AARAVOS<3333#as mlm there is just something so lovely to me about aaravos like they put something in him that activates my neurons#aaravos#the dragon prince#the dragon prince season 5#love them. love this hot elf bastard. i feel ill#my critiques still stand btw. but god its so hard to hate it when hehe elf man <3#think im just grumpy they dont show aaravos more when hes literally the only thing keeping me watching at this point.#at first it was rayllum#but hmm....#some of the emotional side plots are... cheesy at best.... i wanted to roll my eyes at a lot of points... its just so overdone?#is it just me being used to these kinds of storytelling?? like its good but its not anything im not used to so i just put it on bg noise as#as i wait for the season to finish..#i hate to do this but not only is it avatar tla but also somewhat reminds me of RWBY. king i'm sorry to do this to you i really am..#to be fair theres nothing wrong. with being any of this. i think tdp is still nice standalone#it just drags out sometimes it's silly#also those clumsy sequences where it wanted to replicate that 3D + 2D animation hybrid#that spiderverse pioneered???? i mean. there was an attempt and i respect that#overall though!! i really do love this series i think it's still charming and im def tuning in to the next season with bated breath#i have more good to say than bad tbh if i tried theres just so much about it :]]]]] i love <3
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Ough I'm late as hell to this but! I'll be taking Feast of the Rose themed doodle requests for the next week or so! So, if anyone wants a little doodle of a hug/handshake from Harper, a kiss (cheek, hand, forehead, or lips if you're feeling really zesty) from Irving, a dance with Caiomhe, or a variation thereof, feel free to send in a request! <3
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love-at-first-bite · 4 months
Laios wouldn't judge me or make me feel bad for being excited about things I enjoy.
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
soft kitty
perfect cute little song for the grumpy old teacher.
he deserves happiness with Lucius.
It was a quiet afternoon for once. As professor Trein waited for the inevitable trouble to come he allowed himself a small moment to relax. He had no plans for the next hour and many avoided his room like the plague if they weren’t required in there anyway.
Lucius hopped onto his desk, tail up as he pushed his furry head against the professors hands, demanding attention. The old man chuckled and allowed a rare smile to grace his face letting his weathered hands run along the perfectly silky and smooth fur of his beloved pet.
Today had been particularly difficult with the students interrupting or causing distractions in class. He needed a break soon if these days were going to be more common. Luckily his grow was knocked off of his face by his cats fluffy tail lightly brushing across his face. He sputtered and glared down at the cat as Lucius sat and licked his front paw. Doing the cat equivalent of smirking yet acting innocent.
“Lucius, you know not to do that” he lightheartedly scolded, knowing that he could never be truly mad at the animal.
“merow. Meow, mew.” Lucius said back, moving into the professors lap. Neither noticed a singular student peek their head in, hesitating to enter and ask for some clarity on an assignment.
In this moment of peace the professor allowed his voice to hum a soft tune he created for his spoiled cat. And per the cats request he started to sing.
“Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur,” he started, the simple tune lightly floating around the room, causing the student who was hesitating ant the door to freeze and focus on the teacher. His baritone voice brining a peace they didn’t know they could feel in this crazy school.
“happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr” and indeed Lucius was purring, loudly the rumbling loud enough for the student a few dozen feet away to catch in the comfortable silence after the short tune was done.
They quickly backed away, knowing they saw something they weren’t really supposed to. they quietly closed the door and hurried back toward the library, they would ask someone else. As they walked they couldn’t get that song out of their head though. Maybe they could try it on grim. He loved to be spoiled and cooed at, as long as no one else was around. They smiled at the soft moment they witnessed, deciding to keep it to themselves, to be respectful of the professors small moment of vulnerability.
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ssaalexblake · 7 months
I bought my niece a big old pumpkin to carve this afternoon which was rlly nice of me bc it involves watching her like a hawk while the knives are out and Why did I do this again?
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
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chiropteracupola · 6 months
really the problem is that sometimes I am just entirely tripping over myself with how much I desire to illustrate something, but I know both that there is little to no chance of doing this the way I want to do it as something Proper-Professional and that I will get bored and tired of it the very second that it becomes something I Have to do
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sugar-omi · 7 months
i feel like a single mom of 2 sons that dont get along omfg i am tiredddd
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dailyeca · 8 months
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sometimes i think that i should be putting him in more complex compositions and dynamic poses and cool outfits and color palettes and pretty rendering and detailed backgrounds and more characters and story-driven comics and personal meaning
and then im like. that's the fucking devil talking. dailyeca is and always was supposed to be a low maintenance blog where i draw an eca a day and this eca can be the most scribbled motherfucker in da world but as long as there's a daily eca then i've succeeded. when i have time to add cool shit i can absolutely do that but even if he's just a sketched up bust shot at 11:59, i'm doing enough because that's just dailyeca babey.
#eca orichird#daily eca#we do what we can. i am doing enough.#for a lot of other things i always feel the need to make masterpieces; art larger than myself and my scope; something with heart and soul.#dailyeca is truly like. not everything has to be perfect. this is my grimy grumpy little asshat and i can do whatever the fuck i want.#(including cursing because goddamnit i am no one's pure little angel baby anymore. i am not here for your judgement anymore.)#im not trying to impress anyone here. dailyeca has always been art for me first. i never truly announced this blog in the beginning.#if no one looked i'd still do it. i draw this angry lonely boy for me. if other people want to see i appreciate it but that's secondary.#that one tumblr poem post. ''you say 'it’s my villain era''' by ridinkskinned. sometimes i feel like making eca was my villain era.#what i mean is that sometimes people hate things when they hit too close to home. what i mean is when i first made eca i felt repulsed.#i can be angry and rude and imperfect and alone. i don't need to facade or fawn or listen at all times and be the perfect little nobody.#i can be flawed and i can still be important and i can still have a happy ending and have people love me without need to change me.#i wrote that i wanted to draw ecas with more personal meaning but every eca posted is a personal meaning in of itself.#you get it. (you probably don't. but that's fine. that's secondary.) i should work on creator and creation again.
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drink-tang-gang · 2 years
Sooo in an ideal world, how would you WANT baffy to become canon? or would you rather keep whatever pseudo relationship they have going on?
I'd rather keep whatever pseudo relationship thing they got goin on. :> In my ideal world, I'd keep Daffy and Bugs as "bachelors", yet have a lot of odd moments between them. Like, they always end up getting caught under mistletoe, ending up as each other's plus one for red carpet events, etc. There's so many intimate moments they share behind the scenes that their co-workers and the audience will never see, but when they're on stage? The electricity between them is unmatched. You can rly tell they have something special!
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solradguy · 10 months
I have a question for you and anyone else, you might kin your kin, but would your kin, kin YOU ~pumpkin anon (I wish 2 believe my kin would infact kin me <3 I love jacko)
No hahah I don't think Sol would hate me, but I don't think we'd vibe like that at all. I could probably get a conversation out of him through our common interests though. He'd probably get a kick out of my 3D printer and record collection lol
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dulaman-na-farraige · 11 months
I love grumpy Nausicaa so much
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