#i'll learn woodwork so you can get that thing you like
as-rare-as-trees · 1 year
My fatal flaw is that if my friends jumped off a bridge I'd do it too
#hope that expression isn't used only here#you know when you excuse you doing sth by saying -x friend did it/told me to- and the adult/parent usually tells you#-oh well if they jumped off a bridge would you follow along then? 🤨-#in a gotcha kind of way#so that felt fitting for the kind of post i wanted to do#it's juuust#i have a feeling I'd do anything if some friends asked or suggested it#it's the remembering a friend told me she think I'd look good with a lip piercing and really fully considering getting one cause of that#or like when friends suggest they like sth or comment positively on sth I've done and it's like my brain is wagging a tail like a puppy#oh yeah? yeah? you like it? i'll do it for you#i'll learn woodwork so you can get that thing you like#oh you think I should sell those? i have never ever been consistent#but if you support this project....#you want to start that hobby? i'll find all the resources I can and drop them subtly towards you#or just the -I could learn to do pretty much anything if it's for a friend-#yeah never done a notebook with a pretty embroidered cover but I think you'd like it so-#nope never made jewellery but for you-#oh you would like to see an art piece like that? let me just-#i wish this motivation would also actually make me be more consistent but it doesn't always work#just the life of a -sottonə-#i guess the english equivalent would be simp?#vaneggiando#weird brain got me thinking this is all a little too much a little too weird might delete this later
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medicinemane · 3 months
You know, I think if I was obscenely wealthy what I'd do is commission artists to make a piece of their own choosing and then give it away to some poor broke sod for free/open up a commission slot where I paid but someone that normally couldn't afford it got the commission
Basically, my house would fill up at some point, you know... and I gotta pace myself, so I'd really have to say sometimes "your art is great... but I don't think it's what I personally am looking for in my house specifically"
So instead I could make it so that people who can't normally afford art could get a piece (I've been there plenty)
If I had the money to do it, it would be a win win win. An artist would get money and get to create, I'd get to see a picture of their work, and someone who didn't have the money to buy art would get art which is very important to me
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punkitt-is-here · 10 months
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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levyfiles · 1 month
one thing thats startling to me about so many responses is people saying they dont care about x show or only want to see ryan and shane doing things, so why should watcher want a higher budget? surely they can just axe the shows 'noone' cares about and just upload low budget videos of ryan and shane messing around?
its breathtakingly entitled. god forbid they should want to do things that are more artistically fulfilling than a vlog. and its telling that the shows people are saying 'noone cares about' are all stevens. hes just as much a part of watcher as ryan and shane and deserves the same artistic freedom. people need to get that through their heads
That's also part of the problem. Not only is Ghost Files artistically fulfilling to them but it's also the thing they made that was getting the views. We wailed about WWW for years since we lost it but the refrain has always been "we know you love it but the views don't match and we have no sponsors for it" and that's the crux of it. We will be getting the low budget stuff because they'll have the budget for more employees (and hopefully they'll learn to delegate more) which frees them up to do the low stakes content.
Don't even get me started about the racists coming out of the woodwork to paint their precious granola eating communist by brand white man Shane as a pure innocent victim of evil capitalist Steven who makes shows that don't contain puppets and songs. I'll just get meaner. It pisses me of like nothing else.
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I know it's not Wednesday for this, but I have to share it before I lose it.
Unbreakable bond headcanon time:
Sonic has a little bit of a skill for woodworking, something he usually doesn't brag about, but is a cool skill to have.
Yeah, he was around 12-13 at the time, but he has the rad skills for days.
Well, he decides to make something for Tails, who was about 4 or 5 at the time, as a first birthday present to the kid.
The one thing he notices is that Tails is small, small enough to where he usually has to help him see over the counter in the kitchen or in the bathroom to reach the sink. He decides to make the kid something that will help him to reach high levels he can't reach, a footstool.
So, over the past couple of weeks, he starts to work on it, letting Tails help him with the safer stuff while he handles the more difficult parts.
"Sonic, is it ready yet?"
"Not even close to ready."
He saws and drills the attachments as Tails watches from the porch, drawing in a coloring book that he had got for him.
"How about now?" Tails called out from the window of the living room.
"Not yet!"
He files off the rough edges and places on the finishing touches. Taking a can of paint, he coats it with the with the brightest color of yellow he could find, that way the kit will be able to find it easily if he needed it when he wasn't around.
"Now?" He could hear Tails behind him, the sound of the makeshift stick sword whipping through the air as he swung it around.
"Hmm, we're getting there."
Sonic hammers in rubber stubs at the bottom, so it wouldn't slide around the wooden floors, which tended to be slippery.
"Well, now?" This kid really needed to learn the word "patience" on a daily basis.
"Let's see...."
Today was the day. He brought Tails outside, covering his eyes and bringing him over to where he had the stool.
"Ta-da! Happy birthday, keed."
The kit stayed silent as he gazed upon the footstool, his tails lowering to the ground as if he was... disappointed. Sonic felt a twinge of worry rise up on seeing his unreadable face.
He was looking forward to this for days, what's the sudden silence?
He was about to ask what was wrong before Tails beat him to it.
"It's missing a face."
"It's face. It doesn't have one."
"Oh, Footstools don't usually have faces on them, bud."
"They don't?"
"Well.....can mine have one?"
After asking him in that manner without the usage of the dreadful puppy dog eyes, he couldn't say no to not at least trying to grant that wish.
He quickly rushed inside and grabbed his pocket knife, carefully carving two eyes against the surface, adding a smiling mouth to add to the detail.
He held the stool up to him, showing him the newly made face. "There you go, how does that look?"
Tails face instantly lit up as he lets out an excited gasp. "It looks so cool!"
He took it from Sonic and quickly climbed up onto it, holding his arms out as it wobbles under him.
"Look, I'm almost as tall as you now!"
Sonic compared Tails' height to his with his hand. "Oh man, you're right! You can definitely reach the ceiling with this, little guy."
Tails then flew around him, giggling excitedly. "You're the bestest, the greatest, awesomest brother ever!" He launched himself at Sonic’s torso, knocking them both down into the grass.
A painful wheeze escaped from Sonic, but he fought through it. "The bestest you say?"
"Mmm-hmm! These bestest of the best!" He exclaimed, nuzzling his cheek against his.
"I'm glad you like it."
"I love it! I'll take good care of it, forever and ever!"
"Oh, yeah? Guess I found the right kid to build it for, huh?"
(Basically, it looks like this, but with a painted yellow with a crudely craved smiley face on it)
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bunchashapes · 1 year
any music recs?
i could have made this very short or entirely too long. i opted for the latter:
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I know. There's a lot of music out there. Well have no fear, because I've selected, organized AND categorized a fine number of music selections, just for you! I tried to keep it to just stuff you probably haven't heard of before, but I make no promises. Hopefully you'll find at least one new thing you can take with you into 2023.
Sounds good! Let's start with a few of those:
Vulfpeck - Okay you may already know about Vulfpeck. Sorry. If you HAVEN'T, they're a wonderful group of dudes from Michigan that are all insanely talented. They have a wide-range of styles they cover and pretty much every member has gone on to do other solo stuff, which may also suit your interests. They also have a spin-off band called The Fearless Flyers that I'll cover a little further down.
Jacob Mann (As well as his Big Band) - Jacob's solo stuff has a nice laid-back feel to it, while his big band stuff is slightly more bombastic, but all of it is fun and groovy. Great example of a musician effectively switching between different toolsets, whether its a whole group of talented musicians at his disposal or just a bunch of nice Roland presets.
EMEFE - They haven't been very active lately but EMEFE is an incredible ensemble with plenty of amazing music for you to listen to. Their live album from 2017 makes me wish i could go back in time and watch it live.
Louis Cole - Louis Cole's also pretty popular, but maybe you haven't heard of him! Originally hailing from Knower, he's collaborated with a ton of musicians (including Vulfpeck AND Jacob Mann Big Band, mentioned above) as well as produced an impressive array of solo music. I can't understate how much I love this guy.
Thundercat - Know who else he's collaborated with? Thundercat. Have you listened to Thundercat? You should really do yourself a favor and listen to Thundercat.
Sammy Rae and The Friends - Only learned about Sammy Rae very recently but The Feeling (linked) was an earworm that lodged itself in my brain for months. Infectiously positive vibes, a great ensemble and really brilliant singing.
Silk Sonic - Okay they played at the Grammys so it definitely doesn't count as a deep cut but listen to Silk Sonic anyway okay? Okay.
Can do. Your metric of kickass may vary but at least one of these should work for you:
King Gizzard and The Wizard Lizard - King Gizz has put out such an unbelievable volume of music that it's hard to just recommend ONE thing from them. I've linked Nonagon Infinity, a great little album with the fun gimmick of seamlessly looping front to back. They really haven't put out a single bad album, so just go wild.
Royal Blood - Royal blood's bassist plays through an octave pedal, giving their stuff this fuckin' beefy sound that's well-rounded enough you'd never guess the band is just a bassist and a dummer. Their style has gotten poppier lately but it's still all worth listening to.
Tricot - Tricot's been around for around 10 years now and their stuff has only gotten better over time. I feel like Math Rock is kind of an obtuse genre for most people but their recent stuff is absolutely worth checking out even if that's not your usual sort of thing. Makkuro (真っ黒) is my favorite album of theirs by far.
Thank You Scientist - Stranger Heads Prevail is probably one of my favorite prog albums ever and you'll probably like it too. Insanely good ensemble (the amazing triple threat of sax/trumpet/violin is such an integral part of their sound) and really fun vocals.
Nova Collective - Another incredible prog group. As far as I know they've only put out one album but it whips ass.
Ask My Bull - These guys popped out of the woodwork a few years ago and I've been obsessed with them ever since, I can't wait to see what they do next. If you're a horn-loving freak like me you absolutely need to listen to them.
Fearless Flyers - The previously aforementioned Vulfpeck spin-off band, guest starring Mark Lettieri of Snarky Puppy and the incredible Nate Smith on drums. Their album Tailwinds is easily one of my favorite albums ever, the addition of a sax trio takes their stuff from incredible to legendary.
Daikaiju - Kaiju-themed surf rock. That's really all that needs saying.
Well you're in luck! A wide range of things fit the bill:
Snarky Puppy - A powerhouse jazz/funk/rock ensemble full of insanely talented musicians. Just give this song a listen, you won't regret it.
The Dear Hunter - Dear Hunter (not Deerhunter. Different band) has remained my favorite band since high school. The band has a number of different projects, A collection of EPs for each color of the rainbow, a 5-part rock opera/narrative concept album (with a 6th part that may be a movie??) and other more straightforward albums that still cover a broad range of genres and styles. I think they're great and hopefully you will too.
Hiromi Uehara - Hiromi's probably my favorite pianist ever. Just watch that video. She's ridiculous. She also plays in an incredible trio and guest stars on my favorite Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra song! Preposterously talented and insanely fun to watch. I love her.
The Bad Plus - Speaking of great trios, you can't go wrong with The Bad Plus! Really vibrant arrangements and generally incredible musicianship throughout their work.
Esperanza Spalding - Obscenely talented bassist AND singer AND songwriter. As someone who sings and plays bass (not at the same time, of course) watching her do effortlessly do both at the same time is mesmerizing. I love her.
Chon - Chon's also pretty big now but I want you to imagine you're me at a Dear Hunter (see above) concert back in 2015 and one of the opening bands walks onstage and you're like "well okay what's these guys' deal" and then they start playing these fucking insane picking solos in perfect unison. I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing. I wish everyone could experience Chon through those eyes.
You need ambient? I got your ambient right here.
Hiroshi Yoshimura - I was first exposed to the wide, wide world of Japanese ambient music back in college and in all my years since then, few things have been able to beat Yoshimura's atmospheric soundscapes. If you need music to shut your brain off (and who doesn't, from time to time), look no further.
Chihei Hatakeyama - Another Japanese ambient powerhouse, Hatakeyama's got a huge discography of music and all of it will knock your lights out (very pleasantly).
Green-House - Very much inspired by Japanese ambient, Green-house is described as "music for plants". I only wish there was more of it.
Joep Beving - Not exactly an ambient artist but a masterful practitioner of minimal, atmospheric piano. His style is understated but filled with emotion, a great mix of more classical elements with a modern cinematic flair. Great to work to!
You got it boss:
Yellow Magic Orchestra - You've probably heard of these guys by now. I've only known about them for 6-ish years after they had a moderate burst of fame here but I think it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say these guys were one of the principle pieces of genetic memory that coalesced into the DNA of modern electronic music. All three of the principle members, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Haruomi Hosono and Yukihiro Takahashi (rest in peace) have all had really prolific solo careers in a ton of styles of music that are all worth your time.
T Square - An absolute titan of Japanese jazz fusion, their album Adventures is a veritable Rosetta Stone of video game music, directly inspiring a good number of video game songs including the dang mario brothers theme! Their stuff is an absolute joy to listen to.
Tatsuro Yamashita - Yamashita is often called the king of city pop and is (according to wikipedia) credited for pioneering Japanese "soft rock". Having grown up on the pacific coast, there's some ineffable truth in his schmaltzy surf music that touches me deep in my soul. You may not have the same experiences as I do, but I hope listening to him will allow you to tap into that divine spark and enjoy it for yourself.
Masayoshi Takanaka - Perhaps not quite as famous as Yamashita, Takanaka is a brilliant guitarist and musician known for that same schmaltzy pacific rock (just look at that damn guitar. I love him) as well as a number of other styles of rock and jazz fusion. He's got a huge discography and it's all incredible.
Casiopea - I would be remiss if I didn't mention Casiopea. I'm not an expert in Japanese music obviously, but I think it'd be fair to say they and T-Square are the two titans holding the glory of late 70's-early 80's jazz fusion like Atlas shouldering the world. Do yourself a favor and listen to Mint Jams.
Himiko Kikuchi - Truthfully I don't know much of Kikuchi's discography other than Flying Beagle (linked) but she absolutely killed it. Do yourself a favor and listen to that too.
I'm always happy to recommend unconventional stuff. Here's a few albums that I love to close us out:
Tom Waits - Alice - First of all, you should listen to Tom Waits. I know you know him as the Funny Voice Guy but he's had such an incredible musical career that starts great and only gets more and more amazing over time. Anyway, in the 90's, Tom and his wife (and writing partner since the 80's) Kathleen Brennan were scoring weird experimental musicals in Germany, namely The Black Rider (also worth listening to) and Alice. The musical is a strange extrapolation of Alice in Wonderland, namely inspired by Charles Dodgson's (Lewis Carroll) relationship with Alice Liddell, generally accepted as the real-life inspiration for Alice. Though the actual specifics of their relationship are uncertain, the age discrepancy and Charles' general fixation with Alice leads many to assume....the worst about their relationship, an interpretation the musical runs with. The actual musical is hard to find evidence of (there's some documentary footage from the 90's and I've found the script) but Tom rearranged his music for the show and released it in 2002, which in my eyes is the definitive version of the music. The album is unbelievably melancholic, heart-wrenching, at times deeply uncomfortable, and absolutely filled with beauty. Lost in the Harbor is maybe one of my favorite songs of all time. If ANY of this sounds even slightly interesting to you, I implore you to check it out. It also has Colin Stetson on saxophone and clarinet, which segues quite nicely to the next album.....
Colin Stetson - New History Warfare Vol. 2 - You may have actually heard Colin's music before, he's scored films like Hereditary, Color Out Of Space and the newest Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. New History Warfare is one of his experimental solo projects, most characterized by Stetson recording basically everything in a huge room filled with microphones, creating this incredible impression of scale. It's filled with some of the craziest shit I've ever heard someone do on a saxophone; long, galloping phrases with no pauses for air thanks to circular breathing, mixing in the sound of the valves opening and closing, and an incredible unnatural-sounding delay all achieved with live recording. The Righteous Wrath of An Honorable Man is one of the coolest things I've ever heard in my life (you've probably already heard it before) but the whole album is absolutely captivating.
Caroline Shaw - Partita for 8 Voices - Caroline Shaw is an amazing musician, singer and composer. All of her stuff is really beautiful and worth listening to, but few things stand out as much as this composition, written for and performed by a cappella group Roomful of Teeth (which is probably the sickest possible name for a choral group). I feel like a cappella music has a woefully bland perception among most people (thanks in no small part to Pitch Perfect); all lavish arrangements of pop music with absolutely no soul. If this is what you think all a cappella music is, I urge you to listen to this album. It's a masterful blend of speech, song and energy, filled with a vibrancy and passion I have a difficult time putting into words. You really just have to listen to it.
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sasusakucoded · 6 months
Haruno Sakura is so fed up with school. In one week, she has to review for the finals and do 3 group projects alone. It's Saturday and yet she needs to go to the Academy to attend another group meeting.
"With all the work that I've done, I should've been excluded from this meeting. Please, I need to rest," she contemplates as she heads out. "I need a sign.. If I see a cloud that's shaped like a dog, I won't go."
She looks at the sky and forgets that she's in the middle of the road. A motorycle almost hits her.
"Whoa!" the guy says at his sudden stop.
"You almost killed me!" Sakura complains.
"Maybe look forward instead of looking up!"
Sakura doesn't answer. She stares at him and looks up again.
"Miss, I need to go. Please move to the side.. Unless you want to come with me," he jokes.
Sakura looks up and tries to find a dog-shaped cloud. There's none.
"What are you looking at?" he asks. "The clouds?"
"Yeah.. I'm trying to find something.." Sakura answers finally.
"Nothing special today.. Except for that hotdog-shaped one. It's pretty funny."
"Hotdog? I'll take it as a sign!"
"Is your offer still available?"
"What offer?"
"I can come with you?"
"I was clearly joking.." he responds. He sees that she's quite upset with his answer, so he continues with, "but if you really want to, then sure I guess."
That's enough for Sakura. She gets on the back of the motorcycle. "If you kill me, my ghost will haunt you."
He laughs while removing his helmet. "Here, use this. I don't have an extra. You better use it.. I don't want you to die and haunt me."
She takes the helmet and wears it. He restarts the engine and off they go. They drive to the mountain side. It's an uphill climb, so Sakura holds onto him tightly, scared of falling off. After 30 minutes, they finally reach their destination.
Sakura takes out her polaroid camera and snaps a photo of the place.
"Did I introduce myself? I'm Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke. I work here during the weekends. My family owns this land. We have lots of cypresses here and my work is to cut them down into logs. They're good for building wooden houses."
"Interesting.." She takes another photo and shows it to him. "The view here is really pretty.. You can call me S by the way."
"Wait till you see the view on top of that giant cypress," Sasuke grins as he points to the largest tree near the cabin. "Wait, S? Won't you tell me your full name?"
Sakura laughs. "We'll see.. Depends on how this day goes."
He takes her hand and leads her to the tree. It has grooves and a rope ladder, so it's easy to go up. They see the entirety of Konoha.
"Konoha is perfect." Sakura takes more photos of the view. She also takes a photo of her and her new friend.
They spend the day talking about random things. She watches him work while ranting about her school works. They cook lunch together and eat under the shade of the giant tree. They continue talking and they learn that they are the opposite of each other. She's impulsive while he wants everything planned. She's grade conscious while he doesn't care about school that much. Although they have many differences, Sakura thinks that their personalities are matching.
They go inside the cabin and Sasuke explains its interior. Tired from woodwork and cooking, they decide to take a nap.
Three hours later, Sakura wakes up in Sasuke's arms. She looks for the wall clock and realizes it's already late in the afternoon. She gets up quietly and writes her phone number at the back of a polaroid film of them together. She leaves the cabin and walks the paved path down the mountain.
"If he calls before this day ends, I will come back tomorrow," she thinks to herself. "I'm positive he will.. We had a good time."
It's a long walk but surprisingly she isn't tired. She takes the train to go home and enjoys the scenery. For the first time after so long, she doesn't mind about school work or her groupmates.
She checks her phone constantly, waiting for a call from him, but sees the messages from her groupmates instead. She replies to their group chat:
Sorry, I was not able to attend the meeting today. I'm sick 😷
"Yeah, I'm sick. I'm sick of y'all!"
She receives another text. This time it's from Sasuke.
You left?
Yes, sorry it's getting late so I had to..
Do you want to hang out again tomorrow?
She doesn't reply. "He didn't call me.. So, I guess that's a sign. Maybe if he calls tomorrow." She puts her phone down and prepares to sleep. She looks at the polaroids again. "Ah, I left the only photo of us in the cabin— Wait, where's my camera?" She checks her bag immediately and realizes that she probably left it in the cabin. She calls him.
"Hello! S?"
"Yeah, is my camera there?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You didn't ask earlier—"
"Tomorrow I'll get it back."
"Do you want me to pick you up?"
She hangs up. "Why am I so upset and annoyed at him? It's not like it's his fault.. What if I call again and say sorry? Ugh, Sakura you're sooo! Hmmm. I'll just apologize tomorrow."
Sakura reaches the cabin. She yells for his name as soon as she gets to his workplace. "Sasuke! Sasuke! Where are you?" Something hits her head. She picks it up and realizes it's a polaroid film.
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She looks up at the giant tree and sees him waving eagerly. "Hello! Come up here, S!"
"Just give me my camera, so I can leave already!" She starts to get annoyed at the situation.
"If you want it, get it from me!"
"He really thinks it's funny, huh?" She contemplates as she brings herself to the rope ladder. He snaps a few photos of her while climbing up.
"Don't waste my film!!" She reaches the top, sweating and annoyed.
She snatches it quickly from him and plans to go down and leave.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset.."
"Why should you make it hard for me? I thought we're cool with each other."
"I– I want you to see something that's why I made you climb here.. The polaroid film, you got it, right?"
"Yeah.." She takes it from her bag and shows it to him.
"Ah, no that's the wrong orientation. You got the sign wrong." He rotates it and points to the right side of the woodland. "It should be like this.. See that?"
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Sakura sees the saplings on the ground. They are in a certain formation, so she studies them for a bit. "Wait, do they form a letter S?"
"Yes.. S for sorry for being an asshole. And S for your name.. And S for my name as well.. Those are sakura saplings. Maybe in 5 to 10 years, they'll grow fully and bloom."
"You knew my name all along?"
"Huh? I don't understand.."
"My name is Sakura. Haruno Sakura."
"Really? I– I planted sakura saplings because of your hair. I imagine one day, I can climb here and see the pink letter S and remember you."
She hugs him so tightly that they almost fall. "I'm sorry. I'm the one acting like an asshole.."
Sasuke is taken aback at first but hugs her back. "No, you're just stressed out. And besides, you don't know me yet. So, it's fine if you don't trust me.. But Sakura.. If you're willing, maybe we can spend more time together to get to know each other."
"Yes! Please.. You don't know how much you made me feel better. It's the first time that someone cared about what I feel."
"Just promise me you won't leave me again like that." Sasuke laughs as he raises her chin a little.
"Promise, I won't! Pinky promise?" she offers her pinky.
"Yes!" entwines his pinky with hers.
Sakura looks at the polaroid film before going to bed. "He's right.. I always get the signs wrong. This time I'll make sure to get everything right."
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buffyfan145 · 10 months
Watched the first 2 episodes of "The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart" on Amazon and they did such a great job adapting this!!! :D I read it but it's another thing to see it on screen and with such a great cast. So many twists and how all these secrets get revealed. It is hard to watch at times but this is Alice's story and her learning the true history of her family and overcoming everything she goes through and learning the language of flowers and their meanings. The soundtrack is really good too. I'll watch 3 later tonight but then it's weekly for the other 4 episodes.
Then I have to add being a fan of LOTR/"Rings of Power" seeing Charlie Vickers in this role is such a prep for how we're going to see him fully as Sauron in season 2 and beyond. His character Clem in this is so similar and can go from terrifying to charming and loving and back in an instant. You get why Agnes fell in love with him, as did others, and we even have a child actor playing a younger version of him in flashbacks on the flower farm with his mom. He's also extremely gifted in woodworking just like Sauron with blacksmithing and jewelry, and uses that to charm over his wife, daughter, mother, and all the people in his life. Plus, it's mentioned he wasn't like that as a child by his sister Candy similar to how Mairon was "the admirable" and changed later and if I'm remembering right Melian (the fellow Maiar that a lot consider to be like his sister and also was associated with Yavanna like he was) said that she could still forgive him because of who he was before.
Then this little girl playing younger Alice looks and feels so much like Celebrían and how we've written her in our fics. She associates fire with her dad and water with her mom, also thinking of the selkie myth to describe her parents and that her mom needed to go back to her people in the water but her dad wouldn't let her go. Then her being named for "Alice in Wonderland" and then thinking of how Celebrían went to Valinor after her tragedy where Yavanna, Melian, and the rest were all there. There's so much already I can see us Haladriel shippers using for edits, gifs, fics, and fanvids. It's surreal sometimes for me how I pictured her and them and then now seeing this and there's likely to be more.
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thebibliomancer · 6 months
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #46: FRANCHISE
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July, 1989
Great Lakes Avengers Assemble?!
I have been waiting for this.
I've read this issue before, in a collected edition of Dan Slott's Great Lakes Avengers miniseries. But now I have all the context leading up to this and I'll get to see what else this wacky group did in their early appearances.
And, hell. Out of everything in the Byrne run so far, this is his first shake up that's not deeply annoying!
Byrne is the one who pulls the trigger on the idea of a third Avengers team teased when Vision was trying to expand the Avengers. But not quite as he enVisioned it.
Last times on West Coast Avengers: Between issues, Tigra, Hank Pym, and the Wasp joined the West Coast Avengers. Then Vision got kidnapped by every government in the world and disassembled into a pile of parts. Hank Pym puts everyone's favorite synthezoid back together but he's all white now and he doesn't have emotions and only has Avengers case files for memories.
The American government also forced the West Coast Avengers to take on US Agent or else reprisals. Hawkeye quit in a huff after US Agent tosses him after Hawkeye tried to punch him.
We learned in the big Avengers meeting over in Avengers that Hawkeye has a new group so let's get into it.
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Geez, Mr Immortal, you're a bit manic there.
A bank robbery is happening at the Milwaukee Farmers and Merchants Trust. And we know this is Milwaukee because one of the robbers very considerately wears a Milwaukee jacket.
A dude we'll later learn is called Mr Immortal drops down from the ceiling, quips a bit, dodges some gunfire, hits a couple dudes, and then... doesn't dodge some other gunfire.
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That looks like it hurts.
The robbers gather around the dead, deceased hero to make sure he's really dead.
And he's gotta be, right? Half of his chest is bulleted to hell.
And then things go to hell. For the robbers.
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Flatman swipes the hostages with his stretchy definitely not a spoof of Mr Fantastic body. Big Bertha OH YEAHs through the wall. Dinah Soar flies through a Doorman shaped portal in another wall.
The Great Lakes Avengers are usually treated comically. They're a ridiculous team, operating in a ridiculous area, with ridiculous powers and the big joke about them in the Dan Slott series was how they were constantly overshadowed by the official Avengers and how none of the other heroes wanted to interact with them.
Except Squirrel Girl, who they hired by sorta lying that they were the real Avengers.
Ridiculous group with ridiculous powers they may be but in this action sequence, they're coordinated. They had a good plan to distract the robbers so the hostages could be pulled out of harms way. And then their ridiculous powers took down the gunmen no problem.
Yeah, these guys aren't going to be fighting Doctor Doom without hefty authorial fiat (but isn't that the way all comics work anyway?) but they're not bumbling amateurs.
And I appreciate that.
Last robber standing backs away in shock horror... right into the arms of Mr Immortal.
Who is not, in fact, dead. Or at least, he didn't stay dead.
Immortal, y'know?
Robber: "They're poppin' outta th' woodwork! Who are these geeks? Milwaukee don't have no super heroes!" Mr Immortal: "Guess again! Y'all are gonna be seein' a lot of us from now on! Y'all are gonna be seein' us in your nightmares!" Robber: "Wha...? No!! You're dead!!!" Mr Immortal: "Wrong-o, creep! I'm just as right as rain! But you aren't gonna be! By the time I get done with you... You'll prob'ly never be anything like right. Not never again!!"
Mr Immortal apparently goes a bit berserk after resurrecting.
He punches the robber down and then starts stomping him.
Flatman has to pull him off the guy. And Mr Immortal won't settle down until Dinah Soar talks to him in an empty text bubble.
Dinah Soar is the only one who CAN get him to calm down.
Flatman guesses its some kind of hypersonic. In the later Dan Slott series, its revealed that its actually True Love what does it. Yes, for serious. It was sweet, actually.
Last member of the team comes into the bank and tells the rest that there's a bunch of police and reporters who want to know what the devil is going on.
Mr Immortal goes out to address the crowd and press. When reporter Peggy Allen asks him who this group of do-gooders is, he dubs the team...
Hawkeye hears the news report in the random motel he's staying in after rage-quitting the Avengers.
His first instinct is to call the team and let them know about randos infringing the brand but then decides 'fuck 'em' because he's still mad about the government meddling in the team.
There's a knok knok knoking on Clint's door and making his bad mood worse, its Mockingbird.
He is very sarcastic about his day being ruined but she says she's here to save their marriage.
News to him. He thought they were dead set on getting a divorce.
But time off-panel and with a different writer has cooled Mockingbird's head. And since they're both going through some trying times now, maybe they should rethink things.
Hawkeye: "You mean now that I've been kicked off the team I founded I'm all of a sudden a pitiful soul so you've gone all maternal and decided to come back to the roost and take care of me! Well, thanks but no thanks, Bobbi!" Mockingbird: "You're not being fair, Clint. Although I guess that's nothing new, is it?" Hawkeye: "And just what is that supposed to mean?" Mockingbird: "It means you have all the sensitivity of a brick. I got mixed up with the Phantom Rider because he drugged me, used me, and when you found out, did you react like a husband whose wife has been assaulted? NO!! You went off on some stupid macho kick! And I was hurt enough to pay you back with your own coin. When I needed you -- maybe more than I ever have before -- you were too busy stroking your wounded male ego to notice. Something that could have bound us even closer together drove us apart. Well... that damage is done. Now I'm here to see if it can be undone. Because, heaven help me, in spite of everything, I still love you!"
I can't believe Byrne of all people is cutting through the bullshit and having Mockingbird say 'hey all that stuff we were yelling about wasn't the crux of the issue and you were being a major asshole, Clint.'
He's re-litigating a lot of Englehart's stuff. Redoing the Tigra plot. Revising Englehart's origin for Vision. Shoving people that had quit back onto the team.
I didn't expect him to use this power for good.
Because the Hawkeye/Mockingbird falling out was bad. Maybe in character for the two stubborn jerks. But it needed another look and here we are, taking another look.
Mockingbird doesn't even entertain the notion that its really a philosophical disagreement about cowboy manslaughter.
I'll have to see where it goes. Because it could go poorly in its own unique way.
Back over at the West Coast Avengers Compound, US Agent has made a good impression on one person and only one person.
The new cook, Mrs. Heyges, who is pleased to see someone that actually enjoys a big breakfast.
Most of the West Coast Avengers only have a slice of toast and some orange juice.
US Agent: "A man has to keep his strength up, Mrs. Heyges. And, of course, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Besides... You're almost as good a cook as my mother!" Mrs. Heyges: "Well, gracias, sir! I know that must be quite a compliment."
Based on her comments that she doesn't get to really cook for the others, US Agent muses that he should introduce a proper meal schedule.
Then, Tigra happens.
Looking for a proper meal of her own.
A.k.a. chasing a mouse.
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She's seemingly gone full feral, although she doesn't have that same alien cat look she did last time.
Either Byrne thought better of it or it comes and goes for some damn reason.
She chases a mouse in, hisses and growls when US Agent grabs her, and sullenly creeps away when he slaps her for trying to bite him.
The cat instincts have taken over.
(I don't love that we're doing this again but it is better than her trying to hump everyone? I mean. Slightly better. The main reason I'm annoyed is that we're just doing this plot again. In a vacuum it wouldn't be so bad.)
(Also also, last time she jumped through a window to chase a bird. I can only assume she's destroyed the local bird population. Folks, Tigras are inside Avengers. Keep them inside for their own health and for the good of the ecosystem.)
Mrs. Heyges says that Tigra has been hunting the mice that get into the pantry. And she's new here and didn't really want to tell an Avenger what to do so she just sorta figured. Hunting mice was part of Tigra's job??
US Agent declares this very gross and decides something has to be done!
I mean. Something does need to be done. It speaks ill of everyone that nobody has noticed Tigra's issues until now. And the only dude that sorta knew she was going through something was Hawkeye and he stormed off in a huff.
I guess Wanda is going through some stuff. And Wonder Man is being kind of a creep about Wanda's stuff. And Vision is very neutral on everything these days. But fucks sake, Wasp or Hank Pym. You two are the adults here!
Over in the A-plot, Mockingbird has convinced Hawkeye to go to Milwaukee to check out the group calling themselves Avengers. Because it beats him sitting around feeling sorry for himself for rage-quitting the West Coast Avengers.
Although, he's rewritten history so that he was unjustly fired.
But since he had the impulse to go check out the Great Lakes Avengers, why not ride that impulse into something productive?
So over in Milwaukee, the Great Lakes Avengers check out mysterious lights over the Germania Building.
Mr Immortal sends Dinah Soar to check out the roof of the building and has Doorman make a portal (with his BODY) so Flatman can get inside the building and look for a way to let everyone else in.
Flatman thinks to himself how weird it is that when he goes through Doorman, he feels like he's briefly in another place entirely. Like, not even on Earth anymore.
Apparently, a subtle nod to Doorman's powers working through the Darkforce Dimension.
Up on the roof, Dinah Soar gets ambushed and captured by some manner of bola arrow.
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At the mercy of this mystery assailant, Dinah Soar takes out a little whistle and sadly tweets on it.
Mr Immortal and Big Bertha hear the sad tooting and realize Dinah Soar is in trouble!
So Big Bertha gets Mr Immortal to hang onto her back and high jumps to the roof to get him there in a hurry.
To the mystery assailant's bafflement.
Mr Immortal: "You get clear now while I take care of this clown." Mystery Assailant who is definitely not Hawkeye: "'Clown?' Takes spunk to wear a suit like that and call somebody else a clown, pal!"
Glass houses, mystery assailant.
Big Bertha falls back to ground level, laughing all the way.
I am not sure why she does this. In other stuff, she's usually one of the more serious members of the Great Lakes Avengers.
Anyway, some more Great Lakes Avengers thoughts. Presumably Big Bertha could have pulled herself up onto the roof. She's got super strength. But mystery assailant has already captured Dinah Soar so Mr Immortal is going in alone to feel the guy out.
He doesn't die when he's killed. He's the best for gauging threat level.
He's also a clown, whether or not you think his costume is sillier than anyone else's. Lets say Hawkeye, for the sake of an example.
He acrobats around mystery assailant and proclaims "Okay, wiseguy... I don't know what your game is... but you're way out of your league... now that the Avengers are here!"
Leading mystery assailant to reveal himself to be... AN IMPOSTER DRESSED LIKE HAWKEYE??
Hawkeye: "'Dressed as Hawkeye...??' I am Hawkeye, an' I'm here to find out what you so-called 'Avengers' think you're up to! In case you don't know it, buster, the Avengers' name isn't up for grabs by any ol' Tom, Dick, an' Harriet!"
So Mr Immortal kicks him in the face for impersonating an Avenger. That's rude, y'know. Probably not a felony BUT MAYBE IT SHOULD BE.
Mr Immortal: "You think you can defeat the Avengers by pretending to be Hawkeye? The real Hawkeye would have blocked my attack easily!"
Mockingbird shows up and repays the favor by kicking Mr Immortal in the face for kicking Hawkeye in the face.
She explains that Hawkeye sucks ass at close quarters combat. I don't think that's entirely true but I like to think Mockingbird isn't above being a little petty.
Mr Immortal is alarmed that there's a woman impersonating Mockingbird now!
It turns out that Mr Immortal is almost current with superhero gossip.
He knows that Mockingbird and Hawkeye have split up, he knows that Mockingbird quit the Avengers. He doesn't know that Hawkeye recently also quit the Avengers.
So you can see where the confusion comes from.
You might not see why Mr Immortal decides his next move is to backflip off the roof.
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Maybe he wanted to see how the "imposters" would react to it.
Well, not personally. He'd have to rely on someone else telling him how they reacted to it. He's temporarily dead from hitting the ground really hard.
But Flatman saw the whole thing and realized that Mockingbird sounds sincerely distraught that a dude just died.
Hawkeye: "Flatman?? I don't believe it! You got a partner called 'Ribbon?'"
Its funny that DC comics is apparently fictional within Marvel because the Avengers have also met the Justice League.
Silly comics.
Mockingbird berates Hawkeye's joke for being inappropriate. A man just died!
Flatman awkwardly explains that Mr Immortal doesn't really die.
So at Mockingbird's request, they all convene at Great Lakes Avengers' HQ... er... Big Bertha's place.
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It's a fancy place.
Hawkeye asks how she can afford such nice digs but it turns out that when Big Bertha isn't superheroing, she's supermodel Ashely Crawford, darling of many Vogue covers. One of the highest paid models in the biz.
So Hawkeye asks what a successful model is doing "playing super hero."
And again, at this point the West Coast Avengers are silly. They're comical. They're not a joke.
Big Bertha: "I don't think of it as... playing, Hawkeye. None of us do. We're all just as serious about this as you are."
Yeah, Hawkeye!
Mockingbird asks how the group got together... and why "Great Lakes Avengers"?
We don't get the whole story now but it's implied that Mr Immortal go them together and stated that the name was his idea. He wanted to maintain the coastal theme but there's no north coast so...
But the real question that Mockingbird is getting at is who do the Great Lakes Avengers think they are, using the Avengers brand without permission? The Avengers are pretty fussy about who gets called Avenger! Says the lady who is not currently an Avenger!
I don't think she actually cares. But she assumes Hawkeye cares and she's here to get his mind on anything but fuming about US Agent or her.
Annnnnd Hawkeye has changed his mind!
Hawkeye: "I'm startin' to think maybe this Midwest team isn't such a bad idea. Your powers are kinda funky, and your code names stink... But with the proper management... my management... This could be a heckuva team!"
Ah, dammit, Hawkeye! You ragequit one team so you're going to force your way onto this one, huh?
I don't know how it will be handled immediately in this book but after the fact, in the later Dan Slott series, the Great Lakes Avengers view the whole thing pretty cheerfully.
The big league came down to coach their team. It gives them credibility and helps them be better at superheroing, which they're all pretty serious about.
I'll have to see how it unfolds as it goes though.
Current team lead Mr Immortal is still regrowing his brains and hasn't expressed an opinion on Hawkeye's pending takeover.
It is so funny though! Hawkeye gets forced out of the West Coast Avengers slash quits so his rebound is to just take over someone else's team!
He does the same thing when he accidentally screws himself out of a spot on Busiek's Avengers! Tracks down the Thunderbolts and goes 'my team now.'
It may be his real superpower.
Anyway, the other B-plot.
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Wanda seems to be doing better after the whole husband robot thing and dropping a cliff on Wonder Man. Maybe. Hard to say. She's had a good swim, at least.
And then Roberto Carlos of the Avengers Compound Support Staff brings Wanda a letter from the Absolon College of Robotics.
Remember Absolon College had that big list of mutants to do Something With and Wanda is the one they settled on?
The letter claims that their research into artificial intelligence may be able to restore Vision back to his good ol' self.
Is... is it public knowledge that Vision was taken apart by the government and had his brain FUBAR'd??
Because if not, that's a red flag!
The other red flag is that the letter is from Jeremiah Random, which sounds like a made-up name!
This is going to end badly! And I'm not just saying that because the next time box says THIS ANCIENT EVIL!
Follow @essential-avengers because woo! Great Lakes Avengers! Love those guys! Like, comment, reblog maybe?
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Would you give me some headcanons about Seth? And some about his “ kids? “ because l platonically love this man 🥰
Well. I mean. any headcanons I make are basically canon cause it's my au but yeah I'll share some small things about the guy and his found family-
(I rambled a bit whoops uh, read more)
-Seth is. a walking trash can, if you dare him and give him enough money he'll eat nearly anything. as long as it won't kill him-
-I've established he plays acoustic guitar, though he also likes woodworking, even though he never has time to pursue that hobby
-Knows a lot about guns. like. a lot.
-ALSO knows so much about cryptids and monsters, he'll ramble about them for hours if given the chance
-Doesn't draw much but he's pretty good at it.
-Stims by shaking his arm by his side or bouncing his leg. also just paces around. if especially stressed he'll hit his head though-
-He. sometimes forgets to take care of himself. like he needs to be reminded to take a shower or eat sometimes.
-Fucking. loves his friends. (platonically of course.) They're the family he never had and he'll kill for them.
-Speaking of which he's very good at fighting and is strong enough to knock someone out with a punch so. yeah-
-Has. like. no clue he's not straight nor completely cis (aroace, and He/They) cause he just doesn't know the terms. he's supportive definitely but man he has no idea. took him being told by either Gabriel or the rest of the BPS for him to realize that-
As for his "kids":
-Cesar's actually a decent cook. could be because he worked at a diner but he also learned some things from his mother.
-He's the closest to Seth. He never had a father figure in his life so Seth really took that role for him.
-Actually a bit of a goofball. loves joking around, though it also means he's a bit reckless at times. Sometimes not recognizing danger.
-Freezes when scared. he's had to have been saved by friends multiple times because of this.
-Struggles with frequent nightmares.
-Knows how to play piano! also is a pretty good singer too-
-Sarah has an interest in the supernatural and paranormal. which is why she joined Seth in the BPS to begin with.
-A great artist! She took on the hobby from Mark.
-A bit demanding at times, and once she has her sights on something, she'll want to get it done no matter what-
-Sometimes bosses Seth around. Mainly to get him to clean the apartment or even take care of himself. She scares him occasionally-
-Also pretty damn strong. won't hesitate to punch someone.
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Hmm.... hey, interns? Did you have any secret talents you never found out, other than your psychic abilities?
[Norma] That sentence ...doesn't make sense. How can we know if we have any secret talents if we never found out about them? It's just-
[Lizzie] Norma, stop being a pill about semantics and answer the question.
(Inters chuckle)
[Norma] Ugh ...secret talents ...do I have any? (Frazie leans over and whispers a suggestion in her ear) (Gives Frazie a playful push) (hushed voice) I am not telling them that.
[Frazie] Oh, c'mon, it's cute!
[Lizzie] Okay, now I'm curious.
[Norma] And you're gonna keep being curious.
[Lizzie] Compromise! How about we all start and you get the last word?
[Norma] (Pause) (Blushes as Frazie nudges her) Okay, fine. Hey, where's Raz, by the way? I just noticed he's not here.
[Frazie] He's helping Milla and Mom making dinner for tonight. By the way, you're invited too.
[Norma] Thanks.
[Lizzie] Are we done being wholesome? Let's get on with it! Oh, and Raz's hidden talent is hair styling and fashion, just gonna call that out.
[Adam] (Chuckles) I'll start. Turns out that playing around with my yo-yo's all the time made me realize that I'm actually ambidextrous.
[Sam] (Jokingly) I thought you were straight?
(Everyone chuckles)
[Adam] Har-har. No, seriously though, I didn't realize it was happening at first. I was writing something down, dropped something, switched over my pen to my other hand, grabbed the thing that had fallen on the ground and while I was checking if it wasn't broken or something; I just kept writing.
[Gisu] That's cool. When I was home for the summer, I helped out in a neighbours workshop, who is a professional woodworker. I got curious, he showed me some techniques and it seems I got a knack for woodworking. I'm thinking of making my own boards.
[Sam] I know how to do Mongolian throat singing. (Clears throat)
[Morris] Sam! Window accident? Remember?
[Sam] Oh yeah! I forgotten about that. Nevermind then.
[Morris] I know how to make mixtapes. I started making my own since last Summer, when we were in Brazil, after Espen showed me how.
[Adam] How are they, by the way?
[Morris] They're doing fine. They are thinking of coming over to America to learn business management, since they want to open a Music Label after they graduated.
[Lizzie] You guys know needle felting? That art thing where you stab at felt a million times until it becomes something? Me and Millie started doing that and I am apparently a natural at it.
[Norma] (Scoffs) Right...
[Lizzie] You don't believe me? Who do you think made that Cthulhu plushy that's menacingly looming in the corner of my room?
[Gisu] For real?
[Lizzie] For real! Okay, that leaves Frazie and Norma. Spill the beans, you two.
[Norma] (Groans)
[Frazie] (Giggling) You want me to tell them? (giggles as Norma just nods with an expression of defeat) Me and Norma have taken up a new hobby in secret a couple of months ago.
[Gisu] Hang on, is this about why you two disappear for hours sometimes?
[Adam] We just figured you two got somewhere private and ...well, got funky with each other.
[Norma] Don't ...ever use 'getting funky with each other' ever again, Adam. And it's not that!
[Gisu] Stop dancing around the issue and just tell us.
[Frazie] (Laughs) You guessed it!
[Gisu] What?
[Frazie] Dancing! Me and Norma have taken up Swing Dancing a couple of months ago and she's a natural pro at it.
[Morris] No!?
[Lizzie] For real!? Norma's got two left feet!
[Sam] Seeing is believing!
[Adam] Yeah, now you gotta show us!
[Norma] (Groans and tries to burry her face in her knees) Please stop...
[Frazie] Oh, don't be like that. You're amazing at it and we have so much fun during lessons. Our teacher says that Norma learned so quickly, she thought that Norma lied about being a total amateur.
[Norma] And she asked Frazie - pleaded, more accurately - to keep the extreme flexibility and contortionistic moves to a minimum, because she really freaked out some of the other people.
[Sam] Oh, now I gotta see this.
[Morris] I'm getting the music! (Hovers off to his room) I'm sure I got something in my collection.
[Gisu] Adam, Sam, help me clear the room. And get the camera, Raz will surely wanna see this. (Uses TK to clear the couch and table)
[Norma] Guys ...
[Frazie] (Gently takes hold of Norma's hand, looking pleadingly into her eyes) Norma, will you please dance with me? It would mean so much to me... I'll make it worth your while.
[Norma] (Blushing) Okay, fine. (Grins) But if we're gonna do this ...let's do it properly. You ...gotta wear the dress.
[Frazie] Yes! As long as you wear the suit. Let's get changed! (Grabs Norma and Drags her towards her room.)
[Norma] Be right back, guys! You better get the music ready.
[Lizzie] (Laughs) Oh, she's excited now. (Pause) Hmmm, swing dancing ...didn't Millie say she wanted to try that? (Shrugs) Oh well, you only live once. I'll text Mills about that later. (Grins) Right now, we've got a show to prepare for.
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horce-divorce · 2 months
I think that anon belied a common misconception among many well-meaning people, too, that is actually worth addressing, wrt my donation posts: I DONT usually get money from strangers, and I DONT put those posts up with any expectations at all! Sometimes they don't work! Sometimes we get nothing for weeks on end, or just $5 here and there, and we go a month without everything that we need, and we make do with what we can find anyway.
But the thing is, when I do put up a post and I ask for money, I'm NOT asking strangers. I have a TON of connections near & far that I talk to online. I'm putting out a call to all of my friends, giving them an update, and saying, "hey if any of you is better off right now, we could use a hand!" often my friends are no better off than me, and they can't help. that's fine! Its hard times for everyone! that's why I know they don't begrudge me for asking.
In fact, a lot of my friends send me money WITHOUT me asking!! one of my IRL friends has learned to recognize when I need more help and I'm playing it down. They gave me $60 just recently, after I waffled for hours about taking their money, and finally told them I could get by the rest of the week on $30-50. Another friend, someone I've known since we were toddlers, sent me $80 out of the blue several months ago just bc she missed us and was thinking of us, and she had a little extra. Last time we talked to her, I mentioned how our food stamps got cut, & we'd be out for another week. She venmo'd me $30 labeled "pizza tears" before we even got off the phone (which I think was hilarious fwiw). A different friend recently heard that Bel and I wanted to go on a date to taco bell, and when I said we could do it for under $20, she gave me $50 and said "make sure you get the cinnabons!!!" Another friend bought me winter boots and socks this year as soon as i said i didnt have any- THE best, warmest, cosiest socks I've ever owned. Last year, one (1) of my tumblr mutuals covered my ENTIRE cost of post-op care for top surgery. I said "I'll probably need $$$" and they covered all of it! That same person has bought me groceries, meds, and gas on many other occasions, too. All of these people are folks I've known for years either thru tumblr or IRL.
Very occasionally, it's a newer mutual or even a stranger. One time, when I was still on Twitter and very early in my transition, I said something about how gender affirming my old high school Chuck Taylor's were and how I missed them so. My mutual from another COUNTRY immediately sent me $60 for gender affirming Chuck Taylor's. I haven't spoken to that person since Twitter went south, sadly. If youre still out there, I named my shoes after you, Bergamot & Jones, and I think of you every time I step outside. Another time, a guy who wasn't even my mutual sent me a bunch of binders and boxers for free. Sometimes even my old coworkers from my mall days pop up out of the woodwork and send me 20 bucks or something.
I have more stories like this. Not even just about money. Like that guy who saw me pop a flat tire in the mall parking lot and insisted on changing it for me.
I actually also never feel guilty about asking for what I need, or accepting it, and you shouldn't either. I don't like this idea that you need to grovel and be exactly This self-flagellating and full of hatred and remorse to ride and earn one (1) morsel of kindness. What do I look like, a Catholic? You dont have to apologize for wanting to stay alive. You didn't ask to be born, and you weren't the one that put a price on living!
You know what I do instead? Pay it forward. Yes, I ebeg often, yet I, too, will sometimes send $5, $10, $30 to people I care about whenever we wind up with a little extra. You can't save money as a poor person anyway, it doesn't work, so why cling to my last few pennies when someone else could use it right now? I've watched Bel give away his last $5 to a different homeless person twice since we've been living in the car. One time we stayed and had dinner with the guy and his dog. He was a hitchhiker named Ray and he was SO interesting to talk to.
There are studies that show that the most generous people when it comes to donating are NOT the people with the most money. It's the poorest ppl in the community who have been or are in your shoes, and who know how you feel, who pitch in when you need it most. Hence the community $20. The idea that panhandlers are expecting something from well-off strangers who can't empathize with us is like... kinda silly lmao, we know most of those ppl hate our fucking guts and want us dead, actually. (Are rich ppl really just that threatened by the idea of sharing that they see someone going "help please (generally speaking)!" And they immediately go "ugh, ME????? How dare you ask ME specifically for MY hard earned money?????" Idk it kinda tracks.)
I also use a jovial tone in a lot of my posts because I have to ask for help a lot, and it gets tiring to everyone to constantly hear "I'm soooo sorry for being such a needy piece of GARBAGE, AGAIN, I really hate that i have to do this, but..." because that's just The Friend Who Is Apogizing For Breathing. That doesn't feel good to hear any more than it does to say, no one likes that. And yes SOME people DO want you to feel that way about needing help- but its not going to be the people who will help you, I promise you that. Also, think about what you're saying when you talk about yourself like that. Why are you garbage? Because the cost of living is too high? Because your boss doesn't pay you a living wage? Because your landlord wrings you dry? Because you can't afford your meds or food? How is any of that actually about you at all? How does being hungry and wanting to live make you garbage???
Deeply unfortunately, you also tend to get more attention with a chipper tone and a preemtive "thank you" instead of an "oh God oh God oh God I'm so sorry I'm so fucking sorry, fuck!!!!" I also won't imply urgency where there isn't any. Sometimes we DO need money asap and it's like, we'll literally be stranded in the woods with no food if we don't get it. But other times, we need money, but like, we have time to figure it out. I save the urgency for the times I really need it.
Instead I focus on the positive: I DO have a lot of friends who care about me, all over, and even strangers who care about me, too! Those people have been keeping my ass alive for YEARS! They shouldn't have to do that! I shoudlnt have to beg to continue to use my own organs! But also, how cool are my friends for being the realest commies I know??? They're not going to just let me die out here. Why would I be sad about that? Why would I feel bad about people caring about me and wanting to see me pull through? Why would I apologize for proving that the human loving spirit is in fact alive and well? In the times when there IS less urgency, I think it's just nicer to my friends to make a lighter hearted post once in a while- you know, for the ones constantly seeing this stuff and helping me out. I think it's nice to acknowledge them in a positive way, instead of always being like "god im do sorry that im STILL BREATHING, i know you guys HATE that!!!"
Like. Idk if this is making sense. Remember that post where the person was telling their partner, "I'm just so worried that you'll think I'm stupid and want me to shut up," and their partner said, "Thats kind of mean, I wish you wouldn't think of me that way"? It's like that. If your friends and mutuals wanted you to shut up and die and feel guilty for living, they wouldn't be sharing your posts or donating to you, and it's kind of... mean? To get off on that foot. It's like we expect people to only help us begrudgingly. Thats not true at all! Donation posts are optional. Most people who reply to them do so because they're in a position to help and they WANT to, because it makes them feel good.
It's thanks to my friends that I am still alive to make all these delightful posts for them to read. They want me to stay alive because they like having me around. So i try to continue to be that presence in exchange for their love and suppport, and yes, i will incorporate that into my posts asking for help, especially if its a less time-sensitive ask. Idk like, re-framing a situation and focusing on the positive is a basic coping skill from many types of therapy and I hate to say this but it really is good for you. (Also fwiw I try to always say "thank you" to every individual who sends me money, each and every time. Sometimes they don't let me send messages back thru the pay apps, and sometimes I forget, but I try to every time.)
Plus, damn near EVERYONE needs help right now! Poverty and income inequality and chronic houslessness and chronic ILLNESS are all at ALL TIME HIGHS. Pre-covid 25% of the population was disabled. I wonder what it will look like next time we get a handle on those numbers?
So just to be clear, again: I don't expect donations to pull us out of poverty! If that were realistic, it would have already happened, ive been doing this for a decade. I don't expect strangers to have a stake in our situation, either. All either of us want is to be able to keep living our lives as best as we can for as long as we can- and a lot of our friends, and other people, DO sympathize with that. That's a point of pride for the community I've chosen for myself. I refuse to feel guilty about surrounding myself with caring, wonderful people who actually read my posts. That sounds like a pretty big win for me actually lmao.
AND I refuse to feel guilty and self-deprecating over circumstances that are out of my control and don't actually weigh on my character whatsoever. Being disabled isn't a character flaw. Being unemployable bc of my symptoms isn't something that's "wrong" with ME. Being homeless during an ALL TIME RECORD HIGH of homelessness ISNT something thats "wrong" with "me," and it's not something I would want anyone else to feel guilty over, either! These things don't determine who I am as a person or the impact I have on the people around me. Clearly I continue to have a positive impact and be a good friend, or asking my friends for help wouldnt be keeping me alive. I simply don't have enough followers to get that much money from strangers lol. And I have more followers than a lot of people (around 1500 currently).
So yeah, this is to everyone else who's ever felt horrifically guilty for asking for help online or otherwise: even if you dont have a lot of connections and you ARE asking for help from strangers, needing one another isnt a character flaw! The people who care will WANT to help anyway, period. It makes people feel good to know they can help. And yes it does make people feel better to hear a "thank you! we are still alive and happy to be here!" Over a "fuck God I'm so sorry I'm still alive and burdening you all so with my high cost of breathing!!!!" I'm so sorry that you have to have a body! Me, too, bud. It's rough, but it's gonna be ok.
Anyway needing help is morally neutral. Now im just thinking about the way the upper class has poor people at each other's throats for the perceived "selfishness" of needing help- because in a world where you are constantly burnt out from work, and the value of a dollar is so horribly out of proportion to the effort it takes to earn, sharing that hard-won effort with anyone else does sometimes feel like too much. Im thinking about the way hoarding wealth & resources & keeping them behind paywalls is seen not only as morally superior but a sign of objective intelligence and life skills, vs how the way sharing is construed as foolishness, the way needing help to stay alive is construed as greed, while the upper class that literally stays healthy and youthful and thrives on the blood, sweat and tears of the lower class gets to pat themselves on the back for being morally superior, individualist, and "not needing anyone." Kinda makes me sick when I put it like that!
Anyway. Again, needing help is morally neutral, especially in this economy, and I refuse to hate myself for circumstances that aren't my fault and for having people in my life who are invested in me and want to see me pull through. Everyone deserves friends like that, and I hope you find them.
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blindedguilt · 2 months
You seem like the kinda person that would make a shrine website for leonard and I love that <3
//I meant to get to this when it was posted but the squeal i sqeulled when i saw it I SHOULD TOTALLY DO THAT FJDJDNDNCJSKSK
//i made an alt that's pretty much just sharing pictures of him and like a million BLOGS already but a website??? hmmmm....
//I don't know much about HTML or CSS (ccs???) In general (Pathetic for my age, I know) but I WANT TO NOW SO BADDDDD OMG
//i know spacehey is a pretty good place to start.... they have ppl who are REALLY talented so maybe I can run a Leonard fan-blog there???? But omggggg it's SUCH an amazing thought he deserves it sm I love you anon and I love this idea THANK YOUUUUU fhdjsndbcjsksns QWQ❤️💖💗💞💘💗❣️💕🩷💝💗💕💓‼️ if i ever do I'll have to share it on this blog and my alt ficjdndnd honestly such a wonderful idea................... putting that up with my Drakengard confessions blog idea since!!!! Fellow Leonard fans need a place to go (and i NEED to find some to talk to since a lot exist!!!! But very few will willingly come out the woodwork for obvious reasons unfortunately as I've learned :( its hard out there for us) I've considered a lot of things INCLUDING a server but unfortunately i suck with those so im like "nope" lol
//plus he has his own dating sim i should hopefully be playing soon, and unfortunately while screenshots aren't allowed (Quotes are though!!!) I'd LOVE to make a review on it, I played the trial half-ironically thinking it'd be moderately funny since the premise was so insane, BUT OH MY GODDDDDD the non-gag route is actually REALLY sweet im not even kidding hhhhh
//I love this little hermit so much <3 wonderful suggestion anon and I'm so honoured u would think that fhdjsndbcjsksns
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sanversandfriends · 1 year
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One way to spark a writer's enthusiasm about a WIP is the promise of accompanying fan art. Not only is it exciting to see your story brought to life, but to paraphrase @Morganastorm24, even a small shift in perspective can inspire you to take a wildly different approach. Today, she'll share some of her inspirations along with advice on how to get started or unstuck.
Tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been creating fan art? What were some of your first subjects and what ships/characters in the SG universe have you illustrated?
I mentioned in my writing answers that I've been doing it for as long as I can remember, and the same applies with art. I'm generally a very creative person - writing, drawing, crafting - you name it, I'll happily do it. 
I inherited my creativity from my grandparents, or so I'm told. My grandfather used to drive buses back in the 50s and 60s and on his breaks he'd park up somewhere and sit and sketch his surroundings. For no reason other than he wanted to and liked doing it. He also enjoyed woodwork and crafting miniature models of things out of wood. He built me my very first dolls house and I helped him to decorate it and furnish it with miniature furniture.
My grandmother was a seamstress for the theatre and made all the costumes for various productions. She'd sketch the designs out first, and then sew all the costumes by hand. She was also a writer, though she kept her stuff very private, because it was a hobby for her but not one that she felt comfortable enough to share. Sometimes, I can understand why, because I feel the same. Growing up, I loved spending time with both of them because they shared their skills with me. 
What are your favorite mediums to work with?
Photoshop is a big favourite of mine, because you can do pretty much anything, so long as you can find the right images to merge together. I also love using pro-markers and other comic book markers.  What kinds of scenes do you enjoy illustrating? Do you have any favorite tropes or themes? Imagery that you like to work with?
I love to do anything, as long as I have a clear vision of it in my mind (when using photoshop), or I have an image I can use as a reference (when I'm drawing by hand). The only thing I can successfully draw freehand without any reference is a horse (my lifelong love of the animals showing through there). When I worked in a children's nursery, we often drew large images for the kids to decorate which would then be displayed on the walls. I was always the one who ended up drawing said images, and to be honest I loved it. When I left that job to start my current one, I was gifted two of the last things I'd drawn - the rose from Beauty and the Beast, and the Coca Cola Christmas Truck. I've kept them to this day, and they're in a protective folder in storage. 
Any advice for aspiring fan artists?
One thing I learned in art lessons when I was at school (and it has stuck with me to this day), is that if you're struggling to draw something, change the perspective. My art teacher told us the following story about a disabled man, and I've tried and tested this method myself. It really does work!
A young man in a wheelchair was asked to draw his wheelchair. He hated the thing, saw it as a hindrance that cut him off from everything that he'd been able to do before he was confined to it. It was a reminder of his past life and everything he had lost, so when he tried to draw it, he was full of anger and resentment, and eventually threw his pencil down in frustration, declaring that he couldn't do it.
Instead of giving up on him, his teacher took the wheelchair, turned it upside down and told him to try again, but don't draw it as a whole. See the individual shapes and draw those. Focus on one shape at a time. So the young man did. He drew what he could see - circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, cylinders - and when the teacher took his piece of paper and turned it round, he had drawn a wheelchair.  All because changing the perspective of the subject and breaking it down into basic shapes had made his brain approach the task differently.  So if you're ever stuck on something and you don't know how to move forward, or do what needs to be done, try looking at it from a different angle. It could be literal, like turning the chair upside down, or it could be figurative, like seeing a circle instead of a wheel, a tube instead of a handle, that sort of thing. Change the perspective and you might just surprise yourself.
Thanks for sharing with us, Morgana--and for making us continue to swoon over Alex!
And Maggie!
And Lena!
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 8 months
Ok, I am always a sucker for stories about teachers, so if you feel comfortable... could you share some more about your fourth grade teacher? I am just curious and I feel like you got some stories!
Sure, I'll try my best. "Try my best", because I literally think I have repressed so much of the trauma she endured me, which I will get into later.
So, teachers. In retrospect, many teachers you realize eventually weren't actually that bad, you were just a kid who didn't really get them. But there were some ones that were really bad. And this one, even my parents disliked. And if other adults disliked them, then you KNOW they are bad.
Fourth grade. In fourth grade we had a homeroom teacher, who taught a majority of the school subjects. The only other teachers we had besides her was a P.E techer, two teachers for sewing and woodwork respectively, and one for science/chemistry (at this grade, science and chemistry were essentially in the same lesson plan and didn't become two separate classes until like 6th/7th grade). The science/chemistry teacher was the homeroom teacher for the other fourth grade class, and I think they really got the short end of the stick. We only had this teacher for 3 days a week, and they had her for all the other subjects...
Here name was Therese. Now, I wasn't the biggest fan of Therese from the start. She had this loud, high pitched voice which... I guess you kinda have to have when working with children, but her voice was the kind of "I am on the verge of getting a mental breakdown at any point" one. She also had the same, blank stare no matter her emotions. I never saw her happy. She never looked angry either, even when she was angry. She was like a badly generated npc with the same facial expression and blank stare.
Now, my class was... the disruptive and loud one. I literally cannot imagine if Therese was our homeroom teacher. Our current homeroom teacher had her limits with us, but she was a very patient and caring teacher. If we'd have Therese... I honestly am not sure what would have happened. Either she'd get our class to be super behaved or we'd drive her further into insanity. But what I can remember from seeing her 3 days a week was that we sort of... felt unsteady around her. We didn't really know what it was around her, but I felt like no one really dared to do much... especially what went down with her.
For example: If we were done with what we were supposed to do, this conversation happened with her every time:
Student: I am done. Therese, for some reason saying this loudly to the entire class: You are NEVER done! Every time you finish something, you should begin with the next thing. Student: What's the next thing? Therese: You should know this, because I said it. Student: But I don't know. Therese: YOU SHOULD KNOW, GO BACK TO YOUR SEAT AND CONTINUE WITH WORK!
Now, I know she did this to other students too. I just remember what she did to me the most, since, well...
We were going to do some scientific experiments. And thus, Therese wrote "Experiment" on the board. Except, she forgot the t at the end, only writing "Experimen". Now, in school, there were many subjects I wasn't too good at. I struggled with math, I was not good at P.E, and even science and chemistry I really could not get into. But spelling and reading? 9 year old me was QUEEN at that. And I knew from experience, that whenever a student corrected a teacher's spelling, they were always replied with "thank you for noticing!". It encouraged us to keep learning to spell and read right (it sounds like this was a regular occurrence lol - of course not, but whenever it did happen, the teachers we've had beforehand complimented us for noticing the grammar mistake). So, wanting to show myself a good student that paid attention, I raised my hand. "You forgot the t at the end."
There was a silence. Therese looked at me. Her blank stare got through my soul. Then she very slowly took a breath, before replying:
"I think it's very impolite for someone to say something like that. If you keep doing that, I'll kick you out of class."
Being 9 years old and hearing this... I felt super bad. I never wanted her to react like that. I wanted to do the opposite - I wanted to be polite and show that I paid attention to what she was writing on the board. Now I am impolite? What else am I doing that I think is nice but people don't think is? What if everyone is secretly offended by every single thing that I say even if I always want to be nice?
Now, I know now when I am older that it can be a bit tedious to have someone correct your spelling. But when you're that age, and your only experience is getting encouraged and complimented for pointing grammar mistakes out, especially by teachers, of course you don't expect a teacher to answer like that.
Needless to say, from that day on, I was always walking on eggshells with Therese. I barely dared to ask for help sometimes, in case she'd blow up in my face and call me rude for asking. But one day... I really needed help. Here is when the repressed parts come in, because I cannot remember what exactly happened, what I said or if I said something odd - all I can remember was that I didn't know what to do, tried asking for help, and she had the usual "you should know" talk, and I believe I replied something like "No, I don't know, and I would like your help". This caused her to just scream in my face. I don't remember what, I don't remember the context, but she screamed at me like I was a disruptive student, and 10 year old me felt incredibly unsettled. I just remember in that moment that I wanted to cry, because I just didn't know what I was doing wrong, and why she was so mad at me. But crying in class is literally the most embarrassing thing you can do. So, I tried to prevent the tears from coming. Therese started to have some speech to the whole class about some science stuff, and then she glanced at me, and just said out loud: "ARE YOU CRYING?! WHY?" (Because of you, bitch) I didn't want anyone to see me cry, or have any attention on me. Especially because, if you cried in this class, people bullied you for it. Seriously, I had been crying the year prior for a thing and still now some people came up to me and was like "haha remember when you CRIED?". So I replied that no, I was not crying, I just got some dirt in my eye. Therese was like "ok, can you go to the bathroom and put water on your eyes then?" and I said no. We then moved on.
But I told my parents when I got home about this, and they told me that I needed to tell Therese tomorrow that I had been feeling bad due to her. They had been hearing stories about her from me before, and knew I wasn't too fond of her. But hearing I started crying because of her made them think maybe I should communicate to her. So I did.
And surprisingly, Therese took that chill. She actually went "I understand, and I did see you were sad yesterday." But, then she added, "And by the way, back some months ago when you were correcting me on my spelling? I wasn't mad because you corrected my spelling, I was mad because you had a very grumpy tone when you said it."
It's hard for me to say. I just remember from my own POV. I recall I just told her in my normal tone of voice. Of course, if I would have turned back time and checked on myself, maybe I actually sounded like the world's grumpiest person? Also, I told this to one of my friends in class and she said that she did not find me to sound grumpy at all when this occurred. It's also like... ok, so if I had a happy-go-lucky tone of voice then it would've been ok? What counts as "grumpy" to you, Therese?
When I started fifth grade, we were moved to a new school, but all the students from our previous one still had P.E at this school. Which meant that, one time when I had been changing clothes after class, Therese came inside with the third graders, which she now was the homeroom teacher of. That was the last time I ever saw her.
Then I found out she was not allowed to teach at the school anymore. I have no idea what happened, but if she could just traumatize me from having her 3 times a week, I have no idea how she could be for the ones she had every day.
When telling these stories, I feel like they were rather tame, but it could be both because I have a distance to them now, and because I know that there were probably kids who had way worse experiences with her, especially those who had her every day. I sometimes wonder "what if she was actually pretty decent and I was just a dumb kid?" Well... if she ended up not being allowed to teach anymore, I think there was something going on with her. And even if it weren't, she had a very unstable temper that really does not fit with young children.
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cookinguptales · 1 year
Tarot reading please! ❣️
Sure thing!
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(Two of Cups, Nine of Swords, Seven of Cups (reversed) (Shiitake, Bleeding Fairy Helmet, Green Elf Cup)
PLEASE indulge me because when I read these mushroom descriptions I immediately had to google a couple of them because?? What the heck???
booklet: "bleeding fairy helmet mushrooms 'bleed' when cut" me: WHAT
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bro, you are not wrong!!!
And the green elf cup apparently infects the wood around it and stains it a blue-green that is prized in woodworking?
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I want something... made out of this wood... That's so fucking cool...
Sorry, sorry, I'll get back to my part of this, which is the nerd-ass tarot stuff. I'm learning a lot about mushrooms tonight, though. lmao
Hmm, okay, okay, okay. Kind of an interesting combination here.
To start with, the Two of Cups is generally about a new partnership of some kind. Maybe a new lover, maybe a new friend, maybe a new creative and/or business partner. The key here is that things are good, and this is a person you can connect with. The two of you are very much on the same wavelength and work together well.
Then we have the Nine of Swords, which is a sword of despair, anxiety, and nightmares. This is not necessarily a card that says that things will go wrong. Instead, this is a card about the things that are plaguing your mind. They can be realistic fears. They can be unrealistic ones. They're both stacking up beside your bed just like these swords, though, ready to crash down at any time and hurt you.
The point of the Nine of Swords is really that it's easy to spiral about these anxieties, and it might be good to reach out and ask for help.
I think this is really just underlined by getting a reversed Seven of Cups after this. The Seven of Cups is about fantasies and occasionally getting lost in a fantasy world; when reversed, it's about coming back down to earth, looking at your options frankly, and making difficult choices based in reality.
It can be a harsh card, but I think this time it's actually being gentle with you. Seeing a card about escaping from sometimes harmful fantasies right next to a card about being consumed with those anxieties and having nightmares as a result seems to indicate to me that this spread is advising you not to get too in your own head about your fears, well-founded or otherwise. The best thing you can do is assess risks as realistically as possible and make your choices based on that, not on the fear you feel consuming you.
You aren't alone. The Two of Cups tells me that. I just don't know if this relationship will give you an outlet to talk about these fears, or if it's anxieties over the relationship itself that are upsetting you. Either way, I advise you to reach out to someone who loves you before it gets too bad.
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