#i'm gonna go back to properly doing image ids i swear
captain-hen · 1 year
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[Image Description: 8 gifs from 9-1-1, season 5, of Eddie Diaz Gif 1: From episode 2, Desperate Times, Buck has just said to Eddie, “That’s not the way you talk about someone you’re in love with.” Eddie replies, frustrated, “My kid loves her.” The shot shifts to Buck, who retorts, looking angry, “Is that enough?” Gif 2: From episode 3, Desperate Measures, a shot of Eddie leaning against the fridge, Ana’s silhouette in the periphery of the shot. Eddie looks guilty as he admits, “I thought it would work. I did. The idea of us. Chris loves you so much, I just thought...” The shot shifts to Ana, with tears in her eyes as she finishes, “Eventually you would, too?” Gif 3: From episode 6, Brawl In Cell Block 9-1-1, in the ambulance with Mitchell, who has just said about his son, “He’s not like that, though, he’s a good kid. Nothing like me.”, Eddie replies, “So you think saving him, what, redeems you?” Mitchell admits, “Me dying and him living would maybe make the world a better place.” Gif 4: From episode 10, Wrapped in Red, a shot of Eddie with tears in his eyes. Carla has just said, “I know that your job is important. Not just to the people you save, but to you.” Eddie replies, “But is it more important than my kid feeling safe when he closes his eyes at night?” Gif 5: From episode 11, Outside Looking In, Chris and Eddie are talking at night in the kitchen, Chris has just asked Eddie why he quit firefighting. Eddie replies, “I thought you wanted me to stop.” The shot shifts to Chris, who replies firmly, “I never said that.” Gif 6: From episode 13, Fear-O-Phobia, Eddie is listening pensively to Frank after Frank said that he knows that Eddie worries about Chris’ well bell-being, and Eddie asks if that’s a bad thing now, Frank goes on to say, “Not at all. I just wonder if you worry about your own well-being.” Gif 7: From episode 14, Dumb Luck, after Chris asks Eddie if he’s one of the things that makes him sad, Eddie hugs Chris tight and holds him with a conflicted and sad look on his face as he replies, “Never.” Gif 8: From episode 17, Hero Complex, with tears in his eyes, Eddie responds to his father asking if he’s gonna be better for Christopher’s sake by shaking his head and saying, “For myself.” /End ID]
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With All Your Heart - Part 3
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"Jesus Y/N where is your head at today?" Nat scolded you as she knocked you on my ass for the 100th time in the past hour.
"In the gutter Nat where else" you smirk at her, it wasn't a lie! All you kept thinking about was Bucky!! How nice it was waking up in his arms.... how you wanted more!
"We need to get you laid girl!" Nat laughed holding her hand out to help you up off the floor.
"I know right!" You admitted whilst grabbing your towel from the side and wiping the sweat from your brow "I've got all this pent up energy i need to get out of my system.... even being in here aint helping! Especially when we've got half naked super soldiers standing across from us" you nod in the direction of where Steve and Bucky were working out in just a pair of shorts, both doing weights and making the most sexual grunting noises you have ever heard in a gym!!
"Is it just me or are those grunting noises...."
"Sounding very sexual??" She finished and nodded her head "its not just you"
"Oh thank god" you laughed and caught the attention of the two grunting soldiers.
"You ladies okay?" Steve called over sitting up on the bench.
"Peachy Cap" you called back while turning your back to them to hide your laughing.
"You sure?? You seem to find something quite amusing"
"Its nothing Steve, just girl talk" Nat winked at him as you both walked over to the treadmills.
"Well if you need anything we'd be happy to assist you" he said politely and Nat and you both burst out laughing before starting a quick paced jog on the treadmills.
"What??" You hear Steve ask as he walked over to us, he wanted to know what was going on now. Bucky was looking over curious to what we were talking about.
"The kinda help she needs is a little outta your job description Steve"
"Natasha!!" You snap shaking your head at her, the woman had no filter sometimes.
"Oh.... oh you mean...."
"Sex Steven, you can say it. Its not a bad word" Nat said teasing him at how uncomfortable he looked.
"Nat leave him alone" you say hitting the stop button and slowly coming to a stop.
"Steve can you help me stretch, if i don't do it properly I'm gonna cramp like a bitch later"
"S..sure" he nodded quickly with a smile and walked over to the mats. He led you through some basic stretches, then he was kneeling between your legs pushing one back towards your chest a little further than you could manage on my own. It felt so good you let out a quiet moan and instantly felt your cheeks flush red "you okay?" Steve asked looking concerned, you nod quickly and laughed nervously "yeah I'm fine, that just felt really good"
"Oh my god get a room you two" Nat laughed as she walked passed.
"Nat i swear to god I'm gonna kick your ass you keep on" you called after your best friend.
"You don't stand a chance while that mind of yours is in the gutter Stark!"
"Shes right" you huff throwing your arm over your eyes dramatically.
"That we should get a room??" Steve asked wide eyed making you laugh.
"No, about me not standing a chance while my mind is in the gutter" you sat up and tapped him on the arm "don't worry cap i wont corrupt you".
"Maybe id corrupt you" he shrugged casually "how would you know??"
"Fair point" you smirked getting to your feet "id be too much for you to handle though Cap" you say patting his chest and walking out.
"See ya later Buck" you smile sweetly at him as you passed.
"What the hell was that about??" Bucky asked Steve once they were alone, Steve shook his head looking just as confused as Bucky.
"I have no idea!!"
"Was you coming onto her??"
"I.... i don't think so"
"Well do you like her?"
"Of course i like her"
"You know what i mean!"
"I don't know Buck, i think i just got caught in the moment" he shrugged then looked at his best friend with wide eyes "wait... do YOU like her??"
"W..what.... no of course not" he said quickly but the red blush that crossed his face said he did.
"Bucky you can tell me pal, I'm not going to judge you. It will stay between us i promise" Steve said to his friend, now he thought about it he couldn't believe he didn't see it sooner.
"So what if i do like her Steve?? Y/N will never see me like that" he said sadly.
"How do you know that?? You haven't even given her a chance"
"Come on man if shes into anyone its you! She's always so open and flirty with you. Don't think i haven't noticed the way shes so comfortable around you, the touches between you"
"Maybe shes trying to see if she gets a reaction from you when shes close with me. You were always so stand offish with her.... she didn't think you liked her pal"
"She makes me nervous okay!" Bucky suddenly snapped "i don't know how to act around her! And then she was always sitting there talking about all these terrible dates she was going on.... i couldn't stay and listen to her talk about being with other guys, so id just leave the room"
"Well then maybe you should ask to take her out yourself??" Steve smirked.
"She'd never say yes to me Steve" Bucky said dropping his head sadly.
"Well you better make your move pal, that girl is needing some attention and she'll go on more of those ridiculous dates to get it" he slapped Bucky on the back and went to go take a shower.
After the show put on by the super soldiers in the gym and having Steve between your legs while stretching you were super horny! On the way back to your rooms Nat had suggested a girls night which you instantly agreed to. Now you were in the shower with your vibrator trying to relieve some of the sexual tension you were experiencing before going out. Your breathing was heavy as you felt yourself start to clench tighter.... your mind replaying the images of a shirtless Bucky and those amazing grunting noises he had been making. It was enough to send you over the edge and let out a loud moan as your free hand grabbed hold of the wall to steady your wobbly legs.
"Fucking hell" you sighed closing your eyes and trying to catch your breath, this was getting ridiculous! It was then you heard a knocking at your door "just a second" you call out quickly turning off the shower and grabbing a towel, you wrap it around yourself and make your way through your room to open the door.
"Oh.... S..sorry!" Bucky stuttered looking away from you when he saw you in just a towel.
"Its okay Buck" you say smiling up at him "whats up?"
"I just... i thought we could talk"
"Id love that, really i would but I'm getting ready to go out for girls night with Nat and Wanda"
"Oh okay never mind... it was just an idea..." he said looking flustered at you rejecting his offer.
"Hey, how about tomorrow morning? We can go to that diner down the street that you like, Just you and me?" You offer and he smiles instantly.
"Yeah id like that" he nodded "have a nice night" he gave you a smile before making his way back to his room.
You chose to wear a tight fitted burgundy dress (that didn't leave too much to the imagination but made you feel sexy) and a pair of black heals, your hair was curled loosely and your make up natural looking with a slight smokey eye. You were ready for a night out with your girls and you felt good about yourself!
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You head out to the kitchen to meet Nat and Wanda. Wanda was already out there waiting for us like usual making some drinks before we started our night.
"Y/N dear?" Tony said looking at you over the papers he was reading.
"yes brother?" You say in a tone that warned him you were not in the mood for his witty comments, of course that didnt stop him.
"Did you loose half of that dress??" He asked, making you instantly roll your eyes "i mean your almost exposing your....." he waved his hand over his groin area.
"Im perfectly covered, you cant see anything" you assured him.
"Im just saying you could have picked a dress with a bit more material to it sweetheart"
"I bet Nats is worse than mine and you wont say a word to her"
"Like i said before Nat is not my baby sister"
"Tony im not a baby anymore you dont have to worry about me"
"You will aways be my baby sister and i will always worry about you" he stated simply "im sorry kid but i cant just turn that off".
"Jesus christ...."
Came the voices of Steve and Bucky as they walked in and saw what you were wearing.
"Oh god your gonna give these old men a heart attack walking around dressed like that Y/N" Tony commented.
"Well i think she looks hot" Wanda smiled hooking her arm through yours and giving you a smile.
"She does! You both do!" Steve nodded
"Hey dont forget about me!" Nat said as she strolled in to join us finally.
"You all look stunning"
"Thank you Steve, we do look pretty hot tonight ladies" Nat said as she pushed the drinks Wanda had made towards us "drink up and lets get this party started!!"
You, Nat and Wanda down your drinks and start to get ready to leave, Bucky had walked over to get a bottle of water from the fridge behind you and as you was about to leave he leaned in and quietly said "you look real nice doll" with a killer smile that made your insides turn to mush. You feel your cheeks burn but wasn't sure if it was from your drink or Bucky's compliment!!
"Thanks Buck" you reply quickly following the girls out before you make a complete idiot of yourself in front of Bucky.
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