#i'm writing this really late so i don't really have much energy rn ;-;
noxtivagus · 2 years
oh wow running in the dark is already one of my top all time songs ><
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iliketangerines · 2 months
Good day Tangerine, I hope you're doing well. Sorry if I have many requests for you, I hope it isn't too much of a bother. But I really love your writing and I was hoping you'd be fine with writing fluff?
With a reader who's struggling with her classes to the point that she's going to flunk because that subject is weighing her grades down. Still, she hides this and tries to study harder with her own but can't understand it. When Bi-Han catches her staying up late one night, crying, he offers to teach her.
At first, he's like your typical strict Asian mother who would snap when you don't understand, but when you begin to tear up, he realizes that being rough won't help you and tries to teach you softly. Turns out all you need is practice and patience.
just need some patience
a/n: i'm imagining like a teenager bi han who's still training to be grandmaster rn
pairing: bi han x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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Bi Han usually isn’t up at this hour, late at night and wandering the compound
for some odd reason, he can’t fall asleep and had tried to stay as still as possible to try and trick his body into going to sleep
but it hadn’t worked and so now he was heading to the training rooms to try and work out some of the energy when he passes by the library
no one else should be awake at this hour, and yet the light was on
Bi Han stalls for a moment, wondering if he should go in and see who’s there or just worry about himself
his curiosity wins out, and he finds you at a desk, back bent and feverishly scribbling something onto a scroll
you’re in one of his classes with one of the masters, usually sitting in the front and furiously taking notes as they go over the lesson for the day
he walks over to you silent, and you don’t even notice, too absorbed with what you’re trying to learn, and he recognizes it as the homework one of the masters at the Lin Kuei had assigned today
you write feverishly and have no idea he stands right in front of you until Bi Han squints at something you wrote and says that you got it wrong
the chair nearly tips over with how you jump out of your seat, but you place a hand over your chest and let out a wheeze as you say that he had scared you
he scoffs at you ready to give you a quick retort, but then you press him further about what you got wrong, nearly jumping out of your seat and over the table
Bi Han raises an eyebrow at you, wasn’t it obvious?
pointing at where you made the error, he explains that you should’ve done this instead and takes the pencil from your hand and writes it down
your eyes narrow in confusion, and in a meek voice, you ask him to explain why what you had done was wrong
this was stupid, and he didn’t really want to be here right now
stepping back toward the exit of the library, Bi Han tells you it’s self-explanatory and goes to blow off some steam in the gym, but then you grip onto his arm tightly
he has to fight all instincts to flip you onto your back and crush your bones, but you fall to your knees with a loud thump as you continue holding his hand and start to beg for him to teach you
you’re failing this class, and at this rate, you’re pretty sure that master at the Lin Kuei hates you because of how close you are to flunking
you need to pass this class to continue on with your training at the Lin Kuei, so could you please please please teach you
your eyes are wet and sad, and Bi Han feels like he’s looking at a kicked cat that was sitting in the rain all day as your lower lip starts to tremble as you try not to cry
letting out a frustrated breath, Bi Han rolls his eyes and agrees, and you start to thank him profusely
he just picks you up the scruff of your neck and drags you over back to your seat and sits down in the chair and starts to explain to you what you were doing wrong
you’re slow, so much slower than him, and he doesn’t understand why you just don’t get it
his voice grows shorter, snappier, as you get the following problems wrong over and over again, and his patience snaps, hissing at you and asking why you can’t figure this out like everyone else
you flinch backwards, and your voice wobbles as you try to explain that it just didn’t make sense, that you just can’t figure it out
Bi Han sees how tears start to well up in the corner of your eyes, and he realizes how he’s completely distracted you from learning
he takes a deep breath, collecting his mind for a few moments, and mutters out a quick apology to you before going back to the problems
maybe explaining the problem and method in a different way would help you better, and so he formulates a plan, tapping the pencil against the table as he thinks
he writes a few practice problems for you off the top of his head and hopes they make sense, and he walks through them with you
your wipe your tears away and go through them slowly and thoroughly, learning each step and going through the problems quicker and more confident with every solved question
a few hours later, you had finished the homework with flying colors, and Bi Han felt a sense of pride well up in his stomach
was this what it felt like to lead others? perhaps training to become grandmaster wasn’t so bad after all
the sun barely peeks over the horizon,and Bi Han realizes that the both of you have stayed up all night in the library
but you give him a big grin, and you wrap your arms around him tightly, hugging him before scurrying off with your schoolwork back to your quarters to wash up and squeeze in a quick nap
he sits in the library in silence, trying to process the action, and his cheeks heat up as he thinks of how your chest pressed against his
shaking away the thought, Bi Han goes off to his quarters to freshen up and get ready for the day, but he goes through the rest of the day with a smile on his face, thinking of how you had smiled at him
perhaps he would have to continue your late-night tutoring sessions
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hobiebrownismygod · 8 months
PAVITR, i need more hcs, analysis… whatever you like tbh, i just love the way you write about Spider-Verse characters
Aww, thank you!
I love writing about Pavitr, I wish he was real so bad
I can write headcanons, but for the analysis part, I think I've gone over most of what I can think of 😭 If anyone has any ideas for scenes or anything you want me to research about him, let me know and I'll fs cook up some posts, but for now the creativity is on a down low :/.
Anyway here are some Pavitr headcanons that I absolutely adore!
Pavitr Prabhakar/Spider-man India Headcanons!:
I always headcanon him as of South Indian descent
Basically, I like to think he was a small town boy from either Andrapradesh (no I'm not projecting) or Tamil Nadu
And he moved to Mumbattan after his parents died when he was young to live with his Auntie Maya and Uncle Bhim (this is canon btw)
I like to think that he speaks one of the South Indian languages, either Telugu/Tamil/Malayalam and sometimes accidentally mixes it in when he speaks Hindi
He loves going to temple with his Aunt Maya
He also loves wearing traditional wear even though most his age don't because it just makes him feel very connected to his culture
Considering the fact that he got his powers from an ancient yogi, he's probably a fairly strict Hindu
He's probably vegetarian like a lot of Hindus in India are
His favorite street food is pani puri (still not projecting) especially the traditional kind but he likes the sweeter versions as well
Loves coconuts and coconut water, hes constantly drinking it while on patrol or during missions cuz its good for you and it gives him energy healthily
hes a good cook and he makes his auntie teach him how to make different snacks so he can show off to Gayatri
He learned how to make Sarson Ka Saag, a traditional Punjabi dish (at least thats what my research says) just for Gayatri
I headcanon Gayatri as punjabi sikh cuz her dad wears a turban
Indian schools are very strict on being late and stuff
So I think Pav probably came to school late once cuz of Spider-man stuff and he got severely punished so he never came late again
Like hes always early cuz he'd rather do that than be stuck outside the school waiting for an hour or being forced to run laps as punishment
yes they do that, idk if they do it anymore but I know some schools used to do that 💀
He probably has a really nice voice, like he sings Carnatic music and practices it
This also connects with him being from South India cuz Carnatic music originated in South India <3
He watched the Indian serials with his auntie all the time
like the really long ones our grandmothers watch with the weird sound effects and zero plot
theyre like telenovelas but worse and he loves them
These are the only ones I have rn but if I think of more I'll post them lol
I love him so much 😭
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maochira · 1 year
hey hey ! mind if i request something of the father figures you do?
imagine the reader telling the ‘dads’ that they are done with soccer(being overstimulated or such), and that they’d rather do modeling. i totally see chris prince joining in on the reader’s modeling career(since he brought yukimiya into it)
This has been sitting in my drafts for days at this point it's time to actually finish and post it LMAO I'm kind of behind on requests rn,, Also I love writing for the father figure series so so much thank you for the request!!
Father figure trio masterlist (I recommend reading part 1 if you're new here)
Regular masterlist and request rules
Tags: gn!reader, open ended but it's intended in a way in which reader doesn't quit soccer, writing this before sleeping because it's comforting to write the father figures :]]
Noel Noa
-it's been a rough few weeks for you in a lot of aspects in life, and after your team loses a fairly important match, you just feel like you're not made for soccer anymore
-as always, Noa drives you home after the match. But he notices how you seem a bit off. He decides not to address it, though, as he prefers letting you approach him by yourself
-a few minutes into the car ride, you decide to tell him you feel like it's time to quit soccer. It's out of nowhere, so Noa is shocked and pulls the car to the side, so he can talk to you properly about it
-it makes you very emotional to talk about. You're in tears while you explain how things haven't been right in the recent weeks, how even soccer started feeling wrong, and how you've been thinking about looking into another career like modeling, since that's something you've done once or twice
-Noa is very worried about you. Not only because you're in tears, but also because he didn't know how rough the past few weeks have been for you
-he suggests you should take a break from soccer and maybe not play in the next match and even skip some practices. He really doesn't want you to quit because he sees the potential in you, but he also understands that if you'd keep pushing yourself to soccer right now, it would only make you more frustrated
-he also feels unsure about you picking up a modeling career. Sure, he'd definitely support you if you decided to go into that direction in your future, but at the same time he's heard a lot about bad parts of the modeling world and he doesn't want anyone to make you insecure about your appearance and body
Chris Prince
-lately, soccer just hasn't been fun anymore. You've been feeling as if you haven't done any progress in months at this point
-it makes you question yourself if you should continue pursuing soccer, or if you should get into another career
-Chris is currently out of the country, he's been traveling for soccer matches for weeks. That's one of the reasons why your fun with soccer has been decreasing as well
-it's late at night when you start questioning yourself once more, so you decide to call Chris to talk to him about it. He's very surprised because he believes you have been improving, and he tells you how much more you could improve if you continued
-but he would never push or force you into anything, so he also asks you what kind of other career choices you've got in mind. When you tell him one of your ideas is modeling, he gets almost as encouraging as he is with your soccer career. He even offers you to help you get more into it, so that's something you'll be thinking about for a few days
-over the past weeks, everything with your teammates started going downhill. For some reason, you don't get along with them anymore in the way you used to. Even when you're playing, it's not working properly anymore, which gets you very frustrated
-Lavinho wants to pick you up from practice, but he arrived a little too early, so he ends up watching you and your team at training. And he can immediately see how the energy between you and your teammates isn't the same as it used to be
-after practice, when he drives you home, he asks if anything happened between you and your teammates
-you tell him how you just don't seem to get along with them anymore, how some of yojr teammates have been harshly criticizing your skills in a non-constructive way, and how that made you insecure about playing soccer and that it made you think you should quit
-Lavinho gets very sad about this. It actually breaks his heart a little. He loves to watch you play and he's always felt like you're truly yourself when you're on the field. He encourages you to address the issue with your teammates to your coach, so any problems could be talked out
-you and Lavinho continue the conversation. He wants to know more about what careers you could imagine getting into instead of soccer
-when you mention seeing modeling as an option, he's a bit surprised, but not in a negative way. He just never thought that would be something you're interested in. Regardless, he'd be supportive if you ended up going with that career path
-he talks to you in a rather lighthearted way about how you're still young, how you still have time to decide, and how you can still change your plans if the one you end up going with the wrong path
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mpregjohnwinchester · 3 months
i don't want this to sound like some attention grabby BS lol but it may end up sounding that way anyway... i'm going on a (hopefully brief) hot girl hiatus. life has been a lot lately... mostly in that my health has taken quite the nosedive. anything medically serious has been ruled out thankfully but the whole process has been A Lot and my life has been turned upside down by it the last month.... i feel pretty terrible most of the time with various weird symptoms that are currently totally unexplained and not having answers for what's causing it is taking a bit of a toll mentally i guess. my friends and family have been great and i've had and am continuing to have truly brilliant healthcare (obligatory love for the NHS moment) - but things have been... really hard.
overall i'm just a bit of a mess rn and i'm finding myself easily upset by silly things on this hellsite... which is not like my thick skinned ass at all and a sign that i'm not finding enough joy in fandom to counteract the bad atm... which worries me greatly tbh. i also just can't keep up with everything right now and that makes me feel bad. i've promised to read a bunch of fics that i haven't read. my brain is too mushy to engage well with all the cool stuff happening in the fandom. my energy is just not there... i can't write with any consistency at the moment because i can't concentrate and writing itself is not even enjoyable at the moment which is so upsetting to me. i'm always second guessing. i can't think clearly enough to post anything meaningful either. all of this really sucks when this fandom (and the coolest corner of it - hai dadfucker fuckers ❤️) means a lot to me and makes me so happy usually.
i'm tired mate... i feel like my life is on hold. i spend a lot of time lying around not doing much atm and its so frustrating... i like being a busy person but i cant cope with being a busy person atm and i just don't feel like myself at all. and i feel really sad that the fandom joy isnt there at the moment.
yeah so i definitely plan to be back but for now i just need a little time out! ily ❤️
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gunmetal-ring · 1 year
anon again. i'm sorry that i keep coming to you with this depressing messages but you seem like one of the few sane ppl in this fandom and i appreciate your honesty.
truth is im feeling really disillusioned with hellcheer lately. we don't have a lot of "canon" content so after a while, it gets tiring going thru the same 2 scenes over and over again (especially when one of them involves chrissy's death). ive been relying on fandom but it seems like it's slowed down. fics arent updated as frequently, not a lot of new artwork.
heck, even joe and grace have moved on. joe's career is taking off. grace is leaving acting. it just feels like everything that happened last summer has come to an end :(
Aw anon thats okay. Ty for thinking of my feelings though 💓 (and also im flattered that you think im sane lmao)
Unfortunately its the way things go, especially with small ships, especially especially in a fandom as hostile as this one is. People come together and build community and share their love for characters and then g(r)o(w) their separate ways again.
But not everybody does! You and me, for example. And ive got plenty of hellcheer mutuals that seem perfectly content to draw, write, and rb their little hearts out.
I for one am absolutely astounded that theres even a fandom for hellcheer, let alone one with such talent and breadth and depth of love! Our characters had 2 scenes. Our girl was killed just as it all began. Our boy died with her name on his lips. In all likelihood we will never see them together on our screens again.
But somehow. Those ~10 minutes managed to foster an entire community of people and keep us engaged and in love w the characters for almost a year at this point! With no dangling promises or false hope or anything! Like we all know the score and we still go hard for hellcheer. Incredible.
Idk maybe it's just bc ive only had brainworms like this for 2 other ships and 1 of them is even smaller and the other one is a clusterfuck of unimaginable proportions, so im a little biased in terms of community/fandom, but im just like... idk. I think its really incredible thats all. And a testament to the very real power and truth of hellcheer 🥰
All i can say anon is that the best way to keep a fandom/ship going is engagement. Likes on tumblr and kudos on ao3 are great. But whats even better and more motivating (and i say this as a fic writer/meme shitposter so im speaking the total truth lol) is reblogs and comments. Tell people how much you love their work and how much it means to you, it goes a very long way. And on the flip side of that - stay out of the infighting. All it does is sap your mental energy and the fandom infighting bullshit is a major contributor to why people leave. The negativity and bitterness warp your perspective and make it really hard to remember what we're here for - it's not anti-st*ddie or anti-qu*nn stans or anti-anti-hellcheer or what the fuck ever. We're here for hellcheer!
Sorry my $0.02 is now $2.00 bc i ramble lol its a fatal flaw of mine. Anyway im sorry if this is annoyingly positive or dismissive but im in a strangely upbeat mood rn so there you have it
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
Tysm for the tags @monacobasedgirldad @schumigrace @fernandoalonzoo sry im a bit late getting to this lol
Are you named after anyone?
My great great grandmother(I think??), though she was named Katarzyna, and I was born Catherine, but go by Catie obviously(this lowkey annoys my mom lmao, especially bcs if I were to have a nickname, it was supposed to be Cate.)
When was the last time you cried?
Today, over classical music. I think I cry at least once a day 😭 I am very emotional
Do you have kids?
Nope :)
What sports did you play/have you played?
I played soccer when I was a kid. Also does marching band count?
Do you use sarcasm?
All the fucking time, literally constantly. And also we sarcastically bully each other in my family, so I have to pull myself back from accidentally insulting people 😭
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmmm, I feel like ive done this tag game before bcs I remember writing this exact answer. But usually I notice if someone is a good conversationalist or not. Like do they like to lead the convo, do they like to listen to the other people, do they talk too much, too little, are they awkward about it? It's just very interesting to me, bcs I think that kinda thing really does instantly show you if you're going to be compatible with a person(as a friend or more etc.) Cause I talk a lot a lot, and I think it's difficult to get along w people who are untalkative but also people who talk an equal amnt if not more djkfkglg.
What is your eye color?
Just brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies definitely. I mean im not opposed to a happy ending obviously, but that's not really what im always looking for in a movie, I guess? Rn I'm trying to think of my top movies, and man, not a lot of them have happy endings 😭 But I literally just watched two horror movies the past wknd so! Even though they make me paranoid
Any talents?
I think I could go on a rant about anything if you gave me a bit of time. I really think I can just talk endlessly. Is that a skill? Or is it just annoying..? But yeah I'm not sure, but I think I'm pretty good at absorbing information and being able to go on and on about it.
Where were you born?
America rahhh 🦅🦅 I like my state a lot even though I feel like all my peers keep saying "ugh I don't want to be in [insert state] anymore" Smh how dare you
What are your hobbies?
Mostly drawing! I draw both F1 fanart(pretty much all selfmade AUs tho) and ocs. I like writing lore and worldbuilding and meta, but not really writing itself. I like reading fic and watching movies as well. And I think one of the main things I do these days tbh is read about history and keep up with politics. I get more and more involved with it as the days go by, but unlike drawing, I don't really have an outlet for it sigh sigh. So that's why a lot of AUs involve history and random other things, bcs its fun to involve my interests with each other!
Do you have any pets?
Yes I do! Two cats and two dogs. The cats are named Jin and Frank. Jin is basically me in cat form, he's so anxious 😭 and Frank is like my brother, he's such a little bastard who loves to hiss all the time. My dogs are named Maisie and Ruby. Maisie is a menace to society, but she is also the most beautiful dog ever, so I forgive her. Her name makes me laugh bcs she's named after this book character, Maisie Dobbs right? So her name tag says Maisie Doggs
How tall are you?
Around 5'4
Favorite subject at school?
Politics >:) But I'm pretty interested in philosophy as well rn. Unfortunately my love for foreign languages has been slipping in the semester or so, bcs my professors on that side kinda suck. So I've been putting more energy into my other major, and now all I can talk about is history, politics and philosophy, etc etc. It's just a lot of fun and very interesting to me!
Dream job?
Man, sometimes I wish I could just be a student forever, I just want to keep learning all about the world and other things. But I'd like a job that's not too static, something that pushes me out into the world a bit, maybe smth in the government or like a non-profit idk yet!
Ahhhh I'm doing this a bit late so I'm not sure who's done it yet, I feel like mostly everyone has :,) I tag anyone who's interested, like seriously I'd love to see people's answers who I haven't yet!!
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Okay so you know that little note I had about me joking nearly getting bedridden. So writing kind of got difficult, since all I could do is sleep and cook a meal before calling it a day. My body is aching so badly rn, but I should be fine. This isn't the first time this happened to me and won't be the last. But I did managed to write something so I could be somewhat active. Sorry if it's extremely short and have bad grammar, but I going to sleep after this. I'm really tired.
You can still send in request, just going to be slow.
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I Saw You In a Dream, Maybe|| Pt. 3
You lost count of how many times this dream occurred. At first, it was blurry, the voices muffled. Then it slowly became clearer, finally noticing small details.
Sometimes the dream will continue on a little longer or end early. It didn't bother you too much, since you enjoyed the atmosphere. A happy celebration between you and the mystery groom.
No matter how everything else became clear, the groom was blurred. It didn't matter too much, since you got a good enough idea who it is.
However, you really don't want to admit it either.
“What got you lost in your own head? Today is a special day and we both need to be 100% present to enjoy it.” The groom next to you spoke softly.
“Oh, I was just thinking how perfect this day is.” You said looking at the scenery.
It was a small banquet filled with people you recognize and a few you don't. You smile at them, enjoying the small celebration.
“Good, the last thing I want is for you to regret this.” He mutters.
“Why would I regret it? I went over the pros and cons, and I still married you!”
He chuckled, but it held no emotion.
“I know, but I just can’t help but feel I tricked you into this.” His voice was hushed. You barely catch what he said.
Raising a brow, you glance at him. He only stares at the banquet.
“You didn't trick me into marrying you, Wukong. I married you because I love you.”
Your cheeks felt warm, a soft red dusted them. He turns at you, whatever was blurring him finally disappearing. The shock was written on his face turning red.
Well, it's too late to pretend you don't know who this guy was now.
Your hand gently cups his cheek, which he leans into. A smile took over his face.
“I love you too, [Name].”
You wake up and stare at your pillow. The hand that held his face, clenched already missing his warmth.
These dreams are getting out of control. Maybe you should go back to living with your parents. Then start a relationship with some random person and hope this ends. Yet, you have no more energy to do so. How can you go crawling back to your parents just because you felt lonely?
You sigh, getting out of bed and ready to start the day. You're an adult with a job after all. It also won't hurt to get a quick breakfast at Pigsy’s.
You glance back at the bed, noticing the doll. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed it while heading to the kitchen. Throwing it away in the trash bin. All of this whole mess started after you bought the toy. Maybe getting rid of it will help bring everything to an end sooner.
Yeah, it's for the best.
Anyways not like you'll ever run into him…
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tamelee · 3 months
Hi, I recently followed like in the last week or smth. I wanted to comment on that post that you just made-- I'm sorry people aren't spending there energy in more constructive manners and that you had that garbage in your inbox.
I understand why comments would be restricted. I gotta say, I truly love your art. I've been on/off tumblr for years (diff accts over time) and your art & reblogs are legit a big reason why I check my dash daily. (Even if I've been lurking more than interacting rn)
ik we don't know each other, but SasuNaru (whichever order it is, i tbh dont get the variation.. ;u; ) was my very first ship so long ago. Given my early life their relationship (fanon/canon) gave me hope and helped me push through and ultimately heal some abandonment wounds. These two have been thru hell and back and give me the audacity to believe I and my loved ones can make it back too.
That all being said, Ik it is easier to say "don't let them get under your skin" and all, and that you didn't talk about quitting. But I hope you don't. You're wildly talented. Thank you for sharing what you choose to.
Hi~ @theskinofawriterbella ! Ah dw, it’s usually easy to ignore certain asks and I mostly do, but sometimes I feel like responding when it’s part of a bigger thing/issue. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I stopped doing what I do, especially because other people say I should… I’m ultimately doing this because I love creating. (Oh yes, the comments are restricted! I forgot about that, but it should be temporarily! ^^) 
And whoaaa really!?! That is so kind of you, thank you so much ;-;💕!!! 
I’m sorry to hear you’ve being going through bad times, though I’m very happy that you were able to connect with something and find hope/strength that way. I’d wish’ that for anyone. Naruto’ truly is such a story, don’t you think? As idealistic and flawed (through demographic limitation) it may seem now, its messages are inspiring and Kishimoto truly has a gift that lets you connect with the characters on an emotional level. Especially Naruto and Sasuke and their bond, naturally.
Ahhh I completely missed those glory SNS days. I hear about them frequently from my friend in Japan. Unfortunately I’m a bit late with being an SNS-fan xD and I couldn’t watch everything the first time, but I did see a few episodes and I don’t think there was anything else that lifted my spirits like Naruto’s attitude had. I had my books and my movies which always helped me escape, but I think I could write my own book about all the times Naruto inspired some action I took, because I too grew up in a village that absolutely hated me. Not for the same reason of course, lol, I was just a weird outsider and all, but I did think “well, if Naruto can smile through his pain and still go after his dream then I can as well.” A bit optimistic I’d say, but still. I have no idea what you went through, but on some level I’m sure, I can relate to what you say. I understand. 
Thank you for sharing this with me and taking your time to write and send it 🥰 I really appreciate it ^^! 
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This, is definitely overdue.
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Alright, hi, hello. Let's talk- as my shittily drawn comic says-
First off, I'm Kaz, I also go by Wolfy, Fifty (from my old tumblr user/tag/whatever), and any variation of Peppermint. One friend who has tumblr as well calls me Pepsi on discord for shits and giggle and another knows my real name. Well, both know, it's just a 50/50 on what they use-
I am a sexuality questioning neurodivergent genderfluid creature, I don't care what pronouns are used for me as long as the person talking to me is comfortable with me.
On here I'll be most commonly showing myself as a kitsune with just, a chalk board on hand. Or, well, paw.
Okay, general blog rules and things to know.
No explicit nsfw. You can send asks being curious about certain habits of my ocs and draw whatever kinda art of them you want (do not touch ANY little ones I will block you so fast), but anything in regards to me myself, absolutely the fuck not.
Oc shipping is perfectly okay with me! Just don't ask about children and keep your fan children to yourself, please and thank you. I do not want asks about my ocs having children in my askbox.
I am VERY much a multishipper, if you see me shipping my ocs with my other ocs, do not assume you can't come in and make an offer of one of your own ocs. Do not be afraid to talk to me about shipping ocs or oc interactions in general.
As long as I'm credited, anyone is more than welcome to use my art for whatever the fuck they want. If it's something questionable, I'd prefer you keep it to yourself, but otherwise, go ahead. Although I'd be surprised if anyone wanted to use my art for anything-
I do NOT. I repeat, do NOT. Take commissions. I'll take requests to draw ocs and other such things, alongside canon characters, but I do NOT take commissions. Requests will really only be sketches, occasionally colored and sometimes legitimately finished because I had the energy for it.
I feel as though this should be obvious, but I'll say it anyways, pro-shippers, racists, lgbtq+phobics, assholes of generally any kind, especially those obsessed with politics, aren't fucking welcome here. This blog is here for me to look at content from people I like and affectionately blast my mutuals with whatever cracked up shit I come up with. If you can't help but be a piece of shit in my safe space, you can go fuck yourself.
Be kind. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you came here for, but if you can't bare to spare a shred of kindness when you talk to me, I don't want you interacting with my blog. You can criticize my art, the way I write, the way I talk, just how much I ramble, but if you can't be nice about it, I'd rather you say nothing at all.
Alright, that should be that.
If you wanna contact me, you can contact me on here through tumblr's messaging system, but you can also contact me on discord at .peppermintstars! If you're gonna friend me on discord, please warn me before you do. I don't have the best experience with randomly being friended and I may end up blocking you on instinct- I do have a twitter although I don't use it so I won't bother linking it until I start using it.
I hope to eventually start streaming sometime this year, be it with or without a 2d or 3d model, so if you wanna support me, you can find me on twitch and youtube!
I'll also give a list of the media I'm into and what you can expect me to be reblogging! Or at least looking at-
Cookie Run! Primarily ocs. (I don't know what the fuck is going on in the story rn and I need to get caught up-)
Persona 5 Royal and in subsequent, the Persona series in general.
Demon Slayer! (Or Kimetsu No Yaiba if you prefer to call it that.)
Pokemon. I like to watch the animes and if I can I'll get whatever new game comes out, even if I get it a bit late-
How To Train Your Dragon! Yes I'm still into HTTYD even years after the first movie came out. That shit ain't going no where.
Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin Impact! Although the interest for these has diminished and isn't ever really consistent, I may as well list them because I either do play them or have played them.
Cult of The Lamb! I like Narilamb. I like Narinder. I've a thing for powerful higher beings in general okay-
Dungeons and Dragons! If you need a dm or an extra player for whatever reason, I am more than open to joining a campaign.
Dark Souls! And other souls-like games from FromSoftware- ties into the D&D thing because I get way too many ideas watching playthroughs of those games.
God of War! Again, the liking of powerful higher beings- also ties into D&D.
The Resident Evil series! Leon Kennedy is hot and Ethan Winters was a good dad.
FNAF! Alongside other such mascot horror games- Poppy Playtime included (mostly just for Dogday.)
Mythology and folklore! Hopefully evident by the fact I chose a kitsune as my persona on here- also connects into D&D again to no one's surprise.
That should be everything I can remember off the top of my head!
That's all, thank you for reading, have a good day, and here's a sleepy kitsune for your troubles!
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
Internship is certainly going. I want to say going okay… I could be doing better but I kinda got unlucky with my internship spot and workload. This would be much easier to explain if I could just say what kinda of internship it is, but that kinda feels like too much details both for my current degree and the job I’ll be doing after. (Internet safety and all that). Anyway, what I can say is that anyone in the field irl pulls a face when they hear about my internship. The workload feels impossible, but somehow I’m doing it and I’m about half way through so *aggressively knocks on wood* it should be fine.
I do have a different internship in like a month or so and some other projects but those feel like child’s play compared to the current hell incarnate. So moral of the story: sometimes you just get to have a few mental breakdowns, pick yourself back up and go again the next day (again and again and again and again). It’s like that quote: [“It gets a little bit easier every day, but you have to keep doing it.”] or what’s the other one? [the only way out is through]. And then take plenty of breaks and do fun things even if it feels like you don’t have the time because that’s the only thing that’ll keep you going. The world is always more manageable after a good meal or a power nam or a 15 minute music break.
I’ve been blasting a lot of music based on moods, getting back into Dutch music because girl, I need to learn how to spell properly and every internship I have a song that gets me through. This one it’s ‘secret for the mad’ by Dodie. I’ve had to loop it over and over to get the motivation to try at times, to really let the words sink in, but it helps. So find a song to get you through when you need it.
Lastly, I’ve been meaning to say something about Him, but I just haven’t had the time and energy to write something coherent (aka I’m not using my 30 minutes of evening downtime that are just for me for this negative energy). Best thing is can say is that this is a good opportunity to get into new creators. Just have fun with it (hermitcraft season 10 has been getting be through this). Listen to new music. Try new things to fill the void. I’ve pruned all my playlists and social media follows and such and it felt like a fresh start. (Oh and learned your red flags people. People who don’t respect your boundaries (no matter how small) can be(come) very dangerous.)
My only issue now is that I can play since I saw Vienna and La Jolla on guitar (the picking patterns always smooth me), but now I’m not sure if I can keep doing that. I haven’t tried playing them. I feel like I should look at the lyrics first then decide. But I haven’t found any picking songs with the same soothing vibe, so I’ve been playing a bunch of my classical pieces and I really like playing the ‘romantic’ ones and for some reason the polkas and the blues? So again filling the void.
Anyway, thanks for all the well wishes. I’ve been missing you guys. This has been chaotic life updates with Spruce. I really need to start being productive now. So, bye!
yeah of course don't say any details that would reveal too much info about you, but man that sounds stressful :( at least you'll switch to something else in a month?? I'm so sorry you're stuck in hell rn I hope you get through it alright!! make sure to take it easy when you can!! you're so right the world is so much easier to deal with after a power nap or a snack
oooo I haven't heard secret for the mad in a long time but I used to listen to dodie from time to time. I used to think of such angsty scenarios with my ships while listening to 'sick of losing soulmates'
also it's so real to have a song to help you get through shit like that. I'd say rn for me one of those songs is all american bitch by olivia rodrigo because I just have a lot of fun screaming it in the car. tested waters by loupe is a calmer one I've been listening to on repeat lately
you're right this is a great opportunity to get into new creators. I was already drifting to watching qsmp creators more often besides just phil and tubbo, but now I've been trying to tune into bagi and tina's streams if I have the time
definitely look at the lyrics first, but I feel like out of most of the ycgma songs since I saw vienna and la jolla are two of the 'safest' options you could pick for something like that. at least compared to your sister was right and losing face...
la jolla and since i saw vienna are both such pretty songs though. there's nothing wrong with playing those on your own guitar I'd say? it's not giving any money to him. but of course it's up to your own personal comfort.
good luck spruce!!! ty for checking in we all miss you over here!! <33
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#delete later#i was feeling motivated earlier but im so tired again#maybe i'll actually sleep early for once#sighhh regrets ;w;;#i've been so lost n confused lately#i'm trying not to care rn but it's honestly tearing me apart#i'm sorry#sm to do but above all#i don't want to let others down#n it feels so. tiring yeah#there's so much i have to do#i want to play ffxiv again n write n wtvr n play the piano again but#it's so hard to maintain that motivation n energy#n the same as usual there's a lot i wna tell others but i'm so tired#i was doing well a few days ago but i'm drained again rn#i really need to improve in managing my energy#there's like 4 different ppl rn that i wna reply to or been meaning to say smth to for a while now#2 online friends from two days back n 2 irls#normally if i was well rn maybe i'd ask how your days r going#n to take care of yourselves n. yeah#n there's school stuff i wna do from next week n other games#n in general really just do a lot of stuff#other times i'd have the mindset of being kind to myself n doing one thing at a time#but rn. in this moment#i'm too tired to want to care. but i still care a lot. i can't stop caring#n it hurts n i wish i was better. that i could do better#maybe in other moments i am better. but rn i wish i#ahh no this is bad this is the idea of perfectionism i place on myself#but idk i just feel sorry n it feels like time's going far too fast#i'm too tired to think rn but god i want to at least stop pushing others away. i'm sorry
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the-ace-with-spades · 5 months
this feels almost a little stalkery to write, but i just realized you haven't posted anything in a while - i always enjoyed your posts in my feed. Hope you're doing well off-tumblr and wish you an awesome New Year! 🌟
Hi there and late Happy New Year to you (and anyone who reads this) 🎉✨
This is not stalkery at all - it's actually really nice...🥹
In short, the past two months ve been awful irl for me, winter pressure in nursing is horrendous and as someone who works in ED/neuro ICU I'm just too tired for much most days. My health's been shite since cluster headaches are back and my adhd/depression are all-time high, and there's been some other shite going on in my partner's family, I just don't have much energy for the online stuff
I pop here from time to time when I have a slower time (like rn) but don't do much, it's all just piling up in my inbox/drafts/etc and I'm incredibly sad (and feeling a bit guilty) b/c tumblr is my fav place online and fandom people are so dear to my lil heart 💔
Probably gonna make a longer ramble-y post about it all soon-ish, sort out some posts, etc since I'm finally starting to get back on my feet, I'm in the process of switching to EMT (got the job finally!) and also doing my ambo driver training which just makes the hours at work add up
I'll be back with my crappy posts, promise, and I'll get most of my shit in order, I just need a minute...
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cultofsappho · 9 months
Trope Grading Game
Thank you so much for tagging me @cosmicalart !
This is like The Good Place’s point system and i’m living for it
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded 
0 - don’t care either way 
+10 -> very enticed 
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged. 
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: -10
Just no. It makes me uncomfortable like 95% so i usually skip it now 
Codependency: +8
Yesss every fic is better with a mutual “I need you like I need air” type of energy
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +1
I like a dash of it, but too much makes me ick
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +10
yes yes yes yes yes mhmm yes yes yes 
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
i'm on my hands and knees i swear to god yes! i want mess! i want complicated emotional turmoil that they’re falling for the absolute worst person to fall for and falling despite themselves! 
Friends with benefits: +1
VERY mid. don’t mind it dont care about it really, probably wouldn’t click unless other tags are good
Sex to feelings: +4
Can be very very good!! but if it's rushed it can be disappointing hahaha
Fake dating/relationship: -5
Nah, maybe, but nah
Friends to lovers: +4
yeah yeah yes
Found Family: +50
Gimme!!! Slaps every. damn. time!
Hurt/Comfort: +100 
HNNGNHUHHHHAWOOGAH I'm already cryingg
Love Triangle: -50
I don't have time for this
Poly, open relationships: 0
heavily depends on the ship. the only poly ship I'm reading lately is in the atla fandom, sokka/zuko/suki. and even then I've only read a few of these fics
Mistaken/hidden identity: +10
Yesssssssss addicted to this shit I'll read ten identity reveals a day and never get tired of it
Monsterfucking: -10
not my thing
Pregnancy: -9
also not my thing, but I've read it the past and felt very meh or ugh about it the whole time
Second Chance: 0
no strong feelings one way or the other
Slowburn: 0
lately I don't have time for long fics, I like slowburns, but they need patience which I don't have rn lmaoo
Soulmates: +10
FUCK YEAH and wanna write one sooo bad too
no pressure tagging the mutuals <3  @lazybug16 @penna-nomen @14carrotghoul @just-some-bookworm @rwrb2 @sherryvalli @rebelatnight @daisymae-12 @theresnothinglikethis @cosmicalart @fortunatefires and anyone else who wants to try!
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lostgirlmuseum · 3 months
cadence my beloved
howdy howdy!!
how are you?
how’s school?
anything interesting going on lately?
(kisses your head and hands you shiny objects)
💕💕💕hope you’re doing well💕💕💕
River my beloved!!! Thank you for reaching out 🥺 I am doing okay, I've just been somewhat busy and haven't found the energy to do much on tumblr. And like I've considered posting about life here but I know thats not what ppl follow me for and i dont want to annoy anyone lol
School is okay, I don't have too much work going on rn which is nice! Mostly what's been keeping me busy and my mind occupied is boys (half affectionate half derogatory) lmao
Long story short(ish. I can't for the life of me tell short stories, I blame the A.D.D.) there was this guy that asked me out on a couple dates a while ago and he was super sweet but I just wasn't really feeling it and I accidentally ghosted him for nearly a week bc I was so stressed about seeing him again (I didn't really want to but I know my therapist wanted me to try this)(side note, she's great, i love her).
Anywho, one day last week I was simply sitting outside in a grassy area on campus doing hw w/ a friend when a guy came up to me asking if I had seen a girl w/ a ferret (Thats a story for another time lol) and i was like "yes I have! But shes gone already :(" and he was like "do you have any photos" and i was like "yes i do!" so i gave him my # to send him the photos... and then he started texting me lol. and I thought he was cute and I hung out with him last monday and we saw Madame Web yesterday
(it was... um.. certainly a movie. It movied. It was fun but it was not good lol) and then we had lunch today and idk if my social battery plummeted or if I just got in my own head but suddenly I wasn't feeling it and now I am def in my own head.
Im not giving up tho i think I just need to recharge. I hope. I hope I'm not hopeless. I'm scared. Part of me is like I should text him too make sure he's not worried that I don't like him bc I dont want him to stress but another part of me is like DO NOT CONTACT ME FOR 2-3 BUSINESS DAYS I NEED TO THINK. AND MORE IMPORTANTLY NOT THINK.
On a different note, a couple hours ago I finally found the motivation to write which hasn't happened in a bit! I wrote the first scene of Honey pt. 2, yay!
Ok, enough rambling, how are you?? How is your life, anything interesting/new going on? And thank you for the head kisses and shiny objects, I'm sending them back tenfold. 💕💕💕
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whywoulditho · 11 months
tag (9) people you'd like to get to know better
@petrich0-r tagged me in this so here we goo 🥺💞💞
currently watching: Teen Titans (2003), Tsurune & Gilmore Girls. I started TT on a whim but I'm so glad I did, I'M OBSESSED. I'm on season three, watching it with my little sister. I love that we found something new to bond over bc she's such a sweetheart I love spending time w her 😭😭 I'm somewhere in season two of Tsurune, it's a little boring but it's a nice show. I go back to watch another episode like once a week lol,, and I've been watching Gilmore girls for almost a year now, I'm somewhere in season 5. honestly i miss the first three seasons 🥲 idk when i'll finish it but it will probably be another year since it's gotten so boring in the last few episodes and doesn't seem like it will get any better from here out 💀 It usually takes me forever to finish a show because I don't have the energy to binge watch anything anymore
currently reading: The Stranger by Albert Camus (FINALLY 🤡 I feel like I was the only one left on the planet who hadnt read this book yet), The Waves by Virginia Woolf and The Disconnected by Oğuz Atay. Actually last week I started an online book club! We have a little discord server, a group profile on goodreads and like 35 members rn and the first book we decided to read together was The Stranger, so I'm really excited to finish that one. I started The Waves a week before I made the club and only read like half of the first chapter before I had to take a break and start the club's book. But I love it already and can't wait to get back to it. And lastly, The Disconnected (Tutunamayanlar) is a turkish modern classic, it's a bit hard to read but also really interesting. It's been sitting on my shelves for over a year and I could only start it recently bc I've been a bit intimidated by how it's literally as thick as a brick 😭 I already have so many opinions on it I can't wait to finish and write a review on it
currently listening: a little bit of everything, (tbh I'm kinda bored of my music taste lately) I've just been listening to my on repeat playlist on spotify. a lot of gang of youths, lorde, EDEN, mitski, oasis and alphaville
current obsession: I'm kinda getting into DC/DCAU lore because of teen titans. but I'm a bit scared because there's so much to catch up on and the fandom seems mean wnfjskfols baby steps, i guess
tagging @freshcupofangst @roobgumball95 @homosubtext @akaashism @mihai-florescu @tsumx @kyouka-supremacy @astrolunesworld @fullscoreshenanigans
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