#ickys mom steve tag
ickypuppi3 · 3 months
“mom steve” this “mom steve” that. the only time he should be mom steve is if he’s plowing billy hargrove
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bankholdup · 1 year
thank you guys so much for your patience!! i meant to get this out by monday, but i have finals this week so it's been a bit hectic. thank you guys all again so much for your likes, reblogs, tags, and support on the first two parts <3 i hope you guys like the final installment!!
Part One | Part Two | read it on ao3
Part Three:
A few weeks later, once Steve has stomached that Eddie won’t ever be his boyfriend or hold his hand or pet his hair, they return to a semblance of normalcy.
They start hanging out again. Not alone together, but with the rest of the group. Steve tries his hardest to act normal, show no remnants of his crush that’s not quite totally gone. But Eddie still acts standoffish, won’t really meet Steve’s eyes anymore. Steve gets it, he does, honestly, it’ll just take time.
But he still wants, and he still pines- both for a relationship and for Eddie to just be his friend and look at him again. It’s confusing, those butterflies in his stomach don’t fully settle. Steve decides that he wants to maybe try dating again, but no more "Harrington charm" or any of that other bullshit. He vows he’s just going to be himself from now on. Take it slow, and just go with the flow- no pressure dating.
When Eddie invites all the adults to The Hide Out, on a night he doesn’t have a gig, Steve actually meets someone that maybe starts to spark that fire again. She’s the opposite of girls he usually goes for, definitely a metal head and music lover (maybe that's not a coincidence). Her name is Paige, she was raised in Hawkins but moved out to New York City a few years ago and is only back for a little while to visit her family. She’s a bit older than Steve, just two years, but he kind of likes that. She seems equally receptive to Steve’s new view on dating, wanting to take it slow and see where things go, but Steve can see himself potentially dating her more seriously if she decides to stick around Hawkins. They just spend the night talking and getting to know each other more.
He knows he fucked up, he knows he did. Eddie should have given Steve a chance when he offered it. He feels that ugly, icky feeling in his chest creep up into his throat as he watches Steve and Paige talk all night. They’re leaning into each other and laughing, and Steve is starting to smile for the first time in weeks and Eddie has never been so fucking mad- both at himself and at Paige.
He knows he has no right to feel jealous when he could have just gone to dinner with Steve those few weeks ago. Maybe him and Steve would be pressed into a corner of the bar right now, whispering in each other’s ears. He could have had his arm around Steve’s waist and pressed kisses into his neck when no one was looking, making Steve blush before grabbing his hand to hold for the rest of the night. He could have taken him home where they would maybe roll around in the sheets before cuddling into each other’s arms to sleep.
Eddie may have given it a lot of thought the past few weeks- too much thought even. Regret lingers in his rib cage and settles in his stomach like a paperweight. Something else he gave too much thought to was how he would apologize to Steve. He wanted to buy Steve a drink, explain how he has trust issues and is afraid that good things will always be ripped out from under him. How seeing his old man treat his mom like a commodity and not a wife made him not want to ever date. Thought about how after explaining himself and his insecurities he would ask Steve if maybe he would give Eddie another chance, let him take him to breakfast tomorrow morning if he isn’t too hung over. That’s really why he invited him out tonight actually, but now Steve met Paige and he thinks he might be too late. Might have missed the boat.
Eddie has no choice but live with that regret and wait.
It’s two weeks later and Steve has had a great time with Paige. They actually ended up hanging out a bit after that night at the bar, just meeting up for lunch and walking around town a bit. But Paige had to go back to the city, and as much as she visited her family, she didn’t want to do long distance. Steve understood wholeheartedly and was just glad to have connected with someone. They exchanged phone numbers, just to keep in touch, for Steve to call if he was ever on the East Coast. He may not have gotten a girlfriend, but he certainly found a new friend in Paige.
But with Paige gone, he now has to confront Eddie. Eddie went from standoffish to full on avoidance of him, it’s not hard to connect the dots. Steve just doesn’t get why it bothered Eddie so much. Should he have been happy that Steve was moving on from him? (Even though Steve didn’t really move on at all).
Turns out, Steve didn’t need to come find Eddie. Instead, Eddie came and found him.
Eddie finally gets his shit together and decides that he’s going to tell Steve whether he’s dating again or not.
Eddie decides he’s just going to stop by his house, say his piece, and leave the ball in Steve’s court. He decides to dress up a bit for it. Wears a plain black shirt, his least ripped jeans, and ties his hair back in a low bun. He decides to stop by the market and grab some cheap flowers, Steve always brought Eddie gifts, it’s time for him to return to favor.
He’s full of courage the short drive to Steve’s house, sees his car parked in the driveway. He grabs the flowers, marches up, and rings the doorbell full of vigor.
His heartbeat starts ramping up the minute the chiming is done. All the sudden, he’s nervous, he’s shaky, he’s gripping the flower stems way too tight and must be crushing them and-
Steve opens the door, clearly wasn’t expecting anyone if his outfit is anything to go by, but Eddie still thinks he looks gorgeous and holy shit Steve is just staring at him and he should say something.
Eddie thrusts the flowers into Steve’s chest.
“These are for you.”
“Uhm, thanks.”
Steve looks bewildered, and wary. Looks at the flowers and then back at Eddie.
They both just stare at each other for a minute.
“Do you want to come in?” Steve says, already starting to move to make room for Eddie to enter.
All Eddie can do it nod, feels like everything he wanted to say and do is locked in his throat. He enters Steve’s house and follows him over the couch while Steve sets the flowers down on a table before turning to Eddie expectantly.
This is the part where Eddie should start explaining everything, telling Steve everything and apologizing again.
“Can I take you out to breakfast?” is what Eddie says instead.
taglist: @trashpocket @death-thee-nervousqueer @original-cypher @thesuninyaface @sunfloweringstories @pearynice @dbquills @lavenderlaceandlilacs @anarcoqueer1994 @anaibis @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @darkwitchoferie @zerokrox-blog @r0binscript @swimmingbirdrunningrock @s0ledad77 @novacorpsrecruit @dacremontgomeryay @vomiix @occasionalartthings @gleek4twd @starman-jpg @ineffablecolors @phirex22 @leather-and-freckles
thank you again for all the love on the first parts!!! <3 love you all
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jamneuromain · 2 years
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我在 2022 发布了 502 次
比 2021 502 more posts!
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#jnmreads - 150 个帖子
#jnmrambles - 75 个帖子
#ari levinson x reader - 30 个帖子
#ari levinson - 27 个帖子
#ari levinson smut - 25 个帖子
#re - 23 个帖子
#steve rogers - 21 个帖子
#steve rogers x you - 16 个帖子
#3+1 - 15 个帖子
#ari levinson x you - 15 个帖子
Longest Tag: 88 character
#but i'd like to see some witty comebacks or replies from neil other than about goncharov
我在 2022 的最热帖子:
Steve Rogers x You (Reader)
Warning: Swearing
College AU, Friends to Lovers, Pure Fluff
Summary: You want, no, need to shower, while waiting for Steve, your best friend.
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One peek out of the window, and you squint because of the blazing sun. You have never experienced a scorching summer before, but apparently this year someone or something definitely launched ten sun-beam amplifiers to melt down the entire city. You have lived in this damn city for about two dozen years, yet this seems to be the hottest day in your life, if not tomorrow.
Not seeing a living soul by that peek, you decide to turn on the fan and wait.
You are waiting for Steve Fucking Rogers, that little shit that promised to come and fetch some homemade bakery fifteen minutes ago (as per his mother, Sarah’s request and his personal guarantee). And you were supposed to jump in a quick shower ten minutes ago.
Your house, like any other house on this street, didn’t install an air conditioner, which means you have to open all windows to cool down in the summer.
How very convenient that heat waves are blasting into your house, especially today. You are feeling icky and sticky, and above all, grumpy. Mom’s not home, that’s why you can’t jump into the shower right this moment since Steve’s coming over any second now.
And you are still waiting.
Steve Rogers may be your best male friend. Hell, he and Bucky both. But you are sure that you will rip both their heads off if any one of them stands in the way between you and your shower.
God, you really need that shower.
You turn the fan to the highest setting, only to frustratingly find the air slightly cooler than before. Just slightly.
Droplets of sweat dampen your forehead, some gather by your neckline. You tie your hair up as much as possible to prevent more sweat trickling down your spine - which it already is and soaking your oversized T-shirt. You didn’t even bother with a pair of shorts (damn weather) and go with your panties. You know that sweat is accumulating between your thighs and shorts would only worsen the situation.
For Christ’s sake, Steve lives fucking next door, how long will it fucking take for him to crawl under the sun and get here? You grumble under your breath and head to the kitchen for a popsicle.
Your mom and you share the same kind of sweet tooth, so you easily find the popsicle stash she prepared for this summer from the fridge. As you pop it in your mouth and half-minded wipe your wet hand on the kitchen cloth, a series of loud and impatient knocks come from the front door.
“Coming!” You yell, groaning at the sweet and icy touch that left your tongue.
You rush to the door and open it. Standing there is none other than Steve Fucking Rogers, freshly showered (duh, you can tell, or why else is his hair smell like fresh shampoo), wearing a vest and a pair of shorts.
“Hey, I’m here for the ... uh, bakery.” Steve scratches the back of his head.
You roll your eyes at him: "Hi Steve, nice to meet you too.” Even so, you lean against the door frame to let him in. He might be a jerk, but he doesn’t have to wait outside as a punishment. Speaking of the devil himself may have come to New York and burned it with hellfire. ‘Cause that’s the temperature outside.
Steve let out a big smile, smacking a kiss on your forehead before going in: ”Thanks, you’re the best.”
You close the door behind him and gesture your hand towards the bakery. Your other hand is busy shoving the popsicle back into your mouth.
“I thought your mom was here.” He throws himself on the couch, enjoying most of the fan, “She not around?”
You hum and shake your head. The iced pieces make it hard to speak, so you point to the door briefly: “She Out. Why?”
“Nothin’.” He muttered. His eyes light up on seeing you with that popsicle.
“Why staring?” You pronounce the two words with some difficulty.
He blinks, and then: ”Can I have one?”
157 条热度——发布于 2022年10月23日
Mr. & Mrs. Levinson
Ari Levinson x Original Female Character (Anna)
Warning: Angst and Smut, Eventual Smut, Graphic Depiction of Violence, Domestic Violence (sort of), Cursing, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex.
A fusion of Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
Word count: 11k.
Summary: Being enemies saved their marriage.
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3 p.m.
"How long have you been married?"
"Six years." "Seven years." They said at the same time, not forgetting to glance at each other when they heard the other's answer.
"Six or seven years." Ari chose what he thought was a compromising answer and cleared his throat, "Actually, we've been married for so long that this is just a routine checkup, you know? Similar to changing the oil, parts, or whatever for an airplane."
The marriage therapist kept his unchanging smile, gazing at the man as strong as a bear - and as hairy as a bear - and the petite woman beside him, "Sure, so let's pop the hood." He flipped open the notepad for his records and wrote something on it, "Let's start with the basics. How would you rate your marriage on a scale of one to ten?"
"Eight." "Uh, is ten is the highest score or...?"
Ari frowned and looked at his wife, who had been with him for six or seven years, sitting by his side: "He said one to ten, honey."
Anna leaned unhurriedly on the couch pillows, the very direction away from Ari: "I was just making sure. Don’t want to give the wrong answer, sweetheart."
The therapist cap the pen and snapped both of them back to attention, "That's okay, let's try again. Ten is the highest score. Are you ready? Three, two, one..."
"Eight." They both answered in unison.
"How is your sex life?" The therapist asked the next question.
Anna rubbed her fingers at the tip of her curly hair and paused for a moment upon hearing the question, "I'm sorry, is this a one to ten question or...?"
The therapist explained, "Just this week, how is your sex life? Oh, and feel free to rate it or just say how you feel about it."
Ari and Anna were uncharacteristically silent.
"Including weekends?" Ari asked, his furrowed brow not loosening.
"Including weekends."
Anna nodded thoughtfully.
They didn’t have sex this week. Neither did they last week. Nor did the week before.
How is one supposed to rate something non-existent?
She tried to remember the last time they'd had sex, which was about a month ago, and they'd both been drinking a little. She remembered they stopped midway. Why did they stop midway?
She remembered that she had gone to the training room to practice boxing before that and accidentally bruised her rear end. She asked him to turn off the lights in between kisses, and he thought it was no big deal, it wasn't like they hadn't seen each other naked. In the end, a simple question of turning off the lights made them break up the kiss and lose the passion to continue.
Ari always ripped orgasms after orgasms from her. It was all about passion and crude rough sex and it was fun.
It was.
Until the passion faded. And he lost his interest over a little question whether to turn off the lights.
161 条热度——发布于 2022年10月22日
Overstimulation Drabble
Ari Levinson x Original Female Character (She), from Bodyguard AU
Warning: MINORS DNI, rough sex, vaginal sex, overstimulation, pussy slapping, dummification, pet names (princess, kitten, baby, etc.), DD/LG vibe, Light dom/sub. Did I say bondage(?
Word count:~600
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“You know what I think?” Ari slapped his dick on her puffy folds, eliciting a moan from her mouth, “I think you parade around all day, bossing everyone around, saying you don’t like being told what to do.” His cock poked at her entrance, sinking inch by inch. She withered under his touch, but his large hands on her thighs put her firmly in place.
“I think you like the exact opposite.” Ari finished his sentence with a dark grin, his heavy organ fully seated in her snuggling heat.
She pulled her wrists, too bad unsuccessful, as they were being tied to the headboard. The complicated knot showed no sign of loosening. “Can’t – not again.” She choked, teary eyes losing focus as pleasure took over her body.
Ari withdrew his dick slowly, savoring every second of her tight pussy. His hands an iron grip on her thighs, when he suddenly forced one of her ankles on his shoulders.
His dick twitched in excitement.
“I think you like exactly being told what to do.”
Oh he was far from done with her.
A hard thrust had her screaming out. Her voice broken and hoarse, her breath ragged. Her pussy so sensitive, it couldn’t take any more assault. But her body betrayed her. Her body clenching down on him like he was home. Her body cried out to him. Her body wanting to be claimed.
“Princess, by the time I’m done with you, you will be cumming so many times that your pretty pussy learns to follow orders.” Ari bottomed out. The new position had him hitting different spots in her channel. His hand lands repetitively on her throbbing clit, slapping her sensitive folds, each smack rubbing more juice on his palm.
She screamed. She struggled. She arched her waist from his ruthless abuse.
“Too much.” She whimpered, head striking the pillows underneath when her words earned her another slap.
Ari fiddled with her swollen button, keeping his thrusting at a slow and steady pace, the tip kissing her cervix each time.
Her clit was numb. When she couldn’t recognize his toying with her clit, she would receive a slap, waking her bundle of nerve, when she would cry out. Her clit was sensitive, even a single touch felt like fire. Fire swallowed her senses, fire burned through her skin, fire squeezing her abdomen. She was cumming again.
Ari laughed cruelly, speeding up his thrusts, driving her to the edge. His smacks and toying never stopped. She wanted to close her legs, she wanted to end the painful orgasm. She wanted him to leave her spent body alone. But all she could manage was a pathetic little mewl.
“C’mon kitten, haven’t told you to cum.” He tutted, as if she was disappointing him, “hold back till Daddy tells you to, hmm?”
She shook her head lightly. She couldn’t. Her body was no longer her own. He controlled it. He controlled her.
Ari wasn’t pleased. Not the slightest.
He sighed.
He sheathed himself inside her pussy again, kissing her calf and knee. His beard scratched her skin, but she didn’t notice that anymore. “Fucked dumb already? Stupid baby doesn’t say no to Daddy, 'kay? Guess we have to train on that the next time.” His voice dripped with affection and softness, as he pulled himself close to kiss her on the lips, “good job cumming. Now, Daddy will train you to cum again. This time, slutty baby has to follow orders. Or Daddy has to make you cum a couple more times to remember?”
171 条热度——发布于 2022年11月22日
The Banquet
Chris Evans x You (Reader)
Warning: Smut, 18+, Semi-public Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sex in Bathroom
Banquets are always boring. You are certain of it. However, your boyfriend sitting next to you certainly makes things better. For today, you have some soup for appetizer, salmon for main course, and a quickie in the bathroom for fun.
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Banquets are always boring. You are certain of it.
Certain of the fact that people would go to great lengths – neither eating nor drinking – so that their pictures won’t be hideous. Certain of the fact that the food never suiting your taste. Certain of the fact that they always exchange fake smiles, fake laughs, and fake sincerity while making a toast.
However, your boyfriend sitting next to you certainly makes things better.
Chris would shield you from cameras, secretly share his opinions regarding food, and provide you with little escapades to divert your attention.
Well, escapade might have been a strong word. But you will still call them escapades when he finds a dark corner to fuck you real quick.
For today, you have some soup for appetizer, salmon for main course, and a quickie in the bathroom for fun.
You were waiting for dessert when Chris drew a cross on your thigh, meaning you are going to excuse yourself from the table and he will catch up in a minute.
Bathroom. That’s where you are going. You went to the bathroom right before the banquet began. Not only is it a ten-minute walk away from the tables, but also it is hidden in a corner between halls, making your appearances in the same bathroom less detectable. A bonus point being there’s no camera pointing at the bathroom.
You are about to step into the lady’s room when a faint scent of your favorite cologne hits your nose. A solid chest crushes your shoulder.
“Sorry, but I think you are heading the wrong way.” The familiar voice whispers by your ear, and you almost laugh because your favorite person sneaks an arm around your waist. Chris Evans, THE Captain America, plans to fuck you in the bathroom. The media will go nuts trying to get their hands on this piece of dirt.
You almost purr at his words, turning your most seductive voice on, “but Sir, I’m waiting for my boyfriend. Have you met him?” You turn to meet his blue eyes with a speck of green in them, “he’s six foot tall,” your hand traces his arm and shoulder, feeling his muscles flex under your touch, and stopping at the base of his neck, “has a glorious beard,” you pull yourself close, nearly whispering the final sentence, “and awfully hot.”
The corner of his mouth twitches in amusement. He dips his head to steal a kiss from you.
“Glorious, huh? I thought you like me clean-shaven.” Chris mutters within an inch of your lips, “wait here for me will ya?”
He takes a second to stride inside the male’s room. Luckily, there’s no one inside. Chris grabs you by your wrist and you stumble into a stall with the door closed behind you.
“This dress is a fuckin’ tease.” He growls, pressing wet hot kisses on the thin line above your breasts. “Wanna fuck you since I saw you.”
You let out a breathy moan in response. You have been doing quickies way too many times than you should, and he knows exactly how to turn you on.
He bends you over, your back arching, grinding on his hard erection.
“Can’t wait.” You whisper.
Your blue dress splits mid-thigh, giving him the perfect opportunity to finger your pussy. You know right that second that he’s going to be awe-struck by something he totally didn’t expect: what you put under your dress.
“Fuck.” He hisses by your ear, “A thong?”
In your defense, you have to. Otherwise, the tight dress will display your pantie line, and that is not some view you want others to see. But you are smart enough to rile him up just a little bit more.
“Thought it’d be convenient for you to fu-” Your sentence is cut off, as he shoves two fingers between your pussy lips and strums your clit in a fast and painful rhythm. He did not bother to take off your thong, only snapping the string – let’s face it, that thing between your thighs is quite literally a string – to the side. You simply cannot speak; your voice contorts into an audible moan. Your core tightens, threatening to snap at any second. Your poor bundle of nerves is set on fire with his skilled fingers. He toys you without mercy, and palms your ass with his other hand, spanking you till you’re red and sore.
The bathroom door flings open. Sounds of leather shoes clacking come rustling in. If you are clear-headed, you can make out two men come to use the bathroom. But you are knee-deep in pleasure and pain that you missed the sound other than your blood soaring through your ears.
“We’ve got company, babe.” Chris pulls down his zipper, his bulbous head teasing your soaking entrance. He puffs out a hot breath, his beard cutting into your sensitive skin, “better be quiet.”
One hand resting on your belly, the other holding on to your waist, Chris slams you back onto his painfully hard dick.
277 条热度——发布于 2022年10月21日
我的 #1 关于 2022 的帖子
You Had Me Before Hello
Ari Levinson x You / Reader
Warning: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe - College / University, Age Difference, Size Difference, Swearing, Public Sex, Beards (Facial Hair), Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Dirty Talk, degradation if you squint, Pussy Spanking, Light Dom/sub tones, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Ari Levinson is being Meanie
Word count: 4k + Bonus~600
Summary: You are a new student on campus, and you meet a handsome librarian.
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It is your first day as a freshman.
In a university. In a foreign country, no less.
You settled in your dormitory yesterday at noon, and you received notice this morning that you need a colored copy of your passport to register for your semester today.
You had your copies of your passport, yes, but all in black and white, instead of the colored version.
You had to rush to the Main Library, which, by the way, is twenty minutes away from your place of residence, and hopefully make it in time for your registration appointment with the student center.
Making sense of the signs in a foreign language is hard enough, you groan more when you actually step inside the main library.
People. Everywhere. A lot of them. Chatting or questioning or answering.
Some of them wearing bright color T-shirts, stating that they are volunteers or staff of the library, helping freshmen. As far as you can see, all of them are occupied with freshmen.
Like, at least three or four students surrounding one staff or one volunteer.
You bite your lip and observe the first floor, not wanting to bother them.
Lucky enough for you, the library doesn’t require a student card (another card you need to collect when registering for your semester, God knows how many cards and papers have traveled to your hand within less than 24 hours) to get in. You slip through the crowd quietly, noticing the bold letters in a far corner of the first floor that say PRINTING, not in English, of course, but you know that word.
It is a little relief that the printing corner is less crowded. You huff out a breath, reading the instruction to printing that is taped to the wall.
You chew on your lip anxiously when you try to understand the instructions in the local language. To be fairly honest, you regret instantly not attending a university in your home country.
Where you can read and understand fucking printing instructions.
You don’t want a helping hand. You don’t need a helping hand. You are perfectly fine working out your shit in the last few years of your life. And you have to choose a foreign land to continue your studies.
Fucking brilliant.
You turn your head, sighing that you need someone to help you after all.
All of them seem so busy, either talking to another person that you really don’t want to interrupt, or managing their own business on their laptops and phones.
Except for one man.
He isn’t looking at his phone, his laptop, or any electronic devices. He holds his arm, with biceps big enough to strangle an ox. Or maybe three. At once. The man has a scruffy beard and slightly long hair like a lumberjack. He is also incredibly tall like a lumberjack, possibly 6ft8 or 6ft9. He wears a crappy purple T-shirt, meaning that he is also one of the staff.
You walk up to him carefully, mentally prepare yourself for an upcoming conversation, and inhale deeply to calm your nerves.
His freaking musky and woody cologne does NOT help.
In fact, it nearly melts your knees and have you trip on yourself right in front of him.
He is so frigging tall; you have to crane your neck to meet his eyes.
570 条热度——发布于 2022年11月10日
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
When Worlds Collide
warnings: there is none, this is like just cute i think
word count: 4976 (i cannot write short ass fics) i rlly wanted this to be a little nibblet of a fic but here we are
a/n: okay so this is cute, idk… i literally started writing this a few days ago and then had like four other ideas pop into my head so if this is a little icky that’s why.
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are open
xoxo ray
full m.list here
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Cassie had decided that they needed a break from their regular four walls. “Alright, this is driving me insane.” She stood in front of the couch, where she could see Freddie, Evie, and Penny strewn out, eyes holding blank stares. Cassie reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone and quickly dialing Bucky’s number.
Nowadays, it wasn’t often that Bucky wasn’t with them. On top of that, they never called him, it was always text messages. So when he answered the phone, he figured there was something severely wrong. “Who’s hurt? Which ER am I meeting you at?”
Cassie laughed into her speaker, “No, no ER’s, Buck. The only saving that’s required is saving these bums on my couch.” She walked into the kitchen, picking a pack of blueberries from the fridge. “They’ve just been sitting here for the past, like, day and a half. We need to do something.” A sigh of relief sounded from Bucky.
“What are you thinking?” He wasn’t usually involved in Cassie’s planning. Usually no one was involved in Cassie’s planning. She was very much the “mom friend” is what Evie said, Bucky just figured she was making it up because Cassie kind of was her parental figure.
“Um, maybe like a road trip? We can rent a car since none of us have means of transportation other than the subway.” Bucky made a noise of acknowledgement, he did have one, but there was no way that all five of them were going to fit on his motorcycle.
“Okay, that’s not too hard. Got any ideas on where we would road trip to?” Cassie threw her head back in frustration while she was walking up the stairs of the apartment.
“I haven’t thought that far yet.” She dropped her weight onto her bed. “You know, contrary to popular belief, Buck, I don’t actually like being the one to plan everything all the time.” Bucky winced, even though he wasn’t new to the group he definitely knew that Cassie had always planned everything that they had done since he joined. He thought for a second about where they could go and an idea popped into his head.
“Look, I might have a place for us to go, but I need to check first. Give me like twenty minutes and I’ll call you back.” He had a plan, but he wasn’t sure that it was going to go the way he wanted.
“Okay, just let me know because I swear to God Buck, if these people aren’t off my couch within the next hour, I’m going to start murdering them.” They shared a laugh and ended their phone call. Bucky glanced to the clock situated on the wall, deciding that he better just get it over with. Dialing the oh so familiar number, he placed the slick phone next to his ear.
“Hey, Buck.” There was a brief pause as neither participant said a word. “Everything okay?” Bucky didn’t know why he was so nervous, he’s known this man for what feels like a hundred years.
“Steve. Yeah, everything’s okay.” He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for Mom Steve. “You know how you’ve been saying you wanted to meet my friends?” The question hung in the air. Bucky had been keeping his group of four to himself, something that he was able to foster on his own. Steve and his therapist had been trying to convince him, for a while now, to associate the four with the rest of the people in his life.
“Uh, yeah I do. What did you have in mind?” Steve was internally freaking out. Even though he’s the stoic Captain, deep down, he’s still that skinny nervous kid. And now that he had his Bucky back, it was weird to not be with him all the time. Steve completely understood Bucky’s need for a bit of privacy and compartmentalization when it came to his new friends.
“Well, they’re all kind of going stir crazy in Cas’s apartment, so she wanted to plan a road trip and she asked me to help.”
“That’s great, Buck. So, why did you call me?” Steve could see Bucky’s train of thought, but he wanted him to be able to say it. He wanted it to be all Bucky.
“I figured, if it was okay with you and Tony,” Bucky began mumbling, scared that Steve was going to say no. “That I could bring them up to the compound.” Steve remained silent, as if he was contemplating the idea of having civilians on sight. Bucky rushed to explain himself.
“Just like for a few hours, they don’t even have to go all over the compound.”
“I just figured that you and Raynor have been trying to get me to socialize everyone in my life and not keep secrets.”
“And it’s not even like I’m keeping secrets, I was just trying to find my place with them before I brought them to you. And I guess now is as good a time as any to do that because I feel really comfortable with them.”
“I totally get it if you don’t want them out there, I can just tell Cassie that my plan didn’t--”
“James!” Steve finally cut him off, “Of course they’re welcome here.” Bucky could hear the smile in Steve’s voice. A wave of relief crashed over Bucky as his shoulders slumped. “When are you planning on getting here? It takes a few from Brooklyn.” Pulling his phone away from his ear, he checked the time, it was just barely nine, so they had time to do the trip and stay a while before having to come home.
“We should be able to get there around like two, I think.” Steve smiled on his end of the phone.
“You know, I think Wanda was actually planning on making spaghetti tonight for dinner. I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem to make extra for you and your friends.” Bucky thought on the offer before replying.
“I’ll have to check with the others, but I’m sure they would be down for it. I’ll text you with what they end up deciding.” The plan was set, Bucky was proud of himself for helping Cassie. Proud of himself for being able to fully open up to his friends.
“Okay, we’ll see you soon Buck.” Bucky leaned back into the wall behind him. He waited a few seconds before texting Cassie.
Just checked with the place and they’re down for it. I’m ready whenever you guys are.
It only took a few seconds for Cassie to reply.
Sounds good, we went ahead and rented a car anyway. We’ll be at yours in a few to come pick you up.
Alright. I’ll be waiting outside.
Bucky looked around his apartment, trying to decide if he needed to bring anything. He walked into his kitchen, opening the cabinet to the left of his microwave. Pulling down the black Hydro Flask, remembering the sentiment that Evie shared with him about the bottle.
“Now you’re a VSCO girl.” He wasn’t sure what a VSCO was, but he wasn’t going to argue with her. He left his apartment with the metal container in tow. Bucky stepped out onto the sidewalk outside his apartment building, looking around for his people.
A silver Chevy slowed to a stop in front of him. The front passenger window rolled down, Cassie’s face appeared from the depth of the car. “Get in loser, we’re going to commit arson.” A wide smile stretched across her face and laughter rang from the backseat of the car, “We figured you would want the front seat for the leg room.”
Bucky opened the door, situating himself into the passenger seat. Penny leaned up from the seat behind Cassie, taking the AUX cord and handing it to Evie who was sitting in the middle seat. Freddie made a grunt of disagreement and Penny shot him a look.
“If you’ve got a better playlist than Evie’s, than please be my guest.”  The man leaned farther back into his seat, turning his head to look out the window.
“I don’t care what we listen to, as long as Cassie doesn’t murder us with her driving.” Cassie’s mouth dropped open and she threw a glare at him through the rearview mirror.
“You’re in a mood.” Freddie huffed in the backseat. “I need you to chill, my dude. I don’t know why you’re huffy, but it’s gotta go.” Cassie’s mom voice was out and on the prowl. Freddie didn’t respond to her comment, remaining quiet for a good while. Penny and Evie were laughing next to a pouting Freddie, Bucky was growing concerned. He turned around in his seat, reaching his arm around to nudge the silent man's knee.
“Hey. What’s up?” Bucky nodded his head at the man, trying to catch his eyes. Freddie sighed big, bringing his head to rest on the seat behind him.
“I’m just tired of men.” Freddie began unloading on the group in the car. “I so desperately want to be in a loving, healthy relationship and it seems like the universe has it out for me.” There were tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. “I don’t know what I did to deserve so much bad karma, but fuck me I guess, right?” Small tears ran down his face, causing Evie to reach around, pulling his head onto her shoulder. Freddie’s body was trembling slightly, and the car became quiet, the only noise was Evie’s playlist filtering through the stereo speakers.
“Look lovely, you are not the problem.” Penny leaned forward so Freddie could see her. She placed a hand on his thigh. “Your taste in men might be a bit questionable.” Laughs radiated from the group. “But nothing is wrong with you.”
“Yeah, honestly honey. You haven’t earned any bad karma.” Cassie said, slowing the car down to go with the flow of traffic. Bucky wasn’t quite sure what to say. He hasn’t had much experience with relationships since the 40’s and even then they weren’t very long. He stayed quiet for the duration of this particular conversation because he felt like he had nothing to add. The girls were already saying the right things already. Freddie wasn’t a bad guy, he had no reason to feel like he was the problem in his relationships.
“We support you in whatever you do, Freddie, you know that.” Evie said as she cradled his head. “But what we don’t support is you taking out your frustrations on us. We’re always here to talk through whatever. You’ve just got to be willing to let us in.” Bucky could attest to that. They had accepted the broken man with open arms. A feeling of understanding overcame the riders in the car. A thought popped in Bucky’s head.
“And if you ever need me to scare anyone, you’ve got my number.” Bursts of laughter radiated through the enclosed space. It was a few minutes until anyone spoke again. Not wanting to break the peaceful atmosphere that had settled over the car.
“How much longer are we going to be in the car?” Evie asked, almost impatiently.
“Uh, I actually don’t know.” Cassie replied as she gripped the steering wheel. “I wasn’t the one who planned this trip, so--” Questions immediately interrupted her from the backseat.
“Wait, you didn’t plan this?”
“Who planned this?”
“This trip is going to be a disaster.”
“Why didn’t you plan this, Cas?”
“Cas plans everything, what’s wrong? Are you, like, okay?” Bucky was overwhelmed with the rapid fire questioning, must’ve been why she white knuckled the steering wheel before answering.
“No, I didn’t. Bucky did. No, it’s not. And I don’t like planning everything all the time, so I asked Bucky to help. Everything is fine, I just don’t like having to make all the decisions every time.”
“Yeah, and I think you guys are really going to like what I planned for us to do.” Bucky said, donning a smile. The three riders in the back exchanged worried glances.
“Alright, well can you tell us what it is?” Bucky hesitated before answering.
“Um, no.” Groans erupted from the backseat and Cassie shot him a confused look.
“Why not, Buck? You think we aren’t going to like it?”
“No, that’s not it. I just don’t want you guys to be overwhelmed or anything.”
“If you don’t want us to be overwhelmed then you should tell us what we’re walking into.” Freddie reasoned with Bucky on the matter. Bucky guessed he was right, it made sense. Bucky groaned and then complied.
“Okay, fine. We’re going upstate.”
“What’s there upstate?”
“The compound.” Bucky mumbled and the car silenced. Cassie looked over at him from the driver’s side. Her eyes running over his form. Bucky’s head was faced down, staring at his wringing hands in his lap.
“Are you sure about that, Bucky?” Bucky met her eyes, and nodded.
“Yeah. I’ve been wanting you guys to see this part of my life for a while now. I trust you guys completely, it’s time.” Nods passed around the group.
“Alright then. We’re meeting the Avengers, guys!” Evie squealed as the others laughed. Cassie turned up the volume on the stereo. Penny let out a loud shriek.
“Oh my God! Bucky, turn up the radio!” Bucky was confused but followed her instruction. He took in the title of the song as it came across the screen. “This is one of my favorite songs!” Bucky glanced at Cassie, who was shaking her head and laughing at Penny’s reaction.
“Pen! I totally forgot to tell you! I found a different version of Olivia. It’s got the strings and stuff, it’s basically the version that Harry wanted to release.” Another high pitched noise was released from Penny, making Bucky cringe. “Here look, I’ll play it.”
Evie scrolled through her playlist, searching for the song she was referring to. Orchestra sounds began playing from the radio.
Remember the day when we’ve given up / When you told me I didn’t give you enough / And all of your friends said I’ll be leaving ya.
Penny groaned and melted into the girl next to her as the chorus started. Shouting the lyrics in time with the stereo, the three in the backseat began rocking back and forth.
Bucky turned to Cassie who was mouthing the words of the song. “What is this?” Penny gasped dramatically.
“Have we failed him so much? This is One Direction, Buck.”
“It’s Penny’s favorite band.” Freddie said, leaning up to talk in Bucky’s ear. “Even though they aren’t together anymore. They broke up in like 2015.”
“You know they didn’t break up, Fred. They went on hiatus.”
“Yeah,” Freddie drug out the word. “And then they all launched their solo careers.”
“That cleared up so much for me.” Bucky told Cassie, who snickered at his comment.
“One Direction was a boy band that got their start on X Factor. The band was like number one everywhere for a long ass time.” Evie explained as Penny was stealing the AUX cord from her phone, plugging it in her own.
“They are amazing. There’s a whole bunch of drama coming out about 1D’s management because it was terrible. The fans always knew that it was, but no one listened to us because we were a bunch of teenagers.” Penny selected a song from her own playlist. One Direction’s Girl Almighty began playing through the speakers. “This is one of my personal favorites.”
“I’m more of a fan of them after the split. They’re popping off on TikTok too. Younger kids are getting into 1D and making like thirst traps about them. It’s honestly kinda gross.” Evie added. Bucky had only recently learned what a “thirst trap” was when Freddie showed him the ones of Bucky, himself.
Penny was playing all different kinds of songs, some from a guy named Harry and then others from his supposed boyfriend, Louis? Evie kept teasing Penny by calling her a Larry? There were so many new terms being thrown around, it was overbearing. Cassie threw her voice in the ring with the chaos.
“Where are we going to eat? I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting hungry.” She handed Bucky her phone, “Go to the maps app and search for restaurants on the way.” Bucky did as he was told, holding the phone securely.
“Do you want me to read them out?” A chorus of agreements sounded. “Do we want fast food?” Another round of yes. “Uh okay, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell,” Bucky continued listing food places. The group agreed on a place to stop quickly as Penny was still rambling on about One Direction.
“Look, we’re just going to call it what it is, Pen. It’s an obsession and you are a major fan girl. It’s okay, though. The first step is admitting you have a problem.” Freddie spoke as he was chewing his chicken nuggets. Anarchy erupted in the backseat, making the car ride that much more interesting.
Pulling up to the compound was interesting. Cassie and Bucky had switched positions, allowing Bucky access to the ID scanner Stark had installed. He turned his body, leaning so he could press his right hand onto the pad. Welcome. Voice activation required. Whispers resonated through the car, the air was tense. “Bucky Barnes.”
Access denied. Bucky sighed and repeated his name, enunciating. “Bucky Barnes.” Access denied. Freddie laughed from the backseat.
“Are you sure that you’re allowed here, Buck?” Bucky grumbled at the man. Damn it, Stark.
“Manchurian Candidate.” Welcome Manchurian Candidate. The gates swung open, giving the car a view of the sleek building. Bucky pulled the car around to the parking lot in front of the outside training ground. Steve could be seen, instructing a group of recruits. Sam was stood next to Steve, focusing on his arm band that controlled his pet robot, Red Wing. Turning the car off, Bucky glanced at the group around him. Anticipation laced their features, Bucky smiled at them before opening his door and yelling at Steve.
The man turned and a smile grew on his face. He faced the recruits again who were ready at attention. Steve paced in front of them, giving them one of his rousing speeches that he always improvises. “Soldiers. You’re dismissed.” The group walked off out of sight. Steve approached Bucky and gave him a hug, slapping his back. “Hey, Buck. How was the drive?”
Bucky nodded at him, “It was good.” He shifted his weight on his feet, throwing his arm behind him, gesturing to his friends. “These are my friends I’ve been telling you about.” Steve ran his eyes over the group coming.
Evie’s eyeline was flicking back and forth between Red Wing and Steve, as if she couldn’t decide which to analyze first. Penny and Freddie were staring at Sam, who was still dragging his finger across the band on his wrist. Finally, Cassie was watching the interaction between Steve and Bucky. She was making sure that Bucky was still in a situation he was comfortable with. She knew how hard it was for Bucky to offer this to them. She was proud of the man for it, but she wasn’t going to let her own excitement overcome her desire for Bucky to remain in a good headspace. She was the first to walk up to Steve directly, holding out her hand to shake his.
“Hi, I’m Cassie, but you can call me Cas, if you want to.” Steve smiled at the woman.
“Hello, Cas. I’m Steve Rogers, Bucky’s told me a lot about you.” He looked away from Cassie’s face to be able to address the whole group. “He’s told me a lot about all of you.” Penny laughed.
“Funny, he hasn’t told us much about you, though.” It seemed to of just slipped out because she immediately slapped her hand to cover her mouth.
“Oh, there’s a sassy one, Steve, better watch out!” Sam yelled as he walked up to the gathering group. “Hi, I’m Sam Wilson everyone.” He cut a glance at Bucky, “Did you tell them about me?”
“No.” “Yes” Bucky shook his head as Freddie answered with him, nodding mindlessly. Evie shoved Freddie’s shoulder, snapping him out of his daydream.
“I’m sorry, I just imagined you just offered to rail me, this is fine.” Freddie looked at Evie. “Did you ask me something?” Evie shook her head, laughing at his antics. She turned to the three tall men.
“Hey, I’m Evie. The man making inappropriate comments is Freddie, and the woman who hasn’t said a word is Penny. It’s good to finally meet you.” Bucky could see so much of Cassie in Evie, it was shocking.
“And Bucky has told us about you. Although most of that information was relayed on the drive over, but he told us all the same.” Cassie quipped as she followed Steve through the compound doors.
The group trailing was taking in the sights. Bucky followed closely behind Steve, walking next to Sam, bantering back and forth about literally anything. Steve led the group into the common area, where Wanda and Vision were standing in the kitchen. The woman looked up, taking in Bucky’s facial expression when talking to Sam.
“If you aren’t careful Sam, he’s going to break Red Wing again.” Bucky grinned at the memory as Wanda glanced around their towering forms. “You guys must be Bucky’s friends.” The group of four smiled and glanced at Bucky proudly. They migrated into the living room, fanning out on the couches.
Bucky reclined in his seat, Evie curled her feet under her on Bucky’s left side. Steve was amazed at the progress that Bucky had made when it came to his arm. Steve could remember the time when Bucky wouldn’t let anyone touch him, in fear of hurting them in some way.
It was a good twenty minutes before anyone else joined the group of newcomers in the living room. Tony walked into the kitchen, talking to Wanda as she poured sauce into the pan. “Did I just hallucinate or was that the Manchurian Candidate with a large group of strangers in my compound?” Wanda laughed at the man before nodding her confirmation.
“You didn’t hallucinate. He brought his friends over. The ones that Steve’s been talking about.” She stirred the noodles and drained the water out.
“That’s insane.” Tony opened the fridge, pulling out a bag of blueberries. Tony walked into the living room and the conversations quieted. “Anyone want to tell me what’s going on here?”
Evie had her head laying on Bucky’s lap, his left arm resting on her back. Her legs were strewn over Cassie’s lap who was sitting across from Steve. Freddie and Penny were sitting in bar stools, talking to Vision. Bucky turned his head to face Tony, a rush of fear running through his veins. Bucky knew that Tony was aware of him bringing his friends over, but he wasn’t sure how he was going to act when he was around them.
“Hi, Tony. These are my friends. This is Evie and Cassie, and those two over there are Freddie and Penny.” Tony’s eyes glided over the gang of people.
“Hello everyone. I’m Tony. You probably know me because I’m a billionaire, or a Playboy, well obviously not anymore because I’m married to the lovely Pepper Potts.” He tossed a berry in his mouth, turning to Steve and gesturing to Sam. “I’m offended that I wasn’t informed whenever they got here. You know I’m way more entertaining than Bird Man over there.” Cassie and Evie giggled at Tony’s jokes and the younger girl leaned over to her sister.
“He’s just as funny as Parker says.” She wasn’t very good at whispering so Tony heard every word the teenager said.
“You know Peter?” The group turned to Evie.
“Yeah, we go to the same school. He never shuts up about the stupid intership that you gave him. I swear that there’s something else going on with him.” Tony’s face remained calm as he tilted his head at the girl. She was still lounging in Bucky’s lap, completely nonchalant about the fact that she’s basically cracked Peter’s secret.
“Yeah, okay and why is that one laying on Tin Man?” Evie replied before anyone else could.
“Because she can.” She glared at him through her lashes. “Do you have a problem with that?” The crowd around her was stunned. No one had ever really talked back to Tony. His dark eyebrows rose and then furrowed quickly. He pointed his finger at her.
“I like her.”
“Dinner’s ready!” Wanda shouted from the kitchen before anything else could escalate in the living room. Freddie and Penny had assisted Vision in setting the table for Wanda. Everyone took their seats, remaining in their predetermined factions.
“Thank you for making dinner, Wanda. It’s really good.” Cassie commented, twirling her noodles around her fork. Rounds of agreements sounded.
“Oh, you’re welcome, Cas! I’m always down to cook for any reason.” She grabbed a piece of toast from a bowl in the middle of the table.
“This is a rare occurrence that we’re all here at the same time.” Pepper said. “Although, we were all interested in meeting Bucky’s new friends, so we made the time for you guys.” Penny smiled proudly at her comment.
“We were excited to meet you guys, too. Bucky hasn’t told us much, but we’re happy that he’s comfortable enough with us to show us this part of his life.” Conversation flowed easily between the adults as glasses of wine and bottles of beer were exchanged, Evie was excluded from these interactions for obvious reasons.
As the group settled in their chairs after all the food was eaten. “So how did all of you meet anyway?” Sam had questioned as he popped the cap off a beer.
“Oh, Buck didn’t tell you?” Freddie asked while looking at Bucky who shook his head. He didn’t figure it was relevant. “We met at a protest. He stood behind Cassie while she kneeled in front of the police barricade and then rescued Penny after she fell down.”
“Yo, didn’t fall down! I was pushed to the ground by one of the officers with a riot shield thingy.” Penny was pleasantly wine drunk, brows shot up around her interruption.
“Yeah, and from then on, he hasn’t really left our side. Not that we mind because we love him.” Cassie quipped while tossing her arm on the back of Evie’s chair, who’s eyes widened suddenly.
“Oh! And, we introduced him to social media and stuff. He did his first TikTok with me.” Sam’s face contorted into a humored one, several chuckles left his mouth.
“He did what?”
“Yeah, we did the challenge for Cardi B’s new song Up.” Bucky’s jaw clenched as Evie continued. “It was really fun and it went viral like overnight.”
“Why didn’t I know about this?” Sam said as he darted his eyes at Steve who was nodding along with Evie’s recollection of the events.
“Yeah, we’ve been doing some PR on the whole thing. Bucky’s ratings have shot way up since then. Who knew that all it would take would be an eighteen year old and a new age jive.”
“Did he just call that dance a ‘new age jive’?” Freddie whispered to Wanda who was giggling with him. Cassie stood from the table and placed her hand on Evie’s shoulder.
“Alright, well we should get going because someone has school in the morning.” The rest of the party stood from the table, saying parting words and hugging each other.
“It was so nice to meet all of you, and thank you again for having us over.” Freddie said as he helped a stumbling Penny out of her chair.
“The pleasure was all ours.” Steve walked the group of five out to their car, his left hand on Cassie’s lower back. “I wanted to thank you for making Bucky so comfortable.” The woman turned to him, waiting for him to continue. “I know it wasn’t easy for him when he first got back from Wakanda.”
“It was difficult for him. He’s really opened up with us, each of us in his own way. And he’s been learning a lot from all of us too.” Cassie remarked as she watched her sister get in the passenger seat next to Bucky. “I think it’s been good for him. We only push his boundaries when we think he’s ready. We’re all very aware of him and he of us.” Bucky could be seen laughing with the others in the car as Penny was drunkenly yelling One Direction lyrics.
Steve thanked Cassie one last time before she joined her friends in the backseat. The ride back to Brooklyn was quiet. Bucky was driving, small snores were leaving both Penny and Freddie who were leaning on each other. Cassie and Evie were gossiping about Steve and Sam. The peace that settled over the car was one that Bucky appreciated greatly.
Bucky was grateful that Cassie asked for his help on planning what they wanted to do today. He locked eyes with her in the rearview mirror and smiled at her. “Thank you for today.”
She smiled back as he pulled up to her apartment building. “You’re welcome, Buck.” They all decided to have an impromptu sleepover at Cassie and Evie’s. Penny was sleeping with Cassie, close to the bathroom in case she needed to hurl, Cas’s words. Freddie was sleeping on an air mattress in Evie’s room and Bucky dropped his frame onto the plush couch. As his head hit the pillow, Bucky thought back on the events of the day.
“This was a good day.” He mumbled to himself before slipping off into a nightmare less sleep.
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bananarama-fantana · 5 years
Trouble in Paradise
Steve Harrington story  (updated re-post) 
chapter one - chapter two - chapter three - chapter four - chapter five - chapter six - chapter seven
Chapter One - ‘Homecoming’
Word count: 3465
Warnings: smoking, drinking, pretty much just a bunch of teen angst (I didn’t sleep for three days writing this so the only real warning is to always stay hydrated and sleep)
I wasn’t bitter.
I kept telling myself that. I wasn’t bitter and I certainly wasn’t a bitch, even if Carol wanted to say otherwise. I just had that icky feeling I got.
It all seemed far too reminiscent of the Homecoming dance my junior year, when he’d asked out Holly Peterson and the pair had stood up on stage shamelessly sucking face with cheap plastic crowns on their heads for everyone to see, all the other cheerleaders swooning, the American high-school dream. I remembered the first half of the night, with Carol and the vodka she’d stolen from her mom’s (not so secret) hiding place. We were sitting on the ledge next to the sinks in the girls bathrooms while she did her mascara and her hair, listening to her bitch about Tommy and the cheer-team and practically every other person in our school. I’d had my dress pulled up to my knees, ruining all the creases, drinking as much as I could stomach to try and cover up that same icky feeling.
Carol was a friend out of convenience more than anything, a bitchy older sister who I let drag me around to parties to get drunk with. I had only really seen her have actual emotions a couple times that I could remember, once when Tommy cheated on her the first time and she’d cried all the way through 5th period, and the next after her brother told her he was joining the army. Other than that she was just Carol all the time. She was never really someone I wanted to spend time with but despite being one of the most popular girls in school she really didn’t have that many other friends. Ever since Kathy Gates caught her giving a blowjob to Kathy’s long-time boyfriend Pete, the whole crowd turned on her like an angry mob. On some level I kind of felt sorry for her, she was still a person after all and the whole thing had been him, not her, but at the end of the day Pete and Kathy exchanged their promise rings and Carol spent her time with me instead. Before I knew it, I was dragged into the whole charade right next to her, like the Wicked Witch of the East and the Wicked Witch of the West: the twisted sisters of Hawkins high.
“And like she’s got this smile like she thinks she’s fucking better than me all because she’s vegetarian!” she was saying, adding about the millionth coat of mascara to her eyelid.
“That’s total horseshit, I saw her eating a cheeseburger like last week,” I replied, jumping down from the ledge next to her and straightening out my dress.
The dizzying air full of hairspray and perfume was nauseating in itself. Music was already playing in the sports hall, the drums from Venus by Bananarama echoing along the corridors, reminding me painfully of the whole bullshit scene that awaited me back at the dance. It took a couple seconds to realise just how drunk I was after standing up, almost going over on my ankle, trying to walk in my borrowed pair of sequined high-heels. Carol was cackling as she watched me.
“Way to be a light-weight, Y/n!”
“I’m fine,” I protested, pushing fingers over my scalp to try and give my hair a little more volume. I had looked better in the car but this would have to do.
“You look like shit,” She said, continuing to laugh. I gave her a dark look as she took the vodka from me with a face like the Cheshire Cat. “I don’t know what the fuck your being a bitch about though, Clark obviously wants to screw you,” She said before taking a drink.
Clark was my date that night, a senior and a douche. He wasn’t the type of douche Carol would hang around with though, he was a kind of pretentious douche, he went to college parties, smoked Marlboros, he’d read Bukowski’s ‘love is a dog from hell’ and now he thought he was the shit, I had talked to him once at a pool party in the suburbs and figured just as much. Carol liked him because he had friends who were in college, I only really liked him because he had good weed. To be honest there was really only one reason why he was my date though.
Steve fucking hated him.
Even the memory of that way of thinking still made me feel ill. It had always felt pathetic. Every girl in the whole school was looking at Steve the same way I was and that made me sick to my stomach. There was a big part of me that wanted to scream that he wasn’t even that great. Sure, he had the hair and the looks and the charm, but the guy was a dufus, a total airhead, he was barely making it through high school and he wasn’t even smart enough to care.
I had known him longer than I could remember, guessing that we must have first met in kindergarten some time, growing up in that same small town world right beside each other our whole lives. Somehow always reflecting the other, like parallel lines that only really crossed during games of tag or dress up, or when he used to pretend to be a wizard or a knight, wielding a twig as if it were a sword to fight off all kinds of mythical beasts: a childish fantasy, foreshadowing a nightmare that would come to life just a decade later. In elementary school I would let him use my pencil sharpener and borrow my sacred coloured pens even though we weren’t that close. In middle school I had helped him with his English assignment when he never even bothered to finish reading the book, he called me a genius that day and it made me blush. He tried out for the basketball team and kissed Macy Johnson behind the bleachers the same day I got my first period and choked on my first cigarette, one that I had been given by one of the older girls as right of passage. In Freshman year I stood in the halls and listened to the story of how the newly appointed ‘king Steve’ had lost his virginity to a sophomore, while he ate rice pudding out of a little plastic cup in the cafeteria and read a poem I had written anonymously in the school paper, arguing with Tommy that he thought it was actually ‘pretty good’.
It wasn’t until I had been raked into the whole Carol business that we really started hanging out though, with her and Tommy playing tonsil tennis every minute they were within reach of one another, leaving me and Steve to sit and talk about ‘whatever’ to fill the time.
It was those nights at his house, sitting at the edge of his pool or in his car talking about just life or getting high or drunk or just sitting that made me realise how much I really liked him. Not just some school girl crush like in the 8th grade but actually knowing him and seeing him and thinking he was magic.
I liked to think he was different with me, as sad as that sounded, that I'd gotten to meet the ‘real’ Steve not just the douchebag facade, but that kind of thinking only breaks hearts faster. Carol didn’t know about any of it at that point, at least I hadn’t told her about it, but that night at homecoming was sort of the end of our sisterhood, at least as it was back then.
“Clark would screw a fucking lamppost if it laughed at his jokes,” I replied, giving her a look.
“Yeah but he’s cute though so why not?” Carol said easily.
“I’m not in the mood”.
“You’re never in the goddamn mood! I mean Jesus, I’ve got Tommy, Steve’s got Holly, if you’re planning to ditch Clark you’re just gonna’ look dumb!” That was the thing with Carol, she always had a picture in her head. What she wanted people to see. What she wanted all the other cheerleaders looking over at her to see and be jealous. I was her ‘best friend’ but I was more like an accessory.
The mention of Holly brought bile up in my throat again, making me wince, the icky feeling coming back, “I need another drink”.
Carol had pulled me back to the sports hall not long after that, happy with how she looked now. The sight that awaited was not a happy one, however, someone having clearly succeeded in spiking the punch. The whole room descending into a chaotic mess of filth; sweat, saliva, and showering glitter, with every other couple seemingly attached at the mouth.
It took no time before Carol and Tommy were all over each other already and something about that made me feel even more sick than before. Clark had been waiting around at the door talking to some girl, he was saying something about how he’d not been to a school dance in years, he thought he was too good for them. It took me a while to spot Steve in the crowd, whispering something in Holly’s ear while he handed her a drink and she played with his hair. He looked great. The whole thing was a disaster.
“You guys wanna go outside for a smoke or something?”
“Sure, baby,” Carol had replied to Tommy sweetly, at whatever point during the dance, leading the group outside into the night.
We were a motley crew, hiding behind the bike sheds round the corner of school to smoke. Avoiding the teachers, making us feel like adults for once, high on teen rebellion. Tommy and Carol just continued to feel each other up, holding cigarettes between their fingers now as well. Clark looked pretty put out, I almost wanted to just tell him to go talk to that girl again but Carol had told him to come and now all he was doing was standing around awkwardly trying to look cool while I gritted my teeth and bit down harshly, ignoring him and smoked my cigarette.
Holly was still giggling at all of Steve’s stupid fucking jokes, fluttering her eyelashes in her nauseating powder-pink cardigan. I had heard them all before too many times to count, each time somehow worse than the last.
“Hey, are you okay?” Clark’s voice broke me out of my enraged trance.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
He pointed at his lip, indicating mine. I'd been biting it again, so hard it had started bleeding. I swore to myself, trying to wipe it away.
“I’m fine, it’s just a habit.” He looked sceptical.
“Again?” Steve laughed, coming closer to hand me a tissue with a goofy grin and a cigarette between his teeth. A few nights prior I had bust my lip on the side of Steve’s pool after falling flat on my face. I had been pissed off with him that night but he was used to it, he probably just thought Carol was driving me nuts again. He hadn’t even laughed when I had fallen, just scrambled quickly over to me in a string of swears and curses, asking if I was alright and helping me to my feet.
The rest of the school week had been spent with him nagging me every two seconds that I needed to “quit biting at it, Y/n. It’s never gonna heal if you keep biting it like that” all while Holly stood next to him, fawning over him, hand on the back of his head running fingers through his hair.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, it’s nothing,” I reassured, dabbing at the blood. I couldn't even feel the pain through the buzz, the blood was the only problem.
Holly gasped, hands coming up to her face, “oh no! She’s got blood on her dress!”
“Shit!” The dress wasn’t mine, it was a rental, and they were never going to accept it back looking like that.
“Hey, it’s fine you can get that shit out with like baking soda, right?” Clark said.
Steve scoffed. “What are you, man, a serial killer?”
Steve had never liked Clark so when he had rocked up to the dance with me hanging on his arm Steve hadn’t been impressed, whispering to me under his breath that I “could do better than that douchebag” not because he liked me or anything but just because I was his friend. He had said before that I was the only friend he had who he could have a real conversation with. We were just kind of like that. I didn’t like Holly either and I had told him just as much, he had just put it down to me having a thing against cheerleaders, I always said I thought they were all too uptight.
“What the fuck is your problem, asshole?” Clark bit back, Steve loving finally getting a raise out of him, he’d finally hit the gold he’d been digging for all night.
“Look, just drop it, Clark,” I cut in before Steve could say anything more and cause a scene.
“No, I’m not gonna just drop it, Y/n. I came out here with you for a good time and all I get is this moron riding my ass the whole night!” He said, gesturing to Steve.
“Leave then, man, go talk to Sadie fucking Lawson, that’s what you really wanna do,” steve sang back.
It was then that Carol broke her silence.
“Holy fucking shit!” her eyes were wide as she wiped her mouth, stepping forwards and looking right back at me, “I just figured it out!”
She looked at Steve and then back again. I let in a sharp breath.
“What the fuck are you talking about Carol?” Steve said exasperatedly. She was just laughing now. I closed my eyes, I knew what was coming.
“You don’t wanna fuck Clark, because you wanna fuck Steve!”
“What?” Tommy cut in, holding her arm and turning to look between us, he started to laugh too, “Oh my god. You’re right!”
I sighed, they were drunk, they were just drunk.
“Look, shut up, man. That’s obviously not true!” Steve was saying awkwardly, looking over at me cautiously, “Right, Y/n?”
When I didn’t immediately reply Carol and Tommy burst into more laughter, making my guts churn. It was like someone was suffocating me from the inside and stabbing me all at once, and all I could do was stand there and look into Steve’s painfully oblivious eyes.
“‘Course not, they’re just drunk,” I finally breathed out, running a hand through my hair and avoiding his eyes again.
“Bull-shit!” Carol yelled.
“Shut the fuck up, Carol,” I had snapped, feeling tears stinging at my eyes, the vodka pushing my emotions right to the surface, with a vengeance. She stopped laughing after that.
“What did you say to me?”
“I said, shut up.” It was a simple answer, that was silently begging her to just ‘stop’. But she didn't, taking a step towards me.
“Hey woah- woah, calm down, okay?” Steve brought his hands up between the two of us. Carol and I had fought before and it was never pretty. People at the dance had started to wonder over now too, after hearing all the ruckus. A crowd of spectators forming around the spot, drawing more attention.
It felt like the whole of Hawkins high was watching my life fall apart.
Over a year later I had still never quite managed to live it down, the whole school somehow burying my friendship with Carol in a night. We hadn't spoken again after the fight, which had somehow escalated so far that she had tried to rip out a chunk of my hair. I had stopped hanging out with her altogether the next day.
At one point she had called me late at night saying she missed me, but I knew that if I brought it up in person she would pretend it had never happened. But over the course of our high school lives we still went to the same parties and now, in senior year, the whole thing felt just like dé jà vu.
“You still like him, don’t you?” She was yelling over the music, drunk out of her mind.
Steve was dancing with Nancy Wheeler this time, dressed as Joel and Lana from Risky Business. The perfect couple to all appearances. The perfect couple, perfectly happy.
“You’re such a bitch, Y/n,” she slurred when I ignored her, repeating herself for about the fifth time that night. “Has anyone seen Tommy?”
“God! Carol, he’s an ass!” One of her new friends, Nicole, was groaning beside me. I guessed they had broken up again but I didn’t really care.
“Yeah, but I miss him,” she pouted, steadying herself on the sink and sliding herself across the tiled floor of Tina’s kitchen.
"I miss Steve,” I thought aloud, taking another sip of that weird drink and wincing. I really was that drunk, huh?
“Steve’s an ass!” The friend stated confidently.
I thought back to the Byers house last year, the demogorgon ripping through the wall and Steve hurling himself at it with no hesitation.
“He’s not so bad.” I shrugged.
Carol laughed. “He’s totally an ass!”
I liked to think I had changed a lot in a year, but Carol hadn’t. It was almost comforting. At least some things hadn’t changed. Despite Hawkins lab and inter-dimensional beings trying to eat everyone's face off, Carol was still the same-old Carol.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend anyway? Weren’t you dating some college guy, uhh... Pete something?” Nicole asked, leaning closer. She certainly seemed to know a lot more about me than I knew about her.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” I answered with a grimace. In truth Pete was barely even a friend, sure I had slept with him but that had mostly just been because I had been drunk and he had been there, even if he was total dogshit in the sack. He sort of reminded me of Jonathan Byers when I first met him, he had a similar demeanour, granted a bit more put together, but mostly just watched a lot of Japanese horror movies. He didn’t keep to himself as much as Byers did though.
I had been surprised when Jonathan showed up at the Halloween party, when he told me Nance had invited him I was even more surprised. I hadn’t spoken to either of them at all since last year, I had seen him at the record store on Main Street a couple times, or in the halls at school and smiled, but that was it. The year before had left us all pretty broken, all starting when Jonathan’s brother had gone missing. A couple weeks later I cut my hand, heard a noise and thought nothing of it only to be woken up by something coming through the wall above my bed. I hit it with my bedside lamp at first, screaming at the top of my lungs, but it had done nothing, not even a scratch, so I ran out, still screaming like hell. The neighbours hadn’t heard me, they were in florida.
There was a quilted blanket my nana had given us lying out in the living room that night and when I hit the bottom of the stairs I had somehow kicked it into the fireplace on accident, the whole room going up in seconds. Whatever that thing had been, it had crawled back to where it came from, cowering away from the flames.
When the police and the firefighters showed up they thought I was insane, told me I must have been hallucinating from all of the smoke. Nobody believed me, not one, not until I spoke to Jonathan.
A year later here we all were, all four of us who had been there, signed the NDA's and everything, bound to secrecy. All in the same room but never further apart. Jonathan met my eyes across the room, he had been watching Steve and Nancy with just as much jealousy and disdain as I had, cradling a red solo-cup and a growing ball of hatred in my gut.
I hated to admit any of it, hated myself for still liking Steve, hated him for becoming less of an asshole, but most of all I hated that this time it was different.
This time he was in love.
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bookwormcheerleader · 7 years
i was tagged by @trevorfindsthestrals (LOOK i finally got internet access on my laptop again!! Sorry it took so long) 1. Coffee or tea? tea, i had my first cup of coffee on like thursday last week 2. Black and white or color? black or soft, but not pastel, colours 3. Drawings or paintings? idk, whatever is more moving in that moment i guess 4. Dresses or skirts? dresses because i never know how to match with a skirt 5. Books or movies? how DARE you make me choose, i think books, but i wanna make movies (potentially havent really explored that yet) so it seems like the wrong answer 6. Pepsi or Coke? i dont drink fizzy drinks 7. Chinese or Italian? definitely italian on an everyday basis but i LOVE chinese too 8. Early bird or night owl? its almost midnight and i havent started my reading for tomorrow, that counts as an answer right? 9. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate, unless its a milkshake 10. Introvert or extrovert? introvert, i don’t really like people 11. Hugs or kisses? ive never been kissed so hugs 12. Hunting or fishing? aesthetics of hunting but uh with fishing you can not put a hook on the line and just kinda sit there and chill without looking like the animal lover that your family judges you for being 13. Winter or summer? yes. idk im probably more of a summer person, but i also really like the implications of winter in that everything has to die in order to be reborn, plus i can’t really breathe in the heat, but i also have poor circulation in my extremities so the cold sucks ass 14. Spring or fall? spring, i like the crisp air of fall dont get me wrong, but the rebirth and the petrichor after a spring rain with a crisp breeze that doesnt chill you is just so relaxing 15. Rural or urban? i grew up in the woods so rural but i need to at least be kinda close to a hospital to avoid panicking  16. PC or Mac? pc 17. Tan or pale? is this preference, cuz i dont have one of those, but i am so white that i was the same color as my cheer uniform in high school 18. Cake or pie? cake, i dont like pie crust 19. Ice cream or yogurt? frozen yogurt tbh, it jsut tastes fresher and less heavy 20. Ketchup or mustard? my brother likes to mock me for how much i loved ketchup when i was like 7 as if it was yesterday 21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles? i dont like pickles 22. Comedy or mystery? can we do a hybrid where its like theyre fighting crime but have no ability to act serious, cuz im basically writing a comic book like that with @spectralflutterbeast 23. Boots or sandals? i live in a colder wetter climate so usually boots, but i love sandals 24. Silver or gold? i like white gold typically because its often a mix, it has the matching ability of silver with the warmth in color of gold 25. Pop or Rock? i grew up on steve miller and journey from my mom and simon & garfunkel from my dad 26. Dancing or singing? all i can think of is my shitty karoke the other night, so uh dancing, at least i don’t suck more at that when im drunk 27. Checkers or chess? checkers is easier and i could probably actually win, but chess is more likely to hold my attention 28. Board games or video games? we used to do family board game nights (im currently holding the winnign streak for clue because any games played without everyone dont count) (my extended family is also obsessed with card games, its how we bond, we talk shit and play cards) 29. Wine or beer? wine if i have to have one of these, i dont like fizzy stuff ever so no beer but wine dries out my mouth 30. Freckles or dimples? i have freckles, and i love it when people have dimples 31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? i guess bbq 32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights? idk what body weight exercises includes but i have always liked lifting weights, its something im fairly good at 33. Baseball or basketball? BASEBALL IS THE BEST I LOVE IT, i miss playing it so much but its been too long for me to feel comfortable joining an intramural team 34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus? sudoku...i think 35. Facial hair or clean shaven? preference right, um stubble.... im not big on full beards (probs cuz my dad has always had one, seriously pics from when he was 20 we are the exact same but he has a beard, he says he hasnt shaved his upper lip since he was 16) clean shaven is nice too tho 36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? i prefer no ice, but if i have to i like that ice you get in hospital cafeterias 37. Skiing or snowboarding? never been 38. Smile or game face? smirking, its the happy medium 39. Bracelet or necklace? i feel naked without any piece of my jewelry (watch on right wrist, a bracelet on my left, a necklace for me to fidget with, both sets of earrings) 40. Fruit or vegetables? fruit 41. Sausage or bacon? bacon 42. Scrambled or fried? scrambled unless its on toast 43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? dark chocolate 44. Tattoos or piercings? i have two sets of piercings and i just got my first tattoo last month 45. Antique or brand new? antique unless its something i would feel like i couldnt be comfortable using, i always wind up with a very eclectic mix 46. Dress up or dress down? dress down, never really have a reason to dress up 47. Cowboys or aliens? cowboys, space gives me anxiiety 48. Cats or dogs? dogs 49. Pancakes or waffles? depends on who is making the pancakes 50. Bond or Bourne? uhhhh what 51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? fantasy 52. Numbers or letters? letters 53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? lotr tbh 54. Fair or theme park? fair, i grew up in puyallup (look it up, i can even sing the old theme song) 55. Money or fame? money, i want to buy my parents and aunt nice things 56. Washing dishes or doing laundry? laundry (no icky wet food pieces!) {this is what @trevorfindsthestrals had i just could not have said it any better myself} 57. Snakes or sharks? ummm snakes? cuz theyre smaller and i can run from them if theyre dangerous 58. Orange juice or apple juice? orange 59. Sunrise or sunset? sunsets seem more satisfactory to me 60. Slacker or over-achiever?.....i dont’ know how to answer this question 61. Pen or pencil? pencil, unless im worried about it smudging, then i bought some erasable pens for that 62. Peanut butter or jelly? peanut butter is more filling but i make jam every year so theres that 63. Grammys or Oscars? oscars 64. Detailed or abstract? why cant we do both, like a painting that is overall abstract but the closer you get the more you see the things that make it what it is, ya know, like life 65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions? idk multiple choice questions are harder to get wrong for not having enough info about a particular topic, but im good at and enjoy bsing things 66. Adventurous or cautious? i wish i was more adventurous but insecurities 67. Saver or spender? yes 68. Glasses or contacts? i dont wear either 69. Laptop or desktop? laptop 70. Classic or modern? what medium 71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? i would like a personal trainer until i get back in the habit of it and then i would jsut need a gym buddy 72. Internet or cell phone? cell since you cna get internet on your phone 73. Call or text? social anxiety so texting  74. Curly hair or straight? mine is beach wavy 75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening? ive been showering in the morning because i like what it does to my hair 76. Spicy or mild? spicy please 77. Marvel or DC? wonder woman was my first favorite character, like about the time that bugs life came out because i obviously had two and the other was Flick  78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent? rent, i like assurance but i dont like permanence 79. Sky dive or bungee jump? never been but uh im not that trusting so i probably am jsut gonna go with a no 80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? chewy chips ahoy 81. Jello or pudding? jello 82. Truth or dare? im a chicken so truth 83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? roller coaster, ferris wheels are all of the fear with none of the fun 84. Leather or denim? I NEED BOTH I CANT CHOOSE 85. Stripes or solids? stripes and fat people lol no, solids for me 86. Bagels or muffins? bagels probably 87. Whole wheat or white? whole wheat 88. Beads or pearls? pearls, my mother was a jeweler for 13 years, i cant not 89. Hardwood or carpet? hard wood in a hall, tile or linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom and then carpet everywhere else 90. Bright colors or neutral tones? uhhhh for what, cuz it really depends  91. Be older than you are or younger than you are? i want to be like 34, not rn obviously, im enjoying being 20 and stupid, but i feel like 34 is a good age, of course thats abotu how old my bros were when i idolized them so that might be reflective of that 92. Raisins or nuts? raisins, partially because every time my dad sees nuts he says nuts for the nutty and it has become a conditioned response for me now 93. Picnic or nice restaurant? picnic 94. Black leather or brown leather? brown 95. Long hair or short hair? mines somewhere in the middle 96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? wtf does the second even mean 97. Fiction or non-fiction? fiction 98. Smoking or non-smoking? i have asthma 99. Think before you talk or talk before you think? i wish i could think before i talk more than i actually do 100. Asking questions or answering questions? i like to listen to people imma tag: @kiavachiisanoob @warriorsatthedisco @colecast1 and anyone lookinng for an excuse to do one of these
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ickypuppi3 · 3 months
I'm just here to uhhhhh... Second the post you just made lol. Mommy and daddy kink honestly hits soooo different with harringrove. The issues are present and abundant... The opportunities are endless... I was just thinking that even daddy kink feels underutilized for this ship, but mommy kink??? Oh god that would incredible. If anybody wants to write that or has recs I'm uh. Listening 👀
billy teasing steve when he tells billy to wrap up ‘cause it’s cold, dickhead, saying yeah ok and thanks mommy and steve making this noise in the back of his throat and billy feeling his face get a little hot and them both just standing there for a few seconds too long before going their separate ways with mumbled excuses. steve knowing they’re gonna meet later and not mention it
steve calling out billy’s quote unquote mommy issues when he finds him using some god awful line on mrs wheeler at the pool, dragging billy away with a hand around his wrist to the empty staff changing room and saying that all billy has to do is ask- but he won’t. ‘cause he’s stubborn like that, ‘cause he’s embarrassed
billy finally, accidentally letting it slip while he’s in steve’s bed and immediately going stock still before trying to play it off and pretend he isn’t pink in the face and harder than ever and steve having none of it, pushing him back down and and
something something steve needing to be needed versus billy- needing. so so bad but never wanting to admit it
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
steve and billy
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